?W'.rt... .THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, OCT '.ER ; 3. 1- 12 ,' f s ; Mi) bark comes: jf BALLAST 10 TAKE .f'tfi' fi''4l'" . Schurbek Takes More Than a - Month for Trip From Santa Taking over a month for the voyage, , the German Bark ; Schurbek tjossed In yver the Columbia river bar yesterday ' from Santa Rosalia, coming In ballast to load a cars of wheat for toe United Kingdom. ; thla la rather a Ion pas saga from the1 Mexican port for the Schurbek as she has made It in muoh better time on several occasions. vr: The Schurbek made the voyage tip from v Santa Bosalla this time - In 92 ' days, which 1 XI daye longer than It t took, her to come last year,' tl days i being her run at that time. On the oo caelon of her previous visit to this -, port in If 10 ahe made the passage in 24 da;...'-''. ':,'., ;.r''''V'i"Jf . The smartest passage from the Mex- lean port to the Columbia river was made , by one ' of the "Bek line, the uermao snip jjaaoea neving maae Ul .; run up In 20 days three years ago., when . ' ahe came to load a cargo Of . wheat for the United Kingdom. The Schur- ' bek Is a carrier of 22(6 tons net and , li In command of Captain Christiansen, t 6h will , load under charter to M. II. , Houser.'-s-"- -.yx'- ''in -?T.j--;- . Among 'the other grain ships which re about due are the German bark ' Werner, 2082 tons net and the British ship Hlnemoa. The Werner Vlnnen is out 68 days today from Antofagasta In . ballast to load grain under charter to Balfour, Guthrie & Co., and the Hine " rnoa, which is bringing general cargo ror Meyer, Wilson te Co., Is out 124 V days today. She Is under charter for a grain cargo outward. The British , bark Thistlebank, which is under, char ter to the Portland Flouring Mills com- ' Pany, for a wheat cargo. Is now out 108 . days from Buenos Ayrea ' The British ship Westgate Is now out II days from Plsagua to load grain tinder charter to M. H, Houser and should be . due to arrive here soon. ,:. , ROYAL iHAIL LIXEIt HERB , Steamer Monadnock, to Take Wheat and floor to Orient.' " ; ' About half , the cargo to go to the . orient on the British steamship Mon- , adnock, under v charter to the ' Boyal - Mail Steam Packet company, will ,be . loaded here and the remainder-on Paget , tound. ' The ' Monadnock arrived at 6 laat; night from Guayqull, via ' San Francisco for orders.; - r, '; vxr. -t The tramp moored at-' Montgomery dock No.-1 and began taking on. her - cargo at 1 o'clock this afternoon. - She will load principally wheat, here, although- she - will take -out some flour. She will work 100 tons of wheat and ,. (00 tons of flour and get away from here for Puget sound Wednesday noon, according to the schedule. Her entire cargo will amount to 7000 tons dead weight The weekly report of , the po : sltions of steamers operating ' on the .Boyal Mall line, Issued by Frank Wa ' terhouae 1 Ca, Paclflo coast agents of "the line, la as follows: . ... Vestal la, arrived Yokohama from Se ' attle, October 7; Den of Ruthven, sailed from Portland for Mojl, September 26; Den of Crumble, sailed from Vancouver for oriental ports, October It; Den of Clamla, sailed from Yokohama for Vic toria. October 14; Indramayo, sailed from Seattle for Tokohama, September 28; Monadnock, arrived Portland, Octo ber 18; Solvelg, left Mojl for Seattle, v; October IS. :,':'.:-' ' . MAT BE HULL OF. ELDORADO ' : V "'V '"V-;: 'i : t r.i ' J- : v. ": f ' ' Water Logged Derelict Seen Off the ' -Oregon.. Coast. . ' What may be the waterlogged hull ' of the missing schooner Eldorado was sighted about too miles south of the Co ;' lumbla river by Captain John Iilndberg. of the American steamer Ftfield, last Thursday morning, according to a report i received, by the United . States branch hydrographlc office here, captain Llnd berg reported that' at 4 o'clock In the morning he sighted a vessel off the star ' board side of his steamer about 150 feet long and six feet out of the water. The 'vessel was on its beam ends and no spars were visible. The derelict was In (latitude '41:1 nonth, longitude 14:28 west i The Eldorado was IX feet long. ,he sailed from the Columbia April 1 for Antofagasta, and Is long overdue. She had a lumber cargo, , STRONG , NORTHERLY CURRENT Baoj Drift Blanjr Miles la a Very J'.i--V'-t-S'ew Days. . ; ' Drifting 4 miles In three days,- a painted . keg used as a mooring buoy outside Grays Harbor, . was picked up at Destruction island on October 4, ac cording to a letter received this morn ing, by Henry L. Beck, lighthouse In spector for the , Seventeenth district from' the keeper at the Cape Destruc tion station The drift of the keg shows the strong northerly set of the currents along the Washington coast. The keg was used -for mooring pur poses by a Grays Harbor tugboat con cern and was seen in place on Octo ber 1. MARINE NOTES. Attortt, ' Oet 20. Arrlwd it mldnlfht and loft op at S-.80 . m. Stonier Multnomah from Baa FrinrUeo. Arrived at 0 and left up at It a. n. Btesmsr Ourtr I. Oboa .. from 8aa iYmncUoo: .. , . Ban P'dro. Oct. 20. Hailed Steamer Beater .for Portland. Arrived Steamer Yucatan from Portland; steamer K. II. Vance, from Colombia rivet. Ooo Bay, Oct IB. Arrived Steamer AUi anee from Portland. . Tacoma, Oct. 19. Arrived BrltUh ataaaer Border Kolabt fma Portland. Aatorla,-Oct 18. Arrlvad at midnight and left up at 4 p. m. Sltamer Toaemlte, from ean'Frasclaca. galled at 4:80 a. m Steamer Carlo tat San Pedro: at 4 a. m. Steamer Bear for San FrencUc and Baa Pedro. Arrived at T and left np at 8 a. m. Steamtr Breakwater from Cooa Bay. 