The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 29, Image 29

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HI) 111
L.- Robinson
rt"t tha' houne or lot you cortenv
'Vine. i41 knows. Come out to Lu
ill luolt qver his list.
. 1 $425"
t room bonne, lot 40x10;' beautiful
vliida treat; $25 down. $5 per mouth,
- - - - $800 ' "-
150 D"WN.-$10 PER J.TONTH,
'ys a I -Mful little plnatered house,
V "h, acre of ground, not
irw.. . ne. ,
- '$900---
, '"rei, small house, good wood-
' ctlcken houses, about 2 aorea
. aores slashed, nice nirnf,
"g Water, 8 miles from!
, , ' $1025
jrai.i n(w g room plastered house,
ftch k toln nearly acre of ground.
.o wuuu lieu. . 2 iiincka irora Alain
outside or city limit i
' w" I6, ' sown, $10 per month.
- ' Beaut If room house, 1H xtoriea;
roms Just , plastered; nice Dutch
kitchen, k basement: lot ' 40x100; biff,
lino wooiehed and ohicken house! $t0
. down, mi in per month Including ln-
terest j . ... , ,..K;-.;v :- .. i, :;
f Xk M1200 .
81 TSkcramcr .bath,-ht- and-eeld
rrwitf , ita -he. j'fi ge; '40x100; t
V $"NteH. with rood 6 room house, II
timet frm Thd Dalles, near Dufurs.lS
. aore nnier cultivation. Will trad for
Bice bone near Portland. , ... , ,
. . -i, . $1550 ' ;
- ( room plaetered house, -bath, oloaets,
on Main street hort-wlk to car, U
; acre of .round, splendid "woodshed and
chicken houses; - $60 down. 111 per
month, I par cent,
$2500 '
1 Beautiful new modern room tain-
low, with beautiful built-in eonven-
i lenoee cement basement; $110 down,
:, $15 pr month. ,,,,'
,v . J ' Amboy Heights ; """
It8 Lot 40x100. IB down and II per
montt: all level. sightly, fine soil. Bull
tater; t block to car.
i 1-2 Acre. $500
' ATI 'Wei,, water In, lies fine, on OtIbrt
road, mlya, abort walk to ear; $1$ down.
- 9iv tax, uuy now; you won-t regret .
- . I $400 and Up '
Slim Itelhts, K acra, $1 down, $1
.par npnth. , - :
Thai Brlrht . Build In f A Inrastment
eompaay will build you a home on easy
terms, fut your Installment . Into a
home, taltead of ranting;,
"BRIGHT BLDG.;.&:iNV,-C0.,
-Ttekla. Bright, Mgr.':-
Jjtnta, Oi,;t block's east of Poatotfloev
Tabor 4H.. , v. WUt
Furtlahed room nouaa, naix
block (from Alberta car, modern
. plumbing, food basement, nice
lawn, Choice rosea, fruit and aver ,
; green trees; lot JOxlOOj aess-v:
menu in and paid. House com-
JletelyL furnished, Prloe only
3900, 1100 cash, balance month
jr; noinortsage to aasuma, .
Five Vroom cottage, on block
from Sannyslde oar, only $ri4.
Terms 1100 caah: balance $11
month, rncludlnjr Interest, ,
Kew four room modern house,
; either furnished, or unrurmshed, ,
,i at a sacrifice. Easy terms,
W,jA1 Barnes Co.-
404-1 Lfls bids.. 4th and Oak sta,
' , , Main S0I1.
$750 For Ho'use aid Lot
. ' Small cash payment, $10 P month,
includes Interest. Lot OOtlOO. 1 to I
block to good oar service. House 1
new. well built, aided wth California
ruatlo, all atalned. Inside celled, clothed
and papered. . Good brick flu . from
ground up. , rJeaf front porch. Thia
Property 1 In OrerorV: Heights, now
ha home of over 100 Arallles. Sunday,
take Rosa City Park ctr to 7id at. Our
office weekdays 411 Cbrbect bldg.
Gregory Investment Co. s
;lal ,
Five rooms.' large sleeping
: porch, cement basement, hot water
heat, shower bath, 100x100; excel-
lent view of Tuaiaun vaiieyi iw
blooka from oar, IS minute from
postofflca, oa west aid. 1141 0.
Phone Main 1800 or A-6111.
Id fir. Selllbf bld4 th and Alder.
. $100 .
A brand new modern bungalow, with
V all bullUa eonyanlanoea, fireplace,
book cases, buffet and good, big, well
lighted oloeeta. Hardwood floor and
' full oanunt basement. A fin Bleeping
?orch, Facea east and only one block
0 the Hawthorne avenud carllna, Prloe
reduoad to IS2S9, $100 cash and balance
very easy terms.. It's a real bargain,
Railway Exch. Bldg. Mar. 1174."
' $18004 room modern" bungalow, (iOO
" cash, $20 per month,
$1000 4 1 room bungalow, double con
structed, all . built in . oonvenl
.encea. , $10008 room modern house, all built
In features, 1 block to oarline
r and paved atreet.
Sunday take Rose City Park ear to
" TZd st. Our offloe weekday 411 Co r
bett bidi'.. , , ,
Gregory Investment Co. '
Home Bargain I
My lfe'a death makes It necessary
that I all my modern Rose City Park
horn and ' furniture , (lnoludlng fin
f ilano) i house haa 7 large room, sleep
ng potch and den. furnace, oak floor,
fireplace, china closet, full - basement,
, nloe lawn and trees, good- view. Will
consldot any reasonable each offer. C
crew lownerj, s marx at.
Go Today, $25-Down -
, 1 4 rooms and bath, cement basement
, complete plumbing, - electrio ' fixtures,
cement walk, everything paid,' at price
t $1660. .Sellwood car to Ellis ave., I
; block aaet. A mil nearer than Sell
. wood. Jo, look. , Call Monday, 111
Afe'"gt" b'Jg... : ,A H '-
THREE' room 'house, furnished, ga.
1 lawn and chicken houses. : A few fruit
, trees, lot 40x120, with alley close to I
car lines. Apply Sunday up to 4 o'clock.
1 6429 69lh ave., S. K. 8 blotlc west of
, Tremont station, Mount Scatt car Una,
, Prloe $900; terms $200 dowi and $10 a
month, I per tent ;-
. $25 Down, $25 Month
8 room and batht doubl4 floors and
' walks, all walls tinted, eemeit basement,
sewer connection, electrio Jlghts, best
plumbing. Price $2400. SMlwood car
i to Ellis are., 8 blocks east to 1181 IS.
