SIT .L.L.I4D, wUiidav ;.iorvi:ii;c, octobeh 13, l- ril .. s t . I .1 I). fll'll. an, al t ir, ; t. Miilrf lit., lA flltui 1. i H i ur i isrlt. X vt n-'ii!)m;ion; Mfers n lonilid ii'lori uni tifM Xor i!Hm"y-makiiitr Ihvi'kl nt-m to I ' ' Willi limui-U means; lusui' I - ..-nee lota and acr unite pun-lm. , either for caHh or on losta ,lnn-i i. incline Rood returns In few iimnUm. i now lias 6000 people, and growing iiy; nan street cur, eiectrio iiKni, nf una ereraR8 system, and fran f-.hlra lunt let for new pus plant. Now llH-V . ill! h'fn I'd,.?!, Tup a,.. I (ha ftn- Mimpieuns; tue MilwauKcp it. it. ymxiia, and vili makt rlt a, ter - - Xr I i XT ... n I . .-, r. axs v.M:yT i l l' nn vrvp iw "B"'1" , . w n miles of town now, " "' .:at service; last year Niiia ,a lactones loaned 2 "1 ov . 3000 carloads. Monthly $163,000.00; first-clans . . i)c, banks and business MVcr fifty years' timber to ia. For full particulars, a4- f. nnori, rtaymonci, vvawh All Kinds &f Business On of tl,, tini'nt mit markets In Oregon outs. cm of Portland, thoroughly equipped, , iu every particular; small amount of cash will handle, as -all fix tures belong with building ana srs la -uluded-ln rent , - Confectionery1, ice cream and cigars, transfer comer, good fixtures, clean stock, food -trade; investigate it; 81200 'wj.iiaini,sir , , , . , , ..wirur jD?Mablea, good stock : si TJSl.cramerJ cigars .can show SV . in. -hft.w"' location ' ' , SwetU-nd Bldr; S; V .HftMvER INTERIOR' BRIT ISH COLUMBIA 8 future -MANUFACTURING and COMMERCIAL capital, of fers unrivaled opportunities for money making INVESTMENTS, BUSINESS and HOMES. Located on FRASER and WILLOW KlVEKo, QKANU TKUiNU PACIFIC, PACIFIC and HUDSON BAY, and other railroads, In the uenter of a LARGE, RIC'l PARMINO nd TIMBER DISTRICT. th natural supply point for the WONDERFUL PEACE RIVER COUNTRY,, and the RICH CARIBOO MINING DISTRTCT, Insures the future of WILLOW RIVER. Write now, today, for free . maps, plats, etc., PACIFIC LAND & TOWNSITE8 CO., LTD., 41 lilCHARDS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. Agents wanted., - -r 1' I FAIL to show you, will pay , any man for his time. If be will coma to 609 Journal building and go through a strict business proposition , that is open for anyone who wants to male e good In , vestment. Bring your experts along if , you cannot crust your own - dusiossb Judgment Open. Sunday and up to p. in. wePK oays. . 1' . i ill t,lVi ( l;yuj J t-c .!, iifW builiiltig, mi ly soino fixture ond fnrr,n i, tm. I ' . No oi ,'n r Hon v. ii :i. in. ;oidard, 6ci (''ouci M.j r. l IUHlJ tl'i''0 4 ( :. id 4 t'l'H-kn utiy . 7 ' The following fuiiii tp loan on ap. ' 600 ' , , JLOOO ' , t : 12,000 (-. :, $2,500 . 1 ' $8,000 $5,000 - t flO.000 ' , , nARTMAN-THOMPSON '" '' BANK. . , ,' ' ' II : : AVANTI"!) SI A 1.13 II ELI W.t ";TCt FEMALE ' 3 SITUATIONS MAMC i.r. TV Situation Wanted bought to the office personally by the I brought to the office personally by toe IK., Koseburg, Or., Box 657, rartlen rislring work. pertii-s desiring wort. , v " Vtiiti -lb AMBITION Wins sure reward In United Btates navyj If over 17. and an Amer. I WANTEI -TOUNCI tiADIKS FOR TEI. I temperate. ' Cau give references. Call lean citizen Join the navy and learn one I ,t . J ..... lMaln 8441.' i ,s ?i V"aA"8.tuf..?n,,I!,fh.l?.?Jf tPHONO rf OPERATING, WITH OR Hvoitk by young man "of aood habits: WA T; O ON At CKCUKITT. f fiii Mj.u 1 A years at per ceut; valua tSO.OcO . i"ist side. ' Sio.i.oo.i years at t per cent! rains $30.0"0 vfKteld. - : ' -iuo.oo 3 years At 1 Per cent; valus $7f')0. West side. $3 600.00 t years at 6 per cent; Tains $15,000. West side,,- ' $3ioo.OO 3 years at T 'per cent; yalu $10,000. Kast sidfl." $1100.00 3 years at per cent; value $2300. East Side. ' 7 - - $700.00 3 years at ,t per. cent; value $3000 I'.ast side.- i I With fin. amhltloua vounif .fellows and .,f2S0'&r8rea.r" E P cent; value ie, something of the worid. - Steady I GRAPH COMP. $1000. West Side. I HrV ....ll.nt rv lnni..,.ln, with I .... - 31 fS00-? 3 y"-' t Pf cent; value each enlistment. Good chances to save I COR, ITH AND .vntw ; . money. 4 Many opportunities , Tor pro o , .... ji, , ' j i mouon. uau at wavy itecruiung bis 13000-SKVEN oer cent, new and strict. Or. Vfalk with enlisted men ''there. Or AND ALDER, Situation Wanted YOUNG married man wishes tteady bLNuLji .BiKBpIng or i . Job on ranch b month. rnltAlile ana f vrtrtniM W.lrK .,,fi,,iit )w inn. iiiuerieu ireo lur inune urn oi , jtna. inieriu xa lur iDOBi in it it e a or w Work nd who are unable to pay for an I work and wlio are uriab'e to Day for an I wl advertisement. AOS, mserita o lor loose in neea oi I iJi-oncea, no aairy; wouia rent jarro . 11.50 to week 6.5 Cut li t., ii t .ill nil, otutk ii 1 1 v li u ml a maul, . .1 w inr m.wm 1 " 1 lii . lulk biiu imniiimpnifl 1 111 11 1 m 1 1 r-' 1. near 1 11 r jMivei imiiiiioijij iiiubi uiiiavtruitmtiiu giiniHiuuiu must Di iuiva iuii particulars in first letter, w. 1 mun ui a 1 1 ifimiulnlMl with city, wishes work. Honest and t INVALID can have, room, - In trade schools.- Navy life' will teach you more than "you could learn any. where outside' of an expensive school or colleite. You will lead a healthy life. (-aiiri(l fnud. tdaeo ln...-- "-ii,uilal)le omrJSpart Ii?hietie-fov,iin JT-v...r:.,, T . r man. "SI rrorin. (SA8T OFFICE), J 4 Jefferson st.'5 Phone A-4l. ' . ,' (JOHiNET player: also handles affects; wtttt.18 Y.WATtvncfi itoDT.-v ' i fvra . . 1 wis omer teiiow can ao. m. uan olano, nlaveri Thnth ' itvn. In Ttluturu I work; will play nights, t hours, fa. Call Tabor 8683. :'-''. '-; .. Iv inc WK 'can' make immediate . louris nf tUt. folio Winn amuunta nn P.irtlun ... I estate: : , " 1000 , , ' I 3009 1500 - !'..