The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 24, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    '"W IJI .fcl. ,11, t.,
&THb6r OCTOBER- 8 i,' 1S13.
ision That, flection: Nov, 4 Attorneys on , Both Sft
Efforts by Committee S
-!-il -f . I.. "
"U". J, Clemens,' rmJid marshal of the I "When Judge J. P. Kevanaus-h'a court,
i "brid day- tarda Nov.mper X. de-t where Frank fl. jJltWn t n 'trial for
clared today the plana for, tba pageant
will be pushed rapidly between bow and
next wee it. sine, -tn. attorney nave ae
elded the bridge bonds, voted upon No
vember . would be valid.
In conjunction with Chairman George
: I Baker ; and other members', of. the
paraae commutes, jar, (Siemens expects
to have the outline Of the various sec
tions or the parade complete within
day or so. Then the committee will
secure the individual elements to com
pose it Automobiles wUl be the chief
feature, but these cars will carry repre
, eentatlvea of almost every Interest that
, -will be benefited by the construction of
the trans-Columbia snaa. ;- -i y T
The committee of the North Portland
' Commercial club and Ladles auxiliary,
! 'which is to give the bis; bridge banquet
I the night of bridge day, will meet Bat-
f urday night for consideration or nnal
i details, t
The committee la composed of: Mrs.
, C, jr. Nichols.' Mrs. P.'M. BhUdduok; Mr
' W. J. Hanln, Mrs. ( James WllWpaon,
' J. It Kolta, a ,'M Orth. Ralph Feeney,
IS. N. Reed and H. JL Ruble. The auxll-
, lary last night' elected these now of-
i fleers: President, Mrs. George Lawrence;
. vlcerpresldent, Mrs. Harriet EL McQulrej
' secretary,.- Mrs, N. J. Cook; treasurer.
'Mrs, Shadduck.
the larceny ty '.mbeialernent of 111,000
of county funds, took a receas at noon
today, there was every indication that
the examination of Jurymen would con
tinue all afternoon, 8uoh being . the
case, the court will not begin to bear
evjdence until Monday morning, as to
morrow is continuation , day la ; the
court.. : , ':'?',-.!..:.
The defense exercised the first per
emptory challenge used by either aide,
challenging Richard Oately because of
relationship with parties concerned in
tne case, ;..;!,. i-:-,. .,;.;-' .o , -
Both state ana defense, nave been
most painstaking in their examination
of the jury candidates, questions being
asxea as to past litigations, relation
ship -to parties eoooerned and willing
neas to follow the law as read la the
charge, of the court . v
From the tone of the Questions asked,
the state will in all probability ea
deavor to show that no matter what
the circumstances surrounding the dis
appearance of the money, the defendant
Is liable. The defense, on the other
band will dispute the criminal liability
of the former county clerk. v.
. Mr. Field is represented by John T.
Logan and J. J. Fitsgerald. while Dis-
aj-a. a a. ww r vn.... .a vv a
'.V-'' I A ViiMthe - will AAnHMr Mataaa
OF AMERICAN FLAG: IS- i mi-sins; when John & Coffey
- ' I A at si re wi m.A f f (net, Vf fTlsklrlar mrmtkm-.
GUEST AT; CONSULATE r. but that ft . was not necssarUy
isien jar, jpioiuv.
The court proceeded with the exam
tnatton - of jurymen' at I o'clock this
afternoon. . ; v.:v:(v
(Continued From Page One.) '
' (Continued From Page One.) .;
i Huerta's soldiers did Hot attempt to
; itop aim. f - -HArj.yjri? ' K-y .r.f
:r - OonnUto Za We-toiaoVvi
From the moment of " Oias' 'arrival
' there, however, tha consulate waa eloee
' ly watched, and no doubt was felt that
lie would be arrested tne moment he at-
, tempted to leave if 'V. .,,'
- Felix Dias, interviewed at the Amerl-
; can, consulate, saidt . v -
"My plans are rathernnsettled. Plain- jc. Chapman and Treasurer L Lowengart
ly, i am noi waniea in xaexioo-i teast were an reelected.
