, . I I l-JJ rrr,,:,;. CThH4K i I1 i , . . .W Ail A a , f Ebip im ' Week , x , $50,000 Stock of Finest Rugs ;! THAT WILL MAKE AUCTION SALES ' ,v LOOK RIDICULOUS Oriental Rugj From;Crhis 'Sale tfchat , WilJ Prove Assets to Their Future Owners 50,000 worth of OHeht Constantinople. We shall see to it that our reputation for never being undersold in Oriental rugs is' maintained; HenthVsale: , - ' ' " ' This event; is noteworthy, in that one may select rugs from this sale, take, them to their homes, place them in comparison with rugs purchased ' elsewhere, of fer them for. critical inspec tion as to quality, and return them, if our rugs in each instance are not from a quarter to a half less than those offered at auction sales. " ' . V . r' Our experts have closely watched rug transactions in this city during the past two weeks. We are more than satisfied, and convinced 'that we can 'demonstrate beyond the shadow of a doubt the; absurdity of buying rugs at auction. . ' . ; ! . Here you need feel ho influence of the capper, nor the persuasive eloquence, of the auction, eer. Instead we allow the rugs to do the talking for us. : . ' , . Tomorrow then we start the greatest Oriental rug sale ever known and incidentally offering to illustrate, KIRMANSHAH 1 Carpet Site Rugs ' $450.00 tOrmanshah Rugs f 195.90 $475.00 Kirmanshah Rug? 23S.15 $485X0 Kirmanshah Rugs f 249.65 $500.00 Kirmanshah Ruga $263.4 S $523.00 Kiraanshah Rugs f 273.10 $550.00 Kirmanshah Rugs f 277.85 $600.00 Kirmanshah Rugs f 297.20) . ISPHAN, . ( t ? CsrpeV'Size'Rugs""?? $385.00 Isphan Rugs. .. ..9183.35 $410.00 Isphan Rugs f 222.00 $425.00 Isphan Rugs S220.4O $550X0 Isphan Rugs..... 274.75 $585.00 Isphan Rugs... .f 283.55 $595.00 Isphan Rugs f298.60 $750.00 Isphsn Rugs..... 9367.25 MUNTAZ V - Carpet Size Rugs $275.00 Muntsa Rugs... .9145.20 $285.00 M untax Rugs... .9158.40. $297.50 MunUs Rugs.. .,9168.85 $310.00 Munta Rugs. ...91T4.70 $425.00 Muntss Rugs.... 9229.90 SERAPI --v-:- Room SizeRugv i $350.00 Serspi Rugs. .91T3.65 ' $375.00 Serapl Rugs. . . . ,9184.45 $395.00 Serapi Rugs. 105.85 GORAVAN ' , !.- Room 8U Rags ' - $215X0 GorsTan Rugs... $110.70 $225X0 Ooravan Rugs... $128.45 - $235.00 Goraran Rugs.., $131480 v $247.50 Ooravan Rugs... $143.65 ; khiva ' , ' ,' - , ' Room Sits Rugs $970 to $125X0 Khiras ,.$64.00 $135X0 to $150X0 Khiraa $79.15 SARUKRUCS , Size 5-6 by 3-8 to 44 by 54 ' ' $620 Saruk Rugs $39.15 $135.00 to $165.00 Saruks.. $60.35 ROYAL KASHAN RUGS ' Sixes average 7 by 4-9 . $250.00 Royal Keshan....! 145.30 SIRAB Room Six Rugs $350X0 SIrsb Rugs.:..V.919340 $375.00 SIrab Ruga.... ..$235.85 Room 81xo Rugs $4Oa00 Sank Rugs... ...919925 $650X0 Baruk Rugs...... 9349.85 $700X0 Santk Rugs...... 9379.10 $850X0 8anik Rugs...... 968.75 . MAHOl ' ' . ' Room 81st Run' c'0 $179.00 Uabol Rugs 9 99.40 $187X0 Mabol Rugs,.... 9HO.70 $195.00 Mahol Rugs.,. ..$115.35 $197.50 Mabol Rugs... ..9119.95 '$199.00 Mahol Rugs.....$12t.70 i $210X0 Mahol Stin. .. . 8126.90 $219X0 Mahol Rues..;.. $135.55. $29.50 to $32JQ Rugs..... $16.45 $245X0 Mahol KugS.i ...9149.15 $265X0 Mahol Rugs. ; . . $168.45 $285X0 Mahol Rugs..... 9138.88 $290.00 Mahol Rugs. ....$163.65 . ; DAGISTANS AND . . SHIRVANS 'v ?;:': In, average sixes ;- " $27J0 to $32J0 Rugs..;. .916.85 $39.00 to $47 JO Rugs..... 924.50 KAZAKS, Finm MOSSOULS , KHIVE KHATCHUS r .;,.,,",;;;,; 8ixe 8 by.S feetr;''-:v $57.50 to $720, Special... 