$ 3500 - ' 1800 rt " i 4000 - ' 2000 ' " 5000 DUU - n 110000 filmf . Minuni.Hv. (Hh valu- I '""" W nmBn. Kill all HDUUl tsi a?o ' ., - v. day ' " the big 17. S. ships. . Fine $1200-8 per .cent., 40 acre. Improved. W wasning-ton county: vaiue,-iaouu. ; .i r ft-A, f . ," ' " i CllllISTIAN man. married, desires . steady employment: objection no Sun day work. 8, Undrlll. ililwaukle, Or.. DOX till, K. I ' MONEY NEEDED : 'Owner will sell inside, desirable prop erties, $7000 to $30,0007? .Terms. Slight encnHnire nart Putin . ii-Biia. journal. ; If you wish to borrow,' consult with I WANT $10,000 to $25,000, first mort US. LOW ratfl anil nmnnn ,ftrvl. I .i.... Hin J. -t. HA?.M0RTW ' COMPANY, s! .........v. . v"nncitc, i security ana exceiienTf, moral risa. PRIVATE FUNDS ON HANl TO L6IK' 663. Journal. ' ' ' - .'$7000 at 6 DAr-4?ent! tAOOO a S na, I , mm . caaila n . ',mn.,n.Ai cjaaa . . ' . . " UUAlt Vj f ,vvv i trut,u imiucuiniuj XJiXi . " "! ii""1; i peri rrom I 9 per I per cent Stock: Salesmen i: ' Dependable salesmen who want . permanent employment to sell v stocK in a rapidly growing local corporation. . References required, . fk-au.or aaaress lion xeoa Utag. y. M. C. 'a, EMPLOYMENT DEPT. , I ion. AST ANKKNT 8T&, OR (MAIN OFFICE), WEST PARK 'HONE- EAST lift. wanted WasAa 13 S a month: eiaidnalien tll WANTED Work ' by married man as be given! dSwhetei?s w house carpenter, janitor, or will take f?; xnrC. . '! most anything, i Address at once, $ W, WANTED -Competent ilrl for general Going st. . . - nDunworK. . r.v.rvTnmy rnnvuniittii. Call Sunday or Monday Vnornlngs. K34 m xetn jm. ' PRIVATE SCHOOL BHOATrfANb and typewriting, modern methods, register ror tan term; is per mo. izeu 14th at. main UoVa. upeea ctasses now forming. YOUNG man desires position as en- ' gmeer or fireman in ftotei, ape or of fice building. Long experience with oil system. B-735. Journal. YQUNQ married man, sober and relia- cent: $2500 at I DAI" cent? tQnnA a cent; $1 .50 i at t per cent; $1200 at S pe per Main $801 from private party, for t years at 7 security,, . wen improvea .cny Employment membershlo guarantees 1 17m TRliIT? KI3 IIT? Minnt.v . a - . w wl. S : i . tuna vi meaiiKriaiii k ble. desires position as manacer or WANTED Schoolgirl to iehare good I perlenced and references. P-476, Journal, home fOP llzht wnrhr In retarn. Annlv I j?Ti;vrvsrr. :' :l-r--"- i-iTT i w,.i1.T''V.. i i sl.iS .nil tS: r mubbucu young uerann win Mgr. Westminster Apt, Slxtlt and Mad- position as chauffeur or repair man; n v ., ... ,can rurnisn nrst class recommendation. zp. aotei 8-8Z8, Journal, !ntAinhn , PeL. : fn2Ltl pf property, close In; prefer to deal, with months full membership nt;:$l000 at 8 per cent) $8000 at 7 principals only. 0-6 5 7. Journal77 - months, social Drlvlleaea. (UO, liiSU, 4UUV, fl.vvu, eiovv, foovf", l --... rrj ostly 8 per cent. Henry C Prud- foj "one filled. ............lOOi !rB,geiVes0rt5rS Aanev'oom Slftt W-Zh. A"' THOROUGHLY competent man desires DrtvllegOL U Aoney- room 8- ?7. ,wah"yt0"- :., patient to nurse; references as to r i : : J HH1P WANTirnMAl v. ami character and ability. T-681, Journal 518 Oerl'lnger Bldg. WANTED MALK FEMALE AND ONT IMPROVED- REAL ESTATE OR FOR BTTII.nTMn PiTRpnsrf-a. virSv .VSl8. CONTRACTS! NO COM- sUioaiijra, . e ;, . ,.f COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST CO, . Sis pPAi.nivn 'm.rwi . WE loan money. In amounts of $250 and mostly 8 per nomine, Wilcox Diag. securities exclusively. First mortgage All vounr men aeekina- emnlovment. oft PAINTING, papering, tinting. vHard JZV times" prices still on. J. A. Dennett, THK llOLUR BARBER COLLEaa will I ISDOr 4Z3J. teaoh you the trade lh 8 wewKs. Send r ua several year iuui i- i the Kr gages, amounting to $5000, drawing. 1--1 ,-r; bp mtit. annrai hv lnta In restricted I BALlLi district. M-478, Journal tha Emnlovment Department, rri j'j 1 . -l "v .'. i "' . u " l i1 nei: cent, aaeured ov lots - In restricted I BALIloM AN AlUst . oe Well educated. TJ"'""S?ftfc m.r?. S2f'iJ : forfriV iitalogie: expert tastruotorsl w.""'1 witomitw I (a v.ara In th. htiMlri...-... IK.tlma --. . : . " T ' . "T scnoiannip given to each student: spe cial inoucemenis to isaies. es i. i st. COMPETENT stenographer desires position. References. Marshall 205s. nurse, home comforts; r-. '1 WKST KIDir Foit Y. M. C. A. members.. Fnnn r I : rooms, . reasonable In price, .hv. i , bulldlrfii. vacuum cltanef), ut,,,v, .p berths, clab faolIltie. speuskl . hm-V- f-. cafeteria. Full particulars at buuieji office.' cor, tth and Taylor tits, . LAHUU, nicely furnialied front 'l-'j,m7 furnace heat, running water, suit Ma for I gentlemen permanently or tiun- lent. 189 Park st. NEWLY furnished rooms, atnam bent, , electrlo lights, elevator, private plimm, hot and cold water, ' raonabl rates. 625 Washington. Mar. 1 960. . TOURIST HOTEL. Centrally located. S cars from depot modern conveniences, transient tra) llclted, 80c tip, $8 a week up. 150 lt m. CENTRAL." HOTEL. OPP. PAN TAG 31 Splendid double room for 2 or 2; sin gle rooms, $2.60 up; with ball $4. Everything modern, ' ' : YOUNG liian. rooming at T. M. C. A., - wants roommate' to reduoe rooming expenses. Inquire Y. M, C. A cor. 6m and Taylor. tUAi'ULi Respeo table woman or glil ' ' to Share my room; inquire at itoi Start st, room PLEASANT, nicely . furnished room, suitable for 1 or I gentlemen: phone, bath; walking distance. Q-681, Journal. Ufnri MM0 Salmon eueeu IIUI Ul- Uinuuil Jtooms $2.04 up. per wk. Free phone and bsth. Main 774. UATCI CAKAkl 111 lltb St. Per- I IV I ll OA V UII anrt trans t. ' SITUATTOXS FEMALE : ' personauiT ana nave Uwi- ftHEQONllarberCollee teaohea veil I RANCH cook with full controL Middle WANTED to borrow ' $500. to Improve I r5,,i 1a . ..n,7. i vArL the barber trade In 8 weeks, pays you I, aged woman - and grown son and vfti. .J2r.w. Ji?i ni" wn I P8 tio? "4 .9"e "Py0"1. P- whila learnlna. tools free, tuition