The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 20, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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C ;
i 7 . M
n .
; o.i;:fogs;I;.iz
M. :;.;;c cent a
i ui'LIC'H 111' ATI,
1. ".-""!
inr8 Are Almost Too Nominnl to
"f; Storage OiHiators Are
r'A ", u to Unload. .
7 ' Marl-,;' 'v . ,.
- Mis.' 4 . A A A
r-V-.J Woii'.,very scarce. '
",.4?iiri h,f!ns quoted lower.
r .j
e market firm.
Buttr t weaker.
Potato market quiet -Apple
demand good.
Hop mnrket sluggish." (
little peach demand. .
Country bogs art firm.
Veal prices easier. '
!, 'iVyir-t iv in' id ;f , t ;::''i,ii-.:,ij,T j'
The market for eggs la firmer along
,,j'ront atreat and price are generally
i quoted a ahade higher, although moat of
the dealera are still aelllng today at
42 a dozen. ..-
The dearth of offerings Is "causing
much concern alone the street anil It
. la . quite, probable, that a cent -advance
j asked for supplies during the
"'net,24. hours. Thosetlhat have the of-
ferlngs say they have ho doubt that the
nigner price could be isecured buithey
hav,e not asked It as yet, I v
bo -limited have ores ; offerings pf
rancn eggs aion the-street re
cently that few of the dealers havs any
to offer at all. Praotirfaiiv n or th
h business ta the egg trade at tha moment
, la In lee house atock. Some of this
.,, "ywa vry guoa quaiitjr ana is giving
, tatlafactlon to buyers. That bema- the
fane, the -almost a-nrnl. hunA'
1 strictly fresh goods Is not so badly felt
. t-wuuiu oe xne case were storage of
ferinas of less favorable nnalltv
. Notwithstanding the general scarcity
. of fresh egg offerings at the moment,
no attempt la being made by handler
of the lee house goods to force any ad-
Vance in- that, line. Storage operators.
as a rule,, are much intent uson cleans
, ioB, up. i There Is very Jlttla speculative
activity in the storage market because
- handlers -have -been, frightened at tha
HMvy losses tney austainea a year ago.
. . . - v ', ' i 'hk'Z
'Wholesale chicken prices are showing
another reduction along j Front street
and It is Mlkely that a further loss will
be forced: before the market again be
i comes healthy.' Purchases are reported
. in- a limited way at IBe a pound, but
buyers pgw are asking a 'cent reduction.
" j- i ";' j.y!-;, .' i m - , , , ,
. Market for, veal la rullna- lower 1n the
, produce trade. , Cleanups or good quality
were reported Saturday afternoon down
to ltc a pound, but soma sales are re
ported in a limited way a fraction above
W ' " " - "' ,.ty'M,a
- -Market for country killed hogs' Is in
good shape along Front street Values
ara being firmly held at 12a a pound for
best offerings but It is believed that a
fraction' more than this will be forced
If receipts fall to grow, within the next
few day.-; f s ; - ' U.,V
! r
'An advance of 50o a barrel is being
- Quoted In the price of rye flour by local
' cereal Interests. The present price Is
-15,69 barrel,-' The same Interests have
" advanced the price of rye-meal a similar
amount, while split pes are down 60c a
hundred pounds, '' -Wt j- ',.:
- ,: mi ' . : -iSn
V ,4,.''a''''''V.''''2i::.
California steamer " . arrived wtth a
. fresh supply of sprouts and lima beans.
; But -little, green atuff 1 now coming
, from the south and the market' is firm,
' ' Sprouts are quoted at 10o a pound,
' v lima beans 10c- Ac (,. rj-A
, , .. .. , .i m ii ii '''-:.C-irt''f.
v With supplies of peaches, still almost
' ss heavy as during the flush of the
, movement, the local market is stagnant.
Pales are hard to make even at - the
lower prices quoted, although quality Is
" j quite fair. ,
" a" ' ' " f ' ui"wsissJisaeBSisBseBBa W,'. ,VV .'-,( .:- I
, Weather bureau sends the following
" Protect shlDments as far north aa R-
I. atte against "minimum temperatures of
snout o agrees; nortneast to bpoicane,
18 degrees; southeast to Boise, 4 de-
'. arrees; south to Siskiyou, 42 degrees.
' Minimum temperature at Portland to
nignu aoout so aegrses, -.
J- .'. X'.-." " f..,.,,?- V-''i
Tbeae srleia are. tbeae at wbtcb wltelemlen
sen to rerauen, ticepr as etaerwHe stated!
r BDTTEE Jtnmlnal. Creamery eabes. ,Mq
' stite rreimrr. 82333c; nch batter, 3o.
select pullet, -e; nh eonnt, 80c; ; spot
miTins price, ; eoe i e. , p. rortinaj storace.
82rSc. (.!' "
, LIVH POULTBT Bent Ut flTBcj IvHnn,
1 9c; te, iac; re, i! fekln dock. is
' XflUllg America, Jio-v '. ' , . .
BUTTKH rA.T Produoert' price ft Partita
- A 1 ,B,. .
eeiirerr,! per id,, mc.
T Hum. AaoI an TtiAmm.
- BOPS during prlce eholee. 4ef prime. 38oi
medium to prime, 22c; Bedlam, iOQlilc ... .
