The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 32, Image 32

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) HlVllti TAtnlUX
VANTKD Three young men to board
and room, one single, two double. In
T-rivate and up-to-date home. First
table and pleasant surroundings,
aiklug distance. References required.
- 6. - --.I. '
', i b u KENT two elegantly furnished
room h, nicely located, with S bay win
-flow facing- Park ; at, iiul table tor a
' mar and wife or--2 gentlemen. Good
home rooking- Call at 204 Park at
ItOOM slid board in widow's home. Suit
able for two persona,. Homelike, Ta-
VronT r'opm, for 2 with board at I5.S0
.1- ' 8n 4thf .ala. 6861. .- - '
x'Jk. YOUNG meohanlo of good character
. wants, room and board In a pleaaunt
. Trlvate.TamiIy. Answer in English o
f wdlth. Address L-865. Journal.
.;' S.OUNG lady dealrea warm room and, 1
meals per day. cloae in, reasonable.
jy-881. Journal --
large, furnished housekeeping
rooms, iiv per raonin; large yaru, iree
.tath, phone, 192 -St, Clair st. Mala
I'DTS".!-" & V4 lat at. furnlshei
rooms and bouaekeeplng rooms, steam
yiat in every room. If .It tip.- ' ' .
ii'UKNlSHEO'or unfurnished housekeep-
lng room a, oneep. vauiurjuge , uiag.
a ana Morrison. - -
ICK bld- dandv front, suite 1. 2.
housekeeDlnar rooms, newly painted
nd tinted. (46H Wash. St.. near 18th.
WO bright, sunny 11. K. rooms; elec-
irio ugnts ana gas. . oocona noor
ifront - 56S Lincoln at Marshall 5768.
(TWO H. K. rooms, big range, running
water and eteanr neat; eneap; central'
I located. 208 Third st
ibUB furnished housekeeping room,
ground floor, all conveniences, 22 1
Fherrnan st; near Zd.
175 12th,' cor. Yamhill 1. 2 sad 2 room
- suites, ail conveniences.
i movsKXExroro booms
PNTsHEOOf unfurnished, cleaii
and light, hot and cold water, bath,
telephone, steam beat, 112 up. Mar.
4943. Nokomls apts., 17th and Marshall.
ITHREB furnished housekeeping rooms,
with good bath, electrio light, gas; no
aDection to amau cnuaren, rent is.
8 Johnson .....
ixICB. comfortable. well furnished
housekeeping rooms, walking distanco,
Rrery reasonable. 262 Chapman st Mar
whall 8988.
(CX.KAN, respecUble, 1 and I rooms, rent
reaaonaoie. near cvusaeii km "
Items ave. Landlady's rooms side tn
trance. 612 Vancouver ave.
JtvlCKLY furnished housekeeping rooms,
free light and phone, 2.60 and up.
. R21 MorrTaon at
(CURES) furnished -housekeeping rooms;
gas, bath- phone,- very desirable. 88$
UoUtiEKEXuPINO rooms, completely
furnished, at reasonable prices.. ! 848
ajiay st
pNH nioely - furnished housekeeping
room witn Kitcnenette; au convenien
s. 847 College st
lt-4 room . furnished housekeeping.
rooms, gas) Blata. . range., tit 7tn su
ain 4629.
WO H. K. rooms, llsrht and , clean.
nicelr furnished. -' All , convedlences.
147 College st
)CLEAN, furnished h. k. rooms, . free
phone, light and bath, 2.60 to 18.60
yur week. 496 Davis, cor. 14th. Mar. 644.1.
'StWO , room furnished apartment, prl-
vate oata, neat, iigat ana pnone in-
eluded, 20 a month.
865 Baimon, :
A LJKN1HED t room apartment, Nob
Hill, or will share with lady em-
loy-d.- Telephone A-1467.' : f
JLady employed will share home with
ladles or couple, very , cheaply, . Snap.
0-634, Journal. . .
i.SH 10th Suite 2 rooms, complete;
kitchen; single room, kitchenette, 18.26.
ICE, clean 1 and 2 rooms housekeeping.
Close In. 486 Alder.
NICE, clean "light housekeeping, also
sleeping room. 600 Jefferson st.
,8 'FURNISHED or unfurnished house-
keeping rooms. 768 Hoyt A-6286.
for rent modern. 661 4th st
TWO large housekeeping- rooms; hot
water day and night, 798 Johnson st,
l WO large light housekeeping rooms,
only 1Q month. 294 Jefferson at
i)N'E or two. furnished : housekeeping
room a ' 826 8th st
LARGE modern housekeeping rooms:
m 110 month. 680 2d st
6 HE ST. MARKS, 292 H E. . Burnslde,
- has housekeeping room ; for 'Clean
working men, with sink and cook stove;
m.iv -ngpying- roome irom ti.ov up.
ill.OO week up furnished and unfur-
' nlaned hmianknlnir rnnmtt. n.i
light and bath. Free phone, 604 Eas.
Ijiay tsu, iuiLi imn St.
jfll.60 WEEK up, clean furnished h. k.
.rooms, gas. free heat, laundry, batha
ffhone East 6089. 406 Vancouver. TJ car.
(BEAUTIFUL, brand Tnew. completely
furnished - two room housekeenlna-
rultes. aleetrio lights, steam ' heat
phonea AU frea Beautiful district
4unnyslde or, Mt. Tabor car, new apart
ment house (Th Ralfnurk rh..n..
.nd best furnished suites in Portland.
1168 Belmont corner Runt 10tH Phn.
aa.a -. ..w...
i'WO yery desirable furnished nouse-
. seeping rooms in private family. Easy
"walking distance. Large yard, cosy fire
jr lace; gas furnished for lights and coek
png. Exceptional inducements to right
Jiartlea Call Sunday, between 8 a. m.
Wind 4 p. in., at 255 Hancock St., near
yibotuyw ave., or pnone Kast 13B6.
(TWO or three) laiga. clean front
i rooms, grouna noor, completely fur
rlshed, separate entrance, bath, laun
dry, phone, large yard, walking dis
tance; reasonable. 841 Tillamook.
HOUSEKEEPING rooTnl with heat"
cooking gas, lights, telephone, hot and
jrold water furnished, also laundry trays.
"Walking distance. 181 E. 12th st. Eaat
- a Oat
Sj r 4V V
THREE or 4 well furnished housekeep-
' tns mama with Hath in .. i . . t.
xvorhood-.for adults. Clean, light and
reasonaDia. .5 East Main, cor. 19th.
-Larue, wen
furnished room for llcht
Fine location. All
600 Belmont cor. E.
home priyUeges.
!iWlLd give Housekeeping rooms for
' ears Of baby during day. Call Sunday"
tvv wwnuqy iriirninK at VTOSOy ST
ittux ' xuruisnra nouseKeeptng rooms.
' v-rjr; suitable for widow and one
rhlldU - 11.26. 483 E. Washington st.
