The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 20, 1913, Page 16, Image 16

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    aiclusivePortland Ants forllndestr -'.-Ac
Exclusive;Portl 3f
1 ' -gL, "'"1" V -Ii " ".' "' "I'1 ' . ' "I" V- ' i . ' ?"', ' 1 .! "." V -i."- ' I ii i ,nm iii i '. I , T" ' 1 1 .' . . ' " -
f s
? 1
"" '
77g Goal 6f:Ycsferday Will fie the:
Starting: Point Tomorrow 4-lbid.
fjH RSW M-a.. .
' fc - rnilimi ' ' ' '
striving to establish a higher standard of efficiency f-.vv
in 'our service, to, thousands of appreciative patrons, vf
Each day endcavorine to be a greaterfactor in v-
meeting1 the wants of a prosperous and growing
1 community;
. Nearly 2000 happy 'employes working with enthu-y
s 4 ; ",
, ,, siastic vim to progress 1 through dependable "service
V. and most desirable merchandise, , ,' r..
1 . For over. 56 consecutive years the slogan, of this
,store has been PROGRESS and by the complete .'
confidence of Portland's people The Meier Frank -''
l. Store, has grown to its present magnitude of over 11 '&M'
rf 'acresbf. floor:spaceMiv
t; ; ; Jistabhshed in :,1857. with a 'firm determination to
' give 4o its patrons wanted merchandise; of V highest rh
. . character .'at moderate prices," with prompt, courteous
. h service, and having steadfastly adhered to those in-K 'y
- Aherent princip!es-r-the progress . of ' this store is
, ' natural.,,' t , ' ' . , , , ; , , : .i;
Oh Suits; arid Goats Formerly .$85 : and ; More !
' ( 1 are exquisite examples of, the leading fashions of the sea '
' , ( son, in two ana fnree-piece models.,: iney are fashioned
v ,of silk, wool velvet and plush, and pleasing combinations.
? aiany iuMTimmed, others in novelty ettects with plush and
,V velvet collars Skirts in draped and iunic styles. -
,'wV, 'V AIL $125 Suits reduced to $93.75
f'j-;JvI AU $U5' Suits reduced to $86.25. '.','-
- . t '. www ivuwtvu iw ,
.j - v vAU $110 Suitg reduced to $82.50 " ' -.
; J,;,, AJ1.$ Wm and $100 Suits reduced to $80.00.
: All $ 85: Suits reduced to $76.50.
i i'M.- All''$ ,85; Suits reduced to . $76.50.
.t..;:-'.'s'"'Vi,. 'hi,',M-!.4 v' ;v"'!';i'f .'';'':;v' '': ' '"'" v'''''' " - ' ;
'i S are'suitable for afternoon or: evening wear in lovely vel-
t .;.. :'-'..vets, plush, velour, caracul cloth, tweeds and a variety of
?,?:':'; artistic combinations.' -borne are fur-trimmed, others with
vj vViancyKveivei or veiour conars., a wiae range or cnoice in
: , ':rJ,V''tolor,',8tyle'and fabrics.'--And..alL''jereatly reduced, as , ,
" . ' ' . . mi VUia .ICUUtCU CO. p7. . it.
r'r0Ar.-.An;$U ; Coats,' reduced . to $86.25.
'7';.r'",v!?'''' au W'V'Oaia reaucea. iq jpoia.ou. " .i-.
t AH $100 Coats reduced to $80.00.
. , All $ 85 Coats reduced to $76.50. '
. xlr ' Vrjur.wOnMat alOB-Saa noerXUa BuUAlac
. v ...... . . . . j .....
tt.v. V1. . ..!.;...
ii K ,v 4 A '
' v' i
;V ' ,.r , . vKV)-. 's ) . .
Si .
OctDbcr 30tL 31st .and November hl
. '. -T-T .' , ... . -.;'. . . i
i ne pians are compietea ior me jouv nimwi v -
Show, to beheld af Meier & Frank's and it promib i ' f '
to be the fincst event of its kind ecr held on tr? t..
