The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 21, 1913, Page 18, Image 18

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iiijuiii 11.1 1 nui u I rii Li li
JUBSli-.v'. -- 5 "... .! , r"-rV. ,. " - ' i
T"-', ;
" - Portland Man Believes the In-
' ventlon Will Mean the Savr
v $"3 1 1 ng of. Many Lives. . .-. ' ; ' ? v?
' I Patent ' papers naT ."beeo iseued 'ta
'Csptala John Alhert' Johnson, of 1101
a'East Wain street, late master of the
; j steamer-North Kins, on a new device
for ; launchinr boat In .remarkably
short space of tithe end With Uttle dag
ger of being; smashed. ' '
Captain' Johnson ban start sec or
rights to his Invention; In forl roan
tries, such s Cana. Germany, Bnft
land tFrance and Japna, 4 W t now
. preparing- to have aa apparatus con
structed ' fori deinrmstrntto purpose.
He expects to placed n some
' ' ferryboat either In San Francisco or,
New York, as a craft of that descrlp-
- tlor. la thouaht better for the purpose.
; v The InvenOon. whleh Is tn be knowa
as -Johnson's Uunchlnx device." will
. launch two or three boats -frora th
same davit ; falls within the space, of
about five eninutea, those in tne iai
boat lowering from ' the boat itself.
Three men. one at the davits and one
' ' on each fait, are suffldent to put the
boat from the deck of a eioktng veasil
to the water without danet ef the
'( boat being ground to pieces while it is
- still suspended from the falls, says the
'; " -?- inventor.'.' vivn . ;i: ' .'
' 4 The apparatus consists of tracks an
rollers upon which the boats rest, end n
' 1 aDaciallv devised davit which swing
over the side or tne vesaei wu uk
boat and forms an angle with the per
pendicular of the ship which takes taa
" boat clear. There is a system of grip
" '" that hold the boat steady until the pas.
aboard.' and which are re-
- ' " leased automatically as soon ns the da
vits start te lower. vaptain voanavu
formed the Idea for the davit about
year ago and worked it out last winter.
- Mariners who have seen the drawings
of the device predict n big demand for
it as a time-saver in case of -wreck.'.
f , -vr.-t'-rt. ! " " .. swassiaWs'.V''''iJ,,;-i . -V' ''
" Book - Published by Well . Known
"u.iii literary lion, and congrat
ulated by hi friends as an , arnveo.
author of sea yams, wss the unique ex
perience of Captain Andrew W. Nelson,
master of the fsclfic MaU'n liner Korea,
as he stepped from the deck of that ves-
1 sel - In San Francisco , harbor Sunday.
The occasion was the remarkable sale
' of his book "Yankee Swanaon." an un
usual tale of the sea when tM wind-
- jammer was monarch of all that it ur
veyed. The- book- has almost run
throoga its first sditlon and bids fair
, to become, one of the "six best sellers,'
it Is said, which makes Captain Nelson,
one of the most unusual skippers sail
ings the Pacific.;.- sti.. ': :'?;:.;'',.. 'y:'.
, The tale is based on the seadog's own
experiences after he left Sweden as n
cabin boy and is brimful of action, be
ing read with delight by thousands,
i - CapUin Nelson la well known in Port-
land and has numberless friends here,
Kalned while he was -master of the San
Francisco it Portland steamship Beaver,
wlilch he commanded until be took the
berth of master on the China steamer.
i Captain oi Ship MSharbek ifenw No
" . , 8igo4 ot Reolatlosvrf::'-:vtH;
Revolution in Mexico was not indl-
- : cated in Santa Rosalia up to the time
the German' ship Shurbek sailed from
there on September 19, according to Cap-
' tain ChrisUanstn, the - master of . the
,. n-r-ln fehln -nrhioh arrivcwl a. thai T.lnnton
ballast dock at I o'clock this morning.
Captain Christiansen says that every-
- tiling was quiet there when ha left and
that there were no refugees in the port.
- The Schurbck had good weather from
: the Mexican port and made the passage
; In 81 days; She will load wheat hero
. for the United Kingdom under . charter
- to M. H. Houser, -
t Gaa Schooner Tillajnook to Sail for
. , " - .North Bend. ' .
Railroad iron for the railroad running
Into North Bend composes the largest
v . single shipment of the gas schooner Til-
lamook. Captain Johnson, which Is
scheduled to sail tonight for the south
ern Oregon coast, loaded down to the
guards. She Is taking out .86 tons of
Iron for' North Bend and the remainder
t of ber cargo consists of 260 tons of
. general merchandise for Tillamook. The
steamer Sue H. Elmore is also scheduled
.-to sail tonight for the latter port with
a full cargo of freight
' Captain Erickson Makes Repori to
: () Lighthouse Service.
'' An item-of Interest to navigators has
, been received by Henry L. Beck, light
house inspector for the Seventeenth dls
- trlct, who has been informed by wire-
less that the large Oxford reef gas buoy
, has been extinguished. Inspector Beck
Was informed by wireless from both
- Captain Erickson of the steamer Re
v dondo and by the keeper of the Cape
V" Blanco light station. The light will bo
: 5 relighted as soon as possible. The sub.
marine signal on the buoy Is not af
- The steamer Johan Poulsen, Captain
L'lVestad, -which has loaded 660 tons of
wheat here for San Francisco, is sched
uled to leave down tonight for St. Hel
ens. Klamath and Oak Point to finish
;wlth 380,000 foet of lumber.
' A raft of logs moored on the west side
of Robs Island has been reported to
Collector of Customs Burke because of
( not having a light last night.
i When she arrived from San Francisco
at 7:45 last night, the steamer Oliver
. J. Olson, Captain Payne, had 60 passen
v gers, 1000 tons of general freight and
' 3 80 ions of cement. She will load 2100
I tons of wheat here and 300,000 feet of
- lumber at St. Helena for Sa-n Pedro.
. The steamer . Yosemlte shifted last
night front Weatport to the Inman-Poul-sen
mills to complete' her lumber cargo.
