The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 35, Image 35

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ptV ! news' FROM . .. .,'),,;
i FOREIGN" , Ii.i.Nps 1 . ' .
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'M :;;e F,lAy VOTE
ISJN CITY. OF d'ffiu
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' i w , g: -v em, i i . fill '1 jm, jmk. V .dP". l" .. A f .am 'Skv 'if .' Sk
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Secretary of , State 7; Quotes
j Some ;L"aV for Benefit s of
, nose in uouui.",v- .,v, ;
, ' .1 : Slm Buret of Tb JToarnml.) "
8alerri, v Or.,.; Oct, , 8ecreUry . of
' SUte Ben ,Wv Oleott Ut that- letter
reaching hi offic Indlcat. that many
" votn of :the,Ut. ar iilll in doubt
,a to whether they will b -entitled to
ote at the special referendum.; election
to be held 'November 4'if thev are
t retlatered under : the new . permanent
.' reslatration,! law! Jwhicli went Into -f-
fect June i..-. He point out that voter
. ia entitled to vot at -the apeclaL elee
, tlon under hie old 1911 registration, if
he has not "removed from hla precinct,
or under hla new', registration if .be haa
reslatered alnee the permanent reflatra.
tlon law went Into effect, ox by in-ear
In In hla vote on flection ; day., tinder
1 blank A, In simple word, any citlsen
of, the etat can vote at th apecial
elee.tlon 'Under his old or new reg lstra
, tlon or whether he is registered or not.
H'l . aiiay - any apprehonaion wnicn
votera . of the : state In this ' retard J
wquiq can io tneir aixeniion ine provia.
Ions of section i of the law authorlalng
- the holding; of the .special election No
, vember , which particularly provides
, that 'logal "electors may vote under their
resristration xortB' year I9i;w- upon
; affidavit of el J5 freeholders as provided
1 -Howevef.Ti6twlthtahdlnr't this spe
. elal provision which -was-Included for
the. convenience of . the voters ; of the
state at 'this election. -v as under -the
laws then -in. fore no provision existed
for tbelr reregistration or rotlng .other
-than by freeholders' -affidavit. . the lea.
Islature apparently without thought of
; the . law providing for , the holding of
such special' election . end the t fact that
, th manner of voting thereat, had, been
- - provided for therein, also enacted what
c f i known aa the permcnant reristration
- tThhj latter law . went; Into effect
. June J, 113, and prjpvldes'in addition
to,the manner of registration " that 'no
elector who 1 not registered as pro
vided in this-ect -shall be entitled to
vote M- tyv election provided fpr- by
s law except In- school district -or road
elections provided that In case th au
' preme court shoujd hold the above pro
. visions, for ..compulsory registration
Invalid thenand In that case , only. , the
elector may -register Wlthi the. Judges
j of .the election --upon- V election ' day by
affidavit pfielg freeholders that they
era 4 eersenaUy acquainted . with ? the
eUotoand.. i- icuetif kdnofjo g"ah
y.r elector. .y.....-!i.nil..i..H. if. f ii.iii:i?rf' ;j( I
"From a - casual reading of the latte
. provision ltmay appear to any who are i
not conversant with- all the Jawa relat
ing to elections ihet"! the permanent
registration law might operate to re
peal or nullify that portion of the law
authorising the special election on Ifo
vember 4. llt. providing that electors
. may vote thereat under their' 11 reg
. Istrations dr upon f reehelders affidavit;
""It is Of the fact' that, the 'nennannt
registration laWv does 4 not eo-. operate
4ha.tILwl8h't6' get Tefore the. voter of
the state and that hey4 mayvote either
; updn their 11J reglstration.-upon free
holders' affidavit. If not registered, or
upon therr registration -under the 'per
manent registration law" made "since
June S, 1918. inthe county of their
residence. xA-,J: : -v. .,, . , ;
- "Our constitution provides that 'in all
elections not otherwise provided -for by
j Jh" .constitution every cltisen of the
. Lntted States of the - age pf tl . yeara
and upwards who .shall have resided- in
the etate during the lx monthe imme
dlately preceding such ' election, and
every person of foreign birth of the age
of II years and upwards who haU have
resided In this . state during the six
months immediately preceding such
u election and shall have declared his or
her Intention to become a clUsen of the
United States one year preceding aucta
election conformably . to, the laws ef the
United states en the subject of natural
