The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 22, Image 22

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. I ,
Numerous Activities Explained
In Report of. Field Secretary
; U H. Welr. :. .
Twenty-four different activities are
' W escribed asthe seryjce to Portland of
t ne recreation, bureau established her
; about a. year ago by X H. ' Weir fleljl
i Secretary of the Playground and Rtert-
atlon Association of America. In con
f section with the organisation of the
, Recreation league of Portland at the
! library Thursday s evening Mr. Weir
r made report which he prefaced by
i saying that It would probably be Utt-
( xair to attempt to use a collars and
1 cent , measure of the Value of work
which has had to do largely with the
; more intangible rectors of buman wel
1 far and : happiness. Hla report reads
' as follows: . ... -.,
, , "In March; X; made my; first
j visit to Portland. At that time num.r
j ous addresses- were made before uif
! ferent organisations; newspaper inter
; views giren out and articles prepared
i for newspapers upon different phases of
j tne piaygrouna ' ana recreation work.
, Conferences were held with Cie city of-
xiciais ana tne ooaca or education, and
' several Joint conferences war held be
tween the park commission, the city of-
, xiciais ana tne ooara or education. A
tentative plan .was formed for the de
veloping of play and recreational work
in the-city, the main part of which con
cerned the , securing by joint action of
tne park commission and the board or
. education, of a general supervisor of
piay and recreation In the city. Dr. Fos
ter was authorised on his way east to
select a man for this purpose. He did
so, but In the Interim a new city admin
istration came In which railed to- take
any further action upon the matter. .
"In the autumn of this same year we
brought E. B. DeGroot, the greatest
practical expert on publfo play and re
creation in the United States, to Port
land for -a series of addresses, also Mr.
McLain. :i Directly ' resulting from Mc
McLain's visit was the reorganisation
of the Associated Charities and the se
curing of Mr. Manning as secretary, a
highly trained social worker. ' p ,
'"," Beereattoa Surrey Made.
" "Aside from short .: visits,' no Inten
sive work was done in Portland until
the autumn of lll, at which timo,
under the auspices of tne social survey
committee of the Consumer's league, a
recreation survey of Portland was made.
This survey ' deals ' with parks, play
grounds, physical training in the-publlo
schools, . school .S grounds, surfacing,
equipment, location of buildings, land
scaping, surpervlslon, the wider use of
the school buildings, medical Inspection
of schools, publlo concerts, clubs, so
cieties and organisations, and commer
cial amusements.-',' ; 'a'.'-.vV'V.v. ':?' :'
"This report was the source of sev
eral newspaper articles acquainting ths
publlo . with conditions, and also a
source of remedying certain defects In
the administration of the publlo' play
grounds and of publlo schools, physi
cal training work and I construction
Work.;- tr. :;:-'i;Ari;iy-,iv- ;iy--Mij:A
' "8om of ths results, growing aot of
this work sire:,':.,:.:' L ;,?-,;,:) : . i.i-i !:
v The drafting and successful passage
of a dance hall ordinance regulating the
i. dance halls of the city. vf
, More organised play waa - Introduced
in the publlo schools.
The introduction of the athletlo badge
system in the publlo schools to be
worked out in detail this year.
; The organisation and conduct of a
playground and reoreatlon training
school in the Washington high school
' gymnasium during the winter and
: spring.-' vr.i ,,: i . -
Teachers' Tralalag fjohool Versus, i
" , The organisation of a teachers train
ing school la plays and games and folk
danoea to be conducted by . Mr. Krohn
this winter. - .
The stimulation of Interest In the
wider use of the school buildings, re
sulting already in the appointment Of
the first supervisor of recreation cen
ters at Arleta, and the probable open
: ing of two or three more centers this
.winter. -.?:..t !
The bringing together ef the school
.board and the commissioner of publlo
-affairs, looking toward a harmonising of
effort . along play , . and recreational
llnea- ..'.'. . : : , - . , .. ,,.
Worked out a method of cooperation
between the schools and art museum,
also worked cut ths plan for school ex
cursions. U . - . . V ; -
Influenced the modification of the or
iginal plan of locating; buildings so that
a larger ground area la now possible for
play purposes.
