The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 50, Image 50

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(Continued from -Page. ..five)
VanNatta, Miss Lllila "VanNatta, Ed
Brown, Mr. and Mrs.; Wilson, .Harold
'Wilton, Clarence Wilson,' Irene -Wilson,
Kenneth Wilton, Mrs. O. ,S. Richardson,
Miss Lillian Richardson, ; Miss . Sadla
," Richardson. Miss Lucile - Richardson,
. Miss Francis Roberts, and H. F. Sbroe-
er, , v t,t. '.,;'. vy-V,.';;(- .-of .-iv
Mrs. J. nurnham. assisted by Mr
Clauds wifht, entertained on Saturday
arternoon at ner oeautirui noma sn.r
tyxrov street Five hundred was played
during the afternoon and honors fell to
Mrs. J. Whitney, Miss B.,Reed. , A de
lightful luncheon Was served,-tils color
r--hem being carried out In green ana
whits.'. The Invited guests .wert Mrs.
J. Lleher, Mil B. Reed, Mrs. X, Lighter,
. Miss U Battellc, Miss OrchHd, Miss &
Vanianaigham, Mrs. D. Bingham, Miss
Mclntrye, lilts U, Kelly. Mrs. K. Wil
liam t. Miss O. Orth. Miss E. Grlebel,
Miss E. Ries, Miss M. frown, Mia
; Donahue. Miss Batalle, Miss F. Harris,
Miss a. Harris, Mrs. Gitn,
ttaftlyenoh club at their meeting Mon
day night sleeted the following officers
w. K. sister, president; B. o, Kirkiana,
. aecrettry; 'George ' c. Denholm, treat
urer. The club will hold their sixth an
nual party In Chris tensen's hall Friday.
December 12. Club members are! Oeorg
C Denholm, Stanley O. Klrkland, W, K.
stater, jrrea u. jonnson, ., wuuam t
Lightner. Carl Rose ngrsen. Boy Kntler,
: Harold Wilson. , ' I.- -;".;,:
'. ----: .; .-. v "" Jf. - .A'.vva;.;;
.Mr. and Mrs. George U Baker eels
, brated their twenty-fifth annlvtrttry at
their horns near Sherwood, Or., on Sun
day, October is, ii8. The horns waa
beautifully ' decorated with ' autumn
leaves and flowers. Many beautiful lifts
. were received. A bounteous dinner wa
aerved f .1 v - : '-.'. '. -;V.' ;
' Those present were Mr. and Mrs. t-
wltt Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. JL O. Ott,
Reginald Ott jr., Mr. and Mr, w, w.
, Webster Walter Wstr,Jr., .Raymond
Webster. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Atterbury,
Calvin 'Atterbury, Lillian Baker and Bv
Baker of Portland, Oft, Mr. M. E. Attr.
bury Georg Atterbury, Mr, van wihkie
' of Barlow, Or. Mr. arid Mrs. J. N. At
terbury of ' Laurel,' Or Hobart Ba
ker of fcewbsrg. Of., Mrs. K, DoJge.
MIM Kate Dodge, James Dodge, Mr. and
Mrs; a Lebeau, Miss Flora Lebeau, Mlts
' Lisle Lebeau, Dav Lebeau, Mr. and Mra.
a P. tfruger, Mrs. Albert Krugsr, Mis
. Alma ICruger, Mis Listl Krugsr, Mr,
nd Mrs. oeorxe L. Baker. Angus Baker,
Leonard Baker, Miss cathryn Baker ana
Victor Baker of Sherwood, or.
Oh Friday evening of last ' week at
their pleasant horn at the comer of Pa
cifle avenue end Fifth street, Dr. and
. Mra -'William Pollock of Forest Grove
delightfully entertained some 16 guests
In honor of MM and - Mrs. William
Biltsch who hva 3ust moved to Port
Jand. s Tha home was beautifully1 oeoo
. fated With autumn leaves for the ooca
" : sion. The table In th dining room car
rled a centerpiece of fruit, festooned
J with th pretty leaves or fait The re-
f freshments were delicious and most
tastily arranged by tbe hostsss. Ths
hours were passed at 800' and the
- evening throughout was. most anjoy
' able. The lady'a prise went to Mra,
Chownlng . and the x gentlemafl't to Mr.
v JMr. and Mrs. J. K. Currier oslsbratsd
their -fifteenth wedding anniversary at
their - home, 100s Eatt Twenty-fifth
street north, Saturday svsning, October
11. Tha evening- .was pleasantly spent
with Cards and music, Miss Bessie Wal
ton presiding at the piano. Mr. and
Mra Currier war tha - recipients of
, many beautiful presents. The pome wag
artistically decorated with streamers,
, , ferns and flowers. t A dainty luncheon
was served. . Thosa prsssnt .were: Mr,
and Mra. " E. . Sharkey, Mr. and Mra
: J. Wempe. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ham,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Andrews, Mr. and
Mrs. A. R. Currier, Mr. and Mra. O. H.
