The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 24, 1913, Page 14, Image 14

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. FEfu .! AI
- The Sutter Basin aad .the Fellows H
were the only boats to race In the final
of the free for ail, the former .coming
In ahead In 24:65. Thla gave the Butter
Basin the race with 21 points to IT for
the FelJowa. JScamp was third,) with 11
points. . ,' s , i ,l jf
The first senior swim of the T. If, C
A. was a big success.' Walte was the
Small School House May. Be
star, winning one first place and 'three
The results:
i oi demi-nreproor uonsuuc-
l tion; Wood More Expensive.
iO yard swim Watte, first; Cole, see-1
ond; SchwelUer, third. Time, 1 see-1
'f. 1 !': nil'-' ;rr?o. o: n
cavo nnAnn nccn
? On portion of tne report' of tne school
1 (Survey publiBhed yesterday which, 1 of
l articular Interest to the taxpayer! la
In connection with the survey's recom-
fiendatlon reg ardlns , the style of con
traction for school buildings.
While the report roes on record as
' aistlnctljr favoring fireproof construc
tion for all lartfe and permanent bulld-
Inga, It atatea that there should be an
opportunity for . the construction of
" smair j aeml-flrerroof buildings when
; these are . not more than two- stories in
height ' ' -.; ' ' ."
After discussing, the efficiency of fire
drills observed In, local schools, the re
' ', port says; j'ift-'Jvi 'i-l-, .'.
$ Wake permanent Buildings fireproof.
.' J "Since the CtolUngwood. Ohio, disaster,
in " which a number of children were
turned to death In a poorly constructed
wooden building, many Ill-advised lawa
have been enacted In ': various states,
relative ,to the construction of school
tiouses and other public buildings.
While dlstlncUy favoring fireproof con
struction for all large and permanent
school buildings? there Is nevertheless I
auch a thing aa overdoing the matter,
s -In. a d tv auch , aa Portland, where
the centers of population are shifting
o rapidly, there ought to De some op
portunity, at una stage oi ine cure
ieveloDinent to build small seml-flre-
proof buildings,, especially when these
are well removed rrom aanger irom
without Otherwise, the board of school
directors mav be compeued to ris. m&K
Ing wasteful expenditure ; of publio
funds. , ,. .-",. ; .
' "'When a basement Is carefully fire
proofed; chimneys are safely built; all
electrical wiring done under -rigid In-
, spectlon; atalrwaya made or nreprooi
construction, and ample In number; and
sufficient exits re planned, with safety
locks on all doors, the danger zrom lire
within the building la SO very , email
' . that the city -ordinance now . In force
seems too rigid.
- rirst Cost irot Whole Cost t
The first coat tot wooden construc
tion In Portland seems , to be about one
third less than for fireproof conatruc
tlon. The flrat cost. however, la not
the whole cost, Tba cost for Insurance,
upkeep,' and, repairs Is-less for a fire
proof building than for a wooden one.
The useful life of a wooden building
Is from 25 to IS years; a fireproof bulld-
. lng' ought to last century, and ought
not with present types of construction,
to become obsolete for school purpoaea
' for at least twice the length of life of
the wooden buildings provided always
that tho school population does not
move away and leave it,,';' This is a
constant danger which every growing
city faces; If It does, the one compensa
tion lies In the increased value of the
. "The new reenforced buildings of the
Falling- type are reported aa having
cost about S7009 a" classroom, and the
wooden buildings recently ; erected as
having cost about 14500 a classroom.
Thla la an Increase of H per cent In
cost for a building which ought to last
at least twice aa longs ana cov less ior
insurance and repairs In. tha meantime
Figured- ohly on . twice the length of
life though, and. also disregarding In
surance and upkeep, .the nreprooi cmua
Ing is seen to coat at roost but three
fourths that of a wooden building, and
, is thus a more economical typo of build
ing In tho long run. If one Is sure that
the eenters of. acnooi .population wm
remain somewhat fixed for 60 years to
come- " - . .-. . - -,"-:,..:. !
rireproof BaUdlagt Bast,
? Trhis! difference In coat may ;ba, 11-3-nstrated
from present Portland school
ssulldlnxs.; ; For example, tno jenerson
high school building cost but 60 per
Jcent of that of the new Lincoln high
School, a building of somewhat similar
(rapacity, but the Uncoln high school
(will outwear the Jeiierson mgn scnooi
"two or three times; has practically no
to yard swim Schweltser, first;
Waite, second Cole : third, Time, ti
seconds.. '' 'f'": - - '
Diving, 60 points possible Cole, flrat
44 points; walte,: second, 4s H points;
Ffaender. third. 89 points.
Running dive for dlstanceCole, first
62 feet 10 ' Inches; Waite. second, 48
feet and Ffaender,' third, 48 feet 8 1
Inches.: "' ,;:" -.j, . ;. ;
A meet will be staged tonight between I
the high school students of the main I
association and the Sellwood T. M. C. A. I
Pleasant 'Hill, Or.. Octt J. "Home
Coming Day" Is to be observed Sunday j
In connection with the services at the I
new Christian church here, on the alls!
of the first church In Lane county. The
new building was completed early in
the summer, but has not been formally
dedicated. All the old pioneers are ex
pected to attend the services again this
week. Bev, T. a. Handaaker, of pioneer
stock, will preach the morning sermon.
