The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 24, 1913, Page 16, Image 16

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coat They ' will go after th , title
here next nionth. ),
tfAccv ic a CTCDDiMnisli sawdust ' - ; " LSAmMY hnnn TRUUNLto
JlQLFF;iN'FDUR:lQlliS Last
Sailor; Ralph" insv 'His 25th
.Game.arid It Is Lark All th?
' WtfMclal to Tha Journal.)
: ' i Sacramento; Oct 24. Of course the
fner' matter of Sailor Ralph Stroud
ge ttlng '- bonus from the Sacra
mento club for winning 2S gamci this
'season, bad nothing to do with Portland
sending; young recruit Hafey to the
mound so, that Sacramento could roll
up five run oh four hit . in .one-third
ifn inning."; that put the game; on
;? ice fojr't1 Solona for Stroud put every
thing he' had on the ball with the 600
round on ea In sight. and the champion
: never had chance. . " -
r ' rho ecor was, 140 S and it was the
; first tiro. this seaaon jthat Stroud wa
able to. put a shroud on the Beavers'.
; Jiereaf terwhen any of you pitchers have
,a bonus tn'Slght and it means ham and
all winter, !, Just tip. It . off , to the
Beavers,; thatj jst aner- tney nave won
' the pennant - Ralph, can afford to' set
em up all around. -But ;wU heT rNot
, ltt he la -;Uke joiner ibailj playera-nay,
not in ioo years.
" In rxchsnse for the 14 runs Sailor
'' Tlalph turned srndaml -allowed'. the
generous jieavers it'Oingie 10 ieou up
their batUng averages.-. But HaJph was
" not so generous when : It cams to the
runSf: foe .he tighten'tiP' pretty,, Btrong
;ly vrtien-the-' Beavers-were -in danger of
making few tallies. ;
' Rip Bagermaa replaced Hafey, but
) with the gam already gone,'' Rip was
not overexerting himself,, and besides
. all that, lis had little or nothing on the
ball with. s which to foil ths locals.,
Briefly, here Is what happened to the
pitcher who gives cards and spades, to
Y" Oene Krapp. Hs . walked Shlnn and
-Young. .Lewis' beat but hit to- Davis
and Shlnn ' scored when the shortstop
' mad a wild throw to first Toung
stole home nd after Tennaat popped to
' Korea, Lewis stole second, Then Mo-
ran got a horns run Inside the; park,
' counting two more. Hallinan ripped off
a three base hit and Stark singled. That
ended Mr. Hafey of San Francisco, Ha
germane replaced Hafey - and - fanned
.Bliss, making Stroud fly to S peas.
And that's enough of the game, pa
' tlent reader. ' t y-j
Th score: ' ' : '. ' . ,
- : rOBTLAND '
' ' " AB. R. H. PO. A. A.
; grpp, rf. ....,.,,.....,. 1 t
O :. 0
Korea, lb. ,.,.......
Kodrerf, 2b. 4
bavia, a, t,. ...... 4
0. 10
8 . O
0 6
0 O
O 0
, t 0
S 0
1 1
r :
0 0
0 0
'. 0
0 0
hpeae,, er t
Run. St. ............
liObrr, If, .............. 4
Merry, : . m ............. t
nsber. e. ..3
Hntey, p. ,,,f 0
lUeeraan, p.. k... 4
K. ........... -a aav.
. AB. B. H. PO. A-! A.
Fhtna, rt.
Voang, m.
