fOJi., L, 1 OUTLAID,' CUaNDAY IIOIIII. OCTOBER l: I a tv 3 0 1 J- 2 j..uHsnaor. 20 it. F. Resal. I ' liiechtiiilcul .condition.-.' with kooJ ,191 conuillon. onlv uud u fw months, xj0 iHjuiiimrit ror 147 Iji'-o p:it sengHr, SO IT. P Franklin, ' i ... i y ovuihauled, has Koud Uitu, lor V t ' 1 B T'flf' ifrer. 80, H P. B. M. F.f '- " 'o""i; . for $4&0. - ; 7 pun- .uiger, (0 II. P., cylln ; I ' i iu first-olaHH inecfiHiik'al " ' ly. ;mlnted, fully equipped, i t iji'ior. lor.jHOO. v 7 i).i"!soner, 0 cyllndur, 60 IL M. t;li. lully equipped and In llrst- ....A'eoiiiutlon. for $1360. '' 1911 i i a "senger Peerless. In good Condition. JiMly equipped, for $760. . - KOur pawa. iir r, 4 cylinder, it 11. P. .Franklin;-for i.'50 , . - j lull 7 passu riKcr, $ cylinder Pierce Arrow, In flrst-tlass condition, fully . equipped,. good paint. .:.- Five pabsenger Oldamffblle,, In line vunuitiun. - f 1912 Warren truck. 1600 pounds ca-. paoltyv has been used only a few months - and is la first-class condition, for $860. ..I These are a,- w of the bargains that we tftit In used ars. - It will pay anyone in the market for an auto rnoblle to Inspect ur stock before buy leg. . We do genera: automobile repair . ng ana storage. Cor. 11th and Aldfir fits. Main 1161. ! A-4837, h : N.'V - 4-- t. Auto Snaps 1911 Cole, I pass!, 40' II. P.. fully quipped, : juecmo ngnts ana starter.. . Ull Cole,-1 equipped, s- pass, 30 IL P fully . UlJ-'Reo pass., 80 H. P fully . quippea. JSiectrio starter ana lights. xseariy new, - s , - ' , ' "1911 Overland 40 H. P I pas, fully quippea. 1 , . 1911,Waxwell SO 11 P pass, fully equipped. , -. , v' 1918 Reo truck, 1800 IK . capacity. ! We wish to clean up the above list of ears at once and are going to Quote prices mat wia wove mem, 'V.. i i.-. " a 4::'"' ff"'"'", ''j''i';,:-.';!1"' '''J '( We cruarantee . alt' of our. used Cols and Reo cars for six months, r : . WHT TAkh A CHANCB ON' BUT Nf A DEFECTIVH CAR. CALL AND SEH U8. WB ' WILI, HAVE TOU MONEY. TERMS QIVKN - Northwest Auto 6oi , . Broadway and Couch sts.r . v . . ( BARGAINS. ' . 1 " a- We liave a few good used cars taken In on 191 Hudson automobiles. . : . These cars nave all been put through : cur shop, are guaranteed to be In good mechanical Condition. t '1S1J REO, 4 PASaENOERt.',,,"k.r t0(f "1918 RKO. 5 PAS8ENOEH. . .-. .... $50 1912 EVERETT, 6 PA8SKNQER, j " , . ., CYLINDER , , . , . ; ..... . '$00 1911 WINTON. 4. PASSENGER, I . CYLINDER , 10M MU1JHON,, 6 PASHENOE1V ' $76 A 'iH IilJ X kl A A C DlOOfKiniTrP , f.:""l,,0ri ,r V" ft iV Reading Standard. 110.00. -Vr rrv.Ti .1 T"TrV.i . iui PCtlU. swell, fully equipped and lrf good! Two 4 ii P Thors earh 8100 00 ' '' I year gold tilled spectaclea, bcHt lenses i Li,anl;af condition, newly painted and (n I Cr is w 8100.00. futed to your eyes, $1.60. 25 year.' ex- ad tood tire, for t its ' . T .il il.J1 ' ! l..-u"- ' .,..- penence. All work guaranteed er money 1 Pnrj tj...i:,; !. f..i"".' '. vei. eA-wv,, . I refunds. ; , -. , ... -, " - j. w.v. vaunicii .i.f i i,a rA MwnrTmunr ....... ,,., ............ i - , O A THOMAS 40, 6. PASSENGER: 47$ ' 'D.UBoss&Co'"- $16-617 Wssh, st. , - Portland, Or. BARGAINS IN. USED 4AUTQMOBILE8. DON'T BUY ANY IHND OF A CAH UNTIL YOU SEH THESE. : -ONE 4 'PASSENGER 4 i CYLINDER WAit, xiev. '..-.....' .. v. . .. OND 2 PASSENGER 4 CYLINDER ROADSTER. $400 00. , ONE PASSENGER ,4 CYLINDER THESE CARS ARE ABSOLUTELY THE BIGGEST BARGAINS , OF THE YE A R OUR REASON FOR SELLING; THESE CAR AT SUCH A RIDICUL OUS LOW PRICE! 18 THAT WB ARB gyiTTINO THE? SECOND HAND CAR BUSINESS.-. , - 830 BURNSTDE BT. ? ' . LOOK LOOK LOOK, ".' .,5 ' $600 Cash Is All You Need. J Tou have read advertisements of aato . mobiles, but never -before such bargains . pr terms as we offer this week. - . 2 1918 roadsters. . - . " . 'i 2 1913 five passenger cars. ' 1 1813 six passenger car. . ' . All standard makes, . both ? eleetrl ' lighting and starting. The Motor Bureau, si." y'n.httiyton wt. Main 6922. ' ' . , THERE is real value in a rebuilt Win! ton Six. with. a factory guarantee. We have a few left. All " .n1 rfeliU' J,y. ctory experts. Nw tlrea Will palnt any color to suit; 4, I. t tBd 7 passenger .cars; terms. , . ; The Winton Motor Car Co, - Factory Branch, . .waShingA wa. V FOR SALE AT A' VERT LOW FIGURE. -HANDSOMELY FINISHED AND II? GOOD CONDITION. BATTERIES JUST PUT IN NEW. CAN BE SEEN AT7 . t -Coveyv Motor Car Co fM 81 BT AND WASH. STS. MAIN 8344. Rnnrirsi : WHEELS, '. -si f SPRINGS, Genera Repair ' PAINTING 209 ITronfr at v .TT'VrOT A n A D DT a nw u. . r,frrt wr. I WILL fix up your old car ana sell it ror , you. you can pay, for" repairs Whoq cap is sold.-...-,.!.,"' ts-'aj!,: 'j, -atzi j; li ' ' Auto Repairing, v! t Pnene Tabor 4293. - 895 Hawthorns. . , MUST" HAVE ' MONEY. ; wl'J. aff'flce my $3860 Pleros Arrow for $600. Newly painted and good run-: ning condition. ' m. (,rr i.-ik.; U. B. SCHOUWEILEft, . ' A First artd Hawtltome ave. Oregon Vulcanizing Works, "The Tire Sfiop. 850 Washington st. at 18th. Aiarshall A79. We buy and - sell used tires and dd -TIRES First Class Tire Repairing. AUTOMOBILE Urea, tires, tires, $$750 ' to 820.00 each. Wa also hava a larara stock of new Urea and ' automobile ao ceesorles at cut rate prices, mall orders promptly and carefully filled.. Psclflo Tire & jpplv Co., 828-830 Burnsld e st WANTKIJ PARTNEKr . AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS; V-; t A rood, capabl business youn man to take half interest in established bual nessrtmall capital; experience uiiiieces eary. G-808, Journal. - . . i FOR SALE OR TRADE Cliaimara a" first class condition;, owner going? to Europe; cost with equipment $2360; sub. . mlt proposition and appointment will be . mads for, .;, demonstration, - D-733, Journal. ..' 