The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 55, Image 55

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    THE CI '.EC ON,' SUNDAY JOUHNAL, rc.liTLAND, SUNDAY . .MOIiinilO, OCTOBER ' 19, . 1D13. ; si;
.66 i
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lowing t
.,a W i ...
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; .7 ' t ' m t . a
. fi I'll ... ;-' v
. . t f fi'Jiifi mitt' . i, .-. wp i ii n : .hi r r -, .-. i i
1 ............. ..- . ..... ...... , . , - , . . .... .'. .. ....... . ......... . . . ..... ... . . .. . . ' . .
I -r
H THEN will tk ttTMUEU
11 Undar my r7 --'
'.VIia will Um wiod bc AWMLty ! blowiaff
?. Ow. th ky7 , ; , , ;4
' W&m will tli cl&oda W kwvary f fltlag? '
! WIm will tli JiMit bt kwMrj ol bMtiaff;
And aatur dU? f .
Nrr, eli mtT nothing will dif N
Tlo trouB flow, '
' Tho wind ' blows, .. 'V '
Tho . cloud floU, s
Thf hoart b .to
Nothing wfll dUl . " .
t r
. Nothing wm dUf 'Tj
AO thing will chug ". L
TU tho worUT Win tr
AotaiBB nnd Sununtf ,
Ar gone long ago,
Earth, b dry to tho crater.
Bat Snrinff. m
' k Spring rich and trn(o
Shall bum tha wind blow
Round and round, -Thro'
. and . throV '
Her and tbr,. , ,
Till tb air , . ,
And th croand '
Shall b filUd with lif
" " - ' I
' :v rrora Alfred Tennyson$ ;
i.; "Nothlnr Will Die' published
. In -London ih 1878 by G, ,
' Ke;an Pul and Co. v"'
0ril(h1; ma. 7 tbBUrf. Oml Britsta Blxkt Bntna.,
' ..... ....
HIS earth is a beautiful, happy
home for those full of life
and hope- It seems a sad and
weary -; abode to, the ; broken
in spirit waiting for the end.
.- The beautiful picture on
this page ' illustrates life as different beings
ee it. 4 " ' : : J ; ' .
And ?When will the stream be aweary of flowing under my eye? "
How Different, Human Beings Read Tennyson's KVerses That Are Printed
Under This Picture: The World Is Divided Into Two Classes the Weary and
the Happy. Those That Hope for Rest and Those That Would. Have the Stream
Flow on and the :Wihd Blow on Forever. . , '
stream flows on, hurrying:' The'woman, rep-".?11 tekc Wn,and hydrogen and -flght.oar way. back to-the-ocean of eternity are the forces of endless space, the gigantic
-. - . . . j- T j j t , witti an Jrrir xnarlr war waw And witW to which we belong. 1 , ' ' streams like our milky way. , . ,
resenting tired a. disappomtcd and hopeles , . . . x ' The 8tream that fioWS"at the -childV feet
aaks wearily, WHEN will the : wind be nitrogen, oxygen, and a few other materials, H W . can be crossed in a moment.
j avear cf lJTrin?' inl lies1 tiit tliQ enl i mail ' coull actuallj creatj sir fit to l)reatbLe v . A. - ; .V . , . , . The great stream of Suns stretching across
may come soon.- - y- ; .v., - ' ' - .v - . . When wiU the aweary of blowing? . the heavens is so vast that light traveling one
i Lt ' k-".4 " '". (, But.withall.eur taowledgcthere.ia thalWhen the 8treaffl'be awtaiy;o flowing? hundred, and eighty-six thousand miles in a
. The-little, girl,1 representing .happiness In within our. brains that responds to the mystery NEVER. . ' . , ' -r . . second takes scores of 'years, to- cross "that
uterasM eager y ynen w,tM stream 6e,fl Ae Mo btt(Ilnf and hl-. Fore'vtr;and;fovef; untold-' bUlions ' of . ,..'.
1 ,i .f, t,-.,:i ' years nence, tne ' streams npw anatney And-our own .Dnght sun, a million times
?J 1 I. " T 37yng- murmuring, ; blw-the Kttiewinds thaf-bend ' asibig as this earth, is an insignificant little
bubble that reflects and dissects the' sun's
light, as it dances along. . , ' '
, , -
- Everything on this earth, in this life and.
throughout the .universe IsMOTION, cease-y
less changing, .without - beginning, and never
to end. " - "
In . that thought those that are 'weary in
heart can find comfort, those filled with life's
happiness can find joy,
' Life and power, can never end. . The spirit
that is weary and broken need not despair. It
will find its way to the ocean of rest in time,
and again start on its journey of effort in
some part of this cosmos Jn which suns and
nebulae are the 'drops bfwater in an infinite
aweary of flowing?" and hopes, that .the rend
may never come.