12d at. Call Monday. 61B AUngton bldg.
' ITEW 5 room bunaalow, batii. flrenlao.
bookcases, buffet, llglia fixtures,,
. naaea, oaaement, waan trajua, large lot,
ratrlotd district, xoellent neighbor-;
nooa, omy exsuv; terms to iuib Phone
i nvti.r Thnr R41. ' I 1
gpLENDlD -7 roomed bungalow. - I
aiAhlnr nnrchAa. a romrik
and bath
' below; Dutch kl tori en, full
blocks to
1 Take 1 or 2 lots; terms;
I carllna 800 Union ave? N,
. - v 1 rf A . : Li- :
1 i ' I ! llOU.S 1', ( I (' .,!. 1 1-
i uii a v, bur i .-. uoa . j
t '- jiIjut i hi; on i X
itu inudern limir" on Int BOrlflO
r Kmcied Bim l i -li 'iiool, bO
. i bU, near K 2uili. I'rlce 18500.
t too
' f, I
j . C oui.
I roo!i, new and modern, hardwood
floors, lint water heat, I& 27th. near
btauton t , .Price ftitiOO,
-rtKrn, rgortein, white enamel f((l
fish earaga; at corner U 26th and Mar
ket bis. Prloe $10.500.,
404 Wilcox bllK. Phones M. K699, A-!BS
Next to N. E. corner 27th and Tilla
mook, Living room 32 feet long; plate
alasu, bt solid oak floors, furnace, flx
turen, mantel, book cases, etc.;-walls
hamiuomely decorated; bung&low effect
with 8 large sleeping rooms on 2d floor;
also servant's room and, sleeping porch;
everything strictly modern, new and up
to date; built by the day. Owner Is
rolng to Seattle and wants to Bell. Will
offer very reasonable terms. Will cut
rrlce for large cash payment. Owner,
tttllws, Kast 604.
My 4 room . modern house on
rettlest street In Rose City Park,
paid $3(00 I year ago. Must
, sail $1400 equity cheap. Call 411
loaat 46th sw N, or phono even-
: IngS, C-S368. ,(J,;:s:,;: '
ROOM ' HOUSE, $2000,
, ' UUKNEH 100X1BO.
T room house, on corner, 100x100, only
four block from Mount Tabor car.
Vacant lots are actually selling for this
figure, allowing nothing for the Im
provement. Owner Is practically giv
ing this a wax in order to protect other
interest. Can be had on terms.
CALLAN A KASER, 722-24 Yeon bldg.
.' 1-4 Acre :
Brand new 4 ' room modern house, I
block from school, electrio light, gas,
Bull Run water, I cent carfare, and
magnificent scenery. Small - payment
down, balance $ IS per month, including
Interest. This 1 worth Investigating.
Geo. T. Moore Co., 818 Ablngton bldg.
$2950 Hawthorn district, new bunga-
low, near 48th, south of Hawthorne;
new. fireplace, furnace, : fixtures, man
tel, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, full base
ment, oak floors, attto, paved streets,
eto. Very easy terms. Owner going to
Seattle; will rive you a big bargain.
Call SUlea, East 4804. '
. $200 DOWN, $20 PER MONTH.
Dandy four room bungalow. Ha
bath, Dutch kitchen, Ught future and
I close to car In Alberta dlstrlot Price
i860.- Straight monthly payment In
clude Interest, Will take good lot la
part payment." '
CALLAN A KA.SER. T28 Yeon bldg.
Strlotly up-to-date s room and attle
bungalow. Ha fireplace, Dutoh kitch
en, light fixture, laundry tray, is near
car In Alberta district $300 down, bal
ance $26 per month, Including Interest
No mortgage to , assume. : Might take
good lot a part payment. i
100x100 Neat little oottaga, enap at
$1400. $800 cash. Balance at $10 per
month, a J, RMwell, I7S Pin t Mala
1781. '
.Splendid Lot Buy
En B. p7th at, 190 feet north ef
andy boulevard. Rose City Park,
lse 80x100, located between two
nloe homes, atreet graded and
cement walk paid, ewner want
.to ell; mak u an all cash
The Shaw-Fear Co,"
Mala 1$. 101 Fourth St. A-J 50
$335 Fins City Lots $335
80x100 feet; 15 minutes' lide
. from Bostofflc; near good aohooj
and church: level ground; good
view: Bull Run water; 60 car far.
. Easy terms. Phone Mala 1800 or -
! Provident trust comtant. ;
Id Floor Selling bldg.; Sixth ant
,., Alder 6U. ....
Fine Corner on West Side
80x106 H northwest corner 14
and Sheridan ts, $1000 each, bal
ance on to five year. . Thl 1
business property.
The Shaw-Fear Co.
Main IS 102 Fourth St A-II0I
Improved corner, 60x100, on carllna,
north of Thurman, east of list, close to
publio dock and , in Una of factory,
warehouse and railroad Improvement.
I now yielding good income and has
exceptional speculative value. Will sell
at xvooo, part casn. Thia I less than
unimproved property in earn neighbor
hood la held at Will deal with principals
I-SI6. Journal.
But it 1 your money's worth.' Tat a (It
UOO, near good car service, 160 feet from
paving; Building restriction $1000;
sightly location. Price $660, $18 down,
$6 per month and per cent Interest It
f'OU expeot your moneys worth, but
lon't expect to get som.ethlng for noU
ng. D716. Journat
$10 DOWN. and $10 per month wlU buy
a aitely lot pear good car line, only
10 . minutes out with sidewalk lata
and Bul Run water piped, everything
?ald for at prloe of $460t first money
akes the lot See owner, 6il Piatt bldg.,
B. ' W. cor. Park and Waahlngton.
A beautiful lot. close to larva school.
