The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 20, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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    LAUD, I . O . . D. lV'i-jili
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' f.':w Orleans Woman, 2 Chil
dren KilLd, Husband, Driver
: (Hii-i-tul- ta Thn Journal.)
New Orleans, La., Oct. 2u. -Mrs. Sam
uel Jerolleman, wife of a prominent
flour commission merchant, And her two
children were, killed instantly and Mr.
Jerrolleman and Willi-n Harris, chauf
feur, were injured fa; ly when an au
tomobile 1" which thL .were riding was
"demolished by a FrlscdHrain. ; . . . ,
' , ,, -. ' : s
Four Women Killed.
. La- Porte. Ind.. Oct 20. Four women
were killed and Edwin Sehurz, treasurer
of tlw Hobart M. Cable l'iano compnay,
seriotaly injured when Schura' automo
bile v struck by . a Pere Marquette
freight trath near here. The dead: , Mrs.
Edwin Schurx. ' Mrs. Fannie Heine, La
Porte; Mrs. Caityton Schaffer. La Porte;
Mri, WJlliam Brace.'-Washington, D. a
V. The . women, were.: the guests of Mrs.
Schurs. . The automobile was splintered
- and the bodlee frig htfully mangled. Mrs.
Brace was alive -when picked up but
died shortly after.
Af -Denver Convention ; Chey
enne Chief Longs for Old :
, ..Days! Before Whites, i
f: malted rimUml Wire.)
' Denver, Colo.; Oct. 20. Education and
the "refinements of" civilisation" have
ruined the life of the Indian, If he had
' never tried to learn the white men's
ways' or read - white men's books, he
would have been happier. t ,; V .
- These were the sentiments expressed
, In an , Interview by Chief Roman Nm
, of the Cheyenne tribe, w,ho Is here at-
' . tending the first annual convention of
:. the : Society. of American ' Indians.
Roman Nose as a boy graduated from a
white man's college but returned to his
tribe in Oklahoma and forgot his edu-
.' cation until he-can speak English with
l ; -I wish I could have lived my life the
old Indian way," he said. "We were
, free before and strong and happy, I
want to see a real conference of all the
Indians somewhere. Then they should
r make a stand for themselves . and say
they would : govern x themselves once
more. I do not want them to become
American citizens, I want thvra to rule
themselves to have their own nation.
, "When Indian children . who go , to
whits men's schools return to us they
era not Indians any more and they are
not white. They are something that
should not be. They cannot be whites
and they look down, on us old Indians.
. , "Now we are weaklings. Reading
. books has weakened our eyes and using
: . the pen has made our hands so that they
are not fit to use weapons. I learned
... to read, and see, I am blind In one eye
, because of it. I learned to write, and
my hand is weak because of all those
J years I spent shut up In (he white man's
.- school- room. ,
! j.a- in i mi , .,. &'$'?),:
London,' Oct 20. Andrew Carnegie
, sailed from , Scotland last week fondly
, believing he could claim the title of
Laira of Skibo without fear -of chal.
.lenge, . owing to the recent death of
the elderly Laird, E. C. . Sutherland,
who was always . addressed - as -"Mr.
Sutherland of Sklbo." :
But the Laird's son has now 1 an
nounced he la to be sddressed as '"Mr.
Sutherland of Sklbo," and challenges
Mr. Carnegie to prove his right At
tne same time the young Mr. Suther
land of Sklbo has begun an action
against ; Carnegie . to recover Sklbo
. castle, -...v - : .
' The1 young Laird alleges that Car-
negle bought the property, which had
, for years been In the Sutherland family,
from the bank with.? which the 1st
Laird did business, and that the trans-
v action -was similar to the business
ethics of the late "Mr. Mlcawber."
-' New..- York, N. T , Oct 20. Rodman
. Law, the aviator and parachute Jumper,
again narrowly escaped death while t-
tempting a stunt for a moving ploture
conoern. , Law had contracted to dive
from ft flying aeroplane and "rescue", a
"drowning" man. He neglected to take
the speed of the machine Into his cal
culations, and when he dove-from tbe
high hydroplane operated' by William
Thaw, and - Steve Magdoren - he was
hurdled headlong upon his back W the
( water. - The man whom Law was sup
posed to rescue helped assist him Into
; a nearby boat,, and he was inrrled to a
hospital. ,- . ;. -v'.: y. : f. .