.'Uatlon. ahall be entitled to vote at all
elections authorled i by Uaw,'. and ' .our
supreme court has In at least two cases
coming to my knowledge held that while
v, the legislature- has - the" power" to pre
scribe by law ..'ihe -manner -of the erec
tion or appointment i' of t' the: . officer
thereof., 'every person: possessing the
Ouallflcatlona 4 Of.. -ah ' elector as pre-
. scribed by the consutution of tha state
is entitled to at-.all elections, pro
vided by such constitution and by-laws
authorised thereby -and .the legislature
fcannot change -such', qualifications In
any degree unree authority so to do .la
, conferred. by the constitutlonv'-i;--"
" , "Under thla ruling i Of ' our : highest
court no person who .can meet the con
stltutlonal requirement: need tear that
.his or -her vote will not be accepted by
the election offieera,. In the event he or
she may have failed to' register ks pro-
,. vlded under the 'permanent registration
law provision of which for compulsory
, registration la the' light of the fore
; goingvdecisjons, la to tny mind clearly
"By.; reglgi erlng, ' however,- the . voter
jr' will greatly ."facilitate the casting of hla
or her ballot at any election." -" ,
1 mtnnr annvo ucv rn
'Paris Oct, !. That Japan. Is backing
Mexico In her belligerent attitude to
; wards the United. State and that' the
Utter 1 country' is "afraid of Mexico,"
are some of. the intimations constantly
finding -expression" -here. -.v'" -f ' . , ,t
" "The Stars and Stripes V triumphed
'; over Spain In Cuba a- few-years ago;''
,f Aloeste declared In -VLa-Parle," but to
lick' Mexico would be a horse of. another
' color. Dollars don't count; officers and
men, are necessary and those the United
! States haven't got. , To think of even
matching Mexico, much less conquering
her. under present conditions would b
pure folly, especially if what is said be
' true, that Japan stands back of Mex
ico." Wf,$i 'iMA?ji!.--: i."r .:M;,
' Americans living In'Paris find H hard
to understand the attitude of the French
' mess on the American ' policy in Uevim.
unless they accept the explanation given
by the Mexican Consll tutlonallstu here,
who assert that the Huerta government
has spent 1300.000 to create in the news
pa pera ' anti-American V articles. ' They
point out that Japan had the sympathy;
of Europe when she immediately threat- 1
- "q. I .-: Ill
BIKT'l-l K Bit . ---v ('""'.J ii : III'
Prober 'Conduct? of iWork-' Se:
; verely Hampered by. LacR'of
.Housing. Facilities; 4
(Sttedal to Ik loarMl) '
University of . Oregon, Eugene, Or.
Oct.. IS. That vthe 175,000 -appropriA
tlon "for 4" new building; and repairs to
present 'buildings at the state xmiversl
ty,. upon wMcb- the people. win pass, at
the special, election next month is much
needed, -is- Indicated by'.' the congestion
now prevalent-on the campus. In. sev
eral departments the .claoi room facllt
ties are. totally inadequate and Oetri
mental to. the work' pursued and evon
to the health or the students.
Eighty students in a basement room
J0xJOHx914 with no ventilation but that
provided by three windows, on a level
with the outside walk and - a single
door, is a typical example of -the- way
classes are accommodated at the uni
versity. -This earn room is used seven
periods straight ; on some days, of the
week, wlth. no opportunity excepting the
single, noon, hoar, in which; to renew
the 'atr.4 V e-' Vy--!-'
The) library is adapted for 25.O09- vol-
uraesi.U ha f 5.000 scattered In vault
in the bssement of the building, in
in-ia.bortorts.rhei'e beoks'sWW'litrjr
be recalled, even In the summer when
the inventory, la taken there is,v:np
roon xor mem. .4. ruiy, . uuuno -uui-lara
has been 'epent in." aoqUlHng . new
volume for the' library , during the last
stx yeara and the'. rate Is now -I10.OO0
yearly for new books.; . ' A vf lreproof
stack . for the . accommodation of 100,
000 volutnes is ' contemplated under the
appropriation Mil- granted . by the last
legislature. ', Books that are used every
day are found 'on. top shelves. 12 feet
above'the ground,-to' te reaehedrfonty
with . the aid of. a.ladaer. . otners may
be In. some of the class rooms and. can
not be gotten until the end of the hour,
or 1 they may be found In one of tho
small room on one of the three floors
of the buildings, ,
The women's rest room Is piled with
books 'from floor to celling.' Librarian
Douglas said today: "The lack of space
has positively handicapped the library.