Bull Run water, cent car line and very
sightly; most any kind of a payment
down and a small monthly payment
George T. Moore Co., 618 Ablngton bldg
DOUBLE your money with $60 oasb,
Owner 01 76 good lots on best electrio
Una 21 minutes out near station, will
aacrlfloe 6 lota. 1-8 lea than market
value. Price $I0O-$260 each; 3S0 cash,
J6 per month. Phone Mala llli. Z-I6L
oumaU . . . '
- BiisiNEsa lot;""$65. '. ; 1 '
80x100 ft,, on E, Burnslde at., near SL
10th; street improvements paid,
494 Wilcox Bids-. Phones M. 861 A-tfcl
Cll6lCE residence lot reatrloted dis
trlct 68th, near Division, large fir
trees, improvement in ana paid: only
$600, payable $10 month. Phone owner,
FOR feALE A bargain. ' JC tin east
rront 10c in uimsiaa far, with
beautiful big home all around. Phone
Wood lawn 8806 or call on owner at 468
Roertawn avenue. . -
FOR SALE Fine oomer lot tdxiAx. m
paved street all clear; price $1100,
$800 down, balance monthly! Inaulr
W. X Meder, 475 Taylor st
GREAT BAROAIN Two" hundred lot
V.0 Tn0' Vlgara, owner,
rJ. aiiav
SNAP For sale, lots -16. block ii.
Grants Pass, Orl Room I, 8$H Grand
aye., or phone E. 8081..
SNAP On of the beat located lota id
Rosa CltT Park. 60x100.
Full information address 2-868, Jti
'. - . "abarqaTn . v .
A hrantlful tw nornnr In flntiaii
leaving city; call 1441 Hasaalo. '
FIR LAND lot latO. worth $460; torms
$8 monthly. Main 1188. or Tabor 771.
EST 25x100, 30th atret, Irving ton Park,
a bararaln. T-654, Journal.
U FT., lot 2. block 7. Price $5000,' Mo"
wuien s aaa. 911 Laraoee t '
f-'.AZ.Z: '
Lot in, Ladd'e addition, wl'
buKuniaiit in and lumber on lot,
w- 1 located, apt front, coot over
$:..a0. About $00 against it, con
tract 6 per cent, easy payments.
I will take $1250 net for my
equity, as I must sell. I refunwl ,
tattoo for thl over -a year ago.
jf you want a snap Kctcy. .
OWNER, 285 Grand Ave-, 8.
Phones East 230, EaJit 8185. ,
r-Snap1 for Cash :
$760, awful nice lot within 100
feet of proposed . Willamette
boulevard extension to Broadway
Y bridge; close to river: every boat
would be In view from second
' Story of a oouse located on this
lot; exactly on mile west of Jef
:' ferson high school; graded street
cement walk auad curb; aewer all
' in and bonded, easy to pay off:
the chanoe of a lifetime I want
. the money. Take St John car
to Delaware at, go three block
south and on block weat; a ten-
nl court on lot Then talk with
- owner in big white houa aoros
the street , .
Buy NowlaWestSido
60x100 3486, $98 cash.'
' , , 60x180 $550. $10 oaah. ...
60x178 $1130, $200 cash.
Vour unusual bargains; all con
venient to Council Crest car: good
view, graded street, city water. -Somebody
will make a good profit '
on these. 1
J. G. Rainey - 1
' ' - 600 Teon Bldg.
' Marshall 1177, A-I4IC.
: Beautiful View Lots
In Glenelyn. $ miles southwest of
the postoffloe; .will soon have
electrio servloe; Bull Run water, .
graded streets and sidewalks now
on the property: 16 minutes from
the postofflce. So fare. Lots 60x,
MOO. $460 to $660. Improvement
Included - In price, phone) Main
1800 or A-6261. '
. Id Floor' Selling- bid.. Cor. $tV
and Alder Sti.
Lot Bargains
f 87180x100 Rose City Park, '
176-60x100 in Rosamera,
Street and aewer all tn, " ''
$38060x100 Rose City, below MB,
? close to Sandy.
! 900 On East 8th near Mason,
180070x100 corner Piedmont
160068x100 B" 33d and Irving.
1600 100x100 Rose City Park. ,
400060x100 Ladd addition, 1
, . ,100 feet from" Hawthorne.
814 Chamber of Commerce,
BEAUTIFUL view corner lot graded
atreet sidewalk, near schol and sta
tion. You cannot beat thl. - Only 1400,
1 casn, o per montn
ftl. Hi. 1.1,
R4 Pn.V.t, MAS
BIG 80x120 ft lot, unsurpassed view;
graded street water, 20 minute ear
ride, west side, big future, Don't pay
rent . So thia. $460, $16 each, $5 per
month, - ' ...
M. E. LEE, 821 Corbett bldg.
im BUY4 a fin big 60x104 lot' fin
tlon anil flip, ta mlnntu rU 11 A tuh
and $6 per month.
M. B. LKB, 622 Corbett bldg.
60x100 BEAUMONT lot snap. Address
owner, r. v. cox ma,
I ACRES, church. schooLstores. Term,
iceua uossett, t weat Kunngrworrn.
6 acre on corner, facing city, H mil
irom xuiiauoro oign sonooi, roca roao.
black loam soil, R. F, telephone, I
room bouse, in beautiful grove -of old
oaks; com fruit . modem poultry
nouses; price issuv; part oaan. oai. long
time: will trade for aood business. Wl
u.- nuqaon, wiiisporo, ur,
Ideal 21 Acre Place
Located 24 ml. south of Portland, near
good valley town; 4 acres In hop, no
waste land, very best of soil, en-county
road, will accept horn in Portland and
some cash. Ender dt Hartahorne, 411
unamDer or commerce.
.Don't Overlook This
t 1-5 acres, east of Montavllla, an ta
4 year cherry tree Bing, Lambert
and Oregon; soil vary beat; on two pub.
Ho roads; near aleotrie ear: good neigh
borhood: a bargain at 3600 per acre.
0. f. uso urn, ana n&cnay Diog.
CHICKEN and fruit ranchea near Port
land; Gresham dlstriotjEstaoada line,
electrio etation U mile New subdi
vision. Sunshine Valley orchard traots;
best soil, free wood; elegant location.
Price only $76 to $160 per acre In small
traots; easy terms: quick train servio.
Frank McFarland Realty Co 0 Xeoa
bid sr.. 1 -rtiano, r.
QUARTER acres, only 20 minute out
on the Oregon Electrio, sidewalk laid
and Bull Run water piped in the street;
take car and go to Multnomah, agent is
in the office at the station, or call at
611 Piatt bldg., S. W. cor. Park and
waenington. ' -r '
20 Acres Farm Land
Level and nearly ready for the plow;
close to school; $1 fare from Portland.
easy terms, - Claud Cole, 817 Board of
1 Good soli, city water, close to car Una,
easy terms; will build to suit purchaser.
