THE - OREGON SUNDAY' JOURNAL, PORTLAND,' SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER" 13, l-' : '1 2 rTk . 2 I r 1 - . I JT- - . i II Ml- II , 7 By Nona Easier, i ar'iAGJEfJTiyvl wedging s hav I society this week. A busy 'season 'tt has opened, with countless Inter estlng events. Fall weddings art ' Diaamg rair 10 outnumoer ine conveni - - "June ' weddlngs.Y.Y which "'have new -popular favor for o many years. .A r fairs of especial Interest have been the tear by Miss ray Nichols, Mrs. Tyler Woodward.: Mrs.' ehartes El Fields and Mrs. Ralph C. Walkelj tbe weddings of - Hies Louise GleasoielO Walter" Greet- tor; Miss Mary Monks to Frank Healy", I Mis Lueen Moorland to, -Cheater Moore, and the ; enEBment announce ments of Miss Field to James Welsh I and Dr. Gustave Baar to Miss Uretchea Schmetterllng of Bielitv Silesia, '-f t, Mr. and Mr William Platter' Henry I of San Dieso are the guests of Mr, Henry's sister and brother In. law, Mr. I and Mrs.1 Frederick Alva Jacobs; 'for a I week or ten days. Mr. .nd Mrs.. Hem J, I : - whose wedding . was an- event sft . Oc- j tober In'4 San - Diego , arrived -last Thursday evening- from the sOuth.1t.el ? wedding took place at the home of Mr. Henry's parents... Mr. 'and Mrs- W O. Henry.' Mrs. Jacobs will preside at a -taat infArmjii ntfair for , Mrs. 'Henry during her stay -here; this weelt ' . One of the events -of unusual Interest Was the luncheon Tuesday In the ladies' tea room at the University club, given by Miss Frances t"Wileon- for Mr An toine Labbe's sister, Mrs. Robert Hyd , of Tacoipa. who arrived the first of last week to pass about three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Labbe. 'The table was centered- with Richmond buds, and the fol lowing guests circled the board:,, Mrs. .Ballsy, Mrs. Xiawley r Hoffman., Mrs. Klrkhsm Smith,-. Mrs. . Victor- A, John son, Mrs. Kenneth Beebe, Mrs. . Labbe, nje inn in uosiesa, -- - . "Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Taylor Woodward entertained with an elabor ate tea at the Nortonia hotel when she " . received several hundred guests. . The . , lounging' room of the hotel was beau- ttfuliy, decked with autumn leaves and yellow' chrysanthemums and tea .was served In the . charming Aea .room ad joining, -where decorations were pink. In harmony with . the French gray finish - ' of the room.; A cluster of pink rose buds centered the tea tables and-the same flowers were arranged In baskets, about the room.i Mra P, JT, Mann, Mrs.' Ret- ' , ,ben Weeks end Mrs. Francis Sealy re ceived, with Mrs. Woodward. Those who ... P. Thompson, Mrs P.. L, Will Is, Mrs. Otto Breyman, Mrs. .Vincent Cook, Mrs. James -H. Page,, Mrs".. C. Lewis Meade, Mrs. Walter : Preston , and Mrs ; JB. U Thompson. . . , , , i.. - Mrs, C. Whitney Morden entertained Friday with a prettily appointed lunch eon for the Pleasure : of. Miss Ruth .Church arid -Miss l.uclle Parker.' two popular brides-to-be. A center of white roses with bows of pink tulle made un . the attractive decorations of the rooms. The additional' guests' were Mrs. Carl ."Wernicke, Miss Genevieve Church, Miss Elisabeth Parker, Miss Fay Nichols and "Miss Eliza' Parker, ''',, l , - Miss ' Frances Brady , 'announced her engsgement to Arthur Maxwell Meara : Thursday 'afternoon - when' she ' enter , talned 13 of her .most intimate friends at . luncheon at her beautiful Irvlngton home, , The announcement la of unusual lnerest as both Miss Brady and Mr. Meara are 1 among the 'most; prominent people of the younger set. Miss Brady 1S one ' of the noted beauties among the Port land society girls. 