- lAden with wheat for the United
Kingdom;: the German ship Harvesthud
left down for the sea this. morning in
,. tow of tbo uteamer Ocklahama., -
-Taking on the last of her. flour cargo
I (Ills afternoon," the '. Japanese - steamer
, Hudson Maru w; scheduled to.sallto
, night for the orient. She Is under char
'. ter to Balfour, Guthrie it Co.:.!
: Carrying passengers and freight, the
steamer Breakwater, Captain Nelson., is
scheduled to sail tonight for Coos Bay.
Pas .fo'"AMwa,''i" tiil::t$ ti K
ritr G'tlat-T. from 8as Pedro. ..... ,-.Oct,23
l-ar, gan rVdro.,..,.......,..ilrt. X4
Alilenmt, tram Kureka. .......,....,,, .Oct. 2&
lucHiaa, (runt San Pedro lad was.. .'.Oct. 2S
Breakwater, fr Coos Bay, .....Oct.
, ...... ...... , " W . ' . ' V '
j Tillamook,4 from Coqulll i,, Vf ii,.. i' JJ
Bom City, from I-ud Angeles,,.. J
ltoenoke. Iron Baa Pedro... ...'..... Not. I
Da of Glanila. from Kuropa and orient. .Nov. v 8
C. Fred Lselas. from Kuropa and omnt Nov. 4
Solrelg. from the orient...... ..No. )S
Aadilusla. tram Enron and rlenl.., .,!, 4
Pea of Air He, from Kurepe and way..,, .pec. J
Sllhoola. from Karope aud orient. ... . .!. HI
Uarioaethehire, from Europe and orient. .Jan. IS
Haa frc.;.;......7...oci,
k,. h BiT fcTrininok ' . Oct. 81
ySJ&rtTtm Karop. andri;;L:.:..Oc. 21
v.,nl.. 'fj, ? ....u. 7. .1 ' Oct. 22
YowuKa. for Los Aoavlea. ...Oct. 't
Canlno. lor 8an Franclaco .Oct. i
Uultnomah, for 8aa franclacp......,.Oct. g.
Itnanoka ifir. Kan llloon.. .....Oct. ill
How Uty,' for Sun 'raBeiaco,..:........Oct.
Ollrtr J. Olwn. tor Lo Ancelea. ...... .Oct. 24
Alll.ace; for Kureka -Oct- m
Betrar, for. 8n idro Oct. St)
Yacatan. for Van Ulego and way.. Oct 28
Bear, for Run KrauelHco. ...... . . Vi . . Not.
C. Ferd LaeU.. for orient and Kuropa,. Nov. i'4
lnTjf Olamia, for Earop and orient... Not, 13
Andiluala. for orient and Eorooa, .... .wDee. 18
Bltaonla.' for orient and Eurooe. ....... .Jaa.
Peo ef Alrlle, for Knropa and orient. ...Jan. T
JleriooeUuiblre, tor Kuropa aud orleu t . . . . r eo. 10
: ::, f . '." Is M - rncioa. t v r,
taaawra HarTard and Yale, alternating.
team Baavrraac-laco tor Has Ulego oa atoodaia,
WeajMadaya, rrldaya and aturdajra, eounactlng
with ateasiara from Portland. NortnDoooa. toay
arriTa at Sa Frauelsuo oa Xueadaa, YUuradaya,
Haiardays sad nundajra.
Taasals ts nrt,
Kama -' Bartb.
UamtBde. Ger. ahln ....Aatorla
Haakk. Am. aca. AaturU
Puko, Asa. bkta...... Waatport
Coatmeroe, Am. ach..... .....Unntoii
una xempMlowa, nr. e..... rrwrou
L. li. KurKaaa. Am. bk... ......Gobla
St. NldMttaa, Am. aklp...... .....Aatorla
Utrlia, Ana. abip...... Gobi.
Beaea, Am.. ..Astoria
Hoda Mara. Jap ea... riour mllla
Goo. K. Billiaga, Am. acb. ........... .Weatport
Kct-leata, Br.. a.... ..Bainler
W. U. Emlta, Am. acfe v...Ort'fea drydock
Ernett Leffoura, . bk , kleraey
Birkdale, - Br. bk...... ........ Llontuo
Caroline, Am. arh... ........ ..EVviltnd Ubr. Co.
Camlno, Am. aa.. ............... .Albera No. 8
1'iriUtt, Aot. as............. Alters No. 3
Monidnock. Br. as... .................. .Oceanic
8tnaw, Am. aa.........,..Multnouab Box Co.
rue U. eimora. Abb., as Columbia 1
Tillamook. Am. aa......... .Colunihla I
Joaaa Hwubteu, Am. aa,.,, ....... ..St. Helena
Ocaurbek. Uarmaa bark Linn ton
Yoarmite. Am. aa. lumio-i'oulten
alaltaoaaalt. Am. aa.... ....lit. Helena
OUrer J. Obwn, Aat. aa. ...... ....... Ooucb
Breakwater, Am. aa. ................. Alnawortb
Mow City, Am. aa. Alnaawth
ttoaaoke,. Am., ea.... ............Martina
Bowaoto, Am. aa. ..Martin 'a
YYclkoley. Am. aa. UaOuler
ts .Bswte ta Xad laaasar.
' Kama Balled from.
Arrino, Br. atr.. ................. ....Mttjiiiuoa
Uearflaa. Am. ski. .....................Callaa
UarUwrouak Uill. Baaa. bk..... ...Cailaa
Saata MmaUa, Br. aa...................Tacima
Huia, laaa. aa. ............... ...aVa fraaciaca
Xtttlar, Hot. aa...:.. Saa fraaclaoi,
ladramajro. Br. aa.. ............... ..Baa lMeao
aukoko tlnta, Jap. as. .................. ...Uujl
Wm. a. 'l'alooi, Asa. ach...... Callaa
Uawkhaad. Br, aa. ........... ,..,8aa franciaco
Alrtcaa Monarch, Br. aa. ....... kraactaco
Bans plr, Br. aa..... ....oura
Huwth, Ut. bk.................Nawcaatle, Euaj.