' - ' ' i "' '' . . ,, '" f
8t luis, 'f Mo., Oct 20. The grand
jury will Investigate ': charges , made
against Chief of Police Flanagan and
several detectives by H. A. Guilford,
publisher of a weekly fc paper that has
been attacking the police department "
Guilford told Assistant District At
torney. Ryant that, he' was taken into
Chief Flanagan's - of flee and severely
beaten by Flanagan and the detectives
present, tr't-'i i-., A r.' v
i ir. II .ill
' V ' tl
is thfc healthful beer. You will appreciate '
.this more than ever durinthe cold, wet
, Winter months. There - is . sparkl. ' and
warmtha real tonic influence to every '
glass; It's the preferred family beer be
cause it's pure, . v; .
- , . Orcfer From Your Grocer or. ' ' '
Portland Brewing Co.
io R3ir y-Esif eei
Scott Valley, East'. of Santa
Cruz, Is Now Fire Center
in CaliforAUv
- ,rwmw,jriiifc.
(Unite. Pnm Leaned Wire.) .
- Santa Crus, Cal., Oct. 2Q. All ranch
ers living In the fertile Scott valley, east
of here,,: deserted their ranches today
and were lined up along Bear creek on
the ridges in an effort to check the for
est fires threatening their homes. Fire
Warden Walter Welch , was directing
operations at this point.; A call for help
from the several fire zones near here
was received early today, and several
hundred men -responded. '. Hundreds of
men worked . In such Intense heat yes
terday and last night that new men were
constantly - in demand to replace those
who fell out from sheer exhaustion.
. Brush Fires Under" Control.
; Santa Monica,- Cal.' Oct , 80. The
brush fires, which swept vLas , Floras
and Las Tunis canyons, 1 J miles north
of here Saturday night and Sunday, are
reported under control today;' ': A change
in, the wind saved the famous Rlndge
rancho, " which 'was threatened., j No
houses Were In the track of the flames.
v. Santa Barbara: Fires Out, '"
v Santa Barbara, 1 Cal., , Oct 20. One
hundred fire fighters working all night
succeeded In saving several ranch houses
which were In tine of the forest fire
sweeping through! Spencer -canyon. Six
fire fighters, cornered for a time be
tween two walls of flame in a narrow
pocket of the canyon, fought their way
out ' Reports from all directions Indi
cated that the fire ' was out today. -
White' Salmon, Wash.; Oct 29. Sam
uel Hill, good roads advocate, will de
liver an address on road building at the
White Salmon Valley Horticultural and
Agricultural fair to be held here Novem
ber U and It. Mr, Hill's address will be
illustrated ' with lantern ' slides and
promises to be-one T the most inter
esting numbers on ' the entertainment
program., The managers of the fair are
also negotiating with a prominent oan
neryman of i Corvallls for an address.
As an additional attraction an effort is
being made to secure a demonstrator
from , the domestic science department
of the Oregon Agricultural college to
give demonstrations on cooking apples.
The fair promises to attract the best
display of fruits, grains, grasses and
vegetables ever seen in Klickitat coun
ty. Districts 85 miles from White Sal
mon have- spoken for exhibit space and
there will undoubtedly be spirited com
petition for the cun offered for the beef
district display.
Local and outside business men have
offered prises. v: t,;;
Centralis, Wash.. Oct 20l The annual
Lewis County Teachers' Institute opened
In Centralis today, and will continue the
entire week. In view of the fact that
ISO teachers from all over the- country
will be in attendance, and hotel accom
modations win be taxed, private citizens
have thrown open their homes to the
visitors. .Among, the prominent speak
ers who will be here to address the va
rious sessions: are Dr. Bruce McCully.
Dr. K. T. Mathes, principal of the Bell
Ingham Normal school. Dr.. Wallace H.
Lee and C Thomason. Dr. A. C.
Qaul aqd Dr. F. O. Titus, Theodore Hoss
and B. K Teachnor, chairman of the
Lewis county commissioners, all of this
city, will also deliver addresses.