We. have not, endeavored to collect his-
ened'Hsar on "China., beeaus three .Japanese-were
killed at Nanking in the
clash between arovernraent troops and
rebels, yet ' Americans have been i In
sulted, killed and mistreated all over a
long period is Mexico. Oeraldo Muriltd,
editor -'.f of 5 "The ! Mexican Revolution."
printed here as the organ of the Con
stitutionalists, told 1 the . correspondent:
"It Is only ..fain to say ; that President
Wilson ha shown remarkable forbear
ance. .jHad Mexico been, in Europe the
great powers of ' the old ' woria ; wouw
hive "Intervened Jongag-o.";!-!'",'';'1" ;' '
-5 - -f: H'-ft " ' 1 ' Vi"-'.'i.;- 1' ' '
; Washington. Oct. Jl Migratory bird
have, com into ': their, own,,, for '.Uncle
Sam -ha put: Into, effect a et of uni-
form .federal laws protecting the. many
epecles -of the feathered tribe which
threaten to become extinct through the
ravages'or the ; snmnnja r wju,
Congress passed a law last March' au
thorizing the .department of. agriculture
to adopt regulation and fix a closed
season tor certain species-of birds need-
Ing. federal "protection; -': These regula
tlona were duly drafted, . Effective, this
month. , tn regulations are, briefly,, ai
v Trap shooting prohibited shooting be
tween sunset and sunrise punishable by
neavy line; suspension or hunting in
definitely on the Ohio, Mississippi and
Mlasourl rivers, allowing: waterfowl ia
safe highway from their- winter feeding
grounds in the .lower Mississippi valley
to their nestlnar grounds in the Dakota
and Minnesota llmltlns; hunting-seasons
to a maximum of S months in
the several states seasons being- accord
ing, to latitude and times of migration;
providing- aeparate seasons f or , water
fowl, rafj,' shore birds' - and woodcock,
complete protection , for - five yeara for
the smaller ahore birds and. other spe
cies Which have become greatly reduced
n numbers.-!;- T;it,'V.tTt 'W-.Y-;' V"'';""
'. Tho rfew' law also protects .the robin,
the lark nnd other birds Jn .the few
states where they suffer from an open
aeason.'. ;,,v:Ai.i. ;if 1. s.; --h ,.S-.;',i'''' f ,:':'4
-f -.
iMcMinnvtlle. .Or.; Oct, 1. At 'a clti
sens' tsauous last night Carey Tilbury
was nominated for mayor; W. T. Vinton,
present mayor' though nominated,' de
clined to-run.. Peter Peterson,; present
chief of police, was renominated for that
office; A C. . Chandler, preeent Incum
bent, was rehomtnated for city recorder.
For councllmen the' nominations were
made by: ward- and resulted as follows:
J. ; B. 'Mardls, B. M. BriedweU end D,
H.' Turner, the latter defeating John O.
Eckman, present incumbent. , "
': Mayor; Vinton - presided, vv'.lrtXC'.?. .
: v ' I TsaMamaj " i eT-' " f j ? , . , - v '.V' BatsaassBsaassBaWaaw' . S JT ' ' '-'"- . 1
11 f - .. - ' - . , . ... - .. ... . - V-'
U' '- " ' tec ... ;
Pictures; which show' congestion on University of Oregon campus. Top; lety ; to right Lecture . room (6ccu-:-
,ple"ty the departmeat of Journalism.., In which every available Inch is utilized; a corridor passageway'
that-In addition serTes as an emerreney book room and emergency hospital. ' ' .
