The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 39, Image 39

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    :r cu;
. j. I ID, GUiJDAY I.IOj
OCTOBER 19, 1811
.01 SINE ! i,
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f 4 ' M ' v ' ' V
16.. Berluixer
r ;nnM,j
',..mLi. U..I.UL
i r
: Motor X;ar cotnnanv
eral truck that baa beta traveling from
leltjr to-city for the tast year. Tha truck
."was built and'shown first at the New
York automobile ahow last January., and
from there haa made the rounds of the
entire list of important show through
out the United States.
- as Tnere are a great many towns in
vieiun ! hub . lime ItgUTMK on mOTOT
ialng the fire department Mr. Gerllnger
had this truck shipped to Portland in
order that it might be shown to the
quote specifications and select from
photographs. . i ' j v
the Gerllnaer Motor f! Mimiunv nria
w v ... .... u nMuq nan ji wiv iuwr
.car -business" In this city for several
yawr-v luuKiiina; ine ora . una, or tfle
,pt year Mr. Edwards haa been in Cal
ifornia, but will now look after' the sales
o me uasiana line lor.Mr. uerunger.
tw' ' t
wtJJaa Uner daniMUJaiuAlM-wtlano;, A.u
wnrtorteetub w(!TieMy---jviilng was
one of the most enjoyable parties of the
season. About 100 . couples danced to
the music furnished by Parson's orches
tra, 'i he dining room tables were dee.
orated with chrysanthmums and nas
turtiums and the walls were banked up
with geraniums. ' . i
On account of the heavy fog that en
veloped the country on that night, the
air was very chilly, which made tha
large fireplaces with their blaring logs
very pleasant snot around which to
linger, for awhile after th cold drive.
Those who reserved tables for - the
evening, were as follows:' Mr. and Mrs.
Harry I Keats, with their guest, George
Miner, or Boetue. entertained Mr. and
Mraj -King and Mrs. Gutman. M'r. and
Mr 'rarkf C. Rlggs and Mr. and Mre.
Kellx Isherwood . occupied a table. Mr.
and Mrs. Guy T Ketohlson bad for their
guests Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jaggar. and
Miss i Edith Ellspath and C, . H. Mayer.
Mr.; and Mrs. John E. Kelly and Paul
Wesalnger entertained Mr. and Mre. J.
3i CNell, Mrs. Flaher and Arthur Mc
Devlt, a prominent member of the Loe
Angeles Automobile association. v."
Mr, and Mrs; Frank K. Watkins' uartv
was In honor of Mlas Helen Btoken of
f nuaaeipniar who is visiting Mrs. J'D.
Davidson, At this table, , besides the
hps( f and - hostess, were Miss Helen
6tokes, Mrs. Davidson, Miss Grace
O'Neil, Miss Edna and LaVelle Florence,
Roseoe , FawcetL : V) J- O'Neil. HaroM
Chamberlain,' . Dean Vincent and , Mr.
Fool.," , w ,
At ; Harry Woods' .Ctabla , wera .Miss
Goodwin, Miss Cuevli,' Mis Moeer and
Mlas Barker, Mr. Arnes, Mr, Kahrs and
Mr. Ekwald. . , . , , ,
'Mr. and Mrs. Klwood Wilea .nt.
talned a party of four. . - .
r Above Federal
fire truck. Below A. J. Edwards, salesman.
. OJU. TL!.- r I. l -
A" T rnilSnv - ' ,
v. ' ? i i ailing UUIUCdt ,
ii is generally conceded that Fom is
th fegsrest individual ' in thai automo
bile industry That is it Ja conceded by
every one except the salesman woo lias
red hot prospect that lie is about to
close for soma other make car. Then
the manufacturer of that particular car
is the greatest man ever, the plant Is
the only one, ate; - -v
; VPtwlthstanding alt these factaA when
an 'automobile dealer from any part of
tb country goea to fb big center. De
troit, one of the tlrat things to do is go
through th Ford factory.- For the pur
pose of showing tha t people . through
with soma system a competent corps of
guides are always on hand to show the
visitor through tha factory.
r.? F. B. Norman, the Portland branch
manager a of the Ford company, has
some very funny axperlencea to relate
regarding- some of -the questions and
answers . the . visitors propound. Upon
Mr. Norman's - last visit to Detroit he
took occasion to follow several of these
guides -through, tha factory, with' differ
ent parties. Just for the t purpose of
finding out hew - the guide "explained
the different ' departments. - These are
some of tha things he remembers over
hearing;.- , .
