The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 34, Image 34

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:a Jr?
b. -lVGt
f few:S:-tWIL ADD T.IUCH '.OIAIIE YOU?. , ; " :
CiteHomiljEnioy aocl Corifortaljlo This 7i::ic; 1
1 i
i vv. .o - . :Kr rill v ,.,.A m
; -A t It':" - :
High Cost. of Living Problem
.Solved in Part, at Public .
School. " ;A
By Marshall N. Dana. '
v - I hav een th hard-timei bread-lln
t the humrr and the Impatient : cx-
poctancy of gnawing atomacha reflected
I n pinched facea. I have Been, the
' nervoaa JaatUng of th ticket line
anxious t : pay tribute to a at&r of
- lh drama. I hm hmw aneit ait nurlv
Irrepreaalhlo crowding forward aa of
tha luncheon Jin at Arleta acbool laat
It waa 11:S0 o'clock and . the school
d oora awung : open. -A, hundred tiny
racer darted ' at top epeed toward' a
tiny cottar a mlnuta'a run awav. tin
i the want they daahed. " Every tiny flat
jbeld a cola. The ' daablng current of
oimmnave ilie waa checked because In
the narrow door bulked tha form of a
i woman with a box. One at a time they
had to paaa her, dropping tha tribute of
I a five-cent piece, r In marveloualy little
Inline aa many as could find room were
standing about narrow, uncovered tables
i cf glistening, clean. . fir wood.
"Beans today," a youngster shouted.
ana gingerbread I" r
j But there really wasn't much Boise
except of shuffling . feet and over-cx-larclsed
spoons. v Before each was set a
i bowl of bean soup and two thick slices
jof bread and butter, and two crackers
. ana- generous sue or ginger bread. ,.;
Great east Injoyed. y
1 followed the beans to their source.
They came from a big vessel that would
hold about iO gallons. Ona exceedingly
' busy little lady ladled tha beans Into
a pitcher, from which she served a por.
i tlon to eaoh youngster. . Others helped
In the serving and a rapid-fire dish
.washing. It was- an equal suffrage af
, fair girls .ware served aa generously
and no more promptly than were boys.
'A John D. Rockefeller who wants to
pay a million for a new digestion would
i have gasped at the speed with which
j beans disappeared, accompanied by the
, bread and butter, followed byv the gin-
Kerbread. f It . was all good and whole-
Bach gave place as soon as lunch was
, finished, ; for outside the door was an
i ether crowding line ,of older ohildren.
( In tha Incredibly brief space of 45 mln
j wtes la two vary small rooms more than
200 . hungry children were satisfied.
. Meanwhile in another room of th same
general proportions a dozen Instructors,
I Including the principal, a. F. Ball, had
lunch at IB cents each, for which extra
, amount they had a whlta table cloth,
jeome meat coffee and flowers with the
beans, bread and gingerbread. It was
lav nice social gathering, where they had
I opportunity to talk over the Incident
i of the morning. . . ,
"'.'f-;; Fla Zs ' Oooparatlva. , .
Th Arleta school luncheon Is neither
,a philanthropy; or a charity. It Is a
iaooperative effort of the parent teach
,ars. and the school board. It is founded
jon the principle, first, that a warm
luncheon is better than a cold one. Some
jof the children had been bringing pen.
jBies and buying food not nearly 80
Wholesome. Mrs. Ward, working through
(the Parent-Teachers' circle, is really the
, author of the plan, I am given to un
'deretand. The feeding of the children centered
jla a building secured by the school
'board, and altogether unfitted and In
; adequate, relieves the noon-day lunch
i responsibility of many mothers and
jxnany homes. Some further explanation
.of the plan was furnished by Principal
Jg. F. Ball, who said:
, Tba Arleta school Is patronized by
i people living In a somewhat ncauered
t district With almoat no sidewalks; In
, good weather about 200 children bring
their' lunches. In etorrny weather,
epeclsJly If It Is cold, this number is
swelled to 600 or TOO.
-Freauently children bring S cents
with; which to buy something to eat,
and ixjt Infrequently they buy candy
that Is often of inferior quality.
, "A knowledge of these conditions led
jtha ParentTeachers association of Ar
jleta school to obtain the use of a home
on a lot purchased by the school board
lor playgrounds with permission to
, aerva school lunches there.
