The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 24, 1913, Page 17, Image 17

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MultnoMan T Uoxer 'According
j , to General Belief, Should
Have -Been Given Chance,'
. 8am ; f"renciec6, Oot," 24. That Trank
Melons of the Olymplo feluD, Bail Fran-
Cisco, ot more than ho deserved when
he. was awarded three round daemon
over welter 'Williams of tha Multnomah
AthleUtf club, Portland, in tha Portola
toxlnf championships here last night,
.was tha opinion today of a majority of
tha spectators.
It was the general belief that tha
Portland boy should nave received the
privilege of traveling another round.
Williams ecored the cleaner blows, but
Malone bad all tba better of tha lnflght-
" lnr. ""v frVrf-;-;i?::T-.
- Rot Branch ef tha Los Angeles Ath
leUo dub was given tba: decision over
Chris Maereof t ef the Olymplo club,
ftar three rounds of rough glova work.
Twe knockouts occurred during tba
renlng, Phil Noonan stopping W. I
Bojorgneav both of the Olympic club,
, and K, Ostrand, United Railroad club,
knocking out vWlll O'Connor Olymplo
-club, in tha sacond roun&vrir''rs',;i'
Tha other bouts resulted as follows:
Edgar Williams, Olymplo club, decis
ion over James Oreggalns, unattached.
John Moretto, O. C; decision over Bam
Epstein, R u nt Frad Illlng, O. a,
dootslon over Ray Marshlna, unattached i
J. Trusoott. O. C decision oyer Olo
Varan, Ooaan Athletio dub, vv
'. Ctabby to Meet Logaa..'
. flan rrenetsoo. Cel.. Oot 14. Jimmy
Clabby of Hammond, Ind, and Frank
Ixb Of Manila, P. 1 will meet at
t Corfroth'a - Daly City ' arena la a 10
round bout Thanksgiving day, according
i to announcement today. Clabby s man
ager. Jack Began, has agreed to Cof
f roth's terms, "and the promoter said
ho expected no difficulty In seourlng
' Logan's signature. , to the ertloles.
Harvard to . Meet Penn dtate
' Cambridge, MassOot' 14. Harvard's
football squad was permitted to take
things easy today and the players rest
ed up for tomorrow's game with Penn
sylvania State. Yesterday the players
were put through a hard afternoon's
"work, the practice lasting- for more than
' en b?ur.
Manager 'Joe'; Woodmen , Says
Boston HarNot Barred ,;
Tar Bao'yjvTT '
San Franolsoo, Oct 14. Telegraphing
to a Ban Francisco newspaper toaay,
Joe Woodman, manaser- bf Sam Lang-
ford, who meets Jack Lester of Cle
Elum. Wash- In a 10 round bout at' Taf t,
Cel.! next Monday, said be and Langford
will leave for the east Immediately after
that match. ? r. r.;v-:.. rx;"'
"I wish you would contradlot for ma,'
Woodman wired, "a report to the effect
that tha people of . Boston won't stand
for a bout between Langford and a
white man, f, That Isn't so, for we leave
here to go to Boston for . a bout witn
either Gunboat Smith, Tony Ross or
Charlie Miller on November 1 1." ,
. Langford is In good shape, Woodman
added, and will enter the ring Monday
night weighing about1 185 pounds. ,
- Baa - Franolsoo, - Oct 14.--Two little
wifiks with the left eye cost Frank
Klaus of Pittsburg the middleweight ti
tle, aooordlng to the explanation ' of
Oeorge Kngle, his manager, received
here today in a , letter. Oeorge Chip
knooked out Klaus recentlyMn the final
round of a six round bout, and, accord
ing to Engle. here's bow It happened!