"A big farmer passed the gear cut
ting machines with the streams oi soft
aoap playing on the; metal to cool it,
he said: v '
; "'Gee, "them look 'like a. bunch of
cream separators.' r , i-i ,
."A woman- aaked where the slaughter
house waa. 2 That was a new one and
tha guide stuttered.'; Asking her what
be meant this waa her answer; ; '
-"Why,' I read a piece in' the ' paper
about the thousands of cows that are
killed avUry Vear to furnish the leather
for tha upholstery and I wanted to see
the slaughter houses.' .. ,
"And some ef -the people .who go
throughthe factory can't seem to Xin-
s . , . ( r -
drrstand, things at alt i.Kot long ago
when Itf was-announced that we were
making' a car' a- minute, ; one of the
culdes waa towing a rowd o( business
men through. : They - were evidently
here for. some convention. .' When they
got to the assembling floor one of them,
a hard-headed old chap .who acted all
the time as .though he-was from tha
heart of Missouri, pulled out his watch
and began to carefully follow the labors
of an assembly crew. ' When - the car
that was being set up waa' run out on
the loading- platform, he snapped his'
watch uhut, waved his hand , and said
disdainfully: ',-. ' '
. I knew it waa,a fake,' . . ' '
i-l '.What is a fakor, -asked, one of his
companions,. . I.1ii.i.iu'i f
"This building a car every minute?
ha answered. 1 have timed these nen
here and it ttoolf, eleven'nlnutes 'to -nut
that car together, f - V
"They all kind of . fell for it for
minute and looked at thetgulde re
proachfully, aa though he had picked .
their pockets or something, i ' i i
: "'But,' said the guide, , you don't
seem to htive grasped. the point. Look
at all the ether crews who are lining
out a car every eleven minutes. The
Ford company doesn't say that it builds
a car every minute -That Is impossi
ble, of course.' - " ' ' i
"Say, that old guy who. thought he
was so wise wasfjamed in a second and
mere-wasn't a peep out of him. during
tha rest ef the trip.'- , . , t '
y To all patriotic Americans. - who, In
the old days, usnd to line the course of
tha Vanderbllt cup race and 'watch the
French cars run away,-from' the Ameri
can .cars, was a -bitter pill to swallow.
At -our great Indianapolis race last' May
we had to accept a dose of tha same
medicine. Foreign car and foreign driver
carried off the laurels. "1 " ' ;" "
. However, sugar is to be found In (he
vinegar by the fact that Goux in the J
winning . Peugeot carried ' an American
matometer on his radiator and on Sep
tember 29 reporta from Franca state
that speed king of France, Georges Boll
lot, made use' of this American inven
tion on his ..winning Peugeot In the
classic light car race over the Boulogne
circuit i. 1 ' v !" " 7 " ' t
.v-Hls'. team - mate. Goux,- whowilnished
second, also made use of this device the
purpose' of which is to- guard tire' driver
-j i'.,Jf,..wX,.- yj-. .i . ... - -i -. :--A-h-Xr A
Their' Expressions Noc Alone
.''Unique - but Often VUn
i'. usually Extravagant, .
I'Engllsh writers have a peculiar style
in describing tha way a motor cats runs.'
says EL&' Gerllnger, local dlstributqr of
tha Oakland Motor Car company. ,, i
' "In rekding the. trade' Journals,. pub
lished In England, you find many Quaint
phraaea, Not only 1s the language unique
but' the claims, as a rule, are usually
extravagant, much, more so, than- they
are in this country. , . ...
" These extracts are taken from a num
ber of papers and are from the reading
columns: Here ' are some ; of the -terms
f it is as silent as a cat onfall speeds,
picks up marvelously and climbs like a
monoplane. i 1 -
The Rover Is one of the most spright
ly machines I have ever traveled In.
'It would be difficult to pick up
hole in the behavjor of the car on the
roaa. . , -
i Tha ehgine pulls tor the last gasp
without the least sign or laboring.
'The Bover is about tha neatest, nattl
est and sweetest little 360 quids worth,
all complete, in the market . .
