The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 61, Image 61

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i , .tf t ii, tjn - ifur-. - gm.n-in -lr-iu ,- t,, " 1 1 - : j iwa - . 1 in, i g M ,
ii I A rlxnnr- nn 1
DHMr vawaaaeaBleaBSeKa WnWtn' .y.WHWMr I ' V' "",; ii u n,'l,-'Vi "
, 1
, w 7 v Jl ' II . II . II HU . . Al if U I
f- (- r' v. ,'.;V' f Oe&fato ' js XX I
i. 1 -: t AS-. :. .vv . n----- , - T.. m
1 1 v r tttti j 1 . ' 1 srw . -us
I owm it to ouraeiTM end pot
torltr lo.pwlerza oerUln dally
dutlea that will keep up th
heAlU) aad bautyof th body.-'
tAay 0Bt-wh negjects tbea U tavlUnc ,
to&tur to Inflict punlahment In waya
irhlch wtil t far from agreeable. .t'
Through eareleaaneaa the race la often "
made nnattracUre by the appearance of
fclackheada. Indlacretlon ' hx aatlnc
causea Indication, and - thia, in turn,' 1
prerenta the akin from doing lta proper .
work; therefore, the porea teoome doc ,
ed with fat and dirt, and If tbeaa are ,
not removed daily with hot waiter, aoap, ,
etc., - they harden and become vtry "
, atutifcora. ' ; .
Phyaiolodata have been oonvtnoed that
we eat too much and too rapidly. - By "
maatieatlntr alowly we would need, leaa
food and receive more noorlahment than
we do by bolting food In quantity. . it la .
therefore to your advantage 'to eat
leaa and chew more. Try it whan your -next
neat la aerved- and e it thea
word are. not true. .'
U ydu are one of raany trying to
get rid of blackheadey diet for a while.'
Do not indulce in ioa creani, candy and
all the ether rich thing' which moat
girle like.' Fried f ooda, too. should W.
ahunnod. . Do not drink, linnlda with
your meal, bat drink' plenty of water
between .meals. Ttaa drinking of water
Is the beat way to thoroughly fluah the
' ayatem and get rid of waate matter. If
you are troubled wlAJ fndlgeatlon, drink
a cup of warm water; an hour before'
mealtime.'. . Should the taste of thia ha
vnpleasantt add aV plneh of salt '
JJow, for the external remedies.'. X
ndvlaa the daily uae of the complexion ''
bruah, provided your, akin will ; stand
tt : Select a soap which' agrees with
your skin, and uae plenty of . clean hot
water.- When you feel that the peres,
are auflloiently cleansed, rinse the faoe
, with cold water to contract the pore
to their normal also.
: Xbceroiae of some form should be '
counted as one of the dally . dutlea.
(There are various exerciaea from which
r ou can chooae, but today t want you
0 know about the advantages of ualnc
your tennis raoquet durina; summer or
RJSPUm to letter to th writer of
. thl department: will b : printed
la regular order; but no repUee la
print may bs expeoUd tt Itni than tr'
' r four, weeks, .yfvyt:" '. v
Correspondent desiring- fmimedlat r4
pltes to Queries may-get then by Inolos
Ing stamped self-addressed envelope.'.
Personal inquiries will receive prompt
attention tf aocompenled by a stamped
7and aelf addressed envelope.' v
Superfluous Hair, , ! '
Sesr sfja Byrnes;
l'leaae tali me what la m, WmMW
aupertluoost halra wnich , have gnmn ea
; any arm. , n , V . t ' W. JT. .
" ; A Depilatory
guiphide cf ooda or ealoium aul- '
, Mis threualr and keep dry la well-a'
eorhed bottle utitll wentd for use. - Tkm '
enousbto oovtr the put x b denuded
and add warm water to It until the proper
eonsUUncy le secured. Spread over the"
hairy surface, and allow to remain) for '
from one to Are minute, aooordlns to the -dmuiw
of tbe srowth end he , aueoOMi-
1 billty of the skin; then, acraM oft with
a blunt blade paper knife, for example.
It ebould be reraovedi ee in evary eae '
with a deiHlatory, when theburnlng aen.
aatlon la produced. Too loner contact with
Ihe eltla ahould ba avoided, and Immediate- . .
y aster the hair baa , been removed tha
denuded surface ahould be Irently washed
with warm waMr and a old cream or a
, bland oil applied to prevent irrltetloot.
