The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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-.f jr
At Preheat 600 People of All
Ci ivGetting? Education
" i'i,' Correspondence, "
:v i' ::' 'A&M''1,'
Joseph Seli.ifer, .Ph.D., for 18 years
' - head of th liiHtory department of the
Dnl yerelty of Wisconsin, hag assumed
the duties of general director 'of the
University of Oregon'.' extension divi
sion. Wig office' .win be at,-,. Eugene.
While Jm Portland -yesterday, he -j an
nounced tha university' completed ex--.
t Minion plan, ? , v '-; :--t- 'V' ":
Dr. ' George Rebec, recently of the
- University of Michigan,, has ' accepted
j appointment a field prganlzer -and lec
, turer of the university extension dlvl
. aion. ' His office will be la connection
- with the Playground and Recreation as
sociation and the Oregon Ctvio league In
-The Journal building.. ;vj: -s, -.fc;
The faculty of thnextenslon divislott
how lnolude besides -'Dr. Rebec, Dr. J.
F. Hodge, late of Clark University, Wor
center, Mass., Who Is professor of civlo
blologyt Frederick; Frink, C B., profe
sor of mathematics and engineering by
correspondence; BrrDon C Somer from
the New York Bureau of Municipal Re
search, who Is the bead of , the new
bureau of municipal research at ,the
University , of Oregon and lecture on
municipal science and practice; Mine
Maralla Hair, A. . B., secretary of the
correspondence study department
- Correspondence Service Xs Tree.;--",
Dr. Schafer, the director, and a num
ber -of other members, of the regular
faculty are devoting' time to the band
ying of correspondence course and to
the giving of lectures In the extension
field. This service Is given out of hours
. and without extra remuneration, ,
- It la not generally known that some of
the members of the university faculty
' began giving; courses by correspondence
as long ago as In 1908, making out les
son sheets and sending papers to a con
siderable extent simply to satisfy the
demand for such assistance on the part
' of teachers and others. ' . -The
first of these courses was one In
English literature organised by Profes-
.. sor Herbert C Howe. , ., -
At present some 00 students are en
rolled In the correspondence depart
ment.. They represent every county In
- Oregon and belong to practically every
occupation. 'The department has a most
.. Interesting collection of letters of ap-
rreciatlon from teachers, housewives,
Irabermen, clerks, mechanics and others.
, ' One under Dr. Sohafer's direction wrote
' that the work had, all been done In a
logging camp during the evenings.
, ...Classes Organised la Portland, ..
, A movement began last year and now
being rapidly developed Is that for the
formation of study classes guided by
professors from the university, who
prepare outlines, prescribe 4 books and
meet the classes for lectures and confer
ences af intervale 6t a week or longer.
, A - number - of such classes nave been
organised among working people In
. Portland. - Three clubs for the study of
sociology were recently organised by the
head of the sociological department, Pro
fessor F. O. Young, In Medford, Ashland
and Jacksonville. v.,
The lecture bureau of the extension dl
' vision receives more calls for lectures
than it can fill, it is said,. Dr. Rebeo
is in constant demand for , educational
and general addresses. Dr. Hodge has
institute assignments with other angage-
msntaKwhloJ. -require allot hi time trntil
well into December. From that time
forward there are requests fdr courses of
lectures to be given at various high
: schools for the benefit of adults, which
will keep him fully occupied the re
mainder of the year. .. .
A feature of these high school courses)
Is the community conferences to be held
: at their close tor on or two days, at
- which problems of community Interest
are to be discussed by local men and
I women and by several representatives of
the university.
Dr. Schafer will usually participate In
these conference, and Sr. Somers, the
municipal expert, is in general demand,
as well as Dr. Rebec and Dr. Hodge.
Ken. Are WeU Baulpped. .
Dr. Schafer regards the men In the ex
tension division as among the strongest
.in the university. He saya the univer
, slty was especially fortunate to secure
last year the services of such a man as
v Dr. Rebec, who was regarded as, one of
the ablest and most scholarly men .in the
University of Michigan, and whose leo-
I I i ' ; n 1 4
This Jewelry Store
f i ': , v.
offers you exceptional opportunities for holi
day selections of dltmond-mounted Jewelry In
artistic nd unique settings.-. y r v
Special Values 1 in
tIA ti C tOA -)C tA
,,, Rings 'f of 'unusual !i beauty 'i'and'teflnemeni'j
mounted singly or In
ior tnose aestnng nign
v,;-., outlay. ':,:. Hi' v '-- si
A beautiful exhibit of th newest mercbanJis, selected t
; ' - both for sarvk tn& peno,aal adornmant 1., v " .
