The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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m;,. : oints ,
S t f T ' ' " ' ! " f jp -' t f i
our ciiii;y im
, . j s V- i "
Attorney, for .Company Says
Author Just Released, Declares
Inmates Should: Be Treated
Much or.,Opposltion Due to
as .Human Beings. ; "
; iviisunaersianaing pi: nans.
,, v' "" """" ' '' ml Mil Him il i ,ii i ' n i . i, in i , in.. i I. ;VVV'J -
i If granel A franchise to oparat ear
nvtf th city treets,th Portland and
rg6n City Slecjtfl KAllWIjr CO. Will
esUblieh a regular urban line from the
point of the Ho entering the city to
. th west eld district According to U.
G. Munly, reprsentjng th company. At
present Attempt to beek a franchu on
. MUrk street throurh' the west SlUe dis
trict hvs net with eonsldorabl' ppo
feitlon, property owner, says Mr. Munly,
. believing that regular Intei-urban eerv
Ice it to be maintained on the street
k'- as tho result of this opposition tho
company is seeking another street ttu
.which to run Westward to Tenth After
leaving- Fourth street ; Tamhlll stieet
be been auggcsted and la being given
oerloua consideration by . the sompaay
and Commissioner Will if, Daly. If tho
right to operate bn'Btark atreet is de
ied And Yamhill, street fixed, the new
company Will probably, ' after leaving
the Hawthorn bridge rout to Fourth
Street to Yamhill, to Tenth to Balmon
to Fourth Or Front thane to Madison
and acroa the MWfiifl-.v-.iftV'M -
The Impression seems to prevail.'
aid Mr. Munly, "that -the Portland A
Oregon City Eleotrlo Railway oom-
jany 1 ... aeeklng a ' franchise to
oparat . regular Irtterurban service
on ' ; th 'rawest 1 ' aids, Xt U A . fact
.that tha oaf will be of standard gutg
but will be HO larger than the St Johns
cArs now running up And down Broad''
way. Tta franchise restricts all freight
service to th east aid and. that means
that if tha franchise 1 granted we will
be allowed te operate only passenger
cars on th West side.
'If th franchise 1 granted :, w .
pect to establish regular urban Service
front tho point wher our lin enter
th elty t and through th west side
(1 (strict A regular schedule U to bo
maintained.) . " "
- Work n th line outside of Port'
land 1 progressing rapidly and in a
short Urn tha. tracks will be -laid to
th elty. Th contract for tha building
of -A bridg acroes th Clackamas river
ever which th line will pass has just
bean let and work will soon b started
n it"- - i''' i j:i4;'-;: sv.""
. A cbnf renc ,1s t b held shortly
between company "representatives and
Stark street property owner opposed
to the has bn that street with a view
to rinding a rout on .th .west aid that
will be suitable to al, "
Commlssloatr BIgelow Says Salary
' SUndardlaAUoB Is tTnf aIt. .
Kot satisfied with ' tho salary stand
ardization which 'flats A reclaeslfloa
, tlon .lor tb city isoa employes. In
many case at a . lower salary. C. A.
' ktlgelowt eominlkaioner of f lnancea, y
terdty fefuaej to sajtctloa th mr-.
geftcy .ordinance adopUng ihe system
on th ground that It wa Onfialf and
a a rewult. th measur trill ikot colne
. tot final aotlon before eiglxt day,, ,
Commldalonar Blgelow Ala ' Attacked
' MaWJUbea'a. scheme of tatabiuhin
a thrto xsn aytm for' tlr de.1
partmenv, Btaung "that . omo . fire
station on-th aet eide-' had been
placed in th third son when they dhould
ha?o beenpiced In Hi first or second.
If gav as -exarr)p1 hno ehgln -earn-Pr
which ha th. buataes , district
of th at aid. -: , v'' - S t'. '
Mr. Bigelow pointed Out A number of
- ease where h thought that tho Ud
n ardiaation ayetem was unfair, H atattd
that many affected have been, in the
city' service for aotn tttno Ahd'ar
jilt fficlnc. H spok of several in
, th department f public work Who had
, only bean In th employ of tha'city
for ahort time but Whoah salary, pro
poaea was mtrah -greater than 'tho
had held-positions longer. . v
Coramlaslonef Dleck took Issue with
him, ,n this point AtAtlng that a pr
, son in tha service of tha city -en mm
ut may e worth as much a man
1 Jll. i eT,c ' imWMtft:-; much
discussion th, measure Was deferred for
1 f"iurA tlon thf taeantlm -, it.
