- c::co:i daily journal; tohtlaijd, friday evening, V,;6ctoeer': ci, "isi3. OlFITlECIUfiEFOH est In Central Washington. E, M. Emlth and F. 8. Compton. box manufacturers of Wenatohee, have taken 2.500,000 board feet of lumber, mostly western yellow' pine. Come Douglas fir, larch and other- species are Included In the purchase and the buyera have a three year cutting period. The yellow pine price la 12.26 per thousand feet, and no 7; f Tlii Fiino Anycao; Can Play ; X7T ' ; syi,;piio;iY. provision la -made for readjustment of X' iyftS- BginnJn'w of Portland's New railroad' Row' ' B, R, Bauingardt Will Speak prices during the cutting period. The lumber la to be used for making apple ;:v:.ON.NOVEMBER FIRST J. ' , ; . on : Wagner Tomorrow. sas3 boxea ana the logs will be hauiea m Jmilee to the- small, sawmill, at We I ORCHESTRA , .; a- y qranr " ' v . , .... I ' -i 1-' . V v Under the auspices of the Portland Educational association, B. R. Eaum gardt, the lecturer, will give an lllus ; trsted lecture ; tomorrow niaht . t the Lincoln high school for the benefit of , the Portland Symphony orchestra. Mr. Eeuragardt hs chosen as hla subject. The Ufa and Alma Of Richard Wer ner," , , ; V : . , k. t '-.,.- Amon those who' will act as patron assea for the lectur era:. :. . V", Mra James B.- Kerr, Mra. X). A. Pat- tuuo, Mlaa Lola Steere, lira, A. B. 8)au aon, Mr, Peutlna MUler-Chspmen, Mra, Max House. Mra.Charlea J. Bchnabel, Mise Edith Kelly, lira.' Jamea Begga, jura. Jierinan -., Burna, Mra, R. W. ; Hoyt, ,Mra. Roaa Bloch-Bauer. Mra. J. V. Logan, Mrs. M. Wiley Jones, Mra. V. S. Myers. Mra. John A. Bell Mra. John Claire Monteltrv Mlsa Cella - Swlsert, , 'Mre. T. J. Gelaler, Mrs. D. J. Malar key, Mra,, Ralph K, Xee, Mra; B, I Thomp son, mra. a. j. Meier, Mrs, Krerett Ames. Mra Jamas 7. Melndoe, Mra. Ed gar B. .Piper. Mlaa Palling, Mra. Robert J-ewis. Mrs, F..M. Seller, Mra. William . I Brewater and Mra. William Blddle. ' i i' i i "f m V"!V''' i UNIVERSITY MEASURE , ' ' ' !" 1 i' i i " Toe Oregon. Society of Englneera re cently paased resolutlone Indorsing tho approprlaUon made by the laat leglala .. ture for lmprovenieots it the Unlveraity , or oregon. The sooiety. which ia com ' posed of over 109 civil, mechanical, elec trical and bydraullo engineers acattered throughout, the state, in its reaolutlon states that the university la In argent . .'need of funds for new bulldlnga and re pairs to present building. . , A belief waa also expressed that the Institutions at Eugen and Corvallls should be property supported and main tained separately. 'The aodety went on record to uphold the action of the legls 'Uture and to work for the paessge of the referendum 1 measure to be Toted upon November 4. , , COLORED PEOPLE HOLD THREE-DAY CELEBRATION With an elaborate -banauet at 610 Clay atreet, under the auspices of the Colored Women's council, a three-day celebration or the fiftieth anniversary of the emancipation of the negro raoe ended Wednesday-Dlght with a banquet. v The celebration began Monday evening and sessions were held Tuaday and Wednesday, when addreaaea by men of prominence were the featurea of the proceedlnga. On