20 THE OREGON- DAILY JOURNAL, . PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, . OCTOBER 21, 1913. J- srouscKCKvnro moms CAST BIDE JPRITATB' TAMJLT f v- -N. , -,. wfcivyMK V w w -X- r 'bKAVTl'UL, brgnd new, completely rurnusnea two room , nouseiieeping suites,-, electric, , lights, ' Meant heat, , ; . phones. All free. Beautiful district. hunnyHtde or Mt Tbor car,, new apart i went house (The Balfour). Cheapest ird btst furnlBht suite in Portland. - Hil .Belmont corner East 38th.,, Phone ' J TWO (or three) Targe, clean Trout rooms, vrnund floor, completely fury nisneu, separate entrance, Dam. 'jaun dry, ' phone, : large yard, walking dis : isn: reRsoname, 4j -nnsniwa. TWO furnished . hc-UHekeeDina- rooms. , modern, rent $13; close to Broadway cringe.. SRS K 1st N. Phone East 2495. " II 60.. $2.25 WEEKLY Furnished H. K. i rooms, free phone, bath, hpat. laundry t Commercial at. V. car Wdlwn. 1060, 4 CliRKISHRTi hniiaekeeDina. bar Win ' flow, rooms, to adulta only; 847 Weld- $6. 60 Nice room, sleeping or housekeep ings lights, unone, oatn, wanting ais- v. tancr. j 6S4 E. 6th. Kellwood 1109. " ' ,. 11 '(A Y. ...... A. .....,, nuima tilt . I' i .a . m ZXm 7 Der mo. . 467 E. Pine. 8 WARM rooms, around floorf big yard, near school. 762 Albina ave. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. modern, cheap. 823 Weldler, close in, it KOOMS,. close In, gas, electric light, hath. 82 VS. 18th St. East 168, LAKGK unfurnished rooms, $8, includ fng watf-r.--.48ft fltephen at. J ' V HOUSES FOR KENT la )wkL,INa.'28 b: '77th N.; large ! rooms; furnished, lawn, garden, roses, trees, close to - school, car, storea, fhurch; house warm; will lease one year at 1 per month to reuponsipie psny. Main 1842. 401 McKay bldg. FOR KENT But why pay rent when I will sell rny 3 room bungalow at $860, $100 down, $15 per month, Kenton car to - Morgan sL. and 1 block west to : Imj MiMwisBippi ave. 863 Kou Hedge St., Portsmouth. 4 room house, partly furnished. 2 lots, some fruit, nice place to raise chickens. Rent -$8. , Phone B-2189. 1 HAVK modern 1 room house, corner ' lOOxldo; on car line, good location: will lease for year reasonable. Owuer, ' 41 Chamber of Commerce. KOOM modern hbuse, 72? Multnomah fct. Phone East 3233, evenings .be tween $ and 1; morning between 7 and 8. Garage handy. ' " "' ' 9 ROOM ilOUSE. t ' - 635 "E. Bnrnalde St.. cor. of 12th. " Va cant Oct 2B. Rent $25. ' C. A. RUFF, 828 CHAM. OF COM. ' FOR RENT Woodstock 4 room house; 100x100; 9 bearing trees: good soil for garden, 8-688, Journal or Marshall 5886, Pei'wood 514. , " A MODERN room house, furnished or , unfurnished, 1 block from Jefferson .niglL scliool H block from Mississippi ' car, 160 E. Webster. Phone Wdln. 2213. - $15t6 room modern cottage, , perfect condition, shades:, Woodstock. . Phone Pellwood ia35. ' , - ; MOO&KN 7 room bouse, $80.'. 228 East -- 3rd,. near Holladay.-lnq.uirs, 426 Rod ' ' ncv ave. Phone East 5865.- . . t 'IUiASUNABLK -1 .room modern house, 12 E. 24th st, near Ankeny. Owner, 'KHWf 6155. ;'"-. ,- UOOD 7 room .house, 3rd and College; . inquire "of A. Thurlow, with Powers Fur. Co.. 8d and Yamhill. ' . ' ' yiNK modern room house,- furnace, . '867 E. Ash st, corner 2tn' st. $2(T. ' Tabor 187. , :"; " -' .. i $14 for 6 room' cottage, newly tlrtled. w : ' fruit trees, garden; inquire cor. E. r 25d and Irving, -.v.-;";- --j -...,,)., ..-. SMALT, house tor rent good place for a poor family, cheap rent 60 car fare. J-669.- Journal.-,- -: - -,- ,- ft ROOM cottage, S car, range connected, " Winter foel on hand; rent' $17. Key at 861 Corbett st. Tabor 45T.' -. tt, 6, 4r 3 ROOM houses. Zela Gossett, 1 vr. iviiiiiiKiwuri.n ave. 6 ROOM, modern house, block from A car.' Call 1073 E. 23d st. N. "v COTTAGE for rent 890 Eugene st" In quire H.. SlnBhelmer, 109 12th. $20 MODERN 6 room house, E. 18th end Alder ets. - Eaat 6901. "NEW 6 1 room house. E. 21st, $15.00, Mem e a. CLEAN 6 room cottage,, bath, ariti gas. VlMi mam m.AMman i .-- '' ' 601 2nd, cor. Sherman. iMODERN' 7 room house, ' 931 Ellsworth t .st-. ptione Kenwood 1561.. ' -$156 room modern house, grounds. 868 Union ave. N. - - HErge 'GOOD 6 room bouse. 413 Hall st. $13, "y'Only 10 minutes' walk to postofflce. FREE RENTS. South Portland, 262 Olbbs. 'SIX room house, to adults, .furniture for sale cheap. Tabor 138. ' ' 6 GOOD homes Irvington East 273. W, - t-t. neraman. .FLRMSMXTD lIOt'SKS iin NEW private residence, .7 rooms, new . furniture, lawn, flowers, good district , kvoo lurnace, n a raw 00 a iioors. : All con . veniences. Rent cheap to right party, 3 ROOM furnished cottage, 1 block to - scnooi ana car, s: 1 room, Mt Soot t 1 room, fen insula. a. trea v. tier man Co., Chamber of Commerce. ' 8 ROOMS, gas, bath, electricity', steel v range, or ioar , room suite, ifl iniarK si. toiA. room house, fine yard and Pscramento st. ill furnish mul.pn garage. Inqyire 308 $35 FURNISHED complete; new mod em 1 room house:.' furnaco. 968 Haw thorne ave. -'"'-. ;,... .... HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR JSALE OS f - FURNITURE BARGAIN. . ; Complete, parlor - to kitchen, except bedsteads; mahogany for one room, oak dresser and one rug cost $100: china, best hair mattress, sewing machine, sec , tlonai bookcases, etc,, all go. . Snap for , housekeeping. , Must be seen to be ap- firec-iateu. fivn innem 11 tnis week, un ncumbered. D-73U Journal. . FURNITURE in room boarding house, with all fruit and provisions on hand; house, rents for - $15v, This furniture must be sold in 10 days'; price no ob ject . See owner at once. 810 Willam ette blvd. Take St John's car, get off vi mciveuna ave. - - - - 1UKM1UK8 before buying second nana sooos come ana see what you . can do here on new goods for cash: get i1""' Bin nnnr. ist ana wnn, TWO room anartment for rit ifnmi. ture for sale cheap, if taken by Wed- jirrm-.