t terhpts are to be mad to place th sat.
t Ariea on a mora 0.uitabU)aaiV-; t
! JubUa tl'ork - Employ Mast Ob
i'i"' f IlglAtle)Bl
'?'p1?'' th dapArtmeht of bui-
,w wao nave been in th habit
teriala with business house befor ta
Jii .Jitaltioii1,with the elty pur
cliaalnf department er going;, tol find
wieoiseiTes m serious troubl? unless
.... rcuce is aiscontinued lmtnecnate-l?pP.?-';
Sr"?.i 0.,tth; ePrtBt issued or.
'! f W atnployea yesterday
r5ardln the new ruling. , , .
tZ.'TZ?0 ? Acinar order irior
to. the filing of nniiiiOiAn. jL,.
?n op " ttimo In other do
partroenta aa wall a Onmmili.hi1.
It has been foiind j
numper ot Instances th fmnlnv r,i.,l
(no oraer wher he wiahni. mA 1
to .be used, says tJOmmlsaioher Dleck.
-Demanding that -t Holman Fuel
I company retnhv wjtnin Is day a pile
of slabwbod Which has titObd ott Lt
Sixth street; hear division, for SSm
time, Cbmmtesioner , Dleck yesterday
, sent a letter to th eompany.
Plan are being formulated for the
' 2' -fn.iii.u. iw using the
trbeu Evn lret scales are to come
under -th hew .ruling, yesterday the
tnefiibeT ' Of th , oltv - COuHrll M.
to allow an east aid concern to place
m.- awafv ti n me siaewaiK, Mayor
Albee statin that tha
l,b compelled to plc th scale, on its
1 9:ptoert?..i.-f::i
, f SUUrway for Vit Avhme.
' t plan hive beenlhad y tha depart
j Went of .public work . of- an . artistic
? atnlrway pfopbod to laad frotot Vlsu
avenue gieajf th big etAtning, Wall t
i a point on Montgomery - driv below.
1 Kealdent of Portland Height have
tskfd that something b done toward
( tiuiidlng . an ornamental atalrway and
. engineer of th elty have drawn tents
; live plan. ' th matter i to b placed
before the city council soon, -
: H 'i'ix Mr. A. Pelt Spoke. ' . j
I.hts. Or., Oct 18 At th last moet
itsg of the Parent-Teacher association of
tha Lnte scliool, Mrs. A. Felts delivered
(lie addrsa, . r - -
thAr. ; hn.. 2 t "f? w ni uggeaUoB th toABtmai
awe 0bhll,!2 by "'! Pchaamg Ahd Applauded her A she
i.- .r .rz. wt aepartment It Wa ' Ah AoBOT vr
" " " ... iv uu liu n irfi.. . i . . . . .
NrA.-Peeiy Named-Asslstan
. .United State's District
- .Attorney.;
Nash A. Peery. for 21 rears-a real.
dent of Portland and. prAotioing attor
bey , with, oraca .in, th Chamber of
uommaro Duuaing. nas been, seieotea as
ABsisian to at. Haxion,. raoeauy ap
.pointed United State district attor
ney for district No. a of Alaska.
Mr. Peryt together with Mr. . Saxtoh,
Will, leave for - Alaska.' Aboard tlT
teattr Victoria, sailing from Seattle,
Saturday, October; S6.-: They w'U make
their headquarter At Kqua Alaska 1
divided Into 'four , judicial- districts, Ju
heau, Nome. Valdai aha Fairbanks. -
Mr. Peery ,waa a delegat ta'th
Democrat! aoavention tt una held at
Kansas city. As a to em bar of the com
mittee on resolution he wa tha Author
of two plank in th platform on sub
jects which hAv recently become v.-of
vital interest to this country. His reso
lution condemned th liay-Pauncefort
treaty Which has ome to be a bone
of contenUon 4n th.PanamA toll con
trovsrsy and recortimenfled tha exoluaion
of Chtheb ghd an other. Aa'atlo race-..