'K''V--j,.-''A'..,V-'- 'M';''' f..i" ' '' - -V." -J. .I:-'!',-,;,!;,!. ,', . . I , S ,
''0Vi t Crnt' of Washington and Broadway :f ?$$$?&W$f$
4- l
n ' ' ! t t " ' '
L i 1 1 iii
'fe' '-.:.' : '-':'" i''.. -.-.-: :t'T. ? a
Dearj.of Oregon' Law School
' Seeks to' Succeed ;
1 Cfeetbn. -.7. "
. Calvin U. . Oantenbein, dean . of ' the
law school -of the University- of Ore
gon, announced last night , that he will
be a candidate to succeed T, J. Cleeton
as judge of Department No. . Mult
nomah county circuit .court. , - ,
Judge , Gantenbeln- served as circuit
judge from 1K0 to 1913.,. He came to
Oregon in 1874. He was senior major
of the Oregon regiment that saw serv
ice In the Philippines, and commanded
the first, battalion of the whole United
State army that landed on the Islands.
He served a adjutant general under
Governor Geer- and held the office. 10
month under.' the administration or
George E. Chamberlain,? He is a .-Utt
publican In politlcs. rv - - : : f.-i,
Judge Gantenbeln ha considered be
coming a candidate for a Justiceship of
the Oregon supreme court. His decis
ion to .become a 'candidate -for circuit
judge wa made after Judge Cleeton of
the circuit court announced that - he
would not be a candidate to succeed
himself. In statement last night
Judge : Oantenbein sald!,.'v.-':,' ft
"I ahall be a candidate for the Judge
ship of Department No. e of the cir
cuit court of Multnomah county. Fo?
some time I have considered the l ad
vleabijity of running for one of the
four vacancies in the coming election
in the supreme court, on which Mult
nomah county has no 'representative
among the . seven member. - "' t j
During the last few days" I have
learned from close personal friends -of
Judge Cleeton, . at the present time
Judge of Department No. of the
cjreuit court ' that tie would not oe a
candidate for reelecton. Personally, 1
would prefer at the present time to be
a circuit Judge rather than a Justice
of the euDreme- court because In case
of election I could live In Portland,
where I have been a resident since.
1174, Instead of changing my home to
"I served on the circuit bench for
this county from July 10, to Janu
ary, 1013, and would refer anyone In
terested in my judicial recora to - my
fellow judge who served with me, to
the litiarants. attorneys. Jurors and wit
nesses who served in my department!
during the six and one naif years of
my service.' -sr .
"I was asked the question as to my
candidacy a few days ago and I made
the answer then . that I did not Intend
to be a candidate to succeed myself,
said Judge Cleeton last night "That
statement still stands good. I have
made no plans for the future."
The "fountain room" at the Oregon
Hotel will be the scene of a big re
ception to be tendered by the' Parent
Teacher association to City Superin
tendent of Schools I R, Alderman and
Mrs. Alderman, the members of. the
school board and the principals and
teachers of the city schools. The re
ception will begin at I o'clock. Brown's
orchestra will furnish, muslo during the
evening, :; Presidents of the ' various
circle of the association will assist on
the reception committee. -
tures are always' meaty n4 thoogM-pro-
Dr. Hodge, he says, 1 a scientist of
not merely national, but International!
reputation. Both of these men are in
the work primarily for the love of it,
avers Dr. Schafer, and because they have
the real missionary spirit and Dr. so
men, who is Just arriving in Eugene,
comes with a similar description of per
sonality from W. H. Allen, director of
the New zork Bureau or Municipal Re
search,' '
The summer school, which Is made a
part of the extension division In the fund
for maintenance, which also is under Dt,
Bchafer's direotlon, is believed to have
amply demonstrated its value, especially
to the teachers of the state.
Noted , men have been secured as leo
tnrer next summer, among them being
Dr. Frederick J. Turner, of Harvard,
ranked as America's foremost exponent
of American history from the western
standpoint Professor 4 Stockton, of
Princeton, and Professor H, D. Sheldon,
of Pittsburg.