- -.-iiit jvtarenaii auog. I OR SALE cheap, 2d hand heaters and ninr-t, , a is; m. FURNITURE of 4 rooms for $75; call cvwnn.Bn. oo bunion sr.. corner 17th. . OOOD Monarch ranae and oak dlnins . setj Very reasonable. Tabor 8046. APARTMENTS a The Dezendorf ' w ; 208 16th. near Taylor. ' : One elegant 4 room unfurnished apart. LcZBKMii apt; oest 2 room apt in the ctty; private bath and phone; brick Mdg 8 min. from postofflce: $20 to 8S0. Mur-h-U 4937. LINCOLN APT8.. 4TH AND LINCOLN All outside 2 room furn. apts.: low rates; v includes light, heat, private r"one. Take B or 16th st. car aonh EXCLUSIVE unfurnished apartment 6 iQomj and l ; bath, Portland Heights. Phone Main 9198. : - . T " r ', H ADDON HA LLC " - ' 414 11TH ST. : 3 and 4 room furnished apartments int. LAL-nni it f urnished J private bath and phone. s; nth. THE ALBEMAR APTl H5 wTtT tiams ave.,- near jttroaaway; new, mod- ern 2 and 3-room apts- 620 to $30 mo. 'iHh. fc.l-.Vld, ll 14th st. Modern 3 and 3 room furnished apts.; excellent louav fln.i. nik-tnr distance. ' Main 4175. FOUR room steam heated apartment modern, exclusive,, Cottel Drug Co., 1t a nd- Sherman. 1 y ;.. J i- 1' H-'.RSONIAN 614 Jefferson '.'mtl '"lJstl- fufnished 2 and 8 room apts. 'i i f 1 ': KOZANTA, 18i N. 23d st'FuTrT i i ylipd apts Private hall, bath, phone. "i i ATKi furnished a part men U cheap, t (Irand eve, NV ?- .;,. . vil TiAVI P-i'i aa kt Vi J li t;rtk.A'tStfM.-h'V- 4S 'rvvi' ' BRAND NEW, V: WALKINU DISTANCE '$' '' V;R1CX ARMS , AFARTMHNT8- "' : ' IJTtt AND E. MORRISON 8T8. story meproorpiag l fna room apt. ; nutomatio elevator, oaicp iur, uir. uniiiiiiuiin uu nu io iw improvements. .. ( ,' RATE&J20. TO I2H MONTH, :-f-W'SXJIVW. Kltusted on Lucretla st. 100 feet north of Washington st, in sn open court In the best residence district, within walk ing distance; -finest unfurnished apart ments, J to I rooms.- See them before locating. , Rates reasonable. References. Mafsaer. Mar. 1513. isnitor Mar. IS08. Drickston ADartments 448 11th 'St.. near Collea-e at Attrac tive I and 2 room furnished apartments. All outside rooms.. All modern conven iences. Quiet refined neighborhood. Phone Marshall 57, A-6408. , ' . THB:; ORLANDOT " COR. 20TH AND WASH ST8. 1 8 ROOM APARTMENTS. 840 Eleaant furniture, all outside cor- mam wMAnna .ul.iJ. hath n.lwo't. nhnn. , I Will, VUWIUQ UnUh ..U.U ...w.aw, automatic elevator, first class in every partic--'r: references, war, ise. 4SLEN COURT Formerly the Wheeldon, . . Corner Park and Taylor. Modern apartments in 2, 3 and 4 room suites, furnished complete; private bnths. phones, 'etc. in tne oowntown qistrict. out quiet. DESIRABLE 3 or 4 room apartment, furnished or unfurnished; best in city for rent, location and arrangement; all outside-rooms, private bath, direct Pa cific phone; close In, low rent best serv ice. Sheffield Apartments. 273 BrdUd way, corner Jefferson. ' COMPLETELY furnished 1 room apt.. with kitchenette, steam-heat running hot and cold water, phone in every oom: diocks xro.n am. ana uomion sts $16.60 and up. 291 Columbia st comer ftth. ' . Burch Apartments New, modern furnished, 2 room apts bath, phones, dressing room, flna loca tion. 110 in. zist at. Mar. 4141. w. car. XHt CHEt.Tii.NHAM, itb and North- and phones, hardwood floors, new brick bldg.. refined neighborhood. 8 blocks irom canine. WE1ST APARTMENTS ' , 69 NORTH 23d ST., For rent une 6 room anartment all modern conveniences, finest in city; ref erences required.-- Apply Apt 4. HEIN2E APARTMENTS - 14th and Columbia Furnished 2. 3. 4 room apartments, all conveniences; first class, homelike, rea. sonable rates; ref. J M. 7337. A-3616. V C-a.tr k n .1 . .. . . J . n 1-1 rl m nt nrivat h,tt .nrlvafs nhnn. Excellent -Service." Always clean- And warm.: Summer rates. Phone East '208. SAVE $15 MONTHLY. 8 rooms, -completely furnished. 122. ED. All large, outside rooms, private phone and bath, bed and table linen, on caxllne. Phones B-3041, Tabor 2293. - , THE THOMASSEN. cor. 3d and Harrl son, s ana 3 room apts., steaia heat iath. laundry.' Dhune. $16 ud: alao alaet,. lug rooms. $3 up. - . . . JACKSON bungalow, 464 11th st, 4 room nearly lurmsnea apt. all mod ern, conveniences, . walking distance, " - - "7 i . . . 0 . YODNO couple to ahare apartment with - younir married counle. Privata tel. twaaiirui scenery. - reasonaDle ' rent, phone, bath, steam neat; $10 month. Phone East 4122. CLEAN, respectable, 2 and rooms, rent - reasonaDie.! near- Kusseii at. ana Wil liams ave. Landlady's rooms aide en- irance, 014 Vancouver ave. MORTON APTS.. cor.' King and Wash- . ingioo, sroom turnisnea or unfur nished apt, 'cheap rent walking dis tance. Main 1082. A-5749. ' KINO HILL APTS. 171 King St., cor. of Wayne.1 A few choice apts. 'Vacant FOB REn ILATS 18 MODERN three room flat, near 8. P. car shops and school; two blocks from W. WT ckr. Cheap. 714 E. 27th st. MODERN 4 room flat' 943 Albina ave. Owner. Main 6784. L car to Skldmora or Prescott 1 block east. ' ATTRACTIVE 6 rocun flat . Main. Phone East 4863, -VE8T side, 4, 6 and 6 room modern, ciean ana cneap. rine view. Bell. 1870 NEW front room flat $! on carline. $ AND ( ROOM flats, walking distance. 683 B. Morrison. 