THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. ' PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 22. 1913. i SCARCITY OF - ALFALFA HAY, IS SENDING, THE PRICE HIGHER; HERE CHICKEN TRADE HAS AVEAKER TONEVITHA MB PRiCE TODAY V Market Shows: Cleap-Up . Sales of ' Hens, Down to 13 Y Cents Per .(' " ' ' " ' , " -VV T- Pound; Soma Receive Fraction , More but Cannot Clean l'p. ' 4 Today's Produce Trad, - Poultry trade weaker. 4 -Chicken supplies liberal, v' "Hgg continue firm. r v v 4 f, Some ehade butter price. 4 Hops are very weak. ' Country hogs in demand. . 4 r homy cabbage remains firm. , Apple situation strong. 4 Potatoes very quiet, ' e e . '... -' nr ." weaker feeling In the chicken trade along Front street during iv. ia 91 hmiH ami, a further reduc . '' f V tlon in the price haa been forced. Safes i- ui cleanups wen nww w - v ' ' a pound for hens, wits springs generally ' ' 5 at 15a- Some of the trade received 14e for their hana,- but were unable to clean up at that figure. . - ' . , . Receipts'-of poultry are Increasing v along the street, and there is a notice able lack of Snap in the general trade. Kven turkeys, which have been In rather Uberal request with limited arrivals up :.'v':.-:-:-ts this time, are today showing anee!er .'."''." '-feeling, with somewhat more -liberal offerings. While sales are still being - i ' made for live birds at313Zc a pound, ' . the market lacks the snap in buying, so ? prominently shown heretofore. ; ; .; : i: ' (Somewhat mors liberal supplies' of ' ducks are coming forward. - The market . ; . U-rather quiet, owing to the fact that ; ft the Chinese lia,ve not been on the street , in any great numbers during recent ; .Jdays. As they are the principal buyers of ducks here, the market is naturally ''i Qulet owing to their absence. ; v , 'potatoes; arm -very slow, "' A very slow trade 1s shown In the po tato market, An advance from Texas aaya that 32 cars were recently rejected f in oner city there because of the very . liberal offering; by Idaho and the lower ; , : .rlce that stocks are obtainable at:;, - .' EXCELLENT CALL FOR HOGS ." , f -J - -, 5 '; S'.l A -very good tone Is showing In, the '- local-hog situation' for country killed offerings. Receipts alone the street are extremely limited, and the price Is held firm at 12a a pound. Veals are weak at former prjeea. , . , ' CUTTING BUTTER PRICES ; X While general, quotations on .butter wre-vahowing : no change,it is reported ' that some of the leading makers are re ducing --their quotations about - 2o a v ' pound.-: The weakness is due to the ea ' ' aler feeling in the south, as well aa tbs ' , JTear of foreign shipments. f. " PEACH MARKET; VERY POOR. I J Extremety poor tone Is showing in the ' . market for peaches. Holdings' along . the street i continues very heavy... One . J' pleading .house reports the sale of a big : able oft fruit of good jalitvai;. to 50e a box. ONIONS. ARE VERY SCARCE v Supplies of onions along; the street '" are very scarce. Growers continue to . bold, and even the recently, advanced quotations nave ranea io loosen mora 'than a nominal amount of stock. 'Job bing prices' therefore firmer, TRADE HERE ' TODAY Trade Is Stagnant : With the Prices Quoted Nointnallr Lower; ' Re- . ' porta Indicate That Wg, Interests Are in Combination. ' - There is a very quiet tone In the hop trade and values are generally consid ered lower. - Titers ts sn almost . total lack of business available at the mo ment, and it would be extremely hard to say what the exact price is today. -Nominally '-the market, has beoa placed' at flac at pound for bast quality offerings by (the local trade) but ther seems to be .little , desire - to take bold even at this helaht. :. Foreign, markets ' continue - rather neglected and there are no reassuring cable from abroad to atimulate the market here. - It appears as if triers (s a concerted action among leading inter ests to .break the price of hops, v Most of the Oocal Interests have old their speculative purchases, -therefore are not desirous of high values at this time. - In some quarters it Is asserted that there la a combination . among leading world's interests to hold off purchases oi nop until ine price-nere arops iq 20a a pound. Whether this is so or not cannot be confirmed, but it is a fact that many of the leading interests are working very close together and-whenever a grower offers hops at Salem it is - instantly known- at - Portland , by means of the long distance telephone. llATflHlORSM.iM Chicago Market Closes H to. ?, Cent Higher After Opening With ' a -Smart Loss.- - CRAB FIGHT IS WAGING i A rather fierce fight Is waging for control of the crab trade of this section. 