"A to the appearance c the adver
tisements, English and other foreign
manufacturers are far behind us. Their
illustrations , are usually of the gloomy
sort and they do n6t seem to have the
first ' conception of 'creating .'attention
getting' advertisements. The text, as
rule,' la lifeless and no attention is paid
to symmetry." ' . '
of both pleasure and racing cars against
motor damage due to lose of radiator
water lack of lubrication, from which
practically 90 per cent of motor damage
. (This ' is the first strictly American
device that haa. even been Used by the
foreign apeed demons. , 1 r .
Mechanical Perfection In Fac
' lories' - Has Already Done
AwayWith Usefulness,"?
t K the automobile Industry soon to
celebrate tha passing of the" tester?" V
The suggestion . would have i been
laughed to scbrn a few seasons ago.
What! 'Send automobilea direct from
factory to .consumer,' without, first see
ing that they will really run? Rob the
Industry of its most romantic figure
One that .has : so. long.; stood ' for : the
very , highest type of motor mechanic?
Perish the thought! v -
, Nevertheless, the possibility is a live
toplo of discussion in Detroit right now.
Perhaps the . tester may : survive - tor
several seasons, even in the . most sci
entific and largest' plants.- In plants
where various units of construction are
bought outside, and assembled at one
headquarters, he may . last longer. -. But
steadily and: surely- his work is being
simplified and his scope narrowed. In
general belief, it Is but a matter of a
few years before he will exist. In a very
modified form. only. ' '-"., ,
Aa one of tha big Studebaker 'coterie
of expert drivers put it They call us
testers, and . we're ; still ; testers on "the
pavrolt But we're fast coming to be a
bunch of pleasure riders. There's noth
ing to do now but take a car round the
course, O. K. it and climb into another
one," -. And the veteran sighed for the
days ' w.hen testing was testing and
called for judgment end executive, abil
ity, -, v
Tha man who has so narrowed the
ddtiea of a teater 1a the individual who,
with micrometer or gauge, accurate to
less than a flair's breadth, passes stead
ily on the work of each man and ma
chine in tha shop, ensuring accuracy in
every operation of manufacture. In the
Studebaker plarfts he exists to the num-
HIi- work begiis wfth'the riw matefT
ial which Is tested for accuracy t spec
ified chemical formula - He followers
tha material through every' step of its
manufacture -eorneUmes inspecting the
same part after each pf more than a
score of operations... He ' testa its per
formance in the assembled unit, remov
ing now and then a part for test on in
tricate machines, capable of trying it
to a state of destruction. ;. He inasfecta
thn completed car, scrutinliing fiaveh aa
well aa mechanical perfection.' Jiast of
alL ho goes carefully ovr eaoli auto-
mobile on. the shipping platforjne, as it
enters its box car. and sees to it that it
Is complete with every detail'of equip,
ment. " - ' v
There are even inspectors who Inspec
the work of the other inspectors.? v -i -What
chance is there for the poor
road tester to brinx In anything but a
favorable verdict on ears built to such
a plan aa ,thlsT . ' v
' Ashland, Or., Oct 1 8. Ashland ! wai
visited last night by apparently the
same gang Of burglars which cleaned up
Granta ' Pass Thursday flight.' The
hardware store of Provost Brothers. -was
entered and. aeveral revolvera and about
L30 knives were taken, The Buckeye res
taurant was looted of bacon and ether
articles being reported -stolen, ; : .!'
An early .. raid L ca i the "Jungles'
showed that .all hobos had 'left town.
They are thought to- hare gone over the
mountains south. - . i
UrfuV Has O. ' C 1
. A new siispftialon bii
Bavarian river t; but odd t
cables at the otnpr end I : 1
in a high rork i bluff.
ii ' 11 1 nut 11. irffiiiiiiaV it i 11 'i
, ; l(Ut t . W
!We'U tell you rankly
whether or not it will
: i't pay you to install
. 1 i . ?