26 - FOR1 6 room flat, modern, centrally v located, west side. Main 3U2(, Mar. 880. tiPPER flat 409 Yamhill, op posit e' li brary, lnciulre '407 Yamhill - FUllXlSnED FI4AT8 CO Completely Furnished Nice 6 room flat, 709 Kearney St.; thoroughly renovated, newly tinted and nicely furnished. Price ' $40 per month. We have other furnished and unfurnished houses and flats for rent Call at office, ' The Shaw-Fear Co. 103 Fourth St. Mala 35. A-3600. Zibhi MILL near West Park, furnished or unfurnished 5 room flat, strictly modern, easy walking distance, lovely location, reasonable rent.. Main 4633. OR RENT Furnished and unfur n'shed flats: snlendld river vies. walking distance. East 2411. NICELY furnished ,4 room flat, walk ing distance. -444 KQdney. East 4866. HOTELS at HOTEL PORTLAND -European plan only. $1.50 and up. ' STORES AND OFFICES 11 PANAMA BUILDING. Cor. 3d and Alder, - Portland's newest mod ern office bldg. For res ervatlon of offices A svwes spply at building. Mar. 820. SWETLAND building r lfth and Washington TH' HUB OF BUSINESS Best lyocatlon ror REAL E8TATE, , PROFESSIONAL MERCANTILE . Space Arranged to Suit All Night Elevator Serv. - Rent ' Reasonable. Apply 303 Swetlahd bldg Journal Building ROOMS SINGLE' AND IN SUITES. REASONABLE- RENTAL, -HIGH CLASS KKHVIfK. Apply to Business Office - vt The Journal. - s STORE with or without rooms above; - settled neiahborhnod: loratinn fn -i cer, butcher, plumber, etc. , - , . ... . ' H. THOMAS, , . . 1 267 Oak st. Room 2 Alnsworth bid. An 1 til,.;,.1 1 H 1. .'" . .11 ' , 1 nun i -n,xceneni . ; location, - on Wash. St.. small tnr -nlthl i chair barber shop, or butcjher shop, Rent only $40. Phone Mar. 184. BRICK warehouse In South Portland for rent trackage, light and airy. On payed street, reasonable. Journal Pub- inning- nmnowiv ,no YatnhllL EW ST6RE. lifixii'-rant it A on month, ( Splendid location for grocery. &Vt!l'r..fJMm' or-other business. , G.. L Webb. '414 East fitafk st , ' 11 - E IO store room, central location, long ' lease, reasonable rent, wholesale, dis trict JVf. E. Lee. 623 Corbett bldg. WANTED-(-TO RENT) WANTED By middle aged ladles I or I unfurnished tiouBRkBanlha- rnnmi. well heated.' hot 'water, iwell llahted. ",- mi,Hr, wen iianigq. I - APARTMENTS Ttf. WANTED -TO KENT CLEAN. sanitary? fumlahed house about 4 raoma: close In: rjrlca reason able ;; reliable party. Frank' L, Porter, Necanlcum. Or. i .' ' ( SMALL furnished house, reasonable SMALL furnished house, 'reasonabl - rent , Phone Sellwood 1288, or address letters M., 60 B. 14U1 at, soutn. WANTED A farm to work on aharea or want: avervthinr must be , tut- HORSES, - VEUICLKS. ETX. ' 18 SEiKERAL, good cheap rancn . or oen-ver horses, express wag-d on ana - narneas. ii In ' Heed'- of a horsa, come and see me. We ten you Just what yvs are Dtling;.-.- t u mpo ner or la, Asn Another Carload Eastern Oregon horses, mares; weight uuu, iouu; ail broae; all norsea guaran teed. Madison ' Stables, on approach Hawthorne bridge,, west side. I alwaya nave cooa sturr. ' 31 & BUVa team we.ahlne 2650 lbs. an their harness, halters, blankets and what feed is left They are- good work ers ana xast waixers. . xney are rigni out of hard work. Can be seen after $ o'clock. Inquire 163 H E. 9th., cor. Bel mont - - - 8 HEAD eastern Oregon horses'. Mares weighing 1100 lbs. to 1600 Ins.- All young, sound, well broke; choice matched teams. ' fiace wnere good ones are Kept piaoies root Main, west side. The Murphy Horse & Mule Co. Bells on commission, horses, mules,' ve hicles, harness. AUctlon every Monday and Friday. 10 a. m. 240 E. 8th. E. 6316. A FINE gentle Shetland (iv. two seated bua-arv and harneaa. for sal st a bargain. Fine for children. Call at Reed French Piano Mfg. po., 10th and Stark streets. - ;. '' U, S, Stables - . . We have a few fine horses and mare left. O. P. Williamson, 248 Front A FINE, gentle Shetland pony, 1 seated - buggy-and harness for sale at a bar gain, fine for children. Call .Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co.. 10th and Blark sta. FOR SALE Several farm, delivery and - lumber wagons In good condition, bar- gains, r; a. iienney, ait im St. A GOOD cheap farm team; also pair of mules. - Must be sold at ones. w im, Hosier, 14 union aye. TEAM weighing 3100, harness and farm, wagon, A NO. 1 outfit, $160. rit wasnington. HAWTHORNE STABLES. . 420 faaw thorne ave. We have 6 good farm horses for sale. - THROUGH work, will dispose of apan of mares. 2500; span geldings, weight 8000.. 835 E. 28th. Woodstock car. PAIR of mares, weight 2500 lbs., at your own price. 1029 E. Yamhill. FOR SALE Nearly new -3 Vi in. farm wagon, cheap. Call at 485 Everett St. HORSE and buggy for sale. Phone East 6K84. FOR SALE Good work pony, 800 lbs. $10.' 195 4th. LIVESTOCK 83 ONE car extra-fine Holstein heifers, '2 to3 years old; fresh in 80 days, at $85. One car Durham cows, 1400 pounds, to freshen in November, 4 to 6 yeara old, $86. One car 2V year old 'Jersey heif ers to freshen in, December, $45. - All above are located within 90 milea of Portland, 26 head- of Guernsey cows, 4 to 6 . years old. Purs Guernsey blood (not registered). These are in Wiscon sin. Will freshen in 80 days, $100 each. We also have at the edge of city route, 15 cows. 1 bull, horse, and wagon and all equipment $2000, half cash, Geo. R, Mokel Cow Co., Main 6120, 607 Com- WE now have a complete list of all breeds of dairy cows and heifers. Call And see us. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co.607 Commercial block. Main 6120, WANTED Cow for 1150 farm horie. Walters, Gresham, Or., or 133ft First st. - Main 8839. YOUNG, fresn. ' Jersey-Durham cow. heavy milker, health certificate, 611 E. John St., St Johns. FIVE Guernsey bulls, 4 to 18 months old. Geo; R. Mokel Cow Co., 607. Cora merclai blk. Main 6120. SMALL pigs, sows with litters, one full blood Duroo boar, three, yeare old. Phone Sell wood 839. CHOICE Jersey family cow, fresh, gives ' extra rich milk. 2120 E. Gllsan. GOOD Guernsey family cow, $75. 835 B. 28th. Woodstock car. POULTRY 87 ORPINGTONS, buffs and blacks, males and females, good breeders; , cheap. Sellwood 1280. A FEW more thoroughbred White Leg- norn cocas ana cocxereis, w, ana ao. x-nene fj-soeT. 1 pt;KlN aucKs for sale, cheap, if taken at once. 1271 E. Yamhill st. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 ENGLISH pit bull pups, thoroughbred pedigreed, cheap, or w411 exchange for chickens. 8808 78 d st. S. E, FOR BALE 7 Irish setters and mother, cheap CallJO a. m 13 m. 42ft 6th N. AUTOMOBILES . ACCESSORIES 44 Auto Snaps 1913 Cole 4 pass.. 40 H P.. fullv equipped, electric lighted, self starting. 1911 Coler- 6 pass., 80 H, P.. fully equipped. . -; . V 1913 Reo 6 pass., 80 H. P., fully equipped, electric self starter and lights. Best buy In city, 1 '1911 'Maxwell 5 pass., 30 H. P.; fully eiiujppeu, iui9 car is a snap lor some, one ' '' See us for light delivery cars. ' . Northwest Auto Co, Broadway and Couch sts. WHEEL8V SPRINGS. General Repair ing. PAINTING 209 Front gt CUuITMBIA CrtrtlAGK AUTO WK8 MUST HAVE MONEY. " Will sacrifice my $2860 Pierce Arrow for $500. Newly painted and good run ning condition. 1 ; - - - . ... M. E. SCHOUWEILEIt. First and Hawthorne ave. Oregon Vulcanising Works, "The Tire Shop." 550 Washington St.. at 18th. Marshall 379. Wa buy and TIRES ' sen used tires ana ao ' -First Class Tire Repairing. AUTOMOBILE tires, tires, tires. . $$.$ to $20.00 each, we also nave a large stock of new tires and automobile ac cessories at cut rste prices, mail orders promptly and carefully filled. Paelflo Tire ft Supply Co,. 828-330 Burpsld at FIVE passenger Chalmers, 81.50 - per hour, special rates out of city .trips. Phone Woodlawn 657, Main 8926, H. F. Lee, 1015 Board of Trade bldg. anteVlth! every spring. 2 N. 16th st WANTED All grades . scrap rubber; ' highest cash prices paid: phone us and our man wU call and buy what you have. j. i.eve, i coiuniuia St.: main ft 191 EXCHAnguP-A nice 6 room cottage on East $3rd North, worth $2300. Will takers passenger car as part payment K-o. journal. STORAGEuTna,, rssnlsitiriE 'building, $2 a month, & f. jamiRon as Co.. Main 8431 CPRMiQM,oe "nd repaired, new ones OT n 1 1 ivJOguaranteed. Washington Car 4b Auto Works. 366 E., Washington at-' AUTO SPRINGS "paired. Frank Lange, 238 Palrr.on. Main 181. , ONE 4 passenger, Ohio, elcctilo coupe, with rectifier, in first class condition. ror saie or iraoe. t-none w. 4Y47. A-7628 " ' mi, m m m 1 ABA fi O Al NIWR A LB Av B RAND NEW 1918 MOTORCYCLE: NEVER BKEN R1JDEN.HAS BOMB 1914 FEA TURES. FULL I GUARANTEED. FOR IMMEDIATE 8 ALE ONLY AT PRICK OFFERED. FOB PARTICtfLAS CALL AT 311 OAK ST. PREEB TOOL A BUP PJLV CO. ; '. v.' . .. - i18.. EAGLE, twin. - h. a," Excellent ZXA?ir!r.rfn??ZX: 1312 Reading-Standard, good condition; 100 -22'8 1st St TitPVPt CO tlsed wheals bought au w w 1 vr.,w sc sold. 128 W 1st St. M. 1018 IIARLEY DAVIDSON, 112 model, twin. reasonaDie, Yaft mast Davis. Hiast ZB33, LA UN CHE V ' AKD ' BO ATS ? 4U 22 FOOT motorboat. ' wUlt high tension - luasnviuk. x m. r ensmi. wun automo bile top. at a sacrifice for cash. 82 Ver mont si. van uatts, 1 --. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 81 GOING away soon, -will leave my high grade Player Piano and fine library or music, with any responsible, party who will agree to buy If suited. Good terms if responsible.' A-723. Journal, H-IOH grade piano, practically new, for sale cheap.; 430 Jefferson. Marshall. FINE Steinwach piano, genuine mahog- - amy case, casn or terms. - (Jail apt . Lucretla Court, or phone Marshall 1503. A BEAUTIFUL $400 Starck piano, must txs -soia-aE ones: xs. vear sruaraniea. Can be seen at 949 K. Salmon. . FOR 8ALK -MrCCKU-ANEOli; 18 A , FIGHT on hlch prices. Why pay ,$6 to $10 for & pair of classes, when 1 can fit your eyes with 1st quality lenses in a KOld filled frama aa low mm 11 SnT r w. A Goodman, 191 Morrison st, . near FOR SALE -New Home drop head ma- . viiiuo, ., wun attacnmenis - complete, 812.50.' nrnn hH Klnmr -11 .ll.nh. rnents, $15. One Bart let drop head. $10. Box top machines of all makes, $3 up, and guaranteed. New Hams Sawlnar Ma. vii.nc ycucy. mornson st. FOR SALE New and acon4 1 hand carom and Docket hilllsrd t-ahlaa and bowling alleys and accessories, bar fix turea of all kinds, easy payments. The Brunswick-BaJke-Col lender Co., 49-48 ttn it, ynonei Main -799: A-1769. Sawlna- Mach. Exchange. Second hand Macula ee $5 to 120. 1 Guaranteed. . Caab or Terms. 207 Third street OREGON . PERT1IJ7.EH CO. Well rotted cow or horse manure de livered anv cart of cltv. W iinaia-n lawns, gardens, spread fertiliser, cover ruaes. cast mtv, O-iU0. , SAFES Mosler Safe Co.. manufactur Star T-n-SB rarlAl -aai ar w-.mai . t-tea 4 v v hv tv yiivvs. voo ivi uio, ikjsaa-T opened and repaired. Bargains In second nana gares. 109 2d st- Phone jdaln 7676 FOR SALE Pocket billiard tables, good as new; soia xor cash or easy terms. i4 uorDett et. fnone main 76S4, FOR SALE A Standard .30-30 repeat- ing ruie, almost new, cneap. jonn Bunten, 979 Commercial at A GOOD pop com wagon, cost $551) new, will sell for $176 Call at Reed r-rencn j-iano Mig. tjo.. lotn and Stark, FOR typewriters or musical instru monts reier to their respective class! ricauons. Well Rotted 1 Fertilizer Manure. H.BBI 4Z9i. LADIES, 11-Jewel Elgin watch. 