The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 27, Image 27

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cLEArjurJESS:is;cor:.FELu::G factor in, 1conduct,pf Big dairy ranch
' ITs' With ' "Aifvanc'ed
' " f "P1
fersjfNews Notes uoncern
Ing District, V '
- V-;J Y
St. Johns, Or, Oct W. The new
in f ,ng Methods, Result
' ' jy red Lockley. ( ' ;
j0 ting at ths' Knocker'
! I I r
Commercial club, lu.. I
fern Richardson, Dr. EX A.
half a dozen more of u&
yis 1 said about' Irrigating
Jlamette valley.
castle iy'i..ti&. money to put water
on land in the Willamette valley," said
one of .the group. ' - .. !-; '
"Yet of all the enterprises I am pro
moting X believe I am doing- more real
ary . workrf ,; . In. h fi the farmer
throughout'WiJP'Wdnetle vrly see
how. In 'July and'August, hen their
' gardens have stopped all growth our
are doing their heat -work, we will soon
have them all converted to giving their
I gardens and berry patches the moisture
they are crying for." ' .
' "You spoke Of this being your favor
i lte enterprise," said another of tho
group oround the table, "Wbjat are your
I other enterprises V ' 4 - ,.;'-
"Well, the ones I 'take the most ln
' terest In are my Clover Hill Dairy farm,
' my poultry ranch, the St Johns Woolen
Mill with its 825 employes,' Rose City
,i park and Park Rose property, the street
ear line to the latter place, of which
,1 am president, the Hartman A Thomp
1 son . bank, the but that Is enough to
I give you an. idea of how I spend my
leisure." . i
- JL JCOdel Dairy rami. -..
. i asked Mr. Thompson to take me
,to his dairy ranch. The next after-
noon found us en route to Deer Island,
'where the Clover Leaf Dairy ranch is
located. The road passes beside . Sau
jvie's Island, through St Helens and on
;,to Deer Island, $8 miles distant from
Portland,- krf.vvin":vi'
From the front porch of ;tha farm
house one sees a beautiful lake fn the
' foreground.; surrounded by well kept
'(fields., In the distance gleams the
river,-while "oh the horlion 8t. Helen's
now clad peak Is silhouetted against
the blue of the sky.!A:.i:--;-'--r'.A--t'-'::
- The farm bouse Is on the crest of
rolling bill To the right is a thrif
ty garden, While across the fence is a
16 acre field Of- kale. Beyond the lawn
with its rose bordered path is an orchard
f young peach trees and pears:
"Before I take you through the dairy
barns," said Mr. Thompson, "I want to
show you something of this farm. I
bought it a few years ago for US an
acre. There are about' 435 acres here.
It was very much in the rough rail
' fences .and barbed wire gates, timber
'slashed and brush everywhere. I saw
, possibilities In It - Merrill creek flows
' through Merrill valley across the ranch.
It was an overgrown jungle when I
; bought it ' Look at it now and I have
Only started. Walt a few years. '
"For a long time I .put in a thousand
' Hollars a month '' clearing the plane.
Borne months the payroll amounted to
$2600. ,1 knew that every cent put In
- was an investment, not an expense.
: " The government furnished me 60,000
trout fry to stock Merrill creek. That
may seem to have very little to do with
mannings dairy ranch; but It all makes
lor beauty and value of the place,
"The delightful feature here is that
' very year our soil Is richer. We are
building It up, not 'robbing it of its
4 fertility. I have a manure spreader
and all of the manure from my 1$6 oows
and young belfers goes back on the
Viand.- 1
"I long ago discovered that it is false
economy to save money in the quality
of your stock. For instance, that Duroo
Jersey Red boar cost me $IQ0, but I
- get bis cost back in bis progeny. I get
. 125 apiece for the young boars and the
pigs I raise develop faster and. make
i quicker growth. , In other words, I can
turn them into meat much sooner than
the ordinary pigs."