"A lyceum course has this year been
Introduced In the institute by County
Superintendent M. L. Carrier, one enter
tainment to be held in the highf school
auditorium each evening this week. No
school will' be held this week.
- ' " - iniiissisi is. -
Klickitat Wash., Oct 20. The death
of Mordecai Jones at Clifton Lodge,
Athboy county, Ireland at the age of 4T
years Is regretted In western Klickitat
Mr, Jones and his . pack of 40 bear
dogs In charge of a special caretaker,
for 12 years was an attraction to all
hunters who. frequented the forests at
the base of Mount Adams. t i
- Mordecai Jones was born in wealth.
He shot lions In Africa. He knew Cecil
Rhodes personally. .The White Salmon
vai.ey attracted him In 1898, and he
lived there for 12 years, , when he be
came heir to a big estate which called
him back to England. , He owned a big
commercial orchard on , the White Sal
mon.? - , , t .
-. Berlin, Oct 20.--Intense interest was
displayed' here today ' In ' despatches
telling of England's proDosaL throurh
Winston Churchill, first lord of the Brit-
isn aamiraity, ror a cessation of arma
ment by the powers. Efforts to obtain
an expression from any official-source
were futile.. The minister of marine re
fused to discuss the matter until ha had
consulted tne emperor.
At -.anchester. , England. Churchm
proposed that th two nations mak an
agreement not to build any more fight-
is V"11! -vr one year. k -,- ,
' . 'il I in mm :i
Motorrycllst Bits Sheep, I Killed.
- Sacramento, .Cal., Oct 20. Hurled
from a motorcycle t 60 miles an hour
near nere. raui Anderson atrunW hi
head against ft sheep's forehead and was
I ------ ' t 1
Woman Who . Shot Advertising
Man Asserts He Is to Blame
for. Crime, ; ' .
' ' (United frets tetud Wire.) x
San Francisco, . Oct 20. Miss. Leah
Alexander, who shot, and killed J. D.
Van ; Baalen, a, newspaper advertising
man, here Saturday, learned today , for
the first time:, of Van Baalen'e death,
when she was formally charged with
murder, She became hysterloal, and at
first refused to believe ; that he , was
dead. - ' . " ' ' '
"Oh, I'm so sorry for you, Van," she
kept repeating over and over again,
"But you were to' blameyou knew you
were." - ' .k . ' '
Van Baalen died early - Bunday morn
ing. . No date has been Set for the In
quest Throughout the morning Mifcs
Alexander sat with her face pressed
closely against the bars of her cell,
looking straight ahead. Her mother Is
with her almost constantly. . t-
,. Van Baalen's body will be shipped to
the home of his parents in Minnesota
during the next few days., .
J H Gibson,' Portland Business
; Man,,- Serjousjy Hurt- by
-Charge of Shot,
.. ...... . : - i ; . i ,. '.ff
No change was noted today in the
condition of j. H. Gibson, Vice president
of the Rodgers, Hart, Gibson company.
who was seriously wounded while on a ,
hunting trip yesterday on a rancn near
Sheridan. ' Gibson was shot accidentally
by a man named Paine, the owner of the '
larm on wnicn uidbuii, i. a, nuuu auu
party , of friends were hunting pheas
ants. A full .charge of No. t shot en
tered his left hip, making an - ugly
wound, severing en artery and causing
partial paralysis of the hip. : '
The accident occurred shortly , after
noon. One of the hunters had. handed
Paine a shotgun, as they expected to
flush a bird. Paine shot onoe, and It
was not noticed hat the trlgge .to the
other 'gun barrel was cocked. In somo
manner the gun was discharged and the
charge struck Gibson, Nrho was about
0 feet distant Gibson was hurried to
Portland, arriving last evening. The
attending physician does not believe the
bone was fractured, , ; .
New York N. Y., Oct 20. WaH street
learned today i that if the negotiations
for the 150,000,000 consolidation of the
United Cigar stores and the Rlker-Hege-man-Jaynes
Drug stores is completed,
the department of Justice at Washing
ton will immediately begin an investl
'gation of the merger. ; ";. . -n
jph., .Atlnn : mOM Mftnrlid ' Will' h A
idl,n- on th vreund that such a con-1
solidatlon' would destroy competition. It
was pointed out that for several years
the two corporations have edgaged in a ,
bitter rate war for the retail tobacco
trade. - .'' ' " -.'i.-.' . ."1 : ' .