The above depilatory 1 will remove the
aire temporarily. ' The electrlo needle
tee . oruy twng ,.wmcl will remov
hairs permanently,
For: Xfakhilifoltffi I
Peer Um ftrmee. ?".' -
v ' Vleaae tell bm what do .to rwiiovaj
blaokheada. ty..- IR1UNB.
Th green soap treatment will prov
telpful la your caset , h-K- -'- -,
' Oren Soap Treatmcxit for
x ' - Blatkhead - - . ' ' '
Tincture ef sreen soap..,..'.
...... J
.... a
Let this mixture sow cm only fair
Snomente, then waah off with hot -water,
v If the ereen eoap Irrltatm the skin, e It
. sometimes will, uaa fc . every- 01 bar day.
Apixly m eold cream,- " ...
Ureen soap tnaiy be firsratuHnd ex any
drus etore. It Is oat a reirular "caloa soar,''
but la of about the eoiunoimnoy tt enatard. t"
iipen eaoh seed aone wsuh the point eC a
winter months. TennU playing ta en at
the finest forms of exercise for the
body, but there are times when the
-weather wJU not permit of a gam out
side. , However, the tennis raeojuet can
' be used indoors to good advantage.
Cervlag the ball against blank wall
wilt help to develop the forearm, and
will make the eve alert. The awaylng
notion of the body In one's effort to
hit the ball - wiU cultivate agility and
grace. ? t i;.;,;-",;'.- .
The stout girl who has great dlflleulty
In keeping 'down her gppetlt will P
' glad to have the following suggaatlont
. Before mealtime eat 'severer crackers.
These will take off the edge of the ap
1 petite without adding any more pound
to one' weight In feet. If the bee
one would auftatlttrte crackers for white
1 bread during mealtime, there would be
a decided decrease ta weight, potatoes,
.being another, starchy food, should also
be eliminated fromhe biU of fare.
' - In spite of all my eouaael. X still see
many girls who neglect their finger nails.
X do not believe there Is anything more
'.disgusting than two, hands wHh naUa
with Una f dirt and of uneven shape.
For sanitary reaaona, if for no other,
the uula should be kept aerupuloualy
dean, for the aoeumulatlon of dirt be
neath the - nails otters a On lodging
' place for ' germs. Therefore, no one
should fall to wash' the hand before
. preparing, food or before going to the
' table. . The cleansing of the nails should
be a finlehlng touch to th,e cleansing of
the hands. : I ,, .
(Tor the purpoaa of keeping the nafl
In good condition yon should file them
,to a proper depth, following the out
line of the finger, Then hold the Anger
: tip to : warm, v soapy water to of ten
the cuticle aurrounding the nail. Pry
the hands, and dip the end of an oranje
wood stlok covered with absorbent not
ton 1 Into peroxide land use this to
cleanse th cuticle around and beneath
the nalla. Th blunt end of the stlok
should be used to push back the cuticle
to reveal the half moo tie. If you have
some trouble in doing this, you should,
apply cold cream to the has of the
itne eambrle needle. The hetilMied naas
must be pressed or picked uk The .empty
eao at t
tie siane ebould UiM be - ftavsee
With little toilet
vlnenr and weier. or
with a verr k eeliiUoa nf -outnLio aeld
Ml water, sterilise the SMedl before
m by sl4pliT Into boillns water, aa
the use et any
ay inatrumens, unie tne ma
am well as the naedlie la
IS alwaya eaaserous,
Obsttnoti FreckUs
4 -l have a few freokiea e emy faoe whtobj;
I ehould Hka to remove. Pieesa tell me
, I what te uae. - ' DUA '
'A very good freckle remover Is tnad
' of th. following:
A Oslde of sine I............. H dram ,
IBubiodlda) of birawitb............... M dram -
, ruexrtrine 1 drama
. Glycerin IVfc drama
J . Mpnad the peat anea : tte freokiea at
remove' what remalna with Si UfUe PeW
dered borax and eweat ell. -.;.:.
f ,J ' '''' '.-', 1 '
i ''; ' Hands Pmptr - ;. i
Pee Mra. Syntes. . . V" 1
r riaaae Slve me the taeipe for a lotion :
a which I may use oa heada that paraptre
4 I should like te have a good aalt powde ta
polish nx flnsr naUa . A ROACaia. '
A very good loUen for hand which ,
perspire freely la mad fig thai follow- .