. .f sa 9 m JL . V V
u. 5 b a 4 0 ,0
Tenaant, lb. 0 0.2-1 0
Van Buren, ,. a ? X ' 1 ? 6 OV 0
lloran. cf. S 8 3 0 0
lialltnan. -gb. 2,,..,..,.. 4 ; 8-.,S 1 -1 1
lurk, Sb. - v....... 4 O 1 2 0
KIIm. ev S O 0 T 2 ,0
Btrood, . 4 0 1 0 6 0
Total 14 16-2TJ14 '1
Wrtlaad ...... .4-,,,.,0 1 11OOO0 O 8
Hlta ......,,..J 3 2 1 1 1 I 114
Earrameata ........S 4 0 0 0 10 4 14
HIW ..................4 8 1 0 02 16 1
- Stole baa Krapp, Born, Bwrry, ghtnn,
Toong JE," Lawli 2, 'Vaa Buren, Hutrk 1 fin
rum, 4 alta off Hafey in 1-9 lnnlo; chart
defeat to Jlafey.v Uoma run- Mom n. , Tbre
bat hlta Berry, HalUaas. Two baae' hlu
: Hiwaa, Boe(, Shlnn. -Sacrifice hit Korea,
b tree It eut iiy UagernuS 1. by Stroud 8. itrnt
on balla Oft HttT i, ott Baferman 4. Hit
by pttcher Stroud by HKrmaa. Wild, pitrb
Hac-erman. i'aaaed ball Berry. Double Jilayi
BUaa,: onaaalsted; Btrood to Bllsa to Halli
nan. Left on baaee Portland 8, Sacramento H.
Barnad ran Portland 2, Sacramento 3. Time
Umpire McCarthy and Knell.
siare m WAYiTalfe
Oakland, Cat, Oct 24. Ths 8eals sd
. Tanoed to one- gams from- th .500 mark
by trimming Hogan's Tigers yesterday.
to J. The stick work of Schaller and
Downs,' and Fanning1 steady pitching,
enabled th Seals to win. Schaller won
ISO by bitting a tobacoo sign In center
field .- r
' Th scor
' " AB.H PO.A,.. 4 11 1
Tohln.rr.... 4 0 10
4 11 8 I t 0
4 2 0 8 0 2 0
Scballcr.lf .. .82 6 0
Downa,2b.. 8 2 8 2
OorhaD.i.... 8 11 4
Cartw'btiSb. 8 10 1
Bepulreda.e, 8 0 S 0
Fannlag.p.. 8 0 0 2
Total ....28 "? 27 "
...1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 08
...2 0 2 1 0001 0
...0 300 00 2 S
Braahearb 4 0 2 8
O'Hourke.aa. 4 0 4 Xi
MclJ 4 0 7 1
Llt:tii,ati., 8 0 2 8
Kterratte.. 8 1 0 01
Koea.tner,p.. 8. 1 1 8
" Total
3 24 18
Ulta ......
San Kranclaco
. Hlta
..0 8120100 I
HUH Mloan. Kan and KoMtnsr- Inhnllmi
Bcballer S, lowna 2 and .Coran. Error Ster
t rrtt X, Kant, Oorhan 2, Schaller, CartwTlht
; stolen baM McArdle, Johaaton. Down, Cor
, ban 2, Oartwrlfht 2. ,Tlire base hit Oorhan.
Two baa hlta Kane, Downs, Meloan, Schaller
; Barrlllce bit McArdle. rirat baae oo balla
, Off Koeataer 5, off r'flnulnj; 1. Struck out
lit FaDiiijig 8, by Koeetner 8. Double playa
' McArdle u no Mined, to Braabear Bra
'l)ti to O'Bodrke, Corban to O'Ruurka, Cor-
' baa to Dowim to McArdle. I-ft ou baaea San
( lfanciaeo 4, Venice 0. Earned runi San Pran
; ciaoo 8, Venice !. Wild pltcb Koeatner. Time
Wt4V,;l!niplre Oothrlo and Held.
''";'i,,i"ii ''V v.
('..fGianU Too Much for Sox
Sioux City. Iowa, Oct 24. Bunched
hits in the eixth and eighth inning
gave , the New York Giants a victory
over i the Chicago White Sox, 6 to 3.
Uoth' Scott and lotnme were hit hard!
The eoro: r, h r'
Wh.te. Eox 3 l" o
Giants 6 12 1
Botieile Scott and Daly; Fromme
and Wlnco.
