The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 41, Image 41

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    1 t f T 1
i w. 5
Vl.'.--' '77 - '7 ", 7''
,' '.-I'U-A, fc'-' -I M- .) Pi'-i ..
: I y w 1 i " ! I - . i f i . i , jr - - I
.ni cu.-t rcn cctcd'Pw
i Lob Angrier? i . '
' 1 body any whore would at
.lT. . Miipt to answer the question.
, -vt . . Tlir-re is not another American
' .., , ; city about which so many per
Jiis who have and haven't seen it are
ready to 'talk to you. I, wanted, how-
: , ever, an answer that I could co as well
:' '" hear: - So I went to Utile An teles.
, everybody : on Spring street seemed so
JruU of tli business of pleasure or the
'pleasure of business that I disliked to
stop hltn to put ny query. " That night
' I Rave the box office of the Mason the
atre two dollars In the hops that 'chance
, would guide mato a seat next W some-
. boay with both the- knowledge and the
time to talk. Between acts I turned to
the man In the adjoining chair. A glance
- toia me ne. was eastern born. ? vw ,r$
"You're a stranger,' Jf said to him in
ume .disappointment. -, . .
"Guess again," he suggested. .t.'Tm m
ilatlvt by adoption.
"Tell me, then, why la Jos Angelesr'
"There aro verj many t reasons." -
. - "Name the . best Wn ' you know,"
. coaxed. 'x ;
"Myself l"r ! " -
"Why are you a reason V ' .
s "Oh. I have to be. I insist upon Uv
ing in the woods, and, being a shoe mer
. r, chant, I have to keep, my tors in a
' lty. You see, I like to so to sleep with
- the mockingbird singing to me. and. at
.the sam time I want to be Able to go
: " to the theatre two nights a week.' i I
: couldn't do. all these ( seemingly incon-i
.. . .ststent things anywhere else In Amerr
' - lea." , ',
: "Voif- can do alt of ' them ; hers f I
asked in fin Ignorance.
. 4 "KasHy! I live In an orange grove in
' p. meadow u miles from this theatre,
-' and I'll be in my bed out under my fa
, vorlte tree 45 minutes after the final
-. curtain falls.". - ' ;,L
"You have an auto I perceive.'' ! '
- s "Not on your percelverl" ho assured
. i me. "No auto could do the work for
our little) family. Listen and rn give
' - you the actual program of todayof a
sample day. I got out of my outdoor
Q'l '"bed at thrust mf feet into slippers
. and went in my pajamas -ta get-, the
' morning paper that was caught in the
rose tree by the front gate the same
rose tree In which at this season the
' ; , male mocker sings all . night to. his
' , nesting mate. Milk and cream were at
- .the gate and also a. parcel of merchan
.dise ordered tha afternoon before.- At
. 7:30 I got up from the breakfast table
and left .home for business. ; , At I my
w eldest daughters left to'Vcomo In to the
art Institute. At 8:30 the two kida de
. " parted for" their grammar school three
r v nil lea away. At Inyo wife received a
. note In the mail that made her wish to
- ,ido a little shopping, and she. came in to
the heart of the city. 8he got home In
' time- to prepare lunch for three ladies
;.'; ,'? who .didn't start, out to. our place until
-after 11.' In th afternoon all of them
' ran oyer to a swimming tank If miles
,: 1 1 awayi ' When I got home from the store
r the Whole family was on the tennls court
v ' and we had a lively hour before dinner.
Tonight we' all cam in to th show.
7 :Vrhls Is h miri Httle- ftock A-besids WV
;-$ ;wHealth)r bunvh, ikf .i--.''- '
ri"' 'Uo''1 1 '; understand," j I asked,' "thqt.
, your answer to Why la Los Angeles? is,
ran arahlpt"-v.-.'7s ; "
V 'Not exactly,? laughed the ahoa.mar
'il, chant and orange grower. "I think the
beat answer would be this: A red ln
terurban electric car that seems always
' to be waiting at the door when you want
, 1 to go anywhere, and that gets you
. everywhere and back .-with; unbelievable
: . rapidity." r:..:..
.ttfarTXtfotjqutteiat: yen!- r toid
the inanr- "rm asking about Los Ange-
'. lea, and. you're answering merely with
7 reference, to your 'own. cane." yv$ ' v .