7 ..j. ;.. ,, .... . " BTCbUBAJCER Twenty,' i paaaengor tonrlns car equipped; bought jn August, 1912, but run only 2600 miles arid In good oondltlon;, will .. . . 1 aeajt Mnu Trv O 1 r. r . . " for $"2S rwBh. n.-nvt yuurnai, - WANTED NO, 1 old suto tires, 70 , per lb., delivered. No. 2 old auto tires, 60 per lb. JJve inner tubes from 14o to 2c. J. Lev e, 186 Columbia st. M. 6198.1 $600 hQUITY, one acre near city, sa first jitiyment oa small automobile, j N-JS9, Jouruul. ni '. q v CI. r :s : r TC Vci . t r i.v . T' AND MOTOUcTcT.'j' 7 li. i. Thor, lully equipped. a0. 9 II. 1'. De. Luxe, fully equipped, t)r9H IV Breed, two pee.l motor cycle, iliw.wr. and Iiand. 1'KX P.rCYCLK CO.. ... ' ' MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS. At mis aeaaon or the yar .you can purchase at greatly reduced. Ii Ices sllKhtJy used motorcycles n mull iiav, ueoa uuiea in ex change tor new. . -. ; . lJuyton motorcycles from the , : . DAYTON CyCLK CO., - ' 247 Ash Street. il.Siu 1913 ten hoiba power two Bpeel motorcyclo, with fine rear seat. Diesta ami wnii, . iarge rear lire. . wacnino just Ilka new, has a regnlar auto clutch. Rides fine, perfect condition, smooth runnlri" motor. Cost $386. ; 1'rlce J260. $76.00 down, $20.00 monthly.... See It and try n out. Bbu AlOPr t. A BARGAIN hOH SALE, A BKANIi NEW 1913 MOTORCYCLE! 5 NEVER PICI'.N RIDDEN. HAH SOMH 1914 FEA- TIIRK8. FUI.T.Y fjriARANTKRn VOn IMMEDIATE SALE ONLY AT pniCK OFJ3 KRED. FOR PARTICULAS CALI AT 811 OAK 8X. PKJS1SR TOOL & SUP NEW Reading Standard 4 h. p., clutch. horn. lamD: 1150. terms. Lady's S. H wheel. $16. 2 men's S. it wheels $12 '.ana io. see raiting. ; 1913 TWiN Indian. 7 horse. Prest-o-Lite. etc.: cost bou six weeks ago; win sen for $226, $50 down, $20 a.month.; $0 Stark, ' ' ; 4I.nn.l V.i ...... I.... 1 ..-. .ft WILL pay haif cash, balance eleganiL6-; fhone Mam 7t,9; A-17W. talking muflilnn outfit fnr un in riat motorcycle. Portland , -Phonographl Agency, 850 Alder st ' f , fANiv iai 4 pnn. innt!rM "" fi.-t UA."u..1,lJ :P?. motorcycle, Iirst ur auwiung Kuarauieea every way. Prloe only $80.00 - $26.00f.down, ciasa urea x uacnina sruaranieea everv $10.00 monthly. 860 Alder st SPLENDID Yale motorcycle. . onlv $37.60. iio.vv ; CO wn, . $ i.ou monuuy. 350 Aldel" St WILL pay cash for up to . dato twin motoroycle. - Call Main 68BS Monday or Tuesdav. . v : ' ! . . . . . l ' g J ... ' ill . l i. . .ii u ti 1 i ri V ixmii h 1 conaitioa. Cost $320 R ttf,jXTZl7V "?Z. 1912 MERKEL. I h. d... Prestolite. Un - dem; $180, $66 down, $16 per month, 381 Yamhill, room 28. NEW - Hudson. -bicycle. . coaster . brake, cost- ioo.oo. seu ror iso.uu. iiv.uu down. $6.00 month. 809 Stark. TWIN MerkeL fullv auultiDed. first i fully class eondltlon. Hnao. $126. Cash or terms; Monday. f- 208 Madison. OR BALK 19 H. P. 1913 modal Dav- ton motorcycle. . f ullv eaulDDed. lauO casn.- can eua m v' 1'tlAn4i5w?D.dtafd 1:004 oad,tln' 8100. 22844. 1st st. fetPVPI PQ Used , wheels bought an-1 DKj I ULlO sold. S28H 1st at M. 1011 HARLEY DAVIDSON, 1912 model, twin. reawonapiey too rast uavis. jKast lfi. IACXCHESr AJTD BOATS 64 ONE tow launch, a 40 h. p., Hercules J whits Angora oat arid kittens; no rea engine, for sale or trade for auto, $200.60 sonabie offer refused: or what have you OflLNVi ta.kea . It .: .Dnai SO Tt la.Mnti I . - . m.. mots SlUSICAXi rxSTRCMENTS 8 1 WILL place my nearly new and elegant eeov mauogany, ss note player piano biui Aiorary 01 musio witn party i wno Will niinhfiMa mmrvtm a ...plflna If suited., Terms to suit at 8 per cent Interest A-861, JoumaL ON ACC6UNT of sickness and loss of iiiihm inn - in ii ht pbh 1 1 -ess - gtrnnew st a n onn i not for beautiful, almost new $350 up- I right -piano; no reasonable offer rs I fused. Answer quick, i P, O. Box $67. j OOTNTI awsv aoon. will leava m v hlirh- -. BTud PlAvor Plina and f ln .llhrarv I nf mimln. .with inv . rMnnniilhU: nrtv i vhn win n h if .ifi.rt onmi terms - if reeponslble. - A-422, Journal. FINE ' up to date talking machine and 87 records only $20. $5 down and $3 monthly. Guaranteed . same as new. Portland Phonograph Agency, 360 Alder, j BEAUTIFUL 3850 almost new player piano, wun library oi music, must be sacriricea to pay ror . nouse. Apply mornings, 848 E. 43d st' A-850, Journal. WILL SACRIFICE 3236 on my new eS nots mahogany player plaho, includ ing musio. musio. For suick sale call 6625 68th ave. ' S: "' .'"''1 ?-: j':'"'''"" '. ' l: UlitU (JAfetj and l$10; monthly' will buy my $660 player piano, 662$ $8tu I ave., B. HL ' HIGH grade piano, practically new. for sala cbeaD. 420 Jefferson. Marshall PIAEiO. UDrlarht Cambridge : almost . new and' in splendid condition. Will Sell very cheap. 820 Lumber Ex, bid a;.. WANTED to rent Diana, for 3 montm. Private parties. , Care guaranteed. T- -8DS. journal. ; ." " , '';'. : WANTED The best piano $40 cash will buy, , Describe fully. KX-628, journat FINH Stelnwach nlano. genuine mahoff- any case, cash' or terms. Call apt 88, LucretlaConrtor phone Marshall 1803. A. BEAUTIFUL $400 Starck piano, must - oe sold at once; us year guarantee. can Pe seen at 849 E, salmon. . SPANISH arultar. fine tone. Derfect con- dltion. Phone Mala 7208 or, call 193 First st.-' Monday. . WILL sacrifice nearly new, player piano , ror lisuu. , Marsnau iizi. FOR BALE Good piano, slightly used; afeod bargain. M-4M. Jowrnal. - " I REARLY new phonograph and records. I 336. A bargain 465 W. Park. I 1 1 1 : ', " ; "" ; 1 1 '. - FOlt 8A tV:-4tt"trKh1Am:OVi: lO .