1 Left p at $ p. m. Britlab teamari Monadnock. . Balled at 10 a. m rtteamer Klamath for Ran Pedro. Arrived at JO and left op at 11:20 a. m. flteamer Boee Cltr from gas Pedro and Ban Franclneo Aalled at 11:80 a. B Hteamer W. F. Uerrla for Monterey. ' Arrived et 12:80 and left up at 8:15 p. ov-gtaaaier Roanoke , from Ban Dleco and 'Way porta. Bailed at t p. m. Schooner tialem for Littleton. Arrived at 2 p. m. Uerman bark Bchurbek from Banta Roaafla. Ar rived at 6 and left op at 6 p. m Steamer Johan Ponhwn from Ban Vranflaco. Saa rranclaeo, Oct. 10. Bailed Steamer W. B. Porter lor roruana. Tiaea at Astoria inear uirn water, o:B3 a. an., e reet; P- e.o leeu law wa ter 10:0 a. m 4.S feet) ilM p. 0.4 foot ALONG THE WATERFRONT ' To load a cargo of lumber on the Columbia river or on Orays Harbor for 1 Valparaiso for orders, the American i actiooner Forester has bees chartered by '-tv. R. Grace ft C4v-"-V''l ' The Jepaneae steamer Hudson Mara ' ulilfted yesterday morning from the Pa i rifle Coast bunkers to Oceanio dock to finish her flour cargo. .ts ;. To load a cargo of lumber ' for Val I nralso, the schooner Geo, E, Billings was shifted from : the Pacific Coast ! bunkers to Westport Saturday night Laden with wheat for the United Kingdom, the German bark Tblelbek left down ,Tthe rrver . yesterday after noon in tow of the steamer Ocklahama. The latter was scheduled to leave up today with' th German bark Schurbek. ' Bringing 150 passengers and 1000 tons of freight, the steamer Boss City, Cap tain Rankin, arrived at last night from clie ;"jJAiural.-. ri- The ateamer'BreaTtwatertTJaptaitt - AWM - on, arrived at 4;S0 yesterday 'afternoon from Cooa . Bay wlU passengers and freight. fv;-.;,:,K:-,r. The steamer Roanoke arrived early this morning from San .Diego, San Pedro and San Francisco with passen gers and; frelght,-;",?;;,';;;; -1 ; I1ARINB TJfTKtXlGENCB i.!;-''las te" Arrive,' ',:rv Welletler, from San Frandeeo..... Oct. 99 Multnomah, from Baa rranclaoo........Oct. 20 Botvdoln, from Ban Francisco.. ...... ...Oct. 20 Oliver J. Olson, from Baa rraaciaee,...,.Oct. 20 Roanoke, from Ban Pedro ..........Oct. SO Wellealer, from Baa Francisco.. Oct. 20 Dalsr Oadaby, from Baa Pedro. .....v. Oct. 23 Beaver, from Baa Pedro ...Oct. 24 Alliance, from Eureka. ...... ...........Oct. 2ft Yucatan, from San Pedro and way.... Oct. 2A Breakwater, from Cooa Bay,,.... ...... .Oct. 84 Tillamook, from Coqullle ,..,....., ....Oct. 27 Bear, from Xoe Angeles... ........ ......Oct. ai Rose City, from Urn Angeles. ........ ...Nor. 1 Pen of Olamle, from En rope and orient. .Nov.' 2 CI. fred Laolaa. from Knmna and orient Nov. 4 Bolvelg, from the orient. .......Nov. IS Andalusia., train Enron and orleot......Uee. a peB of Airlle. from Europe and way. ....Dec 29 nitheale. from Xarone and orient....... nee. ill Merionethshire, from-Europe and orient.. Jan. 15 . Due te Danart, Tillamook, for CoqniUe i...... ......... .Oct. 20 Para lso, tor Baa Francises........ Oct. 80 Breakwater, for Oooa Bay.. .Oct. 81 Sua B. Elmore, for Tillamook ....'.Oct. 21 Monartnock. for Burorta and orient. .... .Oct.' 21 Toaemlte, foe Loa Angelas., .....Oct, 22 Camlno, for Baa Francisco Oct. 22 Maltnomah, for Ban Franclsoo Oct. 2.1 Roanoke, Cor Ben Diego....... ...Oct. 82 Roe Cltr. for 8an Fraoelaco. Oct. 23 Oliver 1. Olson, for Los Angeles....... .Oct. 24 Alliance, for Eureka Oct- 29 Beaver, for: Baa Pedro ..Oct. 28 Yucatan, for Ban Diego and way... .....Oct. 29 Bear, for Baa Francisco Nov, 2 O. rerd Lesisa, for orient and Europe.. Nov. Jl Den of Olamle, for Europe and orient.,. Nov. IS Andahttla. for orient and EBrone.....k.De. 19 eitbonla. for orient and Europe ....Jan. -T Den of Alrlte, for Europe and orient... Jan.' T Merionethshire, for Europe and or lent.... Feb. 10 Tram lea Yaaclaoa. SV" Btesmera Harvard and Tale. ' alternating. leave Hi a Francisco tor Man plage on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and star (la re, connecting with eteemsra from Portland. Northbound, the arrive at Baa Francisco on Taaadaya, Tbaradaya, aataroaya ana eooaaya. - .1 ; Teasels la Fort, - : . . Name ;. - , .. -, i ;J-uL . Berth. Havestude,! Oer. tahlp., ...Stream neoiaa, , am. - sen. ........... a Puako. Am. bkta... Westport Commerce, Am. ch....................Unnton Lord Tumpletown, Br. b.,..........,...Precott u. u. Burgees, am. on..... .uooie St. Nicholas. Am. ship. ............. ..Astoria Berlin, Am. ship............. Ouble Benca. Am. ah. ........................ Astoria Hudson Mara. Jan ea .Oceanic Geo. B. Billings, Am. sch............ .Westport scctesia, nr. as................... nainier W. H. Smith. Am. acb.. ...... ..Oregon dry dock Ernest Lecoava, Ft. bk... ............ ..Mersey Birkdale. Br. bk... u no ton Caroline, An. acta. .Portland Lbr. Co. Camlno, Am. as. ................. Alhers No. 8 Psralao, Am. as..... Albera Mo. 8 Monadnock, Br. aa. ............. .Montgomery 2 Baglnaw, Am. as...... .....Oak Point Hue u. Gunora, ul as.. ........ ...woiumnia i Tillamook, Am, as... ...............Columbia I Juhan Ponlaea, Am. r... ............. ..Oceanic ncnurbek, uermaa nara .......w...... .Astoria Toaemlte, Am. aaX. ..St Helena Multnomah, Am. sa... ........... ...... Bupple's Oliver J. Olaojk Am. as Couch Breakwater. Am. aa... .....Alnawortb Boas City, Am. aa.. ............... ..AJnsworth wnoaa, jun. as. ............ ........Maruaa -...'