The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 48, Image 48

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.,: -..-v'..;.ck., i.vii - .-v jar -fBig?i;
"fJDGING from the liberal attendance
. I at the first meeting- of the a ma
Iteur orchestra being owniied by
Georar K. Jeffery and Charles
jr.. 'Duncan Raff,; the organisation Is
joins; to Till a ion felt want among
the amateur Instrumentalists in L Fort-
lntv ' Nearly 8 were; present; repre-
r-entinf a aurncienuy vanea instrument
Mien to make a xood start next Tbura.
iy evening when the' first rehearsal la
he . held' at: Ellers' Hall. si '
. "r. Raft explained the purpoae of Ihe
tnratinar and told of how amateur or
rhestra organlaed In the lara musical
center nurelr for . the education ana
recreation of It member have devel
ped to very high standing even in com-
narlson with nrofesslonal organisaiiona
In New York, for Instance, he ald.
there are' great many f these orchea
tras, which give annual concert to very
large audience. v Theae orchestra are
(liiAil K. lh. mimhari thmnAlva
M,.ati. w j . . . -
' lOarOO'DOl" four, inio vuwpaiftuuii ii
any way- with, the professional, musi
Mr. Jeffery outlined the plan of work
mmJ nut r,A mm rnajl t h YrlmhrM
. . . . . . I rT H Uk
; io, tneir various kiiuh.,o ucum nun,
Una and 'an equal number of seconds,
one 'viola, three or four 'cello, two
flu tea,' two clarinets, one French horn.
a trombone, drum, basses and piano.
This Instrumentation win probably be
considerably augmented by.nex Tnure.
flivi niarht as several of those woo at
tended the first meeting eatd they had
irienas planning io join. ' ' -
'- " Ininn Ti ' artlllta : A i tin : 'itVeaented
here this reason under the direction
of Lois "fiteera-Wynn ' Coman will be
Ernestine fichuiftann-Helnk the famous
contralto, and Emlll de Ctogoraa, the
famous baritone. (Ma Schumann
Heinle will appear in concert on the eve
ning of October IV and Mr, aoarorsa is
MnnkM for November.:: Both Ot these
prominent artists have been heard in
Portland on aeveral occasions and have
always been greeted most enthusiasti
cally. vv -. , : :, :.'K. ,..fv
: .'.--t-;;:js;;-. '.a.' . av:.-' V-
' According (o latest accounts Oacar
Hammersteln Intends to give opera In
English several nights each week dur
ins; the year. In., his new theatre, at
prices ranging from 35 cents to 13. He
i v yr . v vv vav " v .
or 24. ; , The regular performance In
French and Italian -will cost from tl
to 16. . The -opening ' opera be
"Romeo at Juliette" (with Blanca Bel
llnclonl), and the first werk In English
may be "Otello," with , the American
tener. William Caatelman. Other slnif-
tiMMaa amh ins nAiiia nnvarnnnr i a
rs In the English branch of the com
pany , Include Orvllle fiarrold. Edward
Johnson. Marcus Kellerman,' Henry
Weldon, Mark Fellows, Diss Seamon,
Alice Gentle, Frieda Baker, Marie Bil
ling, Jennie Armstrong, Augusta Doris
and ' Nina- Morgana, Baronl, Masson,
Merola and Zuro, the conductors of the
regular season, -will also conduct in the
English series. , - t '
1 xians tvicnier,' tarn . reureu - naimr
conductor, who now lives In Bayreuth,
la being besieged -with offers from all
the German opera houses to lead "Par
sifal" in 114, but to auch . requests
mil my batons." - -
v.-' Jf. i - ,.
" Mis Freda E. H, Leltner presented
jsv 'few pupils at a musical given at her
resident studio, on-October 11. Preced
ing the musical program the atudents
wrote an Interesting noteDooK .sKetca
on th life of Beethoven.. Those tak
ing part were Annetta Lawrence, Dor
othy Fisher, Lois Moodie, Mayte Law
tence, Grace Moodie, Ruby Deuchar,
Bertha Leltner, Eunice Moodie, Laverna
Deuchar, Lewi Fisher and Leland Duel.