-t.iis. - . .-w. i iix& jtuiaujx .fnonograpn, witn 46. 4 I - minute records: used but littls, less J tnan nan. ii u inn soutn. I run T3jArj jwvwaa wxu a va Winchester automatic rifle, new. What i.-... .M.....9 .va,o T .. .f ............ t .' iiato 7UUI a o, .vuiiiai. FOR, SALE A Standard .80-20 repeat ins- rifle, almost new ' chaan. John guntenr 78 commercial st . vuii BALdii une.iiome comfort range. latest moaoij usea oniy s months, call bo iu. Bin. NEW ' 8x1 camera and outfit for sale, . - Chean. Phone -BalL Ml rail 1ftS7 st flT - . T -- . T; I a uuuu pop corn wagon, cost . e e a , w in BDu ur;ii(, van at iteec "French Piano Mfg. Co.. 10th and Stark! new. will sell for 31 76. Call at Reed fcFOR SALE rNo, 6 Oliver typewriter. '. reasonable, or tfade for stock or farm tools. 129 K. v36th. Tabor 4702. FOR typewriters ; or musiaal instru monts refer to their Peepectlvs classl ijcations. Well Rotted Fertilized: Manure East 8438, GOODELL strawberry plants, dos. 31 per 100, $6 per 1 oTin fa a ufTt I er, Qresham, R, R, 3, box 87. NO. 8D Wheeler ot Wilson sewlns ma1 nht a. " (.Cam. AnMtI.H A OA Phono Columbia 442,- . . - v POTATOES ' !"' for sale, SH seres '.of potatoes, in the grouna. .:bu Jt nassajo. NEW pool tab ;e for price of a becond hand one. It It 1 oVtaVTa0 W nn. Monta.vina car. B dollar dresser trunk; I 1. w., tnts a. m, TWICNTY-flVE f,,?nftre!al7neKr,ettoT:ar0r lorf'S,To"a-rj-E'rrLr:"'r :3i I m. a.wtiJ "'" 'j; Tii " ' ' "' '' ' BUYS drophead Singer sewing ma- chine: Sllsrhtly used: cost 366. . Mln- ook hotel 4th end Salmon sts. 21 JEWELHamtlton watch, gold filled . 86 year case, penect conamon a ens for cash.'.- 198 ist st. Phone Main 730! FOR SALE Comptets moviner nictnra outill st a pararein. audit EDI 1st St. $6.00 Oliver typewriter. iiearly, new. $30. Marshall 4723. H. P. Littls Giant, fine condition, $28. 8 N. 3d St.-. ;: .' : ,. FOR SALE New gMiuine mink" '.niuff Will sell for half its value. Mar. 1647. CONCORD grapes - for making grape I juice, delivered. Mllwaukle Hlack 864 COMPLETE moving picture ouLfit fur . sala or trade. 40 a ark. st, - l.Iv- -snscKM-Axr.ors. i . ' -IrCT' a OUT OF TI I !3 HIGH HUNT Watches clenilli i- . . . - - . . v . rk.L I ... ' AT c. w. ooortMAV jBslU-Alorrison.Kt. fuear bridge). . ' Cagfren-ingS till 7;aO." tturday, 10:30. AVorlC- called for And delivered. Wall orders promptly attended to. ' Phone Alain 2iz4. - n. ; j feEVVINO maclilnes ibrop heud Binder, $14;. White.- $ia; New Home, SMS; Standard, $18; Brunswick, $12.50;'WU. cox & Gibbs cut to $35; New Royal, $1; IIS ' AVheeler & Wil shoe patche" $47 60! fliomgonmry ward, flit. eon, $26! - Singer shoe ?i'Jr jiuior, ai.ou: uevuris cjioui.., I- il-i.W. Singer, $is; Btaudaro, $14; AXin nesota, $7; Vindex. $7; terms and guar- lw4 anteed. Hewing Machlna KmDOrlum. 10 i 5- 1 ' I ad, near YayhiU t'OR SALE New Home drop head rna- cuine, wiin attacnmenia complete, $12.60. . DroD head Hlmrt-r. all attach- menia, $15. One Uartlet drop head. $10. Box tOD machines of all makes. $3 un. and guaranteed. New Home .Sewing Ma 1 Chine Agency. 849 MorriBon st. , , ISLECTRlc' motors for sale t'-.-.'A or' reni. ) CompletS Electrla N . Shoo. iKepalf . . tr at triri t' r "rT-R Tr .. I ... J W W . . : WORKS. " ; 10th and Bumslde. Main 674 FOR - , SALE New . and sconi hand . carom ana pocxei Diliiara taotes, ana bowling alleys ana aecessones, oar xix tures of all klndsveasy payments.jTh J Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 48-4$ I LOT of household goods, dresser, iron . beds, springs, mattresses, steel . range. las range, lamps, ice oox ror rmnw. I rRnt. counter, 10x12 tent, lot. tools, Hmii o.hln.t. hnt1r.r ; atoves. i ' " -vr- . vp " i tr-T" vsiW r1. no j fnlnn fi v Ca8ey Home Fur. Co., 112 iJnlon avs. Bawlnir Much. Exvhanaa. ' econd ' hand Machine ,?tAfw-- 83 to $0. ... Guaranteed. Cash or . Terms. 9M TVilrrf aret. I ti '. I avk. w oau viwbwuu V-i""i"i 1 , T, Ufc WKl. " V . w. I warwware sc jrini;u- uo i i. I il? A k57.j. 7ili i" bio'MwaVsl 1 snd tools; I ONE 6 H. p. (induction) A. C motor. i with switches, for sale, at bargain, to- f private party. $60. Bomn terms. Good I w;u Address or call on O.'O. MoCormlc, Garden Home, Or. -. bANDY little heater, $3.60: new drop- $80 oak folding bed $l4. Including mat- Lmn, luiiiici.ivi "t.i'.r"?. - dresser $9; linoleum. 287 Holladay ave. ... LOST A bunch of keys between Llp A . BARGAIN Almost new 6 bole $50 man Jk, Wolfs and. Grand aw A-843, ....... l n ... n.i . -mI.. Antl fnr. 125 Acorn gas range, goo condition, $8. ill air tlsht heater. IS. 496 E., 7th N. Phone c-3izs. CHOICE rose bushes, some 2 ft tall, lOo eaoh; also over lvu cnoice varieties I dahllas'i 16c to $1.60. . Glenwood Dahlia Qardens. 43S Lomnara si. raone yvooa lawn. 2085. MTiO CH 'C AV-Tmrn nttrratm. alan larea 40 Inch heater. 4 second hand Coal stoves: cheap for cash. 430. B. , RnrrmM . . A 81 YARDS body Brussels carpet .cost 8 a yaru. . lor ' quo a yara; i . pranu new drophead sewing - maonins, :, law. Call 428 E. BurnBide. ..' I ONE ton second-hand rope, various 'sizes and grades, very . reasonable. "r Hsrdwars & Furniture Co., 221 . EDITOR'S ENCYCLOPEDIA dompletet . in, 40 volumes; brand new! will selpat a. snap. Levin Hardware eV gurnuurrvy., jxa. rivm pu . ONF1 Koma nortralt and one View out . ..f It ' mati aa new. whole or In .Partr n.tliir4 Hit nrlcA till Mendav biaht. Main 7824.; ...: .::'-.! vy..