BMena-i Raasmeafcucftom. Jt&aU-heutea. tho JgUshUrlHte - 'partiBent
, v. fat a' time ; lt "cares for 75.. It
torical sMoclatloft t Aodumnta. -reports
of ..conventions' and scientific , Investi
gations, because we -would have too place
to -put them when we did getnemt". i
i .The amount of desk . apace ; thatau-
thorltle' state' is ". necessary, for earh
reader is three Teet. rne- Oregon -ii
brary v comfortably seats one . hundred
tddehts, ' Between the; hours of 14
o'clock a. m.Tto 11 o'clock m.jt and 1:80
O'clock to 'i o'clock dally at , least ' 25
students; are- found sitting .between the
or standtng'up. On fair days, the over
flow runs ton- the library, steps ,and
on cloudy days long benches' placed in
the -upper hall afford seats for stu
dents -unable to, study .In the' library. )
' Womix'i lookers Zaadeaoate.
To distribute anions: 860 . airlH- there
are 104 lockers in , the girls' gymnasi
um. Necessarily in some of the. lock-
Hf EW YORK. Oct. 18. Ever hear why
ll .August Herrmann is known to all
the world "as 'iQarryf'i ' 'i :vi'"-
' Herrmann Is , th chairman of the
National v Baseball commission. . Other
baseball -diplomats say ' he Is the clear
est and coldest thinker in the business!
Herrmann ..devised the plan of organi
sation Under which modern baseball, is
conducted,and his mediatory talent" ha
kept they leagues operating vender the
plan.' ;rorly years ago he waa a small
Oerman ;jboy- In ''Cincinnati.-, Hia first
Job was 4n-a printins; office " Another
and an older, boy was employed there. -"Th
' tradition of - the office, said
one '.of jHorrmann's old friends, was
that the . boy , should always be, nick
named .'Bismarck.' 8o-that the first boy
was so known in the shop. When this
second boy' -came along" the shop Intel
lects were strained almost to the bust
ing point. ' Obviously there could not
be two, Bisraarcks. .Also there were in
ternecine troubles to be feared. ... - ,
f 'If . you ' name . that Dutch..:: blasan
Bismarck, I'll beat a soft spot Into his
bean, announced the first office boy.
?' Mlf." ' aked "young-. Mr. Herrmann
nopwiuiiy, , : iioa mis jusmarcx, km, -ao
1 get his name T And dare'st I use a
mCKT?:$3 "Ji.'.-.j. 1 X,.; , -
; ."Bo that, some ink-smeared Machla'
velll ;, auggested that . the new, arrival
be named 'Garibaldi,' that being' a name
'easy to remember and of -equal honor
with Bismarck.' And, it was so Ordered,
Hermann has never , been, able' to lose
. r -"''; '-pi? f& fUt
J- AME8"tRANC18 VWrm,: the 'noy
ellst, 'started for a-trip around the
.world,?' the .' other "da?; He's rbeeii
around before but this time he is going
with money in his pocket- The night
before he started he met an Englishman
at the Knickerbocker.. .Vf'v'; .V'- .'
"And ao you are .going to visit" Syd
ney r: said . the Englishman.; ;"! must
give you a letter to my dear old friend
Rowlingson' ',;. C, ,:,-,,',,-.,
"f wish you would,' said pwyer eager
ly. u."! ' very much wish you would. , I
have been afraid that I would not be
able get In; to,see.hlm.:,ij.v"'i''-J":"
Oh," said tha Englishman.., 'Then
you know of himT"
Mora: than that." said Dwver "T
know him. I waa, busted in Sydney and
helpaid mCfS, a week; to do; 140 worth
of work.' My. wife and I lived on that
$5 eomehow. When I got a better lob
and quit -he 'yelled around as though
I' Vre abusing his confidence."; ; ; .
W . the ; puszled Engllshnjan.
';'" 1 t''" "'''..': i'"'..' '11'.i,-,'r.';.,,';''v',;'.'''f- ':"''''';v;v"'
Is In use five hours a day by 850
sra thr Sre th elothai 6f four girls.
in all, there are ,t least- three. - The
gymnasium, floor' can hold 4 S. student.
Tn freshman girl' .class niimbters.110;
This mean a division. Into three parts
making,, a, triplication of the teaching
work. -'A small room in this bulldlns;
wlth a skeleton hanging in the middle
Is ..the only space available for! a rest
room'- for sick - or nervous girls,
One of the two' stage ' dressing rooms
in Villafd Hail, are being .used by Pro-
Pressor Fresco tt, of the department, of
public speaking, as a class room and
-the other by rDean of -iVVomen Ouppy, as
an office.'