. "Tha house was cleaned. kalsomlned
and fitted with lunch counters by the
school board. ' Modern plumbing for
I kitchen and toilet waa Installed py stud
ents of the. school of trades, it waa
i ready for use Saturday,' October 11,
, tliouffh it was not the intention to begin
serving , lunches until Tuesday. . But
aionday ibelng ' stormy ; -a 'hurry up'
lunch was prepared and served to 63
pupils. On Tuesday, the regular open.
' dr, pupils took lunch consist
lug of a bowl of soup, two slices of
l read buttered, two crackers and a piece
f gingerbread. This was served for
6 cents.' Wednesday tit took lunoh con.
luting of a bowl of soup, two' slices of buttered, two, crackers and a piece
t t gingerbread.! Two hnudred and flf
t rn took lunch. The teachers wars
k: : 'f.:- N'T
v-v-x A - - -
fr'A ir
i ' I - !
Top Mrs. Ward, chairman of the luncheon committee at the Arleta gchool, Jadellng beang for hundreds
' of boys and girls. Toungeters getting their fill of beans, gingerbread, bread and butter. ,
Bottom Children In line, for lunch. " . , ' , ' " '
served with e lunch at the same time
but with a different bill of fare for 15
cents. At times the bill of fare Is var
ied with beans, macaroni, or rice Instead
of soup, and eooklsa Instead of ginger
bread. . ---rn.. .v-.,v (
"The difficulties enoountered In this
undor taking are not -. many or lnsur
mountabla The first was In the way of
equipment' This waa met by buying on
credit such article as atova, dlshaa,
cooking utenslla . food and fuel. The
second was as to labor. . This was over
come by employing a regular cook and
obtaining .,.. volunteer . assistance . from
members Of the . Parent-Teacnerr as
sociation. Some of I the older girls of
tha school' : also assist ' la . waiting
upon, table or wiping dlshea Another1
W. C.f T. Al;A Will Jbiit With
Party Regardless of. Action .
of Anti-Saloon League.
Next year has been chosen for the
biggest prohibition campaign 'In the
history of the state of Oregon. Despite
the announcement or the Anti-saloon
league, before the : Presbyterian Synod
Friday afternoon that it would not' en
gage In a state-wide prohibition , cam
palgn until 1914, the Prohibition party
and the Women's Christian Temperance
Union are preparing to wage . the fight
In this state in 1914. The time is ripe,
they believe, and they Intend to strike
while the iron Is hot, 2 1 v
' The Anti-saloon league, on the other
hand favors a campaign against the
home rule law in 1914, to be followed
by a state-wide prohibition movement
in 1916. Whether the ' Anti-saloon
league will join with the Prohibition
party and the W. C. T. TJ.,' remains to
be seen. It is highly probable, how
ever, that sufficient headway gained by
the 1914 movement will draw the
league Into the fray.' ". ." ; '"fVy
With the action of tha Presbyterian
Synod Friday In resolving to enter Into
a state-wide prohibition " campaign
whenever all the organizations "Inter
ested were agreed as to the year, - the
Prohibition party Is practically assured
of the church's support .The Methodist
Episcopal church has already adopted
resolutions "favoring the earliest; con
oerted campaign possible, which prac
tically pledges them to 1914. .V-;;;;. :''.
Hopes were never brighter in Oregon
Prohibition circles, according- to the
officials at the party's headquarters.
George C. Pendell, who has come from
New York city to manage the campaign,
is most sanguine in his forecast of the
future, j "We are out to Win.?, be' said
yesterday, "and we can only . insure
state-wide prohibition, by the election
of officers who will enforce the liquor
laws. The Prohibition party is a poll
tlcal party; there is no secret about it
either. We are out -td ; place 'candi
dates of our party lit of floe, la 'the leg
islature, In the state government -and
we - hope, "In congress.' V.,- f: t;
"From our headquarters hero In port
land we. are lining up voters for the
coming election and securing pledges
by the hundred. We already have 12,000
voteh pledged and will have. 60,000 at
the end of tha next it 'months whirh
i t y
, ,
, V
difficulty was for want of table room.
