The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 58, Image 58

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'TTrnrTTir irv
'''" ------r- -,i(1j..' SCy-
ILVl 1 J I
ilesp Them from
Dietetic Expert and Editor of
"Baby : The.Mothers' Magazine," 4 ;
. - . lc ."-'London. , V: 'v.-'
pfHAT parents require common sense In the feed-
I ing of their children la best exemplified by the
r tragic death of. a two-year-old boy named
Etanley feert Turner;', of Bomersham. Huntingdon
shire. He died; under such peculiar circumstances
that a coroner- summoned a Jnry 'to, Inquire Into
the cause of death, and from the STldencs of the
parents It appeared that this Infant only two years of
age, bad been riven for breakfast fried es; for lunch
on, Yorkshire pudding, tea, bread and butter; for din
ner, warm milk and cbeeee; for supper, roast pork and
beer. , The , Jury returned a verdict . that the child
cameHo Its death from "indiscreet feeding:." but the
popular verdict will be that it was a case of murder
... MtmlMiit 4miAMina ..: r' '.' "..."' .
A mixed diet Is required by children. Parents In- peclally when the bones seem a little weak, food such
1st upon a sameness In their cblldw's meals that es hominy.rtce and oatmeal porridge, which Is of great
they would never tolerate in their own. Animal, food value, may be sweetened with malt extract which should
-vZ,,ia ton rrenniintlv at first but an ao- . always be used It sugar disagrees. The diastase which
tire child of four rfar. or pwd may bar. It once
i Children like It very much and crow fat upon it It
The Importance of a MIXED DIEf ioTlie Growing Cfiild .r
: win be seen that the fluid li quite wen colored, and
the fibres of the -meat perfectly white. It should be
. made fresh every eight hours, and may be given In
. teaapoonful doses to children under six months, and
Increased latorvvv,rs;i'-- ''"'' iv? . '
' Raw beet pulp Is very useful In cases of scurry-rickets
and rickets, and may be prepared as follows: Cut
a loin beefsteak Into the finest possible pieces, and free
It from all fat particles;: then put into a mortar, and
pound until the meat becomes pulpy; next rub through
a sieve and season with salt. A teaapoonful of this
pulp three or four times a day win be sufficient for a
; child a year old. See bow It agrees with the child and
'' regulate the amount given accordingly. .'
, (When baby Is well on with cutting his teeth at about
fifteen or sixteen months, he may have eggs cooked In
different wars and light farinaceous puddings, custard
and the like. To help In forming the teeth, and es-
LN 7 :iEARr.'
FEED1KG , L , "
17116 MONTHS
their children little or, no fruit They bava art
" slightest objection to giving them mercury (cal
, or other Irritating purgatives, but they deny them
will prevent-the evil they desire to cure. Green vege
tables and fruit are a welcome addition to baby's ('inner.
If a child shows a marked distaste for any i .akn
' kind of food. It is wrong to force It to eat that
r " Firstly, such enforced obedience creates ill-Xeelir y T
secondly, food which Is disagreeable Is likely .trf "
1 Indigestion; and thirdly, there may be. some ' t
Idiosyncrasy, which renders that food obnoxious iV
system. - There Is a" case on record of a man on whom '
' mutton seemed to, act as a kind of Irritant poison, and
similar cases are not rare. .,,-''.'