Wlrts, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Robnett, Mr.
, and Mrs. Bud Hastings, Mrs. Fred
. SUvematl, Mrs, Oeorga Goodwin. Mrs.
A. Fearing, Mrs. J. G. Schmidt, Miss
, Bessie Walton, Miss Cole, Miss Emma
Fanning, Mlts Helen Currier, Mlsa
Bsulan Currier, John ' M. A. Laue,
Thomas Banfield, Edward Fearing aad
Taut Hastings. - ' ,
Mr. and Mrs. T. V, Condon entertained
- at their home, tOS Richmond Street, St
' Johns, October I. a number of friends
'in honor Of Mr. Condon's birthday. The
'evening was enjoyed with rauslo and
.five hundred.? First honors wars won
by Mrs. Cochran, with Mra,, Tracy see
nd, 'Later tU repaired, to tha dining
room, where a delicious lunch was
served. Mr, Condon received a number
of presents. Among them were several
SeauUtful steins to add to the large
collection he already has. Those. pres
' ent wera: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Worth
ing, Mr. and Mra P. N. Cochran, Mr. and
' Mra H. Windle, Mr. and Mra; C. Krugsr,
' Piffles
Stop. ;
Quick Relief Is What Yon Want and
: Pyramid File llemedy la What -'-t
' I'oa ShonM Uae. . , ' . '
We want your name If you suffer
from any farm of piles, No mstter what
you have tried you ows yourself at leaat
some relief from pain, ' Just let us give
you this relief.
enraa'u gsn Lra Tkla if YsVvm
ryrs-ai rue Beasedy
Ko words sra necessary. . Wa do not
need to make claims. Just send to Pyr
amid Drug Co.. ess Pyramid Bldg., Mar
shall, Mich., today for a free trial pack
age of pyramid Pile Remedy, or If you
prefer, go to your druggist and buy a
Don't despair.- Don't undergo an opera
t ion. Basentible and tsks hope. Do what
thousands of others have done. . Pysmid
I'll Remedy reduces all Inflammation,
stops Itching, bleeding, sores,. Ulcers,
i on nation snd all plls trouble,
l or aale at all drug stores, pries 60c.
Mr.t and. Mrs. Pray; Mra W. 3. Royss,
Mrs.JL Hamilton. Miss. Q. Ketchem,
Mrs. t. Cochran, Bumldge, Minn.'. P. ft
Wesna, M. Miller, Mra A. Worthing. H.
A, Harris, Mra A. Krueger, O. Krueger,
'J-.' jv.-'-.v?;. '''",' .. A .
, Mra H.' 8. Adams entertained Inform
ally at lunch on Wednesday at her home
in Ros City ' Park, her guests being
Mra Zimmerman, Mrs.. Trimble. Mrs.
McGsrry,' Mra,' Merrick, Mrs. - liohten
Mrs. ' George C Snider of lit ttast
Stark street, and her sister, Mra D. p.
thphard of 425 East Ellsworth street,
gate a dinner Sunday evening and again
on Wednesday evening in honor of their
mother, Mrs. L. Granstrom, and Miss
Roma La Vera Orsnstrom. who will
leave Friday evening for their future
home in Eureka, Ca!., after attending
tn wsooing or Mra aranstrom s daugh
ter, Hilda, to U A. Hoyt last Tuesday
evening. Mrv Granstrom ts been In
cauiornl slncb June,, a -c ' ; v
! Mra. Wlllianf wsviand entertained a
few -members of the Prtacllia ; Needle
club at her noma, 411 Benton strast,
xuesaay aiiernoon, Mra. Dr. fat J.
Davis sang very sweetly. Places were
iaio tor rive others, present were: Mra.
Eienor Hill. Mrs. Lauls Sedgsst, Mra
retsr far a. :- - " -.'.'.',. ;. ,
Mr. and Mra Lester . Long enter
Uined delightfully Utt evening with
four tables of Five Hundred to cele
brate their first wedding anniversary
Mlsa Margaret Sutherland snd Stanley
K. norenson wan tne 1 1 ret prises and
Mra ft R. Zehntbauer and R. C. Long
won second prlsea ! Those prsssnt worst
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Ockwjg, Mr. and
Mrs. C, R. Zehntbauer, Mr. and Mrs.