Barrels of geological specimens in the
gas room of Deady Hall, In store rooms
on the camptks, are mute witnesses to
lack- of room In the soologtcai museum.
Professor-Bovard . does not gather any
specimens at Friday Harbor, wash., the .
Pictures by Herbert Corey
("And why do you want to see him again,
I consiaenng the er unpleasant nat
ure of your acquaintanceT'
"I want" said Dr.: Dwyer, simply, "to
hit him in the other eye."
THIS happened in one of the upper
Fifth avenue art shops : in which
.'-. they, eell antiques by the nick. A
mlddleaged man of Just middle-sort ap
pearance entered. He was met by - a
clerk Who 'resembled nothing, so much
as a very handsome suit of clothes that
had been perfectly stuffed,
"I want," said the middle-aged man.
"tb see your .Assyrian whimpleS."
The clerk smiled a . superior, pity
ing sort of eif.ile and snapped hia flu
fBoy, said- he,' "show this man our
Assyrian whlmplos." , - : -:' :. ;.
" Then he began to talk football again.
He held firm not to say, neatea--opm
ions about some beef legged young gen
tleman who la iinder contract to 'destroy
a conple of .college this talL. He paid
no further atentlon : to the middle-aged
man Until by and by . he happened to
look back. The managing partner and
the general manager and the expert on
Assyrian art were. standing around the
middle aged man, wearing expressions
of foolish bliss upon their faces. Every
now, and then,' the middle aged man
would eay something. . Then the part
ner and the manager would prod each
other violently, in the ribs.v' :? .' v'-;
r "Who," said the f dotball theorist, na
this masterful potentate they're all tryi
ing 'to klssrv !.;;?,-;.?? w'-sv ;,':
. VNO i ona'" said - the boy, ,"but former
Senator William A.: Clark of MonUna.
Andvhe's spent- $60,000 since he came
;-';fiVS' ,;;;ii i i" i i'iv;?;f;iJ.1,i' y iffi()
ETECTi.VH-w must neceaiaruy. o pes
simist, ., Most . of the time they
get awayi wlth'lt; ?. W'JiM,
'1 was cafled'on to address a company
oi bankers ' In Philadelphia , not long
ago,"" Biiid .the acting manager of one of
the great detective agencies, "In the
....'if ,W1 ,V. . ..V;,,..;. V ..y,,
- - : ietntfaAsrTerr"0 'studentr4
summer experiment station of a number
of.' northwest Institutions.' because "1
haven't any room when I do get them;"'
he'say.' 'In'the'freshman class Mn so
Ology . there are '61 students experimenting-in"'a
room' large enough for 12.' In
the -advanced 'course there are 15 stu
dents using -six sets of apparatus.
'The1 English " literature department
has only one room In the baaement of
Deady' Hall. The' air Space- is Just
twice .that-of the Black' Hole 7 of Cal
cutta. It serves , as a class room for
350 students and and consulta
tion room for two instructor; ' " -
Dr.'" Boyntop, head of the physics de
partment, says there is' enough room in
his laboratory for the undergraduate
course, bUt he has ' ho place to send
students - working for. masters' .degree
on experiments of several days' dura
tion. At the end of each period all the
I course of my talk I -made this state-
I ment
! " 'I have been a detecttva for more
than a quarter of a century. : In that
time I have not been able to find one
man in whose past there is pot some
blot which would render him liable to
tha law if it were known to the law.
Before an one of you contradict me
stop and think for a moment. Then
tell me if there , ia a single one of you
who has not .violated some law?' ;::
' "They sat there and thought for;a
minute," said the detectivo, "and then
they grinned at each other and at me,
No' one had risen. .". ': " t-
'Now, I'll go further,4 I said. 'Is
there a man of you who.', would have
escaped a - workhouse sentence or do
you know such a man among your
friends If the whole truth were known
and the law enforced literally ?' .
f 'And there wasn't." ...