' Such an analysis costs
' 4 you. nothing.',
1 ; ' E.VV. HillMgrl - '
In the Business District for
c ' Your Convenience.' ,
v ' ' 'yM
1 M-
4y 0if(tr)tlr)at1tymumt i'i'iiT i-iraririri-iri-i-i-,-rtv-ir.-iinrwnnnrtiynrisw 1 -11 rr- -i- i ----rij
..' v, ; . ... 1 v .'v . . -
oli T
OF THE- --. - f f V
East 8th and Havthorae; Avenue
1 'i
; "It"' F K?N:,l ' & $
:l Auto Tcp$Bac!a--Cu5Won---Duit "ovtr---Gcneral 'Repair' V ork
E'a;kuvJsn FHON2 EAST 1373 ! H. MRuUchraann
1 1
f I'
The Oriminial- Mitchel Esimiieefe
Ajain at the head of the Mitchell-Lewis
Motor Company a. matchless line for 1914
"The Mitchell
Line is being produced by En-
ginccr John W. Bate, the man wtycre
r?( ated the 1 Mitchell, car, and .the : famous
, Mitchell Baby Sixi whiter a' year's rest
he returns to Racine to place the
-Mitchell in 'a-" stronger-position than it
The ; Mitchell-Lewis
Motor Company, with, unlimited
t capital at its command l has surrounded "
: Mr. Batewith the best facilities and the i '
finest factory that it is possible to build.
It will back the car with the most liberal
oervice-roucy jor car owners wax., me
'has ever occupied. ' ' ; ; . . ' ; Ai business mind can conceive' 4 ' i ?' -
' Eighty years . of faithful service , to ..the American public is the Company s:puarantee ; .
U , This Means for the Mitchell Car for 1914 ;. ;A v : , r ;: ,
iciencv Loner uire
The Mitefaall littla Six Is tha most loidcal Talae on the BurkeWi Ills a six-cvlinder car of aristocratic design It has fifty lions
. power, 132 inch wheel-base, live passenger capacity. It bas alone, low, rakish streamline body, hixnrioosly upholstered Is t S f en
, equipped with sjectric self-starter and generator, electric lights ana all modern conveniences, sells for the reasonable price of : VV V ?.
i f
Equipment 6fAlli
Mitchell Models-.
t Electric ScliStarter and
- Generator. , ,
. Electric Lfarbtt " "
t Speedometer, i 1 , --
t Mohair Top sad Cow,
, , v Rain Vmon, Veatilating
Quick' Action .Wio
V k ' ahkdd. . ' . t
- The MUcbell Bis; Six Is very much the same design as the'
Little Six; . It has sixty horse-power, 144 inch wheel-bane and
seats seven passengers. It has big tires. and the same splendid
finish throughout as the Little Six, likewise the $2()00
same fine equipment. .Price, s ;
r- i. r
' Extra Removable Rim.
; ( Double Extcs Tire Ctacnes. ; .. s
Bair Bow Koidera.,,
lieenat Plate Bracket. ' ',
,''r -Electric Horn ' '
' EJectnc Explorfor Limp.
. Compieu Set of Took.
' . , Pump, Jack. , "
'Price F, O. i7. Portland '
' " ' TIi Mltd Foot has 120 Inch wheel-base, forty horse.
" power and seats five passengers. It is a splendid family ear for ,
' little money. X It is equipped precisely the same as 1 7fl
the tw sixes and sells for . - v,'w
. s No matter which one of the Mitchell ears yoa select, you,
v'teiZI mdlcs a investment Yoa have Bats' word for it. -You
; have our word for it And the serine that lies behind it is ten .
' times better than a guarantee, i W are going to make yoa like , .
the car, lik ns and like the agent yoa deal with. In all rsspecU ;
. thiajs to be a Mitchell year aod you will love - - - r . ,
Th Car rw Oathtta llaom erf (A Prie ,Ymt Ought to Pay
'.: r-r. sin " -ib;.U. C.A. -
Ca Year cf Till.: J Service to tie America TC-llz
t 'ft u
1 Features of 1914
j; Mitchell
Left Hand Drive. - ' "
" Center Control.
" Tungsten Steel Valve.
. T-Head Full Encloud,
'. i ' Long Stroke Motor.
- Rayfield Carburetor ' ' "
J '- Gravity Gasoline Feed
Roomy Streamline Body. '
, Timken Wheel Bearings. " -n-
' Full Floating Rear Axle. ; .
" ' ' Big(Tirea. ,
- 1 Luxurious Upholstcrirj
. . Nickel Trimminra
Demountable Kim
Jiffy Quick-Action Sluo
' Curtains.', :
Trices f7ckD. Peril !
l!ii'"isii::s!4.'" -'
Branches at' Spokane, Seattle snd Eoise. r
::.-t irt "