Till: OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, ; OCTOBER 19, 1013. :, ',; , .-..'. .7 . , ,.v- , ,,m,-'Vi;,;,y ' ''w i :..':, j. 7 '' 'lf".il" . 1'innnn ni inform i " MLCJ Li , I I I Vi I I I VVm W I'W ll V P till l I N ImmiS I ; W I . ' W II .W W ; W II - II I VMM im (Jo, - LTs? v . Pli'iuit''G YEARLY TEA lb L V' ;0l' VOIICIIUOUU JICLUllld I IUIIT .-".rrict Where People Are ' J iuiig5 . .... .'V.O&tlniiKin 1b, In thV'saddle 'throufrh Wt AsoutiiL-i-Vi ' Oregon,". , was . the way Ttol KtcttujdtierM put It yesterday morn- lngr, upon his return from an extended ' X11l'1,ijjrw')?Uvef',n''u,nPua val . foJioolSi lojamerolal clubs and woman'a eJiiarrtkrpuiinit the Rogue River val v lm cnjptgrrtoBvor general meeting ' tfMeeoKk(lc waa held October 15. Ju1That;uaA'nilon, sontpoee4 of the , oommandftjg:: tn& ad women of Ash- Uidv.!.TfliAitj:iMrYord. Central ,Y Point, v. 4aoartMsi Grants Pass - and .other Hogue Rivets vAllsy communities, at Medfbrd,-i'a;' inteney patriot! and tohti4nmv!t rtjfit,i!' ;;:4,".;;:,-. "i: 'hrpHGncimHvtm ''tdd, and the price are alaf fctwry;!' buyere are scouring the vaileyttfor ail the -fruxlthat the ln , i. Spectors wlH"jiatis. .-r.vr -The Rogue Rlrer valley people are ttaa-cpaffetinK'rfcttid, and they have de termlried 'to Jmake 1818 ount with new ,pedpl(j' and hV money.- This getting; ' J5?ae0t JhOeoP'e there meant thai j TO busy-business men left their affairs i behind and came from Ashland to Med- ford to jwevf' between 40 and SO just as ' earnest tnsrrana women from Grants t. Pasa ; : 4-'-. , '3s W.BplrlS fmillss;''.' ' iAWpottitM ' were' represented. The . go4 . ItjMbr was , intoxicating, the ,si echest were of the harmony brand, ' ian t. wieSw the meeting closed all the 'for s of tha great southern Oregon 1 1 vah.-vwera a chorus, X ?:-.: ;- 'Nq"-ou want me to tell you what .. .It waV all about? That's easy. The - ,people of that valley or abundance have learned that SO per cent oft the through 'travel Jumps from 6 an Francisco to ; Portland - and Portland to 8an Fran-cfktol- That nearly all the travel la from on big city to another big city, and, that the smaller cities, towns and Vi rountr jr are passed by unnoticed, fheiisouthern Oregon-appetite for these people la keen, and they are 'determined WBtop them, and bold them. It was . ' determined at this convention to ask " the, state for an appropriation not to exceed 150.000 to maintain an exhibit f Oregon products at Ashland during; 1011. Yon naturally ask, Why- Ash- . land r Well, to get to the point quick Iyf Ashland ha the geography at Ash land the trains make a longer atop than at any other station between the Rocky mountains and the Pacifio ocean. Ash land is not only a division point, but is also at the beginning and ending of a itfng mountain ride, and It takes time to examine the train equipment both going and. coming. During- this long top the tourist can have ample time to get. deeply 1 no merged In the showing of Oregon's possibilities and actualities. j, ' . Well Help Oosvlaoe Them. . j,rTbere will also be present several goediOregonlans to herp convince, and theso' oonvlncera will come from all farts of tha state. Ahttand . la the, place where meet .the "wast and, abandonment of Califor nia, -with. , the luxury, .v fertility and . abuMAatioa of Omgoav.,..'. .-.;,..- v..uw -. vririsia- proper place' for 'such a rhowing. in 8aa Francisco our splen 414 exhibit, will compete with a thou sand: other i Attractions, while at Ash and.tts.wlU not only have tha center, but the entire stage. To quote tha language 'of 'Judge 'Colvtg: " 'H, not b an Ashland exhibit $6?.4 BOgua JRlver valley exhibit, but an all-Oregon exhibit' - . "Norther western stats has such a thanes' as" Is presented to Oregon. Mora T real good will be 'accomplished at Ashland, than at San Francisco. yrhen4hia.. meeting at Uedford means another at Grants Pass Thurs day;' Kovembtf B, and others to follow In. rapid succession until the , entire State Is aroused to the absolute neces sity of Immediate and continued ao tlon, The traveler coming ,.