THE OREGON; SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. - SUNDAY CORNING, I. OCTC . ZK ? H ivi?. . ! ... - fa A A lU a AroU I 9tt:; kn n 7! i : ssss&sz u iio-.', U:,.. il: . ...... , '; , s - - , . n ; . " ' v. f ' ' ' " ' (L ? ' " 1 "'' 2;i. 3;i ' 4 mil 5mJM 4"mi , 7miu - : 8 ;!,. fiktli . I ' i,1r I v v ::'.i.-'.i';; "r-.i! , ,;. c--;,.? ''':r'',K:. V"i 'vV 5:?;''f r: " :-; v '-s ; : v- r:. 'r ' t . ' .;jwi)iwiw''.'iTff''ilu:'"" - wvm .' u. . ......a u. ......m , WMBWW, ,,ww,,,,v,...w.., . ..,;,,, 1 ! ' V-, ''".' r -: . :. . .. - u " .... . L , '' '". , v ' '. K AC';, - ..... ,.Jvl ' ;7 ' , .- i 5f0lU DurlM lb IUc,nt Tr PmtU Offlh. Vlrrinl. Clt?, SSaTaT wJuTb! of th gun-pointer, wha follows the . en board ti Uttla.Wp HWv Peci 3l ut ranSSoSI SKl S2 Inch shell at storing Urgt six . mllea dlitant and acored "fonr hltb Tola feat va acoompllalioa tn on minute and thlrtalx foosdt,-;: Tb cnJeyement wat regarded m pn. nomenal.- it broke all prerlona reo wum oi our own rannon, ana no foreign gunner' ever came anrvar - fT U of tie otmort lxnpois near each a score. " tance. A Unless b sets bis sight ao- ' Sear euch a iinnrii. A. few weeki ago, during etanen tarr target practise off the Virginia capes, the gunners on ta dread nought Arkansas made an even more - remarkable record. Firing at a mow . lng target only twelre feet high and twenty-one feet wide, the . target mo-ring at the rite of fire knots and the battleship at ten knots, one of the big twelre-lnch guns flred six shots In fltty-eeyen seconds and scored six bits I - r'. - While the range was only a little orer a mile In contrast to the range of six miles 4n the case of the New ITamTMhfrA'a - nratrfnna mm target was proportionately smaller, fTs and the achievement of the Arkan ' '''Ja - ma uuur8 u uerecore regaraea as clearly establishing the "world's record for rapid deepsea big fun firing at a moving target The fall significance of this feat will be better understood when it Is ' remembered that the test - was started with the gun unloaded, t a given signal shell and charge were brought from below and served to the gunners tn the turrets, the guns were served and trained on the tar get, and when the range was de termined and the psychological mo . ment for the discharge of the gun . arrived the word to fir. was given . and the first shell waa sent crash ing at the moving target over a mil ftwar. - t-sCy:-' Almost before It reached Its goal, the big gun, still reverberating from , the shock of the last discharge, was loaded again with a fresh charge of powderand shall, again the distance of the target, the velocity of the wind and the various , other factors .', upon ' which accurate shooting de pends were determined and the word - to Are was . given a- second time. Again the shell sped true and found Ua mark. ' Five times this feat was repeated, and the total-time which lapsed from the moment the gun was supplied with its ammunition for the first shot until the sixth shot was fired was less than a minute- 'to be exact, fifty-seven seconds I - j Such rapid work as that would, of course, have been out of the cues tlon but for the perfect team work which characterizes target practise on board our battleships. Not only , the. men participating In the actual firing of the guns but every soul on . board is, to a certain, extent, con cerned in the general result Bveti the cooks, stewards, barbers, musl. clans and other members of the ship's complement who might other wise be regarded as supernumerar ies, nave more or lees important functions to perform during target -, suit in reducing the efficiency of the sua crews ana spoiling tne general , result Shooting straight on a bat-, , tleshlp Is the work not merely of the turret -crew but of the whole ship's r complement They constitute a " single teani.;;'--.;-'-: Of ' conraM. : fnti Mn"; m ' sight-setter Is of the utmost lmpor dls , 0I 9 : . curately, , the gun-pointers work counts for nothing. - - The sight-setter receives his directions from the "spotters of the fore-control party stationed In the : cage-like ' masts which distinguish American" battle ships from those of other nations. These "spotters" watch the cplash, or fan, of each shot and order an In crease or decrease In the distance for the shot which follows. , , But equally Important la the work JW t i they turret right and left, always fot h urwuif m Target. . .To etnrn ta th f the Arkansas, the fact that the dis tance was only . 