' v ' "i'mi telling of my own case multl-
ri plied by thousanda," he explained, "Lis
"; ten: I eom from Iowa. One day sdme-
body; put notice' in 'Tho Times hera,
saying ; former ' lowani . would .hold a
. picnic at Weajlake park Jhe following'
Thursday, i Ho many- lowans do vou
auppoiMl''a1lWd"iipt.'MrtyfiVa thou-
, . and. . More thaw .20,000 , of tlioae people
"r, have Interests In th city and yet Hvo
vuk &u-iip. .vuunursr -JuBias 1 oo.
Ask - them 'why ' Is Loa Angeles' and
they'll tell you h tale of, the red car
f ly the Iowa bunch. ; Every state ij the
union j well represented ; here l,os
j Angeles is what it Is because these folks
are what they are; and they're what and
.where, they are because of this same
' i, cardinal carrier. (hat, wipes dJaUnce out
' , ,of the consideration In a way- you' never
, ' aaw anywhere aelss.. . The red car npt
,i, .only whlska hO' people about,' put It
:wirpt m .iriicft(..44mi .icuvQ ana, car
s nniiki
Too aa katra f lUeo, and uso t koaaa.
. i Bo. yoaea'glaisear'i raHJ'
, victim of .ystr.ain6p;othr"aeak
I.VCtiaast'.'i if : o, .youf win'1 ba,;vlad;;to'kno.if
1 'that tjiera'la real h6pa;for you. : Many
1 . whose eyer were failing sa'rythey ' hare
' had ' thelf ' eyes' restored through the
principle of ,thls 'wonderful ' free pa
XBcription, ;:ipDe;.man?,aayB;ifttryliii
."it. ;"J."waa almosi Wlndi;culd. not ea
, ' to read at all 'Now I can ead every
thing without any ilaaaeaand "my. rc
;:"do h6t water :'ny more. '-jf 'At hlghjt '.thay
? would pain dreadfully; :'nbwJ they" t eel
fiB all th? time. It was like a miracle
. to me." A lady .who used- tt says:
; v -The atmosphere ' seemed hasy with or
.without -glasses, but after using this
prescription, for fifteen days, everything
seems clear. I can even read fine print.
. without glasses.. It vis , believed thai
thousands who ; wear glasses .can now
discard them In a. reasonable' time and
, '.multitudea : mora' will ba able to
- strengthen their eyes . so as to be spared
: the trouble and expense of aver getting
. glasses. -' tKya. troubles: of many de
Bcrlptlona may be 'wonderfully ' bene
' ftted by following, the , slmpls rules.
Here is. the prescription: to any
active drug store and get a bottle of
Uptons, ! fill a two-ounoa,' bottle with
' warm water, drop In one Optona tab
let, and allow ta dissolve, With this
liquid bathe the eyes two or four times
'daily, . You 'should; notice your eyes
'dear up perceptibly right', from the
r atart and inflammation .will quickly
disappear. If your eyes are bothering
you even a little take steps to save
them now before it is too late, Many
hopelessly blind might have been saved
If "they: bad cared for their eyes In
f- time. -Adv. i ,
rlcs for them like a chain lightning St.
Hernard. They enjoy all the con
veniences of tlio city and all the fun of
the country.. If there's more produce
than the fumily eats, the rJ car-markets
the surplUH. in town. . I was a pio
neer out In my. district, .and' the red car
actually supplied me Ufrlit and power for
a year until the regular fprv ice com
pany got its poles up. You don't seem
to know much about the crimson chariot
that is doing moat of the'hlstory making
around here." ;;!V ;,, ; ' 77! 7' r ,S.
1 ,"I know a good deal, about streetcars!'"
I answered, "but; really; I have' never
seen such high power frlenaViftrtfam'
lly as you're describing," '7":,"?
"Of course not," S ray new friend
smiled. "You haven't bumped into any
thing of the aort because tt doesn't vx
1st anywhere else. Loa, Angeles la the
center and htart'of the most hlirhly de
veloped interurban electric system,' in
tha whole world."' '"'- 4
u ' 7V-1 '
As everybody knows. It was tha gold
en orange that made Ios Angeles pot
slble. , But as everybody is finding out
--Los Angeles ia in the- lively second
chapter of its history and the lines this
chapter Is following are the steel tracks
of ? the flitting red par. ; The ahownian
was right; there never was anothter car
just.Uka this one, The truth 'Is jtHat
a streetcar set- out to conquer thr
world that Is, that' Xlna chunk, of. the
world 7known a 'southern California,
and actually 'carried, the absurdity :to
the point of making good. :
'. Before I could find ut "Why latl.of
AngelesT" I had to" learn the true an
swer to "What la Loa Angeiear' i- My
ideaa underwent a considerable change,
I knew that the thirteenth census said.