Koke Uead. Aw., , . .Antof agaata'
Beulaa, Am. ach.. .8u Diegu
1 A n. ... . .... .T
4UV .III. . mrt ... ,.....ii.ii,(i..MUU,WII
Jane I Biantord, Am. bktn... MVjlUooaa
aoreaier, 4 m aca. ...................... , vauao
b.Seate ta Load .Orals, V; - -- i I. X; :y : sailed Prom.
Adelaide, Car. Sew ................. Aatufogaata
Aaterd. Nor. ah .Caliaa
BntlaS tales. Be. ship,. .....Celiac
Cl;ila, Nor. abip... ................ ......Cailao
Uocodlla, Br. bark.......... Oallaa
ilalgato, Br. bark..... St. Boaalla
Uuwmuav Br. bork. ............ ..Nwcaaiie, K.
luru-aTou, Br. bark .Callaa
Kauai. Bahj. ablp..... .Harburg
Laaedala, BK abip..... Waat Coaat
Waiun, Br. bark. ...... ....... .St. Buaalla
urotara, tier, ah, ... ...... Xokohama
fklladalpbia, Br. 8blp..............,,....CaUaa
Beanra, Br. ablp......... Callaa
TbUtlatwuk, Br. bark.........,...Booa Araa
WM Vlnnan, Get bark...... Waat Coaat
WMtcate, Br. ablp....;........,... .Waat Ouaai
luTerarla Br, bk. ........... .....Buenoa Arree
Vatukuua Itaro .........,...,... .....Orient
Atumaeaa alaru, Jap. sa..,,,...8au franclaoo
Benja Mara, Jap. aa... ...Japan
Cruwa of Arraa;oa, Br. aa. ...... .Baa franclaeo
tblladelpbla, Br. eh.... ....... ........Callao
Dally Rlrer Readings.
W;'';-a,,4 ,6 a
' I fa a tail
24 2.9 0.2 0
25 4.0 0 0
80 2. 2 0.J 0
87 4.9 O.S 0
X5 2.80.2 0
i umaiiiia .-.,.......
FAIbaliT ...............
i WHaon-Hlle ...........
i roruand ..............
(J Rising. ( railing. '
Astoria. Oct. 31. Sailed at a. m. Steam,
art ATalon and Paralao for elan rraoctaeo. Ar.
rlred at aud left up at 0:30 a. m. SUamer
Bowdolo from San Frandaco.
Dan yrancltco,. Oct. 21. Arrived at roldnleht
Steamer Norwood from Portland.
Antwerp, Oct. 20. Sailed Brltl.h ateamer
When a physician wishes to
reinforce reinvigorate your
system, invariably he will
advise the free use -of a good
mineral water
Standing aldhe in its class,
the high regard in which
held by the doctors of today is
by its
1 he Ynmhill
ket is helping
of families t to
the i liih cost
nil"", rM
the loyr. prices,' tho4'vnioftiMh&
present this ad when making purchase of 50c or
oyer, at any one stall, Will get 15 extra o."k H.
Giwn. TracUng Stamps FREE,;
p.- Aw
Monmouthshire, tor Portland. ' "".,..
. Coos Bay. Oct J,-Setled-r8teamer .Alliance
Coronel, Oct W.-ArTtved-Brmen Ateamer
Clarerlr from Portland for Umerlck. .-P-
Aatorla, Oct. SO. .Arrived down sty 2:40 P.
m-Oertnan bark Tnlelbek. Uft up at 8:20
B. n. German bar Schurbek. -Arrived at 1
and left up at 3 j. m.-rUUiaiiwr woiieaiey imm
... ; - . .... .i. ...a I
San raoclaco, Oct. '.-rrnra i k. .
si..m.. . u..- rmm, PmimaA. Sailed . at
fi jfr J".f a uirr lalyOailany- foT Portland.
. f; y,j Pi "V-
1 . . '- - i- - .
pmiTuf-B.. DMirTIO 'Trt i
Infill T Wr-RM Pflnir-lf; IN
' OF P. E. E. 0N.N0V. 1
(Contlnned Front Page One.) '
thus officially made t cover the P.. K.
& E. lines. ' D ,W, Campbell la desig
nated as general superintendent; F. L
Burckhalter, chief engineer; II. 'A. Hin.
shaw, general freight agent, and John
M. Scott, general passenger agent. With
the exception, of , tne chief engineer,
Burckhalter, who is district engineer of
the Southern Pacific, supplants - R, T.
Guppy, who fc&s resigned to take a po
sition on the Southern Pacific's staff In
California.' --. : ; '
. ThMnirh Train Servios.
Mr, Campbell declared this morning
that after November 1 through steam
train service would be Installed on the
line from Portland to Eugene.' Trains
Nob. I and i will be extended from Cor
vallls, and trams nos. 3 ana 4, now run.
nlng only to Sheridan,' will be extended
to Wlllamlna. H declared, also, tnat
these lines would be operated aa steam
roads only until the electrification was
completed, after which the operation
and traffic would be resumed by the
P. K. & Eh ap originally-planned. -.
Thin Is a - temporary arrangement
made advisable by the fact 'that it may
be some 'time before the electrification
is complete, and economy of operation
would be enhanced by the change." said
Mr. Campbell. -
"The part of the P. E. Ja. Jtnown
as the first unit, which extends from
Portland to MoMlnnville, will be the
first, to be eleotrified. and when this is
done the steam trains will be taken off
and electric trains put on. When the
next unit is electrified, the sama course
will "be pursued."- " ,
tttrahom to Bemaia, W
It is denied that President Strahorn
Is to be relieved of his dutleev . Con
struction work will be largely suspend
ed during the winter, though as much
of -the electrification as possible will
be continued during the winter. ' - '
Mr. Strahorh had not returnedTvirom
Spokane today, but it was said at his
office that the oniy cnanges m ins ot
ficlal staff were those - indicated. -
This statement was authorised by Mr.