::lng., Ingredients; y-f -:,:'
torioeold ....M.M.tMM.. ,5fJt5
ores ......m....... grains .
fielioyllia aod............,....w...l sraJne
Glyeerla louneee t
i Rub on tbe baada four or five tlmee a
day. Waeh the baede In wamv water be-
fore 'applying and dry .oareruiiy. Shake ,
well. Tf the Slyoertn la heated, ft WiU la- '
ereaae the eolubUlty et the preparation. ,
iFollowIng la the recipe for the powder
which you may use oa your nallai -
Talcum powder Hotrnea s
Fumioe atone, pulverteed,MMM I ounoes t
1 Mis thoroughly! add M sralne et carmine
and a tew drop's ef oil of roaet If per-
i (tint Is deairahie. - Ul enroush auk boM
; In elotk, , , ,.V; .-:.a-,: - :. J ;.-. :
. T 1 Remedy for Dandruff '
i Peer Mrs. Bymea, - ;
i what can x o to remove the rll j
front my heedt , - . . - CuiiU.
Sulphur la very effective tn surth a
case. To an ounce of eulphiir add a
quart of aoft water and durina Inter
vale of several day axltate the mix- ,
ture repaaitedly, After the sulphur has
aettled to the bottom of the receptacle
use we caear iiquia tmturate the ba :
with it avery inomlng, and la n tew
f ,
jtewfaart ;movJ I
nails at night before retirlns;. fChls wfll
soften th skin . and mak . It tnor
, pliable. To continue with th manleur .
of th nails, It la necessary after th -us
of th attok to scrub th halls wKh
little nailbrush. Rinse and dry th
hands and thea apply a nail polish and
nee th buffer. Us th palm of th
hand to giv th final polish. ...
Keep your hands in such plndld ,
conditio - that - you will never b
ashamed to offer them for examination. '
One seldom stop to think that to hav -
ruxurUnt hair le to have healthy hair.
Tor the hair to be healthy It la neoea ',
aary to give oauy treatment, mie
ia not so laborioua aa tt sound, for
ten or fifteen mlnutea given to th at-"
I' week every tree of th dandruff will :
hav disappeared. - The hair will .be-
, oome soft and glossy, and there will be
no return oil the old trouble. -
, Thl remedy, however, will darksn
' Witch Hazel Cream
Tka -x
Borne eamhaartoorrimended your wltek
baeei araam ta ne. , Will yoa
Her 1 the reelp yoa deelr;
Wltelt Eatol Cold Oram
WhUe wax ...... 1
epermaeaU ......................... J, ounce ,
Oil of almonds....... .. ,v ,. U pint : .
Valtt pour Into a mortar which has bee .
heated by belar Immaraed aome time in .
boillns water. Very eradually t add,. J j :
eueoae or rosewtter an 1 unce ef wltek s
' fciart, and aatlduooaly stlr.ebe calaturs '
.tintil an emulsion la termed, aad fter
km mill im mixture Is naarlr sold.
1DII eraam w . panMnwarur . , . j
euevBnea saw, . .. ;
v:Skin Food for the Hands &
tlgrWwi.jbJaer ' '
erean whToh I may aee te make say head , tMar Vt. annea. . .
snore nlumot ' : 1 ahould like very muek to bare a teJpe
, Alsoulr me what t eaa.inwpare and.; far Tiiquuf rouse.'rVlU r! . aa
bavaeo band ia seossve aiatne irejei ehe . j txtv owl . . " . " WIUHJUIAUNA ....
bands. .'. .. . -' . -e-oi9winr I th rdp you dosir:
1 FoUowin to th raclp for , vry. . ririuld Bloom of o"
aUafaotory Skin t,k-.;'-'---t'j; .: ge smim "
Ooeoa butter i........ ouaee
Oil of sweat akaonda.-H...wM.M... J eunoe s
vxtae et Bine.. ..."
' Borax I '
Oa of bersamoC...,................ dropa
v Heat the ooeoa butter aad ell ef aimende i
IS e double boiler, end whea thoroushiy ,
.tended add the sine and borax latlr as
OOOIK aaa son ine on v vreiHu m
kud into see aiaas si sujub
To soften, whiten and remov stain
from the hands, uae glycerin and lemon.