re- dautrhter. desire position on ranch as ' : : " - t . ' - - ...a i uvouivu einu uunis mu Mtnuuw fn'nn".:? Pay cu r'ren't 'W'ge&trwU. li" f2Z ?i?v' hA.5!iiri th-rm. expert instruction, po- cook and assistant, or with so- a farm lUlCklrT it 608,-Joumal. i , Hr full n7 nhan- nnmher-ln nlrlnl!!. ' ".".n,?uPi.. V,".n: s good business pro 5,000 and a party able (1ROCERY atom and real estate bul , uess store building, nice clean stock ' of groceries and fixtures, 4 lots. 8. room nouse Rrai ail Kinds or coicaen yarae; 110 chickens. Riant at station. Store building and all stock and fixtures, rent , - , of house' and lots and store $26 per month; no agents: or trade aU for I1S0-), - f'-eo. Journal. ; riiHKl imal! town In wheat celt.. ln voioe about $4600, fixtures $800; very . cheap rent; , owner will sell at invoice and would consider clear Portland real ' dence $3000 to $4500. We have other - stocks up to $20,000 ror sale and ex change. B. S. Cook A Co, 80S Corbett THE owners of a v Doaltlon need 816. ,and willing, to furnish . It, can make - better than interest and hare a good ' share In a growing business. This will . stand the closest inveatlKaUon. , P-47L ' journal. " 1 : - . , wvll f J4 JL iWHUlt A a VfWJ m waa; - -T- ' gars, One of the best paying stores in the cityv also : carry stock of sporting goods. This Is not a peanut Joint, but . .. a rooH business Drooosltlon for a bust , ? Bess manivNeal Brown, $18 Swetland . GROCERY stores, confectioneries, res- taurants, butcher snops, rooming , houses, hotels, farms. In fact any kind 1 of business you want, I have them x ' tor sale' or. axenange, , woaaaru, . sy4 coucn piag. -1 - FORTUNES In patents. Buy a patent and make a fortune. Write for lists ej of patents for sale and patent Buyers. - Yniir-ldeaa" tnav ba valuable. Randolph t Co.: Patent Attorneys, Washington, XVAKtEt-ldeas.' '" WrKe lor" list ' St Inventions wanted by manufacturers and prizes offered for Inventions. . Our four books sent free. . Patent secured or fee returned. VICTOR J.' EVANS A IU, Washington. IX C, SE8T located confectionery, cigar, news and Ice cream .store on the west side with living rooms, line place ror man and wife, $5500; $4500 cash will handle; no agents need answer, owner, Jt-6 8, journal, - -. - -r - - FOR SALE Furniture of 7- room house and house and barn to lease; also first class woodsaw outfit and good will of ; o years' business; best in city cau 428 Hawthorne ave. WHY go east to. have your inventions -' developed T Have them "Made In Ore goq" byjthe Armstrong Manufacturing Co., mecnamcai experts, moaet tnaaers. 4 rsecona st-. rortiana. WE have a client Wishing to purchase a small grocery with I or 3 living rooms in connection. If you have a stock invoicing $300 to $900. call and give us particulars. 811 Lumper Exchange. PARTNERSHIP- Want a man who can talk .German;' satisfied-with. 8160 a monip. ana aoie to invest io. . inquire 311 Lumber Exchange. .... ' .' PARTNER with about 810,000 to go Into cereal mill, mill and machinery in running oraer, aaaress uoiststier, '" Tecoma, Wash. FOR SALE W interest in a rood woll drill; also a or 1 U ecre, at sta- lon on the Oregon niieotr j Home, Oregon. F. I. Webber, MONEY European capital for invest- " merit in eurucuTB enierpriaos. ' Ad dress BANKERS' ALLIANCE, 125 High Holnorn, London, England. . . ACTIVE man for half interest ia gro 1 eery And market about $1200, cash 880Q, bal. terms to right party. Wood land 2369,' ' " v: i DANDY grocery, $360, j all accounts paid; I living; rooms In rear. 6 over store, rent $25. No delivery. Olve ad- orcss ana pnone numeer. f-bb, journal. EST man as Associate with $800 bUsines cash to-share profits from legitimate proposition; no particulars given except Pfrsonsl Interview.' J-846, Journal. I HAVE a butcher shop all equipped, rent $18 a month ; worth at Invoice $400;. my- price- llfiO. Goddard, 603 Couch bldg. ' $600 buys a good first class confection. ery and grocery, clean stock, good lo cation: party leaving city and must sell, :,.Ca.U 160 Grand ave.,---''" '':': " ' V '"y FOR . SALE Good office,' well fur v. nlshed, over only drug ' store, fine practice, 2 doetors only pop. 1200, Box 150. Falls City. Or. , - for PIcTimEho sanltorlum, reasonable up, box 815, Bend, or. sale, .owner tft ; W.. A. walk- i If YOU want to buy or sell a business or are in need of financial aid ' call at 425 Ch. of Com.Aavloe free-confidential. CASH erocery. receipts 8E0 daily, will invoice stock', run about $850; beside big ffonoot.r ua iiUTriptr axenange. ARE you satisfied with $7.20 a day and able. to Invest $5507 Ordinary work. Call at 811 Lumber Exchange. flCTURH ' Show, ! downtown locatlonl seats 200, clearing over $200 month: 5 . $850 required. 811 Lumber Exchange. , ilAVE you $200 to invest and willing to work 8 hours dsy for $28 weekt Then fall 803 Lumber Exchange. RESTAURANT for sale, cheap If taken at once.' Inquire at Lodge cafe, Lents, ur.j frppu punP3aauu nniu rea UD la tfiOna on real fit.t. Portland. Wa An kuilnu, . niilnl ti!?h,t Ml t . moderate expense WANtEDr"8S0J, from private party I 2-364, Journal, "-.."3. l ' . . . ' ,- ! ror ona vear . - Ktoca: in - duduo ser 1 tip 1 wnur, k 1 . - 1L JlViJL o Jrmt uouse xurmshed. Phone waju. .1.1 T..?. m . n 1 an 1 i. mi I lOirOs WANT loan of $2000 on new, modern THE WE8TERM B!fnfTTIwq ri 613 Piatt bldg.. cor. Park and Wash. 6 AND 7 MOHTilinK T11NR Anv ambunt. t&no tt 19. nnn nn haA for immediate loan. Fair treatment to all. i See us first and save money. A. K. HILL. 418 Henry Bldg. ... ROSE CITY INVESTMENT CO. TO-- LOAN. PHONE MAIN 7806. Mt Tabor residence. : value . $6500. Wll pay -8 per cent Interest for Im mediate loan. X-644. Journal. ' I SALESMEN makina small towna. whola IF you; have idle money, see me. nJ I . '-Ume or side line, should carry our real I lBO eeiung pouaei aiue line. . ppeoiai replying. I , )adles. 