-wegt to the Pacifio coast expositions in 11B must buy his round trip ticket to take Itii Oregon before he starts from home, : V we won't get him. The people of Oregon are to find out that It is up to them to help bring the people here, and it is none too soon to start Cali fornia is generous, but selfish. J "She will put twenty-five millions of dollars in her big show and she will do her utmost to keep all tha people lthta her own bounds. i 'California wants tha people to oome through San Francisco ' and re turn via Los Angeles, and many of them will. It Is now $1S cheaper to . make the trip that : way instead' 4 of tte Oregon way,' and California' influ- ance is now at work to increase this difference to 17.80. 1 1 Air Charged With Oinarer. , I !"Now this Is an Intensely tnterest- : Dig object of trie movement that was started In Rogue River valley, and the whole state and the entlra north west will be brought Into line very ' soon. ty The financing of the small farmer w an ever present, purpose. To help tjie industrious, frugal man . of a few acre to . buy some cows, hogs " and ohickena ,' But I will tell you of that another time. ,1 i"Let me get hack to that Medford meeting, It was electrical. The air was Charged with ginger, and as If to set U more on Our nerves the town was full of , broker and bankers, v t . t '"They were there from all the great alt tea of the country. They .were 5 lddlng upon $500,000 of Jackson ounty 8 per cent bonds. This half million is to be used In 'building a Kard-surfaced V pavement from the California line across Jackson county An the wav to Portland j "Oregon . is v'aotually t putting' Call- loriiiK 10 uuio,- out Jfc w great day, and don't let ma neglect to tell you that those bonds, bearing Only 6 per cent Interest sold , above par. Tou know those pesky Rogue River valley fellows say soma nasty ' things about Portland, but : I was sura proud or xnem jusi me same. Attended Big Barbeoae. "Aftef the convention I 'went to ftoseburgr and the ; countless beautlea Of the Umpqua thrilled ma. I was present at the big gun club barbecue at Riddle, and what a gathering that was. The farmers and their . wives Wore the broadest of smiling smiles. They .listened to ' me talk, but kept their eyes upon the venison, , They told ma of prunes , that netted ; J 500 par , acre, and other oropa that mad your Touth water, "'''i'-, 'f-': Then we went; back to Roseburg by auto upon tha ' Paolflo . Highway. The - hills and valleys supplied : a framework for the winding Umpqua. : i "The greens of various shades, mingled with countless browns,' adding Heightened color to the golden yellows, and with lung' filled ; with pure, In vigorating air, I was saturated with tli hope that all the good folks would oome to Oregon and share With us Its Innumerable bounties. - "In the hospitable Kosoburg Com-' Garments Will Be Exhibited in , Connection, With ' Annual , . Event. ;A11 over the country at this time of the year the hundreds of : branches of the Needlework Guild are making their annual collections of new garments for tli poor, - . s v , The Portland branch Is now arranging for Its yearly tea and exhibition of gar ments. This will be held en the after noon of '' Wednesday, November ' 11, at the Unitarian church. ! The publle Is cordially invited to attend and to meet the officers and directors of the guild. This organization being wholly non sectarian and limiting its activities to tha' collection and distribution once a year of new clothing makes a very wide appeal. -..k, y.'x .;, if i.i"? t J. t-i : , t't The Portland branch made a special Collection of garments for the Dayton, Ohio, flood sufferers. In April chey