Hood,: Mr. and Mra R, C, Long. Mist
Margaret euthsriand. Mlsa Nettle Fish.
er. Miss Maria Hewitt, Miss Florence
Gambell, Walter Johnson. Stanley R
norenson ana sernard MCKain,,
: .Friday svnlng. October IT. a nleas
ant surprise was aiven to o. P. Barrv
or- r. uarry, tne occasion being Mr,
uarry-a ; oirtnoay. Tha evening ; was
passed playing "fiOe. Card honors fell
to Mrs. r. a. Patrick, O. P. Barry and
Air. ana Mra. sanderoock. . Later in
th svenlng a dainty lunch wsa served.
xne taoie was artistically arranged with
flowers aad ferna. Mr. Barry was as
sistea by - Mra o. K ; Campbell. Tne
guetU included: Mr. and Mrs. CW.
Campbell, Mr, and Mrs H. W. Mathlson,
r. inn an, . u, uampDeii, Mr. and
Mrs. . A. Patrick. Mr. and Mra. O. o.
Campbell, Mr. and Mra T. L. Sandercock.
Hrs, n. at. vampoeii, miss stnei Camp
diu Master Tom Bandsrcock and Mr.
ana Mra a. p. Banx
Delightful was the first danc for this
season given by tte Blackston club
Friday evening in: the ball room of the
Hotel Multnomah. DecoraUone were ar
ranged wiU autumn leaves, their golden
hues of yellow and with Oregon grape
for th tinge of green, representing the
university colors. Patronssses for ths
occasion, were Mrs. C. ' tT. Oantenbsin,
Mra Waltsr H. Evans, Mrs. A. a Cook.
Mrs. c. 8. McDuffee, and they were as
sisted .by a commute composed of
Messrs. G. W. HohlL Lerov M. MoDuf-
fee, C. M. Hodgea, ft.."W, CabtU and
Louis Mills. .
About 160 couples were nressnt: Mr.
and MraJ. W.Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs.
waiter oiuara. Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Hohlt, Mr. and Mrs. B. B, Buchan, Mr.
and Mra. Sohroeder, C. C Byars, Miss
Helen Hicks, E. X. Ware, Mlsa May Hoff.
man, Dr. L. M. Bolra, Miss B. Hyds, B.
O. Swyer; Mis OIlvs Spiled, Mr. Dunlin,
Miss Hochser, Donna Guiss, Miss Kldon '
Nelton, W., H. Barton, Mis Louis
Chalmers, ' Alva R. Preatoa, Miss Mary
Fltapatrtck, K. Brown, s Misa M, L.
zonito, M. B. Klnoald, Mlsa Hoillngs
worth, 3B Crouse, Miss Jervla Fleming,
J. A Beokmsa, Mis Colpttts. Will H.
HsnkeU Miss Brennsn. L. L. Krause.
Mhis Georgia Simmer. R. Emerson, Miss
L. M. Vllleneue, Harry Truebiood, Miss
Haser Rustell, Thomas A. Steele, Miss
Kathleen Banolt, D, W.'Mahoney, Mlsa
Zelma Paf f, J. R. MahonSy. Mlts Beth
Stennet, S. M. Boone, Mia L. ClaudMl
tsr, J. W. WUlet, Miss M. Welsh, p. 8,
Brown, Miss Marl Botch, W. H. Dunlap,
Mlts Carrie Degermank, Miss Kathrlne
Smith. Mlsa E. S. Smith. Miss Genevieve
Coffee. Mitt Viola Held, Mis Evelyn
Hatcher. Miss sarlten Smith, Miss Be
atrice T. Slater, Miss B. Wsldt. Miss
Iron Conant, Miss C. Larson, Misa M.
SenseL Miss Kathrlne Shea, Miss Anna
Munley, Miss Pauline Jacobean. Mlsa
Phlla McDuffee. Mis Zllphia Harper,
Miss Marion Kane, Miss L. Donavan,
Mlts Irene Rodda, Mlaa Nettle Rankin,
Mlsa HassI Fitswatar. llss Marguerite
Dillon. Miss Mildred Pawley, Miss Helen
Adams, H. Henksl, H. W. Berg, Ralph
F. , Read, William W, . Dean,. George
Pawley, J. 1 Faary; Roy K. Hatfield, 8.
& Whitman, N. C. Moore, George Malm
atedt, H. D.. Huron,. M. R. 'Cox,- R. P.
HolUster, Frank Rear don,. Albert Egan,
Robert Lints; S. W. Raker; V. E. Sloan,
Edwin Wagstetf, Ntlcon Armour, W. J,
HetteL K. Anderson, Donna Rodda, Ber
nard McDonald. George Shaffer, Don
Graham, Emmet ' ,- Gllllsple, Wendell
Cleveland. Loula V. Lundberg, Raymond
Slngletary." Walter " MoOulrk, Cheater
CapUnser, Louis Steeck, X. Coaton.
TAat SatUrdav. October 11. MlSs JSS-
sle Bochtol ntrtalned Informally at
card for th pleaaur : of her. house
guest, Mlts Laura Smith of Avoca.