888 Madison st, 262, 2nd. jable salary, Write Mrs. L. M. Lively, LADIES and gentlemen to visit a "wumvn. uiy.aa, lect list of muslo teacher and their WANTED Position as housekeeper la tin nils Should have lomt knowladaa I - small family or wldowar'a familv. Ad- of muslo; good appearance and havel dress 265 E. 76th st, N. Phone Tabor nia-n rexerence. mnureiy new prooost-itoat. M KLP v VTAITiCIl MISC. 49 I tlon, demand already created, ; Forpar-1 POSITION' WANTED Woman tlculars, Z-846, Journal. "will Uke charge of rooming house for charaa to vou for loanlnsr on estate and nothing better. Lawyer, HI piuim Cixcnanne Diag. AN intelligent person may earn $110 room rent. Mrs. Eearna. 201 13th. Max- montniy corresponding tor newspa-i"'"i ivia. sales a-ood mission IMPROVED PROPERTY? At'i"" i WANtED-to borrow 43600 for 8 year, TA.Z, PROPERTY AT 1. on fin- home and corner lot, worth vLv7 T miaf,xr n,Prov c"y Property 1 812,000. wiu , pay , 7 per cent, s, R-46", w. w. uuuuiug u'Pue. " s-uvancea I journal. - ; 1 Iiam .Mrt r,nv,Rilnr . HrA tn n.tln.l viK-T. i.-i, . j.l iij an aiiowina ' return 01 unvoiu 1 r " v. " --" 1 a , fiii-uimi, ucu vuuwd wn -Makes auicl? easy sales. $4 com- we. Press Syndicate. L,J0f Lockport, referenoee, . to care foe 8 ohlldren 4 on each order. Something en-1 " ' - evenings out pf week;, room rent free new. Write for outfit todav. Can. I 1ILN AND WOMEN wantaJ tor .ov.p.u I in return; apply 1171 Hawtnorna ave. ment iobs; $D0 month; write for list I POSITION as stenographer and Office . Ml? ySSSSi.: -1.lbr5i WANTED-teOO. ' three ' years, from uruaerage. f. LipwomB, a8 Btark. I irnYinr iiKs i ive commission contract; s weekly for ioaa rr- y-v xr " . i v w, i v nenaos m is a w field Mfsr. Co.. 808 Slrel St.. Chlcaeo. I1L SALESMAN For general mercantile ?fa?0ih1i?5 K..;: v Wuiuiv I f assistant; several years' experience: trade, Oregon, to sell a new proposl- ri p Kocn8t6r' , capable of assuming responsibility: beat tion 01 merit; vacancy now. Attract-1 wai nouse to nouse canvasser to 1 rociTaiiw, . v, uuiwi. Mortgage Commerce. A" " . ell tea and coffee Boyd Tea Co., 10$ WANTIO By Udy of experienoe, po in- noii or VitinV "'.l' A , I." ia 6 e'"I HOW, " 1 - U( Ua U UlvU. kWaU. 5 83 1 vn mm Kataa. Iw.i aitJ VI ., 8 . t land residence nronartv. . . . Hammnnn I WANTED $4600 on highly improved I sale Jewelers, 327-4 2 Carlla bid., Cleve- amateIIK. theatricals want.d-. i widower's home. . Phone In morning. at 7 per cent; vno orpin- land, Ohio. this evening and Sunday. Room Yil East 2581. . ' H...,y;i,.,il . OREGON AUTOMOBILE BCHOalL. 268- New Scott Hotel. j OLD crlppi; wants sewlna. mendlnal iMortgaga Loans - . ,, La white, . , . ; 701, Belling Bldg. ' ' I-arm Loans farm property re. S-824. Journal. $65,000 wanted, scoured by $65,000 first . morteara oonus. ., covennir nroDert- worth $400,000 or more. 8-692. Journa $600 wanted for one year oa good col- structors and mechanics. lateral eeounty. p-DDi, journal. J i8'8 lltn ,.T'"",Lte!t "Pr"". m.H" I Fisk Teaohers1 Agency secures posi T ods of practical lnstruotton in driving tlons for teachers. $1$ Journal bldg, O. end repairing automobiles by expert In. fcatp -, .i..J!i Z-..i ....f. .j Interest quarterly. ' ..... : : Money in loan nn imAprm . i WlWT1 .' iKOn , ahnrl ' I ma ' loan. - aMtnnil j-. Jioore to., pis ADington bldir. I - mortgage, ample security, gooa rata WE iiivi diaa.v ia .n ..;INo agente. 0-624. Journal ,T t?tJi I rst mortgages only. WANT $2600 loan on Portland Heights cash on enrollment, balance graduation. i . OREGON LAW alCHOOL. A thorouKh practical course In lawt no time lost from regular occupations recitations evenings, eamnei i. men IcXVuitfoTVi?? PRIVATE shorthand school, experienced" fe97, 81,t 1 alance at tiTSg tenoher, $6 per rrronth. 888 Uth st. WDCIW with son 14 y -' RAGTIME p.'ano playing guaranteed be- i u'Lca 2nia a gsrT ' ' SCH60L. ginners In 18 lessona 61 Ellers bldg. wSntinn.110" B' "7. J IV ANTED AGENTS M.l... Im.1. ..MaVa. .111. guilt for sale or exchange. Mrs. Haael lnder, 687 N. 81st at., Salem. years wishes sit. nousexeeper ana or write 11 to. A I POSITION as cashier; can operate HAMMOND MORTGAGE - COMPANY, i Improved. 8 Per cent' No agenta N- ' 48 Chamber of Commerce, - 1768. Journal. ' - HfO TO LOAN t 7 per cent on close $400 EAST SIDE business corner, nn- 111 rSk8tlrissnSk rUr TT . M . Jk ...V.. a..HAH.IUl. ra.aai( If- Mortgage Company. 423-424 Chamber 808. JonrnaL- $100,000 on mortaaeea. Allw unri .,,. I na .An. r.i! lit UAiirlll., rSr7f ,V' llTt nuence. McKenxle t I Smith ft Houck, 300 Henry bldg. " """"Fr piuy., iq ana Aider. I r, , . ardsoean" M if ohd7 Sec, 81M1 7 WE manufacture and control the fast- poslflon but wisH ; change. , B-613. Commonweal'tlTbldg" Portland, Oregon. uif Pc'r . ever invented. Journal ' ; ' J y . : MiS i. , ---v-.TrX.A. .y. "T?;.,"'i. V".r POSITION BY EXPERII2NCED BOOK- iiAVE any amount to loan on good "'""'er-o oiog. ro proxers. FINANCIAL SEVERAL first also number MONEY to loan, lar ln- - . ,...rl ?"-.,iu""" lii I M In T ,VUi TLT.Z. . ijw.i7, i (or gooa loans, various amounu, sovi bAbH paid for mortgages, noxea. cou- f gage securities. exclusively. rateTFAjraiV t"S' CASfTpa-id for mortgages and sellers ., . . r . - "" i equities in contracts, mortaasra loans. Mri:i.?LJO"n.tcurfnt rates. Real T. A. Beard V Co., 612 QerUnger bldg- ' BI8ILB1LSJ aMiu rii v gnn vpaahs nn -aA.i. l a -.i a ja i Exchange bldg., Id and Yamhl!! sta. . cahh PAlfa trim tu-iRTaind immediate loana 8800. 