The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 21, 1913, Page 15, Image 15

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l'nle Delayed by Wet Field.
New Haven, Conn., Oct. '' il. A wet
field today prevented the Tale football
quad from practicing outside, but the
players were -Riven a workout In the
football case. - Oakes practiced today at
guard Instead Of Warren.
formations. The blackboard drill was
another form of practice the players
were put through.' .',
October 29 with Leach Cross, is a new
form of training adopted here by Willie
Ritchie, lightweight champion of the
world. Ritchie spends several hours
daily on the links.
,t Good to Meet Volf.
' Eammy Good, the ' Portland - light
weight who recently fought a 10-round
drew with Leonard Powers, Is under the
. Anotlier Has Channel Craze.
Bum Richards,, who was successful in
swimming to the Boston light and, re
turn and who also accomplished the
difficult feat of swimming from the
Battery in Nw York harbor to Bandy
Hook will make an attempt to swim
the English Channel next year. Richards
is an amateur and belongs to a Boston
swimming club. ;t t
August American bred horses racing in
England "won 2, races, besides being
placed seoond or third In many. Of
the races won only One was of first
class . rank, that being the 150,000
Eclipse Stakes, 1 won . by Tracery at
Sandowa Park, July - IS. But some of
the others were of good value and much
esteemed by English, owners.
',- Now Ai. V " I t ;
Milwaukee, A i ;., OcX. 1 w
scheduled here tor i.rsl )
tween Ad JWolgnnt, furmpr W
champion, and Charley t
cago, was called off Vnv I
Wolgast broke a rib '
in training. The ex-champion v ;
to the mat by Anton, the tir
sparring' partner, with a stra! t l:t
to the , body. A- physicltin am..Mm.' .1
that one of Ad's lower rib was i n Ki-n
and ordered him to bed.'
rrlnceton Fractlcea Secretly,
i'rlnceton N. J., Oct. 2l.The Prfnce
ton football sauad . practiced secretly
today. The passing: of Center Trenkmas
was said to be improving.
Harvard Tries New Formations.
Cambridge. Mass., Oct ' II.- The Har
managership of Dan Bait of Beattle.
Goods first fight under Bait will b
against Battling Wolf In Tacoma Thurs-
vard - football .eleven, considered by
many, experts to .be the strongest aggre-
Willle'g IMaylUg Golf.
American Horses Win .82 XUceg.
New York, 'Oct. 21. Playing golf to
Use common sense buy Superior coal,
U Aon.- Main 1S4; A-HiL ' (Adv. -
e.tfVSfri -ixJ '!,tijs. -".'Vt'lu"! 't:iV"' fAtClX M1tnftrtlfy-lf''li :tatevndltin' for his match nlday night , '.'. yy m if -A-:-'.,:; c. :.; I ' D
I flArr QAne nA TA,;,ri . - ' ' ' ' r w
During tbe months of June, July, and
; uinmuijf tiLuuciiio auu iviiii
5 .Men Wilt Play Instead .of ' (
Recruiting proni: Classes; V
The recent ruling of the faculty com
mlite on athletics, which provides that
.all men entering match games of Amer
ican football at Reed college must pre
: .'.ously practice four times a week dur
ing a Deriod of four weeks, has mad
' Mt impossible for tfie athiatlo council to
arrange a successful Interclass schedule.
.Instead, the student body , will be dl--'.
vlded and teams representing the dor
mitory students and the students living
. . in tne city will be selected. ,.
At a joint meeting of the faculty com
- -mines on atmeuce, tne atnietie council,
'and the captains of th football team,
. lt was decided to foreko the proposed
games between the classes. This de-
vision was based on the fact that while
many of th men have responded to the
;cau ana nave practiced laitnruuyf em
bers have failed to report regularly. This
. snakes It Impossible to fill out three ens-
Itire teams In time. - A seooad-consider
' nation is, the - more even division v of
: weiisvu turn ! eilDUicu uy iuo now
4 system.- ' David Brace will captain the
-"Day Dodgers" and Arthur. Hauca the
, r"inmates V-W; yiXMi''v- -
. The addition of new material will
strengthen both teams. The dormitory
.men will profit by the addition of fiha
1 gren, a ISO-pound backfleld man, who
... 'shows every sign of developing into a
,terrlflc Une-plunger. . For the day stu
v dents Rl t ten berg , will easily ranks a
position at half, because of his powerful
and consistent kicking Irto is being
. .. developed Into a quarterback. Although
" ha ftas never before played at the pivot
position, his natural quickness,' accuracy,
and fine sagacity that he has shown in
practice is such that much is being ex
' pected from him.' He Is expected to do
especially well in running back punts, as
lie is both last and snirty. la addition,
Peterson and Miller will add -materially
- to the strength of the line.. -.'
There will be a strong veteran back'
- bone to both teams. The "Inmates'
- will have Redman, a Ii5-poundy hole
, maker, at center, riper and juacker will
guard the ends, while in tho back field
Laneefleld will bo . found at 'full and
tiauck at half. Lancefleld is a consist
' ant (round gainer. His lino plunging
-was a featur - of "last year's gamea
.Haurk is fast am is the hardest mart 1a
the college to tackle,'. Xesfc year his one
Weakness 1 was his work . as defensive
half,, but' this, year he. will no doubt
overcome "tnis -irouDie."- xi irie manes
. good as quarterback for the "Day Dod
rs" Tomllnson will be given as oppor-.
i "tunity to return to his natural position
- .at end. With Brace and Tomllnson on
i the ends, the "Dodgers"; will have little fear from end run They wUl also
be able to play more of an open game,
' .' depending on their ends to get down the
v field on punts and passes. McCoy has
; been shifted from half to full. He hits
t the line low and bard and is strong on
'interference. Runyan will be back at
' i.bls old position at tackle. He is a star
defensive player ana, snouia aeveiop a
j'good offensive !!, ,K'W
. . The first game will be played Novem
.4 J'ber 6- A second game, la scheduled for
, . tithe 11th. These games wlU be played
' on the new athletic field on, the college
- ;;campua. They are open to tne public
'Without cnarge. . - v
It .