' W QOU NoBilnal, litis dm. Wiluaiette vak
ley eoane Cotiwold,- 16s lb. taedlua Ehrop.
eoirv, h" mj wv, ioc- id. : esatars
Oregon . lOQlOe, Seeording to shrinkage. ,.
lot, 5c; less than ear lot. 4 He. , -,
MOHAIK 1818 Nominal 90c. - - '
U1DUB Ory bio, 2lQ22e UL; greea, Uei
aaltcd bide, llcf bull, areea hit, Sei klpa,
lSUlUc; caWea, dry, iugfio: eair akin, saltai
er green. ITtflSei greea kldes, 1 lass tbaa
aalud; aoeep pelu, aalttd, abesringa, lOQjoc;
dry. 10C. V
1 Orsoarl, j
et'GAR Cube, 85. 60; txwdered. $5 80; fruit
or berrr 85.10; beet, .84.00; dry grauulated,
$5.10; 0 fellow, $4.40. lAboTe ooUUuas are
80 days net cam. ':.,:...,....'.'.
EICB-J.paa yrW No. 1.' SHQSXei rw
-,v- B09IBY hewt ?2.7 per esse.'.,
' BBAN8 Small "wait. 8 3-Ocs large wbIU,
4l l 4Ve U'a, Pl. cj bay
.'ttTCeersevV'aalf' groonds. 100 910 pet
ton; 60S 8l0.T: table 4lry. BO. $1B; 10a,
$17.00; bale. 82.25; extra fine barrela, , U
aud lua, 85.20O8.00! lump reck, $20X0 pes tea.
Milk, ruk sad Vrevuloas, ;
' DHtSSED alEATH 8tIiog prlw Coonrrr
Ullnl. . ' Hog,.- tanry, lie; ordinary, ; He;
rough and haary, 0c; fancy veal, t'Je; or
dlnary, U5vCl poor, PfllOci lamb, 10o; mutton,
10e: goat. 840, .... ;,7
HAMS. BACON, ETC, Uam. 31H42aHl
bak(i baooa, 17M30Ue; boiled haw, sl
ulrnlc. ISVdc; cottage t, ' v j '
- MEATS i'acklns houe atMr. No. I stock.
-jor; maun Bonnwii, ve; inrsera, sic; areMed,
: 86c: pleona, old, $1; yoang.' doank,
CHEtSB Nomlml. rraab Oresoe fancy roll
J 1 ereaa twins end triplets,. 7e saUiea, lTMei
C Eggs, Poultry, Hogs, Veal
i " ' Nt iiiTw f. e. b. portlndf Vtmh ralloy eras
4 85c down;' dairy butter, 21c; creamry, 2.(Joi
ben anil fprlnir. 14'AlRc; dock. llf&lV.v, lurk.
4 ), 21'i22iu; ei,"S(!llOft fny pork, 10tfll;
" u fur, wool and niile.- writ f any prlcea
. wanted. Caib by return mU. Prlc tn- effect
X 1 until further notice. UEV : CO., 107 froat
BU, roiHaad.,01. , Asset $3(T500.00, .,
r r "',
O i , i Ci k I
F.ST n
? '
li L,- i.:
Competition for Extra Srlect rnciflc
Northwest iStock la the Greatest
Known anuValucs Are Holding
Tim In This Section.
The sale by the Northwestern Frulr
Krchange of this cltv of 17 more cars
of viiest grade apples, which are bm?
marketed by Its affiliated exchanges
under the "fokookum" brand shows quite
clearly that there continues a utrong de
mand In the en st for the best offerings
from the Pacific Northwest. ; s . .,
The sale of the 17 cars was- made to
the same New York parties who had
purchased 49 cars previously this sea
son.' Additional ' supplies were wanted,
but of this quality no more were obtain
able. i - u
.While the price was not-made public,
It Is ; known to . the extreme limit re
ceived this season. . This signifies bet
ter than anything else. that the market
for first class Pacific northwest apples
la as good as ever before.'' . -
or tne-number or cars soia. 10 cars
tton. two from Peshastln and five f romJ
thn Roru River vallev.
Boston has been a verv anxious In
qnlrer for best grade Pacific northwest
apples during the. last few days, but
New York has been insistent that as it
had purchased all of the previous offer
ings; that city be given the preference if
any more or tne same auaiity was avail
able, ii,." ; . 'i -.- ', :-ny,
The fla-ht for real' good - annles' is
therefore - the real excitement In the
fruit .trade at this time,- While there is
a Slowing up in the call for ordinary
stock, first quality is scarcely offered
to me traae neiore it is accepted ai iuu
price limits,
it-' '. ''t i " . .. . -
J .v : V" .assssSBwSssBSSSsssBBe
Oregon ltlng Apples Sell in New
York at 9160; Grimes Golden
in Chicago at $2.30, . ' i ; Z
.-'!-. h:' . i .,,. . -,,.1,. .
New York.' Oct. 20. Through auc
tion today r SI cars, deciduous fruit;
Winter Nells Standard , balvea
Z.oi, cornice Htandard 13.80, halves
1.17; Buerre Easter .1.76, Morceau
l.9ti Two cars Oregon pears $1.76 and
1.30. 2 cars Washington applies. Jona
than 11.78, Wegener, ll'.B. gtayman
$1.88, Rome 11.81. California Clair
geau 12.70. Winter Nells $ 2.4 2,,-Comlco
halves f2.25. One car, Oregon pears,
Bosc 13.26. Clairgeau tl.69. Two cars
Washington , apples, Jonathans 11.83,
Homes 12.81, Oregon Kings $1.60. Cali-
tornia pears steaay uncnangea. vomica
$2.07. Nells 11.60 to $8.75. One Wash
ington Nells $2.31, :; fow daho ... Anjou
f J.SO.;':'' Kit, 'J".?fy.,,"i I '-f. .,!,,? t
. Chlcairo--Throuh . auction 4odav. I
Coloradoa, ' Jonathan extras $1.93-; fancy
$1.70,, choice $1.37; few Orange winters,
tl.9, Grimes Golden, extra fancy. $2.80,
fancy $2.18, Ganos extra fancy " $1.40,
fancv 11.30. Idaho Nells 11.47. I cars
Colorado Jonathan $1.77, fancy $1.40,
choice $133. . Three cars Colorado Jona-
tnans, extras, f i.f7, fancy 11.43, cnoice
81.26.' Mixed car Colorado 1 Winesaoa.
extras, $1.76; choice $1.23, Ben Davis
extras $1.15, choice 95a , All ordinary
?uallty. Car Payette pea, Howell's
3. vAnjouT $3.30. Nells $3.87.