Phone Marshall 1686, or Sellwood 476.
jno. in. uipaon. owner.
ONE acre, close to Ryan station, Ore
gon Electrio, 18 minutes, 6 cent fare.
All cleared, swell place for country
home. Price very cheap for qulok sale,
C. DeYOUNG A C04 814 Chamber of
816 TO Sou PER ACRE7
to 10 acre tract, good soil, road to
every traot, newacnooi, miles to Co
lumbia river and railway station, 1 H
hours from Portland; easy terms, lis
Lumber Ex. bldg., cor. 2d and Stark ate.
One mile to eleotrlo eta. My equity
p m . - cre ; in potato;
leaving cny; can mi naseaio,
FROM k to I acre, with running wa
ter, 22 minute on the Oregon Eleo
trlot at $400 per M acra . Wn. Borsch,
O lismm vsa, ajwwy'i
U ACRE 6 cent oar fare, 16 minute
tv-iit tunn nn in n.
oaah, $10.00 per month, M. m, Lee, 121
BJbJAUtlt uL' river frontage on Vlllam:
ette river; very nnest aanay loam
soIL - Big future.
r iuiure. o aorta.
Terms, M.
P. Lee, 6!
2i uoroetT piog.
f ' L 1 ' I 'nil n -
DANix..aor cnioaen ran on, Modern
homa, Close in. bargain. - sasy pay.
ments. Write, today. Box 63, Oak
urove, gr.'
fok oaLe-U
: Oregon lSleot:
acre at station on the
Jr. i.
Webber, Gar-
den Home, Oregon.' .
rACRES, very choice. Foster-JvUlwauki
Road, near Milwauki ave, No agent.
T-447. Journat ' -
bUY what?
. 1 i
My 80 aoras: some good
improvements, $3
$416. 1035 Albina
oo. r fun lot
ONE acre level and elaared at East
Ascot 1 block from car, $760. Phone
owner, tum hps,
yOU, BAUD One aore traot ai Park
lions, iiiv wui nanaie it inquire at
tno more,
A TRACT of very good land at $3 per
acra F. P. Brack, 601 McKay bldg.
10 Acres $250
$S down, $5 por month.
20 Acres $500 . r
, $10 cmhIi, $10 per month. ;
40 Acres $1000
$20 oaeh, 320 per month.
70 Acres $1000 j
600 caah, long time on balance,
$1.00 far to Portland.
-.Four mile from a .village. '"
All Plow Land
'Fertile soil.' ho0K4irrrvet'?ftn'
- ftomt -tracts on a trout oreeic -A
spring on many. ; . ., -.
Tred F. Huntress
401 McKay bldg., 8d and Stark,'
Choice Acreage '
Cioseto Portland on West Side
Land is very rich and -each i tract
front on a well graded road or street
and the tracts near the eleotrlo line
have good ldawalk. ' Store, schools,
telephones, delivery of mail and mer
chandise add to the comfort of subur
ban bom life. The new eleotrlo cars
will -make the distance froxa Fourth
and Washington streets 80 mlntuea.
Prloe $50 to $600 per aore, $28 to $60
down and (jinall payments monthly,
; ; - The Shaw-Fear Co,
Main 16. 101 Fourth St A-8800
.'.-,.. FIVE ACRES $260.
eia TVhtxrihr e uavw -t
Boy 8 acre of logged off land. From
a mil to 1 miles fom cents- of town
or - ivvu population, also cannery and
creamery. - Three quarters of mile
from railroad station on main line be
tween Portland and Aatorla. This land
is free from rocks and gravel. Ilea level
and will not overflow. Ideal for chick
en, raising, dairying, and small fruit.
Will grow anything that can be raised
in western Oregon. From som of tbes
tract you have a beautiful view of the
Columbia river; 400 acres from which to
chooae. Perfect title and warranty deed,
tit Railway Exchange Bldg- Id floor.
Between Id and 4th on Stark
Chicken Ranch ,
I aore for $1000, your wa
terms; one hour ride on the
electrio ear line; all in cultiva
tion and eet to clover; wire
fenced; county road; level ; no
-rock or gravel! open country
and thickly settled. Thl wlU
make von a swell home.
Ralph Ackley Land Co.
104 FalUnaT Bldg.
Well Cultivated Acre Tracts
4 mile from th courthouse,
'. Rich soil, good drainage, raised
heavy orops this year, $460 per
aore.. Some unimproved land. $826
per acre. EXCELLENT V AX.UE3.
Phone Main 1800 or A-6261.
M floor Selling bldg, cor. ta and
.. - Alder sia. .
" SMALL ftU.m 6U easy: t'erms '
Traots any slse from 4 aore , up.
Prloe from $26 to $66. Term 10 per
cent down and I yeara in which ta m
balanca Good soil, water plentiful: rail
road and good road through land. Work
In logging camp near by for settlers de
siring it xnis land is easily cleared and
the aoll will produce anything. that will
grow In thl climate. .. Before yon buy
elsewhere investigate. It will pay you,
Oil Chamber of Commerce, '
. 40 acre of first class bottom land,
fronting on th Willamette river, 10
minute out .of Balem on th Oregon
Electric; almost all In a high- State of
cultivation, $166 per acre: term, nothing
down, a small payment the fourth year,
4 annual payment - thereafter. 4 oar
cent; to improve th property in som
substantial way 1 our only requirement.
- Suburban Home Close
v to Electric Station
. 1 acres, llo far; all cleared; good
hons and barn: a very desirable plaoe;
a big snap at $1700: terma ca.n be ar
" hcu, uuiui uuuimor ww lu. up mi
$600 with soma cash. . . .fi
110 Gerllnger Bldg., 2nd and Alder sta
$300 Cash
Balance $16 per month will bay en
sore of grotfhd all under cultivation and
Improved with nice S room bungalow,
tt mil from Gilbert station, just beyond
Lenta. Pric $2000. - An ideal chicken
ranch and cloa in.
Kauffmann & Moore , .
325 Lumbar Exchange.
5 and 1 0 Acres Cheat;
$20 up, to $46 per, acre, on terma
Traot of S acres or more; deep, red
shot moti. well watered: easily cleared;
ideal for general farming, fruit, vege
table, dairying and ohloken raising; lo
cated on county road, close to live town
on R. R, and river, near Portland. Own
era . 7or Lwls bldg., 4th and Oak at.