- On the--other band It a child has a strong desrre for
on kind ot food, it Is unwise to deny it unless yon
can show a very -good reason tor so doing, when you
should tell the child that reason as simply as possible; ,
as, for Instance, "No, dear, that will give you a pain In
your stomach or make you: sick." Never be misled
Into saying: "Such things are not good lor little gins
fmnnrtant food, da less than 79 out of 100 narta of the
blood being water. - Water is, ot course, contained ln nd boys," for children do not see why grown-up peo-
nn nt the : first rorms or snimu iooa
that may be jdven to children Is beef Juice, which,.,
with a little Judgment my be given from a few months 1
eld. If the Infant seems Insufficiently nourished. '
Raw beef Juice is most valuable tor young and weak
ly children. It can be made. Quite easily by cutting up
at pound ot rump steak, Just covering It with water and
leaving it to stand for eight hours, By that time it s
Is a very good plan to spread it on their bread instead
of butter. For dinner at about sixteen months ot age
a little boiled , whits fish, such as haddock or cod,
carefully picked over so as to be tree from bones, 'and
the flakes well shredded so as to be easily digested,
may be given with a mealy potato squeezed from the
. "A n&cecl 4Ut Is required by ehll
imu Parents. Insist upon a sameness
la their children's null that they
would never tolerate ta their own,
" 1' - ' , , .v 1 f
skin In which It has been boiled or
baked, with bntter and salt, Mothers
should be careful not to omit salt
from their children's food, as It Is an
Important food.' ' ' '
Plenty of fresh, pure water should
be allowed. It should be remembered
that water is. In trth, the most
all articles of food, but I think Darents need not be so
afraid as they sometimes seem to be of allowing their
.-children to take it tor-ltselt::;v;v:'c..?,r-s'
Dinner should consist of meat, bread, vegetables and ,
fruit or fruit pudding; suet pudding with brown sugar
or malt extract is very good tor children; with water
for a drink. At breakfast fish, or an egg. or marma-
lade, or stewed fruit; should be given as a change from
the usual porridge, or bread and milk r uoth at this
meal and tea, the drink should be milk only, cold or
'Warm, or diluted with water and sweetened to taste.
; For tea bread and butter or bread and marmalade, or ,
toast with perhaps a little stewed fruit for a change.
If supper Is required, plain crackers, bread and .butter,'
' with milk and water or bread and milk may be given.
' The craving; for sugar in children Is a natural and '
- wholesome one. 'Physiologists have proved that both
- sugar and fatty matters are oxidized in the body or, I
- might say, burnt up and during this process heat Is
evolved.! Now, the child. Just as much as It loves sugar
abhors fat, and It Is only reasonable to suppose the
childish system demands more sugar firstly, because
It loses more heat than the adult and, secondly, be
cause It cannot deal with much fat looking at the i
. matter from this point of view we see how wrong are
those people who object to give their children sweet
things which the adult does not very much care tor,:
while trying to force them to eat fat tor which they,
have a supreme disgust. People are apt also to give
pie should have the, good things which they are tor- .
oiaaen. ar, nowever, you give a reason wnicn at ones
appeals to their own experience of the order of nature, ".
they are ready to. recognize. lt as a sound one, ,
Children when they are much out of doors and very -active,
as all children should be require- very much
more food, and "more nourishing food, than -when they -are
confined to the house . and sit about a great deal.
Hence, if a child Is kept Indoors by some slight In
disposition, It should not, as a rule,, be pressed to eat, t
It there Is any disinclination for food, as that disincline
'Ion generally arises from the tact that food, for the 7
time being. Is not required; and If under tJiese clrcum-
stances the child Is encouraged to eat by the offer ot
dainties, a great deal more barm than good Is done. ...
Many a slight Indisposition Is made a grave one by the
tendency parents have to stuff their children with food '
as a remedy for Ills. ,;, :. '!v;'w:V-V--'!" " '
It a child Is constitutionally' feverish and excitable, ,
Its diet should be unstlmulating, and consist mainly
of milk, farinaceous land 'vegetable food. If, on the
other hand. It Is dull and lymphatic, disinclined to ac
tivity and with cold extremities, Its food should be,1 .
as stimulating rs possible, mainly animal; In this -con-
dltlon, too, coffee may be given with breakfast and tea
at tea time; and tn extreme cases a little wine may
be allowed at dinner. By means of careful dieting;
much may be done to influence for good constitutional ,
statesot .'the system,. 'CvA'v'fiiV-ti
If You Have BLUE BLlQpD-See a DOCTOR
-rfHB boast of "blue blood" Is an old or poor the blood Is In red eorpusdes. If
one, ' especially among the 7. F.