'Values are being cut by some of the ex clusive crab houses, and this has caused jVea-ular wholesaler fish Interests to join the fight v Prices are now evwvlower -than a. year ago In some quarters. ' FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS ; Weather bureau sends the following notice to shippers: - - - Protect shipments aa far north as Se - "attle against, minimum temperatures of . ebout 44 degrees; northeast to Spokane. 41 degrees; southeast to Boise, SO de - .c-rees; 'south to Siskiyou, 40 degrees. Jvllninjuin-temperature at Portland to night, about, 48 degrees. . ,, - PORTLAND JOBBING PRICES ' ' These erlees are these it which wbolMalers til to retailers, except erherwbe states': i BUTTIR Nominal. , Oreanery eubet, 84c; ; ttt ertfmery. 82Q88c; naeh batter, SSa. , . t - EGOa Nnmlnal. Candled local extra, 3e; eleet pallets. S7c c eoant, 8o; spot bin-In . price, S3e t .o. b, PortUndi atarage, , L1VH POfLTBY Here iSWJ4ej. sptlniM 'SUti atxa. 12c; set, 12c; Pekin dneka, 14Q9 ' 15c; Indian Runners, JOifltllci tnrker, Sic, :' dreiaed 2Scj plgon; old,, f 1; oung 1.60 . -" donen. " .-' - ' CHEE!E NominiL Vretb Orecen finer fun . ' ereem twlni aod triplets, ITe; dallies, irviet young America, 18Hc. BUTTEH PAT -Prodacetf price for Fortlasd flelhrery. per lb.. 84e. , ' , , . , U Eers.-Veol aa4 Kldas. ' ' HOPS Buying price, tholpe, 83e: prime, 42c s -medium to prbue, 22c; medluis, 20c. , , ' " : WOOI-Nunilnal, 1MB vlip.:, Wtllgneiu Vii. r coane Cotiwold, 18o. Ilk mtdlum Shrop. hire. ITe: choice User Iota, 18o lb. eaitera Oreaun, lOQISc, aecordlng w ahrtnkaga. VV CU1TT1M OR CASCARA nA8K lilt. . car lot, Set lew than ea lot. 4M. l IOHAIU 11 NOmlnul SOc . ' , " I11DK8 Dry hide, Iil022e lb. : greea, llel : salted hide, lie; bulls, neea Hit, Se; kips, 2ttl0e; nhres, dry, H2ici eU aklaa, Mlted .- ar green. lTfl8e; gren kid, 1 Urn taaa xialUds abwp pelt, salted, hearings, luQaooi tPGAB Cobe. 5.80 oewdered,; S.M; trait Jvr berry, IS.WJJ et. (.; dry arasulated, 9i.V ti llow. 14.40. (Above suouUom are no dr net cart.; BicfcJipaa trie. No. V. taiet N-w Orleani, bead. iU1e; Creole, , - , HON BY New. $2.78 per etae. i : , BKAK8-8mll white, 2-M: large Whit. ' plug, 4ie Uaws, )4) plnka, e baye 8ALT Coarae, half grona, 100a, 110 per , -ton; 60 liaT6 table Oslry. 60. 18s Joa, 'lll.BOi balMk (2.25i extra flna birU. B4. aa ' nd ids, 5.2Se.00 lump rock, $2040 pr toa ( -: j, iih aa arvTuiena. MtLSSBD MEATS (felling pric Coantry i tilled. Hoga, ncy, 12oj ordinary, He: : '.rough and heary, 8c; fucyeal, Ijcf or dinary, lltac; poor, B1(X-; Ias)b, JOe; nuttoa. a..... .ut Whl Al UAM8, BiroN. KTO.-lUm J0ffl22e; brek. rt bacon, 1028c bolted baav SOss picnic, tlJMiCl eotuita ( ). K1KATS i'acklnc houM tr. No. 1 (rek, iJ'ie; cow, No. 1 tock, 12Hc; ew, Hc; : -werner. S4e: lamba, llfll ixirtt loloa,. toe; dyeed hog. 18tt. Oi STICKS Sholwater tr. per galloa per 100 lb. sack i ulvmpia, per (dlon, ' 8.M; per loo lb. sack ( j eannod. :, r&e can; I8 60 donsi extern. In atiell, fl.toa v 8.00 per 100) raaur cum, U.0O&2.2S box. i - iARD Tierce, -1214c; compound, tierce, ll'lC 1 y t'l8I-Komlnl. Dreuod floaaarv Tes hell SPOT CASH FOR YOUR Eggs, Poultry, Hogs, Veal Net Drlcea t Hairy butter 20c o. I). Portland. o c6mmllon. Hen inn (nrlnr. . lum Mci duck, lH2r; turkey, 18tf lc;. gcene. SylOc; fancy porx, juifjui laucy, iiai.x-; ra- rar bark 5c lb. Ship u fur, wool and hide.' Writ for any prli-ee wanted. ( ah by return wall. Price In effect nntlt further no lle. KURT CO,, 107 Front Bt Portland, Qt, Anets J0,0Q0.00,. -; . . . - I tv rhfjiavA' .-4 .Thrw,, a - firm tone after the Initial weakness, and the wheat market closed with .a net gain of jc ror uecemoer and He ror May, ... ... OPfiBra ,waa -nnaMarahla wtnlinaaa at the onenlnr. and values were to M-c below the finals of yesterday. The low mark was made at the start, while clos ing prices were either a( the high point or within a fraction of it. . . . Broomhall cabled from LlveTpool that the wheat market opened steady. Later there was - free realizing on the weak ness In o Wlnnlnea- vesterdav nressure of near Manitoba offers, and increaaed Canadian visible supply. The weaknesa in porn neipea toe aeciine. . Rsnse of Chicago srices furnished br Overbeck Cboke Co., 216-217 Board pf raae uuiiaing. - 'k,.- , . WHEAT ' : , . Open. 5 High. S-'t'i Ml KSi 8li 89 .8014- : COBS " t 68 10 i 43 42Vk PORK .-i- 108T 1055 1050 1919 Jin, .,,.,.,,.1033 1MT . loa 104T A May 1003 1002 104T 1062 B - s BIBS ,. Oct. . 1038 J J04B ' 103.1 1048 . Jin. 1030 ' 103T - 1027 1037 B lay : .1047. 10X 1042 r 1065 . EASTERN FRUIT MARKETS rt : ,,4 Oregon Anjou Pears Sell 'ott 'JVew , - York Auction at $3,70 a Box; , f Bosc Halves at fl.tW. ! Month.