, ,l .
iapan,i planning to adopt an al
phabet ,of il letter, Including most of
the Roman characters, some Russian
and thrr original symbol.
Clnett, FmM A (o., !. Mafcara
i.t i aaalieiV.asSjsass
Washington State college men and Multnomah's star quarterback, Rode, formerly captain of. to;AnnapqH.
. ii,. 'ninr,v' iWr.m Waablnirton state college auarterback: "Farmer Keeran, the,. 225 pound
who lis heralded as a comer by Coach Bender; John Hlnderman, the Pendleton High school boytjrho Is making good at right tackle. He -weight
190 pounds. The remaining player la Pete.Rodes, one of the shlfMest Quarter back, the has .ever had. : - , ; , ' -
f-'r, , ..- '." - L.. , . r ' . -
Washington Staters Leaving
Pullman Tonight With M 8
; Gridiron WarriQrs
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4V 4 4)
- ,4
4 The teams Multnomah Club- 4
- Washington State College. . 4
4 ' Time S o'clock sharp. 4)
4 ' - Place Multnomah Field. 4
Preliminary gameU. of O. 4
4 Law School vs. Multnomah 8eo-
ond team. 8 tart at 3 o'clock. 4
:.. How to Uet There Take 4
Twenty-third street or Portland 4
Heights cars ' on Washington 4
r street and get off at Stout, walk
two block south. Tak "W 4
4 car on Morrison street get off 4
at Chapman atreet and walk on - 4
block west and one block south. 4
, Admission Fifty cents, lnclud- v
ing grandstand, 4)
:4 fV 4'4 V 4 4 4 4 4) 4? 4 4
.? -vs,:r- 1 i- ;. -' .
' Th Multnomah club football eleven
will battle with th Washington Stat
college, eleven, the only team it has not
defeated ;; Jn tbe northwest, tomorrow
afternoon on the club field st I o'clock.
Ths winged "M" squad was given 1U
last hard work-out last evening, Cap
tain Keck , having issued orders for a
11 tUe light ; signal practice for this
evening.- ..- U-.-V :.."'.' ",
. Th big game will be preceded by a
game between the University of Oregon
law department eleven and the Multno
mah club second team.
Manager Plowden Stott has visions of
a victory over the Pullman team, which
will be (Outweighed by Multnomah by 10
or 12 pounds to "the man. The lightest
player on the club team. Is Left End
Hlckson, who weighs -10 pounda Quar
' tKisrS
'felisli m
rm 11
. i-wn m.t il " a I ;..;.ij.'1fi,.
3 - -' CopyrlghtEart''8cbJrne;
,.: I-, ' Mfp WiCorn'er.;ThirdK and ?Morri?Qir
hi 11. h m; xM
1 11 1 1
terback Oaddls, who weigh 155 pounds,
is the lightest .W. S.- C. playrA .
Manager stott last: evening'' compli
mented ths team's t, layers on: ths way
they" handled themselves In practlo.' The
Interference was better than it nas teen
at any time during the season and ths
line Is getting away In better styis.
Quarterback Bodes win spring asvsral
new eastern plays; which were not tried
in the games against ths Corvallls
eleven. Coach Bender will leave Pull
man this evening with the following
players: caaais, Heg, battertnwaite,
COulter, Moss, Vance, J. Harter, Q. Har-
(er, Alvord, Hlnderman, Langdon, Love,
Durham. Smith, -Diets, - Rosa, Keeran,
Hlnchcllff, Wexler and Foster. Trainer
Bohler will accompany ths squad. ' Full
back Sballebarger and Tyrer will not
accompany th team, having been hurt
in the Idaho game. -
The line-ups Hvlll be: .
W. S. C Pos. Multnomah.
Sa tterth waits .....LER Ludlam
Alvord LTR.. O'Rourke
J. Harter. LOR... Bailey
O. Harter ......... .C. ......... Cherry
Lansdon ROL Rupert
1 ' Philbreok
Hlnderman .. . . .R T L.Convllle,Rupr
Diets SBL Hlckson
Oaddls, Durham Q..Rode, McVeagh
Coulter (C) .RHL StrieMg
Vanoe ,....-.....-.LHR........ McKae
Foster, Wexler...... F. ....... Keck (C)
Referee Fawcett Umpire V. Bor-loske.-
.. . y -. , ,- -, .