Tueaday, Rev, Daniel Drew, an eX-slave, delivered a atlrring addresa Rev. J. X. Crow., spoke the same day on the progreaa ot the race and the status of the negro aa a eltlaen. Dr. Benjamin spoke along the same line during that afternoon. At a subse quent session Governor West spoke of the colored population In this atate, calling particular attention to . their standing as good cltlsena and a class that asks for no speoial favora r : . The meetlnga were held under the auspices 'of the , Colored Men's Pro greselve league and the Colored Wom en's Councils i , - , . j. BETTERMENT ' OF RACE " TOPIC AT LUNCHEON BOX MAKERS SECURE ' , : GOVERNMENT TIMBER .t t ' I II HI ' M ',t'4P- United States District Forester O. H. Cecil baa Just approved of a small tim ber sals In the Went tehee national for-1 Motherhood:, childhood and betterment of the human race made up the toplcaof the annual luncheon of the Oregon Con. gree of Mothers, held in the crystal room of the Oregon hotel yesterday. Plates wars laid for 150 persons, and ths tables wars abundantly decked with dahiiaa - ,v : - ;s Mra R. H. Tate, president of the con gress, presided. The toast list lneluj ed: r "Organised Motherhood," Mrs., Sa rah A. Evans, president of the State Federation ot Women's Clubs; "A Bettir Race," O, M. Plummerj "The Child and tee Movies," Mrs., o. E. tntsj "Parents' Literature Mra George T. Oerllager. of ; Daltae; "The . Physical" Child,- Dr Robert Hall: "The Monteaaorl Method." Mlaa Gertrude Talbot; "Our Future CiU lsena,' Dr. George Reboo; Xur Cltya Children. Dr, Mas CardweUi fOur Own University, Eugene Brookings; Tha Child and theTloma" Mrs. a 1 BuUnX ' X" i' ' - - ' . .' Use common eense buy Superior coal. M ton. .Main 1M; A-IML (Adv.) Journal Watt Ada bring results. . ill " - u- , i y: .iLlAVr , C39S Will BuvIt Th'at is all It 'takes' to secure this splendid t6S0" duality, latest: un-to-date l 88-nbte : PJayer Piano in splendid mahogany and, Qrcassiaii' walnut. "A V'i vashj ip 1 0 Monttily , - Is all ydu.need pay; You can affofd fo pay $5 down' md ilO monthly.' You" , ' can therefore afford - to. have one. of, these fine. Player-pianos sent home.' .Come : today... v mJ "6: Jj a V - - , - 4 ' i 1 Other Pianos, $65i $145, $195,; S210,.Etc.i Player Pianos, $365,:$415, $465,. $565; Etc. ' . TERMS OF PAYMEtTT $1 AND $2 WEEKLY (GRAVES 1WUSIG J 0SREftl0VAL SALE 111 FOURTH STREET. ciiy Ticiict omcc r -1 OF TIIE Cli t fH'. (Ml I . H 1aiaaiiiaiiIBaaMaiaaaaaiaMMawa 3 4 8 W A S H IJiG T 6 ltS T. ; MORGAN BUILDING , r - BETWEEN BROADWAV AD PARK ST3. H. Diclcson, City Passenger and Ticket Afjcnt Telephone! Marshall 3071, A-22CG r 1 "i mmmimmmmmmp- ,"fBj-J' A : -- eaBBBBaBSBSjaasBaaBBBBBaaaaBBsaasBaBBsaBpBaBBessBBesasBBBajB Ml i II riarMiavvY. ; " mm wfi'B. sr. u US IliJr-. mm I ! 