The violin solo given by Miss : Bert ja
LeUner and the vocal aolo r Kiven toy
Miss 'Emma' Leitner- were i also -very
much enjoyed. C-:' ' v i,: " ,f'-'u;'1-r'
'n' Miss' Julia Claussenlus Is giving a
eriea of morning lectures on . history
and music; . The course promises to be
ot interest to all students and lover
of. music. - The lectures will cover the
history of music from its ' beginning
ariong the Asiatics, Egyptians, Greeks
end Romans to the modern'-, work of
centemporary composers.
. Some of the soloists who are to take
Tart In the coming entertainment, "An
. Vtranln 1m limn " tn h rlvn Kir. f h
JVltar , Oulld of the . Piedmont Presby
terian church under Rosa Coursen-
' Reed' direction, are, Bertlna Robertson,
Ada -Holmes. Ruby ..Scott, Amy Klum,
Kthel Slussel, Etta Gardner and Maria
Snyder. -,:ir'y i s,
.,j.'j?Vt-T:' ' v--'.K-B.
A. McCartney and A B. Cain bari
tone, and Miss Dagmar lnex Kelly, mes-ao-soprano,
were the soloists at the en
tertainment given Columbus day at the
1 Lincoln ' high school auditorium. Miss
-Maria Chapman and Daniel 11. Wilson
i ' wera the accompanists. The Knight of
Columbua 31ea club Contributed several
. numbers..., ViV' i
, The .Krilghts of Columbus Glee club
'baa outlined a series of entertainments
for thd winter, and will Himmi with
. a stnokar ; and informal musicals for the
members at, the club rooms next
Wednesday evening.
. The. 8undajr School orchestra of the
Central Christian church, East Twen
tieth and East Balmon streets, composed
of , 29 pieces, and under the direction: of
Ted Bacon, will be a prominent feature
at; a free ' musical 'and literary recital
Riven at the church next Thursday night,
October 2J. Following will be the pro
gram;' ' Selection by the orchestra; so
prano aolo, Mrs. O. F. Alexander; tenof
solo, Harold Hurlbut; reading, Adeline
M.. Alvord; violin aolo, . Miss Mary
Schult; . baritone aolo, George Hotch
'kiss Street; contralto solo, Miss Mad
eline Stone; readingAdeline M. Alvord;
baritone ' olo, E. V. Gllhousen. Helen
lie par, accompanist
" John -Claire Monteltli has organized
a. oeneert ,club' among his pupils and
: their frienda The members of the club
-will study the program of visiting solo
lets in advance, and will attend the con
certs together aa students.
'.Mr.' and Mrs. John Claire .Mont.lili
crave the first of a series of-informal at
homes to Mr. Montelth's pupil last Bun
day afternoon.: a v ;
jibv vcncTivvi was euioist iat
-Monday at the . Rose . City Park club.
M Is 1 Pack i. ha a; delightful soprano
voice,, ana met witn an enthusiastic re
ception. Her selections " were, ''The
tfpent fiower- tcampoen-Tiptotth.-Wno
Knows" (dough Lighten), "Der Lens"
tHUdach),' "Tha Cuckoo" (Liza Leh
man. , 1 ,i . i "tflftfa
.i.- ''"?