"There Is v scarcely room td feed eO
pupils at one time. Lunch counters ex
tend around the room, as they give more
room than tables. One hundred of the
smallest pupils arc sent la time to be
served before "the regular classes are
dismissed, and these are placed on both
sides of the lunch counter and served
at nee. Everything Is Jn place for
them before they arrive. After the first"
table they , are served in relays of 50
each. , No seats are used because more
can bo served when, they stand and they
are quite as comfortable standing be
cause they are sitting all the. forenoon.
"The financial features may be of in
terest to those wishing to begin a sim
ilar undertaking. The cost of food' and
will be In conjunction with local tem
perance societies - for the solution of
Oregon ' problems, is really part of s
nation-wide movement to enroll 6.000,000
voters : pledged ; to vote for; a. political
party' "eommrtted to' national ' Prohibi
tion. ' -.-,. - i -.
George C. Pendell, who Is conducting
the campaign in 'this state, is a veteran
'newspaper man, former publisher ( of
Prohibition periodicals, and experienced
In' campaign management 1 "
Oeprge Howell; r;
' George Howell, an .Oregon pioneer of
1S63, died at his residence in Montavllla,
Oct U, at the age of. 9 years. , He was
born in Fairfield county, Ohio, in 1821,
He was ' married' In' 1845, -and - was 'the
father of 10 children, 4 . of whom sur
vive him. In 1871. the subject of this
sketch was licensed to preach, but was
compelled to abandon the pulpit on aw
count of throat trouble. . v !.. . . , .' ;
He was buried at Wasco, ' Oregon, by
the side of his first wire, who died m
1688. , " j'' - j,-,
v, ' 'f- " , v Y ,
v Pendleton,. Orm Oct 18 Koy W. Rlt
ner today resigned as secretary bf the
Pendleton Commercial' olub and - ' Will
leave tomorrow by, auto for southern
California to spend the winter. ; He has
also announced his Intention of retiring
from directorates of Round-up and Trt
Btate league in order to devote all of his
time hereafter to bis farm on theoreser
yatiou, , , ' ,
, ..;,, A .r,,.,, : , , ,-, i
labor of cooking can be met .by serving;
the present Mil or fare lor cents. -er-haps
a little better knowledge of mar
kets or a little Teady cash might enable
tha committee to serve t a better lunch
for the same price, though it Is doubtful,
as Mrs. Z B. Ward, who is chairman of
the committee in charge, has had wide
experience ' la managing .the pur.
chase of food . for a large number , of
persons. t ,' '
"The beneficial results that are ex
pected are threefold; bettering - the
physical ' condition of - the pupils and
teachers, a corresponding .strengthening
in school work and a mutual feeling of
good, fellowship ' between', schoot. at.d
home that means a general uplifting of
both by these mutual reciprocations."
Inquisitorial; Body"' Nearly All
"Day "Considering Case
Applications 'for, Reward, -
Deputy District Attorney jColller yes
terday took up the Investigation of the
charge of first -degree murder against
Lloyd H. Wilklna before the rrand iurv.
Wilkins is the confessed slayer of Lou
U winters, who was killed early last
Sunday ' morning, on Milwaukle street,
near his - home. The charge waa con
sidered during 'practically the entire
dayj t i
The reward of $508 offered by A. J.
Winters, brother of Lou. Iv Winters, for
the. arrest and conviction of the mur
derer, . will be promptly paid, says the
brother, upon the final -disposition of
the case in the courts.
This reward was offered to the per
son immediately conoerned in the appre
hension and conviction of the slayer. In
view of this and In case of tha convic
tion of Wilkins, the three Vancouver,
Wash., policemen may have first claim
upon tha rewards . -,.. .::
While the Portland detectives, k who
with th ' Vinnniivp.-nn1li . wtmAm 4k
capture, deserve, equal credit the rules !
01, me police department prevent them
from accepting rewards, unless : they
are turned into , the police beneficiary
fund. - ; . '
Th VaricouverpoHoe made appllca
Uon to Winters the day after the ar
rest. The application was taken under
oonslderatlon until conviction. , .
i " "i , v " ' ' , 1 1
McMinnvUIe, Or Oct 18 Judge
George H. Burnett of Salem,- past grand
master of" tne Masonic order, this aft
ernoon laid tha cornerstnna of n
Maaonln tmnl liAtna' APAnt hv fTni.. I
lodge, No. 43. - - , ' -'
A number of visiting Masons and 100
of. the members of the local-lodge were
present marching ' from their present
quarters to the scene of . todav'a nrn.
grant, ;, After the 'ceremony Judge Bur
nett made a ' short address. The
structure will be completed by March 1,
. Edlef sen's' yards at- Alblna' and B.