. eFtTRNIS"lf ED housekeeping, bay win
dow rooms, to adults only; 647 Weid-
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 4 rooms 18
per month, modern. 1415 E. Gllsan.
. . vw jim ,ni,m ,11),
9 ROOMS, close In, gas, electrio light
bath. 82 E. IQtb et. Phone East 168:
TWO 11. K. rooms, fie per mo. 434 K.
1 imn on jwonaay laoor byo
LARGE unfu
rnlshed rooms. 28. ln.-ln,!.
g wattr.
430 Bttphen st.
MODERN house, ground 80x110; 22
bearing fruit trees, good barn and
chicken yard, fresh cow and furniture
for sale; Income 86 per month? 430 E
jvininirsworxn ave,
6 ROOM modern house at 834 Kerby st.,
uw cvrun j iiriwn mgn ana U. f.
Thompson schools, oil stove in and conJ
Tioctod. Phone C-2664,
,8 ROOMS., gaa, bath, electricity, stet
range. . or v four room suite, ,729 E
Ftsrk st. ' '
SZ'a RENTModern 4 room bungalow'
818.00. , AlberU district - Call Wdln.
'k, 6, 4, 8 ROOM bouses. Zelia Oossett
7 Vf. Kllllngsworth ave.' 1 - -
6 ROOM modern house, H block from
a tt. tan iotx rx, Z3 it. w.
ITi.OOM eottase, near- Belmont carlln.
uood condition, yard, 10. Tabor 1282.
HOUSES. .; ;
120 -6 room bungalow at 419 , BV lOth
st No.,' Rose City Park.
1206 room cottage at 660 Pettygrove
' at., near 17th. v" ' :
1204 room cottage at 467 Market at,
.- near 13th. ;-..-;.(-,.-: '(
130 room modern house at 241 No,
28th at, Willamette Hta. ;'
$468 room modern house- with large
. yard at (90 K. Couch at, neat' E. 20th.
4104 Wilcox bldg. Phones M. 8689, A-2652.
j Jw 3 J j j j j j j 4 J Ji
SAVE time and patience by get
extensive free list OftiJ
J desirable .houses sjld flat
"FOR ,
J Main 6869, 269 Wash, at, A-6267.
1 acres fine garden, land. U In fruit.
modern 6 room house.. 86 minutes ride
on Montavllla car: goes . within one
block of place. Rent houae furnished or
unrurnisnei, or seu rurniture cneap. a
bargain. Phone Tabor 2078 or Main
4, or call at 28f Ird at; ask for A. J.
Celano. ' -
A COMFORTABLE, old style house, in
food repair; contains 8 rooms and 2
bath, rooms; occupies a quarter block in
most exclusive neighborhood of Port
land; rent 3( per tnonti to high- class
family, . '' , -,; (,t
Hammond Mortgage Company
" 423-434 Chamber of Commerce' '
DWELLING, 228 E. ' 77th N., large
rooms, furnished, lawn, garden, roses,
trees, close to school, car, .stores,
church; houae warm; will lease one year
at 16 per month to responsible party.
Main 1242. 401 McKay bldg.
EQUITY in modern Laurelhurst home
for sale oil terms like rent or will trade
for lot, acreage, timber, auto or any
thing of value; furnished or unfur
nlshed. J-823, Journal. - '
FOH RENT But why pay rent when J
will sell my t room bunaralow at 2860.
8100 down, 15 per month. Kenton car
to Moreen st. and 1 block west to
lsia Mississippi ave.
Laurelhurst. new modern house,
1018 Oregon st, near 83d; sleeping
porch, 3 bedrooms; fireplace, furnace;
hard wood floors. 830 mo. . Ringler. Ta
bor zflz. : -''
122.60 Beautiful 7 room bungalow,
furnace, fireplace, lawn ana roses.
nr&cticallv . new. hard surface streets.
S4 E. list st N- corner Preacott Phone
Seiiwood 76
MODERN 6 room house, 663 Mississippi,
cor. Monroe, y Also 8 room house, 687
Crampton and MUwaukle. Main
or A-7831.
IF YOU want to buy or rent a No. 1
bungalow, be sure and see No. 297 E.
sta st, xuu reet soutn or tiawuiorno.
Inquire next door. Tabor 2499. j
X HAVE modern 7 room house, corner
100x100, on car line, good location;
will lease for year reasonable. Owner,
481 Chamber of .Commerce.- - , -MODERN
6 room cottage, Rose City
Park, close to oar, good location; rent,
820.00. Phone evenincs. C-8049. Ad-
dreas, 687 E. 67th st North.
8 ROOM house, furnace, gas, electricity,
v yard; 122.00. 696 Madison st. ! .
6 room flat, bath, electricity, cor. Jef
ferson and Btout 115. Marshall 4220,
FOR SALE or rent attractive cottage
, on Willamette Heights, with sleeping
porch and fine view. S7I N. list st
Telephone C-3ilZl,
$ ROOM bungalow, Irvlngton Heights.
. 7 room horn Irvlngton, near Broad
ON Nov, 1, 9 room modern dwelling at
- N. W. corner E. 28th and Hawthorne
ave., 50. Tennis court adjoining. JBur-
reu investment Co.. Xto aa st.
FOR RENT Woodstock 4 room house;
- 100x100; bearing trees: good soil for
garden. S-683, Journal or Marshall 896,
ell wood '614. '- .-r--.r '
18 New modern 8 room bouse, cement
walks: or would keen one room and
rent for 1 16. 2642 B. 9tb SU two
DiocRs south or division st
THREE room house and pantry, frtilt
trees, berries, chicken yard, I lots,
fenced, on Mt. Soott carllna Inquire
Z9i k. .sin,
1166 room . modern cottage, perfeot
.condition, shades; Woodstock. Phone
Seiiwood 1385.
FOR CHEAP RENT, see room house,
walking dlsunca 622 Clay st In
qulre 626 Clay st, '
FOR RENT . room bouse, barn and
one aora, 20 minutes from oar. .1216
B. 83d N., Alberta car. ; '
7 ROOM house for rent; chicken park
and barn, 1 blook from car; call Sell
wood 1616, Sunday.
12 ROOM bouse on Gllsan street. Nob
Hill; cheap rent for right party. Call
Main 4i.
114.006 room, modern house, full lot
inquire i.t juast uusaa st At v.
car. . - .- ' ' ' ' 'N
$10.006 room cottage, two full lots,
fruit trees, chicken bouse. Inquire
1416 East Gllsan st. M. V. car.
NEARLY new 7 room house, sleeping
porch sightly. ; Richmond car. 81st
and Ellsworth st. Seiiwood 1551.
WEST PARK ST., No. 426 7 rooms,
clean and modern. Call at premises
Sunday afternoon. Marshal 125 Monday.
6 ROOM house, fruit trees and barn,
close to school and car. 118 Borth
wick. Phone East 2043.
MODERN 7 room house, I0. 229 East
Bra, near nouaoay. inquire tz twa
Bey m Phone East 5868.