.The many frlenda,of Jopk Coleman,
rrtland a favorite .comedian, will be
ulad to Jearn that h has returned to
this city, after an absence of three years,
uing which, he made an extended tour
-f. the aoutbern states, having been In
.Midevtlia on the Bert Lavty circuit. "'
Mr-Colehian gave a very aucx-essful
t icert at Carlton. sOr..Aat which he
t . n.i.redf,a number of the popular Harry
suler aonga In costume, An aspcclalr
Fred Bacon, director of Sunday
school 'orchestra at : the Central
' Christian thurch.' " .
ly appreciated feature .' of . the evening
was Mr. Coleman's rendition of his own
composition, My Heart' Goes Back. , to
Ban Francisco," composed for 'the Pan
ama-PaclflQ, exposition, - to be - held Jn
San Francisco ln-1915. - ,, v ,-
Mi Elisabeth . iHoben. i who . left
Wednesday for . Carlton. Or., to take
part at the concert. given by Jock Cole?
man, i was ' accorded a hearty reception
for her rendition of a difficult fantasy
of familiar Scotch airs. 4, Miss - Hoben
also did the accompanying for tha even
ing. ' Her sister. Miss Josephine Burn
Hoben,. who accompanied her, received,
an en thu slas tio. encore, for her recita-.
tlon of the famous heroism by Loring,
to which she responded with the dainty
poem, "He Was Scotch, : and So Was
She," -by Jean JBlvwatt, t if , ;,'.,
Mlsa Mabel Rlggs,. lyric. soprano, and
Miss Dagmar Inea Kelly, mexEO-sopnmo,
will be presented in recital by . John
Claire MonteUh at the Columbia build
ing soon. Each, of the soloists will be
heard in three groups -of songs. A trio
from "AttUa" (Verdi) will be given by
Miss Agnes Fles, soprano; Percy Wil
son, tenor, and Will Graham, baritone,
'-i : -: , - v - -1 -Mrs.
Rose Bloch-Bauer : will resume
the Tuesday Afternoon etas on Octo
ber tl, . Mrs. Bauer will present the fol
lowing soloists: Miss Genevieve Peck,
Mr. Delphlna Marx, Miss Nell Niabeth,
Mrs. Leslie Latppla, Miss Ruth Shearer,
Mr. Auda Frassee, Miss Hatti Haeh
len, Miss Evelyn Snow, Miss Helen
Fromme, Miss Tin! Ledwldge, Miss Ev
elyn Carvel, Miss Ethel Luke. : The class
win taae up toe inree-pari song, ' Am
aryllis," by Parlow, and "Venesla," by
Nevln.."v . ; ... ..;; . .. .
: ' . eV"'.-1 "'' ''':.: . '
A large and appreciative audience
gathered on Tuesday evening In the
First Unitarian church chapel to hear
Mr. Mltylene Fraker-SUtea, : contralto,
and Miss Edna F. Slater, soprano, la
recital. The evening was a marked suc
cess. They received a very enthusiastic
reception, tbl being their first appear
ance since their return from Chicago,
where they studied with Willard Paton.:
Mrs. Stttea possesses a rich, contralto
voice, and sings with a dramatic finish.
Mis Slater, .although a. -younger-musician,
sings with, a 'richness and volume
Unusual In a vole so high.
Both were in excellent voice. Mrs.
Stltes' opening group 'of songs by KJer
ulf war excellently executed. The dif
ficult aria' from Lea Huguenots, Nobll
SIgnor, by Meyerbeer, showed the .range
of ber voice. Two song composed by
Musical Season
' ; (1913-14)
will be an epctrabrdinary one.
Thefollowing world-renowned artists who
wth tout ' America wih f be heard with the
JJaroId muer, Melba y ' Kelik. Ciara J;
Butty Edmond Clement Maggie Teyte, f
Jacques yThibdudy etc. etc.. etc, W
A significant Jut which carrier xonM-
VCtion. : . ' . ; ' " ' i
chosen with wisdom
t , unusuai lacnuics; are oiierea ior me .exaxninanon ?-
-and itrial of; these -wonderful Pianos at, our'--ware':';;"''
. rooms. Catalogue' mailed .'on application. ,
;t,r:..r.Other .'.Pianos 'taken'' b'" exchange.-'' 'fi-Milti
Willard Paton. brought out a depth of
feeling and sympathy, - "
Vhere'I a Gardener" and "Th Sllvtr
Ring , aroused ' much , enthusiasm.