.; a Seute te IVead Xmser. ' Maaie , ; j Balled From. Arrlno, Br. etr.............. ..UeJUlonea Ueorguut, An, bkt. ... ................. .Valine MarUwrough Ulu, Boas, bk.........t.,.CailM Haau Uosalia. Br. ea. ................. .Taoema Biam, Dan. ea, i,,,...w,Bib Vranelace ?;errlr, Mor, ea.... ....... .....pan Francises ndrauaya, Br. aa...... .....Baa Diego Fukoko Mara, jap. aa. Moil Vi n. H. Talboi, Am. aca..... ...Callus Ilawkhsad. Br. aa...........i...Baa Francisco Atrlcaa Moaarcb, Br. aa.,.. Baa Francisco baron apMr. nr. ea............ ...... ..otaru Howtn, vr. dk .newcasue, .ug, Koka Head, Am. bkta. .............Antofagasta Beulak, Am. sch.... ............... .San jjlego Luaon, Am. bktn. Antufogaata janeHU Stanford, Am. bkta. Mejlllonee staMter. Am ech, .......Cailao .. Sa Beat te lead Oraia, . : Kane '-.. Balled From. Adelaide, Oer. bk..................Aaltoga( Aagerd, Nor. ah .Vsllae British Isles, Br. ahlp....M- Oallae Clyde, Nor. ahlp...... UaUaa Crocodile, Br. bark... Oailss Gelgato, Br. bark.. .......... ..St. Bossila lllnenoa, Br. bark. ........... ...Newcaatle. si. lavaraTon, Br. bark.. Calls Kaasai, Bale ahlp. ........... ....... ..Harburg Languala, Br. ahlp.. ...... .......... Wast Ooaat Lyaten, Br. aerk... .........St. Bosalla O pouts, Gar. ah, ................... .Zokofaams PhlUdalpbls, Br. ahlp........... ..OalUe Begun, Br. ahlp,.... Callae Xbhttlebank, Br. bark. ........ ....Buenoa Ayrea Werner Vlnnen. Oer bark... ...... ..Wsat Coast Westgate, Br. ship... .............. .West Coast Inverurie v Br. bk Buenoa Ayrea Tsaukuna Mare ....Orient Aaumaaaa Mara, Jap. as ...Saa Francisco Beuju Mara, Jap. aa... Jams Crowe of Arragea, Br. .sa Baa Francisco Philadelphia, Br. ab........ .Oallao Dally River Readings. , ,1 tTATlOHB -? fa us I as Lewlitoa ............... Umatilla ,.. ... Albany ................. Salem '21 .4.0 .1 2.8 0.2 2.2 6 .6 Wilson vl us 6.4 2.8 .u Portland 10.8 () Rising. . ( ) Falling. EARL IS STAGE-STRUCK, GIVES PAY TO CHARITY London, Oct 20The stage having led so frequently to the peerage, the Earl of Carriole turned things around today and took the peerage onto the stage. It was not poverty, however, which drove the earl to the boards. He stipu lated that his salary, which was said to equal that of stars like Harry Lauder, should go to charity. His lordship was simply stagestruck. He had appeared' frequently In private theatricals, and made such a success recently at a private performance of Harry Vernon's one act play, "A Point of Honor," that the author persuaded him to tour in it publicly.- He made his Initial appearance this afternoon at the Coliseum. SANDY LODGE OF MASONS , HAS MEMBERSHIP OF 16 Sandy, Or,' Oct, 20. The Sandy lodge of Masons. Which was organised laet weak, now has a membership of 16. Regular meetings are to be held, for Ihe time being at least, In Odd Fellows hall, the second Tuesday of each month. The new lodge was Instituted by Dep uty Grand Master W. C Bristol of Port land and other grand lodge officers, and a banquet .was served following the WOrlC.:';'; ,. VK,A;';.-'V BOSCH FUNERAL IS SET , FOR OCT. 25 IN ST. LOUIS 'V ' v''.-'; ;.; ;" St, Louis, Mo., Oct 20, The funeral of Adolphus Busch, the multl-mtlllon-sire brewer, will be held here October 26, according to announcement today. Edward A. Faust, a son-in-law, and Charles " Nagel. the former member of President Taffs v cabinet and Busch's legal adviser,, have gone to New York to meet th body. Among the pall-bear era at tne runerai win be uavia 7. Houston secretary, pi agriculture. BE. r'';';rl SKIS nt - -r, From Small : Beef Exporting ' .' . 1,1 . '- s ' a i . 'a a ' 'as. ' ' ' .uountry it Has Now Become iVery (Heavylmporter;? '" '''";.'' "'A''- iftneclsl t na,.yim.1 t :'i.ci' ' 'Washington, Oct. 20. That the Unit ed States has ' changed -with ' starting suaaenness from a small beef exporting country to a' very large beef Importing country, is snown by a report Issued ny tbs department or oommeroe today. This report shows that the exports of beef and beof cattle have fallen from $44,000,000 value In 'the eight months ended with August, 1204, to practically 21,000,000 In the corresponding months of 1812. and that the Imports of cattle in , th meantime Increased from 9217 In the eight months of 1204 to 249,105 In Lthe same period of 1813. and their value from, 1181,145 in 1904 to 25,031.842 In 1912. As to beef., the Importations In 1904 svere Insufficient to justify their statement montn ty montn, and tba to tal value of beef imported for consump tion In the full fiscal year, 1204, was but 314,122, while the single month of July, 1918, showed a total Importation of 842,- 384 pounds valued at 358,993; August, a total of 1,161,428 pounds valued' at 339,. 204, and September about an equal amount. ... ' . Even the value of the comparatively small number of cattle exported Is now less per head than In earlier years, de spite the general advance in prices In the; meantime. The average export price of the 18,049 head of cattle In the eight months ended- with August, 1918, was 334, against aa average of 3(3 for the 418,866 head of cattle exported In the corresponding months of 1904. On the Import side there is a decrease of about 20 per cent In the valuation per head, the 240,105 cattle Imported In the eight months ended with August, 1913, being valued at 316 per head, compared with 318 per head for the 9357 cattle im ported in the corresponding months of 1904. The character of the cattle im ported differs, of course, radically, from that of those exported, being mostly, on the export side, grain-fed animals ready for slaughtering, and on the Import aide, grass-fed cattle In many cases, but ,1 or 2 years of . age. . Practically all of the cattle Imported, other than those for breeding purposes, are brought from Mexloo,.. that country having supplied TRANSPORTATION .. May YOU ticket to aan. V." ... ;y franelsoo onlyt San Franciscor To Los .Angeles Hours M : Break the moaetonr sad faMave el ro trip so Boaih.rn Osllforala this .rear by : solos so ths soutbsra. olUes eatssaais-i Ual Bteamsblna , j . ' . 