Diamond Rings
t tA A tCA t7C tIAA
Si:' a ' m m . ? ,
clusters, specially priced
quality, . at i moaest ..
i Sunday gu;av roriTLAnD, Sunday
iZi'icusY of ad;,::!
Two.Womeh Called to Testify
-That; Mrs. Eaton VyasOeal
ousof Husband j;
(Br the Internttlossl Netrt gerrlce.) - .
PlyiuouLh, Mass., Oct 18. The state
today introduced testimony in the trial
oMrs- Jennie May Eaton for the mur
der of her hueband, Rear Admiral Jos
eph O. Eaton, In support of the prose
cution's contention that Mrs. Eaton's
Jealousy of her husband formed tho1
chlof motive for the crime. -
- The testimony ras offered by Miss
Ora Syram Howard of New Bedford,
Mass.,' a young - woman who was . for
merly a neighbor of the Batons ajt As
slnippl, and Miss Jessie R. Callamore of
Ntrth Hanover, Mass., who was also a
neighbor of. thu admiral's family. -
v Miss. Howard identified a letter writ
ten -to her by Mrs, Eaton in which the
writer asked Miss Howard to write her
a letter saying that Admiral Eaton bad
flirted with her (Mies Howard) .during
churoh services. - The ' letter was dated
August .18, 1900. The witness testi
fied that the admiral had never winked
at her or flirted with her In 'any way,
but "on the contrary had been a per
fect gentleman.' -,..''.;,;..(:
- Miss CaUamore testified vthat . Mrs.
Eaton had 8ked her to appear in couit
and testify , that the admiral had an
noyed her on several occasions. The
witness said that' the admiral had, so
far as she knew, never tried to flirt with
her or'any one else, r -. '
Dr. ' Joseph Q. Frame, who attended
Admiral Eaton during his last Illness,
testified that he was summoned to the
Eaton home March 7 and when he ar
rived there he found the admiral "suf
fering excruciating pains." The wit
ness said the admiral explained that he
had eaten too freely of fresh pork the
night - before and the admiral wanted
"No more fresh ork for Joseph."
Dr. Frame said Mrs. Eaton telephoned
him at 8:80 the next morning and said
her husband was dead. 'She seemed
uncertain- as to the exact time death oc
curred, but finally placed It at 5 o'clock.
He said:. -.,-....,..,.
"I could not understand why the ad
miral should have died, for when I saw
htm the day before he did not appear to
be dangerously ,111.' , .
. Plan have been about com- $
pleted for the holding of Port- e
land's first . winter municipal
popular priced band concert in
the Gipsy Smith auditorium.
Chapman ana Taylor streets. The o)
date of the f irat concert has
been at for Sunday afternoon, e
November 9, with another Sun- $
day, November 28.
The first concert will be given
by W. E. McElroys band, while
the second will be under the $
leadership of A. DeCaprlo. A
charge of ten cents is to be made
for admission, which amount is
to he collected oy tne city, to e
help ! defray the expenses. If
these two concerts .are success-
ful, a series will be given dur-
lng the winur. I
- ' , e
(Wuhlncton Bureau of The Jourmt)
Washingtoa D. C Oct IS- The "fol
lowing four-class postmaster for Ore
gon, were appointed today:
Aumsvllle, Oliver E. Darby, vioe
Lewis Bleakney; Buell, Dwlght C
Walker, continued; Chlco, Melissa Eden
mane, continued; Faults, Horace J. But
ler, continued; Grossman, Mr. Uxsie
Loyd, continued) Kellogg, George F,
Miller, continued; Wheeler, Charles W.
Shnnk, vlca F. A. Rowe. .
The following railway mall clerks
have been appointed' In Oregon:
Portland, E.- P.- Sundberg, T. Do V.
Harper, S. Simpkins, C E. Coleman,
H. W, Woodruff, W. W. Flint, a G.
Sturo, P. W. Miegal; Salem, W. A. John
son; Gresham, E. It. Olson; Taquina. Ira
Branch; Grants ' Pass, T. J. Wilson,
Lloyd Fell; Ontario. W. M. Goldbacker;
Mill aty. W. U Balnea. v
Pension have been granted Oregon
residents as follows: ;
Caroline L. Fenton, Lebanon, til per
month; Rosanah Powell. Ashland, $18
per month; Nettle Lansing,' Salem, $11
per month; Ella M. Sawyer. Portland,
$18 per month,, v,":i...,v '.' " .