- -tjoa Anrelea Severn 1 oa.ra ftoad ftlvsr
Jonathans are now being delivered here,
wnicn cose out i 1. o. o. lor ine siss
17! to 188. This information Is correct.
but of eourse .the market has changed
since then; ..2, ,t
tVhite ' Salmon ;. Grower . Average
;'."f2.59 a Crate; . First Price r.
, . V" Under a Vcar Agfl.,' . .
v. ' '" ' - i
-White Salmon, Wash Oat. 30 Straw,
berry growers this year averaged $3.53
per crate for 18,781 naif crates of firsts,
a total of $4T,26.14.. This is one of the
best averages made In the northwest
for this season on atrawberrlee. In
addition to the sale of first grade ber
ries, 3808 crates of field picked berries,
amounting to $49.6(6.81 were picked.
- Berries, were not aa early as usual
this year, and the first; crates shipped
did not bring as high a price as last
year, when the first crate waa -sold at
ill.- The first crate this season
brought $T.- ' .-.. ' , -
White 'Salmon, .berries 'Were, shipped
this year as far east aa Minnesota and
aa far north as Calgary.-,
Saa Francisco Produce Market.
" ' San Franelsco. OoL 20.--Wheat per
cental, eiun ana rea- iiussian, -i.4?
1.47H! nortnern oiuestem, i.0(ipi.7H;
Turkey reV ILI7HOUS;'1 fortyfold,
" . tl.eU.. . tlO. AaMfel . aVHaA A sVaM
uaiiwr -si ve ' vu w vuuivv,
feed. $1.S?H 01.40; lower grades, $1.80; sMppuic ana. orewmg, s.41 n tt
71A. ..... v. .,''.... , v.... :i.
Potatoes Per cental. Delta" Whites,
TScO$1.00r - do fane $1.0501.10; Sa
linas, $1.8103.00; Oregon Burbanks,
ii,Di.ivrirn"i i.BKji.v, -... 1
OnionsqPer cental, BUver Skins; f 1.28
1.40.'' -1 ......
Butter Extras, 31 H; prime flrts, 80c;
firsts, 890.
Eggs Extras, 48c; select pullets, 44c;
storage extras. 30o.
untese inw jamornia: itais, locw
l7o: do Touns America. lBodlEUei
eastern, l(H20c; Oregon twins, lie;
00 young America, nc;
14e: eowa, No. 1 stock, UMQlSe; ewes, 8Het
wether, lambs, Ufee; pork tola, 80c
dremd bog. 18He " ' -
OX8TKRB fiboalwatsr Day, per gailoa i)i
per 100 lb. sack t )t Olympia, per rilloa,
$3.60; per loo lb. sack )i eaaoed, eiatera,
toe en; $8.80 dossal eastern, la sbell, $1.151
8.00 per 100 raaor elaaia, eX00c3a box.
LAHU Tierces U comiwiud, ttaress,
104e. ut-f vv'''"J - "-v. w-T?
rl8H Nomlnl. Drssssd flseaasrs. T ball
bat. ?A9ci striped bass, Met cbiaeoa ulmoa.
So; atMlbeads (); soles, 1e lb.; shrimp.
18H; pervb, so" 10.; loosters, sue lb.; black
baas, toe; silver smalt., 8c saad, c; Mack ead,
tllABS Lar. $1.78;' medlom. tt
,(..' - gruits aaa vsgeiables, 'v
fEESn FBLITa-Ornt. 83.tOQO.00;' b-
iwiiiv7lie v fgivi iiinea. fi.09
Si pineapples, 8V407 lb.r cantaloup, 82.fi0d
.70; peacbea, fancy. 40a50c ordinary, bitri
vikiiiiviuiwi ,ii wnooraa, IS.
jaHo per 4 lb. basket, other varleUo. 78ci
il.SK nr.. 81.001.25.-v. - Av. ....
1 VKUBJ.'antjae-' iiirnip wwwc Beets, 81 a
i.lBi nrrota. tlUll.lo: Dsrsnln. tl3il.iH ml.
eabbat. JslSl local tomatoM, 800oe , boa
atrtng bans ( ) ; greea , .onion, 12 K per
ooaeu onncne 1 pepper,-nu, o'fsic; sa let
tnee, 20ai5 doaeo; celery, 40(iJ3et era plant.
To: eultlowr. 81.851.80 dua: rhnbirk,
sal t-Hi rttcbokes. 81 dosen; sprouts, BOlOei
spinach, local ) Ib.j peaa, 87c; greea corn.
0 1C K U 1 r. o nuc ivuvrriva, void, u .'.'...' ;
AtPLKS Eatlns apples, $lX)Uui8.00i eooktn.
apple. $1.00. wv "'
POXAXOKd SalUng priest Brtre ebeiee.
$16; cbolce, $1.18; ordinary, $1 sack; bay.
tng price, carloads, , 85 ittOcj, country polnta.
sweet, 80 lb. ....'- '. , 7
ONION S Jobbing price, fl.78; carload boy.
hig price, 1JW f. .'. shipping statloa;
garUe, 89e lb. '..v,:,,;.
LINSEED OIL Uw bbls. 60 to nli k.t.
tie boiled, bbl., 81 sal.; raw ease, 84c; boiled
easM, e gaL; lota of 300 gallons, le laaai
oil cake meal, 844 per ton, :
fVlUTB LEAP Ton lots. 80 pee IK; BOO lb.
lota 80 per in.; ies lots, sue par la, M
viu w.i uarioaa iota, m.