by some. But I do not know -when I OffidaJ report of Buyers' 'Week was
shall leave here, If at alL Most of my made, at today's luncheon. O. C,Chap
) friends are here, and I have been ad- man. secretary of tSe organisation, pre-
visea to remain. v':-T--''i.; eniea,ine results or me innovation l
"I have ihought of going o Mexico havin the country, merchants actually
City within the- next U hours, ad as ooma to visit the men with whom they
to be there when the election la held do business, The report in part la as
Sunday, but I am not certain Z aball followa: , v :.- :. -y- - r , .v :
'do ao. ;-(:"",', ..'. v.:' -;;-.r.i-lL;-ts.-. . j "Buyers' week1 brought to thii ', oily
X" Tademaad niange. M buyers from that number of stores
; -"The perseouUon --of t my followers ,B.i." -tow"":
since I arrived here can Do interpreted
only aa an attack on me. It aeema
strange to tne, or I was on, tba best
of terms with Oeneral Huerta, and was
i extremely friendly to his government,"
- A, party of Dlas'a friends waa arrested
' last night, ,on their way bare from Oax
faca In a special car. V , t...
i: Dias -Expected la Bf exlco Cltj. -v
Mexico City, Ocf 4j "t expect Gen
eral EUas here today er tomorrow," said
Joaa Requena,,, vice presidential, candU
( data on Felix Claa presidential ticket.
"but of course be may bo arrested aa
soon a he arrives. The 5 govwrnmenf
.which awema to'ba, Huerta,' baa power
v to do suoh things, and it easy to find a
pretext, If we bav a free election
; Oeneral Dias will be elected by a heavy
i majority." i t , ' f , -
t ' Delinquent' husbands were brought
"before the grand jury today In num
i bers, all charged with failure to sup
iport their wives and famlllesc Seven
of : the men . are incarcerated "In the
i county Jail and a number of others are
. out on bonda. County Officer ' Harry
'.Bulger gathered the ; evidence In the
'teases and turned It over to Deputy Dis
trict ; Attorney Dempsey, who la pre
senting th cases to the grand Jury.
The men in jail arts Qeorge JX Glb
"aon. arrested August 7; L. G, Btmmlona,
arreated September 13; L. O. MoGinnis,
t'arrested October 4; Will Kelly, arrested
October f, Ernest .Weaver, arrested Oo
, tober' IS; William Hall, arrested Octo
! ber It, and Curtis Gad bow, arrested Oc
tober ',; 'y X. ' ':: y.,
' i i .. "' ' 1
Vleaa Advertising" occupied tba front
j of the stage at today's realty board
luncheon. " A good slae crowd turned
1 out to listen to a paper, dealing with
I clean - advertising, which was read by
' A. G. CUrk, ex-president of the Port
land Ad ClUb. . :
I Representative Allen H. Eaton, of
Lane county, addressed the board on
1 the university: referendum, urging tha
realty men to stand by the university
i when they came to vote en tha referen
dum next month...'. :y y:- '.
One . hundred and eight . bnrers
bought more than 60e each, thus con
f orminr with the fara refund condi
tions."-':- '.!.
"Othar buyers bought less than tEOO
saoh nearly all bought something.
, "Wives and children to the number
of pver sixty accompanied these buy
ers and they all bought something.
v "Sevantr-slx mambera of tha Jnhhm
A Manufacturers of Portland sold 1101,.
ua.oe wor ox gooas to.visitinr regis,
tered. buyers. . , ,. ,.r ;
mw. Buyers -com.' ,.-
"Men from Montana and Idaha aa
WU ao remote parts - of Oregon and
Washington ,wer on l the .programs.