--V';-''''--. ADVERTISING novelties., best for res- taurants, menu .cards, the highest Iclass.. Christie Printing company, las 2nd st. Main 6070. . . . Ti ,,. .ag l.rtii RfiM opened and repaired. Bargains In second . aiMAAa . na. . . r-Su fl fT A nana sares. ivv za su rnom main inio. -.. - ...... - ' H i - BROWNJE No. 2 , folding camera, $16 outfit for-sale cheap or trad for single harness, saddle or what, have youT. rTabor 4065, FOR SALE-Pocket billiard tables, good as new; sow ror-casn or easy terms, , 1094 Corbett et Phone Main 7634. GROCER'S computing scale, used three t mnnt r m anar x i ii i i s bm rnp ms r I going out of business? A-75I." JournaL TYPEWIHTKR WE save you from so to 76 per cent on any make or typewriter, can or senaf for our illustrated price list. Retail de partment vwhoiesaie Typewriter cot. t Inc. ). 321 -Washington at Main 6681. UNDERWOOD typewriter. No 6. cojd as new, hair price. : js. Oil WANTED RnsCELlxAXEOCS 5 y GEVURTZ FURNITURE 8TORB I0J IS A. c . liAHHUAU. bUSl. ' . Will pay best -price for your furniture. carpets, stoves. eta4 ate New snd sec ond-hand -furniture our specialty. - - HIGHEST prices paid for nousehold furniture. Do not give it away to auctioneers or second hand stores. Phon East S462 or ? a ciataL - ana reore sentativs will call. Grand Rapids FuruU ture Ex., 116 Grand ave, WANTED 1 grocer's floor scale to - weigh 250 pounds and less; l awnlca; cover 84 foef long, 7 feet high. 7 feel wiue. . nouir - gniuar, aa . ju, Akaiuug. worth ave., c'ty- WANTED Furniture and household . aooda- ' V . Hi, - jw. t. Barcer Auction House " 368 E. Morrison st - Phone E. 1022. .OREGON FERTILIZER CO. Well rotted cow or .horse manure de livered any part of city. 'We design lawns, gardens., spread fertiliser, cover roses. ' East 102Q. B-1906. ';;-:"' ': AMERICAN AUCTION CO. buys furnl !"r5 J r.f8 2.r."?tt K5, "'..""XTX ??""'.. fS." . ..- wi marsnau isi. COVELL Furniture Co., 204 1st st Mal.i ' 3022,- pays the best price for , used furniture, carpets." stoves, etc . WANT TO BUY showcase 10 feet long. electric water heater. Taoor 4767.-".'.-' J. WANTED Second band papeY cu TIT--1 about 25 In. sise; must bs in good con i tier. 1 dltion. Y-34B. Journal. WANTED to buy one dosen Ferrets at once; , give cricea.' Aaaress, , oui ts, c . .-a . tir.ll. xl-ii Tt vcvuua 1 avDi.' ,v 9im iraiia, , fvaii. T,lll(- tInM.b ... .i". ''.-,..,, f. . 1 . ii I H H J . PRIVATE party wants to buy hollow or pistols, also shooting gallery trgetsi niio iianiiuv v a..u i uaaa D - 728, Journal, WANT everybody to try our new Mt . Hood 6c coffee house. 214 Seoond st. J. H. C Cook, proprietor. ; , . ji-xi-r-Ai once,: seoona nana ; disa seed drllL Must bn chean for. eaan. Phone 4783 or writs 605 Panama hldgv HIGHEST price, paid for . second-i furniture. , Ga3vfn, 111 - Grand. E. 6683. ,- V'";, ". . - 'hand ave. ESIFi cess pools to dig or brush to cut Work cees pools to cuv or orusn in cut, and prJce right. 1085 Albina ave. HIGHEST prloe paid for furniture, car- .,n..n. M . . r n ,nl on,. . . afo.o, ,iva wa.v, ,,uiacn k wmAU .ea or call 286 Front. - . JBB WISE, get more for yo- r seooul Dsna.Auruuur wjr aeiiiiia n ia,,oj Auction tiv, til ni. : Main evai. WILL exchange first class talking ma chine for outride painting. Portland Fhononraph Airency, 850 Alder. , HlGHKST price paid in the city for - household furniture. Call Main 4561. MIUHEST prices paid for houaehoia furniture Call Marshal) SfH ID - HAND furniture wanted. Call Al' Gevln, Foster hotel. Marehall 1874. HIOHKST price paid for 2d ; baud clothes, Mala jjsj. ita let st. - ' Wanted Furniture v v Second, hand turniture uall m Second, Highest prices LKVIN Hardware A Furniture Co- 111 Front Ct, buys second hand furniture, carpets, etoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. It you: have any thing la this line, calj Main 8u7J. - Our W'ANTE1 i 1670 J v . ... ? i v it tuu . iim filiroiiowiiig articles "were found cn the cars of tha Portland Rallwav. 1 f," f2w?r.C- - Pd. tur??iJn alLthS i liferent division points. Owners may .M applying t barns todi. r,i ft....... ' VWUUIA VM VUkVUVI 'II, ,iO W911' mono A-eim: une suit' 1 umbrella. 1 euff button. 1 purse, 1 epectacls ease, 1 patent mixer, t books, 1 box. : , : ' .. r r. t Found on cars October 17, 1913, Pied mont barn. Phone A-8131; Two pack ages books, 1 pair gloves, 2 umbrellas, 1 level, , 1 tench . box, miscellaneous articles --.7 .,;'-''-.. .. ..-, Found' oa cars October 17. 118. Ank eny barn. , Phone A-61$li . Ons box of yarn, I lunch box. ; , k Artloles found on the ears, 'October 17. 1913, Javier street ear housed Phone A-3131; Two books, 1 .purse, 1 pairs stoves, i umorena. LOST Lady's gold watch with pho togTaphs on dial, from 2 2d and Kear ney, down 2,2 d and Washington sts. to intersection of Burnside and down Stark st to Oregon hotel: in Return to. the office of Oregon hotel and receive lib eral reward. ' 1 -OST ItT. dark head strips , on forehead, with utiuy, viaus. vyut un uses, ciu w black tall. Answers to the name of Ted. Reward if . returned to 1072 East Main st LOST A roll of . papers wrapped In tissue paper,, on Second bet ' Stark and Morrison. ; Reward. Return to Mrs. Olva Grey. - 224 Washington, or Lvdla Smith, 867 Hood. LOST, Wednesday, gold watch link fob, at People's Market and Grocery, or on First bet. Taylor and Washington, jtewara. xapor zzzt. . , SHERIFF certificate loston 3d street 4 tuff,.s,un 20 ;n!-J PARTY who took deerskin rugs from . 108 B.' Alberts st return to avoid lur- ther trouble. . : ; WllITE Spits dog, male, strayed from 122H Russell st Finder please : rs turn and get reward. - ' ; LOST One mink neck piece on Morrison or. 11th st or 11th st car Friday syn- . STRAYED One b gemin from 30th and Sandy Road. Main 5. . war,i Mi petltclerc. 