Put Into a bottle ounces of glycerin; I
ounces of water, tabiespoonfuls of
lemon lutce and a few drops of earbollo.
acid. Bhake welU After washing and .
, wiping the hands, rub a Utti X thi
f nuxtur Into them.
To Reduce Weight,
Tily3u kTndivten tn wbes V eliaai d
e reduce my welftrtT .I r. ;
(First of all you ahould everciee for aa
hour or more every day, aiapld walklmr
will do much to remov fat and mak
th muaole firm. &f you have aa op-
ortunity to do so, Join In all th nth
eUo game you oan ,
teatlon of your hair vry day, win fl;t
wonderful thlnga
The hair cannot be healthy If the scalp -Is
tight and drawn. It is therefor .
necessary to loosen th scalp by mas
sage.; Use the tips of the finger for the '
massage. , and If the hair is dry, rub
into thr scalp a little castor oil or vase
Una After the massage bruah the hair
to remove all dust and to atlmulat the ;
growth. Select a bruah that has Ana ,
bristlss, but be careful to choose one
. that wm not scratch the scalp. Another
, Important thing to rem era per, If you
.would have attractive hair. Is. to keep ,
the bruah and comb ' elean. X have
known person to reinfect themselve
t (Next pay attention to your diet Avoid'
the foode which contain an excessive
amount of starch and sugar. - Do not
eat between meals, and eat moderately
,t mealtime. . f ,
'; 'rr. "Bating Salt . V
twnkjf deal sr.r harmto um 4 '
is tot oc saK on fobdt I am very food of , .
; but have been Uud I ahould not use ae .
" aauea. ' ' .-.--; -.. ,.?.,.'..!'. AI.1CB. ; ,.
a littles salt will do no harm, but It
Bhoiua sever OC ueea esoaserreiy. von
dlraente increase the appetite, but they
are apt to irritate the stomach. They
should be used sparingly, i r
mmoSi'sintoe ?ui4
.,.....,.. 4 fluHl ounce
eyirtt f snee
......... snuiawajir
't;''( f mm hmima Arnia
f . a . "... n. .. .
'JrmwMr gymea." . . . . '.LlS:,
My hair le auonrnv w war nn in
are a few sVay hairs? Please fU aaewka v
W -e eotTee keepTt'la the "J!
' Tou eaa use th henna ' tain for.
eaa use tn nenna, swq or ;
X am giving the reoipei
a 1 ounoe of henna leave In -a
if boiling water for twenty mln-
flint A
utea. 3t stand until It U old. Strain
the llauld. Apply to the hair by the
aid of a small sponge. The nenne, wm
ometlnvee stain the scalp, but the st
italn '
can easily be remove, sy.
water, ,. i
.'A Hair Tonic
TTrVIZ of enrtbln tW wH
make the batr grew ta auluker around tlie .
' Y1 'jxfyiM know ef aavthlng r tnflamad
ST If dliutaa pwwaHie aa -wan ww.'
(wM eves three tunas a Oa.y.
J will bleaoh she '
''i ii "i'i'i" 1 1 lii' i i i in iTiil ' Li i ii " "i i" " i 'ii i i'i i ' n 'I hi ii hi" ssissii ii ' ' ' V" 1 1 V i" " r r f ' gi'' t ' "i r T " "-1 4
Mill f" :i ' : V-ea.- VeaW-- . Still ' ' .!
x I I fill '
4 0 &np Jcttfrra'JrfJrs
with dandruff by using an unci eel brash
and comtx. Once a week h brush
should b cleaned la watet to whlob'
little ammonia has been added. 1 -not
let th back of the brush touch th
water, and be sure to rinse th bristle '
well. Place It, bristles down, In the air
to dry. Th comb should be mad dean
. by using brush or a piece of cloth. .
E cannot refrain from mentioning the
bath a on of th daily dutlea This
la necessary If one wishes to keep up
the healthy action of th akin. -1 ' '
(Make a firm resolution today to carry '
ut faithfully the dutlea which are so'
neoesaary to Mann ana euiy
I Do yen know of enytntag that wiA
- reduce e flaehy noeef
. 4. My cheeks are flabby. Ttcese tall me .
what to do to anake them firm,
t. My face la y allow around the mouth
and eyee. Uow oaa I make It whiter
.,.,....- ' 'MATTltS.-.