REASONABLE t room modern house,
12 E. 24th st, near Ankeny. . Owner,
Kant itt
GOOD 7 room h.ouse, 3rd and College;
inquire of A. Thurlow, with Powers
Fur. Co.. 3d and Yamhill.
FIVE room modern house, corner Fall
ing and Cleveland avenue, I block to
210 8 ROOALsulte, with bath and gaa
E. 29thn Hawthorne ave. Burrell
investmeritACQ.. zooi a st
FINE modern 6 room house, furnace.
867 E. Asa st., corner 28tn st, 2J.
Tabor 187. .
in exchange for rent. Enquire 911 H
Williams ave.., evenings.
7 ROOM house, 188 10th' st, opposite
new library. Inquire 295 Taylor st
Phone A-4609.
15 6 rooms, modern, E. 8th, near Ev-
erett, walking distance. Smlth-Wa-goner
Co., Stock Exchange.
)12.50 4 room furnished house. St
Johns, nice lot, near car. Smlth-Wa-goner
Co., 612 Stock Exchange bTug.
GOOD 4 room house at Mt Tabor; large
'garden with fruit, cheap rent Apply
17 1 4tn st
FOR RENT 2 room shack, near Ockley
ureen scnooi. uas. is uigniana bc
west. 8.D0 montn. tan noyce next aoor.
14 for 6 room cottage, newly tinted,
fruit trees, garden; . inquire cor.. E.
zza ana irving. .
FIVE room cottage, , modern, Archer
Place, lut Scott car. J. C MItcheltree.
110. CLEAN 4 room house, largeyard, 2
blocks to R. C. car on 22d st. E. 3682.
6 ROOM cottage, newly papered, E.
keny at., 18. Call E. 62 or 221.
MODERN 6 room house.
N.,"20 per month.
84 JS. 7th st
20 MODERN 4 room house,
E. 19th
ana Aioer sis. raBi oui.
742 VAUGHN st.,' near' 23d, large, mod
ern 8 room house, cor.; rent 130.
ana Aiaer sis. mast erui
116 5 ROOM cottage, first class con
dltlon. lnuulre 926 H. Stark st
DOrl '.nil... .lo.a
TWO room cottage, 8 month Including
water, nun uneonta-wi, wooaiawn.
FIVE room house, jon car line,' Monta
vllla; 610; Tabor 614.
NEW 6 room house. E. 21st, 116.00.
Main 6792.
CLEAN 6 room cottage, bath and gas.
601 2nd, cor. Sherman.
MODERN 7 room house. 931 Ellsworth
at. Phone Seiiwood 1551. '
1166 room modern house, - large
grounds. 868 Union ave. N.
GOOD 6 room house, 412 Hall "si" l4."
; Only 10 minutes'- walk to postofflce.
. South Portland, 863 Olbbs. ":
7 ROOM house, gas, electricity, furricet
-- - - , " - , v.w... iuiii.
g loiiots, yara. inquire 660 Kerby.
t poOD homes Irvlngton. East 272. W.
, .. , .MA', .
, lL Herdman.
ELEGANT buntrnlow. hens, splendid lo
cation, completely furnished. All rood
era conveniences. Hardwood ' finish
throughout. Adulta only, Reference
exchanged. -A-4169. :
JSfEW private realdenoe,. 7 rooms, new
lurnuui", ,iawn, flowers, gooo. aininoi.
gooo. iurnsce,.narawooa rioora ah con
veniences. Rent cheap to right party.
ti. J ' J.1-.'! '' J a n u ii i . in.
itifcXiArsT turnJBhed 5 r room modern
bungalow,' including plsno;
large corner 'lots, roses, hude
d trees.
7wo? rrMl?
42 0 COM PUBTHRv--nished,-; mod
0 WMPiJBTlflCv:?tasheiJt modern, lmm 'r& - mi -
roorfoungaTO,,two. blocks MfclhanS fu'rnfture. 'AiWTThe big bankrupt
laDorand Hawthorne ave. car lines. Bee
uwncp touay. mi us sang bi.
WILL rent toy 6 room bungalow, fur-
car. r 1 , . ,
xsitgu, , VSV jusfe e uM s v vt - i
FIVE room attractive furnUhed cot
taas with Dlano. aas. larse lawn, rosea)
In seaaon, garden with fruit, for board
of owner. Call at 1037 Williams aye,
a kuuai lurnisiiea cottage, i diuck to
school and car. 28: 1 room. Mt Scott
13: 1 room. Paninaula. 86. Fred W. Ger-
man Co., Chamber of Commerce.
MODERN room house, well furnished,
niann nhonoarnnh lot KOxlDO. block
from school. 993 East 8th st N. Phone
M 6908
. j . . j j i i 1
Ati-i-iaxiVAUUX lurnisnea aw ff"-
55 Vcfc fu"-e. !
FOR RENT Nov. 1 to responsible party
furnished room bouse at - n. -Bin
t north.
FOR RENT Furnished 6 room house.
with bath, 818 per montn. nil
waukle st. Inquire 10 H N. 4th st.
blX. room house, all furnished, modern.
finlTrtXa ArriTSnlrarid.
icramento st. -" ' .
FOH RBNT-M.,- room, well ' fur.
?iJ!EShi',?f at cost. Also a few slightly
furnished, 225 unfurnished. 41 E. 26th.Hfta hefl.ters at vzcentlnnellv low nrloei
fi inncjii ruum luniiaiivu www a. a-,
-aiao z room UDner. iiu uicnmuoa car.
f z m. XYin.i -
A 4 room furnished cottage; phone, wa
rnone j& ituz
FOUR room furnished cottage.
Northrup st, west side; Union De;
jnorrison cars, wooaiawn zou.
FOR RENT-a'room cottage, modern;
, a iwiii tynnftc,
s electrioity, 118. 405 E. 44th St
thorn, car. ,
7 ROOM furnished house. flrcDlace and
all modern conveniences, choice loca-I
uon; lease, ta ti.. zt si., xn, jjast u.
SIX room flat. 2-flat building; , yard.
firedace: -162 Stout at: references;
Marshall 4220. 225.
7 ROOM" modern house, completely fur
nlshed. 668 E Morrison and 13 th st I
Phone Monday, Main 8490. Bmjtn.
136 FURNISHED complete; new mod
ern 7 room house; furnace. 968 Haw
inome ave.
PARTLY furnished 8. room
Humboldt St.. call next door.
FURNISHED and unfurnished
for rent Neal Brown, 319 Swetland.
ROOM fumlHhed bunralow for rent
Inaulre Paue wildt 1267 Belmont st
t.,tfaT.n.i . . v l I
FURNISHED 6-room modern house; 15
minutes irom town, miiwoto. ,
216.00 6 'ROOM modern house. Mount
Bcott. Myrtle paria Tabor 1U4..