8he is the daugh' ter of Mr: and Mrs. M. F, Brady and sister of William and James Brady. Mr, Mears is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam - ::'uel M. Mears and grandson of . Dr. and ' Mrs. Henry E. Jones of i an . old-i and prominent,- Portland family; - Ha la a Cornell man-and a member ot. ihe. lead- ... 'In-. Vliih- vf. .h itvi ... ... ,-v '.. . 1 ,' Tba date has-not .been set but the v wedding will be an event, pf, this win ter. ' v. tviSS'f'H-jii :..'H;.--'-.V :;-.' ; ' The luncheon table ' was attractively ... set with Madame Aaron Ward , roses .' and Miss Brady's guests included Miss Harriet Kern, Miss Katherlne Graham, Miss Irene Daly. Miss Katherlne Whit mer, Mrs. Walter Gearln (Dehlla Hahn), - Mrs. Wilson Clark. Miss Sarah Patrick, V- Miss Gretchen Klostermap, Miss Hal- Jt dreth Humason, Miss Oielen McGusker ' and Mrs. Mark Hawes, ., f.:--. 5V;:tr ' w;a4''' Miss Fay Nichols- was a : charming ostess Monday, afternoon when shore- - eelved a number of the younger set at an Infromai tea for the pleasure of Miss Ruth Church, fiancee of Kenneth Rob ertson, and Miss Luclle Parker who Is is wed Eugene Mercereau. About S5 guests called during the afternoon. Autumn " leaves and garden ' flowers formed the attractive decorations of the , rooms, and on the tea table a lovely grouping of bright hued frultformed the center.- Presiding at the samovars were Miss Elizabeth- Parker and Mrs. Preston Smith. The Ices were cut by . , Miss Nan Robertson and Mis Genevieve Church. Assisting in serving were Miss Mary Robertson, Mies Margaret Bates, v end Mise Alice Dabney. Those who' as- .sisted the hostess about the receiving rooms were Miss; Vlda . Nichols, .Mrs' Wilson Clark, Miss Eliza - Parker and Miss .Mildred Nichols.-. .-v- A A round of interesting events .ias marked the advent in Portland of Miss -Katharine Ecob of New York who ar rlved Thursday to pay an extended visit .with her sleter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sawyer. Thursday after ...... noon Mrs. Sawyer gave a theatre party in her honor, asking in addition," Mrs. Preston Smith, Miss Ruth Church, MUs Genevieve Church, Miss Elizabeth Pai kr, Mias Luclle Parker and - Miss Mary Meldrum. V- , Friday evening Mr. and Mrs, Sawyer presided at Ml informal' dinner for -"iher 'pleasure.5? -."t'!i,..;.Vl .. . . : In compliment to Miss Parker of -Washington, ,D. C.,- who Is visiting . friends at Vancouver : Barracks,- Miss Violet Krsklne entertained Thursday, at a charmingly appointed luncheon. , Those who enjoyed her hospitality were Miss CUllrii I "HswjmNi t- ...1 r ' jk kn Wedding nd Visiting Crv ' Engraver j and ; Stationers " - Morgan Buildiriafv"f Broadway and Washiejtca - Eatablished ti ".