'..V';' Con Handled With Care.
f Wa went to the barn. The hallway
i through the center Is of concrete slop
ing slightly from each end toward the
i center. The barn Is light, airy and
r. there is absolutely no odor. On each
aide was a row of 40 or 60 cows. They
were 'Standing on wooden floors built
; flush with the concrete.. They were
i held by swinging iron frame stanchions
flxed on swivels, la front of each eow
about three feet from the floor -was a
pall of water, , with an automatlo float
valve to keep the water always at the
-'game level.-: ' v v '' y
v - "That seems like a little thing." said
1 . Mr. Thompson. ' "My neighbors thought
, it was a fad. Yet that automatlo wa
' ter pall keeping as it does, elear, fresh
water always before the cow, Increased
i our milk production 10 per cent and
ithat means a good deal in our monthly
I milk check-;1 We sell over $2000 worth
of milk a month, our yearly Income
elng In excess Of $25,000," . '
' As soon ' as the cows are milked the
" sjarn is scrubbed and flushed out The
, walls and all exposed parts are sprayed.
(The cows themselves are sprayed daily
to keep off the . flies. - About an hour
''.,' before milking time their flanks and
'udders are carefully washed with a dls
' 'inf octant As we passed down the line
' of cowl they looked as carefully brushed
and tended as a string of race horses.
.',Vi '"Let tne see your hands," said Mr.
Thompson to one milkman . after au
" other. "You see we practice the sys
.' tern of milking with dry hands and you
' will notice 'the men milk through a
" cheesecloth eoreen which covers. tho
milk bucket." We stopped in front of
. a beautifully sleek cow. The milker
- stopped and said, "This is" Princess. She
' gave eight gallons a day when fresh,
. but ws have been milking her fpr eight
,'' months and she is giving four gallons
a day now." We walked down the line
. . "1'his l Dolly o Gray,'' Mid Mr,
" Thompson ; '1 imported her from thi
- Isle of Guernsey. I paid a thousand
dollars for- her. ' She comes of a ' fa
mous strain i Of milkers, I get $800
'. each for her calves. '. This is Sister
Pelsey. 6b e took the sweepstakes prise
7 tor tho state of Washington at North
i Yakima as a three year old. She was
'' the best milker In the state. I suppose
you have noticed. that I have a line ot
. Jersey, a line of Guernseys and a lint
of Holsteins. We. have a regular sys
tem for combining - their milk. The
milk of one, Guernsey and one Jersay
is combined with the milk of four , Hol
steins. The Guernsey gives the rich
creamy" taste, -the Jersey gives ,tht
cream or butter fat and the Holsteln
gives the quantity, Here Is Pet, a cow
1 have had. for four years. She gives
' five gallons a day and her milk tests
over 5 'par- cent- butter -fat" !:--?:,x
Leaving the oows we went to' what
- Mr. Thompson calls his kindergarten,
' where the little calves are. - From there
we . went . to ; the "grammar school,
where the calves six or eight montn
old are kept, i t
"Here is a maternity ward and that
one over there Js an Isolation ward,
4 where we keep a cow that has anything
"! wrong with her."
We passed on to the milk nousa.
"Her is the sterilising yat," said Mr.
I --a vy..
Department of - Education Is
Commended for Efforts To
ward Beneficial Legislation,
(Special to The Journal.)
Medford, Or., Oct 18. At a meeting
of the Jackson county school officers
association this afternoon the following
resolution was unanimously adopted:
- Whereas, there are many "school dis
tricts that are unable to properly main
tain school on the fields received from
the county and state; and
Whereas, the assessed valuation of
many districts is not large enough to
furnish funds from a reasonable special
tax to coyer the deficiency; . "
Therefore, be it resolved, that this
meeting endorse the movement of the
state department of education for the
betterment of schools - throughout ths
state, , and suggest that said board con
tinue its' efforts to uave a law passed
that will provide for a state tax of as
many mills as shall be necessary to pro
vide a, fund for the proper maintenance
of every public school in this state.'
The -committee was composed of Ed M.
White, G. W. Ager and A. A. Boyce.
In the morning, Welborn Beeson
talked on school finances and taxation,
and in the afternoon Mrs. J. C Pendle
ton Of Table Rock gave an Interesting
paper on the school as a social center.