' 1 f
Princeton Preps for Dartmouth.
Princeton, N. J., Oct 84. With the
Dartmouth game bat on day away,
the Princeon varsity football squad
engaged In light practice today. "Buss"
Law, Injured 10 days ago, was back at
halfback today, and Captain Baker was
confident that his m'en would defeat
Dartmouth decisively. Dartmouth ar
rived on an early train and engaged In
practice work throughout! ths day. ....
- Five Tale Men on Shelf
,Kew Haven, Conn., Oct 24.-Tbs Tale
football team was in poor shape todsy
for the game with Washington And Jef
ferson tomorrow. Five of the varelty
regulars Marting, Pumpelly, Pendleton,
Brann and Knowles are laid , up with
minor Injuries and probably will not
be In tomorrow's game.
Resembling a pair of pliers Is an
Illinois Inventor's Implement for quick
ly fastening twine around parcels by
clamping the ends together. r '
This coat represents our idea,
of good service ; a big shawl col
lar, stylish belt back,4 single
breasted, button, through..
Scotchy-looking fabric;' solid
colars. A warm, comfortable,
easy coat. - ; . v
Hart iSchaffrier &
.'"' Marx
make them
A . sale - absolutely the best quality
Shaker Knit Ruff-Neck Sweaters on the
market; all sizes in white, gray, blue, red.
Regular $3.50 Pii-jyK':
price ; .-r,. ';"-" '-."). '' .'. ''.'.. . $2,55
Regitlar $5.00 Sweaters sale f
price -.,- .;'f,...'i...iy5;.,',,. y , , $3.75
price ,'',.' -;T ,' i ''" : . V;. . .$5,25
,':,'y.; 'v k,. wZ.
Will Pair With Davis Novem
ber 29; Directors' Play Be
gins TomorroWi 4
Play in the annual ' tournament ' for
ths Waverly Country, club directors' cup
will start tomorrow. Qualifying round
will bs played ' tomorrow and Sunday
and on November 1 and J. -
The two lowest soore players tn each
qualifying round will start ' eompetlf
tlon for ths" cup on November 7. The
semifinals will be played November 15
and th finals November 22.
H. Candler Egan, the former national
champion; arrived in Portland last even
ing from bis home in Medford and be
gan practicing for his match against
the English champions, Vardon and Ray,
November 29. . Harry Davl will be
Sgan's partner in the match,
New York, Oct J4. Willis Ritqhle,
world's 4igbtwelght champion, was "pro
nounced in splendid condition today for
his 10 round bout here next Wednesday
night with Leach Cross, ths fighting
dentist ., TT
. The champion is training at Dal HaV-
klns', place in Westcheter county, and
Manager Harry Foley claimed today
that th champion was never. In better
Ritchie is not underrating Cross, but
at the same time expressed oondldence
of winning by the knockout route. .;
' Hill to Ray Hood River.
Hood River, Oct 24. The first foot
ball gams of the season at Hood River
will be' played' Friday afternoon be
tween the Hill Military Academy aggre
gation of Portland and the Hood River-
high school team. '.
for us and for you.
to -i
a': .y -'
Y pi 'A' y-
Oiwt. xaw ftavica .: . . .. :
Naval ; .academy ;f, eleven.
green guard,
I am
flac nation.
;;'-. -s . . ' '.;. ';,-- -''.'-' ' .--.'V-.-V 1 s. .'- ,' .'.''' - -- "'f".'-'
It took years of care and
patience to produce " my
clever : blend. " : WSffiSS "
V-' . - ' ' . w. -"'(. ,'' y " ;.'"
-';.-;. '-...- - - '4 - :: ':-,'.-. '-'.' ": --'.