- ' Pec. 4', tf . Way j.,... iuly Pee. Mar July Jan. May 674 n4 41 Cloe.T S4VB 88 '4 B , HB TftliA WA 3 ions 1947 i 39 : 42 42 inr.2 107.0 i itu nmnc uionrn AND STOCKS SCARCE Local Bids Are Up to $13.83 With - Only a Small Supply 'Available Small Amount of Wheat pesired by Japan at an Advance, WHEAT CARGOES QUIfef London, Oct. 22. Wnaat cargo on quiet. Kugllab country market quilt. trench country noarkeU y, , - ,v ::. ' T)XBEIGM WHKAT MAItKETS : - Mrerpeol Wheat rloeed , Hd ' low. Bcrlln Wheat- closed luwer. Vudaptbeat ckned He low. . Antwerp W boat 'elod lowr. , .Pari Wheat closed 14il4o, lower. . ' POBTUAND CHAIN BECEIPT8 -Cr- piwife Monday Tuediy WludayA irar ' sv t -..... . Deaaon to datl.. . Ver ngt .. Wheat. Barley .ikur.Oati.Ha.T. 173 7T 40 ' HO, .34 ,91 HI "Si v 1 it oo , ID 7 IX 14 Tf .741 10 4 8 a 74o 20 13 13 6 (2 Ida The scarcity of alfalfa hay Is causing much concern among tidewater Interests, and bids are higher. Even these are not sufficient td Induce general offering by the interior, for the very good reason that stocks Ahere are much lighter, than had been generally anticipated.: Bids for No. 1 alfalfa nere nave c-een advanced to il3.0vgpl3.3B a ton, ana stocks offering at the advance are very small. Demand is far better than sup. plies, . . wnus mere is s iirninr wire it-"j in the hay market and timothy la show ing considerable strength, no further changes in tne price are innuuncau uoi a. There Is a mixed tone In the wheat trariat. ITne noma time Jacan haa been endeavoring to purchase club wheat at extreme low prices, both, here and on the Sound, .a As a rule these value ware be. low what intarasts here had been bidding for milling account. The result is for an Immediate small supply. Japanese buy ers have ol vanced their blda a cent a bushel. This is the extent of the strength In the trade. The Oriental call is confined entirely to club and red fife; the latter being; about Ho lees than the fTher,general foreign situation In the tri la atlUf very weak. Insofar as cargoes sre concerned, there is no de mand whatever. No recent sales have been reported by Pacific Northwest par ties. uoneiaering inia; uiauiK. jiurry caused by the Japanese business is of very small moment, because It would take but little to fill the wants of the trade there. . - - t Coarse grain markets continue to show a neglected tone; and prices are a till on a nominal basis. . - Today's general grain mantel range: WHKAT Nominal producera'... prices. track basis: - Club, 7sc;, milling . blue stem, Sec: Turkey red, 33e: forty-fold, 7c; red Russian and hybrids, ?6c; val ley, 7 c bushel. , .: - v. t " . BARLi-i iNomlnal producers'. prices, track basis: Feed, 123.60. 4.00;. brew ing J2o.0025.60; rolled. 125.50 per ton. SATS New, feed, " (34.(0; Wiling;, 325.60 per ton. , . FLOUR Selling Mice: Paten U 34.70; Willamette valley, 34.70; local atralght. 33.86)4.10; export, a,ij..u; paaers. I4.60W4.IU.' HAY Producers prices: Willamette valley timothy, fancv. 314014.60; east ern Oregon-Idaho, fancy timothy, 3.15,60; alfalfa, l$13.00ttl3.35;. Vetch and oats. 111.0012.00; clover, 3-.OOOlO.oo per ton. ' v MILLSTUFFS Selllns; price: Bran. 331.00; middlings, 330.00; -shorts. 12,6.00 ner ton. GRAIN BAOS No. 1 Calcutta. 3 c - , CLOVER SKED Buying price: No. 1. red.- country points, 3c; Tortland, 10c; Alaike,' t14c,-.v.-r-.-- f , - a cmr HOGS DECLINE r.wt.s-j w- 'J).1 "' " " I1 11 "tt;.,d;-Jl-''' t";i? Price I Off i 5 to 25c From Yester- - dayj Cattle Show 'Weakness. .,: ' ' Kansas City,' Oct 3S.T-Hogs, AH,00. Market lc"to IBo lower. Tops, tt.qbr . Cattle 12,000. ' Market ateady . io weak. ,t ' , . V Sheep J6.000. i ' Markets ateady v to strong. - v . ,, f . - JONATHAN APPLES ARE mi lit ir vnrt i r in t i ri n if n rriirrt lin vnirjr- i may in fir-Aii v i ir-nrjr-ii M NO: PORTLAND YARDS WITH LIBERAL DEMAND PflD &?Wr ,ty v.- not,-r,( ,i,.j.i-j..-iMwaawsia Sales Are Made at Pecline of 15 s to 25 Cents WIUi Further Blinrp Price Concession in the ISast; Cat tle Situation Xcss Favorable. e 4 e e e 4 e e) - r Today's livestock awiiki v.- North Portland Hogs and cat tit lower, sheep firm. Chicago Hogs lower, cattle gnd sheep steady. 1 ' 1 - ,v.,J . Kansas City Hogs lower, cat tle steady tOrWeak, sheep active tq strong, j- fl South Omaha Hogs lower, cattle and sheep steady to : - ' , POBTUKI) UVEHT0CK BCN . ' Hog. Cattle. Calve. TSbeen. ; New Tork, Oct. 32. Through auction today 42 cars of deciduous fr.ult! Win tor Nells, 33.16, halves, 11.60; 3 cars Ore gon pears, d'AnJou, 32.79; Boso halves, l.(6; Comics halves, 31.3003.00 3 cars Washington - d'Anious, 3-. 49, -halves 1128! H ram Waahlnatnn annloa. Jona- ihans 31.30, Homes 3L60 to il.BO; pears, XORTIfVVE9T . BANK ' STATEMENT tAn in Kit nwtr. A nnlaa utMiiv , ... !7 . Chicago Throug auction today 31 J V - v " 4 , -;CZr'T. i cars Colorado Jonathans: Extra .?, j , " Portland Bask. ' 1 El ohnln. 