931.00 KIRMANSHAH RUGS Sixes 4-7 by 8-6 to 6-2 by 4 $45.00 to $570 Rugs.. .. $29.15 $79X0 to $95X0 Rugs..... $48.50 MOSSOUL RUGS Sixes 5-1 by 3-4 to 7 by 4-2 $24.00 to $27.50 Mossouls.. 91-8.95 $32.50 to $37.50 Mosiouls. $16.85 $39.00 to $47.50 Mossouls.. $19.95 BELOUCHISTAN RUGS r Sixes 4-9 by 2 to 5-6 bv 2-8 v $24.50 to $27.50 Rugs.... i. $13.85 HAM AD AN AND KARA &mmBAGH RUGS ,. SIxe 8-5 by 2-9 ' $10X0 to $12.50, Special..... $5.95 - - In Our FoiirtK Floor Section; V , 1 Suits for Junior Girls ancj Small Women . More new junior , suits have Just arrived. These include ' j velvets, boucles, cheviots', duvetynes and the new cords. Made ; in the newest fashions with box front coats, cut-a-way,' some with vest effects, long backs," with belts across, and the yoke , f sleeves. Some are. trimmed with fur collars and cuffs, others have braided velvet collars, and still others are more severely tailored with cuffs and collars of the self material, trimmed , with buttons. All the new and desirable colors,' including ma hogany, old blue, terra cfctta and tete de negre. ; Also the ever popular dark blue serges in both the French and heavy wale effects. These suits will fit girls from IB to 20 years of age, ' or small women up to 38 bust measure. . ."',.' " - ,,' "'. Pricei Ffcangq From $16.95 to $55.00 -Fourth Floor. Sale FalFCorsets an4 Brassieres r ;$3,50 W.-a Corsets. Special $2.29 , Made of fine corded eoutU, medium bust, Ions Up and back, with elastic lacing to give ease in sitting. Embroiderytrimmed. Three ;i pairs of extra heavy hose supporters attached. For all figures. . $1.75 Nadia Corsets, Special $1.19 J Several new models at this price, made of contil or batiste. For the . slender figure we have the low bust and long blp and back in the; softer materials. For the medium and' stout figures, the medium low bust and reinforced over abdomen. 'All slscs, 19 to 39. . " $2.00 Nadia Corsets. Special $1.09 Made of good quality coutil, with tow bust, rery lightly boned and finished with lace insertion and edging. Medium length over hip and back. Excellent for slender and medium figures. r $2.50 Nadia Corsets, Special $1.98 Made of fine. coutil, medium low bust, long' hips and back. Has ' three pairs of hose supporters attached and is neatly finished with em broidery trimming. , . $1.50 Brassieres, Special $1.00 H.&W.,W.B.andDeBevoU Excellent fitting brassieres, trimmed with embroidery back and front and embroidery edges. Reinforced under arm; extra quality material, r Also fine allover embroidery brassieres and embroidery trimmed bras sieres that hook down the front; and others with embroidery Insertions. t $1.25 Brassieres, Special 79c Y ' H. W. and DeBeooue ' ; Trimmed front and back with sHover embroidery and chmy lace In sertions and edging. Cross back styles, reinforced under arm, ' , , : 85c H. & W. Brassieres, Special 30c , Made with "V" front and trimmed with embroidery yoke and edging. ; Cross back style. Perfect fitting. Reinforced under arm. - r i, . -ent mm v Percolators ' Chafing Dishes ' . -v .Casseroles'. V. In a Special Sale $6,50 Chafing Dl$h$, -, , $38 t ; Chafing dishes in either nickel t or copper finish. The popular plain style, with water pan hav ing ebony handles. : Complete with up-to-date, alcohol lamp. $6JSO Percolator; $3.9$ Percolator-made coffee Is rec ognized by experte to be the best and most healthful. Coffee is not deleterious unless it Is boiled, and with the percolator It is possible to make