409 Ellers bld-r. ; j. tr, A ' i " uv'" ...n,:' 1vk11 -'tSJerSU'Wff. ?ettlI, Main 8694. Reward LOST Black , fur cuff. " Kindly phone Mar. 6044. Reward. - - PKKSONAL AMERICAN, office man, 85, unincum bered, gooa position, aesires meet young lady not over 25, with view mat- rimony -if suited. Reply in confidence. P-470. Journal. j WILL Fred Callahan, the walker, please 1 murn "iiuugwi uvrrvww iiuui yvii- i "m . niianer, ii journsics st.. wnna at Yoncaua. at.onos, as per your agree- mentt SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. Virginia Kowe. Readings,, healing, aaliy cir cles, i Tuesday end Friday evenings,,, p. m. 231 8th st Phone A7118, MISS STOCKS, mental solenUst; treat - ments; magnetio healing; dally read ings. 254 Union ave N., cer. Multno mah. Wood lawn car. East 6388. ; MARRIAGE paper Highest character! I incorporated : 18th year: 8000 mem' ..jbsrs; pspsr sealed: send 10, L. U, Loys, lQ(). Denver, Col:. , , FOR a good time, Join tbeUntque Social ciuo, meetings every .Tiaay evening;. Corns and get acquainted, t ave; rnone nsi xoai. . ALT. a Inhere man and women wiahlnsr la i - marry should Join the Success Corre- a - - AhJIahm a1..V Aat sT IP" Vj aM 1 &aw AA9A biiuuuoiiuo uuu, mr. m. a. ui.aD, CaAa . (3aa naHlauaa aaa.lta "L"r h n "a. MIDDLE AGED widow of good appear . ance in - well sstabllshed business, would like to meet man of means 46 tq 60 i yt"? Jour"al v ai j. k.u nuu lucn io send for mv new Keen it to yourself," Aoin s,Ar. miss aucs. poxa. city, 'w - - BE THE MAN, you used to be; very latest cure for sexual weakness, a matter of vital importance to you. 291H Morrison st. room 14. - FREE, reliable, convincing horoscope. horosoop wonderful reading, etc.; birtnaate, eo in stamps, mailing, etc., a surprise. Prof, uinos, m. rcona, xii. MATRIMONIAL paper with descrlp tions wealthy t msrrieceable people, paper. 10c. Mrs. Ball, 2614 West 21st street, Los Angeles. Calif. MARRY Thousands wealthy. Will mar Ty . soon. All ages. .Descriptions free. Write at once. Western Club, Dept 9. 268 Market, flan Francisco, Calif. WANTED Refined lady to oooupy room in anartment with two other ladles: rent reasonable; : references required. Marwhall 1626, fSARRY Hundreds of wealthy mem bera, rellable.lub, Mrs. WrubeL Dept. 74. Box 26, Oakland, , cat . . . i . rtiEABAJVA S. Pheasants prepared . for, hats 20 Bwetiann, - REV. CLARA HAY GREER. ' Spiritual medium. Circles Wed, and Bun. Ill Montgomery at LADIES' barber shop now open at 32$ GUsan. between - 6th and Broadway. Face massage, 86c. WIDOWER of middle age would like to meet Jolly lady or widow; object mat-. rimony. C-785. Journal. DR. ALBERTA.' 8ACRY, expert and - painless chiropodist , 41$ Northwest bldg. , ' ,' , B BEATRICE VAN BORGAN, office 45, 4th floor. SC04 Morrison. Palmistry, TAftlr frte bmIa . ..." .,.,','... - .1. .1 OPALINE positive relief for female Mrri.Piltr Mla U19 r"0llM- I M?!Lg.'ini- I , , . . , ' W?rasBAA?.'T rfrr, ?'f"?r'. a v uw 1 MANICURING, facial and scalp ma. saga, zot JBVurui m, uaar iaiou, Main 6803. WOULD . like to. meet working girl not , ... r 11 . . 1 1 1 1 , over 80, No triflers need anawex. Ob- jgvi iiiati imviiy. a-h, iu.iu.i. M AY CARROLL Manicuring, facial massage, scalp - treatment . . - 404 Ma elesv bide.. 2f6 Waahington. tR. G, V, KETCHUM Women's niaia- aies ana acute aisease. . yasn. oiag., w ... .... . . . ,. . . .in Z """""" r"m DIVORCES prtencereftabid la. advloa free. 404 Rothchild bldg. ZX7U wash. CRCri Expert legal advice, fivorce and rfiLL bankruptcy. A-9B, . Journal. BALM of figs, remedy for diseases of women. 604 uavis et. mam SAVE 22 to $10 by buying your trunk or suit case at 633 Wash., at 17th. Co n. io ct ?VJ Macleay . bldg. uvuiLf uuoviunoiitn ana wasn. sts MA uAM SMITH, character reader from voice.' 684 Flanders. Mftr. 3747, blVORCE a specialty, advloa free; Law finreau, ezs Liumoermens oina;, GET married; thousands tired living alone; anxious to marry! many rich; description free. - Mrs. Hyde, 2677 Mis sion, sin vTancisoo, THE - FUR SHOP Best work. . lowest prices. " Remodeling snd new orders, ! ?0 Bwetlsnd hide;., nth snd Wsshlngton. Ml.LE. ROBERGE. physical culture. OX flee 18, 3d floor, 860H Morrison et , 880 H mi Uubselt's Native Hurbs for rheu matlem: 60" tablets 25c. All druaglsts. MRS. CUSHING teaches card, reading and spiritualism, cor. th ana Halt CHTRo'f'ODY, room 607 K, V bldg to . suta avaaiuuguie i 22 b;T MAitulliiD Matrimonial paper containing advertisements marriage yoirnCTptoteet able people from ail sections, nun, poor. fh-Sr1 INDIES Ask for VAntlko Mixture No. 8. It Is safe, and sure "Woman's Med lelne"; the moat- successful and harmless "Regulartor' knownv For sale and guar anteed - la Portland . by . the Helafoud Drug Co., lit Morrison st, -near f irst. THE plaoe for hair work. ? Sanitary . beauty parlors 400 to 414 Dekumbld. Mar 1702. Switches. . minla-JUte. switches dyed $t, Bhamp6o, tie? nun friSie. masaaga 2Gc, scalp treatment "26c. Lars; m up-iiMitu pariors on me coasi. PROFESSIONAL gentleman recently lo cated In Portland wishes the acquaint ance of refined girl or widow not over 80. One fond of amusements and music preferred. .Object i, matrimony, 0-668, Journal.. -. ' . - ;.- Journal. ... i .CANiiiake any woolen clothln water v Proof and mothproof. . I can make cur tains and children's clothing fireproof. John Grant, Eastern House, Phone Main FKHVTET A HANKBtIT .. Leading wig and toupee makers, finest stock of human hair goods; hair dress ing, manicuring, facs. scalp treatments. 