TKefiMp ,
' .Pl-:y; i'V.:vW-';-: 'vir.ifeS'v.
1 1 o n or p ure , ; wholesome
Next w-as
.' ' ''.-.:' :v" -;'''''.' a . '
. . - - I f -
aearette 01 aromanc
quality of
been pleasing
JU JL. A. Jk
0p- r Coupon in t - t W;;ir:
' 1 J'
Taeoma, "Wash.J Oct 'j4;--Six slashing
f our .'round- foes 'rsarkedj; : ths" r rormal
opening of th boxing' season here last
night In, Eagles ; hall Ths feature event
was bet ween Sammy 3ood ' pf JPortland
and ?Battling Woil X of SesUls Good
won the decision after four fast rounds,
outboxing and outslugglng Wolff,.'; The
battler was game, however, and fought
back liks a tlend .verjr: minute.'.
Frankle Tolan of San Kranclaco, ' st
110' pounds, .outboxed Joe Richmond of
South Tacorria, but wa given, a draw.
Joe Hennessy of, Ban Francisco a4,Har
ry Bishop of Tacoma Indulged In a elug
f eat that went-to a draw and delighted
th fans.' Jim O'Brien of Ireland and
Henry Krieger of ? Portland, middle
weights,; drew In a; good .contest' ; Blljy
"Wright of Rockford, llC Cleverly out
pointed BUly Lasky former lightweight
champfon of the Faclfio naval fleet. , ,v.
; . : -'. Mrit '; 1 " 11 ' ''! 'f't': ; ;
'$''r-'Ij04?Afele. Entries. Named. ?$:
-' The entries Of the Los Angile Alh
letlo club for the Pacific coast boxing
meet In Portland November 18 and 14
have been announced. They are Krnie
Clark, welterweight ehamploh, f - Bus
Hughes, former .Portland boy,i' light
weight champion and Clark JargstrofK
former amateur heavy champion of tho
" . t " " . ' at -m
flie coinbiriihg 6i : tnese
..-v-rt:,-'-'..'1' feMI-':'!-
ex perts itosfproduce a
many years
- ' '?'x ''''" v-
my lurKis
smoKers everywnere.
,. -':' -. .1-. 'r '- :&'' -..?;' ';: :-- . .
v'1 ;!---,it.v..';;-!?.
"Distinctively Individual "
,:M-v:'; ' .!.v,V'-i;,F. :':.i ti.-'y.,
( : !,-
i . - ;
The fpheasanf i season j '''' itl- i
"most pver, Only a few days'-y-'i-;?.;:';;.;';
left "In which to shoot these; : ' i t '.
pledi4b1fda;WosiUtnav4XiS fi'r
i: plenty' of those good loaded ; " ' "
UUU9MI tuna VV fUU fVW
ia"noat'UWt VThe big.''
. IGltUni tllG. CM1IIM UWIU til lt . .... .. .; ... ...
the, nearby;ijstream,-Silver- ! v,' ''"-".
v''pide : Salmon are'-now-i in, the ftf.j;-V;''' t
river ana,, spoon iisning is,
Kood'at Jennings Lodge. TotMA
; '., any , 01, this fishing we have .
-, just the 'right :tackIe.;V;;'':
..C.j;''-V'i--A'-:,i U :vi v;;t V.:f f'.-i:
v , J, h ' f y k , " ,
t ...... ll-.-. .i).-;s
. v ' pockc;( iwsnugnt -; wiu : (--.
,jave you lots of muddy itep. ' .
.All aizes $.00 up. f , ;-;V: - .
f.r.V.i ".ii;r'' 'vffilf IVf ! ! ,iflf'frSiW,;;;7J-'
'23 Morri enUt BeUi VaM StaV
e umtorm
Wendf K
,r f .v-,.!:;--:V:;.:T--;V:?
- 1 t M ar
' ,5 .'v't i:"- - ', ,v .3 ft (v ."' ;,vl-'? .f -
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:.i,i,v? -;-.;:."f--.
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