WEN' years ago Nigger Mike Salter,
1 I who then had a point on Chatham
Square, put his fork. Into one of tha
great underlying .truths tof midnight
nuinaiuty, , 1
"Make ent cry," h ordered his stall
fed musicians. "The more - they blub
ber the more they. buy. Give me tears
-and beers." . ,1 '
' Which the musicians did. " They
Churned out . many lachrymose - ditties
in which 'mother rhymed , with smother
and sister with kissed her. ! Wayfarers
who stumbled into Nigger Mike's dump
about midnight would - find the- tables
rilled wtth - men' ana women crying
helplessly into their brew. .The moment
the. tinny piano hit the last sad note
they would platter' on the table for the
walteiy. Nigger , MIKe; might have be
come very: rich except for things which
were . incidentally . connected , with the
bu8iness.'i.Ufo-f;,';l('k';T:' 'Vv
Now? tbe;:ltonit;;.cyc.le." that began; on
Cliathajn .j.Square i ha worked 4. up to
meanlng-Usdmetlmes it had ? but one
meaning, and that a bad one is begin-
' '-y". ';;'v i ,-'''.'". '-.i-. ' '. ' . ' v.".-- "
apparatua muHt be taken apart and put
In readinees. for the next class, making
experiments lasting longer than one 60
JolriiiW period Jmpossibl, "..; , '
"::rrtfSsura Schmidt. Thoratenberg and
O'l'onnell-tn-.tiie German language do
partinant. octupy the aamd class room.
When one professor is using; the room
rtbt other two are homeless unless they
are holding classes In some other place.
The second year German class recite 1
em Id the whir of dynamos in the elec
trical engineering building four times
a week. : . : . " ';.;' '
bnaement' room In the library uf
ftce foe the : three " professors In the
oeprtinent of historyi-' The Instructors
in this department are Dr. Joseph Sha
fer -and Professors O'Hara 'and Clarke
Two ciits s in history are .not able to
meet. 1.1 this room and have to borrow
one. Their office consists of actable
i.i one rorney of the room. Upstairs
in the i same building an assUtsnt in
I he education department- ha her. of
fice in the corridor an 1 two others oc
cupy a small class-room., ; v-:'
Five, rooms In the men's .-dormitory
hold the department of music. Through
the walls come the mixed discords t(
violin, vocal and piano students and Ia
structor at Work ' , V 6.' .
1 Ninety-three students ,:in the depart
Tfiient bT'iOOrnarism have one -clurs reom
to divide with the Oregon Emerald; tns
student trl-weekly publication.. Dur
ing lectures students perch on the ta'
bles In back of this room' and the ring,
ing of the telephone often disturbs the
lecturer." ..- ',' . ""-:-,vf i
The private office of Professor Allen
is ' pressed into service and h re ad
vanced classes In .journalism., are held.
Mrs. Parsons, Instructor In Kngltsh, has
her office in a little room off the main
Journalism, class room and Is either, a
prisoner within or without while classe
are being, held here. .1. .. . .',-
: Eighteen' men are- uBlng . the' cement
jaDoraiury in inv vtvii vnsuiveriim
building designed for- seven men' and
33 have the same period to spend 'in
the main testing room, which comfor
tably holds six men. -Twenty-five
per . cent congestion is
the report of Professor R. H. Dearborn
in , the shops and . laboratories 'of the
department of electrical engineering.
ning. to fa.l out ' The restauranteur
find that their patrons are ' moved by
precisely the same springs of soppy sen
timent that starter Nigger - Mike's pa
trons.; The managers of the cabarets
are looking., about anxiously for woe
tilled songs that will start the tear
4 and beers. The more sobs, the more
profits. The ballad that will wash tha
rouge off the faces you see; under the
pink lamp shades is worth thousands
to the purveyor of suds. .
' " ' ' Watson 'Requests Suit. . . .
, Salem, Or., Oct 1 8. Corporation Com
missioner Watson today requested the
district attorney of Linn county to
bring suit, against the Linn County Or
chard colony 1 to collect 1310 back cor
poration license fees and interest, and a
penalty of S100. The company ha failed
to comply , with. Watson's. requests that
It comply with the corporation, law by
paying the fee.': H. L. Sumption ia seci
retary of the company. ';' ,.