1. !
The wind blowing; and the stream flowing
typify human life. 'Vv .
" ' i" S . . " .
Ane wina, mvisiDie, - is tnougnv .and we
, fighting its way back-to the ocean as we our- 0ur ;xfn, the feeble streams in;which children : bubble in the lactic ; stream, with a life
selves, hurrying, , murmuring and struggling, play; on this earth and, the gigantic winds1 that : brief,; comparatively, : as 'the 'life of the ti
REDMO AT---Ciintmuea; f romYthe .Fiwtl of-This Section only, b its power and its effect. . , Th mUfm iwomii k
The 1 stream ; flowino; is the body.-, comlne 1 Edward barair hd atrtd
from ' a source unknown and hurrying ', on , to SJJhoS?
its destiny, whiclt is to' be restored and lost iff "I ' ' i
- Mwltr naDnd Elthaai. and ruahed
the ocean,:, as our" bodies at the end are ' re-
stored ; and - Jost- In the uniterse whence they
came 1 " ' - k " , 4 " f ? ai
You may measure your ""power of imagina-, .r ,off en maas round th 'dg ot
tion and your "peace of mind by the effect that th treaa. ; , ,
thfcSe verses oroduce unon von'. . ' .' .. 'Xt wm dark ahoy th moat., but not
"Waltr, anappd Eltham, and ruabad
Indoor.. ' r i 1 , ,
ic moment latar h ni out gain, hla
aye gleaming madly." ,
'Above the h panted, And we
; - v v , 1 , o dark aa to prevent ouy eeelng a nar-
.".'ii'v).' "ijlappy are those to whom the blowing wind 1 oyr ladder of tbin . bamboo joint and
and the flowing stream are as beautiful music. "inwB haln by tW9 h,c,CB frora
.l aj 4 . , 4 , the top of the II foot wire fence. There
And. unhappy, .those who turn away In wcari- . . wa ,oun4, ;
,f ,nes's and vwisH -that it t were all ended. -He' outr cramd mauunw Down
) , ' n' w ",th atepaP V i,1."v'"
'-t. ('i."f' t.' . . . . '-W all ran our beat and awif teat Bui
' ' Luckily, for . men, the - blowing .wind , and mtham outran u.. ' Uk. fury! h tor
w flowing , stream j are as , mysterious today as t bolt and bar and like a fury aprang
' " they were .in" humanity's childhood.' "' - out. mto th road, straight and white
.We know that the water is made up of two ;howw th accuvitr py tn. ROMtn .
. .. . ... 1 l, win. But.po living thing moved upon
t gases, united, that it is compelled to flow be- it Th distant baying1 of th dog,wa
.cause of Its molecular construction and be- bom to our ear. ,.
cause of the law of gravitation.- , . " ' ni..
. . A. & ;.. Smith. Without him, a wH puraue a
We know the compounds that make. up the ahadowr . . , .-.u.w
V blowing wind. AVe know,that it is a mere gas ve A fw houra later th ahrubbery yield- y,
Crushing in'toMill the space' created by hot air. ,d- vv u lmpi enough ona'
that has risen ' ! . -w c"k "unk 10 a plt w,th taurel
Uiar nas risen. - T," ' hnib-cunningly affUed t It movabl
We KNOW all about the streams and the 11a. which wa further diBguiaed .with
tuft' of .gran. : A. . alender bamboo
Jointed rod lay hear th fence. It had
a hook on the, top' and wa evidently v
uaed for attaching the ladder. .. .
. ,It waa the end of thla, ladder which
r Mlaa EHharn w," aald; Smith, -aa- he
. trailed it behind htm Into th ' hrub
. bery. whn ah Interrupted him In her;.
. father room. , Ho . apd whomever he
had with' an doubtlleaa allpped In dur
; lng the daytime while Eltham was ab
aent In' London, brljif lng the prepared
oaak and 'all necessary Implement with
, htm. They concealed themaelfea some-wher-probabIy.
In' the ' shrubberyand
F during th night made th cache. The
excavated earth would be dlapoaed of on ;.
,1 the flower bed; i th dummy bush , they ;
; probably had ready. ' Tou sea, tb prob
lem of getting In was never a big one.
But owing to the -'defenses' It waa lm- '
poaalble (while El t ham waa In residence,'
at any rat) to get out after darkl For
Fu-ltanchu's purposes, then, a; working ;
baa tnsld Bedmoat was essential. His,
servant (or he needed assistance must
hav been In hiding somewhere outside; ',
heaven knows vhorel During th day,
they could 00m or go by, th gates, as"
wb have already noted." ,.., ',
Tou think It waa th doctor hlmaelTT
"TX seem potslblel - Who else has eyes
Ilk tha eyes Mis Bltham saw from th ,.