delicious coffee of perfect flavor without boiling the coffee ' even . one aecond. ' These percolators are made with alcohol lamps. The coffee may be entirely made and served without leaving the table. Come in nickel or copper finish with ebonoid handles. $3.S0 Ca$$erole$, $1J9S Round casseroles of glued brown earthenware, 8 inches in diameter, complete In nickel fil igree stand, with ball feet and ebony handles.' Even More Interesting Than the Prices r; Axe These Dainty Lingerie Articles The 5 underwear sale of the , year, for - those who revel in dainty lingerie.; Every article that you could possibly need or even desire is here, and at prices that make buying them a real economy. Underwear that appeals for its beauty. Underwear that win outlast many tubbings. V The filmiest muslins and longcloth, or the practical crepe that comes out good as new without even a look at the ironing) board, y - , $6JQ HAND EMBROIDERED GOWNS, $4.6S ;.: Dainty nightgowns made of the finest lingerie cloth, elaborately em broidered in punch work and the dainty French stitches. Made in the slipover style, sleeves finished with embroidered designs to match . fronts, and edge with hand-embroidered scallops. Satin ribbon In : psstel shades is run through embroidered eyelets. -" $4.00 HAND EMBROIDERED GOWNS, $2.98 Real hand-embroidery forms the trimming of these gowns, ribbons drawn through embroidered eyelets, add to their attractiveness. They , are made la slipover style, with kimono sleeves finished with scallops. $6.50 CREPE DE CHINE PETTICOATS, VERY - SPECIAL, $4.65 The universally popular pink, white and light blue crepe de chine petticoats, finished with a knife-pleated flounce of wide shadow lace underlaid with net, and trimmed with flat beading, ribbon drawn. Also the narrow ruffles of knuVoleated late, beaded with wide band, of inserting. h ; ..v,; ' : FRENCH HAND EMBROIDERED CHEMISE t Made of fine French percales, nainsooks, lonecloth and lawn, in knea length, these dainty little undergarments are finding more friends every : day. Some of them are fairly smothered in the exquisite Madeira and French embroidery, others trimmed with Cluny, or encrusted with ; Irish medallions and Insertions. $1.00 Chemise, Sp'l,..79c $3.00 ChemUe, Sp'l, $2.79 $1M0 ChemUe, Sp'l, $1J9 $5.00 Chemise, Sp'l, $3.93 $2.00 Chemise, Sp?l, $t.S9 $21.50 ChemUe, Sp, $19.19 $1.50 "AMIFRENCH GOWNS, SPECIAL, $1J00 Something new In underwear. Dainty French patterns executed in ' the finest American Machine embroidery, ribbon drawn, and scallop finished. . ,L V ,.-,,vV",a . , $10 DAINTY CREPE GOWNS, SPECIAL, $1.19 ; These come in dainty pink and blue stripes. In ripple Crepe, plain . white. Slipover style with kimono sleeves., Also high neck and long sleeved models. AH daintily trimmed; with ribbon-drawn torchon 'k edagi'rsV'viv5:':.: ,v -V . ,.;:.' :.'fttf'-.:r $2.00 COMBINATION SUITS, SPECIAL, $1.59 A : " i a-y,, '- , 1 , , fc V " C ii ' For Tue$day we announce 6Jl Fret French Lecture y Prof. V. B. De Lory The Subject Being ' UOlseau Bleu.- by Maurice Maeterlinck In the Phonograph Hall adjoin-. tog the Book Shop from 11 to 12 A. M, . 76c MOSLIN GOWNS, SPECIAL, 59c Made of good quality muslin in slipover style with kimono sleeve, or the V-neck and long sleeves. Daintily trimmed with lace and embroidery. $3.50 AND $3.00 COMBINATION SUITS, $2.29 Made of fine nainsook, trimmed with fine : laces and embroideries. Waisted or Princess stylei. ". ' RIBBONS, RIBBONS : RIBBONS v For Every Purpose For Millinery For Fancy Work - .