Vs. (First Famines of Virginia),
tut the explanation of the term Is not by
any means clear. ' It Is supposed that the
term "blue blood, was applied especially
to those women of refinement and deli
cately translucent skins,' through which
the blue blood In the veins appeared, this
being esteemed a mark of high breeding :
en& ancestry. ' s" 't ' Uii' , "
To the scientist "blue blood" means
something very different The blood In
the arteries should be of a bright red
color, and only after 1 it 'has ) passed
through the system and the oxygerf has
been extracted by the lymphatics, for the
nourishment of the tissues, does the blood
appear blue as it courses through the
veins, on its way back to the lungs tor
renewing the needed oxygen, '-k i
When the physician wishes to test the
blood he draws It either from tbs wrist
or from the lobe of the ear, because this
Is arterial blood and best shows how rich
he Is an Ignorant practitioner (and there "
are one or iwv tu utcse um utmt uin
blood from the tips of the fingers, when ;
be would find It blue, for here the ar
teries connect directly with the veins,
without any Intervening capillaries, and V
the test ot the blood here would be very ;
unscientific. But here, 00, is another
proof that theerm "blue blood" has ref
erence to the appearance of the venous
blood through the thin skin of the fingers,
tor It Is also a phrase In common usrget
Ik Those who examine the blood are veryv once more., t v , -
careful to note its color with the naked it . , The appearance of blueness tn the
eye as It Is drawn from the wrist or ear- ; v veins,' If your skin Is transparent Is per
lobe; for Its various shading from red tor fectly normal, but nothing to be espe
dark blue Indicate to the expert much clally proud of, for every healthy person
concerning the state of the patient's sysr. eon bout the same "blue blood." but If
tern. If It be dark blue In color this is a . the blood Is blue when drawn from an
the later stages of tuberculosis the blood '
Is blue.
v The physical explanation of red blood
and blue Is plain to the physician, for he
knows that all of the blood in the body
passes through the lungs once every min
. ute, carrying with It the carbonlo acid
'gas which it has taken up from the lym
phatics at it .hurried through the system
and .that when it reaches the lungs the
carbonlo add is thrown' off and replaced
: by the oxygen taken from; the sir, thus ,
i restoring the redness to the blood which
the heart, is to pump through the body
15v .Vi i:i'lilTtfu'"'i"iil"lj''''"1 i I :t:
The bleed bi the artertee sheaU
be of a bright red color and ehovld
appear blue only la the vebu.
certain Indication that gases are accumu
lated la the Intestinal tube or stomach,
and that decomposition and putrefactive
processes are going on somewhere In the
system. i'h ' p c--y.
If the drop ot blood' drawn at the
proper spot Is deep crimson In color, It Is
an - Indication ot excessive oxygenation,
or more probably too thin Wood, proving
that the patient Is suffering from leu
kemia, or often that tuberculosis bis at- '
tacked this person. '.Vests ot the blood,
should be made several, times, because
ot changing conditions, and the show of
blue blood, for instance, may be only tem
porary, en account ot a momentary clog
ging ot the system with the consequent"
putrefsetkm processes.'' . . . -,;W v
Dr. Robert Lk Watklns has called spe
dal attention to the valne of this ex- '
aminatlon of the; blood as to color, ' for "
diagnoslnr diseases, holding that It Is a I
simple and valuable: source of informs-:
tlon. He has found that the blood Is al
ways blue In cases of scurvy, typhoid
fever ; (during the destructive tissue i
stage), gangrene, asphyxia, apoplexy -and
paralysis, u In 'ptomaine poisoning and
auto-lntoxlcatlon the blueness Is very dis
tinct, and Is of great value because it
m?y be seen a( once and the physician
need not "wait to . go to his laboratory
and microscope.