- ' By Nona E life"?' A. ''"Tsji .... v ejv ; '-n -vi I Parker, Mias Dorothy Huber, Miss Bar bara Mackenzie, Miss Polly Young of the army post. Miss Evelyn Carey,. Mlsa Louise -Burns, Miss Jan-. Morrison, h, The Portland Heights club will enter tain on Friday evening; October. 24, for members of the club and their, invited guests over the age of 18 years.- The patronesses are , Mrs, D. J. Malarkcy, Mrs... C. Henri Labbe, Mrs. George Law rence and Mrs. Coe A. McKenna. Floor committee:, . C. Herirl, Labbe,, F, P. Iif4l llnan'and B. 8utter;v,i.'.-:5V--''.'':;'V '. ' Word has been . received announcing the: engagement of Dr. . Gustave Bear to Miss Gretchen--': fichmetterllng " of Biellts, Silesia. Miss Schmetterling is the daughter of Dr. Schmetterllnc, first lawyer on ihe bench at the capital of Silesia. . ; She 1 is an attractive 'young woman, with many charming gifts. Dr. Baar -will leave this spring for Europe to. pass the summer , in Carlsbad. ; His wedding; will be an event of -the early summer,--; and he will return Tiere September with his bride. I .i Mr. and. Mrs-.. Gay Lombard -presided! at a oeautiruuy appointed -dinner oance Mbnday evening at the Waverly Country club in honor of Mr. Lombard's birth day. , The 59 guests were .seated at one long table In the spacious) dining room of the club, 'Which was set with Vene tian bowls laden with -huge American beauty buds. Greens and palms' about the rooms .made an attractive setting for - the many - handsome gowns worn. In the corner , of the ball room 'punch was served . during the dancing. The mantle in- the drawing room was also banked .with the scarlet -rosebuds and palriis. were .set about in effective clus ters. Those woo enjoyed the Lombards' hospitality were: Mr. and Mrs. " Guy W; (Talbot, - Mr.--and Mrs. ; C.: B. Qrelle. Mr. and Mrs! HZC Shevlin. Mr. and Mrs. Scott: Brooke.- Mri, and Mrs David T. ncneyman,.. jvir. . rana Mre.v lMtvin. u Lewis, Mr and' Mrs. James Dougherty. Mr. and. Mrs, Robert W. Forbes, Mr. and Mrs.- Victor Johnsoh, Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Mackay, Mr. and Mrs, Frank G. Owen,, Dr. -and Mrs. George. Marshall, Mr.'v ..and Mrs..-Wells GUbert, Mr. and Mra Morris H. -Whltehouse, : Mr and Mrs. J.- .Wesley ;vLadd, Ipri ' and Mrs. Ralph' C, Matson, Mr. and , Mrs, Walter F. Burrell, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas' Honey, man. Major and Mrs. Adrian Fleming of the Army poeti Mr. and Mra Thomas Robertson, Mrs. Elizabeth Freeman, Miss Gertrude ' Talbot. 'Miss Bertha Tongue, -Mr. and vMrs. Richard 'Wilder, Clarence, BewaU,-.T:iales Lihthicum, JorT dan .Zah and Kurt Koehler., . - x Announcements have been received' of the wedding in, St , Paul, Minn., of Mies' Lorena Priidhomme to Lewis " Venn Woodward,; which took place Thursday, October Miss Prudhomme .is . the daughter of Mrs. J, B. Prudhomme. She U an, attractive girl with many friahds here, where y she ' has made her home for a - number of years-. .. St - Paul. , is. however1, her home city and Mrs.. ? homrae and her daughter, left here fdr an extended . visit there with relatives tn early part of 'spring-.. ;!';: .i'i; I .Mrs. Ernest A. Sterling of Philadel phia, Who -wlth her husband - ,1b the house guest of . Mrs. Ralph C. Walker was the motif for. a charm In ir after. nopn at - Cards Wednesday.