M :
i-Teams Entered in A.-W. Cir-
:i.-.cuit to Meertach Other
: , Twice.
it , .
. - The opening games of the Archer-
"Wlg'glns Junior football league will be
played Sunday af ternoon. President
' Toombs completed the schedule, which
s V, calls for 10 games, yesterday after
' Bit teams, tVK. Watkiaa. Sunnyslde.
Brooklyn.' South Portland, North Port
land and Albino, are entered this sea-
' eon. ) Each team meets the other twice
during the season. : :un-V5 v--'
i. Th schedule for the senior division
will be completed ia the near future.
The schedule:
- October ' S--Albina vs. Sunnyslde:
' South'- Portland ' va Brooklyn; forth
Portland vs.. watkina u,.;v
November Brooklyn v Alblna;
- 8outh.portland vs. Watkins; North Port.
lend v. Sunnyslde. j.s.;! '
" November Watkins vs. Sunnysldes
Albina vs. South Portland; JNOrth Port-
land vs. Brooklyn. . . ,
. November It -Brooklyn vs. Sunuy
, , side; Watkins vs. Albina; North Port
land va south Portland.
-.. November IS--SunnysidV vs. South
Portland; Watkins va Brooklyn; Albina
y. worm . Portland. - -ti i
November JTAlbina vs. Sunnvslde:
South Portland va Brooklyn; . North
f ortiana va watkins.
Z November I0--Brooklyn vs. Albina;
-South Portland vs. . Watkins; . North
Toruana vs, uunnysiae.
. w December 7 Watkins vs. Sunnyslde;
Albina vs. South Portland Jorth Port-
ana vs. xsrooaiyn,
. December 14 Brooklyn vs. Sunny
iae; waiaina vs. Aioina; KOrth Port'
land vs. South Portland. V , t
. December il - Sunnyslde va South
- .Portland; Watkins va Brooklyn; Albina
, ' xvuurin roriisnq.
f. The Jefferson high school Regulars
, -wUl play the Rebels this afternoon on
Jhe Jefferson grounda At the close of
ins ijn season, tne Regulars defeated
y Jthe Rebelsby one point B. Moguls,
C, ' Steraler and several other Jeffer
( fon pUiyers mlli ting up with the Reb-
- The Albina team of the A-W. league
' defeated the Sell wood Y. M. C. A. 10 to
Mason and Mclwain starred for the
Aicina team. . una winners were : out
weighed IS pounds to the player. ;
' Tbe manager of the North Portland
, AotbaU eleven wants all his players to
: meet at the Archer-Wiggins store at I
'o'clock this evening, Practice will be
held Thursday, nlsht at Twenty-first
und Overtoa; streets, .
f The' 'Jefferson Juniors want to ar
jrange games for. week days. Call Bro
ey. East (TIB In the evening or Jeffer
son high school during noon hour.
r The Lents football team will play th
Columbia Park team next Sunday aft
ernoon in Lenta 1. Manager Forte thinks
,hls players will be contenders for t:ie
' .state championship. Sunday it defeated
! y pick-up team easily.
i The Watkins team of the A.-W.
Vnmie is oomponed of a number of ex-
t.uuth l'ortlunil jilaycir . ,
2) L
While the Supply Laotc
tmmt - '2"- '-"J-
T "-las'
I J . 1 w.
fe Syert Purchaser of a 5c Packageiof J1AN Cigarette
- Yov get it FREE-r-a standard,' valueknownS-cent package . of Famous
Listerated Pepsin Gum. This Free Offer": is tov prove. to Voii that "no milder
mellower, more satisfying cigarette; than, HASSAN - has ever been produced at
any. price, anywhere, any time. ; . v . ; .
... cni-.
ar - i : ,
dv Has made HASSAN Cigarettes "ThTStandardmericu" these famom Cork Tip
: o-iirpH-PG aw if2 tvtrvwhere as a bi honest value: Kmh in s7iVt7v.(frerierou8 in auanttty. Made of
' oV . 1 . J A. b. oW a a a a -.-V' -aa av a . : ' saeBMsa m sV es ej eyejsea arm I aTVW 1 1 i ,-. iV ' '''.: V- " 1, . '' ; '
oeiectea louactu, ripe, iuuu mm liicuuvva (- ,
iWf '
' ' ' i" - ray "--
- "" 1 '-mm m - i ' i r i ' i ii ' " ' ' ''''
The millions of f HASSAN smokers find endless enjoyment
ana sattsjactton in niooii . lgarecces, aay in ana f aay
'-vouttall:ear,Wnd;.v::1 t ; . - f
Jk I yi ' .V,- " Vlf'V
rr e e . - e' rAv . - ' - ' v
lauo aavancascoi tnis rreo -uuer loaay
and avoid disappointment, as dealers
have only a limited supply of Gum and
cannot obtain morcv : Get a 5o packco
of HASSAN Cigarettes and .ipit7SJt
Frco package of Listerated Pepsin Gum;
ooe for Frca Offer ,Sign on Dealer's Vindcza
- i .
I - j
; -
ff'vi'lfeV .'.:: :. i :
. .. -s5ea- r ' ff ..
- rw,i.i, ' !g l -..',". i'vvsT a ' , h I '
TTr a, ' TTV 1 -'This a tpedal offer, 'and we want every dealer in Pcrt!ir.J tola cu; :" 1 with U:!rf" "1 I