BN.APr-tu,r? 9lf6-I?WS 21
e .V . fc J "ili;'S l
south on business. -
FURNITURE of a 6 room modern' cot-
taee. 107 13th st
tlVfl roon, bouse for rent and furniture
rnw 1KQ VnMlaain cv- I
C, . . " I . ;L " -r i ' r" 1 1 " T ;T
NOW S LI tl II B l Of neaierS
Grand Ave. and
E. Stark St
112.6042 pound elastlo felt mattress, I
fl.ov. 1
10.00 in. contluuoua cost bed. 86.80. 1
50 nuartered oak extension table,
12.60 Solid oak chair, ft. 66.
2.0 Air tight heater, 81.80.
182-184 1st, near Yamhill.
Heaters. 11 u
Rt..l Mnn, tie ,
carpets, siignuy nsea, aa sues, 11 up. I
treasers, fi.ov upw
ron bed, sprlag, mattress, complete,
Phone Marshall 2676. , 883-886 1st St
FURNITURE la t room boarding house.
with all fruit ana provisions on nana;
house rents for 815. This ' furniture
mn.t hi sold In 10 days: nrtea no ob-
lect See owner at onca D10 Willam-
itte blvd. Take St, John's car, get off
at McKenna ave. 1
Hatara from 11 60 UD '
.Vlran'irtochWea. warmlna
dt.IMl, '?,,n ;-v;-
Sewing rocKer. cans seat, orace arm,
gooa aria sunsianuai, lut, . 1
aenmeer r urniture vo., xi isi ot. i
CHEAPEST piac. in town to buy stoves,
Mn. mnA K...ra . iiut i.nmiti.1.
line of new and second hand furniture. 1
C A. SUnaer Furniture Co- 848-350
Hawthorns. I
WATER power washing machines bs
' low wholesale -cost 20 inch combin
ation heating stoves cheap. ; East Side
Wiirnltiir-, Oct ftA rtrnnrt
f.TRRARV tahl& 'Morrla ebalr." aanitarv
couch, dressins: Uble. chiffonier, rat-
tan chairs, cheap for cash.
Annex. Mam 6486,
FURNITURE -Before Dunn
nana gooas come ana see wait yon
can do here on new goods for cash; get
Wiiilem tsadsoy. 1st ana waan. i
FOR BAtlC-Oarlana heater, coal or
wood: bargain. Mgr. Westminster
apts.. 6th and Madison.
TWO room apartment for rent Furni-
ture for sale cheap, if taken by Wed-
nesday.- Call Marshall 2009. '
Rent. 818.00.
two lots, wood lawn
PARTIES1 leaving 'city will sell furni,
tur. oi 6 room flat at a aacrlfloa
Marshall 1669. -
t-nu ait -tiaa'rl"'6A"'ii'anH h.'.t...
Rri5 8SSi V , "
WiRNTiTifrim 'of 4'room for S7K-' ril
FUhNirUKM or 4 rooms zor 676. call
evenings, 682 Clinton St.. corner 17th.
FURNITURE of 6 room house; a big
-v - m v ww , I
bargain. 404 E. 11th North,
TURE of 8 room House, fur- I
d for two famlllea 996 N. 19th
furniture for 2 rooms for sale
ur price. 41 Union ava ' -
at your price.
100 SECOND HANDheatera from , 11 1
T , , I , ! ! , ! . I,, , . I
up, nTK'nipiu, bo "jtranu bvj.
FURNITURE of fi. room
flat for aalal
at sacrifice. 216 B. 16th st ' .
GOOD Monarch ,' range' and oak dining I
set, very rritguiiauiw. jaiwr bimo. i
BED, dresser and wood cook stove 1
' .1 ii j-K.
RySB-i nS:
. , . . i r T)--t C no, j, i'n,i,,iin;-j rent.
251 ls't st W" "? "r FOUR room steam heated apartment
frlfftITtr'kfl of 8 room cottar. chr: L-lnal"',tv.,-'-H.t Pm Co-
'';1:iVi''r:-j:v:',,,',bep; good condition. 281 Halaey st 1
a Cork Sink
I furniture stock of bwank &. Co- Vad
. , . , couver. Wash.
I . v - , ' nrr
s . - . . . .. -
i xnow uoua oaic dininff cnaim
- 1 "Vv.Tm ' everai patterns.
wlL. t 'j'J ' ' ' 'i'
".ach""4 "uu"'
j New iis'lauVVrBteei VlaugeV'is
year guarantee
I New 235 Roval Chinook ranae .
I Biir Una seconil bund ranirea. all
I makes, up from 16.00
I m new and second hand heaters,
I 1 UP from 1.7J
8cond hand dreasers. up from ,. 4 76
I Fine second hand piano 76.00
1 New Home rotary sewHe ma-
chine, slightly used 22.60
Hundreds of other, bargains in new and
Restaurant outfit from the Rlgoletto
Cafe very cheap.
Gevurtz Furniture Store"
208 First street
v f none wars
Phone - Marshall 6931.
I HERE a a chance for you to get a range
-. '?.-,":'?L:K?.P. .C,1"?, OVA V
wviucmi ruiuiuro v.u., jcas. puruiw -
lana union -ave.- .
Situated on Lucretla. at ... 1011 fut north
of Washington st. In an .open court In
the best residence district, within walk-
i .,,.., .v;..V.;.T
tSSnvit 1 to "o Voma" Sei them Kfore
i iu iv m i ruuma, see inoii oetore
locating. Rates reasonable. References., Mar, 1613, janitor Mar. 1500.
lih and Jefferson ets.
References required,
' Fifth and Coliegt.
I Clean eosv three mnA fur. I
Phne and Janitor service' Included.
nin 7 71 T " , I
... "'ywu nuw uilbiita
L.1?". a.r. near College str Attrae-
"-au j room lurnisnea apartments I
All outside rooms. All modernonven-
liences. - Quiet refined nnirhhorhnnrf I
Phone Marshall 67. A-6408
JiZ2SUA& g&Sg
autome't -T.u--;: TZt " XiiiZTSl
nartlcr'?! WtJS". T,rjr
' "
Wn-Jl-i- k- r.'i-- '
EE2Fl&&l3,hS2S& -
I "ufjr puarimenii in a. s anu room i
g ."tf 'lt.ZJiT
. ... , .
THE UPSHUR, 26th and Upshur sts.-4 1
inatrrintg CI K lit. I
Including, steam heat, hot and cold I
water inevery apartment: publlo bath, I
lights, gas range, laundry room,
Taks T'8,M 23d U or "W cars
all free.
north. Phone Main 859.
DESIRABLE 8 or 4 room apartment I
I, furnished or unfurnished; best in clt.
I. furnished or unfurnished; best in city
for rent, location-and arrangement; all
outside rooms. Drivate"dlrict'
cifio phone: close Inriow rent best serv- I ivui Afai MUU6sV 414 41 VWkW I
. corner Jefferson. -
THE WASHINGTON, 689 Nortfarup, i
room . unf urniahnil nortm.nL with
eohone steam heat, gas, slectrlollght, f
etc. Take W car to 21st and Northrup.
oata ana an moaem conveniences, isi-i
I Phones Main 4376. A-l 133.