14k 25 year ease. Derfect condition: must nave money. A-8t3, journal. anion. fjau at eiv Worcester bldar. CONCORD grapes for making grape juice, aeuvereo. -auwauKie Black 664, FOR SALE 3 pool tables in- good con dltlon. P-478. Journal. COMPLETE moving picture outfit for saie or tragi;, w parK st. TYPEWRITERS WE save you from 60 to 76 per cent on any make of typewriter. Call nr und for our -illustrated price list. Retail de- paroneni, . w noiesaie typewriter CO, t-incj. a-i wasnington st. Main 5681 W'AKTED UnSCELLANEOUS O GEVTJRTZ FURMITURE 8TORB1" 202 1ST. UlRSHALT. KBSI. Will pay best price for your furniture, carpets, stoves, etc, etc. New and seo-ond-hand furniture our specialty. HIGHEST prices paid for household furniture. Do not give It away to auctioneers or second hand tores. Phone isast or a pestai, and repre sentative will call. Grand Rapid FurnO tore Ex.. 125 Grand ave. WANTED Furniture And household gooas. 1 . V Barcer Auction House S68 E. Morrison st - Phon E. 101 J. WANTED To meet someone shipping uvuiouuiu (uuua ur biuck 10 vaiiiornia. Any point Boum 01 nea muiis to Sac ramento. I have S horses to ship. W. j-. nuuuii, fyicafc yyruvo, VJ r. AMERICAN AUCTION CO. buvs furn I ture in large or small lota for country dealers. Pays very highest price. . Call xnursnaii 1011, 90VELL Furniture Co., 104 1st st Malj ii utn since tor useu furniture, carpets, stoves, eta' HIGHEST price paid for furniture, car- pets. a, stoves and ranges. II 835 Front. av Mam. Z244 or ca BE WISE, get more for - yo-.r second nana jutuuun uj selling 11 10 JIOIU Auction Co.. 211 1st Main 8951.- !highE8T price paid in the city for nousenoiq iurnicure. uaii Main 4660. HIGHEST prices paid for 2d-hand fmnl ture. oaivin, 111 Grand av. E. 6538, HIGHEST prices paid for household - lurniture. ivaii Mars.iaii sssg. 2D-HAND furniture wanted. Call A 1. wvin. foster notei. Marsnall 1874, HIGHEST prtcs paid for 2d clothes. Main 1383. $46 1st st WANTED No. 3 Brownie.' Marsha! 1570. LOST AND FOUND 21 oliowin ig articles were found on the cars of tha Portland Rlirv r Light & Power Co. and turned in at the different division points. Owners may nave amo oy mpyiying ax Darns as in dicated: - . Found on cars October 1$, 1913, Sell- wooo Dam. jrnone A.isi: two pins, 1- basket, 1 handbag, 1 bracelet, 1 pair of leggings, 1 ax, 2 jugs, z packages of uioiiunaT. ' -i Found .on cars October 19, 1913. Pied mont bn.rn. Phone A-S131: Two pairs Kiuves. j. purse, it aoaaa. , a suitcase, 2 iiiBceiJKfieouj, iruciei. .- . Found on cars, October 19, 1913, Ank eny barn. -Phone A-6131: One suitcase or iruit, i pacxage o grease, I sweater, 1 fountain Den. Articles found on the cars' October t eavier street car house. UhAn. 1-11,1, r -..I..... , 1 . , 1 purse. 1 locket - " ' -, ., LOST Between Highland . church and ; Mason st, a black onyx brooch, with center setting of pearls., .Return to 870 txi iztn ut FOUND In women's waiting room ' 1 . brown muff. Found on west side train o. a, woman's parasol. For fur- trer imorninoon. PPiy at union depot, PARTY that took white kid gloves by --- niiBiaae oat, eve. at jviunnomair notel will leve at Journal office for owner. LOST Bunch of key ; Sunday; kindly ' - phone Sellwood 867. T .' . PERSONAL MAY ' CARROLL Manicuring, - facial massage, scalp1 treatment, 404 Ma cleny blda;.. 289 Washington. MISS I NEVEN3; , electric : baths, and . treatments. Koom 7, 201ft 8rd st PRPP Expert legal advice, rivoroeand BALM of .tigs,' remedy for diseases of women. 604 Davis st. Main 2893. , t , Bonnruptcy. A-HH,-, journal. SAVE B $3 to $10 by buying your trunlt suit case st 633 Wash., at 17th. or Scalp Specialist,?, r$b1?; wv..K wKvn.iiunn ana' wasn, ats I i ;".:v,''f ttar,l.gT47.,.:i..f JUnaea's scHooL PKItSOTJAl, BE the MAN, you used to be; very latest cure for sexual weakness,' a matter of vital importance to you, 291 M Morrison si., room 1 SPIRITUAL medium - and , astrologer; readings daiJy, circle 3 p. m. Sunday and Wednesday j$. Rev, 'May A. Price, 305 Jefferson Main 9368. MAKb x J pi a our-clubt-aend -deacrip; Addresa, Unity-Club. Spokane, Wash MATRIMONIAL, naoer with r. deserin, tlona wealthy t marriageable ' u no Die. Jf paper'- JOo. Mrs,. Ball. 2616, West 21st BUWl, XJUm Allg JIPsl, ' -Ml J 1. ' ' v, , - i"'-'ri-, PHBA8A NT8. t ' Pheasants prepared" for '.hats. Swetland.' Jt - 1 ..: ' 20 REV. CLARA HAYr GAEER. Spiritual ... meaium circles i wati, u Montgom- ery st.-. - ,?-':. -.-',.-'',. ,: - PR. ALBERTA 6ACR.Y, expert and painless chiropodist H Northwest bldg, -'. ;:- , -.- ,. , THOSE that want Information, i. am at your service: . evervthln nrlvate: ad- dress P-467, Journal. ., - 1 BEATRICE VAN BORQAN, office 45,, in xoor, t.w -s, morrison. Jraimistry, Book for sale, - - MRS. 8. B. 6EIP, - teacher of Mental and spiritual science. 303 Allsky bldg. Main S824.-; .-r-r - -fi, -v-..-,.-.ivw .. DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's mala. dies and aoute disease. Wash. . bid., cor th and Wash., room 41. Mar. 448. D VDRPFQ Lawyer.. ot 26 years" ex UlVUlvt'CO perience, reliable, advice rrea t4 Rothchlld bldg. 287H Wash. THE FUR BHOP-y-Best work, lowest prlcee. Remodeling and new orders, 620 B wetland blda.. 8th and Washington. MLLE. ROBERGSL bhvaleal inltnr flf. fice ?6. 3d floor, 350ft Morrison St. MRS., CUSHINO teaches card reading and epirltualism. Cor. 6th and Half CHIROPODY, room (01 N. W. bldg., 6th "' and Washlnaton. ;,, -.