Influenced the modifications of plans
for the development of the ' grounds
which resulted in the stopping of ex
cessive landscaplng,?.and the adopting
of a plan that will more fully provide
for play purposes. ,
Drafted a bill providing for the wider
use of the school buildings and had It
Makes All Women Fair
"i."', '1--, - ,.::!''.-"''. '''. '''..'''.I
iJ'C - r in i TIT it
..... 5
ry'&'J1'', ;' " S . i ' ,',' ':,''''V.'"VV
i Hair natural, snappy, well kept hair
hair first attracts attention. Nice, clean, fluffy hair,
it adorns, makes for personal charm more than, a clear complexion, regular
features or a handsome gown, Beautiful hair, which oommands admiration
everywhere. Is almost always associated with ths use of that ,
Well Known Scalp Prophylactic
The woist enemy of good hair is dandruff caused by ait invisible mlorobto
F niwin or motiiic AUO.V I
by the intelllgeiit' use ef
Rerm. That th
laent'use ef K
thousands, of peopias; By the removal of
tiMiiauy De-p.reventea ana tnere is s fleciaea increase In life.
rianoe Whicn constitute hair beauty." There Is a subtle and delightful odor
about Herolcide that never offends, but appeals to everyone. It contains no
r rease, and will not cbang the color of the hair. The Itching scalp which
, .-companies dandruff may generally be relieved by the first few appllcaUons.
1 here is no jjeed . for anyone to be deceived by Othen preparations that have
adopted the Herplclde advertising claims. Tou can, avoid possible disappoint
i tent by insisting upon, having genuine Herplclde. ,
Send 10 cents for aampl bottle and booklet to The Herpidde Co-"
. , Dept S, Detroit, Mich. ' ; 71
, Two gigef, 50c and 1.00, gold and guaranteed everywhere.
' aatisfactory your dealer will refund your moneyv
Arplicationi at all good Barber Shopa nd Hair-Dressing Parlors. 1
. , ' ., ' - '. . ,, V ... v.'
San Franciscan Secured! Ex-
niDii rrornises iu cxuei in
Many Ways! " ; ,
J. B. Pilklngton. president of the
Flower Show, which will be held No
vember!. U and 11 at .the Armory, Is
now in Ban Franclsoo. A f wire was re.
eeived from him yesterday in which ha
said .he had secured as . one of the
Judges for the Portland show, one of
the best known flower experts on the
Paclflo coast: He is in correspondence
with an eastern man, whom- he hopis
to secure as a Judge and the third will
be gotten from soma of the northwest
Cities. -V' . ) Ji-l KiT-f y
Tentative plans have already been
made for the transformation of the
Armory into a glgantlo bower of beauty
by the use of thousands of feet of smll
ax and myriads of rare blooms. Ths ar
tistio arrangement of the most highly
cultivated and : perfect .flowers Is the
basis of the show, which will be given
first, for educational purposes, and sec
ond for charity. Proceeds will be given
to the Fruit and Flower, Mission, the
popular' Portland charity,' which main
tains a Day Nursery' for children of
women who are employed during, the
day, 1) . '""' j'-; &;,'
Twenty-five men : selected from the
Portland Symphony Orchestra will fur
nish muslo during both days of ths
show. The second day will be charac
terized by the attendance of children.
as an invjiaiion wui oe axienaea to tne
children of the publlo. schools to go
ana view tne oeauurui exhibits.'
inns prisea both In cash, and silver
tropnles, wm be given In the Several
classes. While last year's show was ac
counted by many the moat beautiful
thing of the kind they had ever seen,
the florists promise something far more
oesuurut ana elaborate this year and
to that end they are growing special
flowers.':,;' i.i i :t .'Ai ,"j .- ,., 'i'v . ..-.
introduced at tht iiit UriiiitnM tuijt
of passage. ':.!....-
SUB-reationa cum nut, mmnAi-m
types- of school m buildings and plana,
specifications and cost of the most up
io oate ecnooi bulldlnra In inutrlm
were placed In the hands of ths school
u-cnuect xor ma lnxormatlon and guld
ctummer Playrround Extesalima.
The extension of summer playground
work upon... publlo ' school grounds.
iuiuuku seuurins; lue oooperanon or tni
sohool board and ths commissioner o:
publlo affairs. v
From a municipal point of view the
agnation ana campaign or education
that were conducted no doubt assisted
In stimulating a demand for more play-
grounds, resultlna- In the. onenln of fiva
new playgrounds and In more adequate
supervision and the providing of a gen
eral superintendent of play. - . .
v Drafted bill which enabled tha Cants
people to secure a playground. '
. ' arraiiKMi xor ui esiaoiisnment or a
branch library at the Peninsula play
ground and recreation center, -
Assisted in secunnr the Montsemarv
tract for athletlo purposes. ,
-Assisted in the citv wide nlav reatf.
val, safe and sane Fourth of July oele
bration. revival of a common Saster
festival, eto. ".,,.; .-. .f. .