- when Mra Walker "entertained at her borne In Irv. lngton with four- tables at bridge, fol lowed by an, informal tea.- Card honors fell te Mrs 3eor:e Paters and Mrs. Samuel ;Lckwood , wjlh . Mrs. Georre Pwrtsh twinning' the xohsolatlon prize. The rooms were attractively arranged, autumn Ueayee and lavender - etirysan tbemuma being ;. used In. the drawing roony . and: yellow chrysanthemums - in the mn parlor. V In ' th dlninsr - rn'nm. plnK -Ktllarney vbuda with maiden balr iem ( were, errectlvely .arranaed. .. u 'Many affairs have been' irivnn fnp Mr and Mrs. Sterling and a number of af fair have had to be cancelled on ac count ; of their unexoected iff - x : y vim i ,- , - - i "" u ,: f 9 '" i .3 f I ..Mm- .::v'ft:;,".., . 1, t AS i f . - x ;i a g 1 - , ' ...-. H - -. 1 1 . '. !k I I 1: y I lit 0 er e2:- " ' laV rinij; I PnrVi: We Tlnrottav Hiiber. Miss Car. I ' ' (Ct h'- ill' If" ' 1 1 '''I I bars Mackeniie, Miss Polly Toung of rli'l ' 'l-1 A-; I MVi'hitl Thursday evening when they left tar up u wmamm 1 llliii "'AW ':''VV' ' )svt A -'v - lid lit I 1 II ,:.s;k'V s.-fTiv-v... I .l V, 1 11 -ir ,v::4. - Ill I 1 " . Ton Miss Frances Brady'lsrlde-elect' Bottomiaiss Kathayne '69v;of.'jNew.;'YorlC("'.,ha' is. the house guest of ' ' ".Mr? ran s'Mmw Harold : Sawder," the latter being s home" via. the ;outh, , ' MrsX Sterllnr Is a. charming and attractive woman an1 has, mads many, friends here .during het onex -viKii. .,-. - t Mrsv Walkef wa assisted in receiv ing yesterday 'by Mrs. s Frank Richet and Mr. Alva X. Walker.t. In, the din ing room Miss" Beth Ludlam and Miss Henrietta Heppner assisted- ln serving. AbouttsO guests called for the follow lng jard game. A feature of the tea hour was tne singing ny Mrs. uurieaa Heller .Welnstein and ' Mrs. .' Herman Bohlman of a number of 'Mrs.: Walker's original -compositions.. They -were songs of unusual beauty with - the charming Individuality ;of the composer. Mrs. Welnsteln sangr "The Arab Love Song" and "Life's 'Wooing'. . andU Mrs. BohL man's numbers were ' "Yeu.'V 'In Re- flection-" and -immMonr-r- Among the recent affairs given 'it or mr, . na mrs. . Dioning - tvh me) caro Really, there is no Such ,thinar , $'f',.:?- as; .batf ,nreather;,;' jejii-Z. -: :'i'OnljvdlWerent:.'kinds;.of ,t gooi,;';:; weather. , , ; v Sunshine Is delicious, , rain Us J:; .f":v:V:; ; refreahlng; . yrini ' is bracing, show .' is ei;-" J , hllaratlng. ;"?And;' a, 'GURNET;' ,$uit:: goeaii;.' '" fit long' way' .!; v;V. ,5 J To mak HER feel good every - - , day. ;,::'.;'''V": J ',:K1' '. .it' 112:1 viv ... t. m. ' ' , .ym of Arthtir Maxwell Mearg ' party "Tuesday evening at which Mrs. Paul De Haas presided. Wednesday even ing Dr. and Mra Walker had a dinner of V evil -', . , t . ; -. ( V" J r ' ' ;'' i wr 'fK, latJMVk 'i .' n f fj .;-v: -t,!,:.'::'-t;.V'':Vv'-:; j'.L , t ' I twelve covers In their hnnAr, and ltVas py.: a. bridga party of three ""'- ryvT" r-''",w n"t ' Mr, J. p. Farrell was nn Infornial din. Mer host-last. Friday, evening .when he entertained . in comrllment to Mr. and I Mra. Joseph Wilpv ( !ivyi ne GlaesK Additional guests wre r. and : Mrs. doe A, McKenna (Lillian ()' rien). i f w - Mis a Mary .Jtsariow ana . jasper nn (tliis, whose marriage will take pltu-e Octo'. er S6, were the honor guests at an evening, party last- Saturday when, Mt Wilklne' sister, Mrs. farah VI " Moore, entertained at cards ahd muelo. Highest honors ' were held ' by M rs. Dora Bolter add X3. J. Arnold, Mr. Wilklns will take his bride on- an extended wedding, trip to the orient and Honolulu.