It has been found that In diabetes the
blood Is generally red,i or even scarlet,
and also in acute tuberculosis, while in
artery, then the system Is deranged and
no time should be wasted in consulting
the most expert physician, for something
Is radioally wrongv
ttt5IISHIPPER8 at the shrine of "My ,
U ' Lady Nicotine" and how many ,
. mmiona burn incense before her
altarare not all aware of the origin of
the word nicotine, or of the correct ac
count of the awakening to the value of
tobacco on the Continent ot Europe. Most
of us are satisfied with the statement that
Bit- Walter Raleigh Introduced the "weed"
Into England, and suppose that It spread
thence' all over Europe simply for amok
lag purposes. i k
It we go bach; to an old Black Letter
volume dating from the year 1677 we gain
a. clearer view ot the subject and inter-,
eating Ught on the origin of the word
nicotine as applied to the chief element
- in tobacco. . According to this venerable
authority, sow more1 than three hundred
years old. Master, John Nlcot, Counsellor
to the King, being Ambassador for the.
King In Portugal, In the year of our Lord such beneficent effects were produced by
1569. '60, '61, went one day to see the , this herb; and having heard that the Lady
prisons of the King of Portugal, and a
gentleman being the keeper of th said :
prisons - presented t him ; a herb, u
strange plant brought from Florida, ,
j This same Master NIcot, having caused
the said herb to be pet in his garden,
. where it grew and multlpUed marvellous
ly, was upon a time advised by one ot ;
his pager that a young man, some kin .
to that page, made a plaster of that herb
bruised, both the herb and the juice to-,
gather, upon an ulcer, which he had. upon
his cheek near his nose, coming ot a noli
me tangere, which hadUken root already
at the base ot the hose? and that he found
himself much easier at once. -Therefore
the said Master : NIcot caused ' the sick
Montlgny that was had died at Saint Ger
main of an ulcer on the breast which
had turned tato' a noU me tangere, for '
which no remedy was known at that i
time, and that the Countess of Ruffe had
consulted an the famous physicians of. '
that realm to help to heal her face, but
that none of them had found any remedy, ,
he thought it wise to edmmunloate his '
good news to France; and, therefore, sent
to King Francis IL and to the Queen
Mother, telling them all about 'tobacco
and how to nse It, as well as how to
apply It to this dread disease, ashad
been. proved by experience.''.
In this way we have evidence that to
bacco was considered the cure for ulcers
young man to be htought before him, ,: and even for cancerous growths, more
Enjoying a Trip to the JINT
mBB next worse thing to a toothache Is
I going to the dentist; for most of us.
. a .but these days of terrible anticipation
ot horror: are past,' if the latest approved .
methods are used. Not only can the dentist '
make the extraction ot a tooth painless by,
using cocaine or some other nerve-deadener
' around the roots of the tooth, but he can'
' perform .the tar more nerveacktng opexv '
.atlon pf grinding put a cavity, and fining
tooth without the patient guttering the least
'inconvenience or pain. - v " , ' '
. The magical means of seomtng absolutely
painless dentistry Is nothing else than the
f administering of a mixture ot nitrous oxide
and oxygen by Inhalation through the nose, .,
while' the mouth remains open for the den-
tint to do all the work he finds necessary.