. 4. X advise you to rub a little castor
oil Into the scalp every day. .After the
, maaaage brush the hair thoroughly. I
The hair la greatly benefited by bruah
in. In thu wy the dust is removed;
and th circulation of th blood through
the scalp Is stimulated.
L ffiot arjDlicatlons wilt relleva tn. :
. flamed eye. One teaapoonful of aalt
may be dissolved In a nlnt of hot watar. .
or two temspoonfula of boric acid may
be used Instead. Jdake the application
with a wad of absorbent cotton. Din
It Into the solution and thea apply it
to the eyee while It is saturated. Al
low It to remain there until it grows
. cold and then repeat It your eyee are
constantly inflamed or the .inflammation
occurs frequently, you should go to an
oculist and hav him prescribe for you.
s. .Massage may help to make your
Aba lees fleshy. A gentle pinching mo-
, tion should be used. -
. . (Massage with ooeoa - butter and
exercise -will make th cheeks firm.
The best exercise is to whistle.
6. One important thing to do to hav
th skin whit and dear is to keep th
liver In good condition. This can be
done by exercising daily, (by eating the
' proper kind of fooda and by drinking
sufficient water. At least three pint
' a day ahould b drunk, af you ar
troubled with v eorrseated liver, you
Should consult a physician. .
, Tor local treatment bathe the face
with buttermilk once a day. This will
: bleach th skin and mak It smooth.
For, Vermin
Pear Mrs. frm, ' ; ' -
will you kindly print tn rear column n ,
rare for bead vermin f I bare been told
that eeal ell WiU batch out the nits,
;'., 'A lUCADBR. '
Cbal oil or alcohol ar sure euro for
this trouble. Saturate the head well
with either en and tie up the head
with towel, is best to mak the)
: ft
application before retiring', la the morn
lnr wash the head with soap and
water and rinse thoroughly. After the
hair la dry bruah It well. Tou should
be euro to cleanse your comb and brush
before using them on your head. -. v
- , . SagtTta ,
ear lira Byrnes, ,. . .. -' ,
1 wiu yett ktodix tell ms how to sag
I teat" - t , HiaJBN.
- Following are the directions for mak
ing sage teat
Oraan taa. ....... ...... louncaa
Oardaa ease .. ....... ............ ...... I ounces
1V make tbe liquid, take 1 ounoe of ten
to e ounoee of wateri 1 ouaoe f sage ta d -ounces
of water.
Lat eaoh stand for several beers, .tbe ,
Strain and take 1 ounoee of the liquid -of .
. each and mix with I ounces of alcohol.
. Keep tha mixture tithtly oorktd to pre
; vent evaperauon. . kl-... ',; v
: ' For thi Eyebfawt ,; -l '
pear Mra, trymea. '
I. What la the Jproper thlnr to uae to
, meaaeee , arebrowax , j hawe started ualn
-vaaelloe. Should tt be meltedf .
a My eyelashes ere rather 1 thin and
Port. X have tried vaseline oa them, and
was very eareful. but I think some of 1
It not lata mr aye. beoaua It Itched.
T la milk or buUermJlk better for the '
; eompUTioaf ..:-;, .- v-, : ' ! H.. J - j,
1' Th finger tips may be used to,
maasage the eyebrows and to rub the
- melted vaseline Into . them. -
t. &r exerciainjc great car you should
not get any vasdine into the eye a. A
tiny camel e-halr bruah Is a splendid
thing to use to apply th grower. Dip
It Into the melted vaseline, free it from i:
any drop and paaa It lightly along the
edg of the eyelids. If you cannot do -this
ueoeaafuuy without getting any of .
' it Into the eyes, have a physician apply
it. - .;.....---...:; - IK- i. 4'
I (Both glv very satisfaotory results,
but -1 think the latter Is more of a
; Hair is Streaked '4
Dear Mra ftymea ' ' ;-' '
I have dark brown hair,, and it is be- 1
' eomlns streaked with sray. Can you please
tell ma what I aaa use to darken Itf I .
asa tt years oM, and my hair ta very dry,
.-.j'- MART,
Ton wfll find coal 11 a very satis-
factory thins; to uae to make your hair '
-less dry and to -darken tbe hair. , Uae -
a medicine dropper to apply the oil, and
thea rub the scalp well with the tips
of the fingers,. After tbe massage brush
th hair thoroughly. s
'- V Results of a Tight Corset
Pear Mrs. Byrnes.' v,.;.:
- I have bees wearlns mv corset toa tleht
41 ever the hipa, Thia has caused tbe etecle
. to rub my hlpe on each side end left a 1
few brownleh epote. - will you kindly ive
me eomethlng te remove lhem.T
5.;t.;.,.v;;;'4--;.' . ' ' . ANXIOUS.