Following Mrs. Pendleton, E. F. Carle
ton, assistant state school superintend
ent of Salem, addressed the meeting on
school fairs, and a general discussion
followed concerning manual training
and domestlo sciences. . '
Sheridan, Or, Oct 18. Superintend
ent 8. D. Campbell and Assistant Super
intendent D. R, Field of the Southern
Pacific, with other officials of the road,
visited Sheridan today, arriving by spe
olal train from Dallas, where the spe
cial party's train barely escaped being
consumed by fire, i -The depot grounds
at Sheridan were Inspected, preparatory
to the Installation of equipment and the
making of improvements towards beau
tifying . the railroad ' yards In Sheridan.
The bard surface pavement adjacent to
the Bouthern Paclfio tracks at this
place also, came under the scrutiny of
ths officials. The special mads a trip
to Willamlna, over the tracks taken
over by the Portland, Eugene & Eastern,
returning by way of Sheridan. .
dhehalls, Wash., Oct.:': II. George
Ames of Lincoln creek killed" a big bear
yesterday and Earls Young, who lives
seven miles west of Winlock, also killed
a bear recently under peculiar condi
tions. His dog treed the bear. Young
had to go home some distance to get a
gun, so h tied his dog to ths tree un
der the bear, hastened for .the rifle and
on his return loosened the dog and shot
the bear.- Tom Snow and Mr. Leathers
killed three bears near Winlock.
Carl Jfull of Hanford varied matters
somewhat . by killing a 101 pound cou
gar thai measured; six feet and a half
from'' tip to tlp.,,v?!:a-';-;M';;fv,aj-:vg'g:-.',;
Thompson. "Every bottle and every
utensil is put through a steam bath be
fore being "used, and subjected to a 60
pound, pressure of live steam, - Her is
where the milk bottles are washed, be
fore going to their sterilising bath. It
Is a steam rotary washer. - The bottles
are put on these brushes, boiling water
Is forced through the brushes and they
are revolved rapidly. r u,. - . ' , 5 '
1 "Ths milk Is forced through sterilised
if tnn. 7 it la welehed and Doured Into
this container through a sterilised fil
ter, y By gravity it is forced up tnrougn
another-filter into tho cooler and from
there the : bottles are , automatically
filled, paraflned wafers cap the bottle
and ovr that goes parannea cap witn
a wire fastening automatically clamped
on. ' The oases are then ; iced and the
milk Is ready for shipment as certified
"We go to what seems unnecessary
trouble and care, but It pays not only
have we the satisfaction of running s
model dairy, but from ths standpoint of
dollars ana cent 11 is a prontaoie ousj
ness," ,
and exterior views of big dairy on Deer
Excited Workers Would Rath
er ProsDect;Than Work on
Siskiyou Highway,
Medford. Or, Oct. 1$. Considerable
excitement was caused In Medford to
day when A. D, Walters, working with
Assistant State Highway Engineer Kit
tredge On the survey for the new per
manent . highway - over - the. Slskiyous,
brought In a basket of gold ore found
in an excavation, near the summit Ac
cording to local mining men the ire is
rich. It will be assayed tomorrow by
the local assay bureau, and If present
hopes are realised there will probably
be a rush of mlnfng men In that direc
tion Monday, as the road is close to the
Southern Paclfio right of way and easily
It has always been thought, the gold
deposits in Jackson were all in ths West
ern foothills and toward the coast the
Siskiyou range being regarded as a dead
prospect. Walters declares they struck
a well defined ledge three feet wide and
that Klttredge is having a hard time
keeping bis men at work on the pro
posed road, as they are much excited
over the find. .
Denver, Oct. 18. Up to a late hour
tonight no further outbreak had been
reported in the Southern Colorado coal
fields where 8000 miners are on strike.
The battle of -Friday, by far the most
serious clash between strikers and mine
guards that has marked the strike, has
evidently awed both sides. The condition
of Deputy R, E. Bradley and Mike Van
lorl, a striker, who were wounded in
this battle, Is said to be critical, ac
cording to dispatches from Trinidad.
