Till: C -ON SUNDAY JOURNAL, FOIvTLAHD," SUNDAY MORNII C, OCTOBER ID, Pacific PIiCR3 Marshall ECCO Pcit, Up ta 20 I!cu: i!y .and CtxetuSyKL 1 Zt Day as Receive J C3.C0 Purclmca by Express Prepaid to All Po&t:WitI'Pne:'Hnj Milet5.00 Purchaies by Parcel I J ta WitHa 1C3 Vpp 4 Pounds to Within SCO Miles, Up to 3 JPounds to WiUuii 1000 Mile; Up I to 2 Fpunds to AU rrti of the United State of America i: ACii:: 3THE MOST IN VALUEr-THE BEST IN QUALITY' v: : r Shea Ptipehaaeb 'xqualej Value in Women's Shoes They Are I Sown in All This Season' Nobby Style - All i Uhers and bizes Histi or HPS' Low Heel Values a Pair Priced for This t to $4.00 is Sale At ST 2MB VSfhy jjay tlie j shoe; Ideklcr mat extra dollar when yoii cansecure a pair of the best guaranteed footwear'at pur moderate price? 4' They. are made of silk velvets,' patent- bottom, "with either, cloth or "dull .,. tops, ; light and dark tans, gunmetal' and dull kids. They are shown in .all sizes and widths and In either low or high heels, t Regular .values .to 4 priced (9 QO for this sale at . ,". . . . . . . . . w&tsO Misses' and Children's Jockey Boots-Shown with patent collar and neatly finished wlth.tas-.fl fS sel. .All sizes from 8J4 to 2 at. ...... D I .liy Boys' Guaranteed Shoe Made of velour calf, with screwed or sewed soles, fclucher style, fl 1 ft O All sizes 9 to 13 $1.59; 13 to 5 at.sj) 1. 70 W open bur , store at . 8:30 ' a. m. daily ex cept Saturday, ; when we, open at 9:15 a. m. & mm A Tft&MM&efc- of Blr .1 " ! ' ' ' - ' ' i ' 1 - 'l- ," ' ' ; 1 ,' " . ' ', '' We close our store at 50 p. m. daily ex cept Saturday, when we close at 9:15 p. in. .. V...' ' These Offerings Are Proof Evident That It Pays to Trade Where (gou Buy arid Save It is not unusual nor I it an extraordinary thing forj this underselling store to announce right at the height of the season .these surprising and gratifying large aying on the things most needed, for immediate use, because it is our policy to always undersell. Read Uie - p.lain, unvarnished truths we print about the things for the home or person concerned xtfu great October Sale. Hr.Ian! HerelTou IZcy Bur chase the BeotCip 0 WoblUiiders we&rpttiD o Not an odd lot, a broken :iirie or last season snoods, but our leading line of Men's Natural Gray Wool Shirts and Drawers in all sizes. Fine, custom-made garments of, correct winter weight, that are f imshed in a perfect manner. The shirts; are bound rwith '(irniinH tfiA nprV' and If-farinc on the front. .'twist , UIVMUU ,, f w--- , v . . The drawers have .heavy facing suspended f straps and v good quality pearl Buttons. t: i ney are sou-ira-ished, shape-ref aining . wool shirts and drawers of the best standard quality. , The kind sold by all the lead ing, stores: at j $1.00 a: garment ; priced . for OQ this 'sale ,atcr4'v Men's Flannel Shirts, made Vvith- regulation turn-down col lar Diuble and single breasted styles in gray; and; navy and single, breasted style in-gray-All sizea-T r Regular $1.50 grade now .on sale at,; each. . V. .. l Jll .Men' : Night Ctownsmade of excellent quality : outing flannel in . neat, figures ;and. stripes All sizes : in TA good styles, best $1.00 grade, . priced at. . .'