'Ik. StoetttM Nrfsd Sara"' , : Tasse sreat ahlas are the fssteat arras the Asaerloaa tas. Svsrr eomvssleaesof a moaera hotsIT Soonir ststa rooms. , spaoloos 4eeks and avenr loasiy shs adda MiBSOomiorsei ssnpnrsss " -no does, as dirt, no noise. ., . , . SAILINGS ' FotLmJM &Fr?s?ta BatardsT. ForSaKeja fewr" ae Tsdtaa. Unata, Caff ef fFi4k Pacific Navigation Co. Sfraak Bollam. Agent, Bsauh sa, v-eoaa. : a. i Third att, Sallg Direct 'for - '. SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO Wednesday, Oct' 22, 2:30 P. M. SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND et LOS ANGELES STEAMSHIP CO. (With Denver A Rio Grande R. R.) 124 Third Street A-4596, Main 26 j,, !;.';;;.(",.',",--.s0 ,. . v-.".. TBAirOISOO, 3COB AJTOBUBS . -: .ako suur SHOO. .. aS. Se ROANOKE ' WEDNESDAY, OCT, 22, 3 P. M. ' . ' COOS BAT A2f9 BtmSXA . ; ' aS. Se ALLIANCE i'' SUNDAY, OCT. 2. ( P. M. , BOXTK 2A0I7X0 STBAMHBls CO. . . . - 122 . A' THIBD 8XRSBT. ; . :',. ' Phones Main and A-1314. ' CTttAMeyBg, ypn San Francisco and Los Angeiex SS. Boee City Bans 4'p. nu, Oct. B3. ' v SB. Beaver Bails 4 p. m, Oct. 88. he Ban rraaetaoo rertiaad B. a. Co. Tiekat Offios ad and Wash, fwith OW. B. 21. Co.) Marshall 4500. A01fll. - American-Hawaiian S. S. Co' if'f-' "suAinRBm ' motrtB' . trrotght Service Between New , York- , i) IartleUMl-lSurop4v - " . rrefnent 2khednJed BaUlngs, liow 22ates $-:(.G.' O. KENNEDY. Agent, ; 10 RaUway Exchange Bldg. COOh BAYLllNli: ' Steamship Brealtiler fe - Ballb from Alnaworth desk. Portland.' St 3 p.. m., . every Tuesday evening, freight re ceived nntll 12 o'clock (noon) on talllua dar. Passenger tore: first class 310. second class (nisu only). T, Inclodlng berth and meals. Wch at office at Lower Alnaworth dock, fort lead A SWAKil ' I i.fimi"m& wish ai.iiseium- Yale-Harvard STEAMSHIP - 22AJsUais5 . Cooa Bay steamship Una. l'hoass Uala IMiOOl 'A-2332. U U. JUaUng, Agent,.. ii)l- P-:'X:: I XV In the flscU year, llt;( 221.47T. of the! 420,241 head Imported for other than I breeding; purposes. Of the 1888 imported for breeding purposes, free of duty, 845 were from England. . .-' '"v,1 :- Imports of beef show remarkable trains within the very recent period. In the fiscal year, 1804, the aatlty of beef imported ror consumption was iv4,&u pounds valued at 214,222, against, 228, 271 rounds valued at 281.110 la the raWft,aJT2o.-s-"i!t-. , ?Wa in iue aula's uivuuis vi u. I. the imports agrgregated 442,294 pounds and l,ltl,24 pounds, respectively, 'and partial returns : Indicate that the Sep tember figures will also approximate MQO.OQO.'-ppunda.-k,. :t Journal Want , Aos brlngr reeults. : - NEW TODAY aCOZr not H. E. MOONEY sftala 210. . Boom 481 Tailing Bldg. CITYandFARMLOANS r,,';.f; ;At lowest rates. Smith Investment Co. 20 Fifth street Main' 8770. CITY AND . FARM LOANS :. 31000 and np at lowest rates, : v ' C M. ZADOW 414 Oorbatt Bldg. A-1416. KarshaH 9 FEAREY BROS. : , , We Buy Nolt-i H - 242 Salmon St. ; Main 2231. A-1T71 mur nam appeal th.r . rjhons book vott baa tslspbona your ad te have It eharaed. i Blili vrlU be mailed M ?on the f oUowlnc r narmtnt'-' ' The Journal , r.ntss . avoonratrv assume responsibility fol !!S-rrors of any kind eo. rjourrinif la telepboaed AdverueenMBiak v CLASSIFIED AD BATES '' AXXr PBBVIOUS RATES CANCHLLBB , ' GBA&OBD ADVBBXIBKstBNXB ' -. "... -.'. Oailjr ar Sunday. ; 1 eeets par word pet Insertion. ' Tills charge to (or all elaaaifleatloae eweeni. Ing "ror Beat la Private Family," "Boons sad swara in ravaie jraauiy," cuius nos nsam and "Wasted to Kent" ada. which aro .lli cents per wore par insertion. - ' Me ad charred for leea than IB rents. ., . - n.HH anVRRTIRKsfKNTS , ' m rents per word for all claaalfleattsaa es- aMrtfn 1Vm Rnr litPHvats FsmllV." "HOOEB and Board la Private ramlly." 'Blrnstlo Wanted" and "Wanted te Bent" ada, which are 1M cents per word. . . . Three Insertions for the price ef twe. p Bevea Insertions for the price of five, ' Ho ad takes for less than 18 rests. UNCALLED FOB ANSWERS V Answera to" sdvertiaementa hiaving the tei lowing addreaaaa mar be kad at The Joarnat office by those presenting tickets for the eanei A 807, lu B 682, 2; 68T, 1: T0, 1; B9. 1; TOdjJ. ' 0-C78, lj 70i, il 702, 1;. 081, 1 T2 2 ana j V " ' ' r-e92. 2; ea. it 9H.U 700, 1. n '- , B 628, lj 484, 1; 827. U 482, lj SetJ, 1 581, 1T088, 11. j'-S8. 1! 887. It 380, Jl 74, 1 1 483, It B74, 1; 868, ll'dV. lj 8k. 8! 680, l 648, 1. , 0434, 1; 835, 1; 467, ll 647. 1 824, l. H 616, l; 180. 1: 804, 1 803, 1 1M, 1 U It 614, 1 612, 1 868, 1. ' J-68ll2 Se, 1 817, it 67. lj 884, 1 674, 8; 674. I; 861. 4; 807, ll 800, 1; 606, 2; 676, It 675. 1,- 664, 8 60j 1. f 3 , , K 869, 1, ' ' lr-408. lj 861, 1: 884. IS 385. U 856, U 682, 1 68TV7 635, 1; 806, 3; 838, 1 824, 1 SOI, 2; 810, 2 881, ISfBle, : 808, 15. . ' M-442, 1 454,i 476. 1? 461. .11 "467. 1 468, 1 477, 1: 720, 2; 716, 4: 000, ll WX, 6s O 855. lj 804. l; 680, 1', 620, 1; 684, MO, 'P , 'is 849, 1$ 899, 18 888, lj 8TT. Is 859, ll 400, 2: 451,. 2; 442, It 429. Is 440. 1. i B-408, 1; 461, I; 648, IS 088, li 484. i. 8-806. 11; 665. l! 666, Is 667, Is 608, Is 813. 1 658, 1; 448,. 8; 649, li 000, lj 808, 1; ""li-JW 2; 644, 2; T48. Is 658, li 681, 2s 689. 