1st and - Salmon, stocked . lately 20,000
Bunker price t-E0 to 8.. Adv..., . "
. . :. '.-M ' - ii iii- rt.Y;
' You might as well save a dollar as
tha next man. Road under Household
Goods'' In the want ads and find how.
(Adv.) - ,. i o .
$550 Player Pianos for$865
$650 Player Fianos tor... $419
Terms--$15 Cash, $10 Monthly
wcgctm, liwimcu
llie -Kranich' & Bach Chickenng Bros., Bradbury; Haines 1 Bros.; Cable-Nelson, Ricca & Sons,
Ludwifr Kimball Lyon' & Healy, Gaylord Ahlstrom, ; Bradford, J: H. Shale, ' Fischer, t Vose &
Sons. Heinze. Gerhard. Wehflri Smith & Rarnw TTarHmon QtV,ko t, t- b.
Co. Steger Zeck & Co., Webster,
Plaver Pi an OR
strong, .Lessing, Bnnkerhoff,
till - 1 -
All at dubstanhaUv Kednced Unnrecertenf cd Ync.K
maintaining a close connection
with manv Piano and Plaver
Piano miiniifflrfitrera
means of securing the best
iwa moaeis tne . most ex
quisite ; tone the most desir- ,
able Pianos and Plaver Pianos '
at prices that permit the above
prices during this continued
Removal Sale as necessitated
by our enforced stay. - - ,
' Out-of-town , bavers it :
safe and satisfactory; to buy
one of these pianos . by mail..
Write us. and we will send
Su full description,1 pr, if you
e, shio the oiano subject to
your approval.- We oar f relent
to any point in Oregon, Wash -
ineton or Idaho. Bur now and
have it shipped when ready.-'
Stert With $i
Oav $1 down, if Vftll ' Af nl
-wmv ivw .auiii.uuu uuw anil
want to oav the full nvfnnt
-j t . '
uu turn, oeiore aenvery, you
way uic uauncft in ram r
mm - wv .
6fj . T ;
s"r wr., wnaicver aereement
menV and -.the balance $6
monthly, etc..' until th
isaid for in full..
fafaiS K 0TJh?tr Piano Purchased carries with it the Craves Music Co. guarantee pf'sat
besfdel we Ike ?i.?Vt?,DB each manufacturer of tllese new musical instruments -K
besides, we, take it m exchange within one year, allowing the full, amount paid, if desired, '
' SnlaVS-aavjaftesi SaaM - . . .
85e Soul Songs, Perkins.;.-., ."lot
ISO Bright LisrhL-Strauh...; . '
76e School. songs, Bailey... ..o
Victor, Edison, Cohimbra Tallring Machmes
On Your Owii terms-1 ALL THE LATEST lVTOriFI
lQS?VW"Bt al 'on yictordison; Columbia; all'the very latest mocfels' on
the very easiest Cf terms. . Our nrMnr ctnrb- m,,et v , a I .i',. 7 ?n
records for all talkjng machines on hand for your sel
Splendid Cornets
jj'athe? Vas'a' toiit.W "I I', : ! iSl.'jp
- "Band Initnimenf -
.flJ.SO Upright Alto. : i. . mil .50
au.vv Trs i romDones. , , ,
l70.00Cb, Basses or. Tubas.
170 Sakaphones -V. .48.SO
. Flutes S5?2 ;
Thirteen keys ........ . . ... ft
Eight keva ' IktJ
. Clarinet
' Oenulne Martta Trench Kake.
Thirteen keys -.....,........ in TIC
Fifteen key. .! " I! I: :glg:?
MTJSrO BTAJfDS XnfOOt to 1.35-
' Postpaid.. ....... . ,. .
WUi aeenre any of these
lnstrnments, b a 1 a a oa cash
or oa bdiUI y payments.