George Whelan, vice president of the 1
United Cigar Stores company, refused
to admit today that his corporation ,
would make the purchase, but said that,
he and his associates, all affiliated with
standard oil In this,: would probably ,
nlake the purchase for themselves. .. j
Paris, Oct 20, The friends of Paul
M. Potter aire becoming more and more
anxious, as no clew is obtained as to
his whereabouts, especially as It Is
known that his present financial af
fairs re far from 'brilliant' In fact
It is figured his well known extravagant
mode of living quickly dissipated his
great fortune. This new phase of the
affair, which has become known among
friends, has given rise to anxious
speOVilatlon. . ' '
' The, last heard of the missing play
wright was through a telegram to'hls
hotel here, where all his luggage is
stored. He stated he expected to return
to Paris shortly. f,
He did not give any address, ex
pressing the wish that his mall should
be held until his return, t.
43,000 RUNNERS TAKE -'y
Ltepslg, Germany, Oct. 20.---A gala
performance at the opera house Satur
day ended the centenary . celebration
here of the battle of Lelpslg, in which
Napoleon was defeated by the allied
armies. . of Germany, . - Austria and
Russia. ', ,.i ,),-'.-.' v- .w-'i -S.'" .
The dedication of a monument to
the , 'Battle of Nations" was ' the . fea
ture. The festivities were not as gay
and elaborate as planned, because of
the aerial disaster at Johannisthal. ,
' The - kaiser . was represented by five
sons. Kings and dukes of all the Ger- '
man states were present 7 The King of I
Saxony received messages from ' all
European nation and from the United!
States and Braill, which, were ' trans- i
ported - by athletes running In relays.
In all about 42,000 runner handled the
messages. v,..-v' ..w-'r v'-";t,
MJ ' ' i ' ) f
Cleveland, Ohio, Oct 20. What is be
lieved to be the Only Gilbert Stuart
painting of George Washington still un
accounted for,' has been discovered on
the walls of a dilapidated-frame house
at 1248 Oregon avenue nere.
John T. McHale, the owner, has sent
for Director Kent of the Metropolitan
museum of New York to come and pass
judgment on the painting.' - t
The last Gilbert Stuart painting dis
covered brought 816,000 a year ago in
Pbllsdelphla.'- , '; , : . ; ,
Ii l'II,,' J.i i ' -in u '
.,..' , ' - ii i issi.-imj i j 1 1 m '
" 1 - '-1'-'' . , . 'TV''-'' '"
Washington. Oct, 20. More than soon
Methodist ministers are paid under $500
ft year salary as members of "God's ar
istocracy," according to Mrs. Madison
Swanener; wife of an Indianapolis pas
tor. She told a church -conference today
that a "ministerial aid" bureau hmii3
be established to furnish- cash to needy
preachers. 1 4 v
o r rem t nc i ii i e
Minot N. - D, Oct 20. The recall
election growing out of the Industrial
Workers of the World rjot here In Aug.
ut i proved ; a landslide . In i favor
of city officials, With the exception of
BocialiBt Commissioner Dermaner,; who
was recalled. .'.;;'; ?'... V'-.- ' i.
President Davis, , police ' magistrate;
John Lynch', and Commissioner Shaw
were reelected by dVer 00. John Wilson
was elected in place of Dermaner.
H,A11 the Socialist janddates w
ffaxed.',r. r, 'v??,??:T:S:ffyi:
'.Boston, Mass.. Oct 20-X '.chamois
bag' containing' a valuable Pearl neck
lace and several unset pearls,'- it . Was
learned today, was found fastened un
der : the cor set of Mrs. May Van Alan
Thompson of New York; and New nor t
when she was searched at the orders
of the customs Inspectors upon her ar-
Shows for Itself Its Superiority Over Any Previous Sale in These Particulars
A $50
Tho Supposition
At No Time
aye Oriental Rugs
We Reserve the
i V, "
rival here on the steamer Arabia from
Liverpool. Mrs; Thompson, ' grand
daughter of the1 lato William Astor and
daughter ; of James J. Van Alan, 'was
searched after ft chamois bag contain
ing several thousand dollars' Worth of
Jewels; was found on her niald, Miss
Conners. ; -''.-.., :v : dff,;.j'r'f ".v
t The 2B : trunks 5 belonging to " Mrs;
Thompson, which were seized upon her
arrival,- were opened today, and all
dutiable ' articles whlsh they., contained
were appraised, by;, experts, :'3'..'p
-',', A v.- w "!,;' -"'' ;.ty.