sent on nine cases containing 1631 new ar ticles and soma other clothing. The -branches of tha guild In such cases '.work in conjunction with the Red Cross society, and calls are met promptly. , , Last year the regular collection of garments brought 8308 pieces of cloth ing. These were distributed to the Baby Home, Children's Home, Boys' and Girls' Aid society, Fruit and Flower Mission, Day Nursery, Good Samaritan Hospital, House of the Good Shepherd, Home for the Aged,, Louise Home, County Hos pital, Peoples' Institute. St Elisabeth's Home, St Vincent's Hospital, Salvation Army, Visiting Nurse , Association, and Volunteers of America 'The money received from . members, $136.45, was, used through the year to buy supplies v for emergency cases. Part of this fund was used to ward outfitting poor children for their fresh air ontlngs. ' - The officers of tha local society are Mrs. Elisabeth Hamilton, president;, Mrs, Alex Bernstein, treasurer; Mrs. R. W. Wilbur, seeretary. ; , . Tha section presidents are Miss Fall ing, Miss T. F. Defries, Mrs. W. U Brewster, Mrs. F. Behrends, Mra C. Garnett, Miss Clarissa Wiley, Mrs. C L. Mead, Miss K. B. Gila Mrs, W. C Alvord, Mrs. Herbert Holman. Any one of these officers will be glad to enroll men, women or children as members. Tha only thing members have to do Is to contribute two new garments or two pieces of bed linen, (in pairs preferably) once a year. New members are solicited. The need for these new, fresh , garments Is urgent Good use could be made of fully 10,008 garments this year. ; - . ' r 1 I merclal club we had a good heart to heart talk. The noma of this club Is especially Inviting. Large, roomy, It 1 well kept and la an honor to It tnembcra , , . k "Douglas county people are stand ing la their - stirrups. - They fairly prance as they walk and talk of blue, blue, blue. ... -v "It was tha bine they won at tha state fair, and they, don't allow you to forget They mix this with talk of prunes and corn, and It listens well They , have money and more of It coming down In Douglas county," LODGE OFFICIALS TO ' BE GUESTS OF HONOR Jra Eva Child of Hanover, Wis., and jt. Hada M. Burknart, ' offlolals of the Supreme Lodge of tha Royal Neighbors of America, will reach Port land today and tomorrow night a re ception will be given In. their honor - 't'f " 7' i X'' , X - ' ; i;J.:;..:;:r-:s;si,; r 4 v ' ' C' MVafisli . Ten teachers are employed In Lin coln high school to glv.e specialised business training to tha 418 boys and girl enrolled In tha commercial courses which Include commercial arithmetic penmanship, bookkeeping, typewriting, business English, commercial law, par- . Scene la' commercial department ilamentary law, aconomlca, aommarea and finance.. Students who wish to peclallxe in this ort f work may elect courses that will allow them seven of the It credits required for graduation. Emphasis la laid upon tha course Iga business English wall to give sjrn- at th lincoln Uz achooL, metrjr to the training ona term of book keeping is required In the shorthand course and ona term of typewriting la the bodkkeeplng course. From time to time practical talk are given by bul ness men. - ' This is evidanoe of 'what tha puMla school are doing to provide praetloal short euts to business careers lor tnose students who are compelled Ay neces sity or who desire to take them, The popularity of this department in Lin coln high is shown by comparing tm year's enrollment of 428 to last year's enrollment of 180. , .. . in Manchester hall. l Fifth street Tuesday afternoon a closed meeting will be held la W. O. W. Temple, when an instruction will be held, i From her these officers -wlU go ta Bugena The Royal Neighbors of America la a fra ternal order with a. membership of 840,000. - Y. M. C. A. WILL HOLD ; FELLOWSHIP SUPPER This will be a big day at the Port land Young Men's Christian