Strahorn:" 'i
"The lines so far completed, outside
the electric lines in the various cities,
will necessarily be operated by steam
until such a period In the future as elec
trification can be completed. In their
present scattered and disconnected, con
dition, sandwiched In as xney are. be
tween Southern Pacific lines, independ
ent opera tipn by the P., K. & E. is inJ
convenient and expensive. - it aiao is not
possible to thus give the best service
to the. -public. . .:. ;
Operate as' Throngli Una.'
For example, the Portldnd-Kugene
line, now' operated In several sections,
can under the new management be op
erated as a through line, with passen
ger -and freight service at convenient
hours- between Portland and Eugene by
way of Oswego. Newberg. McMinnvlUd
Independence and Corvallls. , It will
prove a great boon to the entire west
half of the Willamette valley, as It will
for the first time place all the west side
points named on a through line between
here and ' California ' points .with con
nections to relieve from comparative
isolation many others. ' It will also be
possible to give better service on the
Molalla and Wlllamlna lines.
- "The present P: E. & K. traf f lo men
will perform the same duties under Mr.
HlnEhaw and Mr. Scott. , ,
"The recent settlement by arbitration
of - the long-standing difficulties witn
the enginemen and trainmen growing
nut of the proposed independent opera
tion of the P-. E. & E. and other auxil
iary companies, . has also had an im
portant bearing on the situation. ,
Troubles to Znd,
"As these steam lines will now come
under regular working arrangements of
enormous sale.
'ih ,
Public Mar 1
thousands '
cut down
of living.
in addition to d
- j
the 'other -Southern Pacific steam lines,
all such troubles will be dissipated. ,
"The city lines of the I., & A E. at
Salem, Albany, ". Corvallls and Kugcne,
will be operated by the company a
heretofore under Superintendent . L.
Billlnffeley.H.oV'.-'iw ,-.-:.. $ -,-.
While no informations was officially
given out, it Is generally believed In
i railroad clrclea that an aznerlenced eleo.
Urij rall way operatjngmajn woul; be
' j lines s soon "as the west side and
.-, .1 or-
1 Fourth street electrification is complete.
lTh, ectrlficatlon work wiU proceed as
Mnr, nnd Pin fhmhinm kluofrlmil
engineer. ,
(Continued From Page One.)
petitioners . gave, their , addresses 'cor
rectly, v No attack Is made upon the
genuineness of -any signature."
Testimony; Weak. ''.'
The court.: says that . no testimony
was offered to a-upport the allegation
that 100 persons knowingly signed the
petition twice and that the court was
left wholly to an inspecuon of the pe
tition to determine that "question.
An allegation wan made that 260 sig
natures were illegal because they were
illegible. The opinion says there Is no
standard of excellence in penmanship,
The right of a, petitioner to order
the referendum cannot, be made to de
pend unon the ability or inability of
any person to read , the : signature,"
says the opinion. , " ,: : : ; ' , :
"Many of our best cltisens habitually
sign their names in a" form illegible to
any ono not familiar with, the writing
and It would be unreasonable to deny
such voters the right to referendum be
cause of their chlrographlcal ldtosyn
crasles." -a .:; '',.:;"..v.''
The court brushed aside the allegation
that 393 names were not Included In the
verifications on the petition, saying that
It was a matter of correctly reading the
names, tnd that the person writing the
affidavit might be correct in his trans
Iatlon of the signature or be Innocently
misled aa to its reading. " - . t
"Kypercrltloal Objections.''
The tourt held that It was not neces
sary to be a registered voter to be eli
gible to sign the petition. -
"Many other hypercritical objections
are urged . against the validity of the
petition," says the opinion. ."They are
too numerous to notice In detail with
out exceeding the limits of an ordinary
opinion. They ara based mainly on the
absence of street addresses and - cleri
cal differences between the names In
affidavits' and verification and tile sig
natures, to the petition. But In our
Judgment they are cured by the saving
clause in section 3473, U O. L."
. Justice Burnett says the court was
much . influenced in ' reaching Its con
clusion by the fact that It is the duty
of the defendant, secretary of state, in
his official capacity, to determine in
the first Instance by an inspection of
the petition whether or not the signa
tures are genuine and are regularly
"The presumption is that he had per
formed, his duty properly,?, says the
opinion, "and we are not disposed to
dispute his conclusion on a mere Inspec
tion of the petition, and this is sub
stantially all the data afforded us In. the
investigation.'' .; -. v-i - f
Nt,Larg$,Midtm. WnSertuSUamm '
OaamnSa, Cililarnia, CsJedonls, Cohmbla
TUSCAN1A, 14,000 tons, (Building) '
Tntmd wttk Wlrilm Tataiuli, m4 HktbA. .
ttewtna- Pi nil. I ,aaaa. Sookiaa- Bniaaa, Onbaaaa, ,
Injaalaaalr Anprinaaa ftalna ead STtrai Atlrrai
iMsrsasssJ TIM data Faflf Fsrsl.tad-Uw IHas
ATeditcTraiiean Service from NewYork
First Cabii Pms lo bpfes S6I aid
TUri Clm it ferj Lew tales.
Aaihsr Use Drefta IHyaMe PYee of Chars
. Par Back aflaoaa, ttm, ata.. esatr la '
MgajOIRSON narOTMSS, Oafl'IAcante
asw. naaaoipo at- m. m. c.
.. a. a. ULLSBKO, SaatrJa, Waalk.
' Balls Direct for ' '
Wednesday, Oct 22, 2:30 P. M.
(With Denver & Rio Grande R. R.)
124 Third Street . A-4506, Main 20
STSAMXal KASalAI.0 Leaves
Portland,- Ash. Street: Pook.
dally except Saturday at 8:00
P. M. Arrives Astoria 6:00 A. M.
Leaves Astoria dally except Sun
day ac 8:00 A. M. Arrives Port
land 5:00 p; M, : f'-.'.'v-i-Make
reservations Ash Street
Dock or ? City Ticket pfflce,
3d and Washington.