1 I
pnee tTDICNin
jy JJiAVWVel I
Elegant unfurnished apts. First class 1
service. ' Private phone. References,
LOMPLiiTKLY furnished 1 room ants..
with kitchenette; steam heat, running
hot and cold water, phone in every
room; 7 blocks froa 5th and Morrison
lets., iis.oo ana up. 291 Columbia st
corner Din,
Burch Apartments
New." modern furnished, z room ants-1
bath, phonea dressing room, fine loca
tion. 110 n. zist st Mar. 4141. w. car.
HARRLMAN apts., 164 N. 24th st, 1
large, most desirable 4-room partly I
furnished apt, all modern conveniences)
1 omreiiuen requirea. jrnoae Alain
You should see them.
the CHELTENHAM, ifith and Kortl'
rup, moaern rurniture, private baths
and phones, hardwoodfloors, new. brick
bldg., refined neighborhood; 2 blocks
a.i win 4.11-7.
14th and Columbia..,
FUTOlehed 2. 8. 4 room aDartmenta. alt
conveniences; first class, homelike, res-
sonable rates; ref. M. 7887. A-861B,
. Stark and Orand avewmodiro fur.
nlshed apt, private bath, private phona
excellent service. Always clean and I
Hummer rates.
Phone East 208.
o ntutiH zaa mt.,
fJ..1: " Pmen-. ail
i" ?0SulreX 7 adoIv Td 4
l'"-'!!q" V ! APp'y ...
inujaAOBJ!., cor. a ana nam-1
. Tdu: im f vom steam neat
ih-Aand.ry-.?hon 116 u-
Igf.'.H' . : ,
I""1 - i-,o,y lurawmu .apart-
w mvui, .im .itvif, tauu, rea-
5"rt ,,uu,icu. itit
i"" -'."TO
MOKTON APTS.. Cor. Kin ir and Waah.
Ington. 8 room furnished tor unfur.
nished apt,-cheap rent, . walking , die-1
tance. Main loga. A-6749.
The Dezendorf
208 14th. near Tavlor.
One elegant 6 room furnished apartment.
All outalds 8 room furn.. aptaj low
Teke 8 or lth st-cer south.
LUZERNE apt; best 2 room apt In the
city: private bath and phone: brink
"";, rn? Postoiuce; 620 to
" """" I
.wATOTOOOU ,109 ti. llth st.
v .fi'r .r itrrir .v.''"' i"s., witn
ana wiinoui sun, 10 io per month.
Hil - .rin?S
oon? LI Lf"
alow. 454 11th mt i
urnlshed apt. all mnA.
conveniences, waiaing oistanoii.
1T1 King st, cor. of Wayne.
- , . i.. V' 1 7'
a rew cnoice apts. vacant ,
COMPLETELY furnished 8 room apts.,
o. Batn, pnone ana light. Ankeny
Court 8 1st and E. Ankeny. East 2800.
THE LAURETTE Furnished 6 room
.Dartmnt:' nrlvata bath an nhn.
apartment; private bath and nhona:
,i,k . . l
MHm ALBEkARLa APT.. 88- . Wif:
7 11LII, I
rrn "i " 2nd i'-Toom spts. 82.'ti tio
llama ave.. near Broadway: hew. mod.
THB eLms, 191 14th st-Alod.rn 2 an
6 room furnished apta; excellent loca-
tlon. walking distance. Main 41767
THIS BOZANTA. 18H N.. 23d it Sur.
nlshed apts. Privats hall, bath, phona
1HKATKI1 furnlahd snArtmsni, rh..n
71 Grand are. N.
klNG DAVIS APTS,, 54 N. King; 3. and
room nign-ciaws; references. M. ao58.
JEFFERSONIAN 614 Jefferson . st,
cor. 16 th, furnished land 8 room apts.
i iDd aim oiini uiniia i
iLjass-r-ari--i 1
The Beryl '
r 895 Lovejoy Ht., near list
. 2 and t room modem iartmsnts. dis
appearing' beds, ' Dutch kitchens, large
outside rooms,' free - phon,- vacuum
cleaner- service, large porches' refined
neighborhood. Reference required. Rea
sonable prices. .. .. . -t' .v.-v . v,';
' A: i-Chetopa Apts.; ', lr?
' " ' 18th and Flanders Sis, ' :
' room apartments. Including all' mod
ern conveniences. exiirMiniiilv larse
l''k vacuutT .cleaner servioe, free
I pnon wiexceUed Janitor eervlce. 'walk-
Ing distance. References required. S30
to ij.ou. i, . t ,
A Belle Court ' '
4 room apartments, - with up-to-date
conveniences, . hardwood . floors, tile
bathroom, - Dutch kitchen, free phone,
artistically papered walls. A place you
aVe glad to call your home.: One 8 roam
basement apartment now vacant, f 27.60.
' Melcliffe Court s'- -
E. 11th and Morrison. : -".uvv"
f 2, room apartment, with built-in con
venlences. dlsaDDearinar bed. free Dhone.
vacuum cleaner service, etc A beau-
mui Duuaing with, beautiful surround
incs. Reference raoniroH. IIS. In
ducements made to permanent tenants.
AlM'iy un premises or pan .
. The Fred A. 'Jacobs Co.
Main S69. 269 Washington St. A-8287.
12th and Taylor.
Most modern anartments nn the Pa.
cifio Coast' Furnished complete.'.
Roof nrden in nnnnitlnn. ' .
Walking distance. Referencea
8 rooms, eomnletelv furnished. t9t.80.
All l,-a Allt.M. m n.l'.,. I- -.Wa...
1 rnof b jj-av-i, uapor Zzvo
for nmntt.ATa
FIATH. ' - -"
I2CP-6 rooms, with fireplace, range
I anrf irnu hut,r um v lit .t J..rtn
Inear Broadway, k-
1 $25 6 rooms, modern. 634 E. Burn-
. "-
" h! P PALmWonK."-
I M. x . PALAI.RJONin CO.-
404 Wilcox bldg. phones M 8699. i-2653,
room ZLrLtL
' nace, fireplace, disappearing bed. large
km range, vas water ieater, waan tray
East 8rd, one block north , of Haw-
thorns. Phone E. 8912
FOUR rooms, bath,' sleeping poroh, gas
range, fire place, furnace, hardwood
floors, linoleum and shadea. . Adults-
Call at 268 E. 80th- st rfear Haw
thorne. Tabof 2236. 4
MODERN, up to date - upper flat. S
wimu,, uu w ute . upper jkiv-b
rooms, hath and 2 sleeplnr porches;
kODERN 6 room flat 894 Margin, 2
diocks soutn or uroaaway Driage
r,:;r?. .V Trtr.-5 "
" .y"v'. . f i .
nuuiw-o nam, steam neat, not anu
, cold water, gas range, use of laundry
In basement, adulta only., 810 Kellv at
Take 8 car.
B ROOM flat with or without garage,
Strictly modern. Fast 1 Mh t nnar
Belmont Key at 272 Stark it Phone
g'"-.,'f:- - - .