Tacoma. , Wash., Oot, 18. Testimony
aa to the axistenoe of an alleged tele
phone - monopoly In Taooma -will be
taken In the form of depositions In the
federal court here before Judge Cush
man Monday next. ..
This forms part Of the preparation of
the United States government's suit
for the dissolution of the so-called Bell
trust In the Faclflo northwest. The de
positions concern the purchase by the
Ben company or the . Home Telephone
company of Puget sound before the lat
ter concern went into the bands of a
receiver. -.-'i r-'.'. i.
$1 .50 Inlaid Linoleum 50c.
14 tabds or roru xitlaxd tiko.
tuuvm. run vai,i t, wits juvebtx
wis auui boub ixia week. . .
We will sell 14 varda of tl.KO rrade
Of linoleum at 806 per yard with each
ranae sold this - week.' The linoleum
must be paid for at time of purchase
dui me siaei rangea or gas ranges may
be had on a payment of $10 down and
t per montn. i w . .-
Our en tiro line Of steel and hlsrh oven
ga range are included in thia offer. A
good assortment of linoleum to select
fromi Fourteen yards of linoleum cover
uid .tij(o micnen ox iu Dy 11 reel.
' Present this ad at time of nurehana
and receive a further reduction of 60c.
This rpeolal offer for this week only
at CaleL-Broe.. K. 8d and EX Morrison
st., in tno low rent district (Adv.)
;"'". 1 x .. ......
" Senator -.- Booraa Will . Speak;
Former Senator Jonathan Bourne: Jr-
wlll be ; speaker of, the day at the
luncheon of the Progressive Business
Men club in the Multnomah hotel
next Thursday, according to announce
ment : yesterday by i Walter 8. Asher,
Who Is to serv a chairman of the
day. fienator Bourne's subject will be
"Making a Harbor for Portland.'! f
f,:0-:;i '" "rm-m '
lUt PlMTlrolnAtloii Chargea,,;;?
f Washington, ':i Oct 18,Tb chamber
of oommeroe of Beattle today3 asked the
Interstate commerc commlmlon to xa
vevtlgat alleged dlscrl minatory switch
ing; rate by th Great Northern rail
child loo;(sli;(ei;.e;.
Slingsby Says He Is , Puzzled
How Anyone Carv Claim y
- Child Is Substitutes (;
r V"1'-"-'"'-'-'''-' "' .. - "f e,Vf I 1
(By the Ictersttlonal Kewi Service.) .
Ban Francisco, - Cal. Oot. 18--,,So
many untruths have been told about us,
so many slurs have been cast upon the
Slingsby name by Person whom we had
every reason to believe were our friends,
that , I am weary as well as wary about
dlecusalng anything pertaining to the so-
called substitution case, wow anyDoay
can say Teddy is pot my boy pussies
me. especially in view of the marked
resemblance to me which : the boy
bears.'f-'H'V '-:::- r'-'' ? 'v"r'-" -;
This statement, was made today by
Lieutenant , Charles R. Slingsby. who,
with bis wife., is- in San Francisco con
ducting a fierce legal battle to disprove
the charges of relatives that the 8 year
old baby which Mrs. Slingsby claims
was born to her in 1910, is a changeling
and not the heir to the Slingsby mil
lions. v-1 . . -i,ivi1'v'V-'r.
Depositions - in the. case i have been
taken by the British consul during' the
past week and the hearing will be con
tinued Monday ', - -
Evidence intended to show that state
birth records were altered In the Slings
by baby substitution case was offered
today when the taking of depositions
before Douglas Toung, British vice con
sul, was resumed, it came with ice
examination of Dr, W. F. Snow, secre
tary of the state bioaxd of health. .
Dr. Snow aubmltted the birth records
certificate on which it wa alleged tho
name ot Chaa. Edward Eugene Slings
by was scratched 6t by- officers of the
health - board, - be said, and that of a
baby born ; to Miss Lillian Anderson
substituted. The change wa mado,
Bnow said, when Dr. W. W. Fraser of
Weavervllle admitted that he had made
a false record of parentage, that the
ohild did not belong to Mrs. Slingsby,
but in reality was the illegitimate off
spring of a high school girl of Santa
Rosa, : v V '. '.,'''" . :
50 Makers' Pianos.
And - Player Pianos represented In the
Graves Musio Co, removal sale. See adv.
page 18, sect, 8, - (Adv.)
f t
- S '
tew, k wJi
TMvlnest Autumn!