From Idabo r there were' II ' registered
buyer from Montana ona From Ore.
goo there were 17 and from Washings
ion tv." aiany or inese ouyers bad never
before purchased goods from Portland
By our system of checking, we ob
tained an' accurate lino of information-
as to sales made by each wholesale
house.' Detailed reports were made by
each house promptly and accurately.
This -office desires to thank ( the indi
vidual jobbers and manufacturers for
their superb cooperation in helping the
aoCOUntlng. (V'-ri fcV-.,-r- .
i !Our guesU Invariably hailed the ven
ture as one wuch they hoped to see per
peiuaiea, . , ... ... ,-v
. -xuving neon in toucn witn n
phase of Buyers' Week, your secretary
unneaiiaungiy recommends the annual
repetition of this event aa a nrofit&hi
feature of Portland's .business' enter-
Foot man and three mnm nr. .
tor aweet speaking.
The men are Charles Danlelson. John
Denauner, rater Larson and George
Bmltb, .Theyara charred with dlsor.
derly eonduot The women are Selma
cuseirom, ; uiiian Turner and 1 Mrs,
James Cloud. They are charged, with
refusing to movs on when told to do
so by tbs police. .
This morning; all of them asked the
municipal judge for Jury trial. This
waa granted and the trials will follow
similar cases set for next imIi n.
court fixed bail of 25 to each case. The
women refus to glva ball, 'declaring
they will stay In jalL ;, ,. , ,
(. i ' I, '"Piy-K .:' y
e ; Kmulatln the pioneers of the ?'e
,' Old Oregon Tralf A. M. Word em.
e With till Wlf and 1 AinwwiM A
vson, arrived In Portland restei- e
e day, suooeasfully , comnletlnr a 4
e transcontinental trip In a cov. v
.fjed; wagon of; the old prairie :
W -eoxioonor type.' "TJiajr ' started
a zrora vneir home in Battle Creek, . e
Jowa, June IS, and , by steady '
j travel reached here' yesterday. ,
e uniy; one pair of horses was ; e
used on th journey and thay e
w , are none mo worse for the ions;
haul. Tho Wordeps, who ex-y
e peoi to locate in Oregon, are
topplng with a brother, George
e Worden; of 91 East Beventy-sec-e
ond,: street, north. ;: They report
the roads to have been better
e than they anticipated,
e e e4w
Mrs. Hattle Bakery Jn Despair,;
; Attempts Leap From High
' , Building.
tSpadal to Tba lovraaM
Los Angeles. Cel.. OoL 14-8nnrred
oy gnex oz a gin onoe, ornclais of the
district . attorney's office hare are
eearcniag the city today for R. Baker.
who is said to have disappeared from
Portland several : weeks ago. Mean'
while Mrs. Hattle Baiter, his wife, has
promised to make no further attemnt
10 ena ner me until tne oriloe has ex
hausted its means of finding the man.
According to Deputy District Attor-
ney Joos, the young woman attempted
late yesterday to leap from a window
In his office on the eleventh floor of
the Hall of Records. She said she had
pawned her clothing to follow Baker to
Los Angelas, and bad been unable to
find- him. t ."x r-t - .A- - v :!'';'.
Joos seiced Mrs. Baker as she leaned
to the window ledge. Stenographers In
his office calmed her, and) after her
Dredges. Will. Be Needed, Re
an provemems ravorea,-;
:. - JWmbJnf toe Hurraa or Tn foaraal.) .
. Washington, Oct, 34.-7-Thcre la no pos
sibility of getting a seagoing dredge
from the Panama canal at this ttm
Senator Chamberlain telegraphed the
Chamber 'of , Commerce to this effect
today, responding to an Inquiry. Four
months wll be required, perhaps longer.
to clean up tao slide tn tne canai, max
la tne 'eanal MHiNav ws.:-?,..
colonel Taylor, of the corps of engl
neers, has informed Senator Lane he
will favor refitting the dredge Chinook
by adding three or four pumps so that
wnen one gets disabled the dredge will
not be out of commission. The depart
ment will also reaommead the appro
priation of I7BO.O00 the Oregon senators
ask to build a dredge.' . Colonel Taylor
is in favor oz the jetties but beilevee
dredging win nip in scouring out
channel. , Major Mclndoe is due here
next week, vv ; ;v; 'Ck-?' '
. - ":;'
eSBjaiaeaaeaBaaatBai '.;..' ' f V1' '
The government Is advertising forbids
for the carrying of parcel poet mail
from Portland to Coos Bay. and as the
steamer Breakwater is tha only veaaal
making regular trips between, the two
porta. It is believed the owners of that
vessel win get the contract. .