MftK on Jonnson st,1ear
?m modarn.. Rent 83 J.
jypy at Btarx st. r-none Main 8T.
SEVEN room modern flat on 10th. near
L.SJ"? .fa.u.r.427 Burnsldv .Main
xw-r. 1111 : ' .... 1 . 11 1
. . n , A - t
1-tODERN three room flat, near S. P. car
shops and sohool: two blocks from
w. w. car, oneap. 714 B. 7tn st.
MODERN 4 room flat 942 Alblna ave.
uwnsr. main 07 84. u car to Bkiamore
or jrrescot . 1 diock east.
$15, FIVE room flat, large yard, no ob-
Jeotlon to a few email children. 868
16th st, corner of Mill.
'6tV -ooin 'olean" modei
uu,i iuuue "-nrSr.
v.ft"ul,n -P""aen f Vl
mn m 1 1 n im iisiii iii-.n mmi u 1 n iiiisi mm i.
.4 ROOM flat,- walking distance. 114 E.
A "ZT "T1 ; , , ,
ATTRACTIVE 6 room flat. 936 E. Main.
jtiiw jcl-. im..
WEST side, 4, 6 and 6 room modern,
clean and cheat., fin view. Sell. 1870.
NEW. front room flat 14; on carllna
" r,i." . . r 1 ,.! , ------
lapor axis.
Pt- T5?M"t"' walking distance.
! f ,1 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 11, i-iMpkiir td 1 11 rr- iu-ain-a- i-n u.j 11
2S FOR 5 room flat modern, centrally
located, west side. Main 8020, Mar. 880.
Completely Furnished H
Nice 6 room flat, 709 Kearney
st; thoroughly renovated, newly
tinted- and nicely furnished. Price
? 40 per month. We hav other
urnlshed and unfurnished houses '
and flats for rent Call at office.
, The Shaw-Fear. Co,
102 Fourth St
' Main 86. A-8500.
28514 MILL near West Park, furnished
or unfurnished ; 6 room flat strictly
modern, easy : walking distance, lovely
location, reasonapie rent, jwain isaa.
MODERN 4 room flat, completely fur-
nlshed for housekeeping. Woodlawa
NICELY furnished 4 room flat, walk
jlr"?Ti ". ,
ing distance. 4 noqney. jsaet 4866
IV?. ."rmsnea j room iiai, sta
mmiwiimi m.,
' h. 11 D11UAUWAI, ..'
,. Newly furnished, steam heated rooms,
light and cbmforUble; rates very r te
soname oy the montn. to cents ana 11
Dy tne pay. '. -!'...-.- -'
hvT,u WHIUNU ' Kureo-aa iae
only; 61.6S end pp.
.. wor, aa ana
newest mod'
' em office
bldg. For
res ervatlon
Cf offices A
a versa apply
at Duuaing.
Mar. 220.
IM fitrtTF.a ..-.:'
Apply to Business . Of f ics '
: ui una Journal, . ,
, irtn; and Washington
Space Arranged tq Suit'
All Night Elevator Serv.
; Rent Reasonabla
Apply 803 Swetland bldg
BRICK, warehouse in South Portland for
:.i:?fI!!.'W ana airy. oa
ii,iiu nrnL raaaooaoia journal iraa
l.W, " . . . . .
7'..?' -.Utl a? WV
" .t'-Sr?-".': A?" .?'v-vv
WenblY v&nYl7r'mrW'
?t - Ap t WAiai m Wi,-,
Fr5,, A?Wor.Vat.ijYh,4w
. Court and apartment, unatalra. Phnna
Seiiwood 1263. Owner. -
STORE with 6 living rooms in connec
tion; modern, good location ; rent very
cheap. 614 Chamber of Commerce.
10, MODERN store, Wolf. 6338 Foster
- Road, barber, grocer, cobbler, candles.
STORE, with or without living rooms.
, Rea
iteasonaoie rent .rnone tteuwood 817.
tit- with !
r-. i i ifd nely 1, 1..
Cer, bulcbcr, pim,
2ii7 Onk St. - L?m
5'6" it LiLWT I...
hout rooms above
a; location for gro
', etc.
i Alnaworth bM
'ut location,
WaHh. St., smuli (.
chair barber shop, or i ut'oher shop. Rent
yiuj, 9ir, I'lK'Fie li ;i r-, 184, - - '
for i:i:nt unsci i laneoxjs 33
FOR RENT Blacksmith ahoix. 20x102
uood location, 12.00 month, Wone
xauor jctta. tooq tra-le.
- , Houses, Flats and Apartments
i. Of all kinds and prloea,
;,..' and Issue weekly the only .
. jln the city. Does your vacant
.. . property appear on this list!
: ls made uuless we find you a
': w tenant-
4'.?. Tears of study and experience
i Qualify us to handle yeur
TA Rental Department ;,
Main 6869. Washington St., Art:
y a middle aged ladles 2 or
2 unfurnished housekeeping rooms.
well heated. - hot water, well lighted.
close In, reasonable terms. Address Box
els. References.
FOR 1 or 2 yeara 4-room unfurnlshe
modern cottage or bungalow with bath
and gas; give location and rent wanted.
x-eos, journal,
CLEAN, sanitary furnished - house
' about 4 rooms; close in; price reason
able; reliable party. Frank L, Porter,
Mecanicum, ur. -'
WANTED TO . RENT Furnished mod
- em house. 4 or 5 rooms; east or west
eius; must of reasonaoia v -v-evu, jour
WANTED to rent by younn marrle
' couple, 8 or 4 room furnished or un
furnished cottage; must be reasonable.
btate run particulars. K-gii, jourmii.
BUNGALOW or 6 to 7 room bouse, must
be close to car line In good district:
state location .and price. cB-2652 .or
-vt-YOO, journal.
WANTED Unfurnished room. . H. K-i
- weat side, private, family vv-
Journal. '':'
MARRIED man to rent ranch, stocked.
Address L, L. Keaoh, 204 Tth avtk.
lients, or. "
WANT TO RENT a 4 room furnished
house, walking distance to Union de-
pot; no cnuaren. journal.
WANTED by Nov. 1, furnished flat Call
Aiarsnau hbzz. -WANTED
6 to 10 acres, close In. . Glv
phone.- E-6 8 8, Journal.
WANTED Two lots close to car. Give
pnone. r-eb. journal.
WANTED Modern 6 or 6 room, bouse.
mve pnone. - B-t 9 8, Journal.
SEVERAL good chaap
- ranch or deliver
horses, express wag
on .and - harness. - if
in need of a horse
come and sea ma We
ten rou just what y.u
are buying., -
14 Union Avow, cor
ner or in. Asn.
; Another, Carload
Eastern Oregon horses, mares; weight
liuu, louu; ail Drone; ail norses guaran
teed. Madison Stablea. on approach
Hawthorne bridge, west slda always
nave gooq sturr.