4 s V rtv2.." V: i yiT, I ' Uuii.. Mil I it i MI 'HiiifiHimnuHi)).1 ' V TTD 1TD m T 7 Qoses' the Greatest book bartrain ever h.arH 'nf nr'vr tfinuf J of, and is now, being discussed from Maine- to. California V A Dnnli1 sTIraratfeaB-af e f tnnMMnl V' I I i-aV sLf VUaa pJUl. IU111I UlltUUUlU 1 But there's onl this ONE CHANCE left, as the ea ,! to-get" these five beautiful volumes TODAY or' TO-' ' : ' ' MORROW from ' " . TEErJdDIUISRIAIL It' . jj ACT QUICKLY! SUCH AN OPPORTUNITY- TVT T IK WILL NOT CO?,IE AGAIN. GRASP IT IN -VaP ; Mail Ordcrt Must He Potted JJefore Midnight Tomorrow - TOMORROW 1(3 IJvJ;jy!i)-H. Mm OUR GUARANTEE ' The Journal guarantees to' refund .the amount paid by aajr reader who finds after recetvw In , Everybody's Cyclopedia that It la not entirely' aa rep. resented. - ' . ... ,a sa. 1 :' : - 'III i ( i i. 111 iM ' ' ' III : 1 "ill . SajBsBSsVlaSSBBBBBSSBsBBBSBBSnBSBB III! m m t bj 'V''i 111! I I , M - ' i IIIIII II III II I : iri'Mi - ' I I III I .m 1 ; 'il l ' MsA . ... ii: ' (( : III I it ' ill ik - ... J II - hi i I in ii ii i - ' -i ' III I I I tfr 2 1 ' ill QH i Whv takft less or rjav more.1 when vtm j 'M can always get w. w. Mcjarayer s cecur i m ; iroot bottied in, bona -7 to 8 v It is our policy to provide 7 to 8 year ; old Cedar Brook to the dealer, and he can sell it to vou at tha same once . w, M 'vouhavetooayfbTOther4t65year:T Ui . " 1d arlvATtisAH hrtttled In bond .whiskies.." ii1' ,So vou oav no more for the , , At AU Umdlng Km -, Regardless of "shortages' of aged Wi ' . wbitekiea you can always enjoy the famous , - smootn, ncn, meuow, aouue npeness 01 . t Ceefarfirsos, at tha lams rstolar price, if yon only i sjkttarftoafinf !!. ra,cafcs,st. r 4 ILAW". J. ltlUria . sunfll 1 J ROTHCHILD BROS., Distributoro to relieviiiipto: & bodyAvasti producing wic add must be gradually arretted and th blood pmifad. Correct diet is essentiaL Abstain from tia and sunrthirur containiiur akoholt eat meet only onco a day and. take SCOTTS HTJLiIC:i after every meal . ; SCOTTS IKUISIOK makes new Mood fees from the poisonous products wruch irritate, tha joints and muscles; its medicinal force relieves the enlarged, stiffened joints; cr tzzrct SCOTTS EKTjLSiOit stimulates the forces to expel the poisonous acids by Its con p mtrated nourishinjf properties. Physicians kwerywhertprescri nff'a JCMnF;. U. km centrated rwurishinjf properties. jkotf'a Emt$ifn for rhewnaiiszu " l CVEST HLVGOST tiAJ 17. , J SHUSHAN-NA THE NEW ALASKA GOLD DISCOVERY Big Stampede Now On . ' THOUSANDS OP . MEN ars , rashirj ' into ths sew diggings. Tha stampede is - on to Shushanna and promises tjxeclipss ' Dawson and YiikoiL Fortruies are beir j , made. Ws have organised ths first t! ,, rnining and trading company to operats , stores, traduag posts and mines. Original . ground, floor price only ten. cents per (Share. , 'Will "advance k quick and of tea. Small capitalization. Reliable, experience! ' nanafement Bank referencea Our Ct-s.t property la centre of proven rld d! eovery. ; Shares should show IOOT to 'SP profit. Ton f must act quick. r Remit 1 10 for 100 shares. 25 ror 25 0. ISO fol BOO. IlOO tnr M$n faking out hin-f x.eoe. run paid and non- artOS Of dollars daxlu. t aseessaoie. u you want . ftinfil nnll nunnti ' uU Information nil, jty 'ifa ' 1 bingw gold nuggets . coupoa aa(t - iumr r lig a$ ten and twenty t0y. ' o- v dollar goli pteut. . Js " ' .. " " " ssrr rci rococo 17 17 ricru .ilz. rixrs rl villi. f;t:3 lnv::lr::.t & Trust Co. 1 Sec Cocoon on Another Pccc f 1 i ! yymyyy J