147 Broadway, near Morrison.. M. 640. REMOVED Mrs. HlAU.n, JA ... - ' roruma teaaing paimisi ana clair voyant, has removed to 291 hi Morrison st, Benson bldg. Her book. Palmistry Made Easy,, for sale. ' ' ' ATTORNEY, gives personal attention to divorces, administration of estates, bankruptcy and general law. . Free con sulfation. Will call at your borne. At torney Box. 468. Portland. GRADUATE chiropodist, manicurist. ..l.nllfl. m . . - .. . i. 1 formerly 6th and Wash. sts. and 614 Dekum bids'.', now 404 Buchanan bldir.. .'38H Washlnjrton, opp. Perkins ' hoteL VnilR I IPC ADAMS ASTROLOO- ll liri .' ICAL SCHOOL 61 Mllner bldg., Park and Morrison. ' rteaoings py mall. , ELDERLY widow,, matrimonially in dined, wishes acquaintance of nice man; boys under (0 save stampa . A $88. Journal. x n rssoicX! Professional arid Business scconnioN yiEaroro K. BTBPHAN. aeinatltcblve. ' scoordloa, side end sonburet ptoatlort buttons eoTeredtSaods sponsen. sua Alder. Msls bhts. AB8ATCBS MONTANA Aar Ottlce. lahotatorn ere teat w. jflrnii nan. ihs iarrioo. . ASSUMED BUSINTSS HaMES LAW 1913 require filing eoder iwniUy. Chse. K. ttoott. 16H 4th st. U. S61X AUTOMOBILE FEHDEBS AUTOMOBlLtS fenders made and repaired. Da- lelon Brus., 229 Croby Bt. - ' AUI0MOB1LE FAINTING BPEOIAIJUXa to floe ant painting. Ante Paint Shop, OoTy bUlg. Mi In 1844. blast: book r'AKias HOWB, PA VIS COMfANV. 1US Sd ,t. Blank ! book Daaofaetarersr a0U far lorn Im proved Loom Leaf dcera. dee the M ICS Kka Lesf. A-8188. Male 183. BOOKS 800ND HASB 80MUUL, boofct boukbt. sold sod axefeaufoe, 1SS 6th St., opp. P. O. ill ltd at. - CARPET CLEAM1MO " JOTC1 BEOS., Klecule Cleaning works, eas ptUi eloaaod aad laid. refltOas ear epeiilalty. 1'Bt Keo-KTap procMa, cleaoses, makes totB bright ss alw; Quick serrlce. Mala 7T74. CARPET WEAVIMO fcoaTbWh&r buu wuuks, rage mm eid carpets; rag rugs, carpet clewing. 188 a. Its t, near East Yamhill. : i ' tLbisHULA. Hug Work, rug made to order. Carpets. - 151s fattou ave. Wood laws 3oaft. i)B. I V g X tre ts aU alluKota tti 'Wttfeaait pain; eonw, bunion. Ingrowing sails pe rl a lt7 . 'il-ipy Murrlauu. Alain 4114. CH1R0PRACT1O VKTIICIABI DB, McMAHON, 121 4th at. Speclallat os SO of dlaeaes, $10,000 permanent eeulpment "a 'Ckmnla easts' M "trust" charges. fcesulta lu , guaranteed In writing. ftf, BradstrseUv.. and i ' natlenw. Main ao5; A-8861. liUd. UDDIUa, K1NZ Uruglewi. 606 Vreut, Mac, SSI a. m7 40w Ualsey. B. 6194 p. m Pit. UELKNA tOMUXOCli. itHl 14ta.l iwrvua. cbrunle dleeaae. S trea latent $ aiaia i aawt. CIRCULAR ADDREBSINO EXPERT aildreaalug $1 per low. Addi agiaf nop, raum a. yurtlana Truac bldg. COAL AND WOOD immj mm It's a Hard, Quick Firing, Long i burning Has ' no equal- for, domestic usesi . Phones: East 182, (M117 CANNON 'COAL ' - FIK AND OAK CORDWOOD 8HORT ORkiKN AND DRY SLAB SMALL AND LARGE BLOCK . 4 FT. ORKKN AND ilRY BLAB 1'i.AWBU iniaiMiiHus, sawdust Phone os tor prices oa anrthlns in th fuel Una. . Multnomah Fuel Co. Malm BS40 A -21 19 NoficE ffiorf SUB WOOD GREEN SHORT WOOD, 83.SS , SHEEN 4 POOT WOOD. $2.60 ' 1NUI13H QBERN SHORT, $i0 rmj mifiDm vsr-j-v v . -' AWDC8T foe. Peel .asd Beddlif ' ,J The Portland Slabwood Co,,' Hals 110. A-7O0I. i - Hiawatha aJPrrrcvin hari ALD ED EAST 808; C-2S08 .' eoantry slab. Inld and block wood. m un wj at ,Maay . a ranr v a mi f KICCC X. C ADD tar A-l dr, i foot fu? ML. 1.1 1 X I rvilllad oak aordwoed. Ala sawed to order." Prompt dsllTtry COAL Main 41(09. A-4B47. f I'LTON Wood Co.. dealsrs In dry asd greea imimgw. . Atg w wom vroonna sooa are wood. 1290 Macadasi st Pboaee Mala raso. A-2N90. CHARCOAL tUKU,iti PROMPTLY Male 8707. y. EVEBTS. Pnot Cnrfy atret. PACIFIC SLABWOOD CU. Main alow, A-JWC. Creea short wood, blocks, big Inalds, small main, ery aianirnoo, anwrT:- pianee tnramlna DRY SLAB and box Wood, cord wood and ouaL' - Standard Wood Cn.; ft lt B-tert..' ALHINA FUEL CO. All kind of greta and " dT wood. Hock gtirinsa and Mndit fee I. P'fioKNlX i.'o.i'C'o. Lrr woue, l.7 p., U" . 014 Thnrman. Main 84. Holgate FuelrCo: Wood end coat , lwo4 X5. URBtJO Wood Tard. Tit, a and oak wood ana eol. tteaaonaoi pnree. Main aa'a. w,l UNITED COAL CO-For reduced prlcea. I-rompt ' dellTerr. Main 4064 ' , . C0MTSAOT0R8 N. O. JANNbKN, Contractor for well drilling, soundings and prospect bole. 812, Seneca st, Bt Johu. .' ",',.... , ' ' '.. 1 ; . ; ' - POO AND MORSE B0BP1TAI, - ' SW Sil sisatsassjssasejsswe i-SsSiSSfc.g) iiBaliiigSajSSj fOBTLAK0 VETERINARY HOSPITAL ISt lttb street .. Mala T418, A-o&dS. all animals gives isclantlflo aalonal attention. yjOTJCATIOWrAIi i JOIN the new tbonrbt cirrnlatloa library lltaratore for aaia. books and- pmgreaalve Cor, Main and Broadway, LENKON8 ltlen Eimllnh. French. German. W atalu, eat, Bruadnar,, . TO li ; 3 - An ideal, up to data matrimonial paper with, descriptions of wealthy marriage able people, all parts United States. Am maklna marMazaa for nthra hv not youl Read the man marriage testimon - tais snowms reliability ana service tor rears. Rest proof la result Paper sealed 0 can ti. Mrs. Belt , 261$ West 21st st. Lios Angeies. uaiir. " MEN ANIi WOMEN " CURED. Modern electric treatment for nerv ous, chronic and skin diseases, . Special ty. Diseases of kidney, bladder, prostate. OXYOLINB. for caUrrh, lung trou- Thefit TJfr-rrowsrftt,' -V, rewehCHW' Rid1 YWUNQ woman wishes to meet refined, nice appearing American bachelor, business man of good physique, not over 38. or under average height; one who is lonely and would appreciate com panlonohlp of sensible girL . VX-811, Journal. ' - ).,..