Iowa. Autumn leave and chrysanthe
mums formed th attracUv decorations
of the room. Miss Bettl Schmersr and
Mlsa Marloris Martin won tha highest
honor at cards. Those present. wars
th Misses Laura Smith, Marjoris Mar
tin, Battle Schmerer, Olga Hendrlckson,
Frtnooa Wtlclv Harriet Tarwood, Vlrai
Shields, Anns Hodecker,. Ruth Carlson,
Emmella Roblson, Lenora Younger,
Grac Bschtol and Mra Jack O DonnelL
' Mra, C.'- M. Olten : of - 777 Marshall
street entertained - the Rainbow Five
Hundred club Thursday afternoon. Card
honor fell to Mrs. H. Sehroeder and
Mrs. Welle. Members entertained by
Mrs. Olsen wera Mrs. H. Sehroeder, Mra
Well . Mra Brown. Mrs. Fred Llnd. Mra
M. Graf. Mra. A. Hagnsr, Mrs, F. Barth,
Mrs. Broddls, Mra H. Lowtts, Mrs., a.
Pauts and . Mra.- - HabekosL : Wti
Mrs. Vador Darling' -Ann Hagnor)
and Mlsa Bertba Llnd were guests of
the dub. A dainty repast waa enjoyed.
An attractlv luncheon waa presided
over by Miss Genevieve Strickland at
her home, 139 Eugene street.: Saturday,
October 4, in honor of Miss Emily Web
ster, whoss wedding to Robert w. Pick
ard will be an event of thl month.
Th bout was beautifully decorated
for the occasion. The entire lower floor
wa a veritable bower of autumn leaves.
Oregon grape and ferns. In ths dining
room festoon of ribbon In th autumn
shades - bung from tha : chandelier . to
the table, which waa artistically set
with basket of red and ysllow flowers
and the favor were tiny baskets set
on autumn leaves. i - -
Miss Strickland's guests, beside ths
bride elect. Miss Emily Webster, were
the Misses Helen Mathew, Helen CNell,
Violet Johnson, France Soden, Dorothy
Durfey and Miss Nell! Parker, , a late
arrival from -Seattle, and "Mrs. C. T.
Potter, m sitter of th hostsss. . - :.v .
!'.. i ' . m i. .... , ,.. yV ,'''
Th postal Clerks' association and ths
Postal Telesrach . Clerks' association.
both of England, have recently become
amalgamated, with a total membership
of 11,600,"., "... . . . , ; - . -
Royalty Takes Flight to North
Following Wednesday'!-,
Brilliant Wedding.'
London,- Oct. ; 18. Society has' again
taken flight to ths north for th rest
Of ths autumn season.' Th wedding of
Alexandria, Duchess of Fife and Prince
Arthur of Connaught, whloh occurred
here Wednesday in ths presence of the
king and queen and a large gathering
of lesser royalties, brought to town a
large delegation usually absent at this
time of th year. , Th. wedding over,
they returned to the country until the
regular winter season - calls them to
tao city. - ' - .
King George and Queen Mary came to
Buckingham Palace from Balmoral for
the wedding, which waa ths first one
In British royal circles since June 13,
1905, when Princess Margaret of ! Con
naught was married ' to the Crowr
Prince of Sweden In Si. George's chap
el, Windsor. - .
" Ths bride's dress wits of whits Char,
mouse with pearl embroidered panel
In front of ths skirt and a little rounded
train at the back, Th bodice was r.t
Brussels net sewed with pearia and dia
monds and a folded, belt of eharmeuee
fastened slightly st th left side with
a bouquet of white heather and orange
blossom. Her court train ' was fast,
ened at the left shoulder with a hug
butterfly of pearls. These gem and the
diamonds were sewed on the net used
In combination with Brussels applique
laoe draping that train and terminated
In a true lover's knot at ths foot. The
veil of Brunei lacs waa held in plact
by a wreath of orange blossoms. ',
The traveling dress wat of soft array
charmtuse trimmed with velvet of the
same color and ay dove gray y velvet
I AsssrMBsraaa-nWWl
Ths young people of St Mary's parish
are planning a Halloween party Thurs
day evening, October So, at Columbus
olub hall. Beside dancing a novel prd
gratn la being, prepared.;: -v'U;. &'.
The Hl-Tu-Hl-Aa will hold a marsh
mallow roatt today, .on : the north
bank of the Willamette :. rlvtr. , just
west of th St. Johns ferry landing. They
will take United Railway train No. tl.
leaving at 1:10 p.. m. : from the Clark
hotel, obrnsr of Tenth and Stark streets,
to Whltwood Court, thsncs on the ferry
to St Johhs, , Marshmallow. frult ato.,
will be furnlthed by participants, and a
good time it assured for all. A scouting
party wnt over- the ; ! new" boulevard
around Msrquam "hill last Sunday to
Fulton Park, and found It to be a very
enjoyable walk. It ha been decided to
take thl etroll Sunday, 'October St,
meeting at Hamilton and Corbett streets,
the terminal of the "8" ear at 2:80 p. m.