11 lit- Anr Win...., , C Mr - . .; .1 J fi Tkl Wk. " :T1I . . ' ' J ' . . ' . . . 1 ....... .... - "- An ,M IT AA . 14 Oi , fAl OlM 1wndsy ....-'..;..: .Ml,eoj, f.AMl.3 717 : BftT ..- 80(1 ' 1 1S3 ,.179 . ,i iat ... s ,. CS4 301 ,. 4:w ,. AOS 11 , , 651' - . 44 1 331 ' una ' 4 ,T 901 2JM Trednaaday-... THday .v. .. Monday . Saturday , .... Friday Thuraday ..... Week o .... Yea at . . Two ytars ago ' There f was a weaker tone for awine and cattle) today at North Portland. .The weakness t In the : hog' trade was th direct result of the sharply lower prices that have been put Into effect at otiwr stookyard points la the country. Values tm morning were considered 16 to. Sic lowar than yesterday here. There w another big run for the day, totala be Ing 777 head and this caused buyers to lower their prices sharply. - At Chicago there was a weaker ton-) In tn hog trade for the day r values being 10 to 20c lower than yesterday, -. Kansas City bog trade showed severe weakness . with a loss of IS to -6o trpm yesterday. . Bouth Omaha hog were , weaker with a Iom ot. 16c this morning. - Today'H general hog market range: Top killers 3 8 59 Good and light 8.40 Heavy . 8.-5 Kough and Sieavy 7.5007.75 , ..... Oattia Trads Zs Blow. , Slowness is showing in the trade for lattle at Nortlt-- Portland.- T'jere wak quite a fair run for the day and buyers were Inclined to the bear side, in fact there were . none present that really cared to buy at all this morning. General conditions in the cattle trade here are weaker especially for poor to ordinary stuff. While prices ,have been nominally steady, td" firm at.. former prices for select duality, so little of the latter haa - been - received here recenty that if can scarcely be considered a real market factor.- i. ' -At Chicago there was a ateady tons in tHe cattle trade for the day. . : .' Kansas " City cattle market, -ruled' ateady to weak at former prices. Bouth : Omaha . cattle . market was steady .to strong today. - - i Today general cams maraei range-. .3 i 7.76 7.VU 7.25 7.00 'O 9.11 6.50 4.5005.00 .6S , 6.50 VAAI 11 A O.OVV47V.VV I I I 4 " - SiU f viivv T - v - v iiraB extras 31.70, fancy 31.44; car Idaho, Jon athans, extras 11.65. Xanoy ,31.44; car Washington Jonathans, -extras, - 31.37. fancy, 11. 38; part car California Winter Nells, 32.03; Buerre Kaster, 11.61; Ore gon Buerre Easter marked d AnjoU ex tras, 33.14; fancy. 31.30. r, s OMAHA HOGS DOWN ;TODAr - Market Props y to $7.6 for; Tops j With Lost of 15c for the Day. : (Speeial to The Jonrnal.) -' ' South Omaha,- Oct ; S3. Cattle Re celpts 4400; market steady to strsng steers, 38.6.0O0.10; eowa . and '. heifers, 33.36QT.60; atockers and feedera,. 37.00 7 76. ' Hogs r market' -16c ob: neeeims euuo: lower ae (.6P . i-v v.. 1 Bheep - Receipts ' 80J)00; market Steady to strong yearlings, 3M543 6.65; wethers, 34.36(94.70; lambs,, 39,75 f7.5;- ewes,, CHICAGO HOG9 SLUMP 1 t , , Salea Are , Made at Loss of ' 1 0 to kUmda 1 ,, i ; 2,621,088.U 'X977.W8.40 Week V date ... . .37t..lsV aa,a, riearlDKS lialaDceS' Clearings Balaaces . . , . ..::..32,T2,774.W) 1 m U n. ,.., . VJfcV.W.W Ttoxnh Banks,., 20 Cents; Tops Drop to f8.20.v Chicago, Oct 22. Hogs, J6,000j .left Oven 8967.; run year ago 23.000. Market 10c to 20o lower. Mixed and butchers', 37.4601 8.20: good and heavy, 37.708.16; rouch and heavy, 37.407,70; light, S 10. . ' T Cattle 17.000. Market steady.' Bheep37,000. Market ateady. ' kut, 7Q0I striped biaa, 17C; ehlaodh.aalm, Sc; steelbead ( ); cole. f lb. ' thiimpa, l2Viei Ptrcb. Se lb.; lobafer. 30o lb. t bUck bau, BOel U?er tmalt, ku shsd. Sot black cod. el turaon. 1221Se Ih. , " ' - ' ' CRAS Large, M swdlam. 31 dotes. -Fruit sad Yitabl. 1 ' TRKSH TauiTS Orange. 5.60(a.OO; bl naoaa, 4H06 lb.; lemon, 38(9: lime;- 3160 Mr 100: aranefrutt. CaUtornl. IS.aiii tln-iria. S; plneapplaa, 6H417o Ib.t. casUloup, 12.90A 3-78; peachea. fmcy,, 40BOc; ordinary, tool 1214c par id, oaaaai,.. ototr ' Tarlatlea, ' 1 1 Ml! noin. - , " VEOBTABU;8 lurnlp. BOiftflOc; heels, 3lfl I. 16; carroi. 3101-6. paranlp. H01.15 ,cki cabbage, Sl-26; local tomato, ateoc box! atrtng bean ( );. green eniona, ., ive par doaeu biimbe; pepper, bell, eloe; kd fct. tuce, 20Me doien: celery, eOtt76c: egg piint. 7e; eaulttlowar, 1.25(ul.60 dosvii) thubarl., i! al ( ); artlvhokea, 31 duaeoi aprouta, SfiJIOe: ploeb, locl ( ) lb. p, 0ttfc) gnea corn luwi-e par doats. . fikltRieS Hueklbrrle. 9e lb. AU'LEB Spltaenberg, l.O0ja00; Northern gpy, ll.UXKt.75; JunaiJiiB, 31.o0u2.00: Itbode Ilnd Greeuins. 3LOO(al.2R: Winter Banana. tlMfittbOi OUley, 1.25(ftt.78; OraTen.teln, II. 0041.75 per bua; eouklog grade, 75ctill.00. POTATOES) Belling , price: Extra ebole! 