Los Angeles wasa city of SIJ.009 pop
ulation. 7and J that Informed officials
maintain that the city had grown, n
the three yeara sines' the census,' to
mora than 400,000. But this latter flf
ure, it developed, concerns merely tho
population within the Incorporated city,
whilo-the fact is that the destiny of
Loa Angeles is at ' thia very moment
being shaped by a contributing popula
tion of 750,000 , Jersons.T' Outside : the
city of Los Angeles, within a radius of
15 ihllea; 7thera ara 2 2 " lnoorporatid
cities and towns with eountless country
homes between that are bound to It and
to each other by the strongest material
bond aver forged between .separata mu
niclpalltles.' All these southern Califor
nia cities and towna are literally of one
body of Ihe healthiest and moat rab
idly growing body lit America,, Tha ar
terial system that hold them together
ia tha double tracks go of the Interur
ban electric road. Tho' red corpuscles
that race to thj end of every farthest
vein to proclaim and carry tha abun
dant life, are tha flitting crimson cars.
-.Xm' Xrfdsara XmhiH,
The how and wherefore of It all la
simple, r Southern California la a coun
try de luxe. It aenda lta peculiar ap
peal across tha continent and then
across the ocean so that In time the
appeal must be heard by : everyone who
haa dreamed f sometime setting up a
home where climatic conditions are per
fect, and taking ! time t enough to. play.
SoutheriJ California ia to become-ratii-er.
it Is becomingthe. playground of
Aha world. ' The leisure idea la aa un
mistakable as the Climate. Los Angeles
has ' more -automobiles - than any - other
city of its si so on earth; the park
are always full of wall-dressed aaun
terersi on any summary day one can
aea tha farmers pitchino horseshoes in
the Long Beach sand. Los Angelaa la a
remittance town. Thai "settleraT-resu-larly
get. money from the old home;
from the. bank or the farm landalor tlw
city property, they did- not sell when
they i moved out to -the Pacific play
ground to 1 occupy- a bungalow" on Da
Not Worry boulevard. The population
displays to a. very unusual degree a
financial Independence: and the soil, at
tha first' stirring of Us, fruetlvit,
Ask This ; TJari;!
Read. Yonr; Life
Dls Wonderful Power
to Ucz(X Uaman Lives ;
tit Any Distance
Araasctt All Vlioi
' Thousands of popl In' all waiks of
I1IV IIITV uciiwitou vy t-iiita iiiiu m m
vice, -He tells you what -o' Hre capable
of, ' and- how ; - . ,'
auccessf ul. He
mentions ' yout
friends and
enemies '-And
describes t it a
mnnA .mnAy bad
periods In our
;! Hla descrip
(Innl to nast.
preaa-nt and
Will Astonish
n hln VOU.
All.' ha -wants
is your ame
(written .by
imii-uin. "vour
blTth data and
sex , to guiae
blm in bis
wnrlr: AfonSV Is
not necessary.
Mention- me
name of this
Trial ' Beading
rree. if yyu
thia apeolal of-
xer ana
a re view, of
your life alro-
piy-aeno; your . . . . , .,.-. ., ,, --.
year of birth (ail clearly written J' state
. T A AnJ .t..
copy the following verse In your own
, "Your advice Is useful, -'
" B thousands say, . " ' t . ,
'' I wish success and iiappinees, 1 ,
' c ."Win vou show mo tha wivr .
.- '! .-i.- - - - . .:
V; Tf 'you wish you may inclose 10 cents
(stamps of your own 'country) to pay
postage and clerical work. . Send your
letter to Clay Burton Vance, suite S12-M,
close coins in your letter. ; Postage on
MLADICS! ask roa
tJJ It Is 'a fe nl sore wo-.
yi-f ma'i mtitlrln, fnr to tke,
Vy work! Ilk mlc. I'rlrs $i.; '
nd gnrnid by th Melfnpd
Uroc CO., -J ornw)(i sireei, . j
proves over again that to . him that hatb,
more shall be given, .' ,....'