United Mine Workers officials this
afternoon began the circulation of pe
titions calling upon the governor to take
over the coal mines .and operate them
until the legislature can convene in ex
tra session to pass a compulsory arbi
tration .la and a bill permitting the
state to mine its own coal.
Stockton, CaL, Oct 18-MUes .Roach,
who pleaded ' guilty to murder in the
Second degree, was sentenced today to
20 years in Folsom by Judge Smith.
Roach . shot and killed Luis Peres, a
Mexican, at Holt, Feb. 19, last Roach
thought Peres had robbed him of $40,
but. Roach's purse was subsequently
found in his own cabin. --. ,c SV
f Roach asked to be released on pro
bation. The request was denied. ; ;
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, siOssl aisf f si 4is's)reterf i ft itffllhsj L'ihfcjbsb-isV. :sssUt;ms
Milton, Or, Oct 18. Milton Is soon
to have a new two story hotel, 80x86
feet'.--' f'v : '.',:...::' y.'. '.-. r
On the lower tloor will be large store
T t JY4
Lewis River Is Favorite Place
for Operation of ConT.:
cealed Nets,
Cathlamet, Wash., Oct. 18. Deputy
Fish Commissioner , J. P. Burcham ar
rested' three set net fishermen at the
mouth of the Lewie river, opposite St
Helens.' Two of the men, Jeff Beebe
snd Osoar Hollands, had 860 pounds of
fish In. their boat whloh they had Just
taken from three nets, cleverly ' con
cealed below the surface of the water.
Lewis river la a hatching stream and
all fishing on It is illegal. Peter Han
sen, a third violator,' was captured a
few minutes later. .
In the Justice court at Kalama, Han
sen pleaded guilty and was fined $50.
Beebe and Rollins denied their guilt and
were fined $63 each. The men's fines
were paid by the fish buyers at St Hel
ens. The arrests were made by clever
detective work on the part of the dep
uty, violators of the fish law there hav
ing maintained a system difficult to de
tect It is reported that $800 worth of
steelhead salmon were Illegally caught
at the mouth of the Lewis river last
winter. '
l m I, 1
Tacoma, Wash., Oct 18. Henry Su
wol, Aberdeen merchant accused of
concealing $12,000 worth of 'saleable
goods after he had become' bankrupt
and Sam Levy and Bam Kaufman,
charged with conspiring to assist Suwol
In hiding the merchandise, we;e found
guilty by a Jury In federal court here
A near riot took place in the Jury
room during tho deliberations, the Jury
men being unable to agree until violent
discussion that almost culminated In
a free for all. fracas. Judge Cuahman
will sentence the trio October 27.
Philomath, Or, Oct 18. Adella ' V.
Corman, wife of Rev. .C. W. Corman,
pastor of the United Brethren Church
of this place, died at the parsonage
' Adella Stimeon was horn in Ionia
county, Mich.. May 15, 1866. July 1,
1879, she was married to C. W. Corman,
at Kent county, Mich. She is survived
by two children.
Mrs. Corman appeared to be In usual
health Tuesday night, but as she pre
pared to retire she was stricken with
paralysis, and remained unconscious
nearly all night and unt(l she died Just
before noon.
i . . i
- WJt4:4
r ' New hotel at Carlton. '
- ,-,;.. ,. , , ,,.-.' i ' if ' . ,. , a y , .; . f , n,"- ' I , '.' ,.i..-
room's, a lobby, kitchen and " dining
room.. 1 The second floor will have 84
rooms, with . baths, each room to have
running hot and oold water, :
schedule of the Portland and St Johns
streetcar line will go into effect to
morrow. Odd numbered cars will run on
the south side, on Dawson street al
ternating on the schedule with) even
numbered cars which will run on the
north lde, on Fessenden street The
running time of cars routed via the
south side will be four - minutes less
than the north side time. . .
. Special exercises for the ' graduation
of alsht children from' the kindergarten
to the primary grades of the Sunday
school will be held at United Kvangei
loal church at 10 a. m. tomorrow. All
Interested are Invited. , Sunday, Qotober
2(, will be men's day, the entire direc
tion of the Sunday school and the spe
cial program being in the hands of the
men. ' '?'..;.....-; ; "y
After eight weeks in Good Samaritan
hospital. Portland, Mrs. John Poff Is
convalescing at her home here, a -
Thursday evening the Home Mission
ary Society ' of St Johns M. E. church
and its friends were entertained at the
home of Mrs, Olsen, Richmond and Fill
more streets. About 80 persons were
present, and enjoyed vocal solos by Mrs.