Phones Marshall ,4600, A-8111
. - - , . AND 8UUT BISOO. , ,
WEDNESDAY,' OCT. 32. 3 P.' M:
' 8UNDAY, OCT. 28, P. M.
132 A THUD SXjajJET. , :
- , Phones 4Saia and A-1314,
KtPatMirSTauUt.aa arvM.
San hrancisco aritJLo. Angeie
: S. Boas Olty SaUs 4 p. ta., OotP 83.
SB. Beaver Bails 4 p. m, Oct. 88. '
The Baa rranolaoo U Portland B, a. Co.
Ticket Of flee 3d and Wash, (with 6..v.
v . Si St. Oa.t aaarshaU 4600, A-eiai,
Steamship Breakwater '
Sails from Alnaworth dock, Portland, at 6
p. m,: every Tuvaday waning. Ireluht re
ceived natll 18 o'clock I noon) on aaliing anj.
Passenger fare: Ft rat claea f 10, aaoonif claas
(men only) $7, Including berth and meal,, Tick,
at office at Lower Alnaworth dock. Portland A
Cooa Bay Steamship Line, Pnonaa Alain StWOi
Aiaiv; L. U. Keating, "Agent.vV(v. ;i'PP'
1 art I, I, 1 ' SsturSsy
SI. r ' ? J XSSrI?V naaobOlaa.
llfl IP 1 ii i tiSIS HW YORK
t 'smISIIU IMamafiSaiaaaMaaa.
Iflaar aaaaaaa a ataar ml -Wia a ffaSa,1 aa af Sm
mtl'i ama wandara, and a arUU trip dawa p
1amila Maaaaa Bhiar arltaaat aaaaa al ease, aaMa
K p.;-: l:,-
New Tork, Oct.; 21. Hans Schmidt
pleaded ; guilty yesterday before Judge
Malone to the murder. of Anna Aumul
ler,. 'The former priest put in his plea
before hla lawyer; Attorney Knolbe, had
"hie eTiTtTrievMl
UU f IVUMU' ps.a, ,MVaiMAVa a , a a? AA9raaaP
Knolbe's plea stands..
Lfitj, Td Make' Steamerp ' ;Safe. 5?, ;
Washington, uct, : ai.A- resolution
providing for the appointment of a com
mittee of three to inquire into the best
methods i. of ; constructing; passenger
steamers to render them safe from fire
was introduced in: the senate today by
United States Senator Weeks. - ,i;
v'.': ' ':' t i i' l i.i , i aa . i' .. i . 4 y-''-''
Expect to See Union Pacific. I..
I-os Angeles, Cat; 'Oct 21 Railroad
men predict that ; the Union Faciflo
railroad 'will tap Los Angeles by pur
chase of : the Salt Lake . route. - . ?
Permit of your leavine at an ;
hour , convenient for you, You 1
i will find Comfort and pleaBura
on the irip, and satisfaction in'
'.the appetising'--meals ' On the
Dining. Car of the '
af Ask for tickets via the
I Route of the Great Big
V - Baked Potatoes
in 72 Hours
" - . '.'.' '' ' ' ' -ii, r.-i V . .""'a -!- .t " .-. - -
North Coast Limited
V ' AND J' .
Atlantic Express .. '
Both run through from Portland -,
via Minneapolis and St. Paul, the
former through Milwaukee
Have steam heat ' and ' electric
lights throughout ' . "t;;-.;
Portland " City Ticket "
;; v office ;. ;
Pp ' S88 acorrlson Btrt. P.
. nensflt again 844. A-U44 ,'
' V:".
Northern Pacific
A. D. CHARLTON, A. 0, P. A
';'. .vP!i;. JrortUnd, :'pregHm.,',:4:Pi:. V'v
AT Wilson Auction House, 166 1st St.
epeoiai auction . aaia i a. m. tomor
row. !'. - i;: J - -. -'
FORD AuctionlouBe, 813 1st at, auo
tloa sale 3 p, m. Spealal offarlngs. '
USB Bassetfs Native Herbs for rheu
matism; so tablets 8dc. -a.ii druggists.
1 1 ' ..J
100x100 S, E. corner East 17th
and j Wasco Sts. a Improved - with
room modern house. m
$12,500.00 '
80 acres, ' Forest ' Grove, - 45
acres cleared, house, barn, sprintr.
!', $0800.00 '
- 60x100 on 'Cook ave., 300 j feet
off of Union ave. v ; ,
$1250.00 x 1
,r-!LE.lVOI.R -I ';V!
228- Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
6 to 7 V,; :
Blain 810 Boom 421 railing Bldg.
:,f&.' -i'-if, 'At. lowest rate.-'' ,;. ,;P',
' . .; .( to Fifth street. Main 3770.. : .
'.-'-"' $1006 and up at lowest rate.' '; ,
414 Corbet. Bldg A-141S. Marshall S3,
We JBuyiNolei
346 Salmon 8L
Main 8883. A-1771
Tacoma, Seattle
Chicago Reached
Mortgage Loans
Park bureau Krect 1 atory frame dwelling,
corner Lombard - and YYoolaoir; builder, sauio,
Harry Snltaoer Bepatr ' I, atory atable,' it
between tirorex and Uibba: builder, it. A.
Keen, .1N). - ' '
Mra. If. Bright Erect 1 story frame dwelling,
Cleaienaon between Marlon aud Katell.) builder,
Geo. VV. Pllley, S12S0. ...
. John Wllllna Erect 1 atorT frame dwelllnr.
Tib between Lmatllla and liarneyi builder, dur
-T'A " 1 biir-rW- awap-eJl ' urn
Alattaon. ,
31800. ' ,
O. B. Lent 'Erect 3 story frame dwelling,
Main sear foster road! -builder, . VV lv Irlah,
U. Welnhard estate Renalr 7 story' brick or-1
dlnary building, 6th .between Oak. and floe;
Dunuer, ueo. i.ansfqrd. ftpoo.
n,- u, waiter uepair S atory rrame uweu.
In. B. 27th between Hancock and XiUaioooki
builder, 8tokea,Zcller Co., $l()0a
CI of tltla, mnda Title
Trust Co.. Lewis bids..-4th and Oak.