Assisted in tna tllmotIm Ml tiarrgw
Ing out of the flower show, sweet pea
suuw aim pcddoi (inun.
Conducted to a successful lama tha
csthpaign for ths establishment of re-
creauon pier.
Assisted in ths camnaisns for II-
000,000 bond issue for parka and play
grounds through talks. Illustrated 1 so
urce, . oonrerences ana
tides.' Bond Issue unsuccessful.
' damn' Mm Olrla
'Assisted in the organisation of Camp
Fire girls and Boy Scouts,
A pictorial playground and recreation
exhibit was put up at the conservation
congress at Beed college and later kept
in one of the large department stores
of the city for several days and will ba
placed on exhibit at the state fair- the
early part of October. : ' '
Established an office with a perma
nent assistant secretary.', Material upon
all phases of play and recreation are
collected la this ornce, inquiries are an
swered, conferences are held. ' corres
pondence Is conducted, a large collection
of slides illustrating the many different
phases or the playground and recrea
tion movement are kept at the of floe
and loaned to communities throughout
the city and the state for lectures and
general -
promotion work.
The Intention of the ' Recreation
league of Portland is to extend Its work
Into all communities of the state.
-' Dlngman Bag Trouble.
Chehalls, Wash., Oct. 18. Oeorge X
Dlnrwan.. who almost lost his- life in
the powder factory fire, and who was so
burned that he is aisngured for lire, is
suing for divorce from his wife, alleg
ing desertion, Dlngman asks the cus
tody of the four children, - .
' Sheet Muslo Free.
With every - copy you purchase. See
oraves musio uo.. removal sale adv.
rage ii. sect. s. (Adv.
woman's greatest beauty.-' Ths
luffv hair. arrowlns on tha h
the destruction ot this germ may be accomplished
Newbro's Herplclde Is proven by the axnerlenoe of
dandruff, ; further losi
"i . luriner .toss or nair may
mster ana iux
If not
Top rowl left to 'riSb
. pleasures' r!farm.i:Si
jDOltom row, leit to ngni w mto
Single comb black 'Minorca cockerel,' red br ; Georg Spright, Hubbard," Or."
New features added and the old ones
bettered, in f aot a show conducted on
entirely up-to-date principles, : is . tne
announcement of the officers of tae
Oregon Poultry show, which Will hold
IU fifth' annual exhibition In ths Gipsy
Smith auditorium December 1 to B In
clusive, -.;. .!;.:?....!; .'.-;:;iMkX?-HX5. i- V"
The scone cf the show Is to bs great.
ly enlarged this year and in addition to
local entries It will include thS sntlrs
Paclflo northwest. The entries will
Include not only thoroughbred' poultry,
but pet stock of different kinds, includ
ing guinea pigs., rabbits, hares, .canary
birds and narrota as well as other small
creatures which have been dontostlcated.
An egg show in which will be on ex
hibition both! fancy and commercial
eggs, will ba an unique feature of the
poultry show this year, and it is ex
pected that there will ba a large sum-
Wmm - uhlhtta till, mnrt , . i 'A
tfWM. V VAM vM v ... v w
It Is estimated that there Will be be
tween 1500 and 000 entries In ths show
front ths queries that have already been
received by ths secretary of the assocj.
atlon from different parts of : Oregon,
Washington. Idaho and northern Cali
fornia. .. The cost of ths show, it Is de
clared, will hi In ths neighborhood.'; of
teooo and a causa of joy to. tns pros
pective entrants will bs tha announce
ment that over Iiooo worth or new
coops have been Ordered for. the affair.
'.;..;- fhow.T Bs gdnoational.
As It ts ths Intention to make the
show educational in every manner pos
sible the officials contemplate giving
10,000 tickets to tha school children of
Portland that they may attend and. re
ceive the benefits -to be derived from
viewing the . exhibits and listening to
tha ' exposition of different phases of
the 1 poultry business. ' " Ths' pet stook
branch of the show will engage their at
tention If they .have no further interest
la the affair.