'The red corpuscles of a car. began
with It E. Huntington, though ha may
not iiava guessed Its eventual circula
tion. Ha was succeeded by IS. H. Har
rtman. Several, existing urban and- In
terurban railways were absorbed. When,
on September ! 1911, tha Pseifio Eleor
trio wa incorporated; for $100,000,000,
tha consolidation included the Pacific
Electric Railway company, the JLos An
geles Interurban Ballway company, tha
Ixs. Angeles Pacific company, tha River
side and Arlington Railway company,
the dan Bernardino Interurban company,
the Redlands Central Railway company,
and tha Los Angeles and Redondo Rail
way company. The 1 Southern Pacific
Railroad . company owns all tha stock.
t 'xooo iioiMjV-'wwav:;U
T The -red ear "has an ven i thousand
miles of trackage nearly twlca aa
much aa any other elactrto . later urban
syBtenv . All Important lines ara double
tracked, while the fwnk linea axUnd
Ing northward and southward out of
the city are fourtrackad for 10 mile.
Three-fifths of the atralht road
ase la over private righta of way, mak
ing vbtKh speed powlble. The equip
ment can make to milea an hour? over
the private fight of way a. speed of
from 4E to H miles la1 maintained. Tha
00 paaaenger F"" carry '221.000. persona
7J.O0O milesV avary day ; Bsvanty-two
million passengers are carried in a year.
The entire steam system of the South
ern Paelfio carried 40.000,000 passengers
in a yer. Tho gross Annual earnings
of the Taclflc Eleetrlo are $10,000,000,
thi earnlnrs per. mile of track exceed
ing there of any ateam or eleetrlo rail
road In t'le world. The six thousand
employe draw $5,000,000 a year In thetr
yellow . envelopes. , The lines reach St
miles out of Ioa Angeles In every di
rection except to the west and south
west.,. In those directions' tho linea ex
tend only from It to 20 milea because
the Pacific Eleetrlo isn't an ocean-go-
n L.y Aiifaw. 1 ,., rpoints ot.tb'y-'". ri"-"
system give s per milt cost of travail-"":"
of from one-half to three-quartere of a
cent The single round trip fare to any
of the beaches la half A dollar. ;
t The company undertook to do a par-
eel carrying business for 1 tha settlera
along Its lines, was' rorceo into ns
freight business, and now operates 1600
freight cars. It does most of the Jocal
freight carrying In aouthern California,
handling 7 -per.-.cent of. all less than
carload lots ia tha ..towns It servea
Sugsr beets are gathered from the fields
for three sugar factortea on the lines
of the company and for four- factories
that are remote.' . Tba nolseleBa, smoke
lets . f rei ght tralne aarn A million And
a half dollars ; a year moving oaers,
beans, oranges,' oil, lumber, rock and
countless other commodities. , The vol
ume of freight handled regularly at the
depot at Eighth and. Hemlock streets,
Lob Anxales, haa doubled In A year. Ten
hw f rei cht locomotives were included
in, a recent order for; eleetrlo rolling
stock. a't:7'f7f?-;'!'!:V;'.-.":-:',ft
Newspaper ; trains aet out over " all
main lines' at daybreak. Anywhere
within SI milea tha city paper Is on the
breakfast table. Mall trains run ail
day, and tha postof flee may hand any
motormn a aack of mail at any time.
: Separate companies developed the orig
inal Unas to outlying towns. ; Pasadena
was tba best Advertised resort town In
Amarica. . : visitors ; to 1 Loa Angalea
wanted to run over and aea It , The elee
trlo Una waa built; later the rasaaena
Short LJne. Tourists .clamoring to ae
an old mission etarted the Una to Ban
riabriel." The ocean waa an attraction,
the tang Beach Una came. Out at Whit
tier, Puenta hllla oil and Valencia or
anaea ware making tna auaaer seiners
rich. They demanded an electric line to
Loa Angeles. They got it. These
showed a profit And a dvelopronrl 7
sibiilty somewhat-beyond anything
bad been expected. Xlnea were extend
ed to Santa Monica, to Redondo, to San
Pedro, to Olendala, xto Olendora, - to
Santa Ana And Orange everywhere that
sound demand directed. , At first- lines
were built for towns! i then towns wrere
buUt for Iinea,.V5'iC:'';l-'v. --Xtr-.?,
ft the
at a cost of $1,7BO,000. Not only waa it
tha first fireproof building In Los An
geles, it waa the first depot an Inter
urban system had aver built squarely In
tba heart of a big city: Tha idea waa it
success. ; Eighteen hundred tralne run
out-ox tha depot every day," .Th uppar
floora contain the officea. , The depot
Is readily accessible from avary part of
tha city, lit Is close 7to h botelg.;'. A
system of brass, gate,- polished And
noiseless, seems effectually to prevent
confusion among crowds. , People like
thia depot : The only interurban lines
not using It are the Hollywood and West
beach' Unas, which atilt operate put' of
the former Lea Angeles Pacific depot at
Hill and Fourth street.