T,i 1 Tacific Coast, . ' ' ' ' ' ' fX'p?
v Everybody is interested, and rightly so-the pa- v-' t
rents, the children and the women who are workv;
' r ( ing for the : furtherance bf (philanthropy in the v , j,
: " ' 'rious . Churches, ' Societies ; and Charitable, organui. "
' fV' tions as many of the ; cash -prizes are offered to "- '
l-t these institutions The entries open Saturday, Octo- ' .
1 ber 25th, and close Wednesday," October. 29th,; Four " -';cash
prizes; and ; 14) merchandise prizes are to be
, ; given, whileevefy contestant?--eyen though they win ,
i no -prize will be given a, present y, -V", , "Ah s , -
GRAND PRIZEU-SSO iii sroid lo lh T Church. Society or Charltftbla
' Institution entering the best group, of Dressed Dolls, consisting of not
less tntn iu, , '.'xrf':A- - tJ
SECOND GRAND PRIZE $30 in cold, to th ChurcU Gocietv or
' Charitable Institution for the best single Dressed Doll chosen from any
(roup as entered for theJrand Prize.;.;. - . . ' 'J j r , .
THIRD GRAND PRIZE $20 In gold to the Churlh, Society or
Charitable Institution for the second best Single Dressed Doll chosen ,
from any group as entered for the Grand Prize. .
FOURTH GRAND' PRIZE $20 in gold to the'Caild entering the
best group of Dressed Dolls, consisting of not less thafj three,
Scrim Curtains Reduced
For the Harvest Sale
, I splendid assbrtmentonll finl t justwhat you , want
in this collection and at prices that are greatly reduced from
the original selling tktvSii ici -
$2.25 Marquisette Hemstitched Curtains, pair;. ........81.55
$2.25 Hand-drawn Hemstitched Scrim Curtains, pair. .81. G5
$3.00 Double hand-drawn bordered Scrimi Curtains, pr S2.35
$7.00 Marquisette, Cluny lace-ttimmed Curtains; pair $5.65
$8.00 Hand-drawn bordered Scrim Curtains, pair. ;; . .S5.05
$12.50 Marquisette, motif-bordered Curtains, pair;, V'. . SG.25
$25.00 Real hand-made Lace and Scrim Curtains,' pr. $12.50
1 K'S''T1', TJaWi-i.TliUra oor MaU Sanaiag
Grafonola and Victrola
v Popular Vocal and Instrumental, Hife v : -
When It's Apple Blossom Time in 1 Somebody's Coming to Our House.
jvormanay. ;
When I Lost, You.
V j The Trail of the Lonesome Plna.
.J--V'J Peg o' Mr Heart Walues);;v;
Arid many i equally as popular selections, i Our Record Deoart-
ment is complete, and we; extend an invitation to music lovers
to come and listen to the -newest and best Records. s
aXerswfth Tloot irw SaUAlag
--r --l-ij:: C.1 -.'J -1
Knit Underwear Sale
Wbmen's, Misses' arid Children's Garments
: This Sale of , Underwear includes such well known makes as Harvard,
: S Essex, Munsing, Yipla and Koenig, in Union Suits and Separate Garments
''atdeep reductions - . . ?,:v''f, ;;v;:,:1
Women's $2.00 Harvard MU1 Wool Vests
and j Pantsin white and gray, made with
'high t,necki long sleeves -'and ankle length
pantsi f In'regular 'si?espriced; tne 1 vj A
; garment. . . . . . . ;. . i y J, X
WomenV$2.50 . Harvard Mills Silk and Cot
ton Union . Suits in a medium weight, with
high" necks,' long ! sleeves and in ankle length.;
Regular ; sizes - only. Priced "the 1 CQ
garment.'. ' ' ... ....... v v Itwv,
: Women's 65c, 75c Essex Mills. Pants and
Vests in fleece-Uned cott6n..' All style ; Vests,
and ankle?length Pants. In regular and 4
otitsi2es. : Priced; the garment... , i . ; . . OVC
- Women's ; $1.00 Viola Wool and Cotton
Mixed Vests and Pants in cream color. Made
with 'high necks, long or ; short sleeves ' and
ankle-length;. Fants. . In -regular and-outsizes-
Priced, the garment. '. ''Si
Women's $25-$2.50 Munsing Union Suits
in fine silk lisle, in light, medium arid heavy
weights. Made with high necks, long sleeves
and ' in.' ankle lengUvv-. priced, the f7 P
garment. . -."... ...... . I v.
V ; Women's $2.00 Essex ? liiila Mixed I Union
Suits in silk and Wool and wool and cotton
medium . and "heavy weights. "tf High! inecksf
long, sleevea: and ankle s length In & lKk
regular and outsizes. v The garment e919eJe7
Women's $15 to $2.25 Koenig Sanitary
wvwi uMmems union c amis,--: rants ana
Vests,, in 'the., natural color -and in all sizes4
Priced to clean up line at just HALF PRICE
' Misses Cotton 1 h. Union ; Suits-Medium"
weight, in white only.- Made with igh necks,
long sleeve, - ankle length and with CC ' '
drop seats. Regular sizes, the wrmerit.
Outsizes, the garment..... ; . . . . .75
.. Kale rraak'c lint Tloov sckU Bnildia v
A Lace sa
of Exceptional Interest
Is this showing of beautiful Net- Topf Laces at such ex
treme reductions. They're in. white and cream, in l4
to 24-Inch widths--and you'll find thern most appropri
ate for daintywaists and gowns.& The following are a
few of - the1 reductions on this exquisite Allover Lace :
v . v., ; ,. f ( , I
' . am ' ' ' 'r .. 'a 4i .M 1 ; l. - - "
1.75 to Laces, lard l.4D -t v
$2.50 to $3.00 Laces; Yara $1.69
$3.25 to $4.00 Lacet, YarH $139
" Shadow Laces In white and cream--also . Barman, Maltese',
PUtti Vakfand ' EcrC selling
f roth 20c to 25c the yard. Special the yard i v , . 1 uC
' ' Shadow Laces and Insertions in white and V'.
1 - cream. ;: 4 to 18 inches wide. Also Shadow' .
V All-overs : in white and ' cream. : .Exquisite " "
lesegulaIyiBeltittgy'fforii 35c-to r 7;
85c''the yardJSpecial yard ?;y;v;4DCi::)y:--
v Baby Flouncea--with hem or scalloped edges, suitable; for
infants' or children's wear.:"tln an assortment of dainty floral
patterns-. 18 and 27; inches in ' Syidth. i v: ; . M ' i
75c and 85c Flouncet, tne Yarrl..49c
' V &5c to $1.25 Flouncca, the Yar3 59c
KaUf ft'ymy rmt ruor-kw smiduf-iouu ovoen riuA
mmfmmmm ui vvearever Aluminum arei
; in' 'i i . ...... ' .i i' ' i ' j ' lx . ." ' "'" '' ' ' " - ' ' ' '"' V ' ' l ' 2 ' ',n'''i.-1... ,, ;t'i.vS-f',.i,ii:,ii;
To thi-' thousands of housewives' 'usine tHe noted "Wearever" Aliiminnm . Ware: l)iMi . nnuanal
? Harvest SaIe offerings will be pi great interest and to those who' have not tried this wonderful
ware 'twill be a splendid opportunity to purchase a supply. Once use, it and yoU'11 never be with-
ii. !( jvfiMij (iv.u u w ii. iinsuuiu wcuiij 4utu)ici ' nu us CAifcinc cleanliness.
For this demonstration we've purchased 2000 Sauce Pans. Stew Pans and Preserving Kettlea of this
- !!.... i :ii ..u t- .t.:. . i i - , .
4 (Atciiciii ni 5 , u hiu un mem "i uiu mk u rcoiBiKauiy JOW prices. ,v
S5e ' HWaTrM gM
' r$iui; ' 84o They're . just
n illu8trted are Hht
nd ' wtll not dlseolor,
Handles ar lined to jr
vent getting hot. JKtor
. , tnin special aaic, you
:.J may puroluui thcm ! at
,. caca.3-ld V"-
eo " Stew
Fans, S7o Pana of pur
Aluminum, In. S pint
Nlza. They're aubatantla:.
Jy mads and will not
easily, dent. Juat as 11
. luatrated. t'S peoially
priced for this sale at,
each .37e. ,w
SSo "WerTr" rrtiarr
iaa" KettUa, MWuit aa
aa illustrated. Ia JVi at.
. alie. Especially ultable
for uae In canntna.'aea
on. Not affected r by
aolds. Sptendld Alumin
um Kettles, special for
this sale at. each 54e.
S1.0S mraarevaf" Cov
ered Banoe Vsjm, SSo
i Pans of Aluminum, Juat
aa illustrated, v Without
Joint a, aeama or soldered
parta. S Quart alse.
Priced ; specially at the
low prtce of. each 84.
"Wearever" Berlin Sauce Pahs, 1-quart size, each; , .1.'. .... . . . , '. .804
"Wearever" Berlin Sauce Pans, 2-quart size, eachi;;Vi..k;Vi.i1;...;;.tl.05
"Wearever! Berlin Sauce Pans, 3-quart size, each . .. ... . . . , 'i . ,, f 1.25
"Wearever" Berlin Sauce Pans, 4-quart size, each, ; .... .". ... . . f 1.55
"Wearever" Round Cast Griddles, 10-inch, each . . . ... . . . ... . . . . . .... . . f 2.30
"Weareyer" Round Cast Griddles, 12-inch, each . . . . . . ... . ........ 2.70 .
TWearever" CastiWaffle Irons,' low; each t, V e a. t a i ,...f3.00
-Wearever', Preserving Kettles,' 4-qiiart size, eich,:;V.l..V.i.;;;t.;f 1.15
"Wearever Preserving Kettles; '(quart'size each ,;.T,i;..i,...;.;V.f 1.40
"Wearever" Preserving Kettles,! 8-q-uart size, each.; ..... ..V. , .V;V 91.65
"Wearever; Preserving Kettles;' 10-quart size,' each,4...;;.Vr.Hf.i,f2.00
Wearever", Preserving Kettles, 12-quart size, each;.. ....... u'.f240
."Wearever" Lipped Sauce Pansy U4-quart size, each Vj,?;-;. 'i'.65
'Wearever" Lipped Sauce IPans.Z-quart sizeeach ;.V;.,;.';;;,t85
"Wearever" Lipped Sauce Pans. 2V5-auart size, each ..5et
nVeareyer" Lipped Sauce Pans, 3-quart size," each ...f...f 1.05
nVearever" Lipped Sauce Pan v 4-quart size, each "e;, ,...$1.25
'Wearever Covered Windsor iCettles, 4-quart size, each 1.70
. iiihuci ,. vvvcicu yy wusyr fvciiica, j-quari size, eacn i . .
...... f 1.85
Weareyer'' CovereiJ Windsor Kettles, 6-quart size, each
"Wearevei Tea Kettles, 5-quart site, each "Ut -ti'Ti. ' . i
,:"Wearever",Tea Kettles 6-qtiart size, each :".yV'
"Weareyer- Tea Kettles, 7S-quart srze, each .W.MVM.M.....94.75
tHitn.i.enivw o
WeareyerTea- Ppts, 1-quart size 'each "'.Ii'..';
. M . m. t u .
-Wearever" Tea Pots, lS-quart size, each .MiMMf '
"Wearever" Pie Pans, shallow; 6-inch sizei each .;;i;.,.v;;..aof 1 1
fWeareve.Ke) Paii'i," shalJow;'$s
vyearever Fie Pans, shallow, lOft-mcn sue, each' ....'
wearever ;, Rjcc Boilers,, 3-quart sizeeach 4 .;v;-..v;f 2.B0
,"Wearever Pudd ng Pans, auart sfzej each W;t:iiUT B
"Wearever" Pnddina Pans. lI4iuarr s ze; eacfc'l -iii'r:.. i-:..- : kr
Wearever" Pudding Pans; 2:quart size, each .V,,...;.,........ ,i.0
;'Wearevef" Tie Pans, ahallow, llinch aize, each" ..r....;.iW..iii;i
;TWearefe(- Rici' BoilervU-quart; siaeipach it.itJi'. ''?;..l'i,f l'.
.VWeapeYer",-' Ric Boilers, 2-quart Weeh,t;'t45.;;iV.V
Wearever" Pudding Pans; 4-quart size, each i
, ............. ......... : 854
A. CM'
.- w-a ..'. ". .i.i ii
off r rank
Semi -Annual Sale of
if? : ';t!r ;
Radical Reductions
' '. mm '
' 5 1 '
: i . i V ';-' .r ;";':';''
i - ,.:"'" ;i-r'",'-
(Vi 'V-;:,tj.,."v'V i ';.'
Royal Banquet Floor The best Flour that can he
made from Bluestem Wheat, y, Priced at (PI 1(r
this sale, the sack ........... . . ..... . . . . , pXa Ail
New Red Salmon Dot. No. 1. cans f 170, can 15?
New California Figs Black or White, lb. ?. .. ?lM
Crown Pastry FlourNo. 9 sactt 35f
Seeded Raisins 3 packages."."..':.'..: .........25
Wild Rose Lard No., 10 pail f 1.49, No. S pail OO
Salmon Bellies Pound . i i..i ,. 4u.'ii.l5jt
Cora Starch Four No. 1 pkgs. -25
Boiled Crab Imported, dozen No. W cans f 2.75,
per can1. . ...r'..',.,';.i.r.. ...25
Cut Beans New pack, dozen No.-2 cans f 1.10, per
can . ..,..'. .... v...-i.....t:lO
Ntw Tspioci S-lb.'sack .-.4 A.!.j..a;.,.v29f
, .". ..... . ...v. . . , ,
' ' . i
rVi e'4 i; "Js;
Including all the new: and late patterns in
a.great varietjri4"orvattw
.all the leading noveltie . '
All $1.50 Mesh Veiling reduced to; yd. $1.25
All $1.25 Mesh Veiling reduced to, yd. $1.00
All $1.00 Mesh Veilings rtduced to, yard 85tf
All 75c Mesh Veilings reduced : to, yard 65e?
All 65c Mesh Veilings reduced to; 'yard 50
AU 50c Mesh Veilings reduced, to,; yard 40
,A Mele rnuk'anrat SOoArKal iiainf
Fall and ,
Winter ,
Catalog ;
Now ;.
Helps you
Shop by;
MaiL .
. . ;Th& Quality, Storjb- on Poktuwd igm
I' '. - riTUv;5lxtlvt1brrisaAldar9t AOlUI-
'.I iM i - : ' - " '' '.'! ,' '.-'-;' '''O-r"' " -i , t, , ... .it.,;.,,,; . . -v:-';' " " .. "' 1 ' M' 1
AND SAVE 25V to 50
'bn:'Nove:tnber"10 1913; the.:'Club:' Rate'rn MagfazlneC'wili 'advanced
This is general and. will affect all the leading1 Magazines that now are
to. be had at exceedingly low Club rates: Mi therefore will behoove
you to take advantage of the time from now until November 10 and
get in your subscriptions for yourselves .and .friends before the new
rates ga Into" effect,':; ' l:' ; .'.m; - ".o k.-j - .; -..t.
r-vSubscriptions may be placed nb,w for: Chri.tmaspresentsAndl
this is an excellent opportunity; to '.-make your, own renewals at the
SC Below you will find a comparative 4able that will show you the
savings to. be made by placing y0u fubscriptions before November
10, at the low Club rates, giving the regular prices of the Wagazines.
the present low -Club rates and the advanced rates that will be in
Outdoor World r ' . )';, . -. i'; ;1
boom Bwmui.'.wi v ! v
XcOU Lad. W 4 S.S0
v.',,,.;,. . I ,;After Jov. 10
aetnU fwtoa.i.ll.OS Jyi;. SMS-fe
BevUif ertow.S.OO Oat Woe , ,
i.. . v i.:,.'i 1 ' After Hot. 1ft
;,am1a prio.,.7.00 , S.C.W!V
' Cosmopolitan 'tC. ull.M' 0b Vrlo',
uoo HniitkMv. .. 1 . .
-"'..i; -i' IS t S3.45 "
1 aft..
tipptaoeU,s ' otrtyrfca
' MoClure'a and Za I !. , o rr .
i.y,""V ?ii! ,.'ir I .AftW Ko.' 14
v afUlat V..7.00 :,.. S4.10 .
BvbeoriptioM tw1t(1, Book Sept.;, Baae ment, and1 Jlrtt : rioor, Vila Archway.
4s ; I .v.;.
' if
4 1 "V
.... -y