Bel or .coming to Portland Mf. Peery
Waa for. six years in the government
oerVle At Washlngtodui ' His office can.
riea with it a aalafy of '400 per an
(Continued FrOm Pag On a)
be subjected to a frAnchlse tax and reg
ulation by oounty court. ' r . (
- The preposttloA of carrying on a
campaign for fund to erect a monu
ment to the' late Homer Davenport wa
heartily Approved. TB Committee ro
omehded that each' newspaper aiiess It
self f per. ,iqoo of circulation for oh
years that every editor should receive
contribution and 'then turn them into
th regular monument committee, and
should interest newspaper friends out
aide the'atate i& th matter, . p..
At A crowning event of -what lb hAr
aeuNied A one Of th best convention!
of tha Organisation bince e formation,
the editors and their ladles last bight
war guest bf the Manufacturer' as
frhotatlon at h "Mad la Oregon Banquet"
at th .coftimeroiai club.; Covtr ware
laid- for 8l5,,and David M. Dunne, for
merly collector oi internal revenue, pre
idV a ;toatmatr. -j. f-i'; y k
lh-'4.r. v; ka ia ttncaai Mkmvzfr
; "flowing ih feist.' which lhclUded
Yaqulna bay oysters, - Heppner short
rtsru wuiiiiun, niuanmie vauev celery,
Oregon, aalmon. umnaua vaUer1 turkey.
Clatsop county cranberry oauce, pota
toes from Crook county and ohftes front
Tillamook, several speaker mode short
talks.. vAtaong them was ex-Senator Jon
Athan BOUtn. .who Made the nrlAolal
Speech of the evening, ehooalng for his
topi -The Relation or Good Road to
tur Ihaustrles.". ,,. Other speaker war
Calvin B. Brown, representing the Pan-
AmA-Pacif i txpoaltlont B. C. Darnell, of
th union Meat company) Edyth Totter
Veatherre4. C 0. Jackson, Mrs, Abigail
Bcott DUntway. Frank B. ftlley and El
bart Bode,, of Cottage Orove, 'th nwly
elected -prcatdeat of. th Assoelatloa.
The banouet was marked by a touch-
Ina inciHent. .When Mrs. Dunlwav. so
weak:. that. h eoutd not walk una
.i.i.a ium .k. ki t..u
. tt.. m.u. ... .k.
ter. stood up
befor A
nd wa
idon as A tribute to tne 40 year fight
h waged to brlhtt? to the women of
Oregon equal franehise which wa over
whelmingly 'granted, them last Kovem-
bet '..v-,.::.'-.:!"-r!iA;Vv.'-!,i' - ',
- Quick 'tear tprunt to th eyes of
('Oregon' grand. old .lady." and with
voice quivering -. with amotion. h
stopped And'saidl
" When I ,hav been reborn to this
earth I shall then ba able to thank you.'
Ex-etnator Bourne's plan for federal
aid to good roads, dealing as it doe
with th proposed expenditure of thfe
billion of dollar in th construction
and maintenanoe of highways through
out the country, Was enthusiastically
received by the editor ana other who
Were present, He went Into detail x
plaining th plan.r baying in af f Oct; ;
Crovcnuant'ahonUl atUb'H'kv;
"th prlflelpl up : which I have
oad this pian for federal Aid in good
road Construction : Is .that the govern-
ment should help communitia that help
themselves. The responsibilities of
putting th scheme Into effect reatt
upon th states and upon the various
ountiaa an turn.- r---fr-i-i - !
,."! working out tha'piatt by which
lh - states could aeour finanelai fctd
from the central government th pop
ulatlon of th Several fetatea, their area I,
mileage 6f road already eitlattng, and
the aaseaaed valuatlhn hmi.h.
inthelr boundaries .have ben madJth
''At oreacnt w h... i mil a..
of roadways In th United tatA Th
pian I suggest is for the construction
enran e woman in ureson.
of highway on a broad comprehensive
boale. Th government la called upon
to uae on billion dollar of tta credit
upon which th tates shall draw : In
proportion to their needs and 'credit '
"It calls first for tho oraatlon of a
Ut highway ' commission In each
but. EAch atAto- thAt hll borrow
from th- governman must have an
Indebtedness under 10 per cent of,, the
assessed valuation vp r its weaitn.
"The secretary of tha treasury Bhall
b authorised to Issue federal, par
cent th yemr untaxable bond and each
atate shall be enUtled to get It pro
portion of this billion or credit tnu
created, upon fulfilling th provision
bet down to proteot tne government.