1; 523, 1: 624, 2: 440, Is 414, lj 63i 3. XVA'l ml ituL'u 4W.ii 499.1s 609, 1; 635, IS 584, Is 665, Is 621, 1) 484, 1 467 2 469. 1: 473, 5: 488, IS 497, 1 618, 1 622, 1 526, ll 688, Is 658, 1 385, IS 127, li 428. 2. ' X-499V It 08O. 5 382, 1 521, It 876. It 880. 1: 618. 10. .-''. ,;''"';' -694, is 482. is 806, lr 342, ,lj T05. 2; 695, l; 481, IS 604, 2; 699, i; 808, It 674. 1. Z 198, 1. - REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Alice a Gove to Edwin D. Pool. 6 acres section 7, township 1 south,, range 1 PortUnA' Baalty ei Trust Co to'Oertrnde . B. Boyce, lot 1, block 9, Hawthorne ' place ... B. B. 'Bcbeurarmari and wife, to Xorcne B. B. Jsckson and wlfa to Adolph , Lena et al, lot 2, block 4, Boaelawn Alfred Thomnaon and Wlfa to Marr Aa- 650 C TOO 1.164 EuaU Carrie, lot 12, block 2, White' ead'a addition, to Oresham .......... Portland Realty A Trust Co. to Jos. Dol- linger, lot 8, block 2, Amboy Cbas. L MInkler and wife to Abble , .. Bmeraon, lota a and U, block 24, Irv ington Park .............. ............ Laura If. Osnunana to I Kasaebaum, lot 23, block 2, Gordon place Magaret S. Otrich to Claude C. Cain, at al, east V, lots 20 and 21, block 116, University Psrk ...................... - 200 240 .'' 600 350 ''' '425 Mortgage Loans ffZmZWn i Mur nam appears la . s. 1 1 m iw n si m 11 in , acr sa - revi ':s.Ml:i-SIIll51lM:: m i irvi ., xne - journal nasi tLVV'aa. rants. . aoenraar as avvej Portland Tmat Oa. to T. B. Patterson, tract 87, Shirley Court ............... '1,071 Tba Mansfield Co. to Gideon Davla, lots 17. 19, 21, ,23, 26 and , 27,,, block 5, v v Villa H1U . . I. . ........ ..... 1,300 Annie Bpooner and husband to Ernest ' . Stelnka VancUir, 66x120 feet eft east ' -, ' . end of gpoooer's H acres (assigned Xo ' ' B. O. Thompaoa et al) ,2,000 Annie Bpooner and kusband to H. C. Thompson, 66x120 feet oft east end B, ' ' Bpooner'a acre ....... ....i....... 666 Bivervlew Cemetery association to Burt ' K. Knapp, lot 107, aeetloa 109, aaid -l ' cemetery ............................. ,175 If. H. Tower and wife to 3. Albert Den- . nla. lots 8 and 9, block 124, Dnlreralty park'..'.,.:'5'iv.jv''. 756 Title A, Trust Co. to , Edw.; . Morton. - lot 18, Ascot Acrea,.U... ...... ........ . 664 Noon Estate Co. to Chss. Johnson, lot , 10, block 4. subdlvlon blocks 4, 6, - 6, Waverly ......... ...... ........ 360 Mt. Hood Valley Co. to Anthony Wlntera, lot 16. block 9, Saginaw Hts. ....... 223 fiW Xoutig and wife to KUa Brown. , lota 4 and 8, block 3, Plrlsod ........ TOO Wellesley Land, Co. to Everett Corwln, . lota 83 and 84, block TO. Wellesley.... , 460 A. H. Uotchkln and wife to Frank Wol- , ,. yen. west Va Me1 and 2, block 1, 1 Graceland j ....m. Mk.Mi .. 206 5?'irli'':4.;';i;:;'i'':::;':i;;:l';''K RBALESTATT: 1 XBFKRa l 1 . IV. h.tiu A 1.... lot. Do to 86, block 4. Well r '.'.I.1M use. isn. isau w v in. i;ataev v m ... et ai. lot 1, blork 1. Alonn. ad ' L100 Laura T. Nsgl. to Olnus l.juen, lot , . block 2, Broadview 7... 100 Clsus Lydea ana wife to Wm. Nagle, et, al, 10 seres beginning In B bdrr. una eta M. Klllott .D. X. 0 e.200 Alfred Thompson and Wife to Mary An . svsta Cnrrle, lot 1, blorh , , Whiter ' r, .iii. .H,li,iftN ,a n. w r - 175 irve. V i poweli'a adilltlon CERTir ICATk.6 of tlu made. Tills A . Trust Co.. Iwla tilrlat.. th end Oalc - Bnrecua Bros Mreet 1V4 etnrr frame dwelllnir, B; 63d between Hancock auil Broadvrav; builder sane, amo. Dead estate Repair 2 etnrr frame stores, 8. W earner Broadway and Alder; builder, U. 1. Htewart.. SIMM). . - F. Bader Krect 1 story frame dwelling-, Snth are., between OUth and Slat ats.; builder, aama, $1000. i . , i J. C. Belrd Erect '1 story csrai-e. B. 2tb between Broadway and Bchuvleri builder, i. 0. 8trelI, 36000. .. ' , " ' 2. . n. nalril-Erert 1 stnrv'ordlnarv Stores. 2). Broadway between 24th and iUth; tuUler, I" 0. Btrelgl. 30X. John Paack Erect i story frame dwelllnr, E. Lincoln between iUj and 80th; builder, X A. Itoy, 32500. . - . ... Mr. Kingsbury Brest l atory rrame oweiunj. Orecoa lander, between 66th and Both; builder, yiioo. BIKETTTO NOT1CKS 41 T. M..' ' Lookl Listen! ' I.OOKT Mt. Hood 1 emOKincl Ml. HoodTent . No.. IT, Maccabees of the woncr wiu r give a amoaer sun auwr talnment on Wednesday, October 22, 1,1, O.OA V. a. h.r. Kali XTrt .19S Fourth street, s Members end prospect ive members and friends are cordially Invited to attend; everything free. A cordial invitation is extended to the lady Maccabeee and their Irlenda ; A. good time la assured. Bring the ladles. Committee: Ed, Looeemore, l.rQn.&trii' gata, R. C. Hurst. H. L. Collins. rnNTAOioria .; Everybody Is joining the Owls. ! . FIRHT HTaO RUOKRR . Order of Owls, Nest. No, 188v tonight 1:16 p. m. sharp, at Baker's hall. Kill- ingsworth and Alblna avenues. , come - Good time aasured. Come; B. J. Trav- erso, secretary. . . Vital statistics morriagcs.Dirtbs. Deaths. : MARRIAGE LICENSES ' John U. Hermaa, Mitchell, 8, Dsh., legsl, and Sadie Moffltt, 142 N. 10th at., legat , , Tom Oolemla, Broadway hotel, 80, and Aa geUkl B. Lake, 280 Halaey at, 24. . , Arthur John Majer, 2T0) 4th at., legal, and Ore frianf, 281 . rargo at., legal r. Aekerman, Bhedd, Or., T, and BJIea t, Dnnabee, 401 10th at.. 62. ; . . r- - . Matt Ds Norton, CornaUoi hotel, 20, and Aaaa Barnes, Woodmere, 28. W. A. Carpenter, 680 E. Ankeny at, 28, sad Anna U Caateel. T74 K. Ankeny ai. 24 - Joe Henlges, 465 Booaevelt si, 28, and Annie Back, 06 Walnut at, 21. - a v - - Eugene O. Wilson, 402 Park at, 80, and Bo- Ksanna nah, eoa Farh at, o. . i J. I Robinson, varnthers at. at,, ana Malma Alfrlda Soderberg. 