11.15(M1.2Si holee, .31.15 ordlaaryv 31.00 rk! buying prlue, exrlnada, bOiKToe, eouauy point; weeta, 2c, lb. , , , 0NION8 Jobbing price, "1.73: carload bay. Ing price. '3J-W f ,.P. " blpplng ; utloo; garlic, bttOe lb. s raints and Oils. -. UK8BKO OIL Haw bbla, OlM per gaLl kit. lie boiled, bbla.. Sic al.( raw e, S4ot bollad taa, Uo.gL loU ot 2M gallon. Is t tl enke $44 pr ton. ,1 -WHllK L;A1 Ton kit. 8 per Ib.t too lb. lotu ke per lb. lea lota, 8Vke-pr lb, --i OIL MKAlr--Cailoud lota, fill. . ' lUKPiiMIKaT In casta, 7!oj weed barraU, TOc; trim barraia, tiic par galloni 10 lota, ;. ,-,., , , ,; . ,. . a .- 4d,602.0f Baa Francisco Proddce Bfarket. V ' San Francisco, fictt I2.-p-Vbeat Club. 31.-46H 1.47; northern bluestem, 31.60(S)l.74 5 .Turkey red. il.hbttlHl fed Hussian,' l.46 1.47 Si , forryfuIJ. 31.6244 31.6..: :v' i ."..-.-...' i Barley Good to choice, feed, 1.37Vfc 1.40; lower grades, 31.30(916; ship ping and brewing, 1 1.40 01.41, 1 ' ---Butter Extras, , 31Hc; prime . firsts, SOo; firsts. 2c, i - Eggs Extras, 61c; select pullets, 4c; Storage; sxtraa. 31c-. . -v jciieese Oregon, 13c: -Young 'Amer ica, 17 o; California. 16ei7Hc; Young America, 16 13c; eastern. 16 H3 30c. 1 -Potatoes Per' eental. delta whites,' 75CIS31J,. fancy, ;31.051.10; Sallna". 11.852.00, - Oreron Burbanks, 31.33b ' Onions Per cental, sliver skins, 31.. 3 Oi.60. : ' ,,--. '- i V". r. --a-,-.; v- ' V'!-J-1 Seattle- Produce Market. v-;: ' Seattle.t Oct.. 32,-B-gS Select 'ranch. 48ej April storage. 30 east ern, 36c. v i - ' ' , - Butter -Waahington creamery -Cubee. 34c; city creamery bricks', -36c: 'freh eastern. 0 Sic, Oregon, . 80 3) 31c. f CheeseTillamoek', 18c Young Amer icas lHc: Washington twins, 18; trlp-1st",-130; AVIsconsin twins, ; 18c; Onions California yellow. 2 2 Uc lb.; local 31.60i61.ii saclut . ' . - potatoes -r Home grown, v 1718; Yakima gems, 3-8(26- ton. - - - is-K :"v':,'"!-U ' 11 1 " """ : , PoUtoes of Fine Quality. - f -A sample Sack of. "six weeks" potatoes has been received by C S. Jackson, pub lisher ot "The' Journal. The potatoes were of - extremely" good Quality, and were of .favorable else..- - All- the stnt.-at was bright ahd without blemish. They were grown by-J. Brady, on rural route No. 2, During recent .years there has been quite an Increase in the amount of this . variety, planted . 1m Oregon- .The stock finds a good demand on the mar ket: t"- 't- A '- ' VrfVr'V', J? ' h'v" ' F V'"V eakaaMeHkaaaaaaTsTsVataaaaBBHSaBiaa -j yJ- ,' -i, v Money and Exchange, "'London, Oct. 23. Console, 73Hd; sil ver, ,23 3-13d; bank rate. - , . - . . New York, Oct, - 23. Sterling ex change, long, 14.83; short, 34.83; silver bullion-, 31c Pan Pranclsco,'" Oct. 23. Sterling ex change. 30 days, 84.80H; alabt. I4.S5J documentary, 14.79! transfers, tele graphic, 3V4 per cent premium; sight 1 per cent prpmtum. . , - - -.:. ... ' " -"-"..- : v.. , v) - ', San Francisco Barley Calls. . Ran , Francisco, Cel.. Oct. 22. Barley cans Refit at.frs Ordinary - streers . . . . t Poor steers ,. Best heifers .. Best -cows .,,;. Medium i cows . Poor cowa . . -Ordinary bulls Fancy stag Fancy bulls Prime light calves Prime heavy . .... beep Oonaitions Are crooa... . . The only real-bright spot in the live stock trade at North Portland today is In the mutton division. There were practically no offerings: either yester day or today and, in fact, most of the arrivals during the last 10 days have come direct to the big. killers, f -Small killers have -been compelled to go without mutton or else go direct into the country and purchase it Ship ments from the -Interior for the open market of late have been nominal be cause of the presence1 of so-many east ern interests there who are offering cash, prices... ' .. - . : - at. i:nicflKn iriera wnv a aioauy tuna tu tha-ahaan. trntla for the' dav. Kansas City , sheep market ruled ateadv to strong at unchanged prices. Bouth Omaha mutton trade waa steady to strona; today. - 1 ' t Today's general mutton market range: Best spring lamba; ....,..,1 6.60 Drrtlriarv' lamba . 6.00 ? 6.2 5 Yearlina ..i... 4.8604.60 Old' wethersi ,,y,y,,.f..'.i. 4.16 Fancy ewe 3.80 Ordinary ewes . . . . 2.76 ' Today's Jjlvestook smippers. - tTna-a -J B. - Prof f Itt. Dayton. 1 load: 'Will Block, Independence,. 1 load; Joe Donaldson, Tillamook, 1 load; O. U Pa. quet, Hunts rerry, i ioaar c. . nei-shee,t.Moro,- 1- load; O. Stringer. Opal City,, 1, load; B. O. Young;. 4V Co., Oak land, 1, load.- . i -Ckttle- Baker Coutity CJattle Co.,Ba Icer; 4 tpadsi La Grande, '3 loads; W, I. iDshmavn,. Redmond, 6 loads; Henry S. Cram, Redmond. 1 .load, - : Mlxd stuff-William Chandler. Iay ton. Wash., 1 load cattle and hogs; Hugh Cummlngs, , HaJsey Joads- hogs and heap direct to Union Meat Co. Total run ot livestock re date this year at North Portland ncoaiparet with the lame ' pe riod, , yea. r folletr: . ., Daly Opposes , Plan' of City's n U V m-S' rri rr ?trnrfpr r-rrrrf- -r"' A- -z a- " J ' 9 w V V 1 V m V S 1 V f . . I ' f -V"" ".t .