-. , , . blVORCE a specialty, advice free; Law ,nui xuaiDermens oiag. . , . Professional ancl Business AOPORDIQW PLEATINO E. STEPHAN. beaMtltcbUg. . seeardloa.v side ass snabortt Bleatlas: buttons eeverad: seods sponsad. ob9 -iqr. iiaia i7s, ABSATEKS MONTANA Aaasy Otnce, laboratory, afe t Morrises. ASBtTMED BVSTirEBS VAaTZfl LAW 1U nqnlres tUing under penalty, turn vb. i. Bcott. laoH 4in at. at. eeia, AtTTOMOBIIJ! 1-XMDE3U3 AUIOMOBILg fenders mad aad repaired. V- -lenoa ro.. trMby et. ' AUTOMOBIIB wAmTOtg ' ' SPECIALISTS In fine ante painting. Ante Paint poop, ixmj piog. Main I44. 3UI BOOS VAXZSJI howb. Davis xtPAMX. iu 3d st book Baaafaotasera; agents for Josea Ia proved Loom lt .edcers. Je the sow ku. teka Vmmt. A-S188. Mils 188. ' ' , . - B0OKB gECOMD HAMD 8CUOOL books bougtat, sold and s-c-angd. Is3 i am opp. f . v. mt xa at. CAB.PET OLEADUlO 10XCB BBOo., Klsctrle deanlng werfcs, ear pels cleaned and laid, rerituag eus aiweialty. K. 440. B-1K3. 304 E. lUtD at. N. ZEY Uea-Ktap procoa, ciaanaea, Bakes them bright aa ww. tjnlck service. Mala 777 4. OAK PET WEAViMO KOHTHWICeT UUa WOHas, rags frost old carpets; tag rugs, carpet cleaning. 188 K. gui at, near Kt Yamhill. ' ' ' f .MNALiLA Hug Work, ruff made lu order. Carpets, IBIS Pattoa ave. Wood lawn gesa. CHIKOPOSIBTa UB. IYBX treats aU aUmenis ef test wltaoat Bala; eoroa, DUnloaa, , iugrowlog sails a se wny. mwyj Bgfiwii. ib n OBIKOPBAOTIO PHX8IOIAJIS BE. McUABON, 121 4th st. gpaelallat on Mfc of diaeaee. 810.000 permanent eavlpment Chronic CUM i "traat" chirgea. Kasulu guaranteed in writing. Bf, Bfadatreets and patients. Mala 206: A-SS51. HUH. LIUOEL AND K1NZ, druglaaa. B06 Front Maranau wi a. m. w Hint?, a,, eiae p. m. Pit HltUM. CUAiBTOCK, Ml 14ia. uwrvww. enroaic qii e. e tratmn so. mia neua. OIBOtTZj-X ADDBZ86IBO BXPKBT addressing $1 per luOO. Aadramagraf nop. room s. fortiaaa -run mag. COAX AND WOOD CANNON COAL FIB AND OAK CORDWOOD SHORT GREEN AND DRV SLAB SMALL AND LAHUB BLOCK - 4 FT. QREBN AND DHY SLAB FLA.NEH TUIAIMINUS, MWOuSt Phone os for prices on , anytblns in tba fuel Una. ' Multnomah Fuel. Co. Main BS40: A-2U6 NOTICE V3S$&m SLABW00D OERSN SHORT WOOD, 1X15 OBEBN FOOT WOOD, t2JM) IKSlDBt GREEN SHORT. $3.00 DR. SHORT WOOD SAWDUST for . reel and Bedding The Portland Slabwood Co.. aula Ills. A-7001. - ' Hiawatha : f $0.50 TON GUARANTEED HARD UTAH COAL EA8T 80S; C-2308 SOUTH PORTLAND-RAINIER SLABWOOD Co" 4, foot country alab. lnslda and hlot-k anM Main 2158, A-8843. root of yambill. KJCPR X, PARRtor A-l dry 4 foot lit nui.ll I fll li lina oak eordwoed. Ala aawed to order. Prompt delivery COAL MHO 4IWS. A-4MT, ri'LTON Wood Co., dealers la dry sod green lab wood. Try as wfeea ordering good Sr wood. 1860 Macadam st Pbonea Mala TStv. A-280. HARCOAL PBOMPTLT Main B77, V. J. EVERT. Fnot Cnrr- utrMt. PACU'lU SLABWOOD VtX, atala S7US. A-T8M. Vliay HW, WlWU. , wib UMIUi nwu Walde.-ary wspwooa. norp planer trlnnnlns. DRX BLAB and bo. wood, cord wood sod coaL Btanqarn wooq vn.. ebi yiio: h-iws, ALBINA rUEL. CO. All kind of greea and flry wooq. KPfi Bpnnm ano menoota ool. PHOKN1X knel Co. Dry weud, $1.76 per toad. ' 624 Tbarnan, Main 8844. Holgate FuefCoT . ' Wood asd coaL llwood 4HS. OREGON Wood Tard. Fir, ash aad ok wood and cool. Krasonanie pnfe. Main eo. ktTED COAL CO. For reduced price, prompt Hlvery, Main- 4904. C0MTRACT0R8 N. C. JANKSBN. Contractor' for well drilling, aoundinn ana pnwpect aoies. s eeneca st, St. Johns. '-.- - - ' - -': . .- .--i.-.-.. DOQ AMD HOESE HOSPITAL PORTLAND TETEBTVART HOSPITAL. 181 15th atreet, Mala 74134 AJSfteT kit animal glvea, ,srlatlfle - and pm. .-Mionai aireniion. --..-i-,.-::. ..- ESVCATIOMAZ, - ' DANCIMO HEATH'S SCHOOL, 100 2d at, between Wash, - and Stark Fancy, atag and- aoclal dancing Uugbt. walta and ttro-atep goaranteed la four ieiwon; piaaa rnaar.fTeninn, s to IO, HEATH'S Dancing School, , Al!ky ; Bids., 3rd and Morrison ta. Leaf ona dally,', Walts and twomtep guaranteed la. 4 atatctly prlrate la- Claaa wen. efe., B to To, ' -. . I.S'OLKR Dancing Acacleoir, tlaaa and private, Soclala Hon.. Wed.. Sat. eve. CIbshm Tiio. Frl. g31 Morrison. Marshall 813. ' ' SPANISH LAVOTJAGE TEACHERS AUI.IAXI. mamuer of 1I Rn.nl.h dent. Inatructor of fipunlnh. 3i4 fleldner bid. MTJSig SCHOOLS MANDOLIN, banjo, guitar and glee clulM organ- laipg, roainners ng piayera. pot Biiers bldf. ORKADNT (iOOPNOUOU , 85ool of PUno Plavlne. Write or call for m-nwhn. tiMi Colt-mbla bldg. Main aS. THIELHORN. -InllB t-ack-r. nnnll 307 Plcldnrr' bid.. A-4100. ' Marshall 1fla. - SCHOM' Or MUSIC STAFF OK TEACHERS 0HEOON CONSERVATORY OF MPSlClOtalogl 40610 acrHootr abp teachers r r. kvaudaTllle nlano nlavlna- ak lesaona. Succear gaaranttadr Chrla- auaseu wag. Booklet' free. 23 :. v - Divorces , : Free advice,- 'reasonable - fees, easy rerms.; Bankruptcy, collections, convey ances. Abstract examined. Referencea Geo. N. Farrit). Lawyer. 708 Selling bldg. LADIES Ask for AntlKo -Mixture No. s. It is safe and sura ' Woman s wea- Iclne"; the most successful and harmless PKRSONAIj rTDrug Co Hi . aaoTf feoTst.:' nWfMr.-tflfe -g THE , place .for . hair ' work. Sanitary neauty parioru. 