1 Or seller's eaultv In contract of sale iiiuo. zaniiia m imti-..., .... - i . . . . . . ..t ....... : . . r, ,1 f , a 1 iI-rrV.n !., A. U. I ni nu nuui in niinwiign or vregon. ... - . ' I . is. Nooie, LumMrmM ninr. ioans. YH"&q-.W Tor nnakinV"lluuors"ind eoVd -r"S "ber work or Wkind of work. Phone braUv. Realty 65 -88 Mrdin ho,n- The Jreaf artiola Saves over 60 Main tl6 room 17. - , it mortgages for-sale: ?fttrtlX!.5 r0jr. T 8 ' Maroeo poP cen. gmali package en0rmous de- POSITION as private eecretarjr by ex- of aDnlicaUona on hand 7..?;'J v r:-f" , . , imand. Dig profits, strictly legitimate perlenced stenographer: rezerenoes. . Varfous amounts,. $260 .i?y ftf SCffll A.Pg8.11 today.Unlversal Import C. 8. N-774. Journal. silver. Tells how. Amer spare time at home. Booklet 607 Sycamore St.. Cincinnati. O. l-6. Airi .ri iiu. .i nn. nr twn small lcan'cobySis sWiuon. Whlnon! WE start you In business, furnishing c nc ropym' J00-" on? .w w,matn. everything; men and, women, $30 to Eai t v ' : ? ,; , .i L.f ' '.' I100 .w,eeltlyY operating our "Ne System vTj 1 WILL surt you earning $4 uatly at Specialty .Candy Factories'; home, any- Z i hildren; good hime, nloe lawn. laDor mis. 1070 T.nmt Alder. PTAKfl taar.her. student of Wis. Conser- vatory. ox music, wants pupus. ROOMS and apartments in modem ho tel. $2.60 week and up. 458 Alder. rxmtaaim booms ireSf BI91 rBUVATB rAMTtT TO ' FRONT room, furnace heat, electrla - light, phone, etc., striotly private, sultJ able for t men or man and wife; rent ressdnable. 488 Market St., wear 14th. - TWO dandy connecting rooms for 2, 4; meals If desired; in fine location; good home, l block from 13th st. carllne, 474 Market st. A-8560. - ' KlCELV furnished ' front rooms, walk , lng distance from postoff lee, electrlo ' tights, batn, heat ana phone; 615 Yain. hill. - - . ' .. $10 A MONTH Front room, modern, ' - .heat, light, hot and cold water batt; nice neighborhood. Close in. 180 N. 18th street, corner Johnson. Mar. 6512. CLEAN sleeping rooms, ground - floor! ' modern, 6 minutes from P. O.. $3.50 Washington. : j 1 ' ; LARGE housekeeping room, light ami - phone, $8 mo. Sleeping rooms, $1.60 , week up, light and heat. Main 7859. 827 W. Parg $1 WEEK, large room, modern, home ' comforts. 771 Roosevelt, sear 13d. Marshall 4118. - - 448 TAYLOR Ierge front room, suit able for 8 jrents; beat, phone, bath. 6 minutes jto P. O. - - ' " " ' 1 FRONT room, private family, 1I con venlences; useaof piano and telephone. . ill Johnson St., near ltn, a-yii. NICELY furnished light clean rooms ia private home. 218 W. Park st; $12.60 PER MONTH Large front room, furnace heat. 658 Hoyt St.. cor. 17th, NICELY furnished rooms 31.10 and up. Hi 12th st, cor. Washing ton. FIRST floor room with - use of piano, reasonable. 766 Irving, cor 23d. FURNISHED room, bath, , gas, phone! 684 6th st."''---- - .- -', v SINGLE and houeekeeplns: reoros. 48 N. 17th et ' - Is'EATLY f urnished room,', rent IS per month. 645 Taylor. NICELY ' furnished, clean, ' light room. 2.uv weea. ' us rarx. - home spare Ume. silvering mirrors; Where: no canvassing. Opportunity Mfe. I'laww tft' W- capital; free instructive booklet giv-1 time; booklet free. Ragsdale Co. box 2.1 EZ.Z i "r 1 g plans of operation. O. 7. Redmond, East Orange; N J. i I A FIRST class laundresi Dept i, Boston Mass.- , GENERAL, agents make bl, money , .7.'"- USE your spare ume to build upa mall I handling the "New Century" fibre lirni no lng Dept reaa wants day references, wooouawn 2"0 LOAN on improved Portlani WANTED Loan ot $600 from private AV?fTtViJi-imvaI,i? Mortgage Co- Prty on 100x100, one block from car vwuiuer w vommerce. SB your spare Ume to build up a mall handling the "New Century" fibre iWAii antA k .,Mri.n Vn.l order business of your own. We help broom. Takes the place of both broom SXTTJATION wanted by experlen ed and tnm . .h..v -ni,. t I . T : "'""'" , Mllahi. houaakaaDcr t , one or two '""..TIT.'.t " S rF"wP' "?. ."AO every- i .,------,.",. ti,. Tatwir 44 uuriuniuu. irai tiuuwri Ararat, JaULUMi 8 nnnr iuii i-taai Mn nrnru KAiriii PAsst vipmiuh Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. Sales Co., San Francisco, CaMf. I LADY desires place as housekeeper for . . . . . . . . . . , vimv. . u... v.vb ....,,., vm.-w.v, ... n i mm i i, . n m ie .Tanrauin an i , . on Ainswonn. , uee joraan. sis liUmntr. i . -.. . . ..i 1 ' . . . .....j i : , . -,--- , . - --a a vrrtKir-v , . l - I m.m hi ..." . , I Jus intelligent person may earn livo iRRNTfl Sum, h nv n,nf,.i.. ..11: Etnuemsii. ww u,i. 2.? Percent, yort-lr. monthly corresponding for newa. Tin r,i;ir S r. tn.. Rowland hotel. papers; no canvassing; send . for par- j Permanent, profitable buslnesa Good PRACTICAL nurse would like position; land Realty 4k Trust Co. 114 Hallwav I ' ' Exchange bldg. Main 212?, KallwV I . s , HKLP WANTKJWMAXB Press Syndicate, 708, Lock-(for $50 to 875 a week. American Prod- can furnish best of refsrenotw. Ad- l u.ti un. lull NTMmnr, at r ll,., t. m n.. s.a tni, L. 83000-Private money, improved prop:LwAt.Tfcb2.o, V Trm;! abi:'hlr Port. N. T. 840 Kvenfnirs East ?1wit, Mr" . unmarried men between ages of li USE your spar time to build up a mall Ohio.- -y-, - - - - - TH6RObGHXYexpeHenced cashier Tn t ,aa T! .i. - A V"' S.VA" "' A uil" .st.tef. ' order busuiess of your own. We nelp RESPONSIBLE manufaoturer . desires Kootfs A Hicks' checking system. Si ,l2i ta?.;!?200n?OK IwjmeOlevtei loan on character and temperate habits, you start for a share in profits; WILL loan $20,000 or leas, real estate" rarrlna-ton, 416 Commercial Club bldg . .......w... . . - MvniHi,rm, uuo Dial MONEYTO L6aN ON P.EAL EsTaTI GEO. P. DEKUM. MONEY to lotm nlaftlnat valnahla , aa-anev. narnatnal I Addraas V-810. Journal, business build- WANTED Work by day Or hair day by protected ter-1 . experienced woman. Phone Tabor $47, o x-enecuon, or address 8208 K. eaa St. MARRIED woman wants nighty work. . -itm IAT IMTirn San a v A &il BAAannga.l. . . a ' t ' - . . I LI A N K I H.I I W B.n.uM, 318 henry BLDG. ''r;enrmdsa';ror,rwork 1 5 K..'