"The principal provision ia that each
tt shall -give to th government 60
year. 4 ner cent bond, in exchange
for cash .: loaned f by th ; government
Ther 1 A further provision tht bo
tat cAn cat mor than io per cent
Of it proportion any one year, -,. .
TTnrler this rule no mor CUlt ItO
(00.000 of th billion dollar In bohfls
,Aould b issued w A-yaar,
Mr. Bourne concluded by the declare.
tlqn that, th construction of th high
way under this plan would .add flOO,
000.000 th th WAlth Of th country
The first sceakar of the evening was
President Sod of th. dltorial associa
tion. He ADcealed to the? editor pre
ent to cooperate, na aeciaredi
wa time to do Away with ."boost liter
Atur and glv- eastern anquirer a
subscription: to a newspaper, pubiishe-i
in any Section of th afat of which
thev were oeekinir Information. ' He also
decried oommunit "knocking" on an
other, and championed harmonious rela
tions (between All rival towns-and die-
triOtar' V' "' '!l--l--t:'- ;
Addrdaslna thosa breseht at her "bov
Aha girts," Mrs. Dunlway reSpqnded to
the toabt, "Beminlseaces.'' Bhe briefly
sketched her career from' th time she
entered the polltUsal life Of Oregon In
the cause ot equal suffrage up to last
NOtember whea, th long fight wat.Won.
'"-W: TUS YAtS. ; ; ..- ,-..v
'Calvin Brown? director of domesti
kpleltaUon for th Panama-Paclflo x
poalttont told how. th big 1015 fair vf
fer opportunltle tor Oregon to x
Dlolt her Industrie and profit by th
UhOWand'A' a -Darnell of th Union
Stock Yard startled his Auditors by
figure showing thAt the Oregon live
stock industry exceeds all other, th
lumber industry not Accepted. During
191E. he said, th livestock business Ag
gregated 188,000,000 against 180,000,000
realised in lumbering. Declaring' that
the Industry is just In It infanoy. he
said there 1 no.ohaflc of .over produc
tion, and predicted that Portland In 40
year may rival Chicago a A livestock
And packing center.
Kdyth Toaler Weatherred or th Man
ufacturer' a Association urged th pur
chase by Oregonlaffa of goods manu
factured In Oregon, pointing out that
the state would progress mor rapidly
IX a hearty aupport of bar manufactur
ing Industrie war given local aupport
C B. Jeciuon, publisher Of The Jour
nal, spoke oh "What th Rest Forgot"
In hi talk Mr, Jackson urged tor A
better system of roads and stated that
the Interstate bridge, across th Colum
bia river should have been built 80 years
Ago. He deplored W Attitude taken by
"mossbacks" that th bridge would be
of too much benefit to the farmer ot
Clarke county, , 'Wash, - . x, . .
' - in his plea for good road he stated
that all of th editor throughout the
Atate should boost for better highway
but that before attempt , were mad
to tell road' bonds that sample road
Should b built end given thorough
trial.'.' -,. '' ...s ',, .
? 'Th !Me Arterle Of Commerce,'' Wa
th subject of A brief Address by Frank
B. Riley. Although hi remark were re
plete with wit he told ot th urgent
fieedg of better roads. H Stated that
the United EtaUs governmant should
build federal roads at federal expense.
His contention met with the approval
bf the editor. , . .
i Milton A. MUlW,' eott8Up of internal
revenue, made a plea for th 1175,000
Appropriation for the University of Ore
gon, a allowed by th legislature but to
tome befor th voter November 4.
Fallowing his, talk a motion wa unani
mously aaoptea oy in association favor
lnr the appropriation,. . .,
Th afternoon session bf th aasooia.
'1on wn.a thm mofet atithiiatantlA a (h.
tira convention. Colonel Hafer. -th .)
tiring president, made ma annual re
port, and pointed out som of th "do
And don't" for success In Journalism.
Secretary Phil Bates likewise reported
that th association had mad , great
progress during the year, And W. D. B.
DOdsan of th Chamber f commrc
made a survey of th present condl
tions affecting market and - called
upon th editor to work for an open
river, to the end thAt Cheaper freight
rates eouia oouun. . i-vj
' "When the tlm cam for Mnmlnatlritta
fclbert Bed of the Cottage drove Sen
tlnel Waa chosen president: IS, H, Flagg
or tne mv scott rvews, vie president;
Phil Bates, secretary (third term). And
h. Ireland Of the Mor Observer and
WJ. Clark of th inflependenc En
terprise, trustees. '.