A cordial invitation to all friends to
partlclpats in thea enjoyable Sunday
afternoon trolls. Phon Miss A. Isom,
A-6m,''-or'Mra,:,H.l L, :,G
for lntormaMon,..;,,.- . .rmxk '
The H. R. 8. girls ar planning tu
entertain their friends at an Informal
Halloween .Dancing party to be given
In Green's hall, Friday evening, - Octo
ber 11. The 1 committee i in charge!
Frances ' Bchmetler, Margaret Donner.
berg, Hannah Donnerberg, Mary Clancy,
Maude 1 Llttlejohne, Frances Seating,
Nina Leader. , , ., , - f
Mr. and .Mra
H. E. Coovert Hrlll eh
tertaln th members of th Portia, olub
and their husbands at their home, 821
Johnson street, Monday, evening, October
,-Vr'. :;?;' f.ii'-'f,.: v-a
- The 'McLoughlin club will entertain
with an opening party at Chriatenssn's
hall, Titursday, October 23, at 1:80 p. m,
The patronesses will be .Mrs. J. O'Hare,
Mr. W, A. Elvers, Mrs. T. F. Meagher
and Mr. P. J. smyth. The committee 1st
'--':", ,-v;.-','4.';;''.-,,-.'-:,:.:-''-:.;-:'-'rfs - . . - h V -
Princess Alexandra, of Fife and Prince Arthur of Connaught, who were
T. A.' Meaaher. Joseoh ' 3. 'Kurley, . Wil
liam R. Bmyth, George S. Driacoli, Jtay
ji Toomey, ja. ii. savers.. i .-'-.-; .,.",-
; Th Portland Parent-Teacher' aasocla
tlona wlir join in tendering a reception
tomorrow evening to. the public school
teachers of the city at the Oregon hotel.
Mra. F. B. Myers, head of th Portland
Council, and the president of ths SS or
mors - circles, wfii act as a reception
committee. Betides the. 10a 'teachers,
an invitation is extended to all parent
and others Interested In th chools and
tb children. i-'; r?-''.Vfe
V''-i!-if'S':i;i.,:v--w'; ;'y.t' '''i'--;
: Mrs. Bert Marshall jJenlson, has cards
out for : two large bridge parties this
wsek, i Tuesday ;.; and , Wednesday, ?:
"The SsteliltefcuJb . !a will 'gtv
its opening dancing party In the Masonic
Temple Thursday evening, . October 28.
Th committee in charge is Alio John
son. - Emma Tonnoehlen, Alma ' Jackson,
Frances Hurlburt. Lenora . Sinks, Rox-
anna Wommekdorf, Mams Newton, Rod
ney .Hurlburt, Edwin MInar, ' Ralph
Schomp and Russell Shepherd. ; The jpat
ronesies will be Mra. A, O. feihks, Mr.
KvL, Lerch. Mra. John A.vWhitten and
Mra.' A, F. Hersnner. . ,e?;, ;,vy
-. Tha committee In charg of th " an
nual military ball of Company B, whlott
will be given at th Armory ball, Tenth
and Couch streets, on Thursday even-
in. Novembers 30, . expects . to .max
this a popular affair. .Th patronessss
are Mr. w, & Flnsen Mr.j L, o, Bow
man, Mra M.v-Crisor,r.;Mra.'i.,j';A.
Porter and Mr. A. F. Bllev;.'i-if
The Llneoln-rW leld Thimble, ; club
was very pleasantly entertained by Mrs.
Lombard at her home. East Forty-fourth
and Madison streets, On Tuesday. Those
at luncheon wera Mesdanaes . Lombard,
Browncll, r Williams, Suvene, Brown,
Babrlng. Devlin, McKennett,- Clalrmont
Col vln, Brooks, Young and Hathorn. The
next 'meeting of th club will occur
Tuesday, October 21, at th home of
Mra McKennett, 12 East Twenty-ninth
street north.. Take Laurelhurst car. "
RotsCity camp No. C4s, M. .W. of
Am will entertain their friends on wa
nesday evening, October 2 2k at th K.
CP iTjT.injn'rji')..i'kifi'iii'iiiii ii i ni i-v -! -tiiSirrff
- -h.
). 1 t -
r ; ) is
last week. . . - . f";- m
of P. hall,' Eleventh and' Aicfer streets,
st; their monthly dancing party. The
degree team has charge of all arrange
ments, and .will also ae as 'floor com
mutes and serve the punch. All friends
are cordially invited.
The Orphl'a Club 'held' Its first meet
ing of the season at th home of Mrs.