10H ACRES, nearly all cultivated. New
buildings, ohicken runs and fences.
11 1 MA All 1.-4 , , ,
-, v., mm . v .Mm, auva . j 1,
plenty water, close to town, easy die-
fsiMMA. V4F Dn4lai YA Da - a
tetuw v 4 v v 4Ve) JbalW WKtOr irBIT
portttvtlon. Tlephon and mail delivery.
mtjvcus, way vuru'ji.fc OIQb
40 ACRES, a .mile from Mist, Or.; 6
acres cleared, 15 acre easily cleared;
worth $2000; there is $900 a till das at
110 Der month, no interest! aeli can.
tract bargain for cash, T-865. Journal.
Z Must Sell
S Tn Hlnsft I In PstatA
1$0 acres adjacent to Springfield, Oral
100 cleared, 10 timber, balanc pastura
New 6-room plastered house, barn 40x44,
I good well, creek through place. Good
orchard, bear well every year. Price i
only $46 an acra and must b cash to
close estate. One of the heir will loan
ii, wo on piao aesireo. see our Fort
land representative, Mr. Atchison, at 110
Qerlinger bldg.. 2nd, and Alder t '
RANCH, over $0,000 acres, Including
" ' , w - " -, . . U . UU11.
fa, H,ht, mn) ...Iiin -
ftore and merchandise; two railways
pas through property, also good wa-
?on . road, several hundred million
set of good timber, which alone
would pay for the place. Thl would
be a fine colonisation tract a it will
cut up well. v I can sell thl at more
than a bargain. ; Terms. Pride, $17.60
?er acra u. oinvenn, oil v;oroeti hlag,
J.Ait-1".1"- '" - . X ' i
tiattnm lind and rtav S1KAQ 4m .a
th price were low enough and th Una
were a good as any in the a tat of Ore-
Sont - I must have 81600 in the next 10
ay and must get it from sal of thl
land.. Of. course. It will be sold very
cheap, but I must hav the money sura iiLja tar ma ah aises at lair
prices, som stocked, good term, only
16 mllee from Portland. Bit or buying
elsewhere writ your want. U. B. Ap-
peraon, itiageiieio. min
Uhk ACRES two mile from swell town!
school and shipping point room
bouse, yard, barn, ohloken bou, gran
ary and hog housa running water, fam
ily orchard, on county road, all dear
but one aor.,; Price $200 per aore, all
cash. D. U. Keyt Perrydale, Or.
1 mil off carlloe, 6o far; ' 4 aore
cultivated; house and barn. , Sell rea
sonable. Call or address O, A. Schuts.
tl luranq ave,
WILL sell cheap my Peautlful home
farm on Tualatin river, 16 miles west
of Portland. Highly Improved. Address
T. Withycombe, 482 11th St., Portland. .
FOR SALIC 40 acre dairy farm, 1
' nrif 1 a fmm vril rn,A vnwn Will - -
clieap. i Owner, ; box 111, - Caatlerock,
Wash. , . .
$2500.00. - -Will
buy 15.6 acres, of Which I cr?s
are under cultivation, balance ' some
what rough with scattering timber; the
plowed ground i level; there 1 a box
house, 20x24, 2 small barns, chicken
house, 18 prune trees, 1 quince and
som berries, all in bearing, fenced on
both sides, the, soil is black, heavy, rich
soil; It is well, watered: the Yamhill
liver forms part of the boundary Una
Place is 1 mile from good business town
in Yamhill county, about 88 miles from
Portland; would consider an exchange
for house and lot in Portland or a good
vacant, jot- There 1 a IHM morf
teresv it is payauie at ' uu per year
for the first four years, the first $200
payable September , 1st 1914, - and 'the
balance of $800 in one year. It is a
splendid neighborhood and would' make
a nloe little liomo for some one.
. itwwm-..- -Tr--- T-rMTJr - -
U1TO & HAxuveSUN KEALl'I W,-
188 V, First atreet "
A fePLENDiD aRm bUyW 5LAt;-
AMAo VUUNTV. ' i k y '
1170-100 acres, about 28 acres under
Cultivation, balance slashed, crop con
sist of ,18 acres of grain, oats and
wheat 6 acre of potatoes, good family
orchard, plaoe fenced and cross fenced,
4 room housa good barn, ' and th fol
lowing personal property goes with th
plaoe; . Good team- of horses, harness,
double set, I wagon. 1. new. Stude-
oaker, I good J seated nacic, l nice
driving, mare, 1 good Jersey cow. -1
heifer. 1 aood brood sows, .harrow." 1 1-
horse -cultivator,- new; large cider
press, grinder, Incubator and brooder,
also a lot of small tools and all house
hold goods; prloe 1260 per acre; every
thing included; good terma- Or would
consider an exohange for a stock ranon
in southern uregon, preieraoiy , near
: ,'' 183H First treet . . '. -
; W PER'MiBE;'
; Uplands of Arkansas1 '
is AAA ara to nhonsa from! fruit and
diversified farming,, 47. .mile north of
Hot Springs, on main lin of Rock Is
land, rainfall plentiful. month farm
ing year; small deposit balanc 6 years.
Write for free descriptive booklet Ad
dress land department .
Fort Smith Lumber Co.
Midland, Bldf Ktnsa Oty, Mo.
Colonization . - ;..
25,000 Acres -
Tb price 1 low; different than gen
erally asaea xor rougn lanus 1 anu as
40 nor cent is level. 90 per oent can be
cultivated. The oil 1 high grade, well
watered nv streama a railroad through
th cantor. I am certain that It 1 the
first attractive oolonisation projeot re
cently orierea. , - -
The traot is situated 10 mile from
the coast elevation from 100 to 400
feet; cut and burned over. There is a
deep, clear lake on mile aquar where
me rauroaa peases, a line vownnne.
About 10 per oent beaver dam.' Mills
and logging companies will pay good
wages to several hundred, xne pri
will not be hawked, parti a must have
OBO, E. WAGGONER, $06 Yeon Bldg.
' 10 acres, 18 aore cleared, on county
road. I miles from town, I houses, each
16x14, small barn, 14x20. 8 - ohicken
houses, woodsheds and root cellar. The
nous ana ounaings er not mucn xor
look, out th land is wnat we are goin
to aalL Thar are 10 aore alaahed am
seeded to pasture, and the balance la
first growth fir good : piling timber.