4 TEAMS, will sell cheap, through with
worK, weigning rrpm nuo tq isoo ids.
good to work single, sold with a guaran
tee, at Howltt'a stablea, (otb and Burn'
sida Montavllla. -..!"..:-;... .
The Murphy Horse & Mule Co.
Sella on commission, horses, mules,' ve
hicles, harness. Auction every Monday
and Friday. 10 a. m. 240 E. 8th. E. 6816.
A - FINE, gentle Shetland pony, two
seated buggy and harness, for sale at
a bargain. Fine for children. Call at
Keed Frenon Piano Mfg. Co., I0thand
eiara streets.
U, S,' Stables
We have a few fine horses and mares
tert u. if. Williamson, Z4 Front
TEAM, harness and wagon, all in good
condition, weight 2.000 lbs., age 10
yeara Bargain. Call at 248 . Vaughn
si., or ioo em st
BAY HORSE, 1276 Ibai I years, work
anywhere, -rentla city broke. Call
Bonita station on Oregon Electrio or
write t. tiaines, uswego, ur.
A FINE, sentle Shetland cony. 2 seated
buggy and harness for sale at a bar
gain, line ror cnuaren. uau Keea-French
nano Mrg. uo., lvtn ana stark sts,
WILL TRADE Rambler auto truck In
good condition to trade 'for-team or
horse and buggy. See at Fashion gar-
ase, union ave.
FOR SALE High grade driver, but ,de
' livery horse Drloa. stylish, lna-1 nr
doubla Multnomah stables, ; Main 6876-
FOR SALE or trade, team. 8200: will
sell on time with approved note; for
cows or reai estate. ? tn. ittn. Phona
Seiiwood 1198.
TEAM of bays weighing 2880 lbs, just
came rrom xarm, xor saie or traae oy
owner. R. A. Delano. Phone East 6377.
jau zse xamniu sc. -.t
GOOD cheap farm, team; also pair
of mules. Must be sold at onca. Wm
nosier, i union ave.
TEAM weighing 2100, harness and
farm wagon. A No. 1 outfit. 2150.
soi a, wastunaton.
FOR. SALE-v-Several' farm, delivery and
tumoer wagons in gooa conaiuon, oar.
gains, y. A. rwenney, g(i isi su-
BARGAIN Gray team ponies. 150.00.
Owner has no use for them. 266 Ar-
tnur st . ' .
GOOD delivery - horse and new was-on
. to trade for small auto: will nay soma
CBBn Duicmnyo. , rir,( at.
v. j , . , a , mlu, . 1 -
thorne ava Vv'e have 5 good farm
norses ror saie
THROUGH work, will dispose of span
of mares. 2800: span geldings, 'weight
2000. 835 E. 28th. Woodstock car, '
THREE spring express wagon, capao
ity 1 ton, Sacrifice for cash. . 207 Co-
tumoia St.
PAIR of mares, weight 2600 lbs,, at your
own price. 1029 E. Yamhill.'. ,:
FOR SALE An extra good driving out
fit. Phone Tabor 2187, ; -y
FOR ' SALE Nearly new 2 W in. farm
wagon, cheap. ' Call at 485 Everett st.
WANTED 6 teams, weight 8200. C O.
Dan gerf I eld. Portland, Or. Wdln. , 87.
HORSE and buggy for sale. Phone East
WANTED To ' buy 2 to 5 good Jersey
' cows, must bo good aa well aa cheap,
tur win, . , f.iiro, wuumai.;
YOUNOj- , fresn Jersey-Jourham 1 cow!
heavy milker - health certificate. 618
E. John
it.. -Ht Johns.
FOR SALE--Two red brlndle cows wlttt
calves, good .miikera t 890 Tenino ava
r-none Beuwooa lttso
SMALL pigs, sows with litters,' one full
.blood Duroc boar, three, years old.
ii . a.ii.M ca . i T . -
YOUNG cow, not fresh; giving over 2
gal. milk dally;-health certificate tt
recent data Chaa Kane. Seiiwood 1862.
FOR ALE Two fine Jersey cows, will
be fresh In 8 weeks.' S, C, Bowlea
Greenburg, Oregon Electric J .
FIVE beef cattle for sale. ;B-2656., 69
rj, zzd, near HtarK. '
FOH - SALE Fresh oow. Phone Mil
waukle Black 673. F. Kell. '
2 C HOICE Durham -heifers. 2 years aid.
B-2B56. 49 K. 22d, nesr 8tark.
ONE Jersey cow for sale. Seiiwood 2131,
FOR SALE 11 weeks old pigs. John. If.
LIndor, Route 1, Evergreen station. ,.
; roc;
OiU c. r -tr;
to 3 y earr oi
i "e 1 lolsi ci u i
I Ii i'fcli ill 2u
One cur Duilii
ut t
Hue car Uurlumi lutifurn, pounds
to freshen In Novembul', 4 to t yi-aia
old, n6. One car 2H ytkir old Jersf.y
iieiicra , to xresui-n in lifCdiuber, 4j.
All n hove are located within Su miloa of
1'ortland. -6 head of Jersey cows, 4 to
6 years old. pure tiuernsey blood (i. ,t
registered). These are in Wlscon - "i.
Will freshen in 30 days. 1100 each, u a
also have at the edse of city rout. IS
Cows. 1 bull, horse and wagon and nil
equipment 12000, half cash.'. Uuo. it.
Mokel Cow Co., Main 6120, 607 Coiu-
GiieriiBey liiwnrfrwT
give 4 to 6 eallona Per ilnv.
rToiirs fil.i ;
Simio .Ii-r-
seys that will test 6 to 6 per cent,
wuouBiocic car , 10 - oru ave., v
blocks west to corner of 3Sth
69th ava. Just three blf" , s east c
One Jersey grade - cow,
heifer in calf, this year's ln-hi i
moot mare with colt by side, i
old horse colt, 1200 pound, or
horse colt, .1000 pounds., 'Will rx-.
for sheep or goats. V-473. Journal.
WE now have a 'complete list of alt '
' breeds of dairy cows and heifers. CU
and see us. Geo. R Mokl Cow .Co., 7 4
Commercial block. Main 6120. '
WANTED Cow for Tl60 farm . horsa
Walters, Gresham, ; 0r. or 1333 Firat v
St Main 8839. -, ;' ' " '. ' " '
FOR SALE 25 head young cows, graded
Jersey, fresh in March, W. 8. Mar-.
shall. Phone E. 616f, -
FOR SALE 1100 co. Vor 80 11 taken, ?
at once.' Ryan Plae,pi Oregon Eloc- ..
trio. ; Ask, for Fundstront.y ,
ALL KINDS of dairy cowsi all kinds 61 j
prioes. ' Bruce Com. Co., Woodlawa
2400. '-" f V, ' f . v
TWO' fresh cows, good milkers, also, two ,
yprlngera, 794 Tacoma ave. ' " '
GOOD Guernsey family cow, 75. : 83$
E. 28th, Woodstock car.
WHITE . LEGHOBN pullets, - Barred
Rock cockerels, few Guinea hens and
Pigeons. Pacific . Bird -Co. 1 Union.