-...,....;:... K1AUAM AJAZ.1A.AJ Teacher of occult science. Calls you by nam and tells you what you called for without asking a question. She Is the "wonder worker of .the world re nowned. - Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Room 7, 193 W. Park. .-.- t v .- READ THIS. .. Genuine ermine, and mink neck pieces; from $9 up; silk and fur combinations which can be duplicated with your old furs. We can save you 26 per oent on new orders or remodeling. The Fur snop, ezo awetianq. MATRIMONIAL - agency of highest' cnaracter; strictly private, up-io-aaie, dependable: patronised by the best peo ple. . If wishing to marry, investigate our plan. Literature and full informa tion IOC Ideal introauouon UlUD. Aiox 1778, Vancouver, -B. C. ' ' GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND Lonar experience. . beat . references. treatments for rheumatism snd lumba go, etc, massage and baths, 452 Salmon st, cor. 18th. Marshall 6033. Open Sun days. .. ' . ' Divorces Free advice,' reasonable ' fees, easy terms. ; bankruptcy, collections, convey ances. Abstracts examined. References Geo. N. Farrin. Lawyer, 708 Belling bldg. I)AlrOTlf0) BKATH'S SCHOOL, 100 2d at between Wiah. and Stark fancy, stage and social dancing taught, waits and twe-tep guaranteed In four leeaon; elaas Friday erenlng. 8 te 10. : HEATH'S Dancing Bcuool. Allaky Bldg,' 8rd . and Morrtaoe u. Lessons dally. Walts and two-Up gnaranteed la 4 strlfttly private 1 eons. Claas Wed, eve., 8 to 10. r' i; iPAUnsB LAirovAaz teaches C BE BAG LI ATI. . member of old Bpanlali atn dents. In tractor of Bpanlah. 2Q4 yieldaer bid. MUSIO SCHOOLS MANDOLIN, banjo, galuc and glee cIuborgan. lain, begliuier snd player. 601 Ellers bide. UOUDADNT OIKJDNOUUH School at Piano PUrlng. Write or call tor prospeutas. 6J1-U rwii-moi dips. Main mto. 8. TUIELHOttN. violin teacher, papll SxTCik. vuT rieianer ninr.. a-ioo. Mrnau inai SCHOOL Or" MUSIC STAFP OIP TEACHERS OBKGON CON8KBTATOHY OF MUBIC(Oatalog) -j J MUSIC ISCHOOLS ABO TEACHERS BAGTlMifi or vattdsTlll piano playing -taught 1 10 of 20 lessons. 8neees guaranteed. Cbrl. tenaea'e eceooi, as nnnia piqg. Booklet rree. BAQT1M8 piano playing guaranteed beguuiars In JO tessons, Oructasl teachers of popular ms le sna picture playing, gtwi jeuers Blag. ' P&ESfillAJKUia ' AJIJD XAILORUa SOB001, VALENTINE'S arstem ladles' tauorUts. Sr siaklng taught, 163 Grand ave., bet, Atorrlaos aao cMimoot. raiiern enr te meaaars. EYE, SAB, KOBE, THROAT AHD LTJlTOi Treatment by apeclallat. Glaase fitted. d7 P. P. Casedr, 418 4eknBi bldg. Id and Wash. ELKUTIUO MOTOJtS Asil DKaAaaO M01OH8. gener-itors, bought, sold, rented sad repaired. We So all kind or repairing and re winning 1 an wore gaarsateea. as. si. At. trie Co.. 81 N. 1st St. Phone Mais OiilO. WE bar. sell, rent and exchana new am esd band motora, repair - work s apeeialty, weatern Elect rip Work. ! Win street. ELECTKOX.YBI SL'PERrLt.'OITl HAIR. Moles,- waru, ete destroyed forerar by elee. mo aeeaie; no pain, no sear, car guaranteed. aaue. 119 uong, out swetlana Plflg. MOLES, superfluous bate reaoovMl. ' Mr. U. V. Hill. 42 riledner bldg. Mala 847a,' rURKITURE REPAIRINO- rURNlTUK repaired, repollahed, ophtlstered, lat class work. Call fur prices, Mala 808a 1 . 'u t,L...j V . ' . 1 1 (Be Real Etat Beetlon.l SLABS AND OLAZINO tBco Real tjatate Sectloa. SABOLUTE mOIBES MARINE aad statlotary, marine hardware. OAS runsa a avrrbi co., les-iis groat st. wiiwi aaranaon aan umpiq. KAX PAOTOBT LADIES, Osntlemen's bats cleaned and blocked eatlafaetorlly. Royal Hat Work. S4SH lat t IN6URAJNCE (See Real KatMte Meet loo. KODAK BUPPLIZI lrr A IO and . all suddII. Developing. IXUUflrtO printing and enlarging. II. BLUM. ACER PHOTO BUPfLY CO., MS Waablngton. LANDSCAPE OARDENINO (Bee A.eal Kaute Kectlos.) LACBPRY IAPANE8S Eagle Laundry, cleaning and dye. Ing. ISO Bnaaell t. Eaat 8861, C-1T94. UABWX&LX , TRKNKMAN A CO., bydraaue sad special viva. idu euica. ou eniuery, repair, I04 N. 4th. ENUlNaWS, boiler,. -aawuiiiu bouglit, soul aad acbSnged. The J. E. Martin Co., Portland, Or MATTRESB PACTORT MATTHEfcSEa maueToTw and to orderT' Cpbel. aterlng of U klnda. Marahall 2667. 34XSSXBOXBB BA8TX MEBBRNOBB CO., epea sight aad day, Mala 68. A-2153. MILLHTERT BATS remodeled snd made to ardsr.. Blgh elaas work.. Kf0 12th at. MOBTOACl LOaUiS JOHN KER, mortgage - luaaa, lasaragjce, Yeoa bldg. Main lM. - - r. . MAIPEOPAIHIQ PHYSICIAMS ..-v DB. OROVEB Paralysis, nervoos ad ebnale dlaeate. 708 Oregonlna bldg. M. 813. . Y OalEOPATHIO PHYSIOIARg DR. LILLEBELLB PATTERSON. Speclallat a arvs. acute and ehroaie siseaata. 1A o. lemnla bldg. Main 6091. - f PAINTINO AMD PAPERINO (fee Heel Ktnte cation, f PATENT DRAWINGS PATBNT drawings, general drafting, machine dMlga, working arawings, btepiieua, X. 8616. PERSONAL Manttfacturerg-WKolesalerg-Jol)bers CLOTH, MAT AND CAP JAOXORX VSmm HAfXKD-'oAP tVoRka; k V.Tst Manufaoturer to tb trade. . Ladlaaf tailnd bate e apeeialty. Main 6047. ''.; ... 4.- m .... Fleischner, Mayer & Co. FARM IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES B. M. WADH 4k . CO.. Will Hawthorn are, Implement. ' ' Wholesale , agricultural ALLEN A LEWIS (Eat. IT1 46 N. Fnmt. IRO BON WORKS Mia. ah B Heel Kalnte Section., LEATHER AND FINPINOS CHAS. L, MASiim A CO.. 74 trout. Leather ef every ceacripuon; sip manufacturers, tiuu. Ing. 1 ' . MAC!imrjnr jnd fupptirn CU. Sawnjill. loKtflng and Ii-l) working machinery. OHN A VFNTAT. WIBC AND 1SOH IHi beat luiat iuiiUott.j t 1. KOTICtl 1 SEALED proposals will be rf LADIf would line to int'i KrlHco by hat. K-M. ' Will Art VV.., V.'M.. ......... . - house, Portland, Oreuon, until 1) , i. . Wednesday, October lyi,i, talllo boat IS feet Ion. S feet five in. : wide and 23 Inches dnep. tn;ii ( passed on by Unltevl States guveriKiu . inspectors. t ' No proposal will be conslisred unl" accompanied by a check pi: able tit order of theboard of co.