In connection with the egg show to bs
helov in conjunction with the poultry
and pet stock exhibit,' it is stated that
there are but two egg shows In the eoun.
i.'t '.
House-to-House' Canvass for
.'Funds Will) Be Made
' - by Solicitors.
Starting oat tomorrow morntns nolle-
iters xor tns Kose Festival association
win engage upon ths most sysUmatlo
and ' thorough; subscription f, campalg-a
ever unueruuten m Jroruana. , jjists'or
names' of persons to , be visited have
been oompiled by the board of govern
ors according to blocks.. The names
for each block will be made Into books,
each solicitor to be provided with a
book, V Every , person listed ; in ' a book
will be called on in person by a solicitor
and the object of tha Boss Festival and
the subscription laid before him. ,t
. That the Bos' Festival is a business
proposition from ths Por tland.' mer
chant's point of view -will be the key
nots of ths campaign. The Rose
Festival association' feels that It has
a merchandlseable commodity t to Sell
advertising and that' every . dollar
expanded by the people of Portland will
be repaid to the merohants many fold.
The , boss Festival 'association la
fworking to. make .every person feel
that, he has , a shars , In . the festival.
Contributions to the festival fund, can
be of any amount and. may be paid In
any way, time, - Instalment or ths Ilka
Ths Rose Festival association Is par
ticularly anxious to receive auggestlons
and Ideas for; the 1014 festival. . Sollo
ltors in the campaign beginning tomor
row will make note of any suggestio n
persons' called upon may have, :. ' V
According- to j. a. currey. secretary
sV the Rose ' Festival association, rail
way rates to. Portland at the festival
time will be such: as to make a trip
to Portland extraordinarily attractive
Morphine Users.
T solicit the lnvestlsation of all users
of morphine or other drugs for treat
ment no pain or suiiering. tou can-
without neip with my help it
Tha. Whit, ,-!rn . tit Da via
street, corner Twenty-second.. Phones I
Main 21. A-144T. , Dr. B. JU Hllesnlal
medical director. , ( ., : .. . ,.(ady.) f
vvyauevvie co;a, urea . oy. .n,:j, aww;. iuuj iurei,,vi
try,' and the desire to make the coming
show the best that has ever been given
on the Pacific coast, has led to the In
stitution of this feature. ' Two or three
years ago a carload of -'eggs came In
dally from the east, but this has to an
extent , .been -eliminated and ' It is '.ex
pected the egg show will do more' to
ward -stopping these shipments than
anything slse, .rT$X't??' t iifwif
Something which has never- before
been done In a Portland poultry show 1s
ths selling or concessions -to those or
Interests which interlock with those of
the poultry raiser. Buch concessions sre
to be sold this year to. feedmen, mills,
lncubatortooneerns, printers who handle
the printing of poultry catalogues and
literature, and others who in any way
have things to aeu wnicn win interest
Hmbeips1 - Early . En sll
aui JIj, v.; r.
. Saw SWg' L .' "lTf1 i
1 IT" . -
$i6.6o ttoWNoW. . . .v: . 9.50,
$14.00 Rocker :Nbw:..i.U.:; ; .$ 8.50':
$17.50 Rocker Now..: . ii. . . . ; $11.00 (
9 o.ou Kocicer now. . . . .
"Garlahd'f'Stbyes; Rang
!;' It II mX I . . II
tit) rz&cY ;
v.i law n m ia a . 1 .a i . ii. 'jf"."ir
ths man who fancies poultry.- '
A marked catalogue : ahowlng the
winners of prises is to be on sale as
soon as ths judging is finished, snotber
new feature of the show, and arrange
ments " have . been- made to have ' the
Judging completed by Tuesday night, or
about tha middle of the show, instead of
at the very last, as heretofore. . so that
ths iwlnnefs may bs seen - before the
show closes. There win be an unusually
fine esBortment of prises this year. It
ia:. declared, yfj:'' :.,U'4V.,'S'-ri''';'?:'l'-,
' judging in this show - will bs con
ducted In a different manner, as there
will be specialty Judges for ths dlffer-
Snt kinds cf poultry, stock and song
irds.'' V-,'. '.:; 'y;r;r!. -f'
Laotnres on different subjects of in
terest, to poultry raisers, will be given
JLxeaucea 10 juiose xjui. EJiure t jLane
"You can't
a ' We have decided
f';, Early English Furniture andhaveVrhade reductions that '
f ' should do the work in short orders Limbert's Furniture f v
iilw ' 'is the .most attractively andl elaborately- finished1 of, all -furniture.'