Mall has , been going Into the Coos
Bay towns over the mountalna from
Roseburg and other points along tha
Southern Paclf lo in ' southern Oregon.
but tn winter the conditions are so bad
that it is almost Impossible to get heavy
uoaae over tne range and consequently
there le much delay. .'.; ; ,
The Coos Bay business is constantly
increasing ana tne government la sen.
ously handicapped by poor transporta
tion facUlUes. . With the new railroad
completed from Cqos Bay, the
roau wiu oe aenx in inai way. ana rov
emmeni oinoiais teei that their trou
bles for a time will be over.
nromlse had been exacted, aha waa tnlr.n
to a hotet-Mrs. Baker declared that BLACK HAND- PURSUES
MS VVVB UVh WSOU ' aVF asg BJSJ UIMU mmm 1 m mm ai mmx mm.rn.rn - .
against her husband, but merely seeks , , VIU IIM BT QcFORM TY
San Franclaco. Oct li-Clalmlnr to
have been traced across the continent
hv tnATnhAFfl thm R1.ilr Via A .Anl.f
nrvilit piiim,ilM - . ....
, I Josenh Maaternado. an Italian with two
' Julius Kruttaohnitt. chairman f ha thumbs , on each hand., sought refuse at
board of directors, , President William police headquarters hero today.
Bproule and Oeneral Superintendent D. I Maaternado told the. police thai he
w. campbeu of the Southern Pacifio had quarreled With five members of the
railway, are expected to arrive In Port-lRlaek Hand In KnUMavahnr Pi . anil
land lata tonight from tne south, where was shot 11 times. . Four of his assalk
r. vnmpowi joineu ino other era ants, he said, were caught and are aerv
Mr. KruttBchnltt has been in this ter
ritory, and he will be taken over the
auxiliary, lineasannlng out from .Port
land. ;; ;i. !' ii-.-l:.,- w, '.
Part .of tho business of Mr.: Krutt-
sohnltt and Mr. Snroula nrobehlv will
be conferences With President Robert E.
vtranorn or tho Portland. . Eugene A
Eastern over the absorption of the op
erating and traff io departments of the
eieoino roaa oy the parent Una which
becomes effective November JL ,,
; Local bank clearings for the
six business days ending at noon
today, aggregated ' more than
, 114,600,000, compared with $12,
J60.000 in, round numbers for
the same week one year, ago.
The Increase for the current
, wess tpK-rrr'" ?e
neavient gains rptfrred la recent
months. The figures are: lH,
14.00,1,40: 1812. tll.211
14.. A similar increase was
. shown in. tha aggregate balanoes.
$ Jealousy,' He Says, and Gen-
,5 L er4 teori. Witho'man '
i, T I " Lea nim .10 , lis
r.a...i 1 11 . 11 1. MM--
any aleotion will be bald Sunday in the
elate of Juahulla,, Clovfli'nor Muaa hav-'
ling been a much delayed on hla war to
BaJtUIo. the capital, by broken brldgea
I that-it was Improbable he would arrive
lln time to lue the neoeesary proola-
tauon. . ( , .
Caucc of III Health
The startling i statement tas been
made by prominent doctors that in nine
oases out of 10, people who think they
ttarn, pleurBy, heart weakness, indiges
tion, or 1 other aoute. forms of dlseaae,
are also suffering from kidney dleeaae.