!,gn,gr,ij" WpB.awake. agents matiT Ihotel -preferred. Mj w 8 per cent. W. H 1 in shoea and furnlahinaa. hul mUt h HT-T" kPT m.i 1 . nanaiing ea.stiy aemonstratea special- phone after 4 B. ln.A-4it. .... pyaiumg mag. anahi general salesman also. WlUUif ircAii Main 8688. oonaldar onlv Ihna. ffln m l.u MliMMm l u fiyi A. H HARDINfl. lit rh I nortlralni.. Uh .,1a,,." .ielil ouna treat, expenses ua com- si., juos Jkiigeies, u MORTGAGE, loana 6 and 7 per 0. gnces. Address KxZij fan t?? ffPhTA.h'ff WANTElExclu.l Belts & Co. MONEY to loan on real estate. lyniUAUU- lOADi, and 7 per mnt, I wia. aA-av, journal. p ft dq-,., phlladelnhla Louis Salomon a Co.. 228 Stark at I A LIVE, competent lumberman, whole- ghvWttNMM'r' ''' positions "'" lF.fl Itiln ifiSA ii.ia',.,,, 'I I mIa an vatall. imnahl. In mnj tlvVllKMil. positions wwi . a-.j. a.T-Tf f - T aJ i.j I V"v;:..w 1 trade In Oreeon ."and . Waahlnrtnn .i. "n-,C"S''' wiana, yregon. W-663 Vournal ' " UVn loU- years in office ? iibiSfiWp to r'T ; -..,w-Bs. Journal. Portland, reputation 'and references of 1 WOMENGet goyei ii u.. 1ft; ' yj' P5p",uLr: BTR6NO woman wanted to help' wltji nnmnlata I B'u'O"' '".""J1" yurmmmum. w ngniuii dijkiiui ,u., o. owtw 1 ,.n,l liAitaaaiork. 820 and hoard. Call complete! ..hllahaa trade. Exnanaaa and mm. I mt T Inr.Un ruHf ' I general BOUSewora, J ano poaiu. taii ai t trmfrnrl i ... ....r. . . 4" . i - Ai.ti exclusive county agents. I . 1 Vif-inr. h.nd laundry wants bundle NewesLvtnost everyday used eftlcle. A OOOD hand laundry wants punoie jftm eaiyto Money every day. Oregon nd Washing. -.TIn. eg box 8, Portland, ; , ' '-?; I., t, .wr. ' illLLV rt(Al.ui;au num w WJ. nee ..wants worg; reasonaoia snam irLitNTsncD nooaia - ;.-EAST BIDE. THE CLIFFORD HQTEL. rE. 6th and Morrison sta. American and European plan. New and modern, large loppy, special rates py montn. THE Larrabee. 227 H Lsrrabea. Rooms 83 Wk, up. Brick bldg- steam heat, hot and cold wster. bsth. phone, electrloliy. 2BA8T BIDS PKIVATB FAMT6T Tl 6 ROOM home, all modern, close to car, will rent one room to - one or. two ladles, home orlvlleceS. use of stove. fuel iltrht and ohone Included. - Rent cheap. Bellwood 1133. 1 ' FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished room; home privileges, bath, heat, light; one block from, Union ave, car. 421 Stanton. NICELY furnished room private family 8 block north Broadway bridge; fur nace heat, $10; phone B. 8480; 448 Lar- rabee St. . ..... -. . ,. THREE neatly furnished housekeeping - rooms, - lower floor, private family, very reasonable. 11 E. 14th st N. E 2134, PRIVATE party has $600 to $800 -man on gooa security, 181 IZth St, 600 AND flOOO at 7 mortgage.- rieicher, ml that heat ' -Marahnll SI a 4 1.IIR7 Iaii.,,1 I Write for free YOUNa man to travel Oregon: no aolZ DI .?2. , government Jobs; big pay! re list of positions avail. r per -cent,, first I iclUng. Best proposition on coast; a C , v y w u k ft M ft J W1. vr fr ,? 226 Ablngton bid, money maker. Good pay; steady ooel- RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED, '' tlon. -850 to $100 "required. V-6al Com.noe m CHATTEM, SAXiARIES WANTED, canvassers and eolleo torsi none but hustlers need apply. . 402 Washington st, bet lotn ana 12th. SITUATIONS MALE 3788. WANTED A position as cook In hotel, bosrdlnr house or oamp; country pre ferred. -Miss eiiomg. wen, uei, o"7 I Journal, i j i. 1 1 1 WANT a. butcher . to run a butch tlculars. Franklin Institute, 314-q, Kochester, N. T, ' par- Dept. SITUATION wanted by lady stenogra- pher; 4 years' experience, uaii Auditor MACHINIST helper wants work! have . 0' Jfl s references. Is Willing to Home Telephone Co, A-6221. a. VI. -,Vp .tfUIIHIi ONE furnished room in private family. - within . walking oistanoe. , m. yua St BOUth. -"'- ONE furnished room in , private fain lly. good location, walking distance. 820 B. Ankeny. , - ' ;-- . FURNISHED room and breakfast, $12' per month, r all conveniences. Phone 1 Eaat 6377. y y ffiVlNGTON Room In private family, ' to rent to respectable young man. Breakfast, If deeired. Phone C-2505. NEW COMPANY shop. I have the shop NEW METHOD with a grocerV Store. " Free' f 'llll.TIIII'lt' ' ' , I party. Here is a good chance. - umww iwib . . - , I aara, ooa uouen Diag. ' we are now ready to . I ; v....-; , r l.f connection Bid money restoring faded color. 15 WANT work eT any kind, widower 8 rent ts rliht "4 Carpets, Armenian process. I children, bookkeeper by trade, work M, huci ffi No capital. Particulars free. Eldrad, very neceseary. K-736, Journal. .nance, . uoa- r faa nfni vrio, ,. IbrvkbT ,.:.i. -.-.A- " t ELDERLY women -Would like a place to 8 1 do lirht hniiM work. , Address Room First st. -.'. ; WOMAn wants any kind of work by hour or day, fit Johns. Col 384. Dept. 200, Detroit, Mich. ' 1 RELIABLE married man wants steady A7nTpVrs,T, i ntrnnM a J 8 Aftr esltn liafsiSkel Aft rAMMian .K 81810 I - ' 1 i . . " v I DAaJJiOittAn WtMltSU a 8J8' UUMUVM WUlllll -- J..nn.t jl AMJI -.I..J I KUlTlOn. ft t)l,AriJb MAltl K7$V , ' I .".. - '" et - ii T''ij. s J''v- n m m nn iU7fnfin - wt. H ska a-, a.... i uibiik cvuu sma v owiwau. spmniou 8uu utnuou i . . j st't-'-ss . .-"t-- . , . . . . . ins. ua. M niit Tsi nnf n f. . ' J ' ' SiLUiffiR VHU Ll ,".'"r. L"".wJrV?'"t',""",la" In poiltiong. 628 Worcester block.' Mar- POlfiTION wanted bv married man. ex: Tr- Tr" .IT "-:.- A ji"-- Money at rates lionestpeolu. can afford d.pi taf City "Co. Salem. 0"! "61. y, , ;.Peri.nced grocery or, collector; Wr&fF ! . 1 . w,,., .- ...... ... : - I nil n V law, new classes now Tormina. I ew x -v, unii. i r- ,-. . . . . -.. i i BJATICft v" - propertytth."mouth of tSeColu -PortUad Law school, $28 , Worcester wishes .Uidy lpW MM ItS bla, tie coming great seaport Can only t,lo:'t-, ;V;:yy ,,', V,.' i..y;, P?"!1?L "Vf BM k igP.V? J Tt. -tTu. between 10 and 13. 