Forever changeful
Who guess thy
The fashion of
1 swV. r
The glorg of
Is reflected in
and c o 1 ors of tnese fabrics likt
and graceful, yet warm and satis-
fying in texture.
Handsomely tailored suits and coats in indi
vidual styles for ladies and misses Parisian
in their inspiration, exhibiting every new and
worthy fabric in its appropriate model.
Suits $19.50 to $64.50
Coats $15.00 to $45.00
A limited number of modes in fine tailored
velvet suits were received yesterday; the col-
gjors are blue, black, amethyst and brown.
$44.50 to $84.50
Our ladies store is a daylight store, occupy-
- y ng tiie entire third floor; all garments show - V '
in their true color
. v uooas in vtnrouen winaows ana
Tl T 71 TVHfe'CV T7 T
lioruikg, October id,
Wdfriah ConffnedTwo Days In
vTombs Oeclares Conditions
' ' ',.". to Be Terrible.
' New Torjc, Oct. 18. For 48 hours Mrs.
Frances Xavy, ;a delicate ' and refined
woman, was conf Jned In a cell in the
Tombs, underfalse arrest, and she says
that she will devote the rest of her life
to prison -reform. ' ' ' 1 " , 'y.
The arrest of Mr. Lavy was a case of
mistaken identity. She was identified
by Mrs. Marie Masseena, of Philadelphia,
a, a Mrs. Van B.: Nlphols, wanted for
embezillngr 000u several years ago. Mra
Lavy wa fashionably dressed; In an ex
clusive hotel,-when she' was arrested,
but that made ho Impression on the de
tectives. r They seised, her and hurried
her to a Tombs eJl. ".where she, was
foroed to remain for two days arid nights
before she could obtain a hearing in a
police court. ;Then she was ; promptly,
discharged. : I ; sj "'h-? ' 1 ' i
"It 5 wa terrible. Mrs. Lavy said,
nrst, I am going vto do all . I . can to
bring about an Improvement in our Jails,
and then X am going to see If some legis
lator will' not Introduces law fixing a
penalty for false arrest ; I am wholly
innocent, but I am a stranger, in New
York, and could give the deteotlves no
proof but my unsupported word that I
was not the woman they thought They
were Insolent and. rough, and I was de
fenseless. People who cause arrests
like that, and people .who make. them,
should bo 'prosecuted, j (,
"The Tombs 1 ' unspeakable. . It Is
none too clean, and the food 4s hardly fit
to. eat The sickening smell of some
disinfectant that is constantly ' used
takes away one' appetite, even If the
food wer good.'' ' s . . :-f
: Mrs. Lavy has filed a suit for $50,000
damage against the Philadelphia wom
an who caused her arrest, v ,
i i .Football at Oregon City, f
Oregon t City, Or Oct. 19.-The - Ore
gon .City' High School Football team
was defected by Captain . Bruebaker's
Washington High School team yesterday
by a soor of 18 . to S. For the Port
landers,. Lapham made two touchdowns
and Strowbiidge kicked a goal. '"" .-
who may caint the
o'er the changeful alobeT
certain crown, thy favorite crest,
thy many -colored robot
i . in i' 1 1 hi II 1 1 - . i. 'f .
jss.. w j .... y
- ' m :' y( -4
tke wondrous tints .
in the abundant light which
ir iignt wmcn ' 4 ; ' w V I l
tia.skyhghts., , , , , , .,. , , . erJcL--. . i r
.'v ''..i'-w'i1', r'f t- 1 , , - ,' .i
;y 1 . 1 i I- j i '
' , ' -I 'l ' 't ' ' ( , f
San" Francisco Advertising So
; licitor Sfiot Down' iii Office t
I . . i - :( 'i -i -j
oy uisappoimea Aairi.