Maud Lauden Klos, 894;- Multnomah
street, last Friend afternoon. The room
were beautifully decorated with flag
and potted plant. " After greetings, the
meeting - was called to order and tne
following 1 officers chosen r a Presldsnt,
Francis Sylvester:' treasurer1 and store
tarv Mar Llttlefield: pre reporter.
Jttelen :'-Lamar."-:s;i The ;-club";.mets - every
two week, v Rerresnments were tervea
In the dining room, and very plea-ant
hour spent .- Thot ipresent were: Mes
dames Maud Lauden Klos, Mary Little
field, Grace Hunter, Anna kinssy, Fran.
ls Anderson, Anna Baker, Helen Lamar,
Martha' Spsncer, Thrsa Muns. Mr.
Youngs France' Sylvester n4 Hannah,
"Tha young people of Bdnnl Sote Cas
tle Wo.' 818, The Royal' HJfrhlandert, gave
their opening dancing -party of the see
ton at W. O. W. hall, 188 Eleventh
street. Monday evening, October 18. The
attends nee " was larger rthtft arty pre
vious' entertainment, and a very enjoy
able time was bad. The committee hav
Ing chargevare highly elated at ths sue
cess of their venture. .The second of th
eerie will b given on'.Monday evening,
November '0i ?;. &
.lij.rvu"':!!"-' if.'-: f :-i h h wtfci
Eureka . council, No. 284, Knight and
Ladies of Security, held; an interesting
session Monday evening., at ' thtlr hall,
East Sixth and Alder street. Blxteed
applications were received for member
ship. and 18 candidates, were initiated.
An interesting paper waa read by PretL
dent D. ik'Povey, 'A' few remarks wr
made by L'd Shellenberger, statesman
.grV;Y;!i --!M:tV-':tfi':v'i p -i ;:! ';'
Monday evening, ' October to.i Eureka
council will 'hold its ppen meeting. ; En.
tertalnment for the evening will con
slst - of a short progrsm, csrfa and
dtnclng. -.-yMyy y'-' f.-- ";'.
,., ,:. . r '."v.""-"-""'" : '.''4'fj''fr:r v1"
' - Sumner Relief ?orps No. 11 held a
thimble p"arty at the' home of Mrs. Cors
MoBride, 881 " Wasoo -f street, 'Thursday,
October ,18, at which.' 88 members were
present Active preparations are' going
forward for. the annual supper and ha.
jMar.i toi ba. (ivenu some ' tlm in No-
V---', --'r;'f, V'i;r --..'.,-; '''.''-'''i1';-"!;-'- ' K '',
l limchtoa v, ..
s, aided hv '-v-Urons,
and -n.
, onjoye.l, lhere
McUowan, tr.
llpe, 8outh, Oll
1'ierce,. Z,.ihnpr,
"swell, Purntt,
Si'i'Vf f !
ernl i.f f I
nil t
were i i
fput, .
hn, liii
Uroi k,
y t:
Jl'ir, T ifi
Peal., fhnk,
...n, .'K:i-ard,
uldinf, ' 1
Tom)lm-(,n, 1
Kelli1 '. Vh i
l -
k ' .'-''.
ir. . P., No.
( 1 Bt tlie home of I.
75 East Seventh str
Gordon f! : .-.
will be entnUi'
C. E. Covev, 12
North, Friday, C
lit fiber 24, tiom 2 nnl
! Inween" ) ;ulv. tm
with a "All I?
corps are r
Woodlaw n t - :
:!y in H f
i gnt ol t 1. 1.
m r:::.i:
j, . "!'. ( cC t ;tki,
t t-i hninn of Jlr.
, . ,,1,,,-r, 638 l.,it Elxty
: r, CouKlln waa formerly
a lumbru ...i.i In but ha de
cided; to mwho l future home In
Oregon,' ' - ' -: '
-Mr. June L. Valiant and Mrs. D. D.
MoOiillvary left latt evening for Seat
tle, Wash., to attend th stats conven
tion being held in that city by ths Royal
Neis:ibors of Amerloa ' ."' '
Mrs.". William L.. Morgan and Mitt
Lillian Morgan ! are . spending Portoja
week. in 8an Franciseo. .:. i ' t
-.Miss- Vivian f Bahlstrom htt as her
house guest Miss Jennett Matthews of
southerit- Oregon.; Miss Bahlstrom will
bs hostess at a number of luncheons,
theatre and aut partita in honor of her
gUeaWv , ,'v ..! i -:v ?' ;.,v,'
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mtllch of 1131
East Thirty-first street north departed
Baturday for Hot' Springs, Ark., to b
gone until April. yE. B. Hubbard accom
nanled them..'-'",.. '.-.i.'' . t "
Mis Gladys St."; Thome left on Sat
urday for Seattle, whsre ha will be th
guest Of ner sister, Mrs. xeaeric iv.