Patton and Mr. Dunsraore, a piano solo
by Miss Vincent and , reading by Mrs.
O. M. Hall. ::r--r:z 1
Ths grading and1 building . of side
walks on Polk street from Dawson
street to Portland boulevard, is almost
finished. Grading work on .Willis and
Willamette boulevards, which 1 to be
hard surfaced, is progressing satisfac
torily. .? if r:' rj';::,i-:,.:i.
Many complaints are heard concern
ing the need of an are light near the
ferry landing on W. Pittsburg street
The ferry runs until 8:10 p. m. and does
not wait for " approaching . passengers
after dusk as they cannot be seen Hear
ing ' the boat The nearest light is at
N. Bradford and W. Pittsburg streets,
practically .two blocks from the ferry
landing. . 1
The Bt Johns Juniors will play ths
Arista Juniors at the Fraternal Broth
erhood ball grounds at 2:80 p. m. Sun
day. "v------ '
In the Bt Johns municipal court Fri
day, Fred Fenton pleaded not guilty to
the complaint of D. E. Gunsolus that
his chickens were allowed to run at
large, contrary to city ordinance No.
45. The two men are neighbors in East
St Johns, near Fessenden snd Oswego
streets. The case was postponed until
Tuesday. v.
Sell wood, Oct 18. The Commercial
club next Thursday at 8:80 p. m. will
give a card party for members and their
wives and friends. This will be the first
"ladles' night" given by the club this
season. .
A surprise party In the form of a cup
and saucer shower was tendered Mm.
C G. Cathcart at her home, 1S05 East
Seventeenth street Friday afternoon,
the occasion being her birthday. Pres
ent were Mrs. A. H. Richmond, Mrs. Nell
Pelffer, Mrs. Ida Powers, Mrs. Charles
B. Turlay, Mrs. Fred Keller, Mrs. Harry
i-i c Kara ana jars. James Moore, of Cas
adero. Wellard S. Kerns, who formerly lived
at Umatilla street, 1b remodeling his old
home at Willsburg and will occupy it
within two weeks.
Messrs. Mauldine, Mills and Heales,
te committee of the Commercial club
who took up the request of East. Sell
wood people for a waiting room at East
Seventeenth and Ochoco streets, have
been notified by the Portland Railway,
Light & Power company tha,t work on
the shelter snd board walk will be
started within ten days.
The contractors began this morning
to put down concrete on East Thirteenth
street r
.Aurora. Or, Oct. 18. Several hun
dred dollars in cash and commodity
prises were distributed this week to the
winners who exhibited at the Aurora
school fair. The fair was attended by
a big crowd which made the day a
festal one by bringing their lunch bask
ets well filled with eatables, for them
selves and their friends.
Professor Bouquet of the Oregon' Ag
ricultural college made ah eddress on
industrial' school work and also acted
as Judge of the farm and garden ex
hibits. The fair was under the man
agement of A M. Fry. He was assisted
by three organisations of women, the
Aurora Women's club, the Pythian Sis
ters, and the Rebekahs, The manage
ment has a surplus to aid in making
next year's fair better and larger than
the initial one.
Jewelry Store Robbed.
Aberdeen, Wash., Oct 18. The store
of Druxlman A Son was robbed of
watches, old gold coins and other prop
erty Thursday night Stolen goods are
valued at $260.
"' The building will be erected at the ex
pense of A, D, Brooks and associates.
E3. U Lally of McMlanvllle Is the archi
tect .uc-'r;:'-.-":, -ivji:
jj ummm t
.X-?..:. ..... 1 is,'
Olive Stott
By V. W.
; Olive Stott Gabriel, a former Port
land woman, but, now a prominent law
yer,: social worker and leader in the
suffrage movement in New York city,
is spending a few days here visiting
her mother and sister. Early this week
Mrs. Gabriel and her mother will leave
for California, where they will pass
the winter.