-i' - erty for $23,000, Hog ;,188.034- S1.7M Cattle 60J551., 0n.f Ctlta 5.203 2 4SI beep . . 24.765 202.010 rr- v -i' ;.-Tuwlay . Afttraooa Bel. . - .'ov , ' gectloo, , , v,, ..v i t -. -tv- ls. a .i. . at 18 t, OtMOB ....V... Montana",, .,.... Oregua A. Oraana -.. l i , ' j aSULU) Montana .-.. . vjk I "4 s .' - , ,HQ!S WublirgVm . .y... .,J 1 Waahlncton MS WuhlnKtou ,. S Oragoa S3 Oron- . , Waahlngtoa ...... . . . '88 WaaMngUMi ............. 1 . VraahlDKtoo. jt. ........ 1' Waahluston ' , . , . 4 ' 10.W , 94.1 10KO 1200 loss 106-1400 Jnlv ( 212 SO .107 , 20, 2 140 208 , perember May Open. .131 t,,,...,146B High, 1384 - IaV; Clone. 138H 13'i avaihlnatnn . .. t-..-ul.. B.I.,.. ' , 8TEERS ,' I , i" paction. i ' , . Jso. Are. lb. Vnlueton .J i-.. 7 t , 1272 wartlnatea "........ i m Idahe . ..(...; 35? - 9U YVUBingion : Oregon,', v. . .. .. . . v ' 1 Washington , y,. ."' 41 Oepfon '.,..,..,... 3 Orrgon - ............... 3 Oregon ................ 2 66.240 1.201 2.772 82.140 Price. ffl.00 6.00 6.00 675 6.60 5.00 . 6.00 3B--3 38.TO 8.70 a 70 8 70 1.70 1.65 8.00 1.00 7.70 T.70 Market in, Excellent Condition 'at Higher Price, but Leading . Sec ' tlons Have ' No More' to : OTerj - Penr Price Slump Abroad, " ; " -i The strength of the market for. Jon athan apples continues an3 prices sre very firm. Practically all of, the big stocks of the Pacific northwest . have already .been cleaned, up, acordlng to ad vices received today by the Northwest ern Fruit Exchange from -its affiliated organizations, A wire from 'Wenatchee says that all the Jonathans of that sec tion have been shipped and there are no more to offer.-.. . -; , Bids for Jonathans are firm at 31.30 to 31-40 a box. f o,,b, shipping points, but. the- small lota remaining - have caused selling agencies to ask a nickel more than the extreme prices being bid. While the entire apple crop of' the Pacific oast was very short thts season decrease In offerings of Jonathans has been moat noticeable .. Probably this is due mors to the very extensive demand that has been a constant and in sistent demand for Jonathana and price have advanced almost every day during that period. Now with the season for this variety closing,., the demand ,is stronger than ever. There - is- a rather good tone - all thrcue-.t the world'a apple market at this time. Domestic markets,. with the tos slbls exception of the southwest, and the European trade have alike shown wonderful .strength. ' While there have been more liberal receipts abroad and this has In a measure affected prices, such a- course is always expected when ever the movement ot fruit bcqmes gem eral. . The pear market continues very strong ' abroad . and sales of Oregon Comioe are reported in the London mar ket at 32.60 J.25 for half boxes, while Boso are selling- at $1.752.00 for simi lar sised packages. Considering; the enormous supplies of pears which have reached the European markets of late, thes". are extraordinary, values and re flect t, e strong condition of the trade generally, , STOCKS SHOWING U DSSES New York Market Loses Advance " 3Iade yesterday;' General Mr ' , 'ket Hits Low Mark. New York, Oct. 22. There was a re action from yesterday's strong tone in the stock market, shares toeing general ly Jower at the closing. To some extent the losses were due to the suspension of the proposed advance In grain rates on the . Chicago & Northwestern in the. Central Freight association territory by the interstate commerce commission until May 1. V- - ,' ' tjteel corporation- earnings for the quarter are the subject of much Interest lust now. While the meeting will not be held until October 38. It Is estimated that the earnings for the quarter .will pe approximately 843,000,000. The ' Bombay stock exchange was closed today on account of the demoral ised 'financial situation, '"T- .-.. Rang of Jfew Yorkr pricea furnlaaed by Oyerbeok A Cooke Co., 216-117 Board or xraoe ntinning COMMISSIONER TO RLE OBJECTION IN'WRIIG T '"Ajac VL 86 I aft , , 1 - HO0B ' I.;..;,. ..,6i I3s ,.'l75 219 J76 172 5S5 4.rM 444 rrtee. 37 AO f .00 3.83 38-60 8 SO , 8.50 IW 7 no T 50 , T.60 New Vork Cotton Afarket. 1 Open. Jan. 1 1363 Melt. 1S6S May .4,, Ufl July . 1866 Oct. j 1400 Do. .... 1883 High. 1380 ' 133- 13X3 . 1371 ' 1423 M402 liOW. 35 1361 1161 1261 140' 1397 Close, 1388063 1I7J74 1871$73 '1360&11 14UAI1 1389S91 S. Government Bonds. Netr" Vork, Oct. 23. porernment hoods-. . Hid. Aak: Txnrn, reglatered. .t.. .,,,.. 