. . i,.:, uC Men' Wool Socksmade with fine ?, ribbed top They come in natural gray with white heel and toe , 1 1 I Regular, 20c grade in iaUj' sizes, on sale ; l lZi2C Four GreatUndorpriced Lots Fresh, bright and hew 4i fine, big assortment of beautiful embroideries came to us well, no matter how. The one particular fact is that they, are here at prices that make them twice as welcome. m You LOlfil EMBROIDERIESmtU WORTH TO 65c, THE YARD &uL Included are the better grades of 9, 12 and 18-! inch Flouncings, also "18rinch Corset ;Xover Embroideries of fine Nainsook, , Swiss and Batiste, shown in hand-loom, lace and blind patterns Regular values up to 65c a' yard your choice at, . .... . , . . . LOT 2 EMBROIDERIES 2Zr WORTH TO 75c, THE YARD uOC Hundreds of yards of All-over Embroideries in' dainty baby patterns also a great lot of 27 inch Flouncings,' all are made with good firm edges and there is ample variety of designs to select from Regular values to 75 or yard. On sale at.. '.'; ' Ou, LOT 3 EMBROIDERIES WORTH TO $15,THE YARD The most beautiful 27-inch Flouncing Embroi deries, shown in dainty baby patterns, deep lace effects and hand-loom designs, made ; of the finest Swisses, Nainsook and Bat- j n iste Values to $1.25 yard. Priced at O&C LOT 4 EMBROIDERIES WORTH TO $2.00, THE YARD Extra fine 45-inch Flouncing Embroideries, shown in the choicest new patterns in full dress length they come in the best Voiles and Batistes and in charming patterns rn Values to $2.00 yard. Priced at, e ... 3UL Trimming Braids A fine lot of narrow bands and edges shown . in choice patterns and "in all colors Regular values up to 35c l A 1 yard. , To close at,-yard. .... .... ...... 1UC Trimming Braids from 2 to 3 - inches wide, both bands and edges in silk, gold, silver and in novelty effectsRegular values up to $1.00 yard. To close 'at yard...."; . . OuC 59e You May Choose 177itli Assurance From These New SilMso Bress ;(Bodds,aiii.: civets Rich Colorings in New Plaid Silks at $1.00 a Yar d This is an exhibit and t sale to : which women may turn for pleas ure, suggestion and inspirations sure of authoritative styles, rich colorings, and of seeing what can not be duplicated elsewhere. They are the finest of pure silk fabrics and are shown in a choice assort ment of the latest and most popu lar Scotch plaids in rich color com binations. They come from 20 to 24 inches wide and are silks that will give lasting satisfaction. For this sale we price them C 1 A A at, yardv...C New Trimming Velvets-sho'wn in at tractive brocaded patterns and in col orings that can not be found elsewhere -rthey come full. 19 inches wide and are most moderately priced JA at, yard .............. ; . . . . 3 1 U U New Silk Velvets of standard width shown in all wanted desirable new and staple colors Velvets of perfect, weight and finish, underpriced Af at, the yard. . . .. ... . ....... . . . tjdC New Dross and Coating at $3.00 a Yard We are showing a complete new. stock of the most popular Dress and Coating ; Velvets high-quality fab rics, full 40 inches wide. Included are black, navy, new golden brown and other shades. Velvets of fl A A deep rich finish, t Special value at, yard . . .)OsUU To : the woman who is uncertain about the prevailing .' favorites in both pattem and. weavo; of Silks or Dress Goods, or the ' colorings . in Velvets, this carefully selected stock sohuld appeal in no un certain way, because from the lowest up to tho highest , priced ' bolt we have, ' the range bf styles risf uthenticv TShe can choose from them with assurance. If we Can lessen the task cfai woman's shop ping here, we are pleased. - Let this splen did stock prove i thatfwe DO lessen the task stock representing THE LAST. WORD IN-POPULAR WEAVES AND PRICE LOWNESS. l 1 r m II II- II V U JA JUL Extronioly Fashionable Silli Matelasse Coatings at $3.00 a Yard They are such beautiful ; fabrics that any woman's fingers wjll ache to" take hold .of a needle and get to work on them right straight away. They are the new season's most favored silk coating.; They come full 48 inches wide and they x are extremely fashionable and very durable. Included are all. the new designs In rich, bright colorings f abfics that must be seen to be ap- pf eciated. You are requested to ' come and pass judgment They are-the same width, weight and quality sold elsewhere at $4.00 to '$5.00 a yard. Priced C 1 AA here at iPM.vV AU-Wool French Phallies Full 28 inches wide, shown in an unlim ited variety of dots, rings, floral and figured designs most any vf anted color. A splendid CAW fabric at, yard ........ 