In effect Oct? il18i .'. "
'- ' S -' - Dally or Sunday. ,i-,;.'tit0"'
1H cents eer word oer Insertion. -
This charge is for all claaaKlcatkms except-
Inf "ror Kent is Private yamtly," "Boom and
Board is Private Jfamlly.", -Bitoatloa Wanted"
and Wanted to UanH; ads. which axe l
r ViypSr -Jvi
, he ad charged for lees than 18 eents,. -
1H cents per word for ail elasalflcatlons ex
cepting "For Kent In Private family." "Boon
and Board In Private-' family," ''Situation
Wanted" and "Wanted to Bent ; ads, which ara
, t i . ..
li cents net word.
Three lnaerttona for the price tf twe.
. Sevan lnaertlona tor the price of five. ..
No ad taken for lea. than 15 cent..
Answers to advartlaantenta havine the fol
lowing addresses auy be bad at Xte Journal
I':, n mo d. uf :i. i i kns a An ! f
eoST i. - T- -
D , 8; 93. ; 04. 1 ; Too, 1.
. r-838. 1; 387, Jj 380, : '574, li 432. jj 6T,
1, KAO 1. A tit ,DJ roa a. aua .
. "VOl , TIW, 9T, Of IWV, W , WO
Or .84, 1J 030, 1; DT, i; 0471 li , I.--
,T. 1 ; lUTi
M Bid. lr.tea. 1: ma. l; go, i- iai). 1 : Ml
1; 614, li 8'li i: 868.1.;' ?Z I' 1 ' -
ii sot, i; fit, i; iw,
K)a( M.I 01Vt Ai BIa Aj OIQa Ii OOH. i Oil.
8; 674. l; 661, 4; 807, 1; Su9, 1; sod, 2; B7U,
"kW1!' 01' - P ' - . .- -L-30S,"
1; 801, 1; 894. If 880," ll S!W, 1 BS2,
li 487. It 6JW. l! 806. 2: 880. 1: 824. ll 807.
s -81U, si sal, it sis, a; sua, is,
. . . . A.n .. .... ... .. . . ....
rl!.o.l!. 'J.t2i' V. IS
468. 1: 477.
O 8fi&. 1:
3: 688. 1: S17. 1.
P 849, 1; 849. IS 89 1: 888. li 877,, Ij
859, 2: 400. S; 451, 3; 443, 1: .429. li 440, i.
, eue, ii; ess, i; eae, i; 067,1; eos, i;i
en. too, i; w, ;- 04u, i, euu, i, suo, i,
-ilie, f; S44. 3; T43, 1; 668, ' li 31. P;ti
89. 1; 623, 1; di. 1: 440, 1: 614, 1; 881, 8.
V 368, 1; 028, 1; 663. 1; 871, 1; 675, 1 877,
l: 871. It 4H1., 1: 681. S: 887. l: 644. 11 64X
i; ajt aia a-ro i " V . .7 . . "
'vj-Zh'i-KRi V. iio , 9i i iot 4,'in 1
T?w-'ssi tm fk2 'l-Mt'V
467' I- 469 1- ail: I' ess' 1 407 ' Sis.' 1
Mi lV 629. it 638. li
li 424 t. ' ' '. --'rT.1
X 499, is 880, 1;, 383, U 621, 1$ 876V li
380, 1; 613. 10. . . ,. - ;
? 94, 1: 432.1; 605. li 342, lj 708, 3;
896, 1; 431, 1; 804, 2; 699, 8; 80s, 1; 674. 1.
Z 198, 1. - v..
K. 0, StODl
LOOK Mt. -. Hood. Is smoking!
SSS?- S?:: "ecab.o,th.
talnment on WnMlt.
1918 I? M at their' hall No.'-13s
&urth'itrt MmWi and oro)et.
iv members Rnd fXnds are cordially
invited totteSd-' iVervth?M ' freat - A
ffl SvS. iV'extended the
ladv HiN-ahaaa anil thir friends. A
good time is assured. Bring the ladles,
immittee; tea. jLoosemore, . u. oiru
gats, R. O. Hurst. H. L. Collins.
Tit imTinnm . , (i.
111. A. F. andyA M. Special '
communication . this t Tues
day) evening ' at , 7 o'clock,
Masonlo Temple. Work in
the El A. degree. Pj, Visiting
brethren welcome. T
C. IB. MILLER. Sec'y:
MULTNOMAH Council Royal
Arcanun. . meats at K. P.
hull 11th inil Aldav alraala I
2tne second and fourth Monday I
?of each month at 8. p. mil
Visitors cordially welcomed I
wuummnn c
r7, u ,VT" S.xJ yS3? """.'"sj"" i
i h UZ.a. i rv,". ?5 7i S
3:46. danca 10. Admission 16c ' flood
prises. Union music. - ' v y .
Vital Statistics
marriages, Births, Deaths.
-Edaon O. Pond. 1U28 Wilbur at, legal, , and
Ada Rliim. 7fl4 hnm mt I
-William BelL 81 B. 81th at, legal, and
Kate McCorkle, 81 E. lth St., legal.-- -"-..''-!
William M. Erts. Fulton.. 21.' and Marsarat I
a-auune onoeraon, -unnton, in.
B. I." McOehn. 411 Market at. 28. and Ma.l
Irene lUlly, 414 Market St.- 24.
and Sena Plaaker, A. is and TUUmook sta.
88. .vTp --vT'- VT, T!T .-.5-;
. B. H. - Terry, 2SS : Olena ' ave., legal,' and
0. Baker, 288 Olena ave., legal.
lvid Dola, Mi Going at,, 84, and . i'esale
Beach. 679 & 17th st, 27. ' -
Bruce P. Spalding, Bainler hotel, 26, Snd
riorenee Hawley, Bainler hotel. !U,
Francis Sidney Burt, 889 Overton at..' 23, and
Margaret Taylor Browning, 689 jOverton at., 23.
Oeonla Tabrlao, 838 B. 48th at, 40, and
Orementlna Neada, 822 E. 28th St., 28.