Phone East 2763. '-v
6RPINGTONS, buffs and blacks, males
and females,- good - breeders; , cheap,
Seiiwood 1330. -. - .
FOR SALE cheap. R. I. red chickens.
' must sell immealately. : 636 .Thurman
St A-Z179.
SILVER Spangled Hamburg, R. ll
. TtAa . T rvTlru - ' IKf-h . anil flftnnMftn
sts.. Alberta car. Warren. i
FINE ohickens for sale Long leasa r
- Madern home. Acre. Close In. Cheab .
rent Box 68, Oak Grove, Or.
FOR SALE; 16 yearling bans, 9 pullets, 1
' 1 x-year cock, ana if worm et loeu,
180. 6743 63d ave. S. B. . .
A FEW mors thoroughbred White Leg- ; '-,
Horn cocks ana cockerels, 64, 6 ana
16'. Phone C-2507. . - '
WANTED 1000 squabs. Highest prices-'
paid. Phone Woodjawn 2644., Oregon
Sauab Co. at once. " ' f "
60 Chickens, laying hens and pullets.
must be off the nlace Monday. 1471
Garfield ave. ''' -y- :-' T. . .
FOR SALE 20 fini
Buff Orpington
tinllBta sis. PKflna Kast HZB1.
EIGHT thoroughbred Buff Orpington J;.
. laying hens, cheap. 88 E. 26th at 1
PEKIN ducks for sale,,- cheap.lf taken '
at once. 1371 e. xamniu st
BOYD"S Bird Store. 228 Alder st Boston
. HE a ton- anntnU t rr. f ;
He pups. 5 to 10; Spits, 86; Bull Ter- -rlers,
6 each; English bull dOg, male. -:
115. Birds, parrots. Pigeons, rabbits and -
nets.':1 ' r.
FOR SALti cheap Tiiorouuhbred Pitt :
Bull Terrier pups, Rose City kennels, .
Hawthorne car to 7lst st, 6 blocks
south. 7001 Powell Valley road. Phona
Tabor 26Q6."V '.,-"-.I'--'"
WHITE French rabbits for sale cheap. '.
' Henry Sorensen. 7 miles east of Port-
land, section line road. , P. O, address,
Gresham, Or.' ''!: .'. ;
ENGLISH pit bull pups,, thoroughbred "
pedigreed, cheap, or Will exchange
ror cmcaens. isub va si. a. c
FOR SALE English bull pups. two
months old. cheap. 1110 West 12th ct
Vancouver, wasn. pnone i it-x.
FOR SALE Two thoroughbred .Spits '
DuPDies: cheap: both mala ." Call 624 I
Alnsworth, corner 17th. 1
FOR SALE, fine pedigreed English bull .
dog puppies.
land, Or.
1912 STUDEBAKER .20. 6 pass. ; fora i
Hnnr. fullv aoulnned. finest condition.
original cost 1976. our price 1385. Cus
tom House Auto Co. E. 18th and Haw
thorne ave. :'' - ,:,:' ..;'..
1912 STUDEBAKER "25," ran 3 months
in nerfect order. 2250 extra equipment
Including "jsrver Ready" self startsr, at
big bargain, Kennedy Paint Shop, Stude-
baker piqg., itn ana Aiaer.
R C. H. COUPE Just the thing for the
winter weather. Equipped with self
starter and electric lights, Sacrtfioe at
half price. 0-867, Journal.
7 PASSENGER Stevens Duryea, newly
painted and overhauled, new tires.
TP ill sell for cash or terms. -No
estate considered. K-849, Journal,
PEERLESS 7 passenger, elegant con
dition, want smaller car; terms in
sult. No real estate considered. L-289,
Journal. - - "','', ; -; '- - 1 1
WILL lend 1500 or more on first class
-rjir for naa of same.- Private Owner.
All business confidential L-8S0. Jour
WINTON SIX, 4 passenger, Just over
hauled and , repainted. Terms - and :
guarantee to responsible party. . N-287,
WANTED Runabout in perfect condlo
tlon, late. model for 1386 equity In lot,,
111 VCf n 4 4L ."..www.w., .
description. KX-622, Journal.
COLUMBUS electrio in first, class con
v dirlnn. .in at racharaed. A bargain for
someone. Gall Main 4665 or A-2650 after
8 a. m. Mono ay.
FIVE passenger Chalmers. 21.50 per ;
hour, special rates out of city trips.
Phona : Woodlawn 657, Main. 8925.. . H.
F. Lee. 1016 Board of , Trade bldg. ; :
Written guar- :
antes wiia - ;,
every spring, y.
26 N. 16 th st.
EXCHANGE A nice 6 room oottageTon . -
least S8ra worth, worth aaoo. win
take S Dassensrer car as cart. payment. "
R-466, Journal. .
A LARGE. 6 pass, auto in good running .
' condition, trade on a 11000 equity in a ,
22000 or 22000 place. Call 406 McKay;,,
bldg. Main 884. - - -
FOR SALE CHEAP 6 cycllnder 7 pan- 1
aeneer car. or will trada car for acre
age or interest in some business. F-238,,-', ,
journal. .-'v '" . 1 ; ' ; ,
287 Front St.. opposite Jefferson st.
depot Expert mechanics employed only. , ,
66cts per, hour. f . t- . '
FOUR passenger, Bulck, good' order, ;
' nickel trimmings. 3850. . Pnone Tabor.,;-'
2261, Will call and demonstrate. ' ,
1912 JEFFERSON, Iirst class condition,
1125; terms. A reai bargain.. Schasffer. ...
A Co.. 287 Third st. . .
300 FIRST mtg. on' 40 acres in Wasco i
. Cc unimproved, for a small roadster , -j
auto. Call 406 McKay bldg. ; Main 934.
NP.RN la vour chance to let t
real -.
, automoDiie, - racKara au , rouiur;:
terms Marshall 5389, y, ' v5'
OTflDAPC .Autos, fire, resisting -O
I UnAuL building, 8 a month. IS. t
Jamison Co.. Main 8434, r
400 TERMS', 1350 cash buys 20 h. p.
- car: has not run 200 miles: or will
traae Tor clear lot. a-4, journal.
WINTON SIX 7 passenger, newly paint-
i aa, at a nargain; terms to suit-purchaser.
V-8 6 6, Journal.
onOlklOMada and raDalrMl. mw onu
OrnllMUOguaranteed. Washington Car
A Auto Works, 386 B, Washington st
Frank Lnnge.- 228 Balrion. Main 111.
FOR . quick sale, 4 pass. . Bulck, 151
Owner, 8043 pwlnno st.
BARGAINS in slightly used tires;' vuP
eanlalng. t5n? repairing. 207 Madison:
40 HORSEPOWER Roadster, good con-
dltlon. 00. Main 8925,
STUDEBAKER 30, 6 pass. A snap. :IHi;
terma . 609 Washington st Main 6922.
1 -v