1,800 yards com pared with the range of six or seven miles, In the case 'of the regular Winter,: battle Draotls not la any way diminish the excel- lence of the score, . It Is a simple matter to demonstrate that the gun-1 tier who can hit a target twelve feet high at a distance of a mile would -be able to hit a target 120 feet high ' m.k m aivwuce oi ten tnuea, provided the charge was powerful enough to end, it that distance, and " la -the regular battle praotise the larger tar gets are used. Of course, in firing the greater distance, allowances would have to . be made for wind Telocity Land other . considerations, i 1, 't i t - 11 K. . if. t ' ' Remarkable JPIiotbgraphd : Showmjj How" the : Dreadnought Arkancaa Hit , a. Tyfel ve-f opt Moving Target a Mile:: i Away Six Timeo hi Fifty Seven Seconds 1 I V The Plflhtlna . Maat on i Board the Arkioeaev These Fighting Masts Are Chan aoterlstlo pf the American Navy. They Are Mad - of Soft Steel and Are Constructed , In Such sr Way That , Three : fourths of Them May Be Shot Away Without i Oemotlahlng i Then- The FlghV lng Mast Is One of the Moat Vital " Parts of a Battle -hP- - It le from r.' This Vantaae Point That .the Firing of All the Big Guns Is Com . I trolled. "4 , . . t- - but such ' corn'otatloni'l are leadfly tmti. , , ' For the purpose of target practise Sects! sbelbv-' known .as ruind ells, are used... A regular twelve inch shell costs from $325 to $250,N and a full charge of powder to fire It costs about $203. But the special" , shell used for target practise costs only $38 and the powder used to " , send the shell a distance of a mOo or so costs only a little more than; $100. To establish the world's rec ord cost the Arkansas,, by actual eomputatlon, Just $963. " ' .. " The powder used for these tests While perfectly good for . immediate . r use, Is of the kind which has about lived Us life and whkh would, with In a few months, so deterlorlata aa' $9 become worthless. ; 4 :j i i - ' V 1 I. Thb Is the Target, Only Tvrolve Feet Ilich and Twenf- :. one Feet .wide,' Which Was Strode Six Times In Fifty-eeren' . .-evuiiu v ka uikui rum irom a twgie i wnvo-mui vsun The Rexoarkahle Fcatnre About. This Feat Was That the Target practise ;iw tWji " M " five iwnots and the Arkansas a im known as wa "oattie-euoon,- ana ; tui or i en iuiots wnen the onots Were fired. , JPjfcjf Twins ' Grow Faster, and Better !jp BOENT scletuxno toreatlgaXlons seem to esUbUsh , as If they wen kept alone, and are therefore able to pJ ; the fact that twin or triplets brought up together (urn more - of the - energy - value of their food Into matter of heat, but simply due to the fact that animals a tL. a u .. . i .... , at ' .. bxocsSit up alone. la the Case Of Various Small animals With Which - . hronrilt no toMthar r rnmlA.B. lnn )ttr n1 erlments have been made It has been are more comfortable generally. i ' - rww imwiv MMP wwaa. fond that they, grow much more rapidly when not kept eparate. - One Investigator believes this may be due 1 I the fact that two or more little animals cuddling close t -tether, do not have to develop so much bodily heaf w w wu&va wiav (oum iuii ; " w , , Atl rm TA ; gtilshntlsit wtlntsi tf b1ijb. rfm4f14nev sVjhM i. ' vvmin avu&ne vwte w.g vuuuiwt ' vuvv r- would hardly apply to twins or triplets brought up la horoee where their bodies are. kept at a proper temper y -i.. .". --.. -- m .- .., i , , -W 4 I- r i-.. - ,-- . ,,v"Tcn".n0S0'f.n..u,w,l,OMl Artonsas, Which M.d. th WrW. R.cord. Th, U.d Ar. Spec Copyright, j,? 5, flSfJS, rWd" C"to -aF Than That Used in Actual Warfare, Th Shall Ud Ar Specially Made Hot