TURPENTINE la case. 7iici Wood kinfli
TOo Iron barrel,' 60 per gallosi 10 eaaa lot.
. S&n FrancUco Barley Calls. !
San Francisco,' Oct. 30. Barley Calls:
upen. i . Close. .
December ". I i"i .....1!H
JJa ................ .liS sr
'i VL.I iO
Produce IntereKta Want a Suitable
. Law for Trotction of Public as
Well as Themselves; Say That
the Packers Want a Monopoly.
Front street wholesale produce In
terests are aroused over, the repeated
attempts' of ; certain 'interests to take
the business of meat selling from that
section and throw it Into the bands of
tne big packing interests,
Announcement that the city commls
sloners would be asked to pass a very
rigid Inspection . law for the sale of
meats in Portland haa tlrrarf the nro-
auce trade, and iv is likely mat tne
measure win , ne: lougnt in lis presont
torm. - r
Front street Interests' acknowledge
that they are all in favor of proper m
apectlon of meats, which will insure the
health of the public, but they claim that
the measure now being forced is simply
a repetition or - wnat was orierea ana
rejected before when the ' commission
men showed Just who were demanding
th rovoaed law,
A DroDer Insneetion law would be a
oig aia to . iToot street nanaiers ana
they are not at all slow In saying so.
According to these interests, none of
tnem want to sell meats that are unfit
ror rooa, and lnvartaDiy turn down sucn
shipments when they are delivered by
the express companies. A suitable law
would enable them to show the country
shippers that they themselves are to
blame when stock Is dumped.: ., -.
. Under the - former law proposed It
would have been impossible for anyone
outside of the big packing company to
sell dressed meats ; In the Portland
market most of the year. Restrictions
were pieced upon the sale that would
have compelled every farmer to . ship
his stock to the ' Stockyards- because
there would be no other place to sell It
Small - Advance Made by a Few of
the Speclaltlea but General T
IMi 1m . Lower.".-',: -
" -u vfv ;''.:-!
New York. Oct. ; 30, Tradlna- In - the
stock market today was of very quiet
character. Up to i o'clock only 325,000
shares had been traded In. ' Call loans
were quiet, but firm at 84 per cent,
" There was little news to affect the
market one way or the other, today.
Some of the specialties, such as Amal
gamated, Smelter. Southern and Union
Pacific, Great Northern and U. S. Steel,
closed with small raises, but most of the
list showed fractional losses.
Range of "New York prices furnished
by Overbeck 4b Cooke Co., 310-317 Board
of Trade building. . ..
Low Qloee
Amalgamatad Copper Go.
amdieaa C. a rdy., e.
ajnerleaa 'Can, , ....
American Can, -pf.,...
48 H
Mrleaa Oottoa OIL er.
American Loco. ,-......
American Sugar, ' C...
American Bmelt, e. . . , .
amencaa emeit, pi....
Am. Tel.- Tel.........
unnxw aauuog v;,
accnisoa,'-' e, ......
Baltimore A Ohio; e...
Beet Sugar ...........
Betblebeni Steel, &. . . .
Brooklyn Rapid Transit
canaauut rcinc, e. ..
Central Leather, , e. ...
Central Leather, pf.,t
cm. o. w.. e......
cbU am. a At. r...
cbi. a tt. ......
Chlno Copper ...... 4,y,
Cbeaapeake A Ohio..,,
Colorado T. a I e....
Colorado Soetbera,' e...
CaoaoUdated Ou.
Cora Piodocta, . . . . .
anm, . c pi..........
General Kleetrle ......
O. ' Northern, pf......
Ice' SecnrtUe. ........
UUOUU WlttTII ,i,t
int. Metropouua, e...,
Int. aletropoUtaa, pf..,,
LhlKh Veuey .,
Loaiavttl a .NaahtUle.,
M., K. A V., e..
MUeourl Pacitie .......
National Lead .........
Nevada Consolidated...
New Haves .-. .i..,,
New York Central....,,
Norfolk a Westers, .
Northern Pacific, e..,.
Peonsyivania Railway. ,
p. o., t a c. Co......
Ray Cons. Coppsr.......
Reading, e,
Keputma 1. a Bv c...,.
RepubUe I. a S pf,...
noes iBiaiia, ..,.,, 1
hock uiaae. pt
Southern Plclflo, .,,.
Southern Railway, e.,..
Tenn, Copper .......,
Union Baelfla, e.,.,.,.
D. S. Rabber,
v. a. steel t.,.e.,,,..
Utah Copper. . .
Wabaah e. ............
Weatlnghonse Eltetrle. .
.Total salse 280,800 shsre.
"'..'? ' ' - ''..J:.-. ,. ' ' '
Sale Are Made at Rise of 5 to 10
Cents ; Sheep Show Strength. -
Kansas City. Oct 30. Hogs T.000.
Market & to lOo higher. Tops $$.40.
Cattle 84,000, Market steady.
I Sheep 18.000. Market steady to firm.
' - , TortUnd Banks.
Otearlntw Tbl week. - Tar am
Monday ............ 83,82l,0W.8S $a,UJ,0fW.40
Clearings , . . , .$3,817,794.00
.., .... , ... , ,;v 870,002,00
... r Rank. 'I' ' ''
OeringS . . . . . . , . .....,,..........$ 414.192.00
Balances r... . . 80,800.08
q.i3 eeatua rroauce AiarKer, k-;
Seattle. Oct 30. Ecrs. select ranch.
4848o; April storage, 80033c.