Mrs. Gabriel spent several weeks In
Oregon last year taking a prominent
part in the suffrage campaign by speak
ing In Portland and neighboring eitles,
Biie returned east full of enthusiasm
over the ostcome of the campaign here
and has been giving, muoh of her time
to furthering the interests of sufrrage
In New York.
"And now we New York , women are
hoping, yes even expecting, to have
suffrage by 1816. I am very proud to
belong to the oldest woman ' suffrage
organisation In the United States, the
New York State Woman Suffrage or
ganisatlon, which was started more than
twenty years ago by Susan B. . Anthony,
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucy B.
Stone, and now we feel that the task
so snlendldlvi begun by those women
Is nearly finished. Never before has
sentiment been so strong for suffrage
as it is today. '
"That famous march of ths New
York suffragettes to Washington was
a history maker. Every state in the
Union was represented at that great
gathering and our reception at tho
hands of the senators in the great mar
ble hall was nothing short of an In
spiration. Representatives of each
state presented a petition to the senate
asking - that body to act favorably on
the amendment to the constitution fa
voring equal suffrage throughout the
United States. I had the honor of car
rying the New York petition. All of
these petitions were presented to your
Senator Chamberlain.
"More than twenty-five of the sena
tors. Including Senator Lane, spoke in
favor of the bill. Senator La Follette
said in the course of his speech that
when the bill came up he would ask
the privilege of answering all argu
ments against it. Senator Lewis, of
Illinois, and the senators from Michi
gan and Ohio were among those mak
ing most enthusiastic speeches. Sen
ator Owen, of Oklahoma, generally .con
ceded to be the most . handsome man In
the senate, admitted that there was
nothing for the senators to do but fall
In line with the suffrage movement In
the evening there was a banquet with
covers for 400. Mrs. Champ Clark and
Mrs. LaFollette were among the Wash
ington women present
Hew York State Organised.
"New. York; state is now organised
Into regular assembly districts .and the
suffrage work is being conducted on a
strictly systematic and businesslike ba
sis. Workers are constantly busy hi
both city and country. Street meetings
are very popular and are largely at
tended. I have ' spoken several times
down on Wall and 6'outh streets and
always to crowds of from BOO to 1000.
They are of all nationalities In that
section, but they , are usually courte
ous and show themselves to be in sym
pathy with the movement
"I am hot a believer In militant tac
tics. The only way to succeed in this
cause is to educate the people; when
the American men understand the needs,
they will give us the ballot.' They are
learning and we will soon have our
rights, of that I am sure. p big
annual suffrage parade last yesr was
the greatest thing of the kind ever
held. There were lo.uuo women in nne.
In divisions according to their pfofes-
(Salem Boreas of Tfc Joorol.l
Salem,, Of.., Oct. 18. Willamette un
iversity eleven took their third, victory
of the season today front the Chemawa
Indian school.''' The game was the hard
est fought this season and the Metho
dists had to work for their score. Whloh
was 88 to 6. ' ' ' :""'-;', v.
; A 70 yard run by Smally ; wan, the
feature of the game. He made 80 yards
of the run through a broken field but
soon outdistanced the-men and Doane
Intercepted the last Indian that threat
ened Smally on ths 80 yard line. .'
Willamette's next game on the home
grounds will be with the University of
Oregon November .JL-s-vi..!. ' Wv? ..;;
Eugene. Or., Oct 18. Registration
books or Lane county closed at f o'clock
this afternoon ' with more - than 13,000
voters' names on them. Special effort
was made -during the past few weeks
by the people of Lane county to reg
ister so they may vote upon University
of. Oregon referendum measures. The
total voting population of Lane county
Is estimated between 18,000 and 18,0)0.
y;; c' :r;.,-s
slons and trades. K Mrs. Henry Villard
and Mrs. 0. H. P. ' Belmont were in line., .
I led the women ? lawyers' division,
wearing my master's cap and gowiu .
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, so much beloved,
in Portland, was in the men division. -He
was accompanied by his little son,
who carried a banner on Which was in- ,j
scribed:, "Why can't mother vote, father
canf ' ' .-.''" - -...;;:?.