Smoothness,' : together "; with splendid
enunciation, is on of Mrs. Stltes robst
pleasing qualities. : The closing group
of tha--evening-, was; composed Vjf "three
of t ha beat known song of. Mary' Tur
er Salter, ''Love' of. an Hour,' -"Cry of
Loudor la an (excellent, style. -- She, hag
4a strong, personality, -which wins ;nec
audtenoe Upon,: her first Appearance.
The decesdlnar ' numbera ithoukh i more
difficult,' shtkwed much-style and finish,
Tha Valley of Lanrther.y br, -Sander
son,; brought out. the . lyric' qualities ot,
her voice; v Edgar E-' Coursen was the
aroompanlst, t . i . . ' " S
v M rs. -Alice Brown Marshall, assisted
by -Mrs,. Edwin a Miller.-will entertain
a few of their (friends-at' thelpistudlo
Saturday 'evening, OctobeV J8. A short
program wur fee given and peverai mvn'O
students :preented.-,'7,fv "ff;''-.Vtyi
. j - .".. .W- I)-1"' if t-if' 'iV ''.'V'-.' '.'' i'sSwr
William Boone gave hl.firt students'
recital og the reason Wednesday even
ing at - his studio. Following program
was artistically presented! .'Norwegian
Bridal Procession " (Grieg), elghi hands,
Mlsa Cectle Brogden, Miss Mary Collins,
Miss Cecelia poertag and'-Mis JBessi
Walton; - ,To. Spring" (Grieg),, Two
Larka"t (Lescbetsky). J'A'la.Blen Ailnie"
( Schutt )i , Mis. , Wa iton ; .'TPoUshj,' Dance"
(Scharwenka), Miss .Alice Anderon;
Tarantella'.' (Heller).!i Walta op. No.
2 Chopin), ; "Toccata" (Chamlnade),
Mlsa 'poerlngj "Grand Galop 'Chroma
tltjue" (Llsrt)v eight hands, Mlsa ,T)or
ing. Miss Walton. Frederick B. Scholl,
Mr. Boone, - ' ' , ', f
WDIametie Lodga, No. 2, will hold
special communication In Masonio .Tem
pi tomorrow night1' at : 7:30. when the
off leer of Imperial .Lodge (in organiza
tion)- "WlU txemplity; the Master . Mason"
aegree in run rorm. . a Masonio quartet,
composed of Sydney-Lathrop, first ten.1
OW Walter Gill, second tenor; T
Hutchinson,' baritone, and G. A.-Cramer;
bass, will render a. special muslcarl pro?
gram.--. The muslo.-Which, will be an lm
portant feature ef , .the work, is under
the direction of ,Vllilam R. Boone. . ;
Carl V. Lachmund will soon give' an
Illustrated lecture recital, entitled,; "How
Great - Opera Composers Have Depicted
the Temperamehtal.Charaoter.of Differ
ent .Nationalities. In Muslo and. Dance"
with piano selections; played by himself,
as also other Illustrations by Mlsa Anita
Lachmund. danseutie. "who will lnteroret
six national character, dances, to be giv
en in the different costumes of the re
spective ' nations, ' and with the exact
steps and manner prescribed In tha
scores of .the operas from which these
are - taken, Mle Anita having studied
with SIgnor Sarraco, Maestro da ballet
Of . tha New Tork Metropolitan Opera
House., i i ,'.; ;lk ,v;.-
;.".Wf-'.'ij';y: Jt ' Jf' Vi i v."1 :
The choir of St Mary's Catholic
church, Mrsvi Catherine Covach-Fred-erich,
director; Mlsfl Ethel Mahoney, or
ganist, sang, Welgands Mass last Sun
day morning With good, effect. The so
lbs were sung by Miss Zeta Manning,
Miss - Lela- Mulr, . Miss , Olga Johnson,
Miss Gertrude Kunx, : J, Burr Eder, E.
Louis Frederick and '- E. ' Pembrook.
Vent Jesu" (Gounod at tha offertory
wa aung by the quarteK"?''