"It had been mighty soft for Klaus
throughout the contest, and he dropped
all caution. Finally, with leas than a min
ute to go, he had forced Chip into the
letter's corner. Chip, half eoyered up,
was holding on tha ropes. It looked so
easy that Frank winked twice to friends
at the ringside. Then It happened,' The
Instant Klaus winked, Chip eame up
with a terrific left swing. It caught
Frank behind the 'ear, -. and he was
knocked down for the first time In his
career: Then he was counted out,"
Self-control and sound- Judgmertt are
so much In demand in order to play a
good game of gplf as to make it al
most reasonable to believe that they
account for the wonderful fascination
Of - the pastime among the olaaa It
attraota To the men in the profes
sions, who by energy, skill, and great
application ' has built up a ' lucrative
practice golf forms the- very sort of an
jwoortuntiTt tot physical exercise 1(he
nee-ffdnr Jbrtiblnatlott wtth - a? form of
mental gymnastics so absorbing that
he must for 'a time a feast forget bis
office trials and tribulations. r
., The greater the man's self-control,
poise and sound Judgment the. greater
will be his reward In the way of satis
factory progress - afi one- garnet pro
vided he- praotloes enough to be able
to properly apply his knowledge. : Such
a man usually secures ail the best
text books' on the game, and easily
acquires a more or less sound . under
standing of the best , theory regarding
the various clubs - and ' their use. . A
lew lesson from a professional and
he is fairly on . the way to an im
proved game. "
, Good golf calls f or the finest grade
ox judgment and under Varied con
ditions. The man of good mental
training and superior self-oontrol will
always surpass one . ' whose . only
ability Is to slus; ths : ball for great
distances i .and wha ,nn, n :, whii
V- . Pftdflo Cooai League. '
iirv-A; W. U ret.
Pertlaad ..10 tS .BS
Teirtee . . .,OS W JIT
Burmate.lOO 1 jUS
W. X. Pet
gmarlm..10l tog ee
La .AnselM 8 If A0
Oeklesd. .. tS US .UT
WorU'g Tour Series.
Wee. test Pel
Ifew Terk CHssls.
c&ic go .wnite ss.
GOLF-Self Control and Judgment Needed
- Los Angeles, Cat, Oct 1 tThe" Ull
end Oaks yesterday defeated Los An
geles by the score of to t. The play
ers of both teams fattened) their batting
averages - at the expense of Twlrlers
pheoh and Malarkey.
Jdaggart and Clemens sach , secured
three bits In four times up, - -
, 51 ne scors:
Cey.if...... n o
KetltncSb.. fit o
lUylor.rf . ,
NeM,l.. 4
Ceek.M.i., s
Malarker.Bk, o
t 14
0 01
Mirrertef.. 4 I 0
Howucis., a a f o, 2 I 4 4
Krufr,rM 4 0 I 0
MUMl,lf.... 4 A 4 x 4 S i s
JohnMm.M.. 4 0 S S
ATDO(Ut,e.. 4 1 12
CAcb,p..M S O 11
.ss io tr u
2 Battd for Oseat la ninth. , . .
Oekiand ....,...,.,.0 1 IO0OO0e8
. tuts lion n s is
Loe iLiitelas .............1 0 1 .6 0 0 1 0 0
U1U ......SO JO 1 1 I 110
huns-HetUng, , Xaylor, : Clemens .1, Km,
Oeok, MtUrkcy, ' Gardner, Mtart.v sawyer.
Errors Ittanel, Bewyr, .rbogatt, Onset Three
bees bits kUlukay, Howard. Two twee hlt
Marrart bewyer, Ooeit seerlflee sits Ales,
ender. Btolea htm - cieneBe, Gneet Vint en
balls Oft Cheek 4. Struck eat-By stelirkey
s. Deable pure Seek to OaoH to Neeti Oood
wln to Howrd Him nMUtd Ceok to NeM.
Bit by pitcher Ceok. Time s0. Cmpbee
runey tad Phyle.
really does , accomplish . a v remarkable
performance. . In thlsJ connection, X
have la mind a player who- can drive
a bair t6t over 110 yards every time
and occasionally - exceeds ifo j-ards.1" .
i can get terrific distances with a
braeaey, clerk. Of . mud-iron, and '0C
omslonally 1 pujt Aery ; ; well. S He "kid-. a
man of great ' physical strength, but
This fellow" will . outdrive an oppo
nent any Where from ten . to a hun
dred yards, and yet Inrough - inability
to use his bead, frequently ( be furthet
away from vine " pin r in two "t than hi
slower going opponent He' may bt
said" to press every , stroke, and when
he is ' called - upon to ' make , a T short
stroke, either tops, aiioes er U ovew
plays the distance - Friends have fre
quently -poln ted out his weakness to
hlra and , urged hlni to . practice, bat
to no purpose, for . he cannot control
his temper : upon .' a. vad : stroke and
has not sufficient - head on him to
acquire the sort of Judgment needed.