Thara are aom taola and imnlement
on th plaoe. Prloe $6000, small amount
and bafano good term, or would trade
mostly all of it for Portland property.
10 acre,- acre ciearea, room
house, plenty .water, on county . road,
I TTillea from Rldcefleld. some toola.
Prloe $$000. $700 wlU handle: good
term balance, or will trade, up to $2009,
H. B. APPERBON.Rldgeflcld, Wash. .
i II aero near Orexon Cltv. 40 In ul
tlvatton, fine tract crop, atock and ma
chinery, $7800; terma .
480-acr atock ranch In Grant ooun-
ty, a bargain at $7600; term.
80 acraa in Linn county, near rail-
road, buildings, I orchards, 36 acres in
cultivation, $2800, $800 cash,
28$ acre near Goldendale, Waah 70
acre in fall wheat $10 per aor If
taken aoon.- '
A large list of real bargalna ' It you
are looking for a good farm at a low
figur and reasonable term, it 1 to
your interest to call and see what we
nav. . ,. - - -
111 Ablngton Bldg. Mar. 2781. A-B86I.
Snap in Lane County
401 acre, t mile from Junction City,
on main county road; about H fenced;
In cultivation, hay and grain, bal
ance can be easily cultivated; no waste
land on th place; all lie quit level,
mall stream close to 'th nous and
barn; I eets of building, not of much
value but habitable, with exoeptton of
new hay barn. Price $60 an acre. This
plan can be bad at practically your own
term. $7600 mortgage at 7 per oent now
due, but can be arranged to be extended.
Kupper & Humphry
" 111-213 Chamber of Com mere
$0 acre, fin piece of exoellent land,
all tillable, muoh easily ceared, 2,000,000
feet timber, fine large stream across
corner, I saw mills near, some fine
farm Vicinity, fin auto road from
Portland, 2 mile Scappoose, 21 Port
land, easily worth $66 an aore, but
foroed sale to close an tate. offered
for $2600. Cah;' Clear perfect Utla
WlU buy If see this. Must bar the
,. ,.', Becker. ' ----i-:Z?.
Marshall 1148. 827 Lumber Exohange,
60 aore in cultivation; located half
a mil from electrio transportation, 6
miles gputhwest of Salem. Price $126
fier acre; term, nothing down andnoth
ng for four years, interest 8 per cent
if you will Improve the property. Call
on' or sddress
618-19 Board of Trade Building.
0U acre, cleared, , fenced, well, 8
block electrio station, near Oswego;
I miles Portland courthouse, price
$8600, $600 cash, easiest term on bal-
n " BECKER. '
Marshall 1848. 817 Lumber Exch antra.
v A Farm Near Gresham
10 acres, mostly in cultivation; good
T room house, barn and root house, good
oil, good wat-r, plenty of fruit en good
road, 1 mile to -electrio car; crop goes
with place; a good buy at $6000; terma
B. P. Osburn, 603 McKay bldg.
60 ACRES. IS In bearing orchard; all
river bottom; 14 mile from Salem,
1H miles from railroad station. House,
barn, farm tools, horses, wagon, 8 tons
hay, cows, pis, chickens, 1 aore pota
toea, Price $8600, $2000 down,
x wssnington.
155 ACRES fine land; Clackamas Co.. 60
aore in cult, house, barn, creek,
plenty fruit, eto; front on co. road, H
mile from school, price 337.60 , per
era -$1360 handle. Tate Realty Co.
840 4th st ;'"""'' -. ''.'.'', ' '
16 ACRES joins station. Fourth atreet
' line, 13 miles out Good large house
and barn, out buildings, all cultivated.
Family orchard. . Price $5000: . worth
much more easy term Jacob Haas,
uerunirer omg.
160 ACRE farm, 12 mllee from Enter-
prise. Wallowa county. Or.; good Urn
bar, timothv meadow, aood watar. wall
fenced, good buildings; $4600; part trad
ijlua. tin.- B 7 xnn
Texas school lands-1$ ' to II
anrai 1-40 down, balance 40 Vaara:
information and Texas map free. Jour
nal Pub. Co., Houston Texas. -FOR
SALTSSO acres bottom land. 21
. acre under cultivation. No Improve
ment. Prloe $6000, half cash, L. Hoi-
lidav. Thomas, ur,
DON'T fail to see my farm list Hav
om of the best dairy farm In Wal
lamette valley. . Come and get particu
lars. Neal Brown, 118 Swetland bid;.
- V TEE .
Read This Story About the
Widow's Alfalfa Ranch '
216 aore. all fine. . rich land. 118
acres now in irrigated alfalfa. ,. 78 acres
reao.y lor auaixa or grain. 4J aoros jiot
irrigated, but all flna farm land. Wa-
little home, good barn, bunk houses,
excellent, garden and family - orchard,
quite a number of stock including work
uvraes, muies, cow, pigs, aneep, oucks,
chickens, and all the implement neces
sary for handling place. Racks, for
feeding 100 cattle. Hous nicely car
peted and furnished, and everything goes
witn me piece except personal etxecta,
such as clotures, books eta. r We have
It from reliable stockmen that this
place will ylejd 600 to 750 ton of al
falfa a year, worth $7 -a ton in the
tack, and as a feeding station the ranch
1 worth $60,000. Th price i $16,600
and a cash payment of $6500 takes it
with easy term on balance. '--,
204 Morrison st, Portland, Or. '
: IS acre. 10 acre in cultlva
; tlon, 6 mora half cleared, fam- i
ily orchard, 6 room house, other
. buildings fair. This place Is civ
. electrio Hn only en hour from
; center of Portland. Cut to '
, $3500. s t
70 acres farm, 10 aore In cul
'.. ttvatlon, balance eaally cleared. .
- Front on Clackamas river,-two
other stream through place, good
- buildings, good family orchard.
' Thia farm must be sold to settle
- an, eUta- Prloe out to $6000.
121 acres. 80 acre In eultlva -:
tlon, balanc In pasture and tlm- v
, ber, 4 mile from the town of
Yamhill on rook road. Prloe $18.-
000, Include all atock, moohin- i
ery, grain and 'feed. . . , -
.108-6 Stock Exohange bldg. . .