400 to 414 uekum oiaa. Mar. 1702. Switdhes made 96c. switches vjfvti e&, aiinnipuo too, uair ;ureo wu. massage zoc, scalp treatment -no. iarg- est up-to-aate parlors on tne coast, GRADUATE . chiropodist, manicurist. ' screntmo rnasseuse, thermal baths, formerly 6th and Wash. ats. and 614 Dekuin ' bldg.; now 404 Buchanan bldg., 289V Washington; Qpp. Perkins i hotel. Leading wig and toupee maker's, finest biovk 'oi numao nair gooas; nair aresa- Ing, manicuring, face, scalp treatments, in proaaway, near Morrison. M. (44, REMOVED Mrs. Stevens, 20 .years Portland's leading palmist and clair voyant has removed to 391ft Morrison st, Benson bldg. - Her book. Palmistry wane n.ay, ror sale.' ATTORNEY, gives personal attention to divorces,, administration ; of estates, bankruptcy-and general law. Free con sultation. Will call at your home. At wmur jwi, in, yortiana, 4 YOUR'LIFEAciicHoSk00-- llMiloerk bldg..' Park and Morrison. -f - Readings by mail.; 8 P I R I T UAL nledium,, Rev- Virginia' Rowe. 4 Readings, healing,' dally cir cles. Tuesday and Friday evenings, 8 P. m. S231 6th st Phone A-7116.- V MISS STOCKS, mental scientist:; treat ments: magnetic healing; daily read ings; , 284 Union ave., N., cor. Multno mah. Woodlawn car. East 6388. r MANICURING, facial - and scalp mas sage. 384 Fourth st, near Jefferson. Main - S803. , -'v. :V.r..;-t. K-xh : !'' BTtrSIO 80BO0IA AVO teachers BAQTIUii plane glaring guaranteed beginners in 10 leaaone. Original (etchers ef popular mu ale and picture playing, 501 tiler bldg. - BgWlyTWtt i AB9 XA-LOBUttt 8CHOO- VAUCNTINBl'8 system ladles' taJlorus. 4i - - - staking taught. 163 Orand av.. opt. Morrleea and Belmont. Pattern cut to BMwn. , XTZ, ZAR, HOSE. TE&OAX A1TD Ufjiog tment br sDeclallat. Ol-aseB Jtteo. ur. F. F. Caaaeday, 418 Deknm bldg., 8d and Waah. 3XEOTEIO IT0T0B3 ABD DYBAMOB MOTOUS, gensmton, boagnt sold, tented and . repaired, We do all kinds of repairing and re winding; aU work gnarantetd. b. U. R. Cla Pie Co.. 11 N. lt at. Pnon Mala B21B, W buy, aeil, rcut ana axebanc new and - ono nana motors, repair wora a apeeiaity. wewn Bieeme worka, sis eixtastrMt. IXECTHOtYBIt BITIIVDVIiTAiia ( r . i. Molea. wart, mitt- diMtrovad f nrmr hr alee. trie needle; bo pain, no acar. cure guaranteed. mug, v ixng, ooa Bwetiano Piog. HOUCH, Miwrtluoa bair removed. Mrs. U. v. Miu. a riledner bids. Mala 847s. BOWSRd 4k PARSONS, 100ft lYoat Mala 744. fornltnre noaDltal: oarklne. - ' repaired, repollahed, opholatered. xbi ciku worx. can tor price, atain easy, GLASS ABB GLAZIMO lMMS, CBES3 4k CO., I4-lH 3d st Prompt seme. King Main or a-zu-a. ASOLOrS XVHOIJTES MARINB Bad statlorary, Burin bargware. AJ ruwu m aurrLi int., loa-ita rroai fiwMi Mommm ti ramniit. - ' ' BAT FACTOXT . LADIES, Ctantlemea's bata eteaaed and bloeked BBUafaetorlly. Boyal Hat Word, B4H lt t - HfgUaABCX -'-:.' irCARQAR, Bates A Uvely, Sol Ta sMg. ry ivru s sooiiraDce. nonas. - SODAX SUPPLIES KOriAkQand aU anppllea. Darelopliig, nvwiiiiwtrinnDi ana enlarging. BLUM, ACER PHOTO SUPfLY. CO.. 46 Waahlngtoe, LABDSCAPE gASUM-VIJia BETTER landscapes aad general gardening. SWISS - LUKAL uu. b,w PACiaiO Lauosvap ati.jBiug company, Alt Hotnenua oiag. mane Harmnail saos. - LAUBDRT IAPANE8B Eagle Laundry, elMnlng aad e ng. iju noBoeu l. fcaai aooo, u-iiv. ItACUIBKBl B. TRXNKMAN CO., hjdraulle and special vwt, iwh bibcbb, ou lanar, "Bl"f SM' caiDvrj,, rvpaurw, iv, i,, bib, ICMJlftto, iwller. saM'ttuiia Sougbt, boM aad escbanged. The J. K. Martin Co., Portland. Of MATTRESS FACTORY MATTRESSES made orer and to order, eterlng of all kinds, Marshall 3657. L'phol juEliOERS HASTY MESSENGER CO., Main 66. A -SI 58. epea algbt and aay. MUX INERT HATS remodeled and made to order by experta, High class work. -50 12tb at, Mar. 2056. MORTQAOI LOAAiS JOHN KKU, mortgage loans, Inaoraoe. sot xon oiag. 1 Mam nn. BATUROPATHI0 PaTSICIAirg DR. CHOTER Paraljrala, aervons and eferoai dlaeatea. ' 708 Oretoniaa bldg. M. HU. OSTEOPATHIC PUYSIOIASS DR. LILLKBELLE PATTERSON. Spedallat ea aervea, acute and cbroole dtaaaac. :. ia v lumbla bldg. - Main goat . - - - PAINTLNO ABD PAPXRIRO PAINTING Paper 4 baoglng,1 tlatlag, earpet eleantug, bottom price. Alar.- 8Wsi kallwoed laoa r iVllwood S1&3. .w"- a PAINTING, paper nauglng, tinting $i per room. C. A. Daruea. lrhull 4674. -jJ''V: GOOD work my tsottu, a. Oabuuru See t'ui WMclnaton. B-.loT.' Ht 4914, OK be.t work, prlco right, cU P. A. Deaa. S83 E. Wblngton. Bllwiiid 1106. PATENT DRAWINGS PATENT drawings, general drafting, , machine qealgn, worsmg orawinga. niepneua. g. eojft. PATEHT ATTORNEYS, PATENTS procured by J. K. MOCK, Attorney. at-Law, Ute of U. a. PATENT OFTIOB. Book free. 1010 Board of Trada bldg. r PAVENO COMPANIES THB BARBER ASPHALT PA VINO CO., Fort. .:land office 606 ElattW"bldg.'i-w:;.,, iMnuiacture v . CLOTH, HAT AAD CAP EACl'OBY i toNDON'HAT AND CAP WORKX 872 let ai. 1 Manufacturer - to the trade. Ladle' tailored bata a apeclaltyr Main 6047. " '- 1 ' DRYOOOD8 WHOLESALE Fleischnor, Mayer & Co. ' FARM , mPLEMEjtAJIDVEHICLEg E. M. WADE A CO.,' 822 Hawthorn at. ' .Wholesale agricultural Impleunenta, - GROCERIES ALLEN A LEW1H (Kat. 1H51) 46 N. Front ON WORKS ' i , PACIFIC ILON WORKS ' . ' All Architectural Lroa J J'-.irjV . ''-1-. . -... Castings, -' - -i -. Vi '..; rj.. .BeamS, ':-'"-' t Angles,',, Wfi-i-, Channel, ' ' LEATHER AND nWDINOa I , - i- - CHAS. L. AlASTICK A CO., 74 Front. Leather of every ,i,cption; Kip manutacturera, find- Ing. '-' '-t. -i,'-'"': 1 '-. . ' ''-." '' i-;- .;' MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES , ,( UMMEKMAN-WELLS-UltUWN CO' Sawmill, logging nd Iron working manhlnary. PORTLAND W1KK AND IRON WOUKB, SM 3d St. rcaicturB wira auo iron. . .. - , . ' MADAM VAZhlL.li . -' Teacher of occult science. Calls yoq by name and tells you what you called ', for without' asking a question. She IS the wonder worker of, the world re- . nowned, , Oftica hours 9 a..m. to 8 p. m ,,!' lKom 7,' 193 W. Park. . T GiURMAN TKAlNKD NURSE AND ' - MAHSF.IiSI,-. Long experience, . best references. ism and lumb- uayn, NOTICES 2(1 SEALED proposals will be received by - -John B. Coffey, county clerk, 'court house, Portland, Oregon, until 10 a. -m, Wednesday, October. 