4848 K. 04th St., jta. W. G. Smith '&Co,n Waahlnrton bid.; eor. 4th on Wa and - Carda aeh'ton. bHa&a iuna for rant, all aiaea. Uatue Tallorlna Cj.. 202 Btark at ' CLAKKk; HKOtt, floria "2 fine flowers Morrison el and floral deaisns. AUTOMOBILES tor hire. HOUK. Main 814. A-4814. l2.SY.PiBB BIRTHS BAI70H To the wle of William Bangb, 48 N. 9th at, Oct. 14, a eon. . v LANOs OBD To the wife of Geo. W. Lang-ford, 1189 East 16th at- Oct 16, a daughter. LUDER8 To the wife of Geo. O. Ludera, 671 B. 8th at., Oct. 18, a daughter. -. DUKEHART Te the wife of Orshaa Duke hart, 827 Mason St, Oct. 2, S son. JENNIN08 To the wife of Geo. H. Jennings, 1234 Height eU Sept. 89, adaochtsr. - - McrARLAND To the wife ot Been Mcrmrlsnd, 941 Weidler afct Oct. 11, a aaugnter. LAW Te the wife oS Frank A. Law, 402 B. . ath mt k. rwt a. a sn. BOYEE To the wife of Leon Boyar, 20 Bast 15th at. N Oct 4, a daughter. -HBNDEB80N To the wife of Kobert Bender. aon, TO Sevier at, Oct IT, e aaugnter. BOTH To the wife bf Paul P. Both, 448 Bast 68d at., Oct 2, a daughter. KROMKR To the wife of f. T. Stromer, 6006 ' on u at. B.' oet. is, a eon. DEATHS AND FUNISRALrJ BIRBY In this eltv. Oct. 16th. John J. BlreV. aged 49 rears. The funeral cortege will leave the family residence, 221 6th street, at 8:80 o'elock Monday morning, October 20th, . and proceed to the Cathedral, 16th and Davla streets, where reonlem uasa will be asld at 9 o'clock. friends invited. Interment la , the . family plot at Mt Bcott rara cemetery. fiPBNOBU Jn this cltr.. Oct 10. Charles B, Spencer, aged 29 yeare, husband Of Mrs. raf Snanner of White Salmon. Wash., son of CD- tala and, lira. B. W. Spencer, and brother-of W. Irving Spencer of this city. The luneral services will ibe held Tuesday, Oct 81, at 1 o'clock p. m. at the residence establishment of J. P. rinley a Son, Montgomery at 6th. manna mvitea. tEi'P At the family residence, Knox and Mc Ooy ata, Oct 19, Herman J. Bspo, aged 24 years, rnneral services will be held at the Brentwood tfaaarene church, 65th ave. and 67th at B. B., Tuesday, Oct. ZL at 2:80 p.. m. rrlenda rerpectfully Invited to ettead. Inter, menttytt soott rare cemetery. llAHnll ;!. .kid JLmr f riOTJiiMAK In this cltr. Oct 90. John H. B. , Oolemhn, aged 78 years, g months and 16 days. 'The remains are at tba reatdenee estab lishment of J. r Flnley Bon, Montgomery at 6th. Notice of funeral hereafter. ' WlkEAU-J'smes M. . Warebam, . 252 Skld- more St., Oct. 16, 66 years) starvation. -WILLBTT Caroline J. WlUett Good Bamarl- tan hoeoltaL Oct 17. 48 yeare: heart trouble. fCI mmfflll Mffliroi funeral raslna of all kinds. Main 7756, A-7708. 120 4th. TON6ETH FLORAL CO., 122 6ul, obolos cut flowers for all occasions; prompt service. . Main 1x02. A-1102. MAX M. SMITH,, florist, 141 tk st. In Sellinsr bids. Main T216. - PEOPLE'S FLORAL. SHOP, 3d and Alder. Fhone Marshall 6922, . FUNfiBAIi DmSCTORS NEW HOME Off J. OP. riNlAUX SON. The only residence) undertaking eatab llshment In Portland. Representing the greatest advance in the eclence of fu neral aervlcn. The automobile equip ment and secluded driveway are among the many exclusive features. The ee tahllehed policy of modemt prleea baa never, been changed :S, it ; P. WNLBT 80N,".; S:iv''!,.; rMs; Perfect Funeral 0nrtm Svs .'.". ."V.. ., Montgomery at 6th. . ,,..': '"'V . ?' ''i.' 't.'V.; ...,1,.-.,;.,...' . y rv t'V MR. EDWARD HOLMAN. the leadtng funeral;, director, ,220 2d . st, oorner Salmon, t . ldy. assistant , Phonea -A-I64L Mala 607, -..v i v -i " ".wv'v.'i'.) '.W-.t' .f;-'-' ; Dunning & McEnteerarr11."'!, every detail. tan. ?tn and fine. Aiala 426. LadV eaalstsnt - " , A-46RH. A ' R '7(Apr On 6ti Williams ave. t)' e-ClierVOt. Bast 1088. Lady aU tendant ; Day and niirht sarvlcs. PORTLAND CREMATORIUM, 680 Oleo wood ave.; Uke BeUwood car. Open to visitors dally from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. mm LeaUlna eaat slds .undsrtak. er. Lady assistant B-l 888. TCHSt HMD RH anil A IHU liKMsiocK, iuot . lath! bill. -i B-aiia anj uunmuf nn vol Be-jfliOi Us In 1-IllOOUIl 6IH3. A-j-m. 449 Morrl. orrlMon st. Uannrtaaing Uo. Main eiOA, A-lfai'sl, , sonat 84 end Clay IRECTOn PEARSON -V, kers, E. 10i. eo sell et NTS mann f.L.. la Work3 I'net fd nr1 Ilri. et. Orrmwlte city Iib via, 264-2B6 4th Main 8664. 1:: : i.vi: ;a rue ails' ca ?VtMa':.fi"M 1m. i Rood location. 33800. f0 down. -J tier month. Damn as rent. VT cent Interetit 2u5H Jefferson t. until i n Id. s VWUKi jvlnln 2785.. TOR 6AI.K-HOUSE3 r6l Special , Five rooms, large . sleeping f'orch, cement basement, hot water leat, shower bnth, 100x100; excel- ; ; lent view of Tualatin valley; two blocks from car, IS minutes from rostolf lee, . on west side. 33460..' J'hone Main 1800 or A-6261. PKOVIPJ-NT TRUST COAUeAUTi OWNliKS. 2d fir. Selling bldg.. th and Alder. T, - . . . $1550-"- " ' 2 rooms and bath; 60x100 lotl unexcelled view; 16 minutes' ride from the poatoffloe; city water,, surfaoe graded streets and side- walks included in prlca $160 cash, balanoe like rent. Phone Main 1800 or A-6261. - w-t PROVIDENT TRTJ8T COMPANT, r 24 fir. Selling bldg, 4th and Alder, Modern 4 Room .Bungalows v. '. wear carj epienaia iruii on me - ?r e m 1 s e e; eity Improvements: ' 2260: small payment down, bal- ; anoe like rent Phone Main 1800 .. v" or A-S26L' "i PROVIDENT TRTJST OOMPANT, OWNERS. ; Id flr. Selling bldg, 6 th and Alder. ' Modern. Bungalows ' All the latest built; in- oon venienoee, - near car: 12800 to 8760, easy terms. ; Phone Main 1800 or A-6261. PROV1D1CNT TRTJST COMPANY. OWNERS. , 2d fir. Selling bldg., 6th and Alder. $1800 BUYS a splendid little home and . 