400 Acres'
' No better or deeper soil anywhere,
Thl farm took 11 - first prise'
, at th county fair on fruit, al
falfa, clover and timothy. First
class buildings. The place is
all fenced and cross fenced. Irri
gation ditch with perpetual right
of 30 miners' Inches of water.
Selling on - account of old aga
- Will consider small part unlneum- '
bered Portland eroperty, part cash
and balance 4 per oent Prloe $80
per acra If you want to do good
diversified farming this cannot be
- matched.
$00 Journal bldg.
140 aore all good soil, lay fine. 160
acres practically level; - living water,
abundance of free outrange. On county
road 40 mile from Portland. A fine
property for a stock ranch.
"-. 'u"."'.; $600.00 '.--'". t'Vt'J&it.t
10 aero of fins land lay almost
level, fin spring water, some timber.
On good county road close to neigh
bors, I miles from railroad station, 40
mile from Portland. Som term. -,
$1200.00. . "
10 acra of fin land. 1 acre cleared,
fenoed and In crop. About 10 acre ooen
pasture, some good timber. Spring
water. Nearly new 4 room bungalow,
coat $500, H4 mile from fin railroad
town, juaay terma
US Board of Trade.
Dairy farm consisting of 180
acre. Over 100 acre in cultiva
tion; all tillable land except about
10 acres. Plenty of running water;
good automobile road; five mile
from Tillamook; stock; crops, lm-
? lements. all go with place. For
he email pric of $116 per aor.
Will guarantee $1600 crop thia
' year. Hay in barn, fully equipped
for dairying. W are going to sell
thl property. For full informa
tion, call on v
. G. S. Smith k Co. ,
411 Chamber of Commeroe, -
A Real Farm
' 100 acres, 40 under cultivation, aom.
timber; land lay level, good road, fine
meadow, family orchard, . place lis all
fenced and well drained, 4 room housa
large barn,' fine pasture, about 40 acres
of beaverdam, good well and aprlng, 2
miles from store, churoh and echool 12
mile from Vanoouver. Personal prop
arty consists of 7 oowa, cream separator,
mower, Boeder, good team, wagon, har
ness, 40 chickens, about SO tons of hay.
and all small toola Pric if sold aoon
$8160; $1160 cash, balance in 6 or 10
Thompson & Swan .
.612 Main St
" Vancouver, Wash.
AN ideal dairy ranch, comprising over
40 acre of rich sandy loam.'. No
waata Two permanent running creeks.
Horaea and Jeraev and Durham , cowa
and complete working nlant All thor
oughly up to data A fin modern two
story residence, with all modern lm-
firovementa, city , water, electrio light
ng, etc, and under 10 'minute walk
from two railway station (eleotrlo).
Within 10 ml lea from Portland. Has
produced good Incom to owners for
yeara If you want to own the finest
dairy farm of it six In the state. Let
m mow you mi. .
' H9 Henry Building. f
.' - f FOR SALSI. '
to acres very best soil. 10 miles east
on Columbia, close to station and boat
landing fine school across road. It
acrss cleared, 1 - tine springs, good 4
room ' house, barn, ohicken houses, I
fores orchard, small fruit, U stock,
mplements, and 14 tons hay. Can keep
10 cows on this plaoe; 81700 will handle
thia If Interested, calf at 126 W. Park,
evening. .... W. EL Ireland, owner. .
Oregon City carllna, mile (IS mln
tttes) from town and station; les than
8 miles Portland courthouse; 10H acrea
all tillable: 7 d eared, timber for fuel,
fenoed. well. 100 fruit trees, rich soli,
4 room house, good barn, eto, and the
prloe Is only $4500, and $500 cash, and
very easy - terms, will take it Land
vary high value around It Rare oppor
tunity. . H. ,,'t, '"''" " ' ' ft I w ,
Marshall 1148. 887 Lumber Exchange,
Near Portland Stock Ranch
15 mile southeast on good county
road, 4 mllee from 8. P. Ry. and Clacka
mas station; 40 acres in cultivation; 60
acres more can', b cultivated: running
water and springs; 6 room house, larg
barn 60x61, all outbuildings S acrea good
bearing orchard, other small fruits; deep
soil, well Heated; can be bought for $9o
per aore on good terms. Paper eV Baker.
444 Sherlock bldg.
- 20 Acres $500 Cash :
20 mile northeast of Portland. 4 miles
from eleotrlo Hn near Vancouver on
rood county road. Good soil, all tillable
and, 7 acres now under cultivation,
balanc timber. Family orchard, good
spring and well; 6 room house, barn
and outbuildings. Pric $3,000.
Kaufmann & Moore
- 828 Lumber Exchange,
' 1410 acres, 600 acres of ni:..' '
12 miles of barbed wlm f-cni i
of grass and fed of s i hinv , i ,
river transportation. Finest ln" '
earth. A real home of 13 roonn. 1
cold water, cement walk, fin- t
everything. Buildings all first tu .i i
very reapect ' ' . ;
600 suep. 140 regintered Cotffwou ,! tv" . '
as anything in the state, auo
hogs, chickens, geeae. turkeys. It i)
of hay, several tons of oats,
chop, etc, 2 wagons, nerve, stump oon ,
drill, plows, harrows, elder press.' new
er, rake, and all kinds of other lm ;
ments, cream separator. i motor
tuba, nouaehola gooae inciuuini? pisif-.
new furniture, phonograph and i: i
records, 43 stands of beea, 600 llit. hon
ey, big lot of canned f rulta, prlvato ti-
fmone. ano a lot or otner tmna w vi
ed and numerous to mention, lie
hunting and fishing in the went r l
at the place. The Pioneer is p' j
retire to leas acuve ui nw inn. n-
has hewn this place out Of raw maicrla.,
and you walk into a real home, with tha
stock multiplying on you faster than
you can handle them.
The price is $50,000, everyth'n In
cluded, and If a big buy for a big maa.
W can make attractive - terma. ST.