901 Wiloox bldg. I WANTED Ladles to take orders tor wwwa. n-nv, jgarnai. i "V.f."" ."JLvJl,,.tT '"'T' ENGLISH FOR FOREIGNERS--.maa 1 ea""re corse in. larga pro-1 MiuLifl AOR), steady married man of I, 7"r v r-f - INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION; , s I LAD 1 EH Good pay copying:, addressinc: I ama very mucn. . j-o, journal. 1 wcnmiot t-none I .85 week y pays a 8 10 loan, i .66 weekly pays a $ 86 .loan, 1-19 'weekly pays a 8 60 loan. l.0 weekly pays a 3100 loan. CANjrOU BEAT THEM 7 tfOUf CAN GET IT TODAY, BUSINESS !ONrinTM1r , i Rebates Given if Paid Before Due, Si r din 1 Main 4068. - r ' 111 Tilfnrd Klrtr. . " I nartlnulara atamned anvelopa B. 8. WANTRrwllv axnArUnned antlv. ml. WANT 1 nr 2 children to board. Phone WaNTE'D"' -'rExperienoed " " advertisfng Co.. 8638 Woodlawn av, Louisville, Ky. , oie aged ' man, position as cashier, Tabor 818. - ' '""'. y salesman, newspsper work. . Address f WANTED Names of men. 18 to 85. 1 timekeeper., or payrolls. H-662.. Journal I WOMAN wants day work. Phone efter p. o. Box 131. Furnish rererence. btatel wismng- to be railway mail cieraa rWANTED House palnUng, tinting and Sunday Mam 3Z. experience.. , .l 876 month. KX-610. Journal. I - ilm vitrk muiuhl, nrinu... Phon, nn, nm,n ..J..i.. ,ik'r.T.,".r.Tr?Vi' ws a'tj i .-. . ' 1 l 1' ". '..i . . 1 1 i -laZ.j .. . . . . 'I' ' "... I V ' ' riuiviv;u " wu- wv., s Ai.vuu., aula PHONES I w Aivrjiu irst ciass salesmen is if Ait i x to accompany young iaoy o ' . . " ; I able. Main 48S, Between 4th and Sth mtm n I mlllae with rltv aulnmohlla trada tn , nl.nn tnm flarnuui iw ITranch laaanna. I vw , xfptVirVJAt.LJm.U" V. ' i ; '. " . ' '' ". Open 8 a nv toV m.-Batllll 8 n! K If: D-V2VJournal""- ' -, JlcV WkTflV,r oY: ?,."red nSSfffoS1 WousTOeoroX ' . . : ' r i 1 INTERNATIONAL . I reoora. it. ATiterson. lei, main si BAiiMnan wuuisu, juuu, mail to l HjrtrB.or-uj.'niiu i.nuuui IxOUNG in: ALARY i-OA.d'o.N ViUilS NTAiiaT , 610 yro Hoe CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITT. LADY wishes to take charge of small an experlenoed milker wants) rooming house W-662, Journal Duaiiiirjna Biitiui Lit inMir l.NTTir i 'Hftltnii 'It mT; in V." nAvu a iirst-ciuss aieauy puaiuoa ,' . b . VT. .".v a, ?. j.t' I good wages ror a gooa man who :.:.fW8fTkriSnVfVV' trW.hfrom $300 to 1600 cash -JaTeroVegon-and W..hrngton;"$l6o KVybidV f , and "ood i references required, f .$ 14 TCwciA LLEt for iallor made suits $6.t 1 first letter. U-627, Journal - wl j.u.?, . . V'3'' 'T'''v :.l ",J';J bp. TayTer, the tailor. tH BumMda 1 Wishes Work asdi.hwashir or Was . ... hes P barber shop. Ad osition manlourinx In agrees i rarn st, 101111.0 worn as oisnwasner or inaiae i :'.;.u:" 1,;. ..a..a " t.Z work, near cwter of olty. Fred Rob- Rp? CUI8S, ,llna Jff?. fhoM - 1 ., 1.-. wuiAi uwr vvuisr v oivj, " ,iw iuw I nnl HKI.P WAniKIl FlMIALli: 2I..1. 111( 11 M Vm. i. I Main 1, T"?' stork: oor. th and Alder, reaulre. the f5WG man desires sltu.Uon as milker H work by phon A PRl VAliil PLACE tO OBTAIN - ?iy!3 ;.l,g?,rtf Lnni?a'? J.t cla.r cloak VnV5 ValesTadlei:" - ' ferred; under.twd. Ukfng- care of cows, POOL R60M end confectiEuf ry worth fl.oQ for traae. wnat pave you7 v. 804. .Tourni;. : '.; GAItAGE and or trade. . m machine shoo for sale ave other business' that requires my attention. A-S49,"jmtrnHl. UAWMlLL opening, call at 702. Epald I n g bldy., for full partlnnl wrg. FOR SALE SxlS'Gordon printing press ' wnrl cutter. 1 Front t. l' CLKANINd and preying business, low rent, a harnsln, 408 Hoyt St. I'OOL ROOM for sale or trade. Bee owu er Sunday. 823 first St ' . . Diamonds, watches, Jewelry, piano, eta. ' , DlsrAJUATia DkirARXMENT FOR 120 LtlMRWH KkTHlKtnm mnrx ia ana otar sis. vipen 6 a. m, to 6 P, m, SAUftDAY EVENINGS UNTIL $ PV S ; gsnis unuaninsi, - out inw ,unar il L-g i",' lj .' . ,-; r I A-833. Journal stands .window dressing. J-845. JournL StTLOUlS ladles' agency. - Cooks, wait-1 wvl'wT" 'riiRyta'taiinra'ta worir nn ladia.' kmoir" resses, chambermaids, housekeepers, I w AN ris.l I'oi iiXa?.i!iL7V.0JlO-Mi. -.t0 genera.Tiousework. 288 Main st M. 1088. i -lanitor by. s W 1IBO I Fei A-833, Journal. el tlon as watchman or SITUATIONS XVAKTED-atALB , i-ft-y AND FEMALE ',:'" -: SALARIED PEOPLE - -AND OTHKKS WANTING MONET APPLY ROOM 817 . ; LUMBER EX, JBtDO. i i Li' ilm Ztmhi i "a1" y ' CHATTEL loan ets. best of wages paid to good men, B. -Weiss, 147 Tenth St. CHEF. Headiiuartars end Helpera . , , CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT, . ' 'l' : ' ' ?mhU ''1 '"' ' ' W WANTED Oood live men to sell dm- monds, watcaes ana leweiry on essy- nv lAha. a , if Mll,hl. MaHMul jj ' 1 " ; i. . ..ui-" iman. a. wiison, lis miiwauKie st .wi j-.vy" - jvw r mliJTrnlt. kAu, -,.(, ....a A. -I apartment ovuse, ciiy irortiisM nil tar. for - local and . road work. I WANTED Few hours, work each. dayln,- ,. ,.7fti!. rnnm i ' Z4. Journal. ' -- I2?l ff9,'t i"nain , f0?1" &AM and w.f. and t Wa it and U. PIANO course teacher Main 7888, r.'""- n... ..:..,;,;,,.,. ...y,, : Room 807, V. M. a.A.-'--; MAN and wife and 2 boy lurse given to. prospective U-ritrvn .n" -,nV,iTr iiha" wnVir in "ahin" want position on raneh, , in exchange ;ffor , ..rvlcea UNGmanoulllke work Anfo iwr, wrlfe. N-488, Journal. . dlcitan cook, woman g g"Jgg"5ff-.-.u ?ijL . A DRE8ST)7AKINQ For partiou- 40 paynient, Appiy ei yorpett mag WANTEtt. "? cook, m women vniTrVn4ealtTlr W-ANTE1 One . good .jive , salesman. I .'.Pr" V uu; ,un 7 or aiv kind: srefer inside work. O. LADIES' TAILOR-8ults 828 end 630: Leslie Judge Co.. 617 Worcester bid., t "! I 41 A a ... ",, ','-',. . ' . .l . ." I 'vW? I c iv tr B' i't, . r "wism iw TM 1 VTrn aKAM id Iasikm eA I Xflfl. Ti4Hll Wl Ell . inVlllO 18iar..i IJ-I5X, I '"" .