How be attempted to wound himself J,!' r.u?i,ttDi'. "? V,"?
e e.'e "e e e e e e e cVe) 1" the same way he wounded Ms wlfe er the eyes,' dry skin, dull complexion,
was told by Charles XL Haas yesterday
at the fit'Vlncent hospital & Detective
Hammersley, who Is on guard over him.
The man shot his wife in the abdomen
19 flays ago. from which wound she
died, Monday morning. Haas attempted I"?11"1""1. "uir""?"rV"'
ml hlmaalf l. th. a.m. n.M . auiuyina I luipvrwm orsaua. is re
tired feeling, 'lons of energy, etc. To
afford relief you should begin the uae
of , Warner's Safe Kidney and .. Liver
Remedy.; which many physloians say la
the only remedy that can heal with cer
tainty the frail tubular structures con.
SouthemPaclfla Railway 0f
ficlals, Maintain That Jaunt
H : is ywa ui jnspecuudi ; '
(Special to The JoemaLl
Ashland, : Or., Oct.- 14 Julius Krutt
schnitt, chairman of the board of di
rectors of the Southern Paclf to railway,
President William Sproula. Oeneral 8u-
Campbell.Sup.rlntend.nt ld"
Metcau and others were in Ashland
short time last night on their way north.
Mr. Campbell having met the party- at
yyeea, vavv.i H,.V
' They went over the Klamath mails
branch before coming here,' They Were
am bt me mayor, prasiuent ox in. uom.
to snoot nimaeit in the jiame manner.
and Is lingering at the hospital. with
chances agalnat hi. recovery;
Haas realises his condition and talked
freely lest evening. He said his two
houses In Portland and three rn Den
vev were deeded to hla wife three years
go When ha warstaken to Colorado to
serve . a ' term for ' warehouse , larcenv.
This term expired nine months- ago,
when he came to Portland, . Mrs. Haas
had been living at the home of William
Hell, 480 Emerson street Haas became
Jealous. i ,
on account of the family discord the
woman took the two children again to
the Hell home, where the husband shot
her and fired a bullet at Hell, the
rolaslle graslng his left sida Haas first
duces the inflammation! builds new tis
sues, : strengthens and invigorates the
kidneys and liver and enables theae del
icate organs to do their work fully and
properly. Warner's Safe Kidney and
Liver Remedy- is made of pure herbs,
and -contain no dangerous drugs. - This '
is the reason doctor and hospitals uae
it, exclusively for Jdtiney troubles, and
you should begin taking It at once,- If, "
for any . reason, you suspect your kid-'
neys are hot in a perfectly healthy con
ditlon, A free sample of Warner's Safe
Kidney and Liver Remedy will be sent
if you write Warner's Safe Remedies
Co., Dept. SSI, Rochester, N.'T. . - ,
night he told the detective h. intended
to kill Hell.
Hla' Wife lingered until Sundav avan.
Ing, when sh. died. Haas was watch
ing her progress. When he learned
Monday morning of her death, ho turned
th. gun upon himself in the Globe lodg-
mercial club, newspaper men and ethers. I Ing house. A first degree murder charge
Mr. Kruttschnltt denied that the visit I la against him.
had any special significance,' declaring! " -
that the party is simply en a tour of ln-IPADTIIDC IC mnalTCDOt I?
peotto,.''-.'''-f;!r:; ivm iviiw vr mvnibnti ' v
The party wag her only a short time ' RHMHRCn HIU DHDnCD
and went north on a sneclal train. Ka.l nwiiiwiiuu wis wwnyui
yond saying that improvements were I E.rii '- Tu rw v ti '
held nn for tba nraaant Wauaa tit tha L:E,U ya," .T?M ' Oot . That
hii a II Mexican Teoeis had captured Monterey
iiked fJ the feast Mf Kruttschnltt wS! WM repord hM eeemed lm-
M!eommitt.t !i ii th7lii it tH wee the rumors to any dsfl-wn-commlttal
as to the poUcy of .the nlte souroa, but on th. south side of
Great tTbanco fof Those Starting
' fl I--' Honaekaopinf ,
63 FIFTH ST., COR. PINE . -tors
open Saturday Svening until
10 o'olook. .