association, as It marka the beginning of the regular program for the winter Sundays. Not only will there ba tha usual address, but the dlsousslon classes and fellowship supper will be held. Men are Invited to assemble at the T. M. C. A. at 2:30 o'clock, after which there will be a Social and musto until 8:18 o'clock when the formal meeting will ba held, with an address by Rev. 9, EL Snyder on The Shame-faced Man." Three discussion classes will ba held from 4:30 to 6:10 o'clock. At this hour the weekly fellowship supper will b served. An entirely new feature will be a song service from 0:30 to 10 o'clook. This will be led by R. E, Randall, of the religious work department. The meet ings are open to all men. CAMPUS NOTES FROM REED COLLEGE The song writing contest held at a recent reception of the "new glrla by the "old." resulted In. a decided Increase In the number of Reed college songs. The women ; wrote ' words td go wltn familiar tunes, both popular and classi cal. ', v . A ( ; " At a. meeting ef the new students Fri day afternoon David Brace. 'Robert Babln and J. and Paul Rlttenberg were elected to membership ori the house committee, - which - has charge of the men's social room In the dormitory. It was decided that the committee should arrange for a "feed" In the near futura vBvery woman' Road," - a 'morality written by Miss Josephine of the de partments of English- and education, has recently been published by Mitchell Ken nerly, of New York. The first skating party of the year was given Wednesday at the Oaks rink. Despite a number of counter attractions the attendance was good. The crowd was especially congenial and everyone had a whole souled good time. .This was the first of a series of such areata, which, will be held from time to time throughout the winter. ' The newly organised dancing club will hold , Its opening dance Friday, October 14, in the college reception halt . The committee promises that It will be, the moat successful affair of the kind that has ever been given at Reed. The club I to give six dances during the year. The executive committee, which Is as suming charge of the premier function, is made up of Kenneth Tomlinson, How ard Barlow and Joyoe Kelly. Dr. V?; T. Foster, president of .Reed college, delivered a lecture before the eollega assembly, en Thursday, in which he set forth the history of the founds tlon and development of the. college from the earliest besrlnnlnss to the present time. The talk was Illustrated with atereoptlcon pictures, , The Reed choru Is at present pre paring; Gounod's "Gallia,1 to be aung at one of the vesper services within the next month. This service will be com posed almost entirely of .musical num ber. It will be open to the publla fol lowing the usual custom regarding all the Sunday afternoon college servicea TITLE CONFERRED ON PORTLAND MUSICIAN Dr. Clement BV Shaw, author and di rector of mnaie ef this dry, has received a letter stating that the title ef doctor of uteraure has been conferred upon him by the president and faculty of Baldwin university, his alma 'mater. The action waa taken' at the annual meeting In August In recognition ef Dr. Shaw's numerous translations of literary masterpleoos from the Scandina vian and German languagea. Prominent among the German, translations of Dr. Shaw are the works of Wagner. Trans, latlona from Swedish that have brought Dr. Shaw particularly into prominence are the classics of Tegner and Wallln. Dr. Shaw was pleasantly surprised upon receipt of the high honor, which cam entirely unsolicited. London Laundryman as In- insistent on Smiles as Soap- ' " suds and Starch, ' London, ' Oct i' 18. -"Soapaud n starch' are needed for good laundry work,, but smiles are quite as neces sary an IngraJlent" Acting on tHH theory, Frank Wellstead, proprietor f a big laundering establishment. In V. a- lesden, a western suburb of