Herbert i weorg, 741 B. weidler st, 31,
ill -Wnth rnl.min 1109. B WH a, V Oj I
ad "Ruth Coleman. 892 B. 48th at. N.. 30.
Olarence Tbao Hoaa, Centrall, Wash., 22, and
Jennie Btedham, 867 Neleon St., 24, :
Wi G. Smith & Co,nng'c."rndV
Washlnaton bid, cor. 4th on Wash'ton.
LxUdtf euits for rent, sll aiaes. Uotaue
isiionnt l.i sos attsra sc. ;
. 1 n . k lln. . 1 A . ,
no iiorsu aeaianei, ii, Horriaos ai
AUTOMOBILES for blret ,13.60 , PER
HOUR.'- Main 614. A-4114. . - i.
WHITING To Mr. and Mra. H. B. Whiting,
658 W B.'Ankeny at, Oct. ' 14t a son. '
HELLfS To Mr. and Mrs. H. B.. HalllS. 1438
Multnomsh at., Oct. 12, a son. -. : ,;
BOU88IB To Mr and Mrs. Forrest Bouts la,
148 B. 824 St. Oct. 15, a daughter.
H? Nr f."? lJuZ'"'.14?
T Hall aT.V "Oofc 14. a ani T t '. T
DET8CH To Mr. and M
lETSCH-To idr. and Mrs, A, 'Jackson Detach
land B. Sherman at.. Sent. 24. . ,
KETCHUM To Mr, and Mrs. Leonard George 1
Va.hnM 114 aU 1 Jii. .A t ll I
.PBITBHSON-To Mr. and Jmw. o. J. Petter.
-. son, San' Praneico, .Oct'-14,- a 'daughter.'--'.
C11RI8TBN8BN To Wr. and Mr.. 0. Christen,
sen, 4189 41st at. S. B., Oct. 10. a daughter.
aoAK-rt nr. and Mrs. otto Hoak,w 0 IS.
joth at. N- Oct. 13, a daughter. .
purriBLP-To Mr. nd Mra. W. 'F" Duffleld,
oit iv. iuio at. n, ai., uci. n, a aausmer. i
MERRKTTTo Mr. and Mrs, Thomaa J. Mer-
iivi iwiu at., oepc. xo, ,a eon. ;.
MOttUAN To Mr, and Mra,, Alba B. Morgan,
018 doing st... Sept, 18, a son. ' - ...
McCONNKlXTa Mr. and Mrs. Henry MoOos.
, .v - j : " i
' V. PI., cwM. unuRiiiri i
COLKMAN The funeral services of the late
. John H. S. Ooleman wlU be held Thursday,
oct. 23, at a o'clock p. m., at tna rarniiv -
residence, 883 B. 48th at. W. yrlenda Invited,
SMITH Hasel V. Smith. Olymula hotel. Oct
19. Id tea re: leukemia.
I 1A . , - l..b.n,l. . - ' 1
SIRBV Jobu J. Stray, 221 th t.,! Oct. 16.
40 vearai heart dlaeeaa.
MALLEa John Mailer. 10,1 N. 8th at., Oct
in, au years; earnonc poiaoning.
STUABT VV Iinstn Stuart, St. Vincent's' hospl-
tai, Oct, 14. 8a yeara; ai.-ohoiim. j
1NBKT14 FLORAL CO... Ill S..V. ehnloa I
cut flowers for all occasions;, prompt J.
rvlee. Main I . f9 A.11A9 I
. .... .. .......
MAX M. SMITH, floriat. 141V. Slh St.
in'iwmnr oia. wain uis
. Aider, Phon Marshall 6922,
3d and
Erk '
RUM 19 i'unerat.iV
VULt'iir imeigns
of all kinds
Alain 775U. A-7703. 120 4th. .
,1 ahb I J .M
U T . ... . SI
The only residence undertaking eatab
lishment in Portland, Representing the
grteat sdvance in the science of fu.
neral service. The automobile equlo
ment aud secluded driveway are anions
the many exclusive features. The aa
tablished policy of moderate Prices haa
cevar been changed. - ; : '" '"
J. P. FINLET ft SON. f "
, ! ' Pfrfect Funeral Eervloe.
- wiviunuiiiery ai am.
MR. EDWARD HOLMAN the laaillne
funeral director. 380 3d sc. oorn.f
Salmon.. Lady assistant; Phone !!
Main 307. - , 1
, , , . j . i . M .
1 i, 1 j- ' t'v ,v
I -'' ''",''.'
nimninrr Ri
UUItlimg Oi IVlCCflleeM
I mi.mI 0.1- . r.. .
naer takers
n d r m i. ;.
vV5K.I,l,alii' ,th nJ Pin ( Main 430. )
A-465R. Ladv assistant. : ,; -- -
R. 7p Pr On 3 Williams -avC
Hi: llr tClltJl UUi East 1088, Lady at
tendant. Day and night aerviceT
?,?LV.V 6e"woodcar. Open to
Visitors daily from a. m. to D m.
A eftDlfulUl Leading east side undertak"
i ii ir irni.nini er-. a JLAfiv -iRaiairant. ntiiua
j.aies i ami n-jt riat" k.Bt.i. MteJU
'J 1 I r r v.. hlS ai-. . I
Ml tT.rii-infJ." f.
TI"s-a"SasaaamsanBsiaB! .'.-!;,, ' '
uiock. leor m. i3th.W Vi. .
UnlTereity Park Col. SH4..TOS . ' ' .. ,
DND. PLS. Ualt -
T ' J"T ' f1' A a2a5;,
tiu aiwriFion li, ' -
SK F W r- ; taderuklnc Co, atata ales.
IhpinnAu" nnx.'.... ' c ;.,J, ..." '
rtAllbUlM 871 BuSrst . '
Schumann Marble .Works
East -Id " and Fine. Kaet Tf I.
Portland Marble works. 64-2 4th
t. Opposite cltr hall kain 3584. f
Suburban business lot,-75x100, 'street
improvements all in and paid for: sac
rlflce at 3860. x Q. L. Webb, 414 E. Stark.