, In the round of - golf " where shot
after t shot calling for nice calcula
tion must ' . bev played ' under varied
Conditions of t He. stance and distance,
one is very apt' to try to do Just too
much and meet wltl -disaster. ; It
takes a cool ' Judgment to restrain i a
man who knows that he cannot bring
off a certain long shk to a green once
In ten times to be satisfied With one
a shade . shorter and then- try . to lay
his next dead to the- hole.
This is an everyday occurrence with
many players and they wonder Why
they, can never make-a creditable ard.
They say: "I can do much better at
match play than lntV-' stroke compe
tition. I always get ena er two bed
holes."; Every -time ; they go around
the links they allow, desire to over
oome cautoln and .sound Judgment Just
enough to mar their card.
" For. Instance, they 'nace a 800 yard
bole mostly uphill, and in ths desire
to get on ths green lni three strokes
mess two strokes and get home In
seven or eight On the other hand. If
they - took things . comparatively easy
they would normally reach Just short
of the green or on it In three for a
sure six, and perhap a five, -
Accurate club Judgment, which Is
the nicest sort f a test for ths golfer,
plays a very Important part , In the
game. Until you know by experience
exactly- which club you need to get
the required - dlfctanoe from various
lies and under different oondltlons of
wind ground, you play at a great
disadvantage. The safest rule ' Is to
maks a mistake In favor of tha club
that will land you beyond the - point
you desire to reach. s .
- There are always abundant . possi
bilities that will prevent you getting
the ball away sweetly, and that will
neutralise the greater distance you
might get from a trna stroke. , The
secret of low scoring Is a knowledge
of the clubs you carry In your bag
and what you can -et with, each of
It is these requirements of souna
Judgment ' and possession , of a high
order of seif-controi toat makes golf
so fascinating to tne Judges on our
benches, our leading., professional and
business men. It holds their r un
divided attention, when they era at
play, and they, derive .healthful er
oisa walking ever ,tns , grwen tun.
provides Just the sort of hard mental
gymnastics - that they require to keep
their active minds' from reverting to
the office and the city.
Three games ware played In the Mult
nomah Club league last even
ing. Ray Toomsy's collection ef players
defeated O'Hanlon's team 33 to . Bert
Allen starred In bis team's victory over
McKay's five It to (.- Pugh's team de
feated Sharp's quintet tt to It, Vlerlck
did the best playing for Toomey's team,
and Pugb scored n.i-t of t: ( '
his team. Eurdl k of CIUi :on's t
Getty of McKay's totters and l
for Sharp's quintet were the bi-f-t j'
erg for the losing sides, ,
'j,-'V.f "" 11
;: Men's Hainccats
- Men! Buy your rlnrot of Jlmn-v
Dunn. 'The prof lr which payB for ti
bl -overhead expenses I eliminated lv
Jimmy. Se bis 'Bpeclal" at lio. T.r.
gonian bids.. Sd floor.
Journal Want1 Add bring- results.4
wwimig ASTZAXisxiueiT :
gabipttted br W. T,. PerklM, A employe ef
me P.. 4. retfrndt ; hx.,- ?
"Subllnie tobaocotv-which front east to
' . wesh . '
Cheers the taf s labors or the Turkman's
i- " rest;- -.-"-'-. --?'.-- .... ...