, Harry Through Cagene,
Eugene, Or J Oct l4.-The Krutt
schnltt party en - way: north . passed
through Eugene at 1 o'clock hut did not
stop here. , rr .
--"'.t' m 1 1 .w. n j i iri ui . 1 . i.i.i.j "
v He Caught the Flag.
Ban Pranoisco, Oot, t4. A foolhardy
man, on tn roof Of a sxyscraper, leaned
far out to catch a flag fired from-a
mortar. Incidental to the Portola festi
val. He caught the flag but lost his
oaianca ie . was saved from death
when a friend grabbed him.
the border they appeared tn ba aenar.
ally believed. " ' , I
It was considered unlikely today that
Special Arrival
NeW Fall Coats
Men's Raincoats '
Menl "Buy . vour raincoat of llmmv
Dunn. -.Tbe profit whica pays for Alio
Dig overneaa expensea is eliminated oy
Jimmy. 4 See hla "Special" at 110. Ore-
gonlaa bldg., 3d floor.
Rosa Babcock was today convicted of
running; a disorderly house by a jury In
Clroult, Judge Catena court on an ap
peal from a 75 day sentence Imposed by
Municipal Judge Stevenson. Owing to
tne ract mat she is under Indictment on
a similar charg. sentence was postponed
until tne state charge has been tried.
The house which she is alleged to bave
run improperly Is located at ISt Clay
street, - , -r; :
. J. McCloakey, under a EQ day rookpile
sentence rrora tn. municipal court was
acquitted on appeal of selling liquor to
w. c, Edmonds, a minor so years old.
Peter Kukls, charged with vagrancy,
was discharged on appeal Charley gLee
was fined $8( for permitting gambling
in a building. He was fined I7S In th.
lower court
On motion Circuit Judge Cleeton this
morning dismissed th. suit brought by
Fred JoDaiman against Mayor Albee and
Chief of Police Clark to enjoin them
from Interfering With street . meetings
wnicn n. ana us associates mignt bold.
Jobelman was arrested for speaking
wiinin tne oounaanes or the territory
set aside as forbidden. Attorneys Jef
frey 4b Lenon brought the suit for Jobel-
man.'1 v - . . .',,.. : v ::- ,.
Judg. Cleeton stated that Jobelman
had an adequate remedy at law In the
matter as be could appeal from a con.
victlon In tho municipal court and could
also sua the officials for damages ft be
couio prove raise arrest .
Suits and Over-
coats Bought here
will bear the test of
. Hard servicer The all-wool
" fabrics will not fade nor
shrink. Pockets, button
wholes i jand collars and fronts:
. will retain their shapes -
vet the stvle is all that ran
be desired and modestly
Special for Saturday Only
Boys' Winter weight
Undershirts and Draw
ers, sizes 6 to v. 16, in
wool derby ribbed arid
fleeced lined. Regular
50c and 75c values, 384)
nntihla S. Ar Tf Cle
I Trading Stamps ;. on
uiese items only, and
only Saturday.
Child's high neck but
ton Sweaters;- splen
didly assorted in stylet
and colors.; Sizes J to 5
years. . Regular price.
$1.50, at S04
Critics who have traveled all over th. world say tha entertain
ment given tn the Arcadian Garden at Hotel Multnomah thla
week is superior to any they hav. seen in Europe or America,
. , ntir Change and Style of Program in ' vv', . -
. The Greatest Attractions Ever Presented in any
v Cafe in America .
. Alliston arid Trucco
International Dances, featuring Staircase Waltz, The Tango
x ' and Whirlwind, Texas Tommy. ,
, : aiso - , t - M
DeHalde and Edwards
Sensationar Dances, presenting THE KISS WALTZ and
APACHE-DANCE , . . ...