; ; X trust that the result of your folly
has caused you to arrange your corset
more comfortably , around your body.
. The constant pressure of the steels oa
rour hips could give you much trouble.
advise you to rub cocoa butter into the
7 spots, and after removing ,it with a, '
aoft doth, apply peroxide of hydro
- n.
White Spots oh the Nails
Pear Mra Brinea. . ;
fiasse uii me wnat te ao to
White spots croaa we wiser nana v
' V'!,.1 - .:! -. ...,'...-:(. I. A .1
Spotted nails come from Injury to ;
the sails or from ill health. Injudicious x
uses of steel Instruments for cleaning ,
will cause the nails to dear the ucly
white, spots. These can toe cured only
by removing the cause. If your nails -ar
inclined to be brittle, apply vaseline.
cocoa butter or old. cream to. them. ,
' ,
To Fatten the Arms I
.Pear Mrs. Bymee. - v, i-. .y
Kindly tell me hew to put flesh oa the
baada and anna. . . M I. X ;
Daily maaaago with oooo butter will
fatten the baud and anrvs. - The arm
of tennla player or one who rows.
s great deal - are aVwaya well de
veloped. If you cannot engage 1 ia
either of these sports, Imagine that
such a thing is possible and go tbrouch
th i movement anyhow. . atatnging
dunvbbella will also lnoreai th clr
oumference of th anna.
V 'A n Bye Lotion
i Pear Mrs. ymea, .
What simple kxion eaa I use to relieve .
my eyee when they itch and burn after a :
aya wcrkt IDA B.
A. -very good and sal lotion to ui
Is cnade of: ' , 1 ' j i
Borlo add.......,., ieeaeaweee l euno v
Botllmr water. 1 piirt
tborte aoM In a basin. Pour weau
In sad allow tbe borte add to diasoiv
before bottling.
Bran Bags
TV.. Vn RmM.
I should like to knew what is used in V
. bran basa I have heard they are very ,
good tat wbitoning and aoftanlog the akin.
' llx equal quantities of powdered oat
meal and bran together; and to a pint
add tt cup of powdered aoap. To this '
add about 1 ounoe of powdered orris
Kyt. ilTUl small bag and use in th
th '--t
addraaaed etajnDatl envelope auOUld be
iaeloeed.) " - .
JUST a little talk today on th Mn .
ing of wedding gifts, if you recelv
an Invitation or announcement this
month. Of you are a "very dear friend of
a bride-toxbe, you will not wait to roe
eeiv an invitation. ; Tour friendship
Is sufficient ground for sending a present
soon as you know .that th up-'
- proximate date has beea decided, ' ,
af you hav never been entertained
by th bride, bridegroom or member of
their famihes, by no means anticipate
and sand a gift before you reoelva a
card.. Thl would bo regarded as a
liberty and almost bidding for an In
vltatlon. After reoervinc a. card In thl
ease, you may then send a present Fre
quently the business associates can b
. classed in . thl group. i-' .v
'' Jf .th aoQualntanco with, the fcride,
or both bride and bridegroom, be slight.
It 1 not obligatory to recognise an in
vitation . to the osuron ceremony oy
... Bendlnw gift, If. however, cards ar
Included for th reception or wadding
breakfast. It is usual to send a gift., f
.a dallerhtfnl middle course is taken by '
t many, who hav received invitation
- from only slight acquaintances, by send
ing a box of flower with an expression
of good wishes on th Inclosed visiting
bard.iu;i::;.i,:;::';;'r' t-VH,, l-vv
- When a physician I th recipient of a
wedding invitation of on of his patients,
' this is really a notice of a change of
t name, and unless th physician enjoys
n social intimacy,, beaide prof esslpnal. '
. then is no ohtig atiod to send a gift.