' :i
Cs' I 1T' h nni ' ' vTr . - -. 1' ' '
1 M
: "GARLANDS" are
coDular. stove SDecialties
nr, 'Motive test of years; theyhave proven to'be ,
, J' 'J?. 'Ahcl, besides,. "GAWANDS": present the-latest de.-
panurcs in orxiaiiiciiwiiuji ana ucin auuCAUUMve ica- ..
tures of advantage not.found'.else'where.1 ' ?iH
" ; See bur' line of "GARIANDS'Vbeforebuyinjr youf-
Range, Stove .or Heater.
e v.
Second and
I ssv sWMjgsv aBMssa, sasss SSSBJSa.
t ,yii,;v.i,v.i
: .:.r v -1 vv. v.- .'.',.
by experts In their line every day dur
ing the show,', one. being ra lecture . on
caponislng by one of ths best operators
in ths northwest. '. There will, also bo
a lecture and demonstration ' on carv
ing and arrangements are being made to
have one on the proper kMl Ing of 'fowl.
There will be. a number of , Other lec
tures on. Interest ing topics ' but ; they
have not all been assigned yet t -r
Maurice R. Mann, who Talses guinea
pigs for bacteriological experiments, will
have a large exhibit of these creatures
in the show and a large string of rab
bits and ' Belgian haras Is expected to
be entered from the state of Washing
ton. ' i-if-.-.vV''i?. :-iwW'Scw
' Th.offIeers of the association are: XL
TV Bauer," president; W. I Fulmer, see
rotary, and B. Lea Paget, treasurer, .
afford to miss this sale
.to close out our entire
. $18.00iRocIter Now.
r $17.00 . RockerfNow.:.
. $23.00 Rocker2Now.
; $25.00;Rocker?N6w;;.
9- v . J 'i
and Heating Stove
.the, most 'extensively sold and
in the world.' because" bv dosI
Morricon St
X ". " SSV
aM liff
Senator Chamberi i, Intro
duces Bill forRr''jfff' vo.
E. Zimmerman f T 3. ,
' (Wtibiogtoo Buretn of The i : : .
Washington,, Oct J l.-Senator Caam-
berlaln has introduced,! a; bill for j,hs
relief of George B. Zimmerman- of Polk
county. It provides "for ths payment
to him of the sum of 120,000 as reoom- .v
pense for - a ', auarter . section , of land
which was erroneously patnited to an-r
other person after be had taken It up. t
Zimmerman filed on 100 acres of land .
In the Grands Bonds Indian reserva
tlon under the Oregon donation act, and .
executed an affidavit to the effect that
he lived on It from November 28, 1865,
to, November 23. 1869. He applied to
have it surveyed. ' The Interior depart- -meht
has reported that through an error
this land was awarded to another per--son.
F. M. i Wads worth of Scappoose
has Written to Benator Chamberlain -
that Zimmerman had, done many kind
nesses to the Indians, yet they filled his '
well, out down oak trees that now would
be valuable, occupied hla buildings and
in other ways transgressed his rlghta.
He says that the government ought to
give Zimmerman at least 1 20,000 to
atone for the-error it mada . ' .
Congressman Slnnott has been In
formed by the interior department that
the lands in townships X8 arid 37. Lake
county, which have been designated for
settlement under the enlarged home
stead act will be avallabla f or, entry
November T. Slnnott having been siio- .
cessful In having these lands opened to
homestead entry, has now taken up ag
gressively with the interior department '
ths opening to entry under the enlarged '
homestead act of - the remaining . lands . '
not so designated In Barney county.
These lands have been withheld from
settlement thus far on recommendation -of
the geological survey, on the ground ;
that there was water underlying them f
at a shallow depth. Slnnott says that
it has been shown that this water, In .,
many cases, is Impregnated with alkali
and other salts, - and he believes that
ths lands should' bt opened to settle
mentor V'.; ,.'v'-'; vu ''';;' ' ." " '.
. . The bureau . of '" plant ' industry has ?
bsen asked by Congressman Slnnott to.
recommend and send out - plants . and -trees
adapted for, the high plateau In
Lake county, with instructions for their
culture. These lands, situated around -Flcksburc
(the postofflee for which -is ' ;
known as Arrow), are settled by about -1100
homesteaders, who have encoun
tered peculiar ellