The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 20, 1913, Page 15, Image 15

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Resume of Yesterdajr'i Events Briefly raragrajihed for the Entertain.
: . . ' , ' ,.tnent of tba Bos Header,'. ' ' . ' .
! -Provielonal President Huert, of Mex.
lco, denies the report that he hai re
" elsned or that he' intended . to flee. He
declares that he .will remain, and If the
election snows that another Is ... pre
rferredbe will step down and nwit,
f " Winston Spencer urohlll, f lrst lorj
of the admiralty. In the name of the
. llritUh (foverniiient, specifically offers
10 aeiay luiiJiiroent or tne naval eon
' structlon program of Great Britain. It
- Germany would consent fo do the same.
1 The Idea Is to have a- naval , holiday.
Other countries a're expected to follow
the example If Germany and Enjlana
agree on the plan. v..;. . ' ::,:- i S'-'r
Crown Prince Frederick William has
arrived in Berlin from Munich. - He was
culled before the emperor at Potsdam
to explain his opposition to bis fatb
er's policy regarding; the Brunswick iuc-
v cession. The- crown .Ttrince la said to
X nave denied responsibility for pqblloa-
V tioii of his letter to te imperial ehaa-
eellor. . -f .
Ottumwa has suffered Its third disas
trous fire in three years. In the busl
; "k pesa vdistrlct, when half a eity block
'....was burned, causing .S46M00, damage. .
' rf' ExecBtlre and Congressional.
. y Weekly conferences between members
: ef the Oregon delegation In congress are
. urged . by, Senator Chamberlain, , Xt Is
. v argued that much time, Is belns lost and
v Interests neglected, a result of lnde-
'.4 pendent action, which has been the rule.
' "'-i ,.r President Wilson, who : suffered s
wsUght attack "of indigestion last week,
proved that he is himself A. again by
climbing the blU of the golf links .In
i wind and rain. ; Ho said ha made t'Ae
y ttrip without trouble. . 1 ' M '
i!;s.X)lBtrlot; -Attorney a H. Ungenfelter
v-of Idaho, rhose career in the federal
,k" " office has been stormy, . will be dla
"mlssed by the administration. It is !
clared. The nature of the charges, which
are said, to be serious, are not divulged.
Yuan Ehi Kai, has sent President Wll
' son acknowledgement of the president's
"message, congratulating the celestial ou
-bis election as the . first president of
the new Chinese republic ' w ;
. secretary of State Bryan' attended the
central union Mission at Washington.
Asked to speak, ' he' said, that. It waa
v m-mt Mv -.-V . wI
cheaper to save men than to recompense I
vt.oiy wr wim una luen oo, i r . i
i v v;' With a View. of. making tha pending
r - vuifviivr iuam iiuu-li laoail uitWJ-
; ure, conferences .s-Ul be heia between
.. nnwuers ot iue ireiiaia duuiiss commiv
tee and President Wilson, in a few days,
'J at the White House. ' V -iv
i; i - The department of agriculture, after
v rmucn experimenting, finds that the
-crow, instead of being a detriment, Is
Vr a benefit to farraers The bird destroys
grasshoppers, cutworms, . white grub
and other injurious Insects. - .-.
' . The weather bureau .at Washington
predicts wintry weather tor the next
' few f day in - the region east of the
Bocky mountalna . Normal temperature
is preaicte xoe tn paciflo alope, ; .
, v Paciflo Cbast'-..i ? ' X
Heavy snows-have halted the gov
ernment reclamation wopk at , Lake
Keecholus, Wash., and the government
. has closed a contract for 400 tons of
. alfalfa for feeding 150 horses and
: mutes lor tne , winter.--v-. ' '..''.. v
v! The -yeer-old son of C E. Diner
of Easton, Wash., died from, ahock as
, the. result of being thrown from aa au
; tomobile during . an accident near Cla
Two federal attorneys and one post
., "master of : Idaho have- resigned, .and
' ; Republicans are holding down places
' i because of m - split In the JDemooratlo
7 party preventing selections of Demo-
Myer Dubbin, bandmaster of -.the
v Salvation Army band, ahot his younger
fl brother, Arthur," In the abdomen with
'!?'; .revolvert after 'reproving the3.' boy
;for carelessness in handling the weap-
5 4 on.'. Dubbin did not know .that the gun
v: was loaded. . - '.w;,-..... .;, . -,i .
! Kelso, Wash. ; will . have a publlo
doclc to be built from publlo subsorip-
.' lnn ') T wilt K. Inn. aA -aa tk, Vmlmn-
Catiln bridgeand will be 160 feet lone
.and It' feet-wide. ' - , t.: '-
The body found off Fauntleroy park,
'Seattle, has-been Identified as that -of
Paul Rupert, an artist, and former of
ficer of the German army. Rupert had
- lived the life of a reolute since suffer
vlng a disappointment in a lova affair.
' . . Warden Drum's proposttlon to se
cure a 14.000 acre tract to be used as
a prison farm In connection with the
, Washington State penitentiary has neen
, indorsed by the state board of control.
1 Dr. Frederick Parker Gay, professor
I Chronic Sufferers Find Belief
Arty few Potei of Croxone v
'i'S'tt': yo'u;''are'' bothered .withi;backaoheH
..' er rheumatism, have disagreeable, an
vt&sjoytna' bladder or uVlnary disorders' to
-intend with r suffer with any other
B of the many ; miseries that come from
'weak, kidneys, here is a guarated rem
. edy you can depend upon." 'ih; -i.i
2". It is va positive - fact that Croxono
r . .o:omptly overcomea such diseases,
It soaks tight in and cleans out the
v . stopped UP kidneys Vend makes them
filter and sift out the poisonous wat
matter from the blood.. It neutralises
'and dissolves the urlo sold that lodges
"in the Joints and muscles, causing rheu
tnatiirm; soothes and heals the delloate
linings Of the bladder.;
'., . More than a few doses of Croxone
are seldom required to rellsve even the
.obstinate, long standing cases. ' t
" You will find Croxone ettllrely differ
ent from all other remedies. It Is ad
. prepared that It Js practically lmpossi
. ble to take it without results. An orig
inal package 'costs but a trifle, ajd you;
4 , druggist Is authorised to return the piir
' . chase price if Croxone fails to give the
desired result 4he very first time, .... ,
" .-r ' - . I ii i'J
i' f c - . - jt r: - -1 ft
The Aetor-Mnnap-er We can put oa
. now ehow vcrv night for a' week. .
Ojiory Hounrt Owner That other ac
tor pel-won enl'i you had only one play.
The Actor-f larMRer UcII, v,e have
only ono piny. Imt we felve it la a tl-I-frent
way -tch time.
. J i J TT!1-
of pathology of the University of Cali
fornia, announces the discovery,, of a
new method "of typhoid vaccination.
The new treatment Is said to eliminate
the fever and nausea which usually ao
companies use of other vaccine meth
ods. ; f." V,., , U ... ! '
. Because tf the factional strife over
the appointment of a successor to' Gov
ernor J'rear, it Is predicted that Loren
Andrews, - ex-United . States attorney
general at Honolulu, . the Hawaiian Is
lands will eventually be changed from
territorial rule to' government by an
army commission. rt trj' y .,
i-fe-'v''Vffc Eastern,;
"Damage amounting to f 1,000, 000' was
caused in the railroad ' terminals ot
East St. Iyouis, U,. by fire, which
threatened for a time to .destroy the
terminals, ' 'said - to . be the largest In
the United States. The Advance Ele
vator, oompany sustained a loss of' $860,.
00O,.and the Chicago Alton, 1100,000.
. John D. Rockefeller has postponed
his return to 'Tarry town from Cleve
land, because of illness of Mrs. Rocke
feller. 'It Is possible that -the oil mag
nate -will not return this winter. .
The thermometer took a big drop
at Aberdeen, 8. ., and .the first snow
of the season swept V1 : wttb - al
from the northwest, ''it. ;.: '-jfi.M-Zi-4JFranee;Oregorlo,
; miner, who was
supposed to have been killed as the re
sult of a fall,' came to life In bis coffin
and frightened friends' and- relatives
who had called at the undertaking par
lors to view . the body. ; . 'u i. ;
The future ot the Progressiva party
In the Fifth district ot Illinois Is said
to pang on the result of today's eleo.
tlon for Justice of the supreme court
The progressives l.ave ' made tha best
campaign possible, . many - women tak
ing part In tha speaking.' - . - ' -
John Wilson Van . rNrynC a farmer
of Lower MontVlUe, N. J. has origl.
nated- a largo gold and crimson sppl
of tart flavor, and named. tha fruit the
"Wilson, apple,", In honor of President
Wilson. $ v
h''- Oregoa Briefs
'Nathan P. Spencer, who was thrown
from horse, died as the result of bis
Injuries, - in Ashland. . : ; J . '
to abolish , the , present ; school district
jacKson county scnooi pincers voteu
taxation h olan. favoring - iaxauon oy
the state, which, it la aald, will secure
a more equitable, tax and enable cer.
tain districts to secure more funds. .
f The ehlef of police of fit, Johns has
ordered owners to mussle . their dogs
or keep them under control, as the
result of a dog which had rabies bit
ing several children there. -. .
Circuit Judge i- Bradshaw of The
Dalles granted a temporary Injunction
to Victor Marden,- restraining the city
from - paying a. bill of the ' Unden.
Klbbe .Construction company , of Port
land, end enjoining the city from Is
suing or selling bondage pay the-pav-lna
concern, until further ' order of
" Mrs. S. A. Orchard, tt yeara old, reg.
lstered at Tne Dalles as a standpatter
suffragist. She declares she Is a "black
Republican- and expresses her desire
to vote for Joe cannon wr prcoiucui.
The total amount of taxable property
W Clataop county 'this" year -iai H.
8 7S,54. ; . , The amount last year v was
slightly wider U.000,000. .These fig
ures do not include valuations on prop
erties . of ; publlo service corporations
which ' are determlpeA by the state
Because of the failure of the county
clerk to name a registrar for ina eian
. (Ctr l district. It Is said that 10
per cent of the voters ot that aectlon
will be unable to oast ballots at the
special election in November. w v,
McMlnnvllle has made nomlnatione
for . municipal canaiaaies, aa iouw.
Wimr. a . Tliburvt i-reoorder, -.A. C
Chandler, incumbent; marshal, Peter
Peterson; incumbent i counciimen--wera
1, a M. Brledwell, incumbents ward ,
J. D, Mardls, incumbent; ward I. V, H.
Turner.'-. . '.'.jp
V';'-!"'1Io'Baiik Appeal. y'x-
A Eugene. Or. Oct. I0.-The four bank
ef Eucene have appealed 19 tne circuit
court from the ruling of the Lane coun-
tv board of eauallsauon in not grant
ina their netluon to reduce the assess
ment on their share of stock; 0 per
Cent-w , i-i " .. -f -.-rf - .. . v.: :
. The Flret National, the Eugene Loan
and Savings, the United States National
and the Bank of Commerce each asked
that this reduction te maae,, Beside
the First National asks that a red no.
tlon in the assessment of Us real prop
arty be made. ; . , ' - v ' ,
!, - " V -
r Native Son Iteglatarg. ,
' Eugene. ' Or.hv Oct fO. Holland Me
Collum, It years -old, Is the oldest na
tive son of Lane county to register for
the election in November. He gave hi
birthplace-as being near Eugene, He
Is the son of Samuel McCoUum and
wife, who were among the first settler
in the county, ' They came here from
Kentucky1 la lSBly end-Holland waa lorn
the next year, There waa no town
where Eugene sow stands, ' and the
only other settler is this vicinity then
was Eugene Skinner, for whom the city
of Eugene was named, . , i '
;:(, p , , niV fi.
'. Money In Steors. ' ' ,""
Condon, Or- Oct JO -William Rettle.
a stock raiser of Gilliam oouuty, showed
a . x-year-oia snonporg iiwr me
recent " fair here that weighed - 1B0O
pounds. The animal has always been
on the bunohgrass range and has bad
no other-feed. Wblls here Mr. Rattle
sold .the steer for lilt, which is the
highest price ever paid for a steer lq
this section of the state. . -..i, -!;,. ..
. . ... ' i... I I. in ii. I'm ii in, - if::. I i
fi' ".;.V Ironaido Items. '
Ironside. ' Or,, Oct. 80Many ' women
here are registering this wsek and 4ls
cussing and studying the measures to
come before the voter on November 4.
The added weight of a recent wet
snow to the loaded apple trees in the
orchards . here caused much ' damage.
Limbs were lopped off . right and, left,
and some trunks were split to the
ground. . . , ,
fouJ?Ou ..
ie Goat-Yotni hav
Madam (opera the uoat-ion a nai
to make Dim behave. H' been . cuv-
Ii' ;f BT.rylitt,a N"n? a" up and
Mine's Mother I do my beat with
him. but he'a ao headetronr. .
Freshmen and Senior Classes
-'Are Both Largest -rn the
'..'.History of School. : ;
- ' iSpeetsl to The Joornal.t
" Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallls,
Or., Oct Z0. The report of the regis
trar of the Oregon Agricultural College,
-presented. Saturday at the meeting of
fbe board of regents, showed 1419 stu
dents enrolled in the regular degree
courses, a 81 per cent Increase over
last year. . V ; . ' '
Five hundred forty-seven t are new
matriculates, of which ; 67 , transferred
from ether colleges and universltiesj 26S
are graduates of four year high schools;
CS have had three years' high school
preparation, while 101 enrolled with two
years' high, school preparation, and 94
entered on examination or completed
less than' two years' high school work.
The school of agriculture has the larg
est enrollment with 467 students, aa
increase of ,11 per cent oyer: the total
enrollment for the first semester of last
yean ; The school of home economics
cornea' next.' with .00 students, . or. an
Increase of 17 per cent over , the total
enrollment for the first semester 1912
lt. . The- largest Increase this year bas
been in the school of. forestry 71 per
cent There Is ' great Interest In the
work in forestry, and many student are
matriculating in . the course in logging
engmeerlng. :fi'ui:f'--i'"S'.ii.'.'.:.,r :
The enrollment represents every conn
ty In Oregon, to other states, and eight
courses, California baa the largest rep
resentation, with 93 students; Washing
ton come next With 79; Idaho, lt New
York, -11; Illinois, 8; Indiana, Kansas
and . Massachusetts, I each; Montana
and Ohio, 8 each, etc Of the foreign
students registered, Canada' bas T rep
resentatives: Hawaii, ; India and Jap
an,', 4 each;: China, , 8; Russia, X end
Greece and Philippine Islands, l each.
There are 884 students from states
other than- Oregon,-and 88 representa
tives from foreign countries. . -
The freshman class is ths largest in
the history of the institution, there be
ing on October 16, 484 matrloulate in
this clasa Likewise Is the senior class
the largest in the history of the instV
tution. - it Is expected that the gradu
ating piass, this year, -will; about
- Condon, Or., Oct 10-A' peclal train
v m uvuujo ascKoa hock cui iot&aea
With larriiSa lmtt CrnAnw whlsa eMntms
' wwwwwb IHtf aaaa(
consigned to BUllngs. Mont There were
8000 lambs on board the train, which
was not only the . largest tralnload of
nvep mv nas ever seen snipped rrom
Condon, but also the largest number ot
car ever handled on tha local branch
in one. train. These Iambs were pur
chased bv E P nT within mAliia
of 40 miles ot Condon at the average
price or sa.zo per .bead. They will be
ranKa near oiuing ana inter resnipped
iu iiiaraei, , , j v '
' 'Wtaaijit mt Brownsrille, . .
Brownsville, Or, Oct 20. A pretty
wedding was solemnised in the Metho
dist church Wednesday evening; when
Miss Edna Rebhaiv daughter of Coun
cilman ttennan, became the bride ef Dr.
Arthur E, Wlndom of v Wenatcbea,
Wash. - The bride was a teacher in the
South 81de publlo school. The groom Is
tne son ot jar. ana Mrm Lon Wlndom of
this city, i.;;-:
The bride's sister, Mis Nellie Reb
ban, was maid of honor, and Miss Flor
ence MoKeroher of Crawfordsvllle and
Misa Stella , Graham ot- Balem Were
oriaesmaiaa. The best s t man H.
a Wolf of this city. After a honey
moon to . Portland. SeatUe and British
Columbia Mr. and Mra Windem - will
. ,w enaicnee. V--
' "-.Amos Donaldson Dead,
HiHShoro, or Oct I0.Amoc w.
Donaldson, aged 84 years, died in this
city Wednesday : morning at the home
or ma son, a. c Donaldson,-after an
Illness -of several weeks. He had been
a resident of Hillsboro for ths "past
eight year, Mr. Donaldson was born
in Hocking county, Ohlor in 1829; and
before coming to Oregon .lived In Mis
souri,: Iowa and Nebraska, He iieryed
through the Civil war with an Iowa
regiment His wife has neen dead for
some ume. He is survived by six sons:
W. O.- and-.' A.. C. Donaldson of Hihs
boro; O. O. Donaldson of Vernonla, anJ
4, u na a. jc ana ti. n, Donaldson,
living in Nsbraska. vor,
Rub pain right out with-a small
, v trial botUe of old vst. "
Jacobs Oil" . '
Kidneys cause BaokacheT . No! They
have po nerves, therefore can not cause
pain. Ueteu! Your backache Is caused
by lumbago, sciatica or a strain, and
the auickest relief Is soothing, penetrat
ing' rBt Jaoobs OIL" Rub It right on
the ache or tender snot and instantly
the pain, soreness, stiffness and lame.
ness oissppcars. iwi i stay onppieai
Get a small trial bottle of "St Jacob
Oil" from your druggist and limber
up. A moment after It Is applied you'll
wonder what became of the backache.
salatloa or lumbago patn. "St. Jacobs
Oil" is harmless and doesn't burn the
It's ths only application to rub on a
weak, lame or painful back, or for lum
bago, sciatica,, neuralgia, rheumatism,
sprain pr train, ; .
Spratt eat no M and hi wUty eat no
v y-- -
p.Th.- k.d to iiv on hj'
, t t vStrtiv -5M ?SS
machlnf-. -
. -
Rebekahs; and Members of
" Other 'Auxiliaries Also .
V Vv'-h v Gather! ..'-.'-
Welser, . Idaho, Oct, 20.-Wbat la ex
pected to be the largest lodge conven
tion; ever held in . Idaho opened here
today with, the convening of ; the grand
lodge, ' Independent Order of Odd Fel
lows,, the Rebekah . and : other aff 11
lated orders ' of the state. The Com
merclal . club. Outlook club, churchts
and other organisations of the -city
are cooperating with the local lodge of
Odd Fellows in plans for ths : enter
talonfent, of the visitors, at least 1000
of whom Are expected before the week
is'.'-ver.v ::''f, 'J, ''.',:-;
The election of a grand secretary to
succeed the late George H. Handy , of
Caldwell, and other matters of impor
tanct will be considered by the con
ventlon, , .;. v - ..... .'. A
The grand, lodge officers are S. D.
Taylor, Boise; J. F. ; Allshla, , Grsnge
viile: Tim DriscolL' Payette: W. , A.
Coughanour, Payette; Presley F. HorneJ
Haiiey; Tana . Martin, Boise; u. w.
Holbrook, ' Blackfoot; JJugh : H. Ran
kin, Ashton. The - Rebekah officers
are: ' Agnes Thompson, Mullen; Bertha
E. Bowlby, ' Rupert: Lillian Bon ham,
Twin , Falls; . Dora Hull, . Kendrlck;
Agnes Swinerton, Wardner; - Cynthia
Stokesbury, Emmett; Sarah J. Randy,
Caldwell. ... - - ,
The program opened with a grand
enoampment at 10 o'clock at Knights
of Pythias hall, Rebekah assembly at
Maaonle halt and department eounoll.
Patriarchs Militant, ' at Odd Fellows'
halL'.- H.:y: 'A-r.y---v. -j. .
i Tonight a public reception to grand
offloere and delegatea will be held at
the Hotel Washington, and in the Com
mercial club room on the fifth floor
of the hotel. ; 'i;. -r
Three morning essions are to be
held Tuesday. The Odd Fellows' grand
lodge will convene at Knights ef Pyth
ias hall, A the Rebekah assembly,?- in
Masonlo hall, and the department coun
ell in Odd Fallows halt . Tuesday, ay
enlng there will be a meeting of the
past grand masters association In the
Welser Commercial club rooms. In the
Wn eaten theatre the same evening, the
decoration - of chivalry will be con
tarred. : '"' "!; :-.'--..:ri:
... Wednesday morning the Rebekah . as
sembly wiU be held in Masonlo ball,
and ths Odd Fellows' grand lodge in
Pythian castla In the evening at 8:80
will be the grand parade, Kremlin Ufa,
with entlves. Imnsrlsl Order of Mus
covites. Later ' the Muscovites' degree
work will be ror formed in the National
Guard Armory, while the Lady Musco
vites will hold an, evening session at
Masonic ' halt Tne convention wui
close with the grand lodge meeting in
Pvthlan castle, and the Rebekah : as
sembly in Masonlo hall Thursday
morning. In addition to the meetings
outlined in the program, there will be
hannnat at tha Hotel Washington
during the week, anQ other events of
similar nature during the fodr days of
the convention. . . ,
Welser , is . well decorated for . the
occasion. : ., - ' v; - -..j - -;' '
::i7:'Mn...maDe Dead. .
-Pandiaton Or.. Oct 10 News has
been received here of the death of Mrs.
rmtntm Ttlalraalaa. wife of Dr. L. K.
Riakasiae. who left Pendleton several
months ago for Los Angeles.. Shortly
before leaving here she suffered a stroke
ot paralysis, ana on oepwrno-x w
fered a second stroke, her death result
ina but a few days later. She I sur
vived by a husband, three daughtera,
Mrs, Norman earius, aura . . noixe
ner, and Mrs. Edward A Cook, and oh
eon, Harold Blakeslee, all of Los An
geles. ,'' ,.... -'.- ,'l -.'s "-.
i So !nif ormly successful ha ORRINE
been in restoring the victim of the
"Drink Habit" lnto sober and useful
citizens, and so strong is our confidence
In its curative power that w want to
emnheslse tha fact that ORRINB is sold
under this positive guarantee. If, after
a trial, you get no benefit your money
will bo refunded. ' ORRINB costs onl
11.00 per box ek for Free Booklet
Brink's Pharmacy. 18th and Washing
ton 8ts.; Woodard, Clark A Co West
rare ana Aider. ' .v
Those who suffer from' thl ner
vous disease, accompanied by its sud
den attacks of unconsoiousness and
convulsions, will be interested - in
knowing that we have authorised ths
sale of Koriine treatment for Epi
lepsy by Woodard, Clarke tic Co. -
This well known store has our au
thority to sell the Koslne treatment
for Epilepsy on the following guar
antee: Buy a bottle of Koslne for
11.60. . If after Using you are not en
tirely satisfied, your money.1 will be
refunded. . ...--i" ..,.'-.. -.. ,v..;.
: We want the most skeptical to try
the Koslne treatment on thle guar
antee, for the success of the treat
ment during- the past ten years, both
by. the laity and f jprofesslon, il( haa
proved the merit of the article.
A valuable booklet on Epilepsy,
containing a 1 complete 1 diet, given
free by Woodard, Clarke & Co, West
Park and Alder sts. ' .
JTheaoslne Co Washington, P, o.
Home- Treatment
for Epilepsy or Fits
Bh. etful 6er
w 0hMronT
Mra. - Crlw-Carefifl! - Ton would
th aMeJ-
, . ' ' ' , , - , ..
, .
Situation Demands Action by
- Budget Committee Says
'. L(City Milk Chemist; J
"Unless the budget contains provi
sions for enough, veterenarlana to ap
ply tuberculin tests, required under the
Portland milk ordinance, the city will
have to rescind Its own law," declared
Ek C. .Calloway, city milk chemist,, to
day.'::, .yi;-. v fv-'-' r$ yp'r.v:.
'The law requires that the tuberculin
test be applied to dairy herds concerned
In the Portland milk supply at v least
once a year. There are 860 dairy herds
furnishing milk to Portland at this time.
One capable veterinarian can apply the
tuberculin test to a maximum of three
dairy herds a week, 18 a month or 144
a year. . The budget committee reo
omends one veterinarian at 11600 a year.
He can test 144 herds. This will leave
untested 716 herds. , How can w under
such an arrangements a the budget
commute favor enforce the ordinance
which was drafted to protect the babies
of this city against the danger osTmilk
from consumptive cows? f. ; .$.'
"We have at this moment Ipplleatlons
for tests that would keep one veteri
narian constantly busy for a year. Some
of the herds supplying milk to Port
land have not been tested at all, , be
cause - it baa been Impossible to get
around to them. Others have not been
tested, for three year.
"The budget CommltUa' approves two
dairy Inspectors at 11400 a year. ; We
are supposed to Inspect dairies once
each six months. Working as hard as
possible two Inspectors can get around
to 720 dairies a year, leaving 140 con
cerned in the Portland milk supply un
vlsited. This situation is too import
ant to leave unnoticed.'' -
'-University 'of Oregon. Eugene. Or.,
Oct 10 While making a drive on the
golf links . ot . the . Country dub here
yesterday, Clark Burgard, son of John
Burgard of Portland, broke hie right
leg at the ankle. Burgard wee taken
to the Eugene hospital. He Is a
junior ; In college. ... ,.
'...(Special to The Jonrnal.V ' -
CoquUle. Or, Oct 20To fUI the va
cancy caused by the unseating ot
Charles Skeels from the board of di
rector of aohool dlstriot number eight
County School Superintendent Baker bas
called another election for -Friday eve-
Prominent Woman of Seattle
- Saya Plant Juice Hat Almost
Made Her young Again.
Among the Seattle ladle wbo have
tried Plant Juice and found It good is
Mrs,' A. 1ST. Pettlgrew, whON resides at
116 Twentv-nlnth avenna. , Rha u.
V "X have only used one bottle of Plant
Suico ana ii sureiy ass Helped ma
f oouraa. at 78 I An nni iu,t v
made young again, but I felt as though
w luuuuunj somewnere, Ir I
could only find it that would relieve
me of mr stomach bjiA liva nhi
My liver has given trie considerable
irouDie ror a gooa many years. ., lAst
isu . naa a severe sitae or biliousness
anil hava tint fait waII all w,n,. - ti...
Juloa has helped me from the Very first
aomi na uuna 11 is JUST, , What I
neeaeu." -r ..-'rvt. '...
Plant Juloa is a vsratahla ama
that has : proven a great ' benefit to
emeny ana agea a wen as the younger
generation. ? As a general tonio, vital
lzar - and vicoratnr it . im ' war4thr saei
equal It tone up. both mind apd body
wa gives energy ana strengtn. Those
Who suffer from noor ntivrnkMiu. in.
novarished hlonil 1a vum , i.ji..
tlon, .: gas, bloating, headache, ' diszy
wvmum, a reeling oi .raininess or weak
ness, hot flashes, pains, across th
oaoa or in in joinu and under the
shoulders will find quick relief la" the
use ox stem juioe,-' For sale at The
Owl Drug company atora - r: ;
' The ; QUICK action of simple buck
thprn barlr,:;ayortn etc, as mixed
in ; Adler-i-ka,H the remedy . which be
cam . xamou by curing . appendlolUs,
Is I surprisinf Portland peopla ; Many
have found that, this simple, remedy
drain so much foul matter from the
system that A SINGLIO DOSB relieves
constipation, sour stomach and gas on
the stomach almost IMUEDLVTELT.
Adler-1-ka Is the most thorough bowel
oleaanar : ever sold. The Huntley Drug
Co.. Fourth and Washington sts.:' " 5
ADIE5! ask m
. It Is e safe and sore we
Biin'i medicine, saw to take.
works like nsirls. Frlre 2.oo:
double itrDrlh 15. Vnr
and sosnntned by t8e Helfuad
Drug Co, 8-8 Worrlsos sttaat.
.his jrtarr'
j07 nn
Aim uoir aqcwi ;:, j.'ti . t
- Lueaa Makln' : am . feel at boms;
Just bournt a machla that lmqrtates
treet car,' elevated tralna, . mUlc
A u -i VT.- ir 1. k ... . ..
J'10"1 Jf- nol-y ,nelb.
nlnr. October 24. The vacancy was a
result of a fight between ' two factions
In ' this city and was caused by an ir
regularity in the election proceeding.
Skeels. running for director, waa tied
by another candidate and the tie was
decided by vote instead of by tha draw.
Ing of lots aa provided by Jaw. -. The
case was brought into court and Circuit
Judge Coke ruled that tha office
vacant' -Upon failure to appeal to. the
supreme court another election Is being
called. . : ... i- .
The election 1 to be held in the high
school building. Under existing condl
tions each of the two factions of the
board need the assistance of tie third
member to carry out, lta planar Mr,
Skeels,- the unseated candidate, " will
again run for the office but it is not
known definitely whether IL, O. Ander
son, the defeated candidate, will enter
the contest or not- .Jvv ' ; 'v.;':'v '"
- (Ipeelal to The Joarnai.1 '
Roseburg, " Or, Oct ". 20 Douglas
county has one prednet where no elec
tion will be held' on November 4. This
is . Bohemia precinct in the extreme
northeastern part 'of the county, where
there are not enough registered voters
to constitute an election - board. Be
cause of tha small number of voters in
that precinct and great distance by the
shortest passable route from the county
seat it usually costs ths county more
than f for each vote cast in that pre
clnct s, vv '.,-'- ?. : :' r-
Monmouth, " Or, Oot : 20 Monmouth
will hold a special city eleotlon soon to
vote on proposition, made at a recent
meeting of the city eoundV creating a
separate road district for this city. The
purpose of sucH a district 1 to divide
the poll taxes in order that the city will
get full benefit . ot it share when the
district 1 separated. The money would
be used for general improvement ' of
When your physician aan give you
no remedy for , the : horrors, that op
press you, when ' through, the i long
hour of th day It seems as though
your back would break, when , your
head aohe conatahtly, yon ar nerv
ous, depressed and suffer I from those
dreadful bearing i down pais, don't
forget that Lydla E. Plnkham' Vege
tabe V- Compound 1 - the r safest. and
surest remedy . for thee conditions
dlsoovered, It wiU jave jtoti years ef
misery as it has thousands of other
suffering women, r 'y'-f-
Gently dean jrour Liver, Stom
ach . and ; Clogjged Bowels s
, while you, jleep, ; ;
, Oet av 10-eent boxv-"-' ;,v."-;v .,
. Take , a Cascaret tonight to cleanse
your Liver, Stomach and Bowel. . and
yon will surely feel great by morning.
Ton men and women who have head
ache, seated tongue,, can't - sleep, are
bilious, nervous, upset bothered with
a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or
have backache and feel all worn out
Are you keeping your bowels clean
with ;Ccarets-or , merely forcing a
passageway every few days with salt,
cathartic pills or castor oilH.yH-:::
Cascarets immediately cleanse " and
regulate th stomach, remove the sour,
undigested and fermenting food - and
foul gasesi take th excess bile . from
the liver and carry off th constipated
waste matter and poison from the
intestines and bowels, - -"
Remember, a Cascaret tonight will
straighten you out by morning. A 10
eent box from . your druggist means
healthy bowel action? V a clear head
and - cheerfulness - for montha Don't
forget the children. . '
e JB' J,
Chssei and ITerraBS Dis
eases readily eaceamb to
my theionsb end exbaui
tire sattbods of treat
aunt when tbsy are
cufuU and eoulsteDUy
foUewed. UisUkfts are at
a mini mam, , bacsoaa I
have treatad sueeeaafal
ly thotuaBds ef eaase if
acUr like oor own. it Is
.. sa error net te seek the
'.-advice ef s fpeciallat
V- wko has : had fmu. . of
.exparieaee . and (ltaa ax.
' eluslTe penonal attooUoo
. ,T ; , -V 1 w ui unumui w ,ucu
eases. I in Beans to practles la the
States ef Oregoa. Wathlngtoa), California
aad NeTSda, My office Is - tboronebly
eoulpped with every alaotrteal end nat-ban-loal
eovlee aasaaaary fo tb eclantifl uaat.
ment of your ailments. , adiululattr the
World's Isteat reoMdlos.:.' :
-'-A' I Treat ui-faliy',,"!r''rt'
yiSTULA. . -
. Consultation and Examination rRRBV
tp O I to. . Dallyj Sundays, 10 to V
J, J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D.
Improved liver pillS
v Cure Conatlpatkm. EUiousniw, Rkk Ilnad
sehe. Sour Stomach and ImliKwitinn by Biaking
tha liver more active and the bovrela resuiar-.
They ar m parfant Artr-Ilnnr rill and
en taken after meals will relieve that bloataj,
diatraaaea farllna- wlthoiitpuin or si".
Ae. a liox, Kfc.NO rXOIAL K l BAVIXri.
l. Besaaae Ce. 14 M, luUl ut 1 iuiadwWa, i a.
boarder XlcU aecomerdaU .
Z-ZZlbr UinWat trotiblea Urn 11?
Who wu acreamh)' on dat yacht?
Sailor Jack-&b a&w a mouse la "
cathoaC -
roads, and to maintain better bridges.
For some time the people of this city
have wanted to make a separata roiul
'--v. "4h '-. '....,'. i. . aaavat-vBaaavaB(aaaaaS; ' '- 1 V . -
Kennewlck, Wash., Oct 20. Tha Ben
ton County Poultry association met In
the Commercial elub ball hero to make
arrangements for ; the annual poultry
Show. -.- .;-:;v 'v-; .- ...
December 10-14 was selected aa ths
date of the show and Kennewlck waa
again chosen as the place where the
show will be held.
Preparatlona are being made for an
attractive premium . list and indUo
ments will be made to increase the
number of exhibitor of last year, wh!oh
waa about 400... Elmer Dixon of Oregon
City was chosen as judge for the show.
President C. Hoadley presided. .
' liomb in S. P. drocery Store),
' Ban Francisco. Cat, Oet 20. A' bomb,
supposedly planted by Blaokhands, ex.
ploded back of Pietro Pidone'e grocery
store, doing considerable damage hut in.
jtirlng- nobody. - - -:- ; .- -,. - ,-
tree common sense buy Superior eoaL
88 ton. . Main 154; A-1S4L (Adv.)
The v -Journal
, ,1 rw aoitae sag iasle Kooms. '
Tenants' Directory
SAAB- SB. OU8IAV , , , .
Mala tula, A-lUS..........Mn..,...SU
SaaB BEOS., WaUpaytr. .
Oronna floar Broadway
8WOWBE, SB- AGUES at, OrUoyata.
Mala 0 ...aOa
MaxabaQ lot A-M63 10th flees.
WELL, W, B Inanxaaee . . .
- Mais 1971, A-37 ........... ........04
Boa and Xaroat. K. tea, A-U71...jBl
Main 1007 .807
Maraaall HO. A-1011 ,.,.U
Xaia 7 .....e01
DAVIS SATIS, Timber Leads
Mala fftt Ilth floor
DuoAtr, w. w., Att'y., Mala 7a....eui
SUlH-i-SlaAOUAsI si CO,
ZLUOTT.J. ST., Mala 4(8 ., Ii
91 Maae eeaee MtMeeesaa s W
MarahaU 100, A-10U .7T.....I14
yXOkBAL TB0SI 00. . ,
MaxahaU 800, A-Wll .......814
J0 ................... ,mIU
SOJk. A via) v
MltlZ0BKilTO., M. U., Mm. 188,.,
HTALT, iOHEPK M.,Maiam...
luabk, ivofi ....... .,u.
HOaxiGULXuaai. iias acuu,
Mala 47f. AB7.... SOS
JAXMX o'B&XOM, Attomaya-ataw.
l-r11 847......... ,..,...... ........0t
K1XB6T, fEANK O., Oivil Iainr....o
XXKK, KOYBfcM O.,... .......7u
uIlkEX, iBAHK Jt, St D. ,..,,,'
Mar. uL Ar84M ....... .....I0th floor
LA-taUS LXXLS CO.. Ma. 4340
tlxUt X. B, Mat. Uta
LIBSJOX. I., Chiropadie. ,
Maia 4D81. A-4o4 .,.......-..M....81J
WboleaUe Lumbar, Mar. 8188 ........808
MEBk.yJta, L. S. LBB. O. v
ManhaU 8118 814
MOBXWOSliJtX". JpBi , 7. K., yhyaiaiaa and
argaan, M. (83, A-1S71 ..!
Ib MAXXIJI, Oataaths. ,
MarahaU 17 .,..S0-f
BlxboaTTabbaHAM, Att'y.
Mala 1007 ..........807
jrtlsO. SB, SMU. 3.. Deatiat
Main 8280 .807
MAtMiiixi' bo;-'
MarahaU Hi ...'vi; ,-...108
Max. 1760 .....SOS
obeo'om28 EioBAviifa" co," " """ ""ni
Mar. 8038, A.64 d floor
Main 87s. A-&7 , 80S
PAOUIO LABB CO ,:.-,.',. v ..;
v.nklU lUO. A-lUli .....114
tit AMB1CA .....,.-...oa
O.U1CK, B. B., Inauraeoe
Main If7& A-olrt , .803
ftrOLI)B nu, BAAiClf 2ULL, 0. 8.
Mala 14I ...;,,,,.,.,,..,,, ,f ,112
tB.XB0,OaV w-0V aV.,,.v..,.:i'
aotion'r iv'wiiZ iaiii'o'itI co.'ni
7 M-r. m 314
UkBX. X. Baal Xatata, i
IB. .j:J - ..3C
aKiBJb.en, IBA . v. . .
Mala ....oia
gMt Xkt. B10HABD 0., M, D. -
alar, aoi, ............... ivm r:--r
BTtB.MBi.BO, Aa. 4. D., rbyalelmi
- Suraeon, Main 423, A-LiTl
TROMALP. l'R. X., aln 4,a,..,
1 4, LOU.Uul a., U, .
- kiaia "
- Contraotora, At. -, 1 ' .,,7
VlttlbtiiHitt 4 UiJitauo.;, A.
in 1'M T ,.
-v-ioipo.! r tvKiica co., i.
WHli'EiiiiiK, 3. OEO, 6., 1 .
Vfl t It" KEltti, HAaOM. Hl 1., , , ...
r. km, A-li'-U
WOO OA l), M. .. J'r. Silt
VlOtaii) t, W S,
a in 6. . Ai
1 uu Ur Aaib., a i i
ft -