By the latest method ot administering this
causing the said herb to be applied to the
sore eight or ten days, until It was com
pletely cured and healed. And 'he had it'
sent while this cure was working to a
certain physician ot the King of Portugal,'
the most famous In his time, to see the
further working and effect of the said'
nicotiano, j He then sent for ; the same
young man at the end of the ten days,
and brought him before this physician
that he might see how the herb had acted
upon the sore, and he certified that the :
said noU me tangere was indeed utterly .
than for smoking; and In this' way the
word ' nicotine . Is; to be traced to this
Ambassador, John NIcot
The explanation of this effect Is very aim
. pie, from a physiological estandpolnt v. The
effect of the combination ot nitrous oxide and
oxygen is not at' all like that of the Inject
ing of certain drugs into the spine, by which
all nerves are deadened, but it simply par
' alyses tor a time the ends of the nerves,
and In - this way , prevents f the pain from
naVfnv Itaalf fait : ft fa Ilia aa If an olan,yl.
current were running along a wire, but yon obllteratf d, and Indeed it never returned
Insulated the" end of the wire, and therefore afterward. ! ! V I -
could not get the shock. Or, rather; the ,
: electrlo wire of ' your nerve Is ; alive, and '
ready to feel, but the bensitlve end being 1
.' paralyzed no sensation of - pain ' can enter
upon the nerve. . The especial value ot this
new painless method Is that the administer
ing ot : the gases 'may continue Indefinitely
without any bad results so that the dentist
does not have to hurry or skimp his work, '
and the patient la perfectly at ease under
all the .nerve-racking grinding, boring and
mixture oi gases ins pauent remains tuliyv hammering. The sclentlsta call this "Anal
conscious, sees the dentist at work and gesla," or painlessness, and It Is a great boon
knows what he Je doing, but cannot feel a ' Indeed In the reductlon'of the pain In having
single twinge of pain, - your teeth properly cared tor. .
Some time after this one of the Am-'
baasadors cooks,' having almost cut off
bis thumb with a big chopping knife, the,1'
steward ofr the house of this gentleman
ran to the said nlcotiano and dressed his
thumb therewith five or six times, and it 1
was finally thoroughly healed thereby.
From that time on this herb was famous
throughout all Lisbon, where the Court -of
the King of Portugal was held at that ;
time, ' and . the virtue of , this herb- was
announced tar and wide, and the people -:
called it "the ambassador's herb."- .
' (The London Ambassador, seeing that .
' "Master NIcot Mod a plaster made).
of bruUed tobacco loaves to aoa
vlcors and tronUesomo wounds,''
GREASE spots, no matter bow 'tiny.
t seriously deface wall paper, be It ever
, so handsome, and should be by every
: possible precaution avoided. Two classes of
persons are responsible tor the defacement;
little 1 children who run their finger tips
iacross the walls between bites ot bread and
butter, and their elders, women an essential
part ot . whose night toilet is to anoint
their faces and hands with cold cream or
Olive oil, and,-who. during their slumbers,
touch Che walls . with their, palms. The
women are the greater offenders, for all .
women' use cold cream, and tew children can
be kept away from the walls during a meaL
( One effectual preventive of the tattoo ot
Crease stains on the wall of a bedroom Is to
groove the bed out of arms reach from the
papef, ThW must be deftly done to accom
plish the result It Is well If one person holds
the blotting piper, a large piece ot It, over the
spot and another presses the Iron over It turn
ing. It round and round, and repeating the
process so that the work be thoroughly done
and ho rim of the grease remains, leaving an
; ugly ircle,-il: '; .':
- Should this fall, or If It be Inconvenient, as
In the case ot hotel apartment dwellers, or
lodgers In studios or furnished rooms, yon
may resort, to naphtha' or gasoUne. ' Do the
work by day as both of these cleaning agents
are highly combustible. : Dip a sponge or
flannel cloth Into' either one and rub It briskly
but lightly oyer : the spot, preferably with a
circular! motion.,' Change :', the 4 cloth ; for
'another as soon at It Is soiled otherwise the
twalL Another Is to wear old kid or rubber , ' dirt wjn be rubbed Into the paper and a bad
r!nt miter rlvlns thi hands their cold irim ' .... -.1.... y--';:-:r
Still another way to take grease-spots out
cloves after giving the hands their cold cream
'croll bath. - . , " - " ;
Cut If the wall paper has been thus defaced
dree remedies await One Is to place a piece
c t blotting paper over the spot and, pressing
a hot iron against It attempt to draw the
crease from the Fall paper fW the blotting
of wall-paper, particularly those made by the
lingers, Is to rub the solid area gently with a
1 stiff dough made 4 of Hour and water.' Very
often a stain will not yield to one of these
methods will glrf way to another,
:Y0D lieiT :
J ' Restoring Ivory Handles. : " V
I HE Ivory handles ot cutlery can be restored to their original whiteness
by rubbing them with turpentine. -
The Right Care for a Sponge,. "
rpo keep a sponge in good condition you should wash occasionally in warm
J-- water with a little tartaric acid added, afterward tinsmg "It In dear
water, . , K , . i ,
! Giring the Children IVIedicine. - , . , ' -
pLACB the point of the spoon containing the' medicine against the roof ot
A. the mouth. Administered In this way it wfll be Impossible for the chUd
w cnoae or eject me meaicina . . ' .. ..','.,. .,.