0jL Fill Elegant New Brocades at S3.00 aYardfel A wonderful showing of exclusive designs in the new Brocaded Velvets, They are heavy-weight, full-width velyets pf standard quality, shown here in exquisite; col orings. They are out-of-the-ordinary values O A A at, the yard'. . . : . ..... . . . . . s . .,. . ... 4t)UU Prudont Housolreepcrs Will Supply Their Bedding Needs -v,o Hero and Not7 I I At extremely low; .J pricek youU I fin3 Blankets that t will funiish the ; greatest amount of warmth and cnnlfotf fend that will please the purchaser with lasting sat isfaction, as well as tempting values in Comforters, Pillows, Spreadi, Pillow Cases, Sheets, etc. ' Irl our Mairj Floor Blanket Section youTl have )ad trouble in making Jioiw from the fcUojjYing items j ' - . .5 ;; . ;J - :-'Vf Ql 3 iK Z Cotton Blankets of fine wool innisfr tliey come extra large and heavy and in gray white and tan Regular $3.50 ralaes nowdi AC on sale at, pair.... ...... ..4M..4)l90 Wool Blankets an odd lot, in, white, gray and plaid " styles Aft. are large double siie, fine -wool Blankets, in regular $5.50, AC $6.00 and $7.00 qualities at, pair. UO Full Size Comfprters, filled with' fine whits cotton and covered with excellent quality silk oline They s have i plain - centers AQ with ' colored ' borders $2.95 - grade 9ftO Feather Pillows, full il by 27 : inches They are 'filled with sanitary feathers and covered wiih" fancy k- art ;tickmg ?$1J25 ; Af grade onA sale at, each. .,.JliJC Hemstitched Spreads-made full size; for, dou ble beds ' and shown in ; a large Variety of Marseilles iy- patterns best ; $1.75 j AO grade, priced at, each. . . . . . . ... 1 fcO PILLOW J SLIPS, REG. 12e 1 (n GRADE, SPECIAL AT, EACH 1UC Bleached Pillow Slips, 43 by 86 inches, made of fine quality , muslin they Tare the : f kind regularly sold at litfccn sale at 1UC SHEETS, REG. 70c GRADE, P (n ON SPECIAL SALE AT, EACH 0 yQ Bleached Sheets without seam in center and made full size for double beds they . rA come 72 by 90 inches best 70c grade OuC PILLOW SLIPS, OUR REGU LAR 15c GRADE, EACH ONLY Extra heavy and large, full bleached Pillow Slips of good durable quality they, come 45 by 36 inches Regular 15c grade, now 1 O on sale at............... ............. lilC ImprpTed i'fef lllTn'you'll understand why we are r so enthusiastic over them. Vfith their arrival women know absolute com fort, fit and style in underwear for the first time. Note the superior fea tures. RICHELIEU "SEAMLESS" UNION SUITS, ALL REGULAR SIZES AT $1.00, ALL OUTSIZES Richelieu Union , Suits of tne dium weight, cotton, shown in all ;. styles, low or high neck," long, or i short sleeves ; and in ankle or, knee lengthreAll reg ular. sizes Ut St jf f ;sf 9 outsjzes at i; itfiQ X iw Knitted " thinner at the waist to make them ;3 f orm-f itting-the closest fitting corset sets smooth and comfortable over the Richelieu No heavy seams to press into your, skin1 under the corset--Made of durable, fine ribbed materials, neatly ' trimmed and perfectly finished. ' ' Richelieu Union Suits, shown in low-neqk, sleeveless styles, in ankle or knee length, made with fine; lisle , top and heavy cotton a pants, v Regular, sizes' oucsizes C 1 Et Richelieu I Union V Suits .' shown In .the I above ! sityles," i in ; Jieavy Fall and ..Winter weight;' The regular sizes are priced V at $l,25-)h? jsorit; and : a 1 1 h e,outsi?es riceat.Js 1 uy.,-. ....... 