Chehalls, Wash.. Oct 4. This city ts
assured an extension school for farmers
for six days, opening November 10. The
state college has promised 10 of Its
ablest .Instructors for the meeting. and
nearly 200 local farmers have signed
pledges to attend. The proposed school
for Centralia will likely not be held.- but
60 having signed, and these will be In
vited to attend the Chehalls school.
New fork, - Oct 24. Mrs. Kmmeline
Fankhurst the English militant suffra
gette leader, left here today for Cleve
land, the first atop on a lecture tour
which will Include aeveral middle wast.
era cities.
Irving Grange ' Growing.
Irving. Or., Oct- 14. Irvine- a-ranae
has added 11 new members so far - In
the month of October, bringing - tnf
present membership uo to 90. .t It la
planned to have the Oregon ' Agricul
tural college now an institute here dut.
Ing November.
Did - You Lose or Break Your i
Go to Omtr Rlltwrnatnln Ida nntM.a
Tou will have an exact duplicate, or
vaiKu '( i ana i , win cost you j
'hi. ib,si, (Adv.)
.Use common sense buy Superior coal.
88 ..ton.. Main 164; A-164L , Adv. I
Only a few more days before the old fa
miliar . Robinson & Co. ' . store closes its
doors forerer and goes down in the great
est blaze Jf value-giving ever seen, on the
Pacific Coast. ; . y:Jir'
'Suits and Overcoat, Fall mni Winter styles anal ma
terials, bought for aa exclusive trade Merchandieo
thai mad m reputation or Oie house) of Robinson A
Co. throughout a oven stataa has bom slashed, slaugh
tered, mercilessly , eacriflcod. Nevw beloro has auch
carnival el bargain boon, held. , Never before has
uch a golden opportunity preeonted Itself to tho
buying public I ''';;J.' ' '-,-:::'f.y. '' .;,v': .'JVo':
Com la tomorrow and join tho multitudes that
are taking advantage of this last Torrifte Sleughter!
1000 Nisw $1.5Q
and $2.00 Shirts
i mm m m mi
1 1 w x 'i iiif i t f m
t III" S II I 111! tw
Only 748 of these .wonderful Suits re-4
$ main for- this last heart-rending sacrifice !
After a few more days the house, of Robin
son & C and the merchandise they sold
will . be but a memory to the. men of the '
Pacific Coast who have come here to buy.
' Founded on tho principle that only' the latest style ,
should be offered at thja etoro, Robinson & Co. were '
unable to stand tho financial strain anal WENT BANK
RUPT. . Hot is tho last remaining suite . of . their
' stock, together with special purchasers to fill in aize.
Now very thing goes at prices beyond reason and ,
without a 'parallel in ,tho annals of merchandising.
' Don't delay I Come aa aoon aa the doors awing
ooen tomorrow morning I Take advantaao of tho :"
few remaining days of this 'gigantic, hiftory-making
i .slaughter, .: c.'X::i;v t
Atit KiH !; I Oatwiewe
rxiiy f cut -a i km uuci
Any Fancy
Vest, up to
Fixture mid Stock; remaining when we cIom9
oar doort : forever - will be told fn a lamp for '
cashi No reasonable offer ' refused ; ; n
150; Dbzen
15c Collars
- av '
5 Hab. neW
soft and stiff
o$2o4S : I
$2.00 White
Plaited Shirts
$4.50 praJe $2.45
$6.50 grade $3.95
$8.50 grade $4.95
V am -. M M II i II A. 1vW : II II
iiw i n i now hi. a - i rvii mi' -m i i i-, nnw irm r-r
"m '. . Ji er,. m II II '. ""F -jbk , IB sea II II aw ww tisisBa Bk II
iflre risk; 1 and will ' cost but little for
Vfpalrs; while repairs at tho Jeiierson
lilgh school will . be both ; large and
: (costly,
t Based . on first " cost the Jefferson
. fhlgh school ' Is a 40 ' per - cent cheaper
Shuildlna;; , based on repairs and maln-
aenance coats and a life of only twice as
hong, the Lincoln high school will prob-
Jably- prov to be 60. per cent ; cheaper
t Jbulldlna;- .than the Jefferson. Similar
hJlfferencee might bo shown as between
. tho new, reinforced concrete Falling
building and one of the more recent
'. rvooden construction schools, suoh as
the tients, or the Olencoe. The only
i difficulty about fireproof construction
i im that mentioned, above, namely, of
Ixiing certain where the school children
fcvill live CO years hence. Even this Is
iot as Important as It at first seems, as
there miKht be an actual gain In selling
Ihe sjte 60 years hence."
ntllsboro, Or, Oct. 24. An Important
real estate deal was closed In this cf.y
this week when the Washington County
Abetract company transferred to W. H.
towns of Backs and Buxton, In the
, or warn pan or this county.
i It is said to be the purpose of the
purchasers to put in a logging railroad
, and construct a large sawmill at anu
The tract of land Is covered with one of
me nnest ooaiea or timber in the coun.
y. -It will take several years to log
iiie u"uer un.