Th resolutions commlttea ,nnalald
bf A. 8-Voorhlee, Qraht Paesj ferlc At
ten. u. ireianu, can Abram and H.
E. woodward. i 1 - ..'-
In regard to the university ibDrObr'A-
lions the association take no middl
ground, but Come out atrongly in it
resolutions against any effort to crip.
?1 the institution. "We. believe. It la
he duty" of th trs to bunoort tha
campaign for th stat. university an
proprlatlona," ' ut : the . resolutions.
"and w urg tiport our member to oe
pose any effort that may be made now
or In th future to cripple Us te-
eources," .,,,,. ,r ...jr....,'
'J iie camnaian . for tha intnta
bridge ta characttirigedas on$ of "those
noble, enterprise for - the betterment
of human conditions." Tha tat leg
islature 1 commended for abolishing the
offioe of stat -printer, And th plan for
the federal aid of highways, outlined
later by ex-Benator Bourn at th pah'
aunt, received heart aODroval
The matter ot selecting the sit for
the next ednventlor was left to th of
ficials, but there is no doubt but that
Portland will be chosen
Thos In attendance at the sessions
include; ' 't i.
L. .- Howard sad wife. YamhlU Beeora;
J. K. Cos and wife. Olendale Mewa; Albert
Beds, Cottage Grore Santlkel; sera. AUiert Beoe,
OotUg Qrore Beatlnelt Ura. ft. It. Uagbes,
Portland. Oreaoni U. H. Huahea, Paelfle Cbrla-
ttaa AdrocaUl A. X. Boot I, Foreat Oiev hews.
TinMe; Mrs. A, B. Scott, roreet Grove News.
TtatMi W. Olark, Inoapendenc Bnterprtee
lira. W. J. Clark. Independence Knternrlae)
Loula Boadbelni, Nofthweat Insurance, fowa,
Portlud: Arthur Bfanarae. Italian Trlbana.
pondent Woodbtirttf H. W. Xounv woouourn ia-
iVtk&ieAvi fS t. Itaa1aiitl Hhaitm.A rVntititv nnm
Vinvu. aa, evas-iiui usih
vera atlas Mafy A. Bmltn, Waaeo Newa-Snter
prlwt Oeorge Huntington oorrey. rami uroTi
8. Dean -Peterson. Eugene, V. of O.I K.
M. Kearaa, Albany H.r.lai frank Braacii Bller,
Inttnute Bridge AiTOcate: Edgar B. Piper,
Th Ht Uofr. Oreaou UaSttfaetureri
dull a V. n Daatfl. MwthM.1 f4t.
ea a Bates, Portlan Feeino WortBwet Harry
N. CrrJn. TJ of O. Baadoa Weatera World;
Arehle U. Itoaa,. V. of O., Bugan. Oregoar K
WaM Wi AUU, U. OI V., B urejuni mum.
W. H. Tbttea folk Chanty UtMerrer, pallas
Wlhaa Totten. Polk County Obmrrer, Dallas;
W. U. l otttn, Pol Oennty ObMrrer, Dallas j
Bwt Lombard. U.s ot 0.. Biigene, Oregon;
Cham N. Bl'thtua, V, Of 0.; Kuganft Orefcanj
Vt alter H. ' Dimra, , U. ei u., uuscne,
Henry P. Bennett, Oanby, Oregon; Uri..H. P.
Bennett, Canby, Oregon! Harriet Bennett- Can
by, Oregon; U. B. Uodgtm, Tn BUTerroo Ap
peal; lire. A. v. atoe, m .
Sloe, Hood RlTtr, Oregon; tYaacU B. Got.heU,
Woman's Preas Club, Portland) Albert Toiler,
Dee. Or con: Bdrtb Toater Weatberred. portlano;
m). M. Plnuiraer. Portian Ureatpek Beporter;
O. B. jackaen, 'e journal, rwi
gene. V. o 0. Junior; P. Oteaeh, Mortbwest
Hotel News, Portland; 0. U Adama, Kan rren
laooi Chester Moland, Chronicle, Creawell. Ore
gos; T. P. Donpue Saa rranctaeo, O B. Mo.