ButterWashington creamery cubes,
84o: city oreamery. brick. 9Rc! - fresh
eastern, 80981c; Oregon, 8081c
' Cheese Tillamook, l$o; Toung Amor
leas, 18c; Washington twine, 18o; trip
lets, 18c; ; Wisconsin twins, le. -'Onions
California yellow. So pound;
Walla Walla, 3c; local, $l.351.80 sack.
' Potatoes Home rrown. 8l7iHiar vk.
lma Gems, $20 83; California yellow,
I per IVO.f y!!;,,,.yry.,-iyt:ii j'5';.
Money and Exchange.'
wviiuun, w. v.-uuisviv, i7a, Vli-
ver, 28 6-i6d; bank rate, 6 per cent ) '
Newt-.Torlc:''';Oct. 20. Sterllnar v.
change,' long, 4.82: sterling exchange,
snort, 8.88; aiiver bunion, fiHd. -.
San Francisco. Oct. 20. Sterllnw 'a.
Change. $0 days. 4.80 H : sterllnsr ex-
change, sight .ti l documentary,
4.79; transfers telegraphic, $ U per
cent premium; transfers, , sight, 1 per
cent premium. '''f.,f,fyvi-,; t,
New York Cotton Market,1:
h - : A: Open, High; Tow. Close.
Jan; ,
...e.,.1358 ,1371 1845
140 (fMO
. 1$5$ .'
1878 1843
Apr, .,,..',, , . v . .
May. 1363 1878 .1343
July ; . . 1838 . ;185 .-; 1333
OuU .......1380 1408 1380
Dee, .......1370 I3l 138S
Sixty Loads Came Forth to ; North
rortland Over Sunday, lYactlonal
Losa for Hogs; Cattle Again Sell
Urat $9 for .Beat Steers. '.
e 4
Today's Bog Markets.
. North Portland ....,,..,.$ 8.76
Chicago 8.60.
, Kansas City 8.40
' South . Omaha - V 1.90
f.,. : lion, vattte. calres. BDecp,
llondy .........17
Saturday ......, 868
' 8M
11 88
: 8J3
" 777
. 1
' 83
Tbunday ......... 884'
Wdneday 841
I'uwday ......... 808
Week fO...n.,..12H4
Ir aso 1703
Twe rears ago.... 188
- X069
. There were arrivals of 80 loads of
livestock in the North Portland yards
over Sunday. ' The bulk of these were
hogs and cattle with the former In' very
liberal supply. Best offerings in the
pog division went at $3.76 this morning.
one Interest alone selling seven loads
at tnis rigure. Considering the alia of
today's run. the market withstood pres
sure rather well. The loss was only a
nickel . as compared with the previous
high point, but - only a few head had
been sold at the former extreme.
At Chicago there was a firmer tone
in the hog market for the day, the prloe
,am vuua up iw .sv. v
Kansas city nog market waa firmer
with an advanoe of t to lOe for the day.
Today's general hog market range:
Top killers .......,........$ 8.75
Good and , light . . ....... 8.65 0 $.
eavy '..,,,,, 4 , ,.. , , s.wv
ugh and heavy .,....... . 7.10 .p0
'.." 3fo' 8Uieep for Market,
While thero were ouite fair arrivals
of stock in the mutton pens of the
North Portland yards over Sunday, none
of the arrivals came for the open mar
ket AH were direct shipments to the
Union Meat company, c - v.'. ..-.
' Trend of the trade in the sheep mar
ket continues very favorable and there
is a growing' demand for offerings.
Prioea are unchanged but are firm at
the former extreme, :
At cnicaao mere was a weaker tone
in the sheep trad , with a loss of a
dimef in the price.
, Kansas City sheep market showed onlw
a small run tor the day, and the trade
was steady to urm at rormer prices.
Today s general mutton marxet range:
Best spring lames ,.,.......
Ordinary lambs ............ 8.00
xearitngs ............I..,.. .
Old wethers 4.16
Fanov awe ................ 8.80
Ordinary ewes ..... ........ 8.16
; .. Top Bteers seu at aa. .
There continues a very good demand
for the -better class otferings n the
cattle market at North. Portland. "There
was a rather liberal run, but notwith
standing this, there was 'an excellent
buying power shown at the start One
lot of extra good Idaho steers averaging
1187 pounds went at the $8 mark at the
opening of business this morning.
At Kansas City there waa a steady
tone In the cattle trade for the day.
Kansas caiy came maraet ,. xuieo.
steady at "former prices." V t .v
Today's general cattle market range:
Best steers ..............,..$7.$0jM0
urainary steers .,... 1.10
Poor steers ....(............. 1.36 7.80
Best neirers . . ..............
Best cows . . . .- .............
Medium cows ...............
Poor cows ....... ,n. ....
Ordinary bulls ..............
Fancy stags ......
Fancy bulls .....,,,.,.....
Prime light calyea... .......
' 8.70
, $.36
- 8.60
8.50 9.00
$.60 $7.80
rrune neavy
Todays Z4vstook Uppers.
Hogs O. J. McCarter, Pecabo, Idaho,
1 load; Welssr Meat company, Walaer,
Idaho. 1 load; C. McCraw, I load: C. M.
Uoyd, Waltsburg, Wash;, 1 load; Wil
liam Chandler, lOayton, Wash- I load:
Jackson Bros., Hermlston, 1 load: W.
B, Kurta, Hunts Ferry, 1 load: Ottls
Cork, Heppner, 1 load; Fred B. Decker,
Qervals, 1 load, direct to Union Meat
company; - V. J. ntuwnore, x-uiimrwy,
Wash- 1 loadu John B. Newport Notus,
Idaho, .1 load;, L. I ' Miller, Nampa,
Idaho. 1 load: William Lewis, Horse
hiia Tni1. Idaho. ' 1 loada: Ross ok
JewelC Parma, s.toada ' -, ,' '
Cattle GUiara, b rencn, ueppner, s
Iniula. John Shaw. 1 load: Jr. A. FeraTU-
son. Hooper, Wash., 3 loads; J. I
Couch, Fairfield, Idaho, 1 load C M.