--i.-.. , -ji, ror Uress -1 rimming. In a Great Special Sale Waisted and Princess styles, made with Knickerbocker or open-leg drawers, daintily trimmed with laces and medallions, or more practical models finished In plain French effect with fine embroidery $1.75 AND $1.60 COMBINATION SUITS, $1.19 Made of good quality longcloth, finished with deep yokes of em broidery and lace, drawers finished with lace edges to match corsef covers. $10 COMBINATION SUITS, SPECIAL, 98c Made of fine quality ripple crepe, finished, with dainty torchon lace, ribbon drawn., v? :$:-"'; ;); v'v'lj J; vy :iff:'v0.'''x- "; r",'-, 1 ; 75c COMBINATION SUITS, SPECIAL, 59c ; v Trimmed with torchon lace, made in the waisted style, in an excel v lent fitting cut; damtu ribbon. diawn,1-; WM.85c TO 75c CORSET COVERS, SPECIAL; 49c ; ' painty corset covers, made in round-neck style with deep yokes of lace, and made of a fine quality longcloth. - , 40c AND 35c CORSET COVERS, SPECIAL, 29c it-Made in the round-neck style, with deep embroidery and lace yokes "Or the practical torchon edging, drawn with ween ribbons. $1J5 CREPE GOWNS, SPECIAL, 95c ' Made of good quality whit crepe, in the ' slipover, kimono sleeve ' - style, finished with torchon edging. ' '9ri ffitMt $tttitm IrouD ,ttAt S)ett(ort Never has the art of needleworkers been so prolific as at the present time, A stroll through our needle art section is like a viaiH to Wonderland; . ; , - ; ; . ( . , . v . Flowers that almost have fragrance, grow here the year around, without caring as to the season. Quaint little sweethearts look at you from. round eyes; Darling little Japaneie maidens smile at you over their fans ; . queer conventionalised poppies, in - fresh dainty greens;' rich mulberry shades that have almost the glow of rare Jewels; arts and crafts designs in bold outlines and restful colors; materials thst have taken unto themselves the peculiar lustre of metals, but,tain all their original softness. ' ' . ' Hosts and hosts of articles of every kind imaginable. All In read iness for the early Christmas; shopper who : anticipates her gifts early' in the season for " the . needleworker who 'can complete her1 "tnany little gifts in time to travel to distant friends. :;( ' :. . 'v: . ' 4:,,'.'' ' ' ' ' Electric Light Fixtures ' " For Three. Rooms , , Installed for $1938 Regular Price $30.00 .A combination offer of fix tures for three rooms. These are all of solid brass in brush brass finish and are made in the canopy style with drop lights. A three-light fixture with 14 inch brass canopy and handsome shades, suitable for parlor, libra ry or living-room.,, ; , A three-light fixture with 12 fnch brass canopy, and glass " shades suitable for living-room or dining-room. A one-light fixture with glass shade, suitable for. hall or bed rooms.' , The one price - includes all three fixtures installed in your home without charge. ' , , ff-30kEifecvgfe Shades, Special 1 6c This is an exceptional oppor tunity to replace your old-fashioned electric light" shades with shades that are new in design and shape. Frosted glass in six -different and unusual shapes to; choose from. Sixth Floor "I Can;.:, ISaw,I Ccnqucr . It was thus that Julius Caesar annpun in a note to Amantius, at Rome, after I victory at Zela in Asia Minor, over V nac'es. i Caesar was a man who acted qvkl.1 