London, gives ' all his - girl employes theatre tickets once a week. He supplies free , lunches for them, and at Intervals dur ing working hours he entertains them with selections on a gramophone. Fur ther to Increase the cheerfulness of the surroundings, be has painted the In terior In bright colors and ha estab Mshed a model farm yard at the back of th place where care-free . goats, geese, poultry 4 and pigeons may be viewed from the laundry windows. "It's not because I'm kind hearted.' he said today, explaining his method. "U is simply and purely a business , proposition. If laundry work Is to be- well done, those who do it must ne happy. Bad nf gloomy srlrls invsrlahltf- turn out poor worn. I make It a rule always to smile on entering the Isun dry, .and to encourage the. girls to tal'ic and laugh , while at their task. The farm yard makes the place look rural, and , conduces to . the general content--ment end cleaner linen. During the five weeks I have followed this no policy which really does not cost me a great deal the improvement In the work has been so marked that X shall stick to It so long as X am la the laundry buslnesa" ; - Ue common sense boy Superior coal, 88 ton. Main 184; A-1I4L (Adv.) Dlstloctrvt bnt dlgnined sultlnn tr me. , V ; Our Fall nd winter exhibit shows how the .pewest , fabrics combine distinctiveness with refinement Doa't tolss them, ' . StxiU tnH OreKoatskto Ortfer. $25 to $65 - - Satisfaction guaranteed In' all eases. ' Oarments to order In a day If required. Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits a specialty Talking Machines at Your Own Terms. Bee Graves Musto Co. ' removal adv. Page 12. sect. 8. (Adv.) 31XIAM ICRRCMd' 80N3, 103 Third Street TAILOR FOR YOUNG MEN ? : an v W00DARD, CLARKE &-C0. ifffilE AwayFiree t mm '"'-f mm mmmHm0 ii. W00DARD, CLARKE & CO. t . TOMORROW Starting at 9 A.M. 5m One loIl. 'no more, to eaxh customer makuiff a 50c pttrchate or over. Great, big. bouncing clollies, with ' i lanoliin-vm that nnn ancl close-tn v a Portland ancl this year we are giving a better made doll than ever before, and with a 50c purchase. Each doll is 16 inches high; some have light' hair and some dark, some blue eyes, others brown. Everyone making a purchase of 50 cents or over will receive A DOLL FREE. There Is, Something in Our Store You Want! Electric Cooking Appliances. Hot Point Irons. Drugs from every land. Alcohol Stoves. . Paints and Varnishes. 1 Parisian Ivory. , Combs and Brushes - " ; Megget's Tea. , , Oregon Honey. Bath .Room: Fixtures. Trunks and Suitcases. V v.. Olives and Pure Olive QiL ; ;4 7:; , Whisk; Brooms. 7 Bath- Brushes. ' Vermont Maple Sugar.l'?7yil;sS Mark Cross Leather Goods. ' 7, , Mark Cross Cloves. ' 7 jr.-. Imported and Domestic Perfumes. TOOTH BRUSH HOLDER FREE with. 7 each 35c Tooth Brush. $1-25 Wood-Urk Hair Brush 98. 'Sea Salt. 1 Bath Towels. Wash Rags.' . Soaps of all kinds. ' Stationery. T ' ' - 1 . : Syringes $1.00 Up. ; ;: .t 7. Hot Water Bottles, S1.00 Up. : Thermos Bottles $1.00 Up. ,-. Razors $1.00 Up. 7 Watches S1.00 Up, (. , Clocks 75t? Up. . ' 1 Razor Strops 50 Up. ,. " Framed Pictures 50c Up, ; , Picture Framing. Cut Glass. Kodak Developing and Printing. Kodak Supplies. Candies. Medicinal Wines and Liquors. Trusses and Braces. ' Elastic Hosiery. . Chafing Dishes and Percolators. ? Patent Medicines froni Everywhere. Shaving Mirrors and Supplies. ' The Home of U-AR-DAS Luxury. , Imported Leather Novelties. , Invalid Chairs for Sale or Rait , Parisian Ivory Clocksv ; Unique Jewelry. -"' " 1 AND HUNDREDS OF ARTICLES TOO MANY TO TELL ABOUT Rules pf : Distribution One Holl only to a' customer. , No clolls with patent medicines cr proprietaries sold at cut nits. No phone orders taken for HcIIj. No "dolls will be delivered. No dolls will be reserved. Plenty cf sklsrpsc-!. WOODLARK . GUARANTEE - NO SALE IS COMPLETE UNTIL; THE CUSTOL:iir.