- . ,.. .;.,. .;. tOne' ef the smart affali's of the. week Was the Shrine ball Thursday evening. The patronesses werei Mrs.-' ' O.' To--maslnl, Mrs. ' Harvey ; Beokwlth. Mr George W, Stapleton, Mr. William E. Brace, Mrs. : James P, Moffett, Mre. John B. Cleland, Mfs. Hugh J. Boyd. Mrs. Thomas McCusker, Mrs. William J. Hofmann, Mra Frank 8. Grant. Mrs. J. G. Mack, Mrs. L, G.. Clarke, Mra Wti Ham C. Bristol, Mrs. H. L. Plttock. Mra. H. R.- Albee, Mrs. W Y.-MastersMra M.C Banf leld, Mrs, C U, Gantenbein, Mrs. J. -Edward Werleln, i MrsJ W.- I Morgan, Mrs. Alva L. Stephens. .Ex ecutlre committee: .' Harold T. Hutch, inson, chairman; Captain William Dav, Walter J.' -Holman, A; HrLee Alex G. RlddelL ' Walter M. , Gadsby. Cart - R. Jotios,- Edward !' Pettis and TjouU P. utreeiand.' Card honors fell to Mr -Roy F. Fiske and Alva Lee Stephens. 1 hose in atundanoe Were. Mr. and Mrs.' A. C. Adams. Mra. D. Alln Victor 'A Avitrv. Mr. Mi Mrs, Oswaldjh. Ball. Mr. and Mra. M. C, Banf iuld, TV.JC- Barber Mr and Mrs. Harvejr Beckwlfh, Mr. and Mr. U.ilfcs A. - Sell, Miss . Matle Bll lings. Mr.' and Mrs. H. J, Blaeslng. Mrs. Boggess, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Bonney, Mr. and Mra Hugh T. Boyd, Mlsa Kath ryne Doyle. J, K. Bronaugh. E. Brong, Miss Brong, C . F. Byrne,; Mrs.v Robert F. Clerk, Julles Cohn. Miss Mae D. Com port, Mrs. Marion - Conrad, Miss Elsie Cramer, Gus Cramer. Miss Madge Cra mer. Mr. ana Mra E. U. Crawford, Mr. asd Mra Leslie E. Crouch, W. J. Cum. mings Victor , Dantof f, Mr; and ' Mrs. Bert M.' Denlson, James R. Dickson, Thomas' Dickson. Mr. and Mrs.- Julius A. Dug, Dr. and Mra J. Francis Drake, Mrs. Tboo. Falangus, Mr. and Mra Rob. ert S. Farrell, F. H. Farrlngton Jr., Ros ooe Fawcett, Dr;- and Mra 'William F. Fleblg, Mr. and Mrs.' Roy- Fike. Mr. end Mrs. Arthur L. FlnleyAlex McD. neminff, Mr. and Mrs. W. F.Flledner, Mr.: and' Mrs. Carl W. Frank. Mr. and Mra..J. O. F"reek. Mr. and Mrs. L D. Freelsnd. Franklin A. Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. William Frlberg, Miss cAllee Gads byi Walter Gadsby. Mr. and Mra Wil liam Gadsby, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Grace, Mr. and Mrs, Ba F. Greene, Mr. ana Mrs. Sierbert . GreenlaielL A. F. Clarke Hall. Ml se Louise Hall. Miss Hamilton, Fred E. Harris, H. A. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. .George Wi Hasen. Dr. Hegel Miss HenssL Mr. and Mrs. H. I Hewson. Miss Lillian Hicks. O. H. Hla- nenkamp, Mr. and Mrs. William j. Hof. Mrs. Edith Knight Holmes. SMlss Holt, u. w. wuriman, miss Myrtle nutcnings, Mr. and Mrs: Harold T. Hutchinson: Mr. and Mrs, R. D. Inmant M. C. Jeffords, Hopkia Jenkin, Mr. and Mrs.- Carl R. Jones, W. H. Jones. W. C Kavanaueh. Dr. J. B. Keefer, Miss Darmar Korell. Mr.-and Mrs. Arthur Langguth, Mr. and Mrs." F, J. Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. C L. Lindner,! Mr. and Mrs. F. L.:, Lit norland. Miss Irma i)hman. Mr. and Mra L. U McClintock, Dr. iR; G MdDaneel, C H. McGlrr, ,Mt end Mra J. iL Mackenzie, Miss J. Madison, i Mr. and Mra A. H. Maegly, Miss Esther Maegly, Miss Mon ta Magely, Miss Magili Miss Malm, Dr. J. Ia Maalon, Mr. and Mrs, John M. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Marti Jr., Clar ence H Mayer, Mlsa Eleanor Menefee, J. P. Menefee, Colonel Robert A. Miller, Mr. and . Mra McKlnley Mitchell, , Mr. and Mra James Peter Moffatt. Miss Lilnan Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. William L Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. E. W, Mosher, Mrt - and - Mrs. - George-- O. . Nelson t - Seattle,' r A.-, ,W. Neu,-,--Mr..',; ' and Mrs. r Phil Neu,. Phil Neu Jr., J. OaddlS Nichols. Mr. and , Mrs Archie Nicholson, Mr. and Mra Arthur Nor man, - Miss Beatrice O'Brien, . Miss CLeary, Mr. and Mrs. Alex M. Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Olsen. .Miss Dells Olsen, Miss Palltzsch, Leslie 8. Park r, Mr. and Mr. N. Paulsen,: Mr. and Mra Edward L. Pettis, Mr. and Mrs. H. L Plttock. Mr. V and Mra & W. Howard Ramp, Mr. and Mrs. ; C. :. F. Read. Mr. and Mra J. J. Read. E. C. Reed. Mr. and Mra E. T. Redfleld, Mr. and Mr. Alex 0. RlddelL . Mr, and Mrs. O. C. i 6'ayles, Mr. and Mrs. Emll Schacht, Mlsa Margaret Schacht, Miss Rosa Schaclit, R.. R. Schomp, Radford R. Shaworoas Jr., Miss Ida Shea, Miss Ida Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8ken, Miss Ritrt Snook, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Standlsli. Mr. and Mrs.-George W.- Stapleton,' Mr. and Mrs. Alva L. Stephens, Mlsa Sal lie eterrett, Mr. and Mrs. H. I Stevens, A, Stone, Miss Stout, Frank Strahan, Mlsa Alice Streeper, Mr. and Mra Owen Hummers. Mr. and Mrs.- Ooualaa i W. Taylor, C.- M. Thompson, Mr. nd Mra Harvey Thompson, , Or , anl Mrs. A. Tllser, Mr. and Mrs. - D. G. Tomasinl, Robert Tucker, Miss Cora VanKlrk, Mr, and, Mra ,f red Xi- VanKlrk,-. Herman Von Borstal. Mr. "and Mrs. Paul B. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank C,;W4 l serman, John Welch Jr., Mrs. J, JC Welch, Miss Mary Welch, Mr. and'MrH. Harvey Wells, Mr." and Mrs. J. Edward Werleln. Mr. and Mrs. C, M. Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. D. a Williams, Mrs. Zone T. Williams, , Mr. and Mrs. Frank a I Willis, Mr. and Mrs. James S. Wintera Mian Hattti? Wire, A-wt.tH-: Mr", and Mrs! K. B: Woirott,-. V. S'. Work.. teroKt to R'-iii i of "Portland people was Solemnized Weiioexilfty evening in fialomj hcn i.iieen f.Joreland became bride of Chester Moored in the presence of aNout 100 relRtlve-i and friends of the bride snuj l't-U1-room. The ceremony took .l-l.u" nt ti .(..home- of the bride's father, J, . t '. laoreland, , clerk ; of ; the supremo court,' , ,," vv-. . ' ' . ' . - -t '.Die bride w ViKf.l floral s vt i i in in Wi. - r: -i Alt br '.a, e rll) gown r ,i escorted to the lmpro-i 1 r by her father, who c. The maid of honor . ioores a cousin of the, i the beat man was Mer 't h bride wore a lovely" t! fed' charmeuse with rcand carried a shower garntturo bouquet. The house was handsomely dec. orated with cut flowers,, trailing- vines and potted ferns and palms. Following the ceremony; congratulations and good wishes were offered and a eupper was served. :: Later in the evening Mr. and Mrs, Moores came to Portland en route to California,-; where V they will spend their honeymoon. ? On 'their return they wilt, reside at f)8 East .Fifteenth street "v. . , Portland s . -j . 