For Nose Bleed.
rpo stop nosebleed, sit upright, bathe the neck and. face with cold water'
and anus up the nostrils water in wh
which a little alum has been dis-
Washlng Colored Clothes.
WHEN washing colored clothes add a little vinegar and a handful ot salt
. . to the water to brighten the colors And, prevent their running. . s
For a Snioky Chimney.
WHEN a chimney smokes open the window ot the roojntfor ten mm
utes before the fire is lighted, and not at the time, as is generally. -
IF yoh want to heat a" flat Iron In your room, a tin Slate over the gas
jet will enable you to heat the Iron twice as quickly. - -'
I Copyright, tlt, by jth. Btav, Company. 0reat BrlUla Bight ReseryeA
i&eSiSEm Are
Really PAVED with GOLD
-r--jEW people , ever expected to hear of
M streets paved' with gold this side of
. heaven, but away out In the little vil
lage of Axim, on the Gold Coast of Africa,
- the streets are actually paved with the pre
cious metal t ' V
Of course the paving Is nature's own soil. -'
. The streets are not actually covered . with
blocks of refined gold, but the soU that
makes the surface-of these streets Is. so rich
- In gold that a person can wash out a doner's '.
worth of it in an hour's work, providing he
' Is expert : in ' the; art of ; twIrUngx. pans ' ot
watereoaked son about until the pure gold '
"dust is separated0-V,--Vf
(An EngUshman was visiting la this .town
not long sgo when his host mentioned that ,
the street running past his bungalow was
paved in gold. The visiting Englishman '
thought it a mere figure ot speech, but the
'host called a woman servant, a native, aud (
' told her to. wash, out "soms goMfffM
This woman took a large bucket and filled
It with the loose soil scraped from the sur
face of the road. With this and a number of
pans and plenty of water she began to wash
Jhe "pay dirt,"- From pan to pan she washed.
. the dirt until most ot It was washed away aa
refuse, and then In the 'last pan she com- '
pleted the work, and with a dextrous swirl
the water and the last of the dirt was thrown'
. off and there was left on the edge of the pan
; a long crescent-shaped ridge Of pure gold ':
dust. z" ,- '- '' v -The
operation took nearly , an hour and
when the dust was weighed jthere was little
less than a . dollar's worth. Perhaps when
the gold diggings In that vicinity have been
worked out, It will Pf to bund another lot
of streets and begin to washlthe gold pavev
meats out of the bid streets of Axlm. It was
. an interesting demonstration of the host's)
literal truth In his declaration ; that the
-streets round about him were paved with
gold. ' , , , , it ,
In our own country there Sre numerous lo
calities where gold Is known to exist, but no
.one bothers with it because the results' would
(not jutify the expense Incident to mining it.
When the process ot gold-mining becomes
cheaper the gold supply will bo greatly in
creased as a result ot the tremendous gold-j
containing areas which vtiU become workablej
at a profit, " " ' " " "