Which on the Moslem's ottoman divides
Ills hours, . and rivals opium and his
brides f ' ' Is
e" e'cejsi "iU; e -
Tet. thr true lover more admire by far
xny.naxea oeauues -give me tBii,
; But It must be
Clear Havana Cigar Made la
: Sells at 5c -
The soul of the golden tobacco that ma
tured under the soft rays of a West
Indian sun; made In sbnny Florida and
enjoyed to ths last Inch by smoksra
... ' - Sold In Portland by
Between Morrison and TamhUL
P. g. Mr. rerklna. kindly call for year
eifara. wetta Monday reaug's paper
next beet
. it- . . v " " ' . ' - ' ' ' '
' ,'-'.' , 1 i.i. anil Ml .1 1 l lllll-il" I III
"felpto; Will Bo; Repeated to Ploaao , ;KSi
K, 'YOU and YOU and YOU . &lli&MMlin
A . ?bb ssbi. T7axT M i 0Biir l.7Tav k r- i a .WLt A mr .X M BL sBksT- fcS.NVsVX - W f A Ba raw PA J r
' lV?Ci. t-'fsrOlr? Tomorrow
' Do Hera
rttTA' or
.rff vHefiretl
II " ' V J VJ UUyLIiA V-KsC-Js
.--..'-,..1 ..,-'-:, --r:-T J ';V :v-1''''
' nOWO classes of men are paying
a ! II niipj $15 f or the same qarmcnta
-rr. v whicK hichTrcnb and f bin cz
A l ?i -i" -t- V" v;.;. r
. Tb ( man i who cannot &
- afford to pay mora .than
$15, and those who thOurht
thejr must pay $20 to I2S '
for gtylo . and , lervice
worth while. , ' , . '-
v Hera- on the Second,
Floor, roull find an im
mense stock" of good
Clothes. Smart new Blue
and Brown Cheviote are
miehty popular,. t
Swaner Fall Overcoata
here at $15, too t" Three
qoarter, belted backs and
raglans, as weU aa con
ervatlve atylcs..
To put it modestly X -kay
"Ride Up and Save $5
Second Floor. Southwest Comer Fourth and Washington Stav
Waihineton State Collejft
" . of Pullman, Wash.,
aw aaiksat ksn e avv a-: tt
-;!-,. c i , muunoman a. t uud. "
Tomorrow Afternoon :
. on Multnomah Field
. -. .... .- . ..... .. . , . .-.-..-..-. .
A 'preliminary same will be played at 2 P. H- between University of ;
Oregon Law School and the Multnomah 2d team. ' - ' ' '
The big game begina at 3 P..M; eharp. Popular price admission of 59'
eenta will be charged, which includes both games and grandstand. : . ;
Xf All
Get in lino to-
morrow and save' your $10
to SI5, and bring the ladies to get
their cloth suit pattern absolutely FREE
Scores of bur friends that bought their winter rait last week have
asked us to give them a chance to make the same big saving on their over
coat. , And many of our friends who were unable to attend our big Friend
ship Event have expressed t3ieir regrets; so wo are going to give everybody
another chance tomorrow.
$25, $30 Suits
and Overcoats
Just such garments as you would
expect from the most skilled
tailors in the world, fashioned
exc!usively for you and
Mads to Your Iters For
a f am offer, you opportonity of $caxin4 your cWco of a anatfnificeat
lea suit pattern, absolately free, with eaen an erery purchase of si man's smt
OTcreoat. Tlis Eolds good (or one Jay only.' ; ; , - ,l
272 Washington St. ' -
148 Fifth St.
.el Hi
K " I
I I -ns 1 1 . . f ( .: S'l .
The New Clear HaVeana
.It'a Worth While It's Worth the Price ') "
Savt th Bands
4 -
to guarcjs
MURIEL'S flavor Is
" founded on material facts
not a smoker's fancy
' Tftse . ram ?Timfti tnhrtnrn
QfarQ in it gives it its exquisite fragrance
Arid v The unusual blend its uniform mild-
Esl Sfraght - . .. iyojEL b mailing ft v h-Jar-MVIUEL ;
i A
Tire M3Id.Havana
rThe Hart Cigar Co.. Distributcra, PcrtUnd.
lfj Hi
"Repeater" Loaded Shells
Won The Greatest' Of (
All Shooting Events r '
These chells are not expensive, yet their
splendid shooting qualities were proved
beyond contradiction by their winning tha '
1913 Grand American
Handicap, the treat:: cf
' all shooting events. - Host cf
the contestants used hlrrh rricei ,
v loads, but Wincnester Keueattr"
shells outshot them alL Tosavemcnev.
jnrithout sacrificing your scores at Vr.'i
trap or bags in tha field,
use Winchester "Kepeater" t - -a
hells for they, are
high m quality thovc::
m jfn- r Bifi i m r m" .si ur
1 vc i
I t ' V I
lit ,'rh f. t ST-.