-i.ty con... bya'nrSp0?HrrsTShV, r?iu.ti ' '"Zj' equal to 10 per cent of the agree'i proposal. Bids must atate earlit Kt-u ! i of delivery. The right is expreualy re served to rejeot any or all bids. Dated Portland, Or., October 17, HM. BOARD of COUNTY COMlUtiStON . - By RCFUS C. HOLMA.m, ' , . Chalrmau, . V ' D; V. HART, . i" . i. i i ' t County Commissioner. . " W. L. LIGHTNER, '"' '. ' ' County Commlwulone NOTICE is hereby given tnat a p.....ii hearing will be held by the Industrial Welfare Commission on the recommend ations of the office conference on Oc tober 22. 1912, at 8 p. m. in the publla library, 10th and Yamhill street The following recommendations will be pre -sented at the Irearing: First that a minimum wage of $40 a month be paid to adult experienced women employed , In office work in , Portland, Second . That the maximum number of hours in a week in an office be 61 hours. -. Industrial Welfara Commission, - Caroline J. Gleason, Secretary. ' September 37, 113. SEALED bids will be received until li a. m, Friday, October 94, 1913. at the office of the port of Portland, room 660, courthouse, for supplying the following:.- , 10 random lengths standard 80 inch O. D. lap welded pipe of Inch metal. - 1 cast steel cutter, built and finished according to B. P. . 2 sets cast steel cutter knives. . Plans and specifications may be had upon application at the office. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. . THB PORT OF PORTLAND. Directory IATMT ATTOBJTITS. PATENTS preenred by J. K. MOCK, Attorney st-Lsw, late of V. S. PATENT OHTICH. Book free. 1010 Beard of Trade bldg. PATZSA COsIPASXES TUB BARBER ASPHALT PAVINC OO, land office 908 Electrle bldg. . :SW ? SZAV0 TACTOR1 , PIANO toning, repairing, reflnlahlng. Eartmit glTea. Bargains la used pianos. C goausar sV Co.. 84T 8t at. Mar. 1671 or call. PLUMB rifO AND PLvKBINO sUPPrrES (gee Keal Eaute Section.) PLUME SHOP. PLUMES CLEANED. DYED AND . M A D B OVER. HARTNESS PLUME SHOP. YAMHILL AT - PARK BT.. PHONS MAIN lAOw. . PRlMTDrrl AN8LBY PRINTING CO., (SO Oak. Mala 46JL. Printing te pleaae. Baiahllabed IBQ2. ' . raUAAAAU a mi want lu fries right, M tro poll tan pre, 211 Oak. Phone Main IMS. ' -I 'l-.r BPBBIR BTAXPI AND 8EAXB ei' ' -m' . mii ALSO stendls, trad check, brans signs. , . ' PAJ1.I0 COAST STAMP WOKES XSlVt uhlnston at. Mala T1o: A-271S. AAaVO braaa Iku, orflc auppUea. UtaoarautUkg . . HB IRWIN-UOOBON COMPANY . S8 Plftb Bt. Main 813. A-IW4. -81IENC1L8 and efXlee isUuury, iaalngaaie Ces, Ul Stark.' Mala 140T. SCALP BPECIALIBla DISEASES of the scalp uccefullr treated and balr reatored. 2u7 Macleay tldg. BEWIHS mCHlWES REAL BARGAINS IN NLW msehlnas, .. aU mak. factory prleM. Beoond band $5 . up. Machines rentad and tvpaind. Sowing Maciiiue Baa. porlum. 119 Bd. Mala S4S1. SHEET METAL WORKS (Bee Real Ett Bectlua. BB0WOASES AND STXXORaB THB JAMES I. MARSHALL MEG. CO, New aad eld howeaae, cabinet. Mar, efuc. window fUtnre. tb and Conch. nunuAua 01 arwy ueecriptlus, baua, hat sad star fixture suds to artier. AAa Mil Bl Mfg. Co. ....... TAXIDERMIST LINES OP TAXIDERMY: elan .... F. h. F1NLEY. 849 COLUMBIA BTRKKT. TRAN8FEB AND STORAOB TEAMS ANt ALTO VAN$ OR LONli JMOViNU ST-8B Front Main 6.7 or A-214T. OREGON TRANSFER CO. EsUbUaoed 1870. -Trsnafer and lurwardiug agents. . ' . Storage, Ires trackasAv . Office and atnraaa. AIA Uliua a. ' 1 . 13tk sad UUsaa, Mala . A-lisS, riRKPUOOir HTORA11U . ' PORTLAND VAN S10KAUE CO.'S new fire, roof warehouse luat euuiuiatari. Snrnl.i.-. every fsclllty fcuowa to aiodara wsrehoualug. Aa inapectlun will cwirluu yuo. liuuvhu; goods shipped at reduced freight rate. KU. pruot wareuousa aou ana aearuy, Cuinmercial warehouse UtS aad aTtarett surssta. ataia 6u4o, . 0. PICE Traaafar A Sturag Uo. Office u4 eouimouruua (our itury briva wsrebouas wli inarat iroa rovro and i ire li roof vault r. ! taluablea. N. W. corner lit and Puis si. Plan 1 sud furniture nMed aud packed lot siilpplrg. Special rales mad en goods la our iiuoue ' cars to aU doiaeatle sad toreiga points. Mala BUD. A-ltfVO. PORTLAND l'KAMia'EK A aitlilAl.u l m Mala S1U, - - 8b8 Waahiuguia. AV-len4 Plaaoe sad furnltur tuufett and sacked foe shlpaasnt. tteduced frslgtu: rates en all goous shipped ta our taronga vara te eatra puiuta, . Storage. Low Inauranee. .. UNITED Transfer Co. SUxag aud gau.n I-4HV naming. - oi Aenaraos. aiar. pw. SAILOBXHw SCHOOL KI ESTER'S Ladle' Tailoring College, Lra 1 dreaamaklny, tailoring. 1434 nth. TYPEWRITERS ALL snakes rented, repaired, sold, Canning ha 1a set mars, alain 140T. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER HAAKON ULASOE. teuable watchmaker a4 jeweier. ign lat r., near wamingfen at. WINDOW 'CLEANING) (Be Real Eaute erioB. PAINXSjOil, AND OLAS8 (See ileal Katate Bectl.m.) PIPE PIPE FITTINOS VAtyrS M, L, KLINE 84-88 Front t ; Portland, Or. iu. -linl ri-raBiyO fTJAM V UPPT tt J M, L. KLINE t!."- PIPE -WOOD PIPE Portland wood pipe to factory anj . flee nar S4th and Vera hi. lin .11. -"' .' PRODUCE C0MMlBStOWywrA -- EVERDINO FAR"ui.Ui. proOiic s"d"e.".. alou merchanta, 14U front at., I'unl.i. ., Phone Mala Htf. HOPE AND TTVri, T.t .... Portland Cordn'-j C. Ki t Li MJ .,i a . 1 V. lit'T. .. iitiiix Al I.., n s..i c1 - 1 J-.5TOLUC1S' kinmu iXflvL . V - ,s