San Francisco, Oct. . IS.J, D. ! Van
Baalen, ;a specUl - advertising 'Solicitor
and j former resident; of f DulutfC Mina,
was, shot and- probably fatally injured
today by Miss Leah Alexander, a 'beau
tiful' toung ;womanr; with whom " ha is
said' to, have kept company for several
month. ..The shooting occurred on, tHe
third ; floor; of ; the- Chronicle bnlldlrig
and was, -witnessed by a score of per
sons, who did, not dare' go to, the man's
rescue because of the . wild manner in
which the young . woman , flourislited' her
smoking weapon.,' Five shots werto fired
by.MIss Alexander,- four of tljem'taklng
effect in Van. Baalen'a body. -. j , .
- Just prior to-the shooting occupknta
of, offices adjoining .those 'occupied by
Van Baalen heard the couple iQUarrel
ing. A moment later there was a, pistol
shot r. and Van - Baalen- rushed ifrom the
office only - to fair In 'a heap' as he
reached the f elevator, f Bushing up ' to
him. Miss Alexander : placed , the, re
volver against , his ? body f and; 'emptlep
the remaining chambers of, the weapon.
In " a statement ' to i:h pollcie, Mia
Aiexanaer naia van Baalen had lert, his
wife for her and had promisedto' marry
her. Several days ago, she said, he told
her he wanted nothing more to do with
her and eh decided to kill him, : Mrs.
Van Baalen;. according to Miss I Alexan
der, is now residing somewhere in. the
. i- 'rrtlii-1. f
, ...... , ; , , ',-,,.
Taff, CaL, Oct 18i-Wlth a flow'of
1000 barrels an hour, oil well , No. 21 of
the Kern Trading 4 Oil company came
In here early today and within an hour
caught Use. It is now a roaring, bias
ing pillar of fire and smoke. v
. A gusher' was expected, but it was
not believed the oil bearing sands would
be reached -for several days'-and the
drillers were caught .unprepared. No
effort has been made-yet to extinguish
the fire, which probably will burn for
weeks before It can be controlled. .'
i L. a--
1 1
best. , , ' ' VJ' 1l
1 v , . . ". .'.::.-1.-,:!, ". ,-
r I S 'i: i -
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i '.- ;!. -V -
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sf " V - K
f . i-tj. - j ,,:: I I i i - I!
, i , t' .
Proprietor-Recently failed to
? Get--Renewal of LiLior -
' S:t License, :
' ,' . i ' '
i ., ,. i t - -
s Banks. Or.J Oct 18. Miller's, hotel,
the principal hostelry in r inks, burned
about 10 o'cck last night ; It Was a
weu known- fand ' popular , Wayrlda inn,
with accommodations for 50 guests or ,
more.' John Miller, the propr't tor, had
Just been through)' a strenuous local
,'wetor dry" campaign, ittwhlch ke failed
on a plebiscite petition' to get his license
renewed fon a hotel bar,- the county
court holding that such petition must
have a majority of legal voters as sign
ers,,. Miller had' renewed his , applica
tion on a new petition which is still
pending! j .
However, both sides ? unit In sym
pathy for ' Miller In hi loss, 'which Is
$4000 or , $5000.' Insurance 1 understood
to be $3000.. . . - s
,The, Ore- is supposed to have started
trom a partition back of the kitchen
range, -which In German, fashion, was
built in ; the . back of the main room,
which.,' besides kitchen, served also as
dining room,, parlor and hotel office. :
Miller's famllv mraa . rarnif v tn . rotlra
iwhen the- flre waa discovered. So rap- r
idly did it spread that Miller had Only
-time to start the pump and connect thet
heme of the private .water system at
tached before the roof was a mas, of
flames.' - i ' r
, The, Banks fire department was in
atrumental in preventing the fire'
spread to adjacent buildings.. The ap-.
paratus consists of a force pump and a
quantity - of hose with which streams
wore kept 'playing upon the front of the
Pryor residence, across . the street by
men sheltered from the heat by Impro
vised wooden screens. Windows across
the: street were broken by, the heat
The fire department is composed of
some 20 cltlsens of the town. , "
What Banks now needs above all else
Is a publlo water system. Good water '
can' be obtained, it is said, from the
hills to the Jiorth by a six, mils sips
line. ' V , r;,.;,'
, Typewriter Operated by Wire.
' A New Tork inventor U working oa
a typewriter operated - by the human.
voice, j J-'. :.4 v..;- '.V.'1. ,
t sv-(.'f-H?-v
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