CHARLES LAND CO., 204 Morrison st
Portlan d. '" " ' - ' "' ' '
Gilbert's Bargalns-No. 2
'.' No. 11 20 acres With 17 acres
cleared, good hous and barn, all level,
th finest of aoll, within M mil of
Homan, 6 mUe from Vancouver. It
an ideal home and It will pay you to
look it over. Pric $6000, $2000 caab,
balanc 7 years. .-.."--.. - -
No, 11 16 acres ' with 11 acre
cleared, aome fin timber, lie levet th
finest of soH, 1 mile from R R and
7 miles from Vancouver, on a good road,
fin neighborhood, I horses, 1 cows, I
heifers, one calf, 100 chicken, pig, new
room bungalow, good barn, all kind
of fruit ohicken house and brooder, all
farm implements, small tools and crops,
cream separator, hay fork in barn. Its
one of the best buys in Clark county.
Pric $6000, 13000 oaah, balanc 1 years
at 6 per cent If you, want something
good, see this, s - - ; v
No. 13. Old . Lucky -10 V acre, all
cleared and fenced Into 4 fields with
k.-h- ...iiirh wlra. all laveL thei fin-
eat of soil, fin 1 room house, well and
windmill, tank and tower, fin team, I
-ami mva -11 Arnna and farm machin
ery, 1 mUe from car lln on a fin road.
an laeai neiguuurau, u"
eparator. in fact everything ready to
start in with, about 126 bushel oats,
about 15 ton of hay, fin barns, chick
an hnuaaa. hack. toD buggy, 1 wagons.
heavy and light harness. It will pay
you to look thl over. If a hummer.
E. F. GILbtKI w '
1 At Waabinxton st. Vancouver, Wash,
SIXT ?-SIX acres in Ym,hll unty n
main county road. 1 miles from New
berg, H mile Rex station on 8. P. eiec.
Highly improved. Good house, fin or
chards, berries and clover and hij U"-!.
Ideal nog ana suit , , -stream
through farm, no Jo1" . '
standing water in winter. The beat buy
In Yamhill county. Owner cannot give
personal attention and mut U at
once. Smith ft Ferguson. Newberg, Qr.
i A-(ur w. S KV.K RRi
160 aer farm for ale, In Wniamett
valley for less than improvement cost
Harbolt Realty Co.. Lewis bldg. ,
HAVE calls for. 10 to HO acre trm
ortra'dV write"ua7 giving
tlon- owners only. - The Atchison Allen
Co.. 210 Gerllnger Piog.;.
40 OR 60 acres, unimproved, good lying
farm la no, aaust ne -' s
c,.,. location, nrice, eto. : J.
Kravco, nn D-i Portland, Or,
WANT to buy good farm from owner.
Give price and description. Ormsby,
Box 754, Chicago. -
WANTED to rent, improved farm with
- to 60lle of Portland;, about SO
acres. T -8 , joumau
BUfTO ... 'i - . 1 '1 .
WaNTEB 6 or 10 aor ranch, close In,
for -hJ H. Walker, Holbrook, Or.
FOR RENT 66 acre ranch, ell clear.
Al soUL 1 barn. 1 7 room house. 1 1-1
from town7 600 ft from landing;
Soc i ' Jl on boItrom Portland and 76o
f arty. Tnmiira 71 6th st. A fleanman.
ib ACRES, 440 in cuttivatlonj ; bane or
German with hogs and - cows and
nlentv of heln preferred. Cash rent
?800 W terS.W year. Byron B.
Rhuck. owner, amhlll. Or.
80 ACRES. Itt miles from tanoy, aw
"."H . -, balance in paa-
-irina water fruit and buildings.
Pho'ne JHinfr 146 Tlbbot st.
H asvriio a-rvj a w - - , . ,. .
THREE good farma one chicken ranch,
T neS Portland for raat ,-"mP
velop bring particular. .C-713, Jour
5o ACRES near Oregon City. 15 cult.
2reek7fuel. bldg. $ 71 yr.te .reliable
rarty. H. F. Ronaia. nuam m.
7th fcnTWMbinton. room 21,
6 " ACRES house, uerns.
L , Cohn, Bills-
dale nt 1, Box 16-A
rose, ureanani t-t". , ...
! ACRES, close in. Orchard, gartlea
-St7i't ralalnar . convenience, i.-
KIA .TAiirnal.
SMALL dairy for rent close in. A.-l,
FARM for rent call
stone ave. and 1 2d.
call's. W. cor. Ulad-
HOMESTEAD "relinquishment 270 acres.
175 aore what land., good house, all
fwcd; thprlng,n.r worth
81000: only 1 mile from good rauroaa
towiv 'eleofrio lights, bank, blgh chool,
newspaper, churches, stc; price reaaon-
aDie. K.A-en.
flOR SALE by owner 10 acre relin-
ulshment . mllesn of !
Idaho Second cholc in 14.000 act
ortwlng. ater b the land. Must eelU
Q-648. Journal. ' ' " ' ",. "m ,
6 TRADE or Improved "mall arm.
l six room house, lot 60x140, s jvo.
San Dlei Si. Addr. William ilast
cor. 2d and Ash,
HOMESTEAD near Peruana. Jiowopea
for entry, men i-im, .....,
railroad, desirable, ; Covey, , 247 Oalc.
Room 21.
HAVE dandy modem room eu"1"
Wlll traas iorjiuii5' ;rr v
ranch, between Portland and coast a-
A-l HOMESTEAD land now open for
Close to small town, on new
R. una
Call tturnwiag bu.
FOR SALE Good Improved relinauiaii-
went Tcall 181 14th after 7 p. m. or
Sunday. ,v ' - .''' ' ,
TIMBER in larg and small area, in
tracts up to a billion foet or over,
also several tract of logged orf laid.
Report snd estimates made on land aud
timber. P. Stevens, 628 Corbett M
$80 acres finest timber, 6 W million lu
aood road; sawmill handy; right on
Molalla river. Price $4it.. iaw i--alty
Co.. 249 4th.. st. "' .,,- ,
t ' isxchancb--risai bTAT:: ri
MODERN 4 room house cor. t.
Portland, to trade for Tlllamoi. -
erty. J. . A Wilson, Box !, 1i.
mook. Ore.
EXCHANGE, equity of ;...ui M '
.modern houses. Portlmul, for
1 i
ranch In Willamette valley. A-
Journal. , , .
ROOMING houae. clo 1", l -"
Will trade for nou ari'i iui i
age. Excellent locauon i-t t
JuaraViKll X4:
FINE corner lot, 1 room i
surface tret. -
for acreage. 1'lione Viu .. "
fcOnii CUy I
ii.- e. i
I. J '"
riv. phone
Yii- o i 1 1 1 i