Vrcnw a,,rn, r r.-r,-., . t ..r
I . .C'.'.'anui ouAwnt' ,
swell room bungalow, room ror I'
bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs;,
hardwood floors, swell fireplace, fine
buffet, bookcases and other builtin ef.
fee tB. woodwork the finest finish cab-
Inst kitchen, rooms all tinted aad walls.
nicely decorated, all large airy rooms,
doubly-constructed, lot 60x10 Or east
front, on K. 33d just south of Clinton,,.
u block to car and close in; price 338B0.
3500 cash and 320 . per month, or will
1 take good lot as first payment. .,' '.
r MrvuDoi ar ajLaja, ;
818 Board of .Trade. Main 7453. A-40t.-3100
""T- ' .. - v
I A nrana new modern bungalow,1 wita-
!lKhtea closets. Hardwood floors and
tuix cement basement. , A - fine sleeping
Prch. Faces east and only ono block
to .the Hawthorne avenue carllna. Price
ruso 2250. 100 cash and balance
very, ea-y terms. It's, a real bargain
I v: .. '"'
' Railway gxch.- Bldg. Mar. 3B74.
' Modem Bungalows :
- All .the latest, built in con
veniences, near oar: 32900 - to :
38760, easy terms,- Phone Main
1800 or A-62C1. -
OWNERS, v , , .
ti fir. Selling bldg cth and Alder. '
7 room house, on a fine 100x100 eor-
1 tJ I . . Jl. 1..J...
resiaence district; price isouu; , iouu
casn nanaies it, balance :s a montn.
; 1397 Cleveland ave., Cor. Holman.
.'-','!...' ' .. . -i" ' ' i i. '' '''''
Home; Alameda-Park View
. ' New, modern, fireplace, Dutch
kitchen, breakfast room; hard, surfaced
streets paid . for, southeast fronts a;
Will sacrifice this week for 32300,
Phone Wood lawn 1861: C-2467.
" 1 1 11 . . 1 i 1 1 1 . 11,1
Two lots, room house, new barn.
fruit, berries, nice lawn;, U cash or very
feheap'for cash, Nothing like it for the
hioneV. See this.
L-861, Journal.
fTlOOM bunaalow. , new and mdiTrT
V--W,. T"
llmr - nnhla aimatrnetlnn haen
street in and paid, corner lot, east front,
close In. Call owner. Tabor 4064.
( ROOM modern bungalow. 3 2d and!
East Aider: for quick sale will take
$2400; only 8200 down, bal. easy monthly
payments. Homestead Realty CoH 2ii
Washington "---' -
. t ,,,'; tt
NINE room bungalow, $3260. Hawthorne
district, paved street, oak floor, fire-
place, bookcases, buffet, wash trays, full
cement basement, fi rooms 'finished, 4 .
partly completed. Terms., 16 N. 6th.
L' 1 'J ""XI": l:"- Jj J .,
Most modern, oak and mahogany fin
ish, 9 rooms, baths, lot 60x100, garage.?
739 Haisey st, owner. Jast as. w, u, ,
neraman... v . -" .-;;
-.jy .:-v-AP,,,ii;p.;'AlBlAROAlN" " -" t
. 6 room' bungalow, modern, close In, -car
lines, full lot. caved street, fine dls-'
ui.a. anil flKnn MA H . . , 1 . ,
Railway pxchange. -
- READ THIS. 6NLT $1400,
, A - room house, hot and cold water.
chicken house, yards, 100x100, all fenced,.
820 down, 320 monthly. Smith-Wagoner
Co.; Stock Exchange. ' '
Garage and Residence ,
v,Av eaiai$, - vuiivieva iiuur ana 1--
roora plastered house on 100x100, $2500,
fouu cHsn.- -lauur son,
FOR SALES- At 411 4thst., 1 portable
1 rooms eacnj .-win seu separareiy or to. (ii
fimlaaia e VmniX aoir ,
on pretniaes or removed. Main 4 $8 7. '
100x100 Neat little cottage, snap at
aa 4 a A V E n A ..-.B. n. A S V . . ' n-
month, JC J RosweH, 7 pine sLMaln ,f F
m t-.j;.,,-.v;,. ,-, . -.rTov-i'VK
t 1 V -. .1 ; : ., ,:';
I ROM house, new, ptastsred,-46x100,
I . , i"nr"ienia , sie o,,
Mown, $16. monthly, includes interest 6 K ;h
J per cent. 'Smith-Wagoner Co. Stock Ex.
. . ROSK CITY PARK --'- ' ;;-v:
build a home after - your-' plans in .v
. " . w r . , .
SOUTHEAST corner I lth and Stephens, ;
,60x68 feet,-'- I room house for 88000 ;;:
hard paved street and on car line. Write -
Hei i.reai. jrrrcme is-nau. - J-
or CH It ooa Sit. ami, VT. TTlulvreil,
A SNAP Will sacrifice $400 on a new
room bungalow with fireplace and -
fjl modern- conveniences, 8 blocks from
Hawthorne car. B-830.Journal. ? .t
. . A SNAP ' . .
room bouse and lot, $500. 1800'Fos- '
ter st. Inquire 186 JES. 27th st Take Sun- .
I J - ..... . . ., . . J .
Modern 6 room coUuge, Ujoludi , '
. e ing improvaraents. Owner., Main 8348-i
Marwhall 4677. -; -;- " ' - '-
g you want to buy, sell or lease real P
estate or loan money, sea me. Law-
ver. 401 BtoCK f-
- ftH flALti 6 room outiKalow. sS -iff P
. i t r. . . ,
y (j w ii, i m i " wen w tiiviuu. , v pra as
t O., 8UI) Ity. !'.. ' ' 1 -.-
. ROOM, strictly- modern bungalow: fixtures, sthadna. lawn. si
l60tb st, PMaln 2762, $3160; easy terms,
-P ?':i:''"P:v; .-; "PAP'iJ'V.-fa.'rj