29, 1918. for ms- -tallio boai 18 feet long, 6 feet five Inches wide -and 23 Inches deep. Same to be passed on by United States government inspectors.-. il- '.-. No proposal will be considered Unless . accompanted by a check payable to hav- order of the board of county commis sioners ot- Aiunnoman county, certuieo by a responsible bank, for an amount -equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal. .Bids must state earliest date of deliver. The right is expressly re- , served to reject any or all bids. " ,- , Ti PA,n,n ' ., , I. - - ft, .' BOARD Of COUNTY COMMSSIONERfJ,' (,! j y V-VV U HU1MAW, ' ' Chairman. . . . . , ' , D. V. HART, " County Commissioner,"' . W. L. LIGHTNER, County Commissioner. " "f SEALED bids will be received until 11 a. m. Friday. October 24, 1913. at the office of the Port of . Portland, room 660, courthouse, for supplying the' fol lowing:' -AO random lengths' standard 80 inch. O. D. Ian welded pipe, of inch metal. - 1 enst steel cutter, built and finished! according . to B. P. r sets cast steei cutter Knives. -: " Plans and sneclflcatlona mv hA upon application at the office. The right iu icjnyi uy ur a ti oaa is reserveoj. ii t XtxlM fUtti - Ur PORTLAND. . Directory riAiro racTOEt i PIANO toning, repalrutg, rsflnlshlag. Batlaiit - glrea. Bargains la ased piano. 0, gemmae Co.. S4T Bth at. Mat, 1571 or can. fLUltBIMO) AT yiffifBritB 8trPITfB BATHS, toilets, basins, boilers, nip, eoatraeting, Jobbing. M. 6297. 827 1 geaerai lt at PLirirg rnoy. .. ' XUMS CUiANED,JDYD ANoJ U ADM O V B B, HABTMKS. : ; PLUMB 6HOP. YAUUlLt AT PARK IT. PBOWB MAIM 1BOj PBIiriTBtl VBsaBBBaaaseBBBaaaaBBBaaaBBaaB ANSLET PRINTING CO.. 850 Oak. Hate 4671 Printing to plas. Katahllahad IBOg. - - - PR1.a.U you want It, Prlcaa rlatat. ala. ro poll tan press, 811 Oak. Pbone Main ISM. - - KtJBBER STAMPS AKD SEALS ALSO stanrlls, trade cbeeka, braaa algas, . PAH 10 COAST STAMP WORKS . . 331 wavhlncton at.' Mala 71 Oi A -27 10. ALSO brass slgua, office auppUa, UUwgrmiiauial ... THB lRVVIN-HODSON GOMHANZ -' v ,g rittB gt. Main 812. A-laM. ' ' - gTKNCl LS and of lira stsUouery. . voanlBsBaai1 Oo 11 Stark. Mais 1407. BCAZP SPECIALISTS DISEASES of - the scalp sueceaaf ally treated and hair rtored. 807 Vtacleay bldg. srwata kachx-tes HEAL BARGAINS IN SCW machines, all - mat. faetsry prtca. . Bacoad kaad $0 np. , Maetalses ratd aad npalrad. Sawing Maciilna Ka porlum. 160 Sd. Main P431. BH2ZT MXTA1 'WORIS JACOB L08U, sheet metal -Worka, aoaal, tec limn awa ivhik, scucraa loaning. Mats 144. S10 klrat wet. Columbia and Clay an. SHOWCASES ASTO XTX1TJEIS THB JAMES L MARBBALX, MFG. OO. New and eld aboweaaea, cabinet, star,., ef ace. wuiuww w . , m ana uifri, kHOWCASlaS of wy . daauripUoa baac, i aad store flataras made te order. , Xb Lat, Mfg. Co. TAXIDERMIST ALL LINES OF TAXIDERMY; glasa ere, "t ' -. g. riHliIl,- WliUMBU ' Hi'RKKr. TRANSFER AND STORAGE TEAMS AND AUTO TANi FOR LONG U1SXANCB MOVlMtt 87-89 Front or A-t34f. OREGON TRANSFER CO. EatabUttwd 1870. .. Transfer and forwarding agaats. aurin, mm iracaase. Offle ana atorage, 474 Gllaas st, - lllb aud iilaav maia m, A-iiea. a-lhtEPUlHlK gfORiltl . " ' . ' PORTLAND VAN 4k SXOUAOa) CO.'g Bw fir., Droof warehouaa luat cowDlataA . Im-alah-a vry facility known -to - modern warehonalng.' An lnDctlon will eon vlnea aau. HnuuhnU good .aaipped at- reduced freight rates. Fire proof wantnoua win ana svnarney, fjommerclal warehouse Utb and aVreratt strean. Mala 660. A-16VO. -. r r - C. O. PICK Transfer Storage Co, uttleaa aae - eommodloss four story brick warahoaaa, arlth t pa rata Iron rooma aud fireproof vaslt Car Valuable. N, W. corner 3d and Pin st. Plane and furniture uravd and packed foe sblpplrg.i Stwclal , rate .wad an good la our Uuvusk -car te ail domeaU sad foratga polata. Mala ovo, - A-ltnw-- - PORTLAND .MANSFKR UTOMa.ua iSn. ' Main tflu. - 206 Waahlngtoa A-1004 Pianos sod furniture moved and aaekaS fa shipment Baduead frelghc rata on all goods - aaippau our .nrouga can. tu aiera peista. Storage. Low Inaursnc. . UNITED Tranafar Co. Storage and generai' BBoniaf- - "i aaiiaraon. BBir- Xiaaa, a-VOS. , XAILOEIBG SCHOOL. KIbVSTBB'S Udles ' Tailoring Collage.- Uars oraaangaaHiB laiioripa;. ; aaa mn. rrprwRiriSA ta a 1 ALL makes rented, repaired, soldi Canalagaaa. w.. mi pit,, main iwi... - . . WATCHMAKER ' AKD 7EWET.T.R HAAKON GLASOK," jeweler. 126 1st at, near Waahlngtoa at. ' ?"V''i:.:',Ivff.,:'WXBD0W- CLXAJIUIO WS--. , H EXPERT window claanarai employing eels aan. i white halo.CaU for pric . Uji31.st7i BoraaldB A.' B. WINDOW cleaning contractor,- Bpafd, ' thoroughness.' caretnlueae. '-Phone Main 72us! tAxaT, OIL AAID GLASS RASMUSSBN to.. "High Standard" paint N. K. corner 3d and Taylo. M -A-tTTl. ,: y FiPE prrg fitttnos valves f L- L-Ji-J mBwi1iaaait,sap,, i-iwiaaaa. awjBISAaaa M. LV KLINE ft&SSr ' " rr!u rLraBINflTEAM TTPPLttg M.1 L.'KLINE loffanTroV- PORTLAND WOOD 1'II'E, CO; Factory and t floe near 24lh and York ata. Main 8480. PRODUCE COMMISSION EVEKD1NO A FABRELL, produce and eomiala. iou mercnania, ,iu srout au, . Portland. Or. Phone Wain 170. ' BOPB AKD SIKD1R Twnrg . . S'e',aM,l'Baaf aswkaaaMsTBl ; & Portland Cordage. Co. ; MULTNOMAH Trunk A Bag fJo,. ' S0-S6 Eaat Water, wholeaal, mfg. trunka, anltcaaa. I Special trunk, aud cases made to order, ' ;'''Ssis, Ifala 647 V '-.ij.ii'f.