The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 60, Image 60

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laacr TAan They Ever Werinnd Strapped to the Feet, Says Lady
Duff-Gordon, Describing the Unusual Fe attires of "Autumn Fashions
. Parli, October B.-
iLTHOTCH lt!a asfomed tin
'A J I11 - cnuces or
i jure fx fv .....
IU.U. u vug mmmvu
ween - leMwo, tills
been owed a faltocy 4ot1bc tin
son Just dosed. Many nnr nd la
soma ase ctartllss haafet,wers
par forth .during tt Somber - Ths
fimpluide tonic, tor InsUnce, was a
radical departure from the extoUnc
mode, and yet logical one, for It
time for the pendulum to awlnf '
In another dlrectioi. .That this mode
. m la reatly fa faror this Winter
'to a v f oregona r condaslon. ; for 11 It
achlered great success at DeantHle f
' during the -seaaon at that gayest of
ftench watering places. ' 'i'
With theraglletaanphade flounca
lu' gn aocepted t fact a quite decided
":; change has come oyer the femala
ailhouette.lXt might, e nearer to
; - the truth to say that the silhouette
v hat become .doubled.' for the came
r"' woman may wear the frilly llgura at
4 " one moment ami the peg top. or
- vtronseredV' figure the next. .' t . ,
' The recent openings, vtlch mesa
to much to the fashion world, showed ,
!: these two distinct ontUnes. It does
seem as though wo women would
; carry moat of our wrappings about
- our figures from our waist ttns to
- x i our knees. And now Is- the moment
for me to whisper that there are ert
dences that point to a revival of the
. puilaleUe.
s ' Shades of four grandmothers sad
treat aunts 1 Can this be troef
It would seem ip, I. am Showing
yon some plctares that prove that
, this whisper feas much troth behind
t ,1L And more ,than this, the pasta
; lette will be worn by women,' not
children, as they were in the past
Land what glorified affairs these new
jpantalettes are! Our grandmothers
.would not reeognlis.them.
I Bat let me first tell you how I nap
''- f pened to design this sublimated pan-'
' talette. It Is the logical sequence of
Chs spilt skirt, which In many modi
,5 , ed forms is stlU with us. But as I
1 jbave said before, not with us at 1U
.worst, but at its best'
' The ' pantalette is also the out
growth of the draped skirts, partlcu
,' r larly those which give the Holbein
figure. Although many of us have
'grsduaDy become educated to the Pnta!ette.Cown of
t J ' 'new fashions, and we have at last
,' began to realise that we have tegs,1
there still linger, the feeling with
' ' -V many of us that we must not show1 v
' these physical adjuncts when walk-) en of Paris are having them created
i' jng or stepping into our motors. in the filmiest and most exquisite
In creating this delightful apple fabrics to iweurwtth their "At Home"
" green velvet costume, for which pan- gowns.
; 4 ' talettes seemed the necessary conv Tills apple green costume has an
plement I used a beautiful em- other odd and striking feature a
, broldered silver net I These panta-' drop sMrt of. green chiffon edged
lettes are rather full and are gath- with Tiwn fur, through which fas
1 (ered about the ankle. Put on as they ; lnatlng glimpses of the silver net
v should be, with the elastlo strap are seen. The upper sldit is, of
under the instep, they are a modest course, of the - velvet arranged la
' and charming; addition to this grace- three tiers.'
'. - . Iful costume.. : . The bodies Is simplicity Itseif-a
4 do. not for one momant believe wisp of green chiffon over flesh-col-t:
that thess frivolous affairs will ever ored chiffon and edged with fur. Th
r i become connonT-that they wlUever tact, this costume should never be
(be worn with street costumes. ' They woryl without the bolero, but 1 am
are,, however, the most fascinating sending pictures of it wltfc and with-
uiogs . tor. -- vaacugi ' sum : oouaoir out. - ,r
c,n-. ,
r- , !;? - - , h . r.
r girdle iworn with this eostuma It U black gown are' not - ultra smart
a silver and orchid embroidered fab- For .years tt has seemed as though
rio that has all the beauty of the fin " we could not get away from .. ; ; '
est 01 ue oia suss. ' us ausNsca . gown. or one
Among the most useable and ex thing,, it , was so wearable, It
QuMts of the laces and nets which seemed neter to look out of
are so to the front this season is the - date, and tt could he packed in J ' ,
silver net of .which I have aheady ' small compass without being ,
spoken. That used in the little dano- hopelessly rumed. : Then, too, it was
: iti fnvlt shown her waa ambroldV' eeomlnc to i most women In She' '''.('. iry 1
ered in my own' workrooms, the de- evening. Thm may seem Strang
sign oeing my own. ' Tae srae orap n-vt very true tan nme oui or isn nimmea wim oanas of black r':
cry which completes the costume is .'women find aa sU-Uack ; costume ; fur, are .excesslrely.' modish. i , f
'a supple crepe in the most dollcate . most becoming when it Is cut reryi; Fabrics where' broadwhit rr -i
, shade- of lavender. " low. There to hope that next Spring r stripes alternate : with ; broad '
. The headdress Is as ooalnt and as there will be a revival of this practK. black stripes are much in ds
tewitchtng as the gown, and ths cal gown, and already 1 am thinking i mand. Ths stripes, f by,; the ,
wbols affair to, 1 think.' simply per of several designs that should put it . way. : must be , used tip . an4J j
" leci iot UIB wtuurow w ug veoir . uav ui ui&u avi vuw uiviw j , .uvmr-iw lraiinii. i. v :i v -
V J " hnti aT thn rnmine Masoa:- ;f 'Ms'! Black and white to.' however, wenr? , The TOtmre wnm An n ..." -.
f , I am, exceedingly. Interested 'and much li .rogue; 1 But It must be a- the girls, who are even now
also surprised to find that the wonv most etriking combination, ! and ths ; ordering w. their coming-out
an of fashion has resigned herself - gown , must be most - daringly,' de gowns, are favoring the new
most gracefully to the fact that aU-J; signed. Black velvet combined wla Plato bott to eBk and .velvet
t -
a! Jl
Apple Green Velvet, Showing
the Uiifion Bodice With
out the Coat
k .
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I - . As f asMss IseiU" l l 1 '
SflWtpapMW ST,' ( I
IMS sad . J
Lady Dof-GordWs Parity :V Ci-''
tsMiiluaeiit briaff hw into dots '"v.; V 1 V ' s)
leech wife dtat ecsve el fstL. ' I ' f
Isa . " ' . , I - 'I
Ls Dntfides Wi1 V Vs '
ess wuMJunem k at No. 37 7 A '
39 W4 Fif ty-Kmlb ttree '"'
Nw Yejks . . f V
law ' ' ' ' " I I -'
r 1 Y . ;
me f amoss aaak el
Lbados, sadfi
cnaM el I aahioM b (ha wwldL
. wAm each week tta (mLSob a-
cle for d
atsnsg aO SMI la
bad is yW rW wcBraMd
s i
Debutante. Dahdna Gown of Lavender Cimm and I - " ' J i4.u n tt' : . e P-JT' Tt- 'A
Wr';-;;v-.;fi;v " 1 ' ' ronvrlKht. ISIS, hv tha StA ComniBT. flnmt BrlUJik JUvbtMKiaarT.a. " V , , . ' ' .i i i.-!,"?.'t-'.:t- ' i:'' t'h 'K Vr M'-i'; :jl .V fc "" .