' 'if;.- ' k it - it J '' . , '
Unusual Interest is being s'liown by
Roseburg people In the work of Miss
Modesta. Mortensen, violin soloist, and
her accompanists, Miss Jessie Lewis, of
Portland, now playing At a local theatre.
Aside from her delightful interpreta
tions of the great masterpieces. Miss
Morter.sen has created much admiration
through her remarkable memory and
etxensive repertoire. .
- The Wednesday Evening Choral, and
Study club, enioyed the paper read by
Miss Grace ,Crow, on the "Life of Ar
ditl," and the . pinging of "Parla" Ar
dltl) by Mis JSdith Beyer. . ,
The ec6nd of a series of piano re
citals was given by William Lowell Fat
ton last Thursday evening, when, the
following pupils, assisted by Miss Mar
guerite Eleanor Moore, soprano soloist
at the Mount Tabor Methodist church,
were presented:-- Ruth Brooks, Gene
vieve Dawson, Louramar Ktrschner,
Margaret Nelson, Leslie Watson, Violet
Klrschner, Astrid Roai, Frances Parker
and Marlon Kreyer.
-'it t
A musical program will be given at
the lmmanuel Lutheran church. Nine
teenth, and Irving-streets, this evening
under the direction of Professor Charles
Bwenson. i . A large mixed chorus will
Kf.:'' -'"; ' v'.;-i;i'v',y;i;'l'.yV'V
render two anthems..' Solos will be uing
by Miss' Leala- Brau,' who ( will eing
Dudley Buck's "Koar Not. Ye," O Ixrad.
Mls Minnie Alexander will sing "Plains
of Piace'! by Barnard.,, Henry Dahl will
give "Calient Thou Thus, O Master," by
Bartlettr Miss Maori Egbert will render
"Eternal Best.',' by A bt Incidental solo
in the ( anthems will be sung by Miss
Lillian Swanson and Henry Dahl. - An
orchestra will accompany the chorus,
Jm J ' -oii will .he,, tha. nr-
fTho gifls ! choru. . of, ihe ,; nnyslda
Congregational t? church sang 1'Pond
Lilies" and "Which Shall It Bet' selec
tlon from Proctor's ,Funler'a Chrysan
themum." at the city rally last Friday
evening , The chorus is under tne uireo'
tlon of Lowell Patton and Miss Klor
ence Cole, accompanist Th chorus will
be . heard this -winter In several big
operettea, in which they have already
proved a great sucress.
The Portland Oratorio society meets
every Tyetday, and has - In preparation
at present Handel's- "Messiah." which
will be rendered December 26,' with a
cnorus oi over iuu voices. , - " '
School of Music, Staff of Teachers,
Oregon Conservatory of Music (Adv.) '
X - '.. g
" -i ' ' -
Campanarl, 'baritone, with. Sembrich
and Bond, formed the last great "bel
canto" school at the Metropolitan opera.
In such' operaa aa the , !'Barber of So
vllle,'? "Laf Boheme,r, and "Lucia,", they
reached the height of vocal, perfection.
Giuseppe Campanarl, before becoming
a singer,-played the 'cello in LaScala
orchestra.- r There- he studied 'at , close
range-; both- at rehearsals and regular
performances, . the . greatest lingers oi
the age, Pattl. Nlcolinl, Masini, Tamag
no, Manuel and others, who have made
operatic .history. ...:-rr.-'.-,:,,v .
Coming to America, he mad Ilia debut
at the Metropolitan in 1894, at the age
of 3S. Tha ooera was "II Trovator.
the soprano Nordlca, and the tenor th
tremendous tenor robusto Tamagna The
critlo on the Tribune th next day, aft
er reviewing the work of the tenor and
soprano, said,, "But for perfect singing
and exquisite phrasing, the palm, must
be given to young Campanari." This
was- an almost .-unprecedented criticism
of the first appearance of a singer.
Lahee, in bis standard work, "Grand
Opera in America," says: . "Campanari
has a, pure, virile, superb voice, broad
and " Intelligent phrasing and ' intense
dramatic feeling.'. He has the low range
of a basso can tan t and the upper voice
of a Wagnerian tenor, a compass from
low F to high B flat, and yet scarries
through all Its extent a pure baritone
. Campanari's greatest roles are Barna
ba In GlQconda.'V Valentine In "Faust.
the "Barber of Seville," in all Of which
Ills high A-flat and A are sung with
electrifying -effect, the Toreador-. In
"Carmen.", all the 'baritone roles of th
.''V'''Artistae.Maestra'-'di Canto
THE VOICE From Beginning to
High Front Placement :
' Deep 'Breathing :
Nasal Resonance
Studio 411412 Sherman-Clay Bldg.
Main 3145 -
., ' leacher ot vftanoand Voica.i3
Special Attenjton with CnFIdren"
; . Studioii'tTOhm,':
Photott Takoif' 2054 -1- " '
Expreasion, Dramatic,
Speech Art,' Coaching. ''
Rhythmical Gymnastic
Leonora Fisher Whipp
; Teacher of
Studio 504 Eiler' BIdf. .
Residence Seward HoteL Main 7164
Clement B. Shaw Mas. D.
Hours 10 to 6 Daily . ; .
XZAOHZ&'OrVOICX ,'' v'V-:. ;
lampartt method of ' breathing and ton
production. Mra. Baala ha made a apMlal
atudjr of the opetaa with tha beat teachera
la France and Italr, and aha la prepared to
coach adranced pnpll for tha operatic and
mncert ataaa Bealdpnce-atndio 715 lohnaon
at Portland, Or. Pbona Main S845. t
Cimoert - Soag Baita
. 80PBAKO '
TZACfHXR or avnrorso
Ictnra rlaaa In HtHturr ot lluale. Subject
Oct. 22, "Primitive Mimic."
, i. Btiirilo 331 Thlrtwnth Bt.
' '' ' ' Phonf Miimhiill 278 ' ..
' Mitylene Fraker-Stites
,:'i:,jf ''Graduate Vfsfrvtf.-i-lt-tp
Tha WUlarf Fatten School af Vocal Art,
y,: ' , Coacbftis and ' Repertoire V;.
Saakaao itudio Ul E. 88th, earner Btlmont
-f- Phon. Eaat 656t. . 'si;.,.:''
Delia Augbe WooHworlH:
;rf;:v.''.5riACHEE.0y SIKOI1IO
VaanudDnl mathod italiani t 'Oe'rwaai
Prencb and F3nKllh diction. Iu pit ot Jrii
dam. B1n Hall of London, Bugland, and
Boaton. Maaa, Location of tone and perfect
annnclatlon a apecJalt-. 833 lXth at. Mar.0T5
Fundamental Music
. , own aitiCAa
J . J . . '- .a.' M .aT - 4... . a f
Classes, '..weanesaay-n.f oaturaay iu to it.; ',:;;'' ."
' Time" and energy ved through 1 class vworic' Ptrpils- taatrht the con-
vwviiun vi imaivt., iw iiiviiviuiit;iiu
MABEL EMERY, Asst.-; -Am
iocs i Hum mc Biat. jrv um u vmucu aim so simpiuiea ana condensed
jt i's nota'tax:,!upon.'any,chHd.::'';;;!t;;::?;
' The teaching principle;, "Music. to the . fingers through the train; not to
the. brain, through the fingers." ;R t;C;. mk -V-"
older ooeras and Marcel in ".a Boheme,"
which he created at tha .Metropolitan.;
with Melba. hi' i . jfntfv 1
Wisconsin SEEKi;:of rj;
ll.r'V'!.''-.' SdaHsX .t The Joumai.f '' "
' Madison. Wis.: Oct l.-Ao irtvesflKa-
tlon of wages' in women's occupations in
.of .Uvinau l
herngThatfgteDTw-rf;, .rTriiiirafriarf -
coinnuiHsion. , .Jiu.- anncipaiion or j, tjio
Anflratfrnt.of 1 th. minimiitn 'wu era ' law
for women, the commission Is collecting
data frpm other eta tes. .which hav min
imum, wage laws, Oregon and. Washing-"
ton have been asked to submit informa
tion. ,Ono or the directors of the Ore
gon minimum wage law, will te,inMad-i
ison next -week to 'assist .th commie
lbn. " j if , '
..'A classification ' of , apurcntlceahlp
will be made to enable the commission
to fix wage standards for minors living
at home, in accordance with ,t,lie .preson
law, M l,'(t ifi 4 ,t",fi
' t , I Ml I ' ' 1 .
i Hlllsboro, Or., Ocit. 18. At the Catho
lic church Tuesday Miss 'Mamie; Deli
man was married to Charles Fletcher,
Rev. Father Lappan performing: the
ceremony , Miss Llsxle Delsrtian; ister
of the bridev was bt'ldesmald.iHind Henry
Pfuf f of Portland was' best matw Only
; -r'ianiat ami CoMMr (K.w Twk City? R-
eitali m totnrw Hrna Bldr,'. oppotiu post
ffkjs, Klne years with Mowkovmkt. IScbarwea-
ka, and Llsxt; 19 years dlrertor Ijn-hmmul Con-
servatorr, New York City. iIB?T"g METHODS
AMD nrtZEVKEXATIOKS for aiWaw plaii.
Ista: 3VV10Z 'SEPT., tbras aawctate tMCherii
special' advaataces for. ehildrm.. 'Send wswr- pro
peetsa. Bomo f Mr. taohmaixa's saeoufal p
piU ia : Hew- Tork City--. BodewnU Ump4t,
composeT "Creoto -lles." etc.,; rnlet. editor
Jerome- Kemlck Co., publisher t ,,-f (orence MO
Ulllin, , aeeoaipanlst, for .Lao Bleue and "other
opera atari; L. M. Hubbard '(poet fraduat
eourw with Llasty dlreetor Conservatory ot Mu
sic; Clothilda Douat Efgert, flrat asaUtaat u
DerintetHleat of miule. Konnal . Collea (23O0
flrla); CUra Martloea, superTlwr inuitlc, , Bronx
district; Sarah A. Dudley, composer lover ' 3O0
songs); Lena Kimball, teacher.- NeW'lYorlt In
stitute for the Blind; Arthur Armbault. jpi
anlat. New Vork. Conservatory. . Klwwhere Co
rlDa Henrlqnea, aocresarui concert pianist, uue
Doa Ayrea. B. A.I Clarenre: A. Darles;- late dl
reetor of music. Colombia Cntvenilty, Ora.;
OleBiiar-BakeC' Leaeb. dlreetreM ,,Connrvatory
of Uualc, Bli-hford, Tt.; Marl FhMwth, 8t.
Mary'a Bcnooi, MlDnesota; , Alberta Campoeil,
NU ' MnrDheV.- Ina WatklnS. Kutk - !. In-
straetors, Vnlv.' of Oraxoa. Term reasonable.
Uau or, aena lor prospectaa. , , -!...
William R. Boone
A Course for Chfldren
: is featured:: "
f.Iiss Bessie; Walton, sastast
Btearns Building',' Phone Marshall' 19(2.
mAt . a '-- caa
; oiavu sua jnvrnavu y . . ;
Miss Helen I. Calbreath
1 ' Piano Studio. Reopnd,t
860 Belmont St. -
Phone Tbor247T 1 -
Piano, ' Voico "and 'Harmon'
. FUth Floor Tilford BWg. v
Phone Main 3744
' , ....... ....... t . ,.- .i. .
SOX Xllrs Bldrf Broadway and Alder.
. Fbono Xast I38t for Appointmanta. -
f Residence Pbonc Woodlawn 941 .
Studio, 424 iedner tU$y ? I j F
Minnie Thompson
-' . Tchr of Voico : and Piano'"
'- :- ,' '"''.'; Ct B.-B. C t,;,;-iV'V P
Reaidenc Studio 335 Maegly St.
' ' Woodlawn.l253.S:1.iit'::'
Robert Lovell Wilson
,, ';, 'iTeachefi. "of Voice v3'$j?CP
' ''' Available for Concerts ' '' V
Studio . r ; x - V EUgrs :ldg:
, Leschetlsky, German and Vingll, '
; London. Eng., and Berlin, Germany.
;, XAaUX A. B. OV, Khs Baol
,' JPUno..4i4rininy.h; .W-.':J.;
Pupils Prepared for Concert tork.
: ' sa mrteentb nreel. -'!'
Both Phones, , KarshaU Bao, '4-7293
Rose Courseh Red
. Baa retained from Mew York Oltrt where
be epent the au miner, Coarhlnf with a num
ber of well known Sew Tork tnechera,
a l ' -' ' -;-. '- k ', - "
Htudlo SOS KUer bldr.-Pho4ea Sial H6;
Phones Kala 4399. A-439
..." .,.;...'.. ,..'.. -' if
' ' YEACHXa OP TOZOS- 'v. '..,
V i Btualo 608-610 Oolninbia Bla-. a ,
Traininnr School
- . al A i . -,t' - .
uiuugcif, mu( cxiinusiaani ana .in
TeL East 1175.
Violin btudio
J. Villiam Belcher
the relatives an 1 r friend of tlw
couple wfre"pM'H'iH ' , - ' ,. ;,
After .the' --rfiin". , reception : w
hold jBt' tlie ):oim'. , iho. 'bi-ldc, fol
lowed by": a. we. I r. MrM,,ncJch-
lr Is-, the .daughter ..i nd Mrs. F.
W. Dclwmau of-tills c i t ,. Mr. Fletcher
lj young buNtnetis imul nf ;Portlnid,
where ho nd his bride w iii make 'their'
future home. . r . , ; , . ',
'V" - "'
i r
1 F
. K.V . , -, v 2S) ' i T,:,"'r . ' 1 ' . awpaVv
. r- I'Tfr--,-, 1 rrn r-i r i m rr -in-j i r iui i m i ili'Wiwi sjni , r sjii isj, pi , ja r
! MQl i. -:iELJifM
im !L SaSM m
.-Tbe v delicious taste f
of pure
Log v Cabin
served on your wai
Kiles:and wheat cakes
-rmakes the whole
; family bright and'
' cheery -all day,' .
i -
1 ani'tu y
. '., - t lf9
adds a zest to your break
fast that makes, the-whole'-.
day better.
Order- a can,; from yoiir '
grocer liovr. It always "
comes in ' the log-cabin- ,
shaped can. - ' ...
If your grocer doesnt handle
Lpg Cabin Syrup, send us his
r. name and ) 25 cents , and we
r will forward irou a can ' by
prepaid Parcel 'PosJ; and Frtt
Rttipi Boti giving many uses.
Towle Maple
Products Co.
. m --. 1 1 r - 1 ; , . " . a- r : .-j
('in Vnri'mi of Tli Jmin,
? .Siilvtn,, or..' t. S. -'1'1 ?s
sst AJi'U'H 'i:i i MC held 'its
MUet .aiur'tii:; iu'sM . mf('Uii
.ift I
aiHl eU-cti'il tlio following oi'lK't'i b: V
iilent, William.,, MeCtlchrist Jr.; -t,r.,Khlpni
II. 'l taincfl: secretary
urer, 8. ,! t!. Sargent! .urectora.
l)fntfHi. JohbpH Belnhai't C. M,
and Floyd' Whit. -j
.maple , in
- Syrup
ta.lVV 111 n
' ,,.,, T,7..,L
' M"' ' "' "' 4 -
ssaaaaaaaaasaasaastaaasjiipiw l'iiiiiisWJMasjwMB-la r-JMja.'Z J I