-r f) - ieope . na oiners upon tneir own I VV7,V. "Z tV- w.tV. .Tn.trn.l ' - ' ; riea,. wants wpr p V Aift I V n wn;V on oatrich raath', j UrnSl, -." - y". names, cheap rates, easy payments. See j cSiUSr per day. B-6 .0, NEABEAk A fiCuAARAR. dreesmak T . " l i ai nA willllnai.-A hdina st.ei i(au 68 AT I - - 1 i ' ii I JAiirrtfti ' . - i - aiisBT luiiiiuoiji iiuuasj ur iAas v. m . . ' . . e w - Tl i . ,i . L..a, ... , . -, ' I itrit m a. a .4-alk 8-.ll . I , y , i i a w !? .?"n.,',,?.w?-"i .onfldenf gl"r : , . ' . y, . v: CARPENTER wante- work, contract or yroaowev.,- a.n a way. "' yr""i ""ry cog. IS wow cnoppers wnteo, gooa timber. ou i, v.m Bellwood 8241. "LADIES' tailoring, a for ladies and sentif. B'i.,I"r."m"' "r na ....... " 7 ... " . . V ?HmfFQ 'W.nt no.ittnn . "L,t : "n4..vvMrs.. Muci U1KL. ftttout II to assist wun light I wf i, as' " T . " ' i A-ZZ36. M. 81 83. " housework, good home ejid wages. A-1 -Ll 1?-. ana l.. i.'. , I : , : , ,; 1 i 1 ,ua i km y of Ferisi 4S Jmirnal IfTKUMTN aaUsace maker wants a Doal-I Ail.VL".x I.l f,rJ - ' - I . . . T . . . t 1T1 88. 1 81 8aT- v " A al A lUAOl FINlSHERSTmust be able to make good I tion. jonn Meier, mat n. istn st 863 a H.vlr.lil. til.., f,,m I. il . . . T . w . im I n... tir..v. men 10 oorrew uoBBy on , aumanii, """i "'i nd Jewelry at eastern ratea Diamond WANTED Lunch man; must be neat Pslace, 884 Wssh.. opp. owl drne store. I and clean and know how ; to roast LADIES' tailoring, alterations, coats re- irs, uiucjucr, ao uorrison. NICELY furnished room, furnace heat,! on oest carune in city, t per mo. Call Best 6308 ' FOR RENT Furnished room in private' family, modern home, suitable for one' or 'two ladles. - phone C-l 303. NiCK furnished room ' for rent, 488 ' Williams ave. Telephone East 6124, pLRASANT room with alcove, moduin, 22 E 10th st. : NICE rooms $5 "a month. Phone' Wood- lawn 8786; housekeeping if preferred,' UNFURNISHED HOOM9 10 SIX large rooms, newly papered and painted inside, large attio, $17, Hi South 1st. THREE rooms, sink, bath, $9; 2 room suites, $4.60 and $7. lOOHJTtrket. IIOOMS AND BOAHD 13 CASA ROSA, 800 Jefferson; large Tooin, suitable for three or four young men. with board. .00M3 AH2 BOARD PBIVATSI FAMILY ' WANTED Board and room, walking distance, west side, 'Give location. price and phone number. One gentleman, 0-873. Journal. ROOM and board in private home, privl lege of bath and phone. ' Home coon-, lng and quiet surroundings. 3 a 4 Last oak st. I'hone East 2571. TWO ladies, or man and wife can l reasonable board and room in subur ban home. Mlse Allen, 4005 4 9 til St.. e., mi. ecott car. BEST room and board in the cits', 1J uo. steam heat modern, bath, iiiiona. piano, home comforts. 664 E. Madison. Hawthorne ear to mm st. LADY can have room, access to klu-hnu. heat 82.60 per week, refined sur roundings. 'Call 83 16th gt, near Wash 1 ngton. --'- - 1 . MlDDLlu aged woman, with nice HimJ- ern home, would board oonA-miial me it Who would appreciate extruoi dmaitiy good service. r-tl. journal. ROOM for 1 or 2 young ladles In pi ; home; can amo nave rreurHi am ONEY loaned on . oiamouds. Jewelry ' knd warehouse r4 wlpts. Room iif, meats, E-820. Journal. "ll Anna 9. rnan , - " . , v-. i ,iiy l repairing ana anying; can at' llaw- aa elolentlfln Draaa- maklnit. . Tailored Sulta Oorseta Teachers wanted. 304- Goodnoua-h bldg. FINlSHERa, must be able to r"'"1 1 , vv wanted. 804 Goodnoua-h bldg. button holes and put i linings in Jaok- I FIRST class blacksmith helper wants DRESSMAKING one at my , home: era, w. weiss, ni imm n. , . , . . , a position. j-ea, journal. I reasonable. 42$ . Hawthorne WE loan money on diamonds nnd lawau I thorns . GafageIlawthorne ave. TO aaelst children school lessons for I A GOOD colored man wants janitor's I ave. B-1229. E. 2388. ry at half the rates charged by brok. SOLICITORS wanted: best . nTree" room rent 253 Glbbs - ,yy 1 io- PhQ" Tabor 6768. '. 'JX-i -r-t' "tv'rningt: ers. Msrx A Bloch, 74 8d st. city. Van Dyck Studio, 404 Wash- YOUNQ girl to mind baby, froni 0;80 CARPENTER work by Job or day,; all gowna wraps, tailored suits, fit and Muntux eoia on installment aunrman. I iih . . , . ' ' ' ' , ' I , aroanu niui -n'nt, iiuumii, . " I "y Pfioes reasonaoiei 88i Kearney. ...", , " TV V 1 , w- i iuirr,iuijni,jiu, uiaa iur snoe repairs.' LAOIfca wanted! csn-raaae to flOl fAl'Uiunu ana (inung, J.uu up; paint-l FASliiONABLia flressmakln dinner. 607 E. 46th N LARGE front room eultabi rubor 1 heat, nhone. bath. 7 niliiuttis to . '. u. esu isyinr et. ton, (14 Henry bldg. . I 181th 11th MONEY loaned on diamonds and iwel-1 OlrFICli) boy wanted, Apply tfhe Brail ry, urimiT rnnrinenciai. 1,1 sa. . I atreet l o.., Ii nrv. , . LOANS on hirnlture, pituios, autoaltTltS made' to measure, $16; ioW rent. Bauer, 206 Alder st. 817 Salmon st. 7 . i ' 1 1 , ii , . .in.inn. . , .. , . . . . a . . r. I . . . r , 1 1 t . . .. . . . , ukiia wiuicuj vi - iii, u. ,i. jrjavj-.w mumiia, ,..v ww, uaiiii i m ABiiiVi. AiLiiu ii reaaiiiaaiii a at norne tier week. Call sus rammt Did. I tng reasonaois. joe Marsnau. ttast 810l 1 or hv the dav. Main 8958 MT Iflih at U1HL-for downstairs work and cooking I xiou winaow oieaner, iouaemn, wauU iDRESHMAKING. ladles' or children's laiu M ror email ramiiy. jtppiy ana in. zntn. worn; no an nuur. main jua. 1 worg. 1'hone A-8608 60ME0NM to tHke rooms n.l 0,1 1 lng. Phone Woorllawn 2?'t'i. ClIILDRKN to board aiid tare I r. I , Woodlawn 2786. L LOAHU and mom for tn, i gentlemen, 4? ( 1 -t .Merion ev- WOULD like to a'.iui t I . y" . Ohvb tn 4 years. I'lim -. a nd - bi'.i'U, all family. Apply 36 N. 28th. I work; S60 an hour. Main 2303. I work. Phone A-3608. ' i 4- Tnvior. WArTISD Idy to learn the photo I XOUNG . MAN wants position as clerk I dTiESSES, suits, alterations." prices to 1 LoaI J Tuhd 1 I ,1 crapli. business Pbon arboi 40: wiaw: 4 Jaaltort ut 88,-r IB-vQft,- JouriwU wi- suit. .461 Jefferson st v ' . 120 li lih st l un 1 V 4'