"My Interest in women Is not con
fined to the suffrage movement how-,-evsr,"
declared Mrs. Gabriel.' "Ths Wo- ?
men Lawyers' association consists of
100 members covering 15 states and .
France, where we have a thriving aux- ,
lllary. We are working for uniform
laws regarding the property rights
women and children and the guardian
ship of children. The women are in
vestigating conditions in their own
states. We have already " accomplished
some things and we hope for much .
more. In New York the , association .
keep . a woman. ' lawyer in ' the night ;,
court all the time for It is there that
delinquent girls are tried in such great '
numbers. The charges are usually so
liciting, theft or intoxication and the
court is crowded - every night .' witn
young girls Just starting the downward .
path, with middle aged women and with
old gray haired women, most of the ,
latter being Inebriates.' Both the court
and the local rescue organisations keep
officers in the court who try to help;;
the first and second offenders. The old
offenders who seem beyond hope are
usually sent to the - workhouse or the
reformatory to sober up. . ;
Welfare Work for Women. ' ,
"The Auxiliary to the Door of Hope
Home, a Salvation Army institution, is -a
thing which a ' number of us are
identified with, for it is one of the
most worthy and practical of all tie
institutions who are doing rescue work.i
It Is truly a door f hope, for the door
swings ever open. No girl ,or woman,
is too degraded to be taken in and
cared for there. Most of the girls re
ceived there are expectant mothers and
of these 80 per . cent are reformed and .
go forth to lead clean, decent ; liven. .
They are taught how to earn their liv
ings and places are found for them ,
where they may have their little ones
with them. Between 60 and 76 girls,
former Inmates of the home, who are ,
now married or have - positions, coo- ,
tributed last year more-than $700 to-.,
ward the support of the home. . - x
"A splendid work is also being done
by Maud Miner at the Waverly Home, ,
where girls who sre found to be taking ,
the first steps downward are cared for.
Many of them are girls who are ruj
nln gaway from home, others are wlt
nM . in white slave cases. An or
ganised effort is made to protect glrla
who are employed .' at nigni or urn y
otherwise in danger in any way. ,-
"The minimum wage and white Slav,
ery are closely related, for Instance in
the Bedford ; f eformatory, where girls
are sent' for a period of three years. ,
Out of 600 girls whose statistics Were
taken. 40 per cent had not passed the
fourth grade In the' public schools. One
of the moBt gigantic problems facing ,
the American people today is the lac ;
of efficiency in-the publio school sys
tem in not preparing our boys and girls
to be self supporting. The domestlo
courses are fitted only for people of;
large Incomes. What we want is to
snow how to live within our Incomes,
most of which are small, i, The whole
system is, according to my knowleJg,
run for show rather than to train chil
dren for the every day duties and respon
sibilities of Ufe. MIf our girls were
trained to care for a modest home, cook:
plain food, sew and Tear children, they -would
then be prepared either for mar
riage or to earn a living wage," "
Hood jutver, Or Oct, ltHood River
city and valley Is to have a Chamber of .
CSmmerce In addition . to Us Commer
cial club. ' The movement for' the or
ganisation of the Chamber of Commerce ,
has grown out of the factional fight ,
between members of the Commercial
club who have opposed the promoters of
the recall movement for the recall of
the county Judge and commissioners. It
Is stated by those who have, had the
recall In Charge that the Commercial
club had no authority to ' endorse the
present county court and make an open
tight , on the recall movement and its
promoters. A number of farmers hsve
signified their, intentions of becomln
members of the Chamber of Commeroa
when. 'Organised. -
' v . ; ; . ,
. Eugene, ' Or., Oct 1S. George oiurtln
and , Albert Kiner, each charrrml im
discharging dynamite in struma tn k I ,
fish, (Were sentenced by Judgn tarn
today, Martin getting $Z0O riae t
Einer 30 days in Jail, the minimum n
tenoew Elner, who Is a boy, i r s
, t vv y y:s i' . y' 'i yy , ayy '.'
Jii r';'f;.;S:..;
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