The Double-Page
"'First Section ":
Conveys News to the
Public of Imjpbrtant :
' , V -' " V '- 1 - - '.), f , T V ' 1 ' ' ' - '
bates or
- ,;..-
i ' i" it '
i . ,'i
Lspanish Priests Get Credit for
Erecting; Ancient' Playhouse
. The oldest theatre on - the ' American
contlnenta la In the City of Mexico,
says the Los Angeles Times. It is the
aged Teatro Principal, the history of
which'goea back to lt!L There Is noth
ing , particularly diatlnotive about Its
architecture to testify as . to this an
tiquity, however, for its two stories
of - repaired facade ' covered over; with
lurid' poster -corresponds In general ,"
style to the, other playhouses of ' tnn
city, Then, too, .there Is a certain ani
mation' about the crowds that; pas in '
and out the entrance that is' somewhat
misleading to those on the outlook for
relics of the -past. ; ::. j'.-. a r '-
v The t, old. theatre is readily distin
guished,' however, by HsV faded and
rather dilapidated - sunshade ; thst
stretch from the high windows of the
second story and ahad the quaint Iron '
balconies underneath.-- . These' banners
of canvas, not over common in Mexico
and of the variety so essential to the
charm of certain streets in the towns 1
of old Spain, contribute not a little J
transplanting a certain atmosphere to
the bulldinsr that ; makes f the vlclnit I
of the Principal, -with Its lounging bull.
fighters' and dudes, more vitally char--acterlstlc
of the Spanish .influence than,
any other quarter of the city. '
The lobby of the theatre 1 the ren
desvoua for, half . the - Spanish popula- '
tlon,--and there the patrona of the thea
tre loiter for a cigarette or two while
they .discuss the talepts of a cerUln ,
prima donna or the merits- of a new
sarsuela. Rarely is there ' an air . of
desertion about the old playhouse,, even
In these present troubled times,- and
during a performance the little, narrow
street of Collseo VieJo Is crowded with
so . many people of the pure
type that one might : readily imagine
himself in Madrid. . C ; ' i
t Credit must , b given ' the Spanistt
priests for .the erection of this ancient
playhouse.;- In order to -raise funds for
a hospital, the Brothers ef San Hlpolito
constructed. - during the latter part of
the - year , 172 V a small playhouae of
wood and adobe, . and 1 engaged a few
talented member : of the clergy and
congregation to take- part la. a moral-
Jerusalem." ; On the evening, of Janu
ary,, 19.1T2I, the play waa given, with
great pomp, and. with such 'realism and
effect that -i the, City: of -Mexico came
r; aharlnr the fate .of the - ancient
capital' of the- Hebrews, ' for' the thea
tre burned to tha ground, together with
ttaaBuUatnca of the- neighborhood.., -..
'' - ,??' 1 .' " "' :, .-;.''-.';''
r. Woodburn. Or.i Oct., It. The , local
anti-saloon factions, last night put. t he
following ticket in the field for city of
ficers to. be voted . upon . November ,t:
Mayor J. R Landon;--. councllmen, , V. '
Borer and J. G..Iddtng: recorder. C. V.
Conme; treasurer.-A. C Althau. , -
i This ticket is in opposition to the
present administration and against th
tax payer ticket nominated xnuraaay.
The Idea la to put Woodburn in the dry',
column again- even though atrict regu
lation has given, this cijty two model
saloons. - Anotner proDiem inai me -voters
will be called upon to settle will be
the selection of a site for the proposed
city hall.. Money has been In the bank
for Is months with which to build, but
the Inawaty to agree, upon a aite ha
held. back operaUons, ,f:.v.i.,..v ,;i , ,,', ;( .;.'
DrEaND MRS.LlSLE f : :
sTI I LUUH I L. Rlnlllf IUi.'H UV
- (Salent Bureau of The Journal.) : .
Salem.-Or., Oct. lS.-i-The golden wed-
Aits 0 riw mwkA Mrs .TlniM Mula tVki
city was celebrated . last night In. the
parlors of the First . Methodist church.
Dr. Lisle Is librarian of the' Willamette :
university. For ,83 years he has been
a minister of th Methodist church. He
waa married 60 years ago in Iowa, Dr.
Fletcher Homan presided at the festivi
ties last night, .which were.' attended by
a large number of the friends. , A pro
gram was gtvn",-:.i';,,,;".,..;::v ;;;;'' (
-.:' S.; P.;-.Veteran. ' Is , Dead. :'
Berkeley, cai.,voet. 18.T-F. B, Rollins,
superintendent of ' telegraph ; for the '
Southern Pacific, died at his home herevy'
Rdllina had been In the railroad's em
ploy since 187a.::' ,'A";-' -, .-: .-. ..-..- ;
,1 '
si', t 4