Bowen. Befora-L returning, , Miss - St
"Masbn' writes: "Tor year I hav
beta taking medicine to cure constipa
tion, liver trouble and the usual disease
that come from that source. Headaches,
sallow skin, kidney trouble, dark spots
before my eye, dlixy pell snd twinges
of rheumatism ere getting. worse, y;
Answsr: Take three grain snlpherb
tablets (not aulphur). They are packed
in sealed tubes with directions and ar
convenient, effective and highly cura
tive for such ailments a arise from
chronlo conetipatton.i It. you ar dys
peptic. alf.,tk (ablet.. triopeptina,
'W'Ditlnimei.'pi 'nrlne
tfkn"b Tonrrolied by uslne. the fdllow-
. . HSwiM .Wtri 1 . ditaitt ..
lfflT IfaUVUrfj ui vuu-jv -a uiani tiv
MaH,a,tls lsatns sTiMsl Altrnn
IUI 3 THUS wiiat-avavt aa t apm wu-vt
fluidvrbalmwort t ot. ; Olvo from 10 to
16 drop in water one hour before meal.
"OMA wr writes: nave, suiiersa
With catarrh of - ths 1 heed i fqr A roany
year. Thla has become so bad that it
has affected ray" blood, also my stom
ach and bowel to a !vry great xtent.
I shall appreciate an immediate antwtr
a I Buffer greatly."-. v.--,' ,- ,.;,"':'
Answer: I would advise you to pur
chase a 2 ot. package Of . Vilan powder;
take on-half leaspoonful of ths powder,
snd add to this a pint Aof warm water,
snuff tire water from th palm ,of the
hand through the nostril several time
a day. Mak a catarrh balm by mixing
one i teaspoonful of powder, with one
ounce of vaseline, or lard will do, and
spply as far up the nostril as possible.
For the stomach, bowels and blood, I
would recommend the . following - tonic:
Bvrup esrssparllla com p., 4 ota, cpmp.
fluid belmwort; l ot, nd I oa of fluid
ext. buohu. Mix by shaking, well In a
bottle .and take one teaspoonful after
esch meal and at bed time.
( , ..
"Gloria'' wrlteas "I would like you to
prescribe good hair and. scalp treat
ment. I tm bothered with itching scalp
and i Wdrutt.-' My hair la faded and falf.
Ing and non Of th remdr I hav
trfed hav done any permanent good." ,'
Answer: - Oo to your druggist and ob
tain 4 os. Jar of plain yellew Minyel.
AddIv as per directions. This treatment
differ from all and I have actually n
the astonishing tranaformations which
result xrom us 4 iJiV vl
itching are conquered With two . or three
SDDUCatlons, wnue
glossy, Wavy and fun
1 bt intense natural
- Ms-..a.i. m.!. "t-akrfnev e)A mif its
trtm thlnnI am freapently ember
rassea y uienw-i ,.... i
people. Can you pretcrib a af rmedy
to Increase; my lght?'r ,v t.--'-'
Anwr: I have so many gratifying
reports from the users of three grain
HvDO-Nuclane tablets. that I pave- be
oom to rtsard thess valuabls littl tab
1st a a speclflo.andrsacrlb them to
all twhe i ar kenemlc. thin, ' wasting.
' ; . p ' '
a. f TT
Kan . i -and
. -. .1.
fourth i. i.
v i
Five Big Volumes $198
i i
You. Can't Duplicate th Offer at the Price"
V V" own nxk oowoar" 'iT,r V ;
Xhel-Or eg oiv Journal
'T-:-:-Tt)A3Vt'. COUPON WT-M
Oregon Journal thi
,,1, WM(VU, u.wotv".vv
barr to on (iv-volum
unr pro u atv w) vln) v
t?.' stvuo '-MsisV iamswi jottbsax, poxtlakd. oa.
hs Sets ars too bulky to bs sent by maU, knt out-of-town readtr oaa
hav latin, for th fl.S8, th tt to b nt by sxpttts, ablpping chsrgtg
to be paid by the relvr. . ' i j. '
'h.,.. .t v ;i v .t in .. , .. x
1 ' i i 'i-1.
j ,r, 1 -iv l-ip'!i.'p uni iiiuglter,
?"it.d i.Iui 1 1- letchcT if tmk!.tnl. Cat
us riOTt i In the city at the home, c
Uu ir touu.ns, !M.r. anU Xiir. T. M.