Muffle loads: C A. Darrin.-. 1 load:
8. Fleetwood, Baker, 4 loads; F. A. Phil
lips, 3 lOaas; V. W. vnrcwrignw XJuraoa,
1 load? Walter A. . Graver. Roblnette.
TJ.k. 1 .u A m mmnimt . Ximnmml T Tm a
tllla, 1 load. . - ..
Rhn w. ML Burrows. Wallowa.
loads: Union Meat company. Enterprise,
8 loads. i.-
Idaho. 1 load cattle and hogs; Sol Dick
erson, Wetser. Idaho, 4 loads cattle and
nogs; U. r . waiasrv joeepn, i- ioaa cat
tie and boss: J. W. Chandler. 1 load
cattle and bogs. . .' - .
Total run of livestook to date this
year compares with tne same period a
year ago s touowB. .
, - ' ' lilt 1111 lyoaa Oaln
Hoe-a ..,:1IJ1 ' 10,117 . 66.344
Cattle . 66,005 ',$4,854 v.ieVv. 1.161
Calves J I 6,203 ,42 r 8,744
n'heep :i. .34,71 301,716 ";!,;' 83,046
- Disposition ox u vest oca. - :
Followina were the Purchases at llvd.
stoclt at North Portland, for; the week
tnrlo,! Hattirdav. Thoss Of. tha Unlna
Meat company, inolude purchases mad
direct in tne country;
utu vairss. nogs, gneen.
tnloa ut C0...IOI8
la , . 8258
oierretii e-iwrn'ti1 A'.-'-l
Prank t. Smith... , 6 f
' i
r 18;
';. 184 '
Ray ralrchlld......
U llOWlll...., Oil
Misc. Portland.... 87
Mue. Oregon...,. 84
;. ,
I'Mdcr. Oreson... ' 71
wwb rv vw - t ,
Fry a Co. ... . ... W y: y, 147
TSooms neat uo.,.. si .x
reeder. : Waah'ton 81
Ulse. Wob'toa..,. '34
; Totsl ,
i.......t01t .420 -itta
xoneay aorsiss salsa. . -.
Brtloa.yi;;' v2 , Mo. ,';Ate. 'lbs.'.rlce.
Ideae 83 : i 1127 f,.;.- $8.00
Oregon a'.-..' 1
Oregon '.,..,.,.., .,,,.; 8S
Oregon v,,.....,",,,,..: 1
Oregon, ...i. ,,,' '1
Oregon ,,,,...,,,.,., 28
Oregon. ,...v.4.''.' "' 1
M080 ..';,
v 87 !'.v
is) '
Oregon t . ; 1230 .$8.23
POOS ' y':y ' .
wasbingtoa ............ 78 'i;if in )).!; 8.75
Idaho f'( 818 .'.' :' 8.75
Idaho :.,..,...,..,.... 9 l.V) 1 'r 8.73
Idaho 1' ,. 1. ....... ...... 5- Sty, 2M ;'". 6.75
Idaho ...,........,,. 88 153 '6.00
wssaiayiea ,....-. s .v.t: iao s.
Idaho j,, .ww. 1 "yl. 8HO
Idaho-'.. .........i....... 1 r 8t10
Idaho S . . 8H0
Oreaoa ............. ,..100, US
Idabe ;'.....' .:'.,' 214,
Wastalngtoar. ........... 71 s:'';U 848
Waahlnslea. 88 170
' t.75
1 7.00
' . 8.76
y? 8.73
k 6.70
v 8.70
:'''. 8 70
; 8 70
8 M
v 2 00
Oregon ........ ee
Oreiron 10
Oregon ': .7
154 ;
Waal,tnA I.... .... .4
Idaho .... . .,... 8 ,
Oregon"' a , ,,,.;,.,,,, ' 7 , ,
Idaho ..,..-,'. ...,,m4.' ;:y.y
Whlng ton ,. ,. i..t i ; ,.
Idaho '....'.,,,...,','.: 8 :'. y-: ,
Oregon ,.,';
c nr
Are Unwilling to Accept rrevaHlnvg
r Quotations . Ilere, : Even - Though
They Are 3 to 3 Cents a Bushel
. Above an Exporting Basis. .
London, Oct 80r-Wfet eargoee ea passage
Eujllnh country market eaay. 1 '
irrench country market weak. ,
. Llrerpool Wheat closed ttd higher.: i
: rirlt WTis.t closed 4ffllc bighar.
Berlin Wheat closed He higher.
Budapeet Wheat vloaed e higher.
Antwerp Wheat cloud anchanged,
' ' 1 i l ' ' ' Cars-
Wheat Barler.r lour.O rs ,H T.
WernUf : 178 87 , 18 18 30
Year ago.......... B3 18 14 6 ' 8
Saos to dat....H 1080 ' 748 T33 TB7
Year sge r.o . 781 ' 718 813 723
Wheat growers of tne -Interior art
holding their grain from the market ac
cording ta word broueht back to this
city by a: well known looal buyer who
has Just returned from tne Inland em
pire. .,,' ...,".V i'J.
.: There Is little Inclination among In
terior wheat growers to dispose of their
grain at this time. While present values
here are said 'to be 8 to 3 a bushel
above an export basis. Interior Interests
believe they should get even more mon
ey tnan is now oeing quoieo. .
On the other hand there is a general
Inclination to eell oats. Kveryone wants
to let go of supplies just now and there
is no ousmess la eignt. - rresenc vsiuo
here for oats are higher than those rul
ing In California, therefore no ship
ments can be made In that direction.