1 ' . ' ' . a i:. . b, r.-fl;li vvt .'M 9 e.jea 8 J ewelry Pt . - "If 7 No ' for Your Visit H' 14, ft II7ITH, a. stock - f Wares ( markets , could contribute, ' " Feldenheimer's new , store ' ' V at Washington and, l?ark - streets awaits is ei . Standinjs: supreme in point of in , " terior ; beauty , and equipment,"'' , .this magnificeixt Jewelry Salon will, as in the past, keep abreast ' " "of5 the, march-of store service ana ideals Jn; harmony with the de- U rhands of the most exacting. . ' Established 1868. .. - rsp.ri .a i rv L5 rl) "wVashirigton,.and . , . . The Two lesie IH 111 1 AVKJpI U I I 111 , . 1 v ; v. vital to V successful; lighting; ; - s t w. - installation are exemplified in ':t the ".fixture contract - of n the 10 f,; Fcldcnhcimer; tr' ' lifl v In a.v. " JL -i , , " - ' i 'f ir-Vi!: ix t'gij'- i" .-'-is-. : t- -r . JrTr-.-', a i , "v-' e,v Low Cost a r J&J . Consistency; ; J0;i6f :r---ApAl-- '-.r:'rVith n"V-" 'MainteiiaWT V, Interior': ; ; - V.AVi - ' it. M:, ' ' ,r.v i, , ; " .. ; ).! , - a- fVf-rtt'r,- ' ' vi7f;"sV. "-n-;;--". . V. V -f v. ' V 4 lV . . "".'i ....;'' , Jt 1 , f V- ,r " " y rA -1 ' Vv " );'f( -'Vt' -TSn - W.tJ."! - -v:. ijui flrinna irv. nrartira . 1 V;'-' ' - Our oritrinalitv. oraclica- - - bility, experience and ser , 'vice are at your command - " 'j."c.-BncLnsi:-n'GC).' 1 2 0 P A R K north. . Mr, "Moores Is assocla' hW brother, Merrill-Moorf, ' Sb4u yerslty of Oregon en fraternity mah.,-. The I one of the most charml and she numbers- f manysportland people. Thai marriage. Is the courtship extending, ovi. An interesting; engagemn.1, "" "known -Tuesday' afternoon. ... wli i. Charles K. Fields and her tlaughter. Miss Will'' Fields, : received i their many friends for the pleasure of two recent brides, Mrs.:-Roy N. -B. .Velson (Alice Wehrung) and Mrs."FrJ Ellis Guliok. nee- Slusser, at the .same, time arinounflrig Miss Fleldi'-engagement to ' James Welsh' o? Bpokane.f -Many lnt. mate Yrlend ot Miss -Fields knew ef the engagement but the ''formal .'an nouncement ' wltlj the weddmr ate - for November JS.' came as a great stirprls. , Miss Fields, whose- picture 'is repro rfuced on 'the- 'oclety page, la an at traotlve' oVunetta with ' an Interesting , ;ContlaueC -fit Following, Jage). 3 Ja JL 1 XX W , V A - .J i i i , - . t I - . M'l I XI Jt1 oremost 19 1 '9 i''Vj. it. ore Ready - TlX f- ir t W"l.''1 1'. splendid new :i'W'.;,Hf or xno r nnesi " t h e ' , world's your mspec- -progress with mercnanaisine Park Streets. EoGentialb I10IS' Jewelry Storp It -v H ., 1 113 '"''f 1 ' ' A. It 1.1- is II II I ,11 II I . " y -svt, (TV . ' II-II . 1 II I II .Vfi V.. i'.et I' II i . t , ,f . , tA 4 ' 1 ) ? " j,""i ' r -' ILL' t, i i ? " 4 t ,1 , ' if i 'i 'l . ' ::-. t " I'M'' ti ' K,. i r'rl f f""aaPaapaaBgeT, ....-.'". V) ' -'..A" ' " 'lt)rjf i - '' ' ,'. ' 2nd L t r- " S TREET "