, ' , LAURA' JANIS. Lyric Soprano- ' I ",
" , . direction of Herman S. Heller
Entire Program During the Merchants' 50c Lunch, 1J:30
Until 2 P. M., and Dinner andAfter the Theatre '
. . H. C BOWERS, Manager '
v , LOUIS P. REYNOLDS, Assistant Manager. '
Table Reservations for New Year's Eve May Be Made Now '
1 s
swam how irxtnro 11 1,1 ."
I 11 LlLl V "thsadXerrlaes
Phones Mala 1 aad A-H2J
xITbIx Night. Oct 25-26
. apaeiai rnee autuee saaeay
Bt., Sl.BO te'BOe. Baa. Mat.,' fl te BOe.
" Spealal Mee Katlaea Weaaeaday
tfJ i
A BparUlns Drmtlc Comedy
ur a- . 'laomaa
on baiab Toacomsow
' 4 Values to $35.00. .
Don't miss se&mr these handsome
arments, as they are by tar th.
beat shown by us this Fall.
Why pay grouse: floo prices
wnea yon oan bay- cos aama
a-annent apstairs at a saving
of yraoUoaUy V4
. aUnoe
. 1910
203-4-5 Swetland Build
ing, 5th and Washington
....... ---r)- -"iiririnr"-Majui,
$15 and $20 SffiffiM
Others $12 to SSO
We Give "S. ft M." Green 'Trading Stamps ' , . " .
In tke House
Tke pure trew of Natures
- finest Artesian water.
Malt ant) Hopi
: HealtHul
'Gil uP:;:.;
Main 49-A 1149
for Prompt Deliveries
US asasw'.j .'.
BreBlnva: Lower floor. 10 rava. a3."'l9 rmra
11.60. Baloonr ft. TSe. SOe. Bpedal price
mat. Wed.:: Lower floor tl.SO. SI. ilakoar
lav. Due.
xoox .Toa xxx vorxsn bsab"
Day y.:
Inaugura ting .a
new 7 policy in
motion picture
Mrs. Fiske
in a aix-act
photo-ptay of
"Tesi of ' " '
the .' . ,
. - ,i 3 Shows Begin at 12 M.
:30 P. M. - v 6 P. M.
Sunday v
The second of
the new series in
photo-play theat
ricals ' ' - l ,
Belasco's famous
star in"
.,V: '"PRICES-,',
" " ' Balcony 10c ' ;J ,
w Ixwer Floor 20c V'
Box Sata 3W rl
Box seats may be reserved by
f Marshall 880 of A-2087
UAUr t. A-SS.
Beae et the Topnlar Bakar P larera. Tonlaat
All this week-Georf m. Oohaa'a .
"OEr-aiov-aviox wiLiiiraroKB"
Fvandtd on tha tamooa c.htwtmr atnta. t.vx
rja mile )n.t to think about It. ETaln(i c, "
So, 60 f6e. Mat. eat. 8J, Kte. Mat. Wtd -
matlnw "Tha Hoiiae Hwt Poor." '
e2 v ' . . BraadwaV and Ail! .
; TTnoonalod Vauilailla.
. With tranoia Voting a Co.
" it Bivoiar oihib14 --
. sevim bio acts ,
theee show daily . - -
Boiae and tint row balrony rawrred. -
Tflfphonft KW.'A and alaln 4686. .
IT v7 fCD TTT1
aJLLVU Stark Sti
. 'WTEK OCT, SO taoaard and Onalow la'
rrieeai lbt, o and SJai Kattoaae, any
, . ' aat 15o. T '- ,4
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Columbia Theatre
.. Sixth aad 'Waihlnston i
; Blcser and Better Tha a Brer.
'-rtatnre for Bill .Opralnt Weduaadart
"ths raozES tbixl"
A Thrllllns Palba Drama of the Alaska Wilde.
itto-ABjmsiojr ioe