4 . a . . .i v.. ! : '.'vi,.'.ft.3"..':i"-i: : .... .Richelieu Union Suits, shown in low-necki sleeveless style, in ankle or knee -' length, v made with hand crochet yokes,, fine lisle top.v and .heavy, cotton pants. Keguiar sizef at,SX.'4raJ;:loutszes S2.00 -V m V- mm y I IL O of Pronounced Goodness- and LusupIous Comfort In New Fup Fabpio Coats "ft1" $9,90 to $30 Asbachan, Arabian Lamb, Caracul, Plush and other Fur Fabric Coats that com ' bine many new, novel and practical points of comfort with all the becoming fea tures the most particular woman wants are ready for first showing and selling to morrow.. . Primarily intended for the cold, blustering days, but quite as desirable for the cool nights and mornings that are with us now. We request your inspec tion NOWi We promise you values that are unmatchable elsewhere. ; The ' Hodish 'Cutaway and Square Front Styles in All Sizes for Women and':Missesvg The . most;, fashionable three quarier, anduU-length styles' in ' cutaway And straight : front mod els'; variously trim I perfectly finisned.' Inchided are 'thmbsB'.lashioiiable ? chan Salt's - Arabian Larhb-Saltex: Fur ) Fabrics, Zibelines, Hairline and Novelty,, Mixtures and the popular plain colored fabrics. ' Come and judge ; for ' yourself i . the worthiness of this great showinc and itsmanv ooints iof suoerioritv. : It is J .Bomeuung more , man swnpiy mieresng.;4vwA-. It is orofitable both from $ the view noint of quality and value. Every taste and ' every .50 tor pjirse ; may be- suited s for prices range from lilillMainfBISll .00 oMiilto .90 In no former season have the changes injur styles been so pronounced as those which : stalttd for the accepted vogue for the. Winter of 1913-14 And t never lhas ; greater charm of design " been "shown. Becomingness is featured ;l in many novel ways the lines are graceful and taken all. In all the sets, neckpieces and muffs embody ideas which com-, bine A the artistic iwith (the practical 'Wost; happily;1): ),:;'. Our openine ; display embraces onlv Quality . furs iwhose i workmanship 'is of the best the same fur pieces s would i cost -you a great deal, more at the exclusive fur Stores than they do lmt Women's sJKTMisses'vFur Sets, Neckpieces and' Muffs, in all kinds and styles are here -at all prices from $50,00 down C A Complete New Linoo in itoyal society and Arzamo Pacliares at 25e to 01.50 A wonderful assortmnet of useful and novel things are ready forthe lover ; of art needlework one visit here will send you away inspired by a dozen new' ideas for- gifts or to brighten the home Just to see them is really a privilege and you are wel come if only to look. We have prepared for your In- N spection a complete line of Royal '. ' Society and Artamo Packages. You may fashion many dainty and useful articles in your spare moments at very little cost.:fer . each outfit is complete, contain-: ing, in adidtion to the , stamped ' article, sufficient floss in the cor rect size and twist to complete the embroidery, and the carefully; prepared working: instructions in cluded in each package make it possible lor even Deginners to execute the embroidery. The ma terials used are ' absolutely the best obtainable for the , various finish, nainsook s fort.all .' 'underwearMCfeH; articles ;j a real linen-finish ; lawn for? shirtwaists. jThe most ef fective art fabrics for pillows.. scarfs, etc, .You have an un limited variety to choose from ; ' Infants' Caps, Children's Dresses, Made-Up' Combination Cuit Made-Up Nightgowns, Corset Covers, Princess Slips, Drercir Sacques, Lingerie Waists! Fancy Aprons. Pillow Tops. Center pieces; Scarfs, Coat Hangers, Fancy Bzgs, Necktie llid 3 a great many other articles FKOM Zoc Ui HO : l..r j PACKAGE. , - I . ' ' ' 1 mm w