. Barley market is out of the question
iust now so far as brewing Is concerned,
t is stated that local exporters have
offered cargoes abroad at lower prices,
but are unable to catch any business.
Feed barley la quiet, but fairly steady at
$Z.ov as tne Duying price. , -
Market for alfalfa continues to in
crease its strength, but no further ad
vance in the price is' no ted.:
Todays general grain market range:
WHEAT Nominal producers' prices.
track basis: Club, 77c; milling blue
stem, 88cj Turkey red, 880 fortyfold,
78c: red Russian and Hybrids. 78: val
ley, 78a bushels . ,
bakley womwai producers- prices,
track banlsr reed, $23.60 34.00; brew
lng $26.00038.60; rolled. $25.60 per ton.
oath New, reea. 120: muung.
per ton. ' " ' -
FTjOUK flelUng price: Patent,' $4.70;
Willamette valley, 4.70; local straight
8i.g&s4.iu; export, m."i outrr,
HA z Producers' prices: Willamette
valley timothy, fancy, $1414.60: east
ern Oreaon-Idano fancr timothy. $16.60:
alfalfa, 818; vetch and oats, $11012;
clover, $8010 per ion. ' - -
- MILLSTUFF8 SWllnsj price? Bran.
fzi; miaaiings, su; snorts, fzo per ton.
KitULta saub o. a .. vaiouiia, V
LOVER SEED Burlnsr nrlcei No. 1
red, country points, JVio; J'ortland. lOo;
Alalke, 189140. .
December Options Showing Much
Strength bat May Trails-Along
. and Closes' .lligher, ; ?
' Chicago, Oct, 20. Wheat closed' with
net advance of 4o to o a bushel for
tne day. opening figures were Ho
higher to Ho lower, the weakness being
December was strong all day and the
low point for the day was made at the
opening. May trailed along behind Uit
never snowea tne -neaitn or tne- rormer.
- Broomhall cabled from Liverpool that
pressure was in evidence at the opening
with larger speculative of fere. - The
market was lower with the undertone
easy. The weakness in' Winneoes on
Saturday and the pressure ot Canadian
offers wun beavy uanaaian snipments
tnis week to juivernooi, togetner witn
heavy American shipments, were main
reasons ror tne aecune.
World's shipments: Wheat 13,472,-
000 bushels; corn. 4,038,000 bushels. .
' Ttanas of Chlcssro nrlees furnished hv
Overbeck A Cooke Co., 218-217 Board of
Trade building.
', , '. , ' WHJUT
Uoatlu' . . - - ; Open. High. Uw. Clots.
Dc. :
',,j,.,.,' 82H' ''n 88
-Ol y 03
iinV May
08W, 87
2?g ; Sg.
leM 1
88 68
68 80
;...V.l.. : 87J4 -, 884 91, y. 88J4
........ iff i h i ;,: ii
.........10S5 , 1845 1885 1940 :
,.M '.-1067 . ,1847 1863 A
. - .. . LABO '
iMtnv , -,,' i 1065 - A
...,....102T if 1033 1027 ' 1032 A
.........1046- 1047 1048 . 1045 A
..y : v HIB8 .'" ' : '
Oet ,..i....l046 104-. 1040 1040
iB. ........ . 1022 102T . 1022 1025 A
May .,.,.....1040 1042 : 1087 1040
l-'Mi.-,.: -,;. yjo 1 .;'il'X. fti
Market Slow With a Loss of 10 to
; ;yii y: 16c j Hogs Down a Dime. 7
n South Omaha, Oct. 30. Cattle 10,000;
market slow, 1015o lower, - Steers,
$8.600840; cows and belters, $$.860
7.60. '"l -'v. "' ', "
Hogs 8000: market alow to 100 low.
er, at $7.767.80. .. '. - v;:v
Sheep 40,000; . market steady to
strong. Yearlings, $6.2635.5: wethers,
I4.I54.76; lambs. f6.75O7.00; ewos,
$4.00 4.40. . . . tj
Market Is Down a Dime Today Wltbf
a Good Hun Hogs Up a Nickel.
Chicago. Oct 30. Hogs 37.000. left
over 8,100, Market steady to 60 higher.
Mixed and butchere ' $7.8008.50, good
and heavy $.108. 50. rough and beavy
$7J508.OO. light $7.8008.60. , . , ,4
tame i,uuj, , maraei steaay. .-.
Sheep 60.000, Market lOo lower. . '
,' '- "'. '' i- SaVBaaSMBBUS . '- 'V
,. 1NU.VV luniv i.viwn nAvruinus ;
899 Oak St around Tloor, Zwls Bldf.
i rnoBHriiu ii ji-iot. '
stocks, ' Bonds Cotton, drain, sue. "
810-817 Board of Trade Bnlldlns. '
Members Chicago Board of Trade,
Correspondents of Logan1 A Bryan, ;;
Chicago, New Tiers. , r.Jy
Hobo Held on Murder, Charge
tor Participation In Kaih
- 'a-'- ' "if . . y L'V'v.7; V';
'-.!: 7-'-: 1 11 1 i c '?; ' :
4;-(Special to The' Jonmal.J . W: h
Kedford, Or., Oct.. 80 Jef f Coldaon.