Mr. and Mr. ''David' -Shion end
children are here from Minn v .",
Minn., visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. '
tin of 1068 East Twenty-seventh ,
novtli.' '' ' . . ,. " " '' '
..i am
Instant Relief with a Snail trial
bottle of Did :TT'T1':
i stop "dosing" Rheumatism-
It'a pain only; not on cats In fifty
requires internsl treatment Rub sooth
ing, . pecetrating 'St. Jacobs Oil" right
on. the 'tender spot," and by th tim
you say Jack Robinson out come tht
rneumatio psirt and distress. . "St. Ja
cob oil"' conquers pain. It la a barm
lea local rheumatism cure whloh never
disappoints and doesn't , burn or die- -color
the skin. . It takes pain, ' sore- ,
ness and stiffness from aching joints,
muscles and . bones; stop aciatlca,
lumbago,' backache, neuralgia and re
duces swelling. . "
LimbeC upl Get a small trial bottle
of old-time, honest "8t Jacobs Oil"
from any drug Store, and in a moment
you 11' b free . from. ' pains, ache and
- it'..
" '. 1 f nnr'inie .
PnrV : I ' : ' i,u,r lldZ' l I '
Ths questions - answered below ar
general in character; the symptom or
dUeasea are given and the answer
hould apply to any case of similar na
ture. ' .,' '...
Those wishing further advice, free,
may address Dr. . Lewi Baker,' College
Building, College-EIlwood streets. Day
ton,. Ohio, enclosing self-addressed,
stamped envelope for reply. Full name
and address must be given, but only
Initials or fictitious nam will be used
in my answers. Th prescriptions can,
b filled at any well stocked drug etors.
Any druggist can order of wholesaler.
nervous and debilitated. I recommend '
that you begin their us at once and
continue regularly until your ytem is
able to assimilate th fatty elements of
your food; then tou will grow -plump
and hav plenty of red blood, with color '
In your complexion, i bright and . spark
ling eyes of healthy y.;.Vi (
lck'ldVb. writ: '"I nave' been f- .
f acted for some month with rheuma
tism and hav taken much medicln In
vain. Fleaaa give prescription that Will .
our." . v ' , ?.sy,',;::W..--. vvs -j.y-'
Answers The most fficlent-prescription
I hav ever given for rheumatism
is: Iodide of potssstum 2 drams, so
dium salicylate, 4 drams; win of col-,
chicum, ounce: comp. essence-csr-diol,
1 oa; comp, fluid balmwort, 1 os.s
nd syrup sarsaparllla oomp ota
Mix and tak a teaspoonful at meal time
and at bedtime.' . .. . .".,,.;.
,4 ' .... -".':. .- .-'-:,. . -
'Farmwlfe" write:- Tou once. rec
ommended a home-mad cough syrup. I -tried
It and found it th best cough and
oold syrup that I ever heard; of.' 'it wss :
sd prompt in relieving the everest
eoughs and colds, snd a Pint bottls mads ;
at horns lasted so long that 1 have for
gotten the ingredients. Kindly publish
again." . . . k
. Answer: The splendid lsxtlvs i bome
mads cough syrup is mads by mixing a
2V os.. bottle of concentrated, essence
menthofaxene with a home-mad sugar
syrup. Direction on th bottle tell bow
to make and us. It la a flnv cheap
remedy. , -
Johnson writes: ' ' "I m bothered
greatly with Indigestion. Things I Ilk'
to eat nearly alway cause a heavy 111-at-a
fsslinf in my stomach, and my ,
breath Is bad, white I am nervous. Irrl
tablt and frequently cannot eleep.;
Answer: A very' excellent treatment
which l widely prescribed for Its grad.
ual curative action, as well as the In:
stant relief it affords. Is tablets trlo
peptlne, packed In sealed cartons. Taka
a pink tablet after breakfast, whit tab
let 'after-dinner and blue tablet; after
supper, Continue and th curativ a sen.
eies should soon restore natural diges
tion. "tlT . "s K ? 'i";v ,i t '
"Mr. M. C." writes: "t am reovr-.:
ing from long Illness, but am very weak,
nervous, sleepless and-have little appe
tite. Can you give m a good tonlo re
atorative .treatment V -'. . j -
Answer ' Have the ' following . pre
criptlon filled and take a teaspoonful
before meal; Syrup of nypophosphites '
comp. 8 oss.,' tincture cadomena comp.
I ot- nOt erdamon. Mix and shake
well before' using. Thl Is a fin nerve
tonic and system tonlo for old and
young. "'- "'.' -
"- John R. Mc ssks: ' TJon't .'you think
It is wis to take medicln to, reduce
my Weight? X weigh about ,85 pounds
too' much." ; , - 5 1
Answer; I do think o;'am -a very
convenient and effective flesh-reducer ,
medicine is sold In ' sealed tubes with -full
directions for home ye. -It Is
called 8-graln arbol-n tablets snd any
well stocked pharmp-ry can supply them.'
They sre essentially good. (Adv.)
final week, will entltl th
maw . v...wv V. u .
of Jflvtrybody's cyoloptdi