2-3 of an acre on- the Orearon , Cltr canine. Place is under splendid wire fence, fruit trees, garden, berries. Grounds are artistically laid out, 11200 will buy this with a cash payment of 9600. This Is- leas than raw acreage la soiling ror in tne vicinity , -. J, 212 Chamber of Commeroe. Home. Alameda- Park View kitchen, breakfast room: .hard surfaced streets paid for, southeast frontage. WUl sacrifice this week for ... 92200. mon wooaiawn issi: U-Z457. ; - L K RdflM KTINrtArW. Fireplace,, built-in bookcase, paneled dining room, oak floors, breakfast room In kitchen, cement baeement and floor, rooms tinted; 22700; 9200 down, balanoe 10 suit ' Hawtnorne car 19 jjiviaion, go 1 block weet 200 ft south. Owner, 2601 e em st uaDor lit. d i6U wani a Moult lit . , 1 r . .IRVINGTONT 9 room house, modern throughout. TOx ivy IWI a, VWV. .BVU. v.u, .V minutes to business center. Mast sell; terms. Make me an offer. TJ-6S2. Jour nal. '. ' " SIX room modern home, 1 block from Hawthorne avenue oar: sewer, side walks and. hard .. surface paid. Lot 60x111! full slse bassment. xurnaoe. shades and electrlo fixtures; built In oonvenlenoes, hardwood floor. Phone labor 4ZSZ. : s Here It Is Two lota, 4 room house; new barn. fruit, berries, nice lawn; ft cash or very cheap for-cash: Nothing like It for the money, nee mis. ij-aoi, jQumai. f ROOM bungalow, new and modern. - all built-in conveniences. - hardwood floors, double eonstruotlon, hard surface street in ana peaa. corner 101, east xroni. close in. can owner, niwr tone. 6 ROOM modern bunaalow. 22d an, East Alder: for quick sale will take $2400; only 9200 down, bal. easy monthly payments. Homestead Realty Co., 222 ft Washington. NINE room bungalow, 92260.. Hawthorne . district pavea street, oa noor, nre place, bookoasee, buffet, wash trays, full cement basement, 6 rooms finished, 4 partly completed. Terms. Lee, 16 N. 5tn. 1 VKKI FIN HI rlOM.nl UIV1NUTUM.' JMoet modern, oak and mahogany fln h. I rooms, 2 baths, lot 40x100, garage, 722 Halaey st Owner. .Bast nLwTu. Herdman. ' ' - abar6a1n" .( 6 room bungalow, modern, close In, car lines, full lot. paved street, fine die triot. Must sell, 9600 down. . Owner, 419 Railway Exchange. . , , . FIVE room modern bungalow, furnished to suit beauuzui view, acre, cn Oregon Eieotrlo, 6 cent car fare. Very cheap. , Terms reasonable. Phone, Main 86 ZO. Garage and Residence atssT M a .Arassa w1am. siitJ A VVJ6Wel f3CSA angaca. vvuvtok tivvr . KUU w room plnstered house on 100x100: 92600, 9600 oaah. Tabor 8S71. 100x100 Neat little- oottage, snap at 91400. 600 casn. .Balance at siu per month. C J. Roewell,. 278 Pine at. Main 1781. -.:.. .' ..." ... VV'". '""noan cvri park "Can furhlsh corner lot and money to build a home after your '. plans In Belle Crest Phone B-1490. SOUTHEAST, corner -Jlth and Stephens ' 60x66 feet,' t room house for, 82000; hard caved street and on car line, write or call 868 &. iixa, ,u. wunereit SNAP Will sacrifice $400 on a new r. mrnii bunaralow with flrenlaca and all modern conveniences. 9 blocks from Hawthorne car. b-bo, journal. . , ,M ; 1, - . - a snap ai winm house and lot. 9600. 1206 Fob. ter st. Inquire 186 20, 27th at Take Bun nyslde car. ' : - "j; IS600 Modern 5 room oottage, lnclud ln Improvements. , Owner, Main 2948, Marsnau itwt. BARGAIN 8 room modern houaa st 761 E, 8tn st, near remont union ave. car. IF you want to buy. sell or lease real - estate or ivan iiiviivj, now im. , jmnm er. 401 BtQCK axpnangn pioy. SALE 6 room Dungalowa, 2)50 down, -balanoe 926 a mon tut Ford ek vjo., tvv rty. aJt. - ? ROOM, strictly modern . bungalow i lighting fixtures, shades, lawn. 239 BOth at. Main 2762, 9160 eaeyvterrnsf FOIl BAT.E LOTS -vtr": 13 9400 ' buys beauUful , view; corner lot, .... araded street, sidewalk, . 20 minute car ride, west side, big future. ' See It 916 cash, 96 per mo, . JKL. XL Lee, 622 Cor- pett oiag. $326 buys a very fine view lot, west side, . 20 minute car ride, .water, graded street, near school. You can't beat it anywnere. ii cann. b per mo. ai. ju. Lee, ozi t-wueii mug, FOR SALE A bargain. A fine east front lot In Olraetead. Park, with beautiful big homes all around. Phone Woodlawn 8906 or call on owner at 4(6 Roeeiawn avenue. GREAT BAKOAIN Two hundred lote t coos iiay. . xnos. ,vigars, owner: SNAP For sale, lots 9-10, block . 44, Grants Pass, Or. Room 6, 82ft Grand sve., or pnone ta, asuoi, , F1RLAND lot 8860. worth 8460: terms 95 monthly. Main llBH, or Tabor 771. 16 FT., lot 2, block 7. I'rloa 96000. Mo- MUiena aaa. xa Laxauee st, ' Beautiful View ' in Glen!lyn. 8 miles bov i1 the poetorflce; will . electrlo service; Bui' graded streets and . on the property! 16 '' the poatoffice, 60 f. 100. 9460 tor 9i50. ' ' included in price J800 or A-6261. '.VtI4; Floor gellihg 1 ' i ,v . . .. .and Aide- $335rlIfCityi:;Lct " 60x100 feet;-15 mlnutp from poatoffice; near hoc and church; level groi . view: Bull Run water: t ' BKST VALUES IN PO, ; - Easy terms. Phone Main . A-6 61 " 1 " PROVIDENT TRTJST COMr. , , OWNERS, 2d .Floor Selling; bldg.. Sixth , Alder Sts. ' 210 DOWN and 910. per moiuif til buy a sltely lot near Koo'fCar line, only 20 minutes out with - sidewalks lalj and Jlull Run water; piped, everything paid for at prloe of 9460; first money takes the lot. See Owner. 