' Washington;' Oct 20.-"Jehu, - is the
hew ' title hung by his friends on Sen
ator Bill Stone of Mlssourt He ar
rived at the White House today, perched
with ? the coachman on a "seagoing"
hack, hopping .own and opening the
door for . Missouri .; friends vwho had
crowded ihlm out '-' , it
V; St. Xioals Terminals Burn.
-Tfciast fit Louift, III-,' Oc I0.-Flro did
Sl.000.00O damava to the railroad tr-
jmlnals here yesterdfty.'t, . ? :;-". -j .
This Remarkable Sale of
l"The Rarity of the Collections
2 r-The Clear I)irability oftKe Pieces Offered
3 The Sale Prices Marked in Plain Figures.'
4 -The Proof of Genuineness x
5 The Absence .of Any Doctored,
' Moth Eaten,
u . Darned, Rugs
6 The Lack of Guile, Gippers or Oriental Fairy Tales
(,.;.,..:.. " . . .-, '',.w ;..V'.''.-i;' .t.-'-.'-.'i
,000 Stock at Gist Price
Sale Is Intended to Stoo for Once and All
That Oriental Rugs Can Be
We Again Make
At No Sale Here or
From the Small Prayer Rugs
to Restrict the
mg m
v-fy-i";-.- '''v,-'.--5''. v1---
Centralla,, Wash.i Oct 20. Word was
received here Saturday that; Misses
Leora. and Lenora PlUer, who recently
left for Germany to study music, were
arrested on their arrival there and are
being -held pending proof of vaccination.
Professor Cart Fitzer, supervisor of mu
sic, in the Centralla schools and the
young women's father, today applied to
Court Commissioner Westover for ne
pers the wlil, secure, his daughters' re-
; Centralla, Wash., Oct 1 0.-Announce-ment
was made here Saturday that -the
contract for building the first lap of the
WJlllpa Harbor & Puget Bound railway
frbm Maytown through this city to Doty,
was let by the Milwaukee to Guthrie, Mc
Dougal & Co. of Portland. ; If was. also
announced that a force of men will start
work at once at Maytown, on the Grays
Purchased at Auction Sales at Import Cost -
This. Assertion
Elsewhere Even in
Been Sold
to Carpet and Room Sizes
f 1
Sale of; A Rug
the Interest and for
Harbor brunch i-f tii
miles north of cVntncl v
wards Doty arnl lm-wUtti mi
from .Doty,, two crews beint? i i -that
as much advantage Hs'r---
be taken of the remaining k . v.
B..-H. Tthndns.. local attorney X
new, roud, said Saturday timt t. . n
line will run along the south !!. C t
Chehatirf . river to Doty, crowing t
river- at Long's crossing instea.l of r
Meskill,. as at first planned.
I ;
' London, Oct '20. Francis-Rhackloton,
brother of Sir Ernest Hhackleton, went
to trial In Old Bailey today on a -i-liars
Of embezzlement. Thomas Uarllck un
a codefendant, The two men are clisrg -I
witj converting to their own itm i
check for $5000 entrusted to them for
investment . . ; .
P ' .Mrs. Ilockefeller Is HI. ,
'TaVrvtown.NA.Y.' OcV tO-John I - '
Rockefeller has: postponed his trip to
Tsrrytown on account of his wife's 1U-
ness.I,4,-v',rfv :';,f- ,i: '-
Constantinople , .
So Cheap
;6r Carpet to Any
Rug Dealers
; ; .;'.r- i.f- v. i '-y-v:. .v-;.--',k ;-'-.v-,v.4!;.;';i
i t,ii;
' ''.;