Of you ar la mourning and, therefore
unable to attend th ceremony or re-
ceptlon, you should send a present Just
Just a word about tha kind of gift
to send. First of all. 1st it be appro
priate to th recipient and to your
own purse. It 1 foolish to pay a
ridiculously high pries tor a gut in
- order to represent your income aa
larger than It Ia or to compete with
other expensive gifts. . As soon as this
fealculatlna- anlrlt enters ' into th
eendlng of a present, you destroy the
beauty of riving. - :
Dei not glv that whlob- wui be tri
plicated, end If you can, find out if
the bride like cut glasa. for example,
before investing in this article. It
youfflnd out the general idea of th
future home, it wUl help you consid
erably ;ln choosing something appro.
folate. If the furnishings are to be
n mahogany, this will lead you to
. seivtie iiaina ciwunutiftit vvvtv..
and countless other articles ef thia
: wooa. use' your ; omt iaat, juur
knowledxe of th like of the bride
ana or nen iniure nxa. wpr j"r
Individuality and your beat. self. Con I
get "anything.' If you are going
to send a present send something worth,
while. Thia doe not mean something;
Bns. very dose friend, you can take
your gift and present it personally to
the bride-to-be. Otherwise it should
..ut alther hv smaclal messenaer
a, f.nm ha nliaa whara It - Wit
bought With it your own, card, with
a penciled expression of your good
Expressed packages should bs pack
ed carefully and the coat of tranapor
tatlon prepaid. If you are late la
sending a present, a short not of ex-
filanation should accompany It when
t ie sent to th bride la her new,
'nariRirinsn. gnmuu ties awesub
Solutions to Social
'Vi ' Placing the Card 'Kl v':
DKAR Mrs. Adams,-,- ?. v. - - '
Pleaee tell me where one should put ,
her card whea ealllns for the first
';: time oa a woman and there are no traya In ,
evldenoe. Should one draw bar hostess
attention to it 1 ETHiuU
The card should be placed on the
table without any comment about the
' action. . -.
v: Who Payslhe First CaUt.
' rjieos Mra Adams, '.:"
A etrl friend of mine is comtas here aeen
Jo vialt. and I should Uke to know whethar
ahould call on her or wait for her to
- call oa me. . .. , . . - ' ANXIOUS. -It
is your duty to call on the girl
' first and extend some sort of hospital
ity to her. If you cannot accommodate
her at your own home. Invite her to
the theater or a lecture or eomethlng
equally . a IntereeUng. , . .
' ' s Raising His Haf '
Dear Mra 'Adams. " '
Please tell me In a ssneral wav wti'n a
man ahould raise his bat. VdVUS.
-A man should rais his hat frora his
r head when bowing to a. woman and)
when he meets a man of hi aoaualnt
ance while altner le walking with a
woman. 'When waiktn with a woman
be should ; Join her rn salurtdns; any)
: woman or man ox bar acqualntiance,
whether known to htm or not, and the
earns rule la in order when waiklcg
with a man. . .
. . A man must always raise his bat when
offering a civility to either acquaint
ance or stranger, or whea parting- fnjta
a lady after aa open-air conversation,
' :Using the Napkin r
ii.!,' Pear Mrs. Adams -
enould one open ene'e naDkla te te
fUUeat extent and soread It :ro the lant
Is It proper to dilikk bouiUon fxuin t e
' eup, or should it all be taken with a suuf
'fy-j.v" " ?.'' j A ft c.
,; Open the napkin along the fir at foil,
gvnd then toy It across the lap.
Bouillon may be drunk from th ccr
An Ambitious Mother
pear Mrs. Adams.
I have sever ha, the adr.nare "f
broad education, hut I am moet u
of brinclrui rny thrae chidri UD l i '
; r'sM way. Rhat do you tiiluk ia t' l i
, thins for me to d to ! Jl the.u i..e
suiirt4Lut puinta of atiiiiei ij
' X am very glad that you a-
the important duty tnat ia l I '
you, and I am suie tliat your s
io put the children on the r ' t r
;' aiolna to reap much soJ. 1 t . .
, beat course for you o ...low i I
! a good book on etlq'"-! M t
tt when nerfsaary. 1 iu v. i i
: these cotuimiM vory 4 '.4 f 1 i
'.follow them olOfcly. If rt t-r ;
' vlclnitv tliera i a rnntM'r'
''"It tf you can.'. "'" !" 1
many thin -a nl II .
traiifj of your c