06Hi V7 -do eotipoa 1m "nj nrees, rflilerd............r...l24 .102 do coupon. ....,........,.,.. (..H'V1 .n2i rmira, rgltfred .KmivJ ll.u, do couuoa i.t...... ...... ,10Si HOW Amalgamateti Cupper Co. American v. a ., c... Anarlran Can, e. ...... American Can,, pf..,vi American, Cotton Oil, e. America a Loco., c... American Sugar, c American Smelt, . e... American melt. pf... Am. Tel. A Tel...... Anaconda Mining Co... American Woolen, c... Atchlcon, e. viw, .."... Atrhlcoo. pf Baltimore A Ohio, c... Beet ttaoar .......... Bethlehem Meet, c . . . . . Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian rcin, e. , , Central Leather, e.... Central leather, pf.... (hi. a Q. W.. c. ...... Chi. tc G. V., pf...... Cbl., M. A St. P..... Chi. 6. WM,c...... Cblno Copper Chesapeak k Ohio... Cohirado k I., e Colorado Southern, e, Consolidated G.. Cora Product, e...... Corn Product. rt..,i.. Dearer v U..U., e.,... DeiiTer a B. 0., pf.... Kne, c. Krle, 2d pf. ....... Erie, lt pf....... General Electric . . Northern, ore land O. Northern, pf,..,,., Ice Secnrttla-. ........ Illlool Ceutnl ....... Int. MeTropiUUn, e... 1st. Metropolltaa, pf... Lehigh Valler ....... Kansas City Southern. LoutiYllla As NaahTllle. M., K. T., . ...... U.t K. a T.. pf . ..... Mlasourl Pacific National Lead ........ Nevada Consolidated... New York Central. . N. T.. o, a w. Norfolk k Western, e, Northern retfle, - e.., Pacific stall 8. 8. Co.. rcoosrlraula Kailway.. v. It. c. vo.... Pressed Steel Car, e... Ray Con. Copper.;..,. Reading, t. ........... Heading, 2d pf Beading, 1st pf ...... ;. ltepuolle 1. a S., c... Republic I. k t., Pf---Rock Ialand, e. ....... Rock island, pf...... fit. L, 8. t.. 2d pf. Ht. L. 8. V lat pf., Ht, L. . W., c... St. 'IjTf. P., pf..... Soathera .. Ptclflc. e... Houthern Killway, e. Tenn. Copper.. i , Teia a Pactfle T, Bt. U k W,, c... ffnlon Pacific, I, 8. Rubber, c V. 8. Bteol Co., c... I'tak tlopper .......... Virginia Chemical,.... Wabab, . W.. V. Telegraph....,, Weatlnghouae Klectrlc. Wlaooiisln Central. : c. j.oiai aim ",'". OpenHlgh ILow ICIoae IK 32 SIX 8HI 811s 31J4 51i 100 ig 3! Mi4 91VJ 12m io" 80 8, 18 2714 11014 IZft 25H 168 SO 20 884 23 m 64 100 . 122 M aa 13 28 "K 101 Ji 40V, 87Vt 28 15 8414 05 V4 26 108 10TH 1004. 4 V4 25 18T4 leis 87 22S, 88 ' 11 ' J5IH ORH B8V as , 42U 140 , 1.' J;C.WILS0N&G0. n S':.-V:''-;i' VZHBEKS ;''-','i' i i NEW' YORK STOCK EXCHANGE ' - NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE ? CHICAGO BOARO OF TRADE - THE STOCK AMD BON 1 EXCHANGE " SAN FRANCISCO rOUTJLAND OFFICE - ' Be Oak ltH OVronnd floor, X,wl Bldg. PhoBaa Marshall 4190, A-4187. OVERBECK&CQOECO. 0tooks, Bonds,' Oottoa, aratn. Tto, me-air aoara ef Trad nmidiag. D1IIECT PRIVATE VVlItES TO ALL EXCHANGES Jlembers Chicago Xtoard ef Trad. Correspondents of Lojran & iryn.; , V1i1cutoNw York. "As all objections to ordinances pasjsed must be filed in writing within 10 daya following the pasiags of a measure, at tempts of Commissioner Daly to have the 'city council rescind J Its action of last week in authorlzlpg Commissioner Brewster to purchase the Frits Strobcl property at Sixth and Sheridan lor 323, 000 41d,not tneet with success, ' llie ob jections are, to. fee in writing and filed immediately: so that the matter can be reconsidered at- an adjourned meeting- to be held Friday morning,; it'i r, H;-":C-'- i , Mr. Daly atated thla morning that he did 403 thoroughly understand the mat ter when he voted for the purchase and be was supported by Commissioner Bige low in the contention that the ordinance should be reconsidered. .Commissioner Brewster stated that he was opposed to reconsidering the sctlon of the council as everything hsd been regular and the contract had been drawn with the own era of th property.'. v-'av v ;v W. ' Instead of purchasing the entire Stro bel ' piece. Commissioners - Daly and Blgelow propose to cut a strip through the property "ss ' wide ss lxth street and; connect with Terwllliger boulevard and abandon the scheme of a boulevard extending to the park,, blocks. -. Mr. Daly stated that the property needed for the street extension could be condemned and the owner could be as sessed benefits. ' Commissioner Dleck argued that on account of a cut through the property the city would be liable to damages. ' It was sgreed . that the members of the' council should make a trip to the scene before taking up the matter again. , . DIAZ IS PRACTICALLY PRISONER ABOARD SHIP" r IN VERA CRUZ HARBOR ' (Contlhtred From Page One.) talking when the Corcovada docked at the Quay;';'."- Vi. " " . -, ';,'. ,. General DIas' final declaration was this: , . . ..'