Window last nlghtr; ' ;'
J ffhar.jtminii.ju- XL th naturo of
f th f outrag whereby ru-Mnchu had.
, pianned ' to ' prevent ''Kltham' leaving -England
for: China. . Thla wedearnel
;, from Denby. For Denby wa not dead 1
.i! Xt ;was easy 1 to divine 1 that he had
. stumbled i upon the fiendish visitor at
. the very( entrance - to hla burrow; had
been '.stunned '(Judging from th evi
dence; with a. sandbag) and dragged
down Into the 'each,' to which, he must
have lata' in1 such dangerous proximity
, as . to render detection of th dummy
bush possible In removing, him. The .
quickest expedient then, had, been to
drag him' beneath. Whan tho ' search
. of the shrubbery waa concluded his body
L had been born to th edge of. th bushe
..and laid where we found If ,; v J-
' Why hi life Lad been spared X cannot
t conjecture, but provision had been mad,
against hja recovering consciousness and
: revealing', th secret of the, shrubbery. .
The ruse of releasing the mastiff alone .
had "terminated th visit of th unbidden -,
guest within Kedmoaf ; - 1 - ,
. Denby r mad a'vsry glow" recovery, "
5 and even when convalescent consciously ;
; added not: on fact to thoswe already ;
'collated, for th reason that his mem-
ory' had completely '.left him I , This, In :
'.my opinion, 4 a In those of th several
'specialists consulted. Was due, not to
th blow on' the head, but to tha Prcs- .
ZanolgUghUy below-and to th right of :
the first cervical curve of the spine, of
1 a minute punctore undoubtedly caused
by a bypodermlo syringe. , Thus, uncon- .
: sclously, poor Denby furnished the last
i link. In the chain; for undoubtedly by
means of this operation Fu-Manchu had
designed to efface from Eltham's mind
all plans of return to Ho-Nan. -. . .
Th nature of the fluid which could
produce iuch mental symptoms was a.
mystery . mystery which defied west
ern science; one of the many strange se? v
creta of Dr. Fu-Manchu." , - ' . "
j Ho-Nan Have abandoned vlalt
X underlined the.abov. which ap-
, peered In tha personal column of a dally
paper a few days after our sojourn In "-
Norfoik, and ; laid ; th Journal bealda -Bmlfh"
plate on the breakfast table, v : '
- "I am glad for Eltham's sake and for
the girl's," was' his Comment "But It
marks another .victory for Fu-Manchu I 1
Just heaven! , why. Is . retribution e-i
layedl-, ,.' f; j j
Another fnaldlous murder plot . of the ..
terrible Chines Doctor Fu-Manchu Is
described In Th. Green Mist.- which
wlll'b published next Sunday. Thl
th fourth of 'the series,, has to do with
a deadly green vapor that mysteriously;
enters the house of Elr Lionel Barton, s
noted Tibetan explorer. Nayland Smith
again goes out on tho" trail,
The trouble .with many, of usjs that our
eyes do not see the flowing stream, our cheeks
; do not feel the blowing winds, our spiritual
eyes are blind to that vast stream of light and
power that flows across thesky at-night, and
our spirits insensible to that strong wind, the
everlasting breath of Divine justice and law.
Our1 bodies are cooped up in hideous cities,
away from the streams and the wind ' of the
bending forest. 1
j ' ' - ' , f J
' And our spirits' are cooped up" in ' narrow '
minds that never' see the majestic beauty and 1
endless power, of the. outside universe. , "
' " " ' 1 & it tit" 1 ' "
Never will the stream - be aweary i of flow
ing, and never the wind aweary of blowing.
You are a drop in that, stream of life that is
to flow "on forever, and the ' thought within
you is ' a part of that eternal thought, : the "
breath of an infinite immortal universe that
shall never cease. '
Let -those that' are young and full of hope
rejoice that they, begin life . in a beautiful
world i in which the Streams flow- and the
winds blow." "'"'.' , "
r And let the weary take heart, knowing that
the 'infinite' life; will 'restore to them youth,
happiness, forgetfulness of sorrow and give
to ithem , again .'ithe joyful spirit to face the
blowing; wind. and . rejoice in the flowing
stream, ;as does 'the happy ? spirit in this
picture. : t ' . - 4 .
, 1 Everything is hope, life, change eterml,
motion vwithout end, space that is fnfimtc,
time that never began and will always endure,
and law unchangeably just.
And wonderfullcr, in this p-rT -t.
is the earth our inL!"!it2"-
race, 1 2 v.orthy cf it.