19 years old, a cripple beggar, died this
morning from a revolyer.wound received
Saturday night In' a quarrel with some
hoboes n the .railroad ' yard, at vTalent
and F. K. Burns, his pal, is held by the
police on a charge ot murder.. r !' '
Twenty Suspects were rounded up by
Sheriff Singler Sunday, but .all re
leased when the dying man finally made
a . statement; Suspicion was ' first
aroused agaUnst Burns when ha held his
hand on the dying boy's mouth In the
Ashland hospital, V When the nurse
asked who' shot him Burns tried to
throw" her from the room.; v,;'?.' ''
All day Sunday Coldson - refused to
talk, but shortly before bis doath he
said be got In a. quarrel with Burns,
and In the scuffle the shot was fixed. .
i Coldson'a mother, Mrs. Xuetta Carter
of Indianapolis, IndV has been notified
of her son's death. , , f ' "
; - -'';'sanssnwsaaBBsssasssf''-' , "-.V 'Xv S's'"'tJ
Ashland, Or., Oof 10. Nate Spencer,
ot Ashland, died In a hospital at Kla
math Falls Saturday as the result of
being thrown from a horse and dragged
near Ksno, Or., early last week.,
Spencer, who had a crippled arm. Is
supposed to have struck his head on a
stone when tha horse felt with hint and
to 'have been afterwards dragged. - He
never recovered consciousness. Spencer
had been peculiarly unfortunate. Some
years ago he was thrown from a horse
and badly hurt -About four years ago
he was shot by a hunter In mistake for
a deer, 'and one of bis arms was per
manently crippled.
" He was about 36 years old.
'-Charles, Iowa, Oct 20. "Not guilty,"
was the verdlot returned by the Floyd
county Jury in the case of Dr. E. E.
Blrdney, of North Springs, charged with
the murder of Miss Myrtle Irish, of
Hopklnton. , .- The dootor,, prominent In
northern Iowa, was charged with per
forming a criminal operation upon the
girl at her parents' request The case
has consumed two weeks and the court
room has been, crowded every day of
the trial. . -
Pearl Harbor Work Faulty. -Washington,
Oct, 30. Edward Noble.
an expert, who investigated the collapse
of Pearl Harbor dry dock, Honolulu, re
ported today to Secretary of the Navy
Daniel. He said that In order to make
the big dry dock safe the government
must revise most of the work already
dona Many Changes In tha . original
plans, he said, were necessary. --v . .-
I ' Try for Bank Examiner. ...v-.-v
(Washington Bureau of Th Journal.) v :
Washington, Oct 20. I S. Mullt, ot
Ashland, and Harry Albert Salem, will
take an . examination here tomorrow
for bank examiner. Mrs. Albert accom
panied her husband to Washington.
Prince Visits President, - .
Washington, Oct 30 The prince of
Monaco was received by President Wil
son today, the first of his family who
ever called at the White House. .
' Hot Weather In San Francisco.
' San Francisco, Oct 20, The mercury
got np to' 80 degrees yesterday, the
highest so late In the season In many :
years. , -. y . , -ft.;.. 'yx ' K
.li . la '
Capital - $1,000,000 -
Surplus; - -$1,000,600
B. UIA BABMTXS. Tlos-Prssidant. -
a. 28V VKIOET,
W. A. HOLT, Asst. Csshlsr.
The Bank of California
- ' 1 of San
7 - Founded 1864,,
. Capital paid In ' - . -
Surplus and undivided profits
, , Commercial Banking and. Savings Department
1 . Third and Stark Streets
:;;...' ''v,c5
EFFORtTosi;Qv;i;t :
Witnesses: Say I- Defendant's
Say Vera Choberyak Guilty
(United Press lesaed W,lr.t
Kleff,, Oct 20. The prosecutoV in the
case against Mendel Bellls devoted him
self today ' to . the Introduction of evi
dence tending to remove suspicion from
all those whom the defense has in'
mated may have murdered 12-year- ..1
Andrei Muschinsky, the . boy whom
nniiim im anr.111.nn 'or nKvinr ki nn in
connection with an alleged Jewish rite,.
' The plan seemed to be to prove by
a 'process of elimination, that no one
else having killed the child. Bellls must
necessarily have been guilty.' 1 ," , y
Several witnesses swore that friends
of BeUla told them the latter was 'in
nocent and Jn an effort to free him,
tried to persuade them to manufacture
evidence against Vera ' Cheberyak. a
woman: against whom suspicions havw
repeatedly been expressed in, connection
with the case.
Relative Tells of Persecution. .
PhllaffBlphla, Oct 20 A refugee from
Russia, whence she fled with her three
small' children to escape arrest In con
nection wtlh the case of Mendel Bellls,
the Jew charged with -the murder of a
Russian boy, Mrs. Rachel Rubin, sister
In law of the principal , In the Kleff
"ritual murder" trial, today told tt.
markable story ot the case which Is new
holding world-wide Interest V- . '
Mendel Bellls has been la Jail for
bmo and a half years," she said. "And
In , that time he has been allowed to
speak to no one not even his wife and
children. Every one of bis relatives has
been subjected to the. same persecution.
Espionage, eviction.- arrest on false
charges these bave been a few of the
methods of the police." (,, a. ".
' - yy" : ''... i,)i' in'-...-1 .-; "'f. 'y.. .
Ashland, Or., Oct 20 Word has been
received here of the death of Chauncey
Anderson, former Ashland boy, by being
thrown from a moving car at Bedding.
Cal, last Friday.
Anderson, who was a trainman, was
climbing on a car of lumber when the
rile fell with nim and threw him under
he train. Anderson was prominent In
work of the Presbyterian church when
he lived here. He will be buried at
Hornbrook, Cat - .
' Journal Want Ado bring results. . ...
Canadian Bank
of Commerco
' 'n HEAD OFFICE ' '
Toronto, Cinsds, ? ,
SsUbUsbsd I87A. : i
A General Banking Bttstnesi
Interest paid oa tins tfeposha
Corner Second and Stark its.
i P. C M ALP AS, Manager. .
2t W. tOXBtZZX, OasMsr.
asst. Cashier. - "
2. 0. SICX, Asrt Caahier.
$1,500,000 .
ill i.w I