612 Piatt bldg.. p. w. cojr. mk ana waenington. DOUBLE vour money with 960, cash.' Owner ot, 76 good lots on beet electrlo Una 22 minutes out, near station, will sacrifice 6 lots. 1-8 less than market' value. Price 9200-9260 each; 260 caeh, 26 per month. ; Phone Main 2122.. Z-26L ., journal. FOR SALE Fine corner lot 60x162. on , - nsTsd , street. sll elssri nrlea ; 11 SAA. 2800 down. balance, monthly; Inquire w, !.' jaivuer, iid layior L ACREAGE 07) 1 1 ''u Choice AcreageS Close to Portland on West Side Land - la . very rich and aaoh tract , fronts on 4 well graded road or street , and the tracts near the electrlo Hn have good sidewalks Stores, school h,' teleDhonaa. daliverv of mail and mer-' ohandlsa add ttt the comfort of subur ban home life. 1 The new electrlo cars will make the) distance from Fourth and Washington streets 20 mlntuee. Prices 2260 to 50(1 nr scrs. 116 to 862 down and small payments monthljs. . The Shaw-Fear Co. I' Main 86. 102 Fourth St A-8B02 . FIVE ACRKB 9260. Buys 6 acres of loa-red off land. a mile to 1 mllee fom center of town Of 1000 population,' also cannery, and creamery. Three quarters of sv- mile from railroad station on main Una be tween Portland and Astoria. This land la free from rooks and gravel. Ilea level and will not overflow. Ideal for chick en raising, dairying, and small fruits. Will grow anything that can bo raised In western Oregon., From some of theae tracts you have a beautiful view ef the Columbia river. 400 acres from which to onoose. rerxect title and warranty deed. ; BELL REAL ESTATE CO- 212 Railway Exchange Bldg.. 2d flooiw Between 2d end 4tlfon Stark. Well Cultivated Acre Tracts" i-. .: . : ' 4 r miles from ths nourthousA. -- , Rich soil, good drainage, raised , heavy crops this year, 9450 per i hi acre. Some unimproved land, 8826 K per acre. EXCELLENT VALUES. rf; Phone Main 1800 or A-6281. ....... provident trtjst co, ' " ;' . - - owners. :; Id floor Selling; bldg., cor. 9th and t l ,v --Wer sta. :v v .. - v " ., . .. , and .10 AcresCheap-. 920 up te - 945 per acrsi on- terms. Tracts of 6 acres or more: deep, red shot sol, well watered; easily cleared; ideal for general farming, fruit, vege tables, dairying sd ohlcken raising; lo cated on county fcbad. close to live town on R. R. and river, near Portland. Own era. 702 Lewie bldg., 4th and Oak ats. main sura, jvvenings uasi 3l. CHICKEN and fruit ranchea near Port . land; Greabam district, Estaoada Una, electric station J6 mile. New aubdl Vision. Sunshine Valley orchard traotst best solL free wood; elegant location, ' Prices only 976 to 9160 per acre In small" tracts; easy terms; quick train Vwv;fci 1 Frank McFarland Realty Co, tog Xtoa bldg.. frnrtland. Or. - - . 9 M,1 .1,-. ...m - la....7) uwu -ut r w .L.i, nam w vsr auiB easy terms: will build to suit nurchsser. Phone Marahall 1586, or SeUwood 479,' jno. n. uipson. owner. , 816 TO 9 PER ACRE, ' 2saV A sasw)A. 4)atn-ea sAt sinll u. M w w v w e w ,aewwi.ast Rvtra avvsa. rvwi 1J ( VW MBtUk, 41V W VUVVI SS MIllQEf B.V VV lumbla river and railway station. 1ft hours from Portland; easy Urma III sMM186aVaJ7 JCe-Jas SjAVtai.a Wl4 IUIOU O LSBA2a sllaVs 9(00 buys H acre. Running water, fins) noil A-l for berries, garden, ehlok-. ene. Only 60 fare. 16 minute oar ride.;. Lee, ea tjornett oiog.. 10 ACRES In Wildervill le. Or, Prli 22600 to 2JO0 MoCanna yru oe " 21600: estimated value 8000. Write or call onJ.UK. erviiin, jr. FROM to 2 acres, with runn ter. 22 minutes on the Orearon trlct, at 9400 per acre, Wm, Bora oh, Bhahafta Station. , FOR SALE 1000 acres logged off" tributary to Portland. Good solLi rood location . and low , price. . T-6SS, ONE acre level and cleared at East , , Ascot 1 block from oar, 97601 , Phone ! , owner, meet jt ca. 2 ACRES, church.aechool. stores. Terms, t. veiia Ajowsqtt, 1 west muingswortn, , FOR 8ALK FAKMS r 17 1 SIXTY-43IX acres In TamhlU county oa ' main county road 2 miles from Naw.v berg, hi mile Rex station on 8. P, sleo, i t Highly Improved. Good house, - fine -or"-chards, berries and clover and bay land. ' -Ideal hog and dairy farm, running , stream tnrougn - xarm, . no , lowiand or . . standing water In winter. The best buy,' in Yamhill county. Owner cannot give Dereonal - attention ' and must aell at '' onoe, rjmitn e r erguaon, newnerg, urt FOR SALE An . estate of 2600 acres, . 600 acres rich black prairie land, to gether with stock, tools and all equip " ment; can be Irrigated; private Water right and flume; balance pasture and" timber lamt: an Ideal location '-for a fine stock farm. 90 miles from Portland. ' Will : take Portland property In ex change for balance. 925,000 Wilhiandle 11. JV.VUIU, UVUIII.l. FEKTILE farms All sises at fair prices, some stocked, good terms, only'; 28 miles from Portland. Before buying eisewnere write your wants ,) . ap person, Rldgefield, Wash. ' IU ACRES. 7T . 1 mile off carllne.. 60 fare: '4' aorea cultivated; houae and barn. Sell rea sonable. Call or address C. .A Schuts, 81 ft urana ave.1 WILL sell cheap' my neautlful home farm on Tualatin river, 15 miles weat ef Portland. Highly Improved. Addreis 1. witnyoomDe, fa iztn St.. rortianu. FOR SALE 40 acre dairy farm. 2W miles from railroad ; town, Will sell " . . A , . 1 . "'A . J. . cheap Waeht Owner, : ; box ,192,;. Castlerock, , KOMESEEKERa 160 acre farm for sale. In Willamette 1 valley for less than Improvements cost. Harboit Realty Co., Lewis nitig. 20 -ACRES improved,. 98000. 10 acres Imnroved. 82760. 10 acres Imnroved. 92000, cloee ln. WOlfeteln, 205 Allaky. WANTED FARMS ; 88 HAVE 91000 contract : paying 960 ; a month: will turn in as first nayment on farm. . Some Improvements. 0-628. journal. WANTED to rent. Improved farm witli "': in 60 miles of Portland; about 40 acres. 'T-899. Journal. , FOIl RENT FARMS FARM for rent, call & W. cor. Glad- PlrVUf m,V ftUU V,U I h iV r - i