. - "I win land at ence: t will make" no promises for the future." . , .;; - .. Slaa . warm Bscsptlon. '.':' General .Vidaurasaga and his delega tion ' rushed ashofe, They conferred briefly! with the port authorities. Then they ' hastened to get Into communica tion with Jluerta. .. . ...,-wii'-".u v That they" were planning a warm re ception' for Diss if he landed seemed certain.. It did. pot appear so certain, however, that he would land. Vidaura saga had hardly left the Quay before tire port authorities had tied him fast with miles of . red tape. . . , . - v - It was the consensus of opinion that Huerta will keep DIas afloat fn Vera Crifs harbor until after election If he can. and that If he cannot and DIas does land, bis Ufa will not be worth much. The: arrestr of hia friends in Vera Cms was momentarily expected. Out breaks of fighting were looked for at any time. . Several akirmlshes between the rival partisans actually, did occur here, at Mexico City and elsewhere, but thus far-they have been of am a 11 on sequence and the police have suppressed them.. , -i ' The situation was more tenss than at any time sines the present crisis bs gah. No one in Vera Crus felt safe. . t Greisen Is Appointed. '' ' C R. Orelsen, general manager and associate' editor of Fruit and Produce Distributor of this city,' has been ap pointed industrial superintendent of the Sixth Annual National Apple-Show, to be held at Spokane. . . v " ' STANDARD MM BOXEIS.SQUGIIT BY Sw.Wlwrikia , . f'..'n'A::,'t'.'i3aiiK rrrCr.flarrt NSrthwestem Ass'n Meets' In 'Portland to Consfder Vexed .Problem.".. ; ... ' For the purpose of taking Action that will result in the standardisation of the siae and shape of fruit boxes, a score of box manufacturers, fruit growers and . fruit dealers are meeting today at the Oregon hotel. 'The special meeting was called at the Instance of the Northwest ern Association of Box Manufacturers aod representatives from Oregon.: Wash ington and California are in attendance. '- The forenoon session was given en--tlrely over to the discussion-ot the vari ous kinds and sixes of boxes now. in use and a resolution presented, by O. C. Fenlason of Raymond, Wash.. : calling upon the association to recommend the use of standardised packaarea. , , - la preaentlng hia resolution, Mr. Fen lason declared that there ar 73 differ ent sites of fruit psckages being manu factured on the Paclfle coast today; He then explained a plan for atand ardiaatlon whereby this number can b reduced' to 3 sixes of boxes, sll of which win fit in the same site crate; In the absence of F. A." Douty, vie president - of the association,- J.- P. Knann. the manager of the orsanlzatiot.. presided at the forenoon session.' ' Mr. Douty occupied the chair' when the as sociation reconvened this ' afternoon. President R. B. Dyer of the association died a few months ago, and . his . suc cessor will be elected at the annual meeting In December. v i v Mr. Knapo opened, the , meeting by reading excerpts of various state laws governing the- sl of fruit- packages now , effective in 14 states. -, plscusstun of the boxes and their uses followed, and adjournment was bad for. luncheon, after a committee had been appointed to consider all recommendations and re port back to. the convention this after noon. , Among those In attendance; are: B. C. Stone. Coamopoita, TV aslu: I. r. Cable, Sebastopol, Cal.j 3. P. AspinwalU Brooks; J., C, Berlins, Spokane; C. F. Keller, Puyallup, Wash.; O. C, Fenlason, Raymond. Wash. 1: E. R. Fletcher, Ray mond. ; Wash, l v A. , . J. Stokes, Hoquiam : U H. Marks, KennewicK,. waan.; rranK Nash. Tscom! WV . Stone. C.- w Hooker, Hood Rlver W., H. Anderson, Bridal Veil; C. W.. Whittlesey, Port land; O. W. Hepey, South Bend, Wash.; Thomaa Autssn, St. Johns; II. Bundy, IDd wards,-Wash.; O. H. Schweroitmann. Portland; H. W MacPhalW Raymond; 1L B. Oakleaf, Ar B. Tenney. .' F. A. Douty and J. S. Taylor, Portland. V Canadian : Bank - . at .(.-'.',-: . ' Gmmerce H5AD OPFICEVlj; ;"v : v . Toronto. Cstttdg,';',?! :; " Esublisbed I87flhv-..-$.'' P. ' '.r.'-ir'i'-'-':'' vi ;?'' it' A Geacrat ., Banklas ; Bosiotst ' : Transgcted. -?: .v ' . ' - --.'.v---'- tv..r:':: !;V ' : - . Interest pild co tint tjepesttK POKTND BRANCH. Corner Second and ' Stark St s. ; F. XI MALPAS. Mtnagerr ; THE UNITED STATES : NATIONAL BANlir: PORTLAND, OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - $1,000,000 Surplua $1,000,000 " OFFICEIIS 7. 0. AXSIWOBTB, Prssldent B. IKA SAJUmS, Vloe-Fresideat. ' -l'i,fl SCHMXSB,' Oashle. A. Xs WBIOBT, Asst. Oas-Uer. W. A. HOX.T, Asst. Caahlsr.. " -. -'.-'. . ;.;Jr. DICK. As, Cashier.: Ladd & Tilton Bank . , I Ettablished 18S9 r . ' ' CAPITAL' $1,000,00000 ' V . . SURPLUS $1,000,000.00 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS r Letters of Credit,' -Drafts and Traveler Check Issued, Available in All Part of the World. Corner :TMr-l W Washington Streets. FIRST NATIOIIA LCAIII! CAPITAL. $1,500,000 SURPLUS $1,0C0,C00 : OLDEST NATIC7JAL CAFiK. WEST Or Tl!: ' nCCXY U0UfJTA!:i3 , p--, rIAT ""n ' a o ' - - 7 UI......I rlilOl ji..J klliv.u.. ,11