t deliberately. With him it was a tt of d or die and win he did. "., When, this business .was laursched a yea sgo it faced a multitude of tv 4 ' i It raised a new standard, 1: Efficiency, Courtesy ;J". Ml ..Ay j . A Fierce Battle Garr.2 qn;yS'' Against fake sales ;f ; :v;' :;. ",C :r I Against misleading , cdvesement Against fictitious price Quotations Against unscrupulous, competition The battle has been fought and won anc - all unprejudiced and fair-minded people say , One year has emphasised one human char acteristie r APPRECIATION Everj! day people give most substantial evidence c their appreciation for provisions "made i this new store for their comfort, their con venience, their safety. , Corns tomorrow. As evidenced by th! 'double-page advertisement, the store offer unusual saving opportunities in seasonable new merchandise. -' ' New Quadruple Si v r r v ' ' ill in Uesigns Jispcciaii $3J50 Sandwich Trays, $2.50 Quadruple silver - plated sandwi trays, extra heavy plate, pierced desig! V $5.00 Baking Dishes, $3.98 Baking r dishes, plain pattern, ext heavy plate. ' "i . ! $5.00 Casseroles, $3.98 Casseroles of extra heavv date, roun or oval in shape. Pierced pattern frair. ; Monday ) a r I JBanto The Most Famous of All . Swiss Ribbed Underwear ; In This Store Only Swiss Ribbed White Vests- Me dium weight, low neck; sleeveless or el bow sleeves .. ....... .. ........ .6Be Same with long sleeves ............. T5eV Tights to match above; ankle 1'gth f 1.00 White Vests -Ouarsnt e e d non- shrinkable white merino 'vests, medium weight, low neck, sleeveless.. .85e) Same with high neck, long sleeves 91.23 Ankle or knee length tights to match, spliced crotch ..v. ... V.. f 1.50 Heavy Weight White Silk and Wool Vests Guaranteed non-shrink-sble, low neck, sleeveless :.7......S1.25 - Same in Dutch neck, elbow sleeves f 1.75 Same with high neck, long sleeves f 2.00 Knee tights to match .....f2.25 Ankle tights to match . ,..,.;.f 2.50 Both tights have reinforced crotch. Winter weight g n a r a n t e e d un- shrinkable .pure wool vests; with : long! sleeves at . . UmS;t.2s Tlghu i o match, reinforced crotch f 2.75 Winter utefenf: guaranteed un-1 shrinkable white silk and : wool vests, with long sleeves . i . . t, ; . .f 2.50 Ankle length tighta to match, with reini forced .crotch .......... ......,...$3.50 Silk Mixed Union Spits White) medium weight low neck, sleeveless, an kle Jength U. ; . S2.00 Same with Dutch neck, elbow sVs f 2.50 1 Guaranteed Unshrinkable m c dium weight merino suits, low neck, sleeveless, knee or ankl lnrth pt The same lnDutch neck, elbow sleeves, J on 1WT .........?2.75 Suits Medium weight, guaranteed un shrinkable, with spliced crotch, low neck. sleeveless, knee or ankle length. .$3.00 Sams with Dutch neck, elbow a'vs f 4.00 Union Sa(fOuaranteed unshrink able pure wool : union suits, low neck, sleeveless, ankle length, with spliced crotch .. ... . ., ., r.....;.f3.50 Same with long sleeves, ankle l'th $4.50 Merino Union Suits Winter jweight, i guaranteed unshrinkable, i low neck, sleeveless, ankle length. Also ' Dutchjieck, elbow sleeve, ankle length, or high neck, ankle length, long sleeves, at .......... ...........$4.oo Union Suits In a medium weight guaranteed unshrinkable white silk and wool, low neck, sleeveless, ankle length. St - tVi. a , ,r i i.tr"tt .-- ,.,$4.50 Same in high neck, elbow sleeves $5.50 Same with long sleeves ; . . . . $0.00 ' j aronrth no