- .. . . -
Eugene, .Or., Oct. 24. The Southern
r-aciric company put a steam hovi i
;PraUon at the gravel pits rfecently
fcought by i the company near Natron
r.nd work trains wlU at once begin to
take out gravel to ballast the new Wll
amette Pacific railway, extending from
vu. ui, w im coast. There la enoueh
pravfl thereJt. is-eatlmated, to gravel
h..wh,"n! from M' clty Marsh,
field. ' It la expected that the pit will
te used for the next two years.
Pan Francisco. Oct 14. -After wlfh
rawing from the restricted speed race
re yesterday afternoon the motorboat
eUows It of Xos Angeles sank off the
arrleon street wharf near her; moor
Ka The boat's propeller struck a piec
ed rift and tore a hole in its side. Cap!
In Joseph Fellows, and his engineer
ere taken off before tho boat, went
' , i i
The Fellows n vlll be raised, as she
nit In comparatively shallow Water, -
4 .
; . ; The' makers of the Bradbury- System employ k
the. higtiest class of 'skill and brains; iff ;the 'prpduc-' ; ; ;
nut ui tutu uiuiucd. -' --i uu i uuduij uu iiui caiic m .
that? it's ; throughn; enormoiisi; output" only , that - -( f
they. . are enabled, to give you the benefit ' of siich-: ;
skill '. ancj brain at a price you are generally accus- .
We'd like to have you try on a garment of two: '
tomorrow. rTake Viaf efurnote of ; the way it fits--A
examine the fabric, look carefully,t)vei ' the way4ts J -
tailoredwhether the; garment is $20.00 or $40.00, - '
you've seen.
; There are hundreds of ne.wtyles here for, your Xr
choosing.;' 'A style, a shkde,.a pattern to suit your' -fancy.
'- 9 rlx'i 'y 'W
rurnisning section
. .You'llRridlheeVest
Sfrff and 'Soft Hats, SHoes,iShir
''Jt-WV., wi uu uuwixjudUUM 1UU 4lAIUiUdIJ ; V
rav rnfi ;Msvjwnv
If You:Wi$h
'.'A:; ''"''i:l '''Vy.'rii
Open a charge.account??M$: -wat. sparrM;'n;e-gi
va-jji i v ui lid. villi ; i ie i rr.x i V-. mrmpv. in ; ra v,Tnr.' vniir?. .1
purchases ;and it-wot ast'youhvMft
405 Washington
Dlreet at Tenth
Creait Institution : ;
C Z3 " l' . '..0
Si lliiaf :
v 1:1" it, imcaii alaVlngr frpifn' early ;tnorning5 till M-afternoon In dutydirtgerm-Uditn air? " , j v
5,'VDoerit meaaan;term J'4 ?i J
.f,?' .5 '6r':46e li'to&a :aaot'''or ''ofeasf labor ? .1 ' 1 l' ",' V l '
' . ' V , , , ' . tat , I i'fe i ';- s
' 4 d cleaning day lose, all its terrbrs. ' "-''l,
" ' For the 8IMlUCXTY.'do'es ''i'e'iaril' :wwic'or yotOM' s TrP
; aucka up dirt and duat and germs with the Speed of a whirlwind,: It U so simple) and easy to: run that ' ; - 5 ' ? ;
child can operate it and. feel that she is indulging in gentle play. It. Ulsoi strohfir and ' rugged .that the -WUr
: most careless servant cannot break it 3 For the SIMPLICITY, Is different from all other; sweepers ; i ;y ')':
Strongef;simple more; fficient,;mor economical.
feP0 ''ipecial:nnfement;witli'.i 'the' nMafactttrers;' we,'tr 'sellina;l12 troupi'ol eTectric appliances '. . ,
,s each group, consisting 'of a SWEEP 'CLEAfT and your choice of two I other appliances (such t ar irons, I'-kp,
ji;::toaaters,:percolators,.!r4iafing:..;dishesf j -B''r-
yjy The regular price for any. of these groups would be $50.(XT or more7 but1 duetto' tnis special arrange- t kr
fthentyou: get your choice of any group for only f3O.OO$3.O0 down and J3.00 per month.',- . "
j'S i; It; By presenting the ?11.(X) coupon which each custorher recelves by mail, you may become the proud L
' owner of' the wonderful Simplicity Sween-Clean and two other? eniarantil "ann1ianea.'-fn nnl tMnrr M ' ? ;
iting tne n.w coupon.wnich. each custorher'recelves by mail, you may become the proud
Wonderful Simplicity Sweep-Clean and two other guaranteed aooliance.' fo
1 It you did not receive a coupon by mail, call at the Electric St6rc this 1 week and get one. Groups on 1
display at the ELECTRIC STORE. ' .V - : ': 'a ''i -
iPortlahd R
Valenuifjfg, Ywicouver, Wast