Graves' Mwcec Ge.Eeiniibval Sale
' ,' iT
'.JL it L'li.ii
f "
.- .
n'' ,',
II $750 Player Pianos for. ;.$46a
$850 Player Pianos for.;. $565
Term--$25 Cash, $12 Monthly
Dawei D Z'
i idiiuDe ncpresiinuDg ruiy iiiaiiers
Lester, Rus & Lane, Hamilton,''
??KhT .& Baclf Haines Bros.,
Bradford, Lester J H. Shale,Gaylord,Cecilian and Auto Player.Pianosj
- atl ' . . 1 m ! ww , ) ' - i L-'2
Not Every Day That . t07C Brand
,You Can-.Buy This P"v Piano
, r t
v (.J
fa .'-- I
, v
i . . m
'V 1 1
' ' , ,..r ttmlT5. '&J
1 11' I HI Ul IT -dff?3t-ft i,,TT2.
- - iHiu:s-r.r imp
" - :. - '. i - .
. r ' w
A.i ' r. a4
VlMT iI2I10S. Ab
W SiiBillj;,
One Copy Sheet Music tree
) aajsasBM saa U 4 a V . l , t x t
With : Jiacti Copy Purchased
ff . ... f. i -
81.00 Cserny ' ' - iV
Tii Se.aU Wnd.?! Yi:? ZZ
tow cast vow '
xv aux tut
Violin for
$87 Cash
VioEa Accessories
81.60 "Violin Bows
If Kfl. Vlnlln ramcm
:est ,.w 25
SBe Violin Chin Rests,
. " , ,W'1 V'NU .MVWi... ... I.
16o Violin Strings, three for 25
which you desired I
for. perhaps many - I I
years, or, wa will 1 ,
sell It for 810 cash 7' I (
and J6 monthly. .. 'v A
$60 Violins now . ( V
lofe' j 1
IIS ; T t
8I1.9S f J
; . in ' Flayer PKr.C3 .
. ar.J Musical Gc J
'TiV n 4V J m jn
fo : emnhasize the -
f Piano and Player V'u o -.' y
sitions, in the . furnir lung of lrv
which wc render you expert I
service in the three necessary
essentials Quality i- Price-r-.
Terms1 our 1914 Piano models
represent ' period styles it of
''"'' fers' a broad, superb selection
t-ot, trie., Dest, in jtne- piano
makers' art. i A" -j
t This store is expert tnd. au-
. montauve in mese matters
. the interpretation - o -"period
quality of this . fltif4V4;ountry'8
Pianos and Player Pianos. . -y:
A consultation with its man-
i AMASl emeMl awll'f vi ' mill
? help; you i . wonderfully i in the
- selection of the . really pest
.Pianos and Player Pianos;-
i 1 Tifl.. Tlllls..!
Martin Bros and Bradley Pianos.
Ampico, Bradbury, Universal,
New 1914 Model Cable-Nelson fcOC
irrsolendid mahotranv-walnnt JU J
.'i -rr
. "-3S--5 ."
rrWmU :V: r
i (m.MH -':
M.V X h: S71 Wr
' o9 rouos. i' ,
(to Song Folios.,.. V;,;. Ki
T2Jonf Shl0"'V..'.i.'.l04T
11.00 Song ljiios.. .w.lXS .In 111 1 i 1 vTi
srnoa .
8 8 10
fit "
820 tTi
$40 S
10 or 11-lnch, at. .... .
..... omwui ..,.,
universal 1 favorite. .. .:.
Bell Brand Banjo Strings." A
per set . . ,r gQ)
Fine Mandolins
110,. 18 ribs .pearl inlaid, at.f 4. 75
t?2 ?.xu" eep toned, at.fli.fio
tiv a rauts t
$1.60 Mandolin Cum
e a f
pXe,a' .Guitars
$10 flno tone ...$5.75'
$18 concert slsa feH.SO
'r . , Guitar Cases .
81.80 canvas, leather, bound.. ftt. 20
$18 Eng. saddle leather, at... 150
Catalogues of Wihburn, (May
flower . and Martin Mandolins' fjfi
Guitars mailed on request , ,
- mtmm i . .... .MiBawriav& -
" '"'- . . I 1 I E
a. , -1 sr-l I I fM I t
crrs tt i ill i v
ff .iv i
ought to be-a plurality." .
i , The movement In Oregon,' while It
it I P T- . f , til , '
v 1