;7'7:'';.'i 7- - U MM "Wkat. 7' K '
Eight days I spent In Ii Angeles
studying tha abb and flow of the human
tides, in Broadway. Spring and Main.
In Flrat.-7 Fourth. SixthIn - a .dosen
streets there buatled at all times ' a
pleasant multitude of peraops who aome-how-
Impressed' one . as being long, on
health, hope and the Joy of being there.
They represented not merely th city
428,000, but th red car's close knit dis
trict of three quarters of a million. Lot
Angalea ia separately - distinguishable
only on an: official map,.... Nobody but, a
surveyor ould.tell where the clty llm
its art. Nothing stops or begins at the
Mne. A baseball tossed from home to
home would travel from Pasadena to the
boa with nothing to ahow when it passed
Into or out of Loa Angeles. The man
who is working out the destiny of the
red car system says that tha population
of the city proper should reach tha mil
lion mark by loa. The'red car roan
didn't say what population ha expected
car country to have by that
On my last night In town I met again
my friend tha shoe merchant who Bleeps
under an orange tree, as ha headed for
tha -afttr-the-theatra car. Maybe he
could see th light of a little compre
hension transfiguring my face. -' ' ;
"Why is Los Angelesr ha called n
my.tvn words of a Week before. - ;'
take a lot of words to vet It all out"
"Just tell ma its color.' he suggested,
r,: Any. color," I replied In the worda of
A famous unknown, "so long aa It's red!"
North Yakima, Wash.; Oct; II. Woid
waa received here . yesterday that the
offices ; of the state fair, which have
always been maintained, at North Yak
ima, will bo moved at onca to Olym-
pia,. and that the position of fair man-
ir 1
ager, held by ltarrv 11. Avrn :'.
dispensed with. 1 he mt i
done by the clerical forte of J it
mlssloner of Agriculture J. 11. 1
under, whose department tin) t
falls. Whether this moans in- r 1
noroical -. management ' or wlictm r u
means . that North Yakima Will 1 -;
the state fair la not known .here. Whii -Commissioner
Perkins a few wcka
"I think t know the answer now1 I declared emphatically dn favo, of b ul l
- w-w . jatta- fair isiiil mai
ima grounds. It in known that Pu'yiti
lup, Seattle and Spokane, all of; wlm n
have fairs of their own, do not 1mm
with favor upon a state approprtailoa
for.yakima;v;77.: i:7;-:;,':-' '- ';
The fair this year was the most sue-cessful-
of , 'recent years,; with aw si
tendance of 60.OV0 or mora. ,
'. Burned In Rooming Jlouse-.
"Chicago, 'Oct',!- Jamea -.Wllaon ai.J
Mrs.' Emma Anderson died today in a
fire, Which '.destroyed a rooming house
here, and James Perry, another roomer,
was missing, a ; - -
1 1 .1 ."Jj 1. UE.'JI'JL.iil
Digests 1 all food absorbs gases
' , and atops fermentation m,
- -' - (at once, -o 4 s ' "i
'..,'...V -
' Wonder what upset your stomach
which portion of t'ae food did tha dam
age do yout ; Well, don't bother.. If
your stomach is In A ; revolt; If sour,
gsssy and upset, and what you Just
Ate haa fermented into atubborn lumpa;
your head dlssy and aches; belch gaat a
and acids and eructate undigested food;
breath foul, tongue coated Just taka
Papa's Dtapepsla and In flvo minutes
you will wonder what became of tha In
digestion and distress. ; Millions of men
ana women toaay know tnai .1 ia neea
lesa to have a bad stomach, A littu
Dlapepsln occasionally keeps too stom-
acn reguiaieu ana iney est uni w.w
its foods without fear. '.'.. 7 .
If your stomach doesn't taka' care , of
your Uberkr limit without rebellion; f
your food la a damage instead of help,
remember - the quickest, 'surest, most
harmless relief is Pape's Plapepsin.
which costo only 60 cents for a larg?
case at drug stores. 1 It's truly Wonder
ful It digests food and seta - things
straight, ao gently and easily, that it t.
astonishing. Pleaae don't go on and on
wtth a weak, disordered stomach; it's
so unnecessary. i;-"v ' ' -v. -v Vi-.-"' ':
CWnese Herbalist
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treatments to the ick
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