OonnaU, Buru Xluiea-Herald; T. T. fleer, Pert.
)an; Oarle Abrama, Balen Btataaman; Doug
tea trallarkr Kednton Bnterprtaer K. W. Wood-
jaeaaon. . roritana; juoim . uimmmt, .u-
ward. Newberg OraphK, A
Tha Tlmberman: kdxar u
. wnianani, rqriiaiia.
cbaniaW Nortk Bead,
Oregon, ewoa Bay , Jiarbori
s. voorniaa.
Hogne Rlrvt Oeorler, Oranta Jfaeat G.J, Taylor,
Mobile Pton-tr, Molnllat J. D. Btewart, Toleda,
jorala County sentinel; A. U Xaraea, Hobm
nvenpnrt Band! A. r, SlmeraL J Hoonf Daves-
port Band; Charles Beatavtv, Bosief Daves
port Band; 01 ran DeOulra, Homer Denport
gaad; r M. vrowa, nrownaTitw,- vregoa; tt .
. Kalaoa. Halnee Reoord; C O. Chapman,
E inland Commercial eiub; K. B. Bieead, Port
ed Commercial clnbt Tom Blchardaoa, Port
nd Commercial lub.vwv ' ;-"' ....
Continued From Pag On.'
Packing plant East Eighth and Bel
mont Streets. When h left Haas, their
two children, eight and 14 years or Age,
respectively, went to stay at th Hell
home. ''!. i r;"' - j. ''.""'- . ..V '
Iast evening. Hell. Mrs. Haaa, her
two children and tteu s son were at me
dinner tftbi. i Haaa onened A rear door.
stepped to the entrance of the dining
room, called upon hi wif t hold up
he hand, then fired At her. Another
Shot wa Immediately fired at HelL
Haas then fled. . The children raa Into
an aflioinlnc rcom.
'. The lied Cross ambulance conveyed
Mrs. Haas to the hospital. . She waa
able to tell the incidents of the shoot
ing. 8h Also told of th domestl
trouble and of threat her husband had
made Against her life, these threats be
coming so bitter that sb left him 10
days ago. they lived at th Thirteenth
street home, but Haas left It. soon After
she went away and ha been " staying
at Thirteenth ana AibertA a tree u.
Hell told the detectives be had been
offering Mrs. Haas A horn during her
recent trouble, and had befriended her
during the trouble involving her hus
band th Colorado, Help is a wldowar
and ha a son 14 years old. The woman
worked each day at th tannery, 1av
lng her children at th Hell home.
Two year ago- Haa suffered a para
lytic stroke, since which Urn he has
otd strangely at time, say th Wife,
but. no Insanity I suspected as his
wnrlr ' wan 1 lrSt-ClaSB. , All Polio i And
detective available were . kept OA th
lookout for him. ' :
Ilea 1 described as oeing anout to
yar bid. feet t inehea -U1V- welghe
1(S pounds, ha A brown mustache, dark
hair and war a. blu suit - He ha lived
in Portland two yard, .
' tcontlnued Prom Page Oha) '
J. U Wood Meriil,. t Kansas City, to
"giv in Convention hall full explana
tion -of your lmpeaohraent by Murphy
and Tammany." 1 He also wa offered
guarantee of $160,000 net for a season
'to lecture on your herolo sacrifice for
hoheat govertirtient" by Henry Neal, of
Chicago 820,000 for 10 speeches by C
Payton, and 880,000 and expenses "for
to lectures telling; your aid of i the
tory". by R. E, Johnson, of New Tori.
fiulsor will leave "the people's houa"
(tomorrow for New fork, where h in
tends to enter th oampaigA, attaoklng
McCall. as ths emiisary of Murphy In
the negotiations which caused the break
between the governor and ' Tammany
which resulted In Sulxer's removal from
Offlc. . .!.-,.' , i n: ',--;U .,n-t:.. r.-'i.i',) ' ,S .
Friend Of th x-govrnor declare
that h will openly charge that during
the early month f his Administration.
MoCall, first aa a justlc of the su
preme tkiurt And later a Sulxer's ap
niaini poinise io ne cnairmansnip ot tne puo 1
;hos'Uo ervlcs commission, frequently urged
pointee to in chairmanship ot th pub
him to call off th Hetmessy investi
gation and stop th intended graft prose
cutions, t ; ' -
- Sulser would hot talk About this fea
ture of his Intended campaign ot speech
making today., -''"riv:'. ''--Friend
of Sntzer also say that when
he take th stand he will have a very
pertinent explAnation of the Allan Ryan
incident He wiU admit getting f 10,000
from Ryan, but will claim that he so
licited th contribution at the request
Of Charles F. Murphy and that th mon
y wa turneol over to as agent of Mur
phy.- .;i.-;i'i':i;!;:f. ..'
Huiser expects to leave here' tomor
row morning for Coperstown. Re will
go la a stage automobile, the same high
way department machine ho has used
ever since John N. Carlisle became com
missioner of highways.- He plana to
motor to Nevr Tork, arriving there early
in me wee. r:'--ytr..;VV
John A HenneSsv also plans to enter
the mayoralty campaign in. New York,
attacking Murphy and the-Tammany ma
chine, using the material he has gath
ered In hi Investigation.
oovernor Olynn will not occupy th
execuUve mansion until November ' 1.
7 CShlll , Too Voot to Exhibit. V
BAntiagO, Chile, Oot 18. -Offloiat an
nouncement wa maae her today thAt
th Chilean government had decided
not to take part in the Panama-Pacific
exposition In Ban Francisco in 1918,
owing to the - republic's financial con
. : . .- - m - i " '
; X' Two ' KOleA by ; Trains b
Plainfleld, Ind.. Oct 18.-Whlle search.
lng for - three boy, who had escaped,
from the Indiana boy' chooLiW. H7
Steers, 48, and Or Ambrose, 80, em
ployes of th sohoot war killed when
th automobile in which they were rid
ing waa struck by a train this evening.
Journal Want Ads bring result.;
The Stelnbach Store
11 Jj" nmi
I -"
..." '.Ir II
, lite w iJ , j"
' Ut V' s' "
. Ik X.JV'-ir--: v.- '
;. IB ; sniv. 4 ( . - ,i wi ill i 4
WfE'''ll i"l lh 111 .1 .'llWll'A.nwAW-'rHfeSI;.' 1 ' . ' ' , .
Nw York, Oct v 18. Julian ; Haw
thorns, the author," who wa released
from the -federal prison in ' Atlanta
Thursday, commenting tonight ea Gov
ernor Glynn s plans for th betterment
of prison conditions in Nw xork state,
said there never an 1 be anything1 ap
proaching' model prlsona until Inmates
of penal institutions are treated as hu
man beings. . .. 'wwivsta
"First," said Hawthorne,1 "th guards
should be of higher ; typo than those
employed by th federal government la
Atlanta. . & a. -.t,v..s.
."Tne antlauated system now In vogue
In many of the penal - Institutions is
certain to drive a man Insana . - The
lockstep should bo abolished; the honor
system snouia oe aaoptea in an prisons;.
the rule of silence should be abolished.
."Prisoners who have families should
In my opinion bo paid for their labor
and , th money remitted at weekly: or
montmy . interval to those, who- have
been deprived of hi support Ther Is
nothing wrhlch will turn th model pris
oner lata a depert character so
quickly e the worry over th fate of
the loved one whom be has left be
hind to depend upon th charity of an
unfeeling world. - Y j
"And th policy f limiting a prison
er's privilege ox. writing letters is ex
tremely cruet -I would suggest that
much good might be accomplished, by
permitting the prisoner's relative and
friends to visit him mor frequently.'
"X realise full well," oontlnued Haw
thorne, "that w cannot remove all re
straint and. permit men who are being
confined aa a punishment for crime to
do as they please, - Their burden can
be lightened, however, and they oan be
made to feel that they are human. Ther
are many men in th Atlanta prison dy
lng of Indigestion and many mora who
Are starving themeivea to death sim
ply because they cannot cat th food
that la. given to them."
Hawthorne declares thAt h will de
vote th remainder of his time to th
work of prison reform. ,
-. -- j, ...... i t
(Continued From Pag Ona)
A clerk In the office of the chief of
United State engineers . returned the
report to Portland, calling attention to
th mistake, , It was than sent through
th- ebnnl wcuIreoV i ''ff.'t'-
Th report thAt Major Molndo had
recommended against dredging caused
sensation, among supporters of . the
campaign to deepen th Columbia. : bar
channel.' Confident that h had- recom
mended the continuance ot .dredging
with increased capacity member of th
Port of Columbia committee have been
calling upon the chief of engineer end
congressmen by v telegram And letter,
asking their support of th recommenda
tions. Other plans for advancing th
work Of deepening th bar channel have
been made becaue of Major Mclndoe'S
favorable attitude.
Y V:y9 . .... r . . , II
xi this new Fall -and
Is simply , to show ;you
the prevailing style lrbm
a different point of view
- Its ftnother object lesson to , 'dtm :
ohstrate the facf that the clothes ' :
, yoilfind here are jjood style' all ;
' around, and the 'high' qualify 'is' - -"
uniform inside where' it doesn't
- ' ,shpw, as well as
It UUkO. - ?
BaseiJ on this quality known na1-
tionally, the -prices are 'most eco
nomical at ,
Twenty-five Dollars .
, - other. 15.06 to $40.00' ,
Fourth Street, Cornet of Morrison
Two Jews -Told of 'byheb-.-
-eryak Girl Will, Be Cu
" Stand Tomorrow. '
','"- . ; ..... 4
Si-, r , . ., ., ( w-v
Kleff, Russia,. Oct" 18.-iJimLiu and. )
Estlnger, ,the two, Jew -"of Minister
appearance," ' told about 1 1 by .Ludinillo
Cheberyak, were ready ' to take jieaekjjsb i
stand when the "ritual murder", 4, bjij,'
recessed ' tonight i -They . wUl " be u.J
first sr witnesses ,'X tomorrow..'. .-Russian
courts sit on- Sunday ,;The Cheberyak
girl. told Of seeing th two strangeis
with Mendel .'Belli,! at the brick yard ,
on the day - that the Christian - boy,-
Andrei-Tushinsky, wa murdered. The
Child described them aa evil-looking
atrangere in the pale; who Wore long
black ; coat 'and - strange High black ;
hats. , .- v'wi:--:
, Estlnger 'and' lpflau-wUl testify, -
According . to their ' preliminary eW .
denes, . that ( they were lodging with
Belli at th time the girl saw them.
They will assert, that neither they nor
Bellls knew anything of Tushinsky un
til news of, hi murder pread. " A ,
Zarudsky, a school boy who was a
playmate of Andrei And Also Eugene ,
ChaberyAk, who I dead, was tha most ,
interesting witness . of th . day. He
swore that In the witness room, on .: '
ths first day of the trial. Vera Che
beryak. the woman who said she was
offered 820,000 to assume the guilt ot
Tushinsky's murder, tried to persuade
him to testify that ie saw Bellls drag
ging off Tushinsky. This was tha story
told to th jury by ' th Cheberyak.
Zarudsky said he saw Andrei and Eu
gene that day, but did not see Bellls.
Vera Cheberyak In open court started
to berate Zarudsky for his testimony, ' -but
was stopped by the. president of th
court ' - . -,' ' . -
. Nicholas Fanenke. the examining mag
Istrate, who committed Mendel Balll for .
murder, was a witness this afternoon. -,
He told the routine story of the evidence ,.
brought out At the preliminary, hear- -
lng and then he gav a, bit of tstl- ' '
mony of great value to th dxease, .
He said that the records of th tele
graph office where Basil Cheberyak
waa employed Showed Cheberyak, has- -band
of Vera, to hav been at work at
the hour when Vera And her daughter
testified th sirl ran . horn and told
her father of aeelng the two Strang
'rabbis dragging Tushinsky away, ac
companied by Bellls. Fenenke swor
that Basil did not mention th Tebbir
until several raonthe later..
Today wa th nam day of th Csar
Vltch and ther was no morning sea .
sion Of court, Th president it b. '
came known tonight is being urged by ,
hi friends, to throw tbeTltual murder"
case out of court i i ,
" Injaries Ara Slight. . 1
P. C. Kraus of 841 'Russell street
who was - dragged 40 yards by th
front trucks of a Bt John car trailer ".
at 11:85 a, m yesterday near th 'cen
ter of Bt Johns, i not seriously m- ' .
Jured. He was Uken l a. St Johns
ambulance to the Good Samaritan hoa- -. ,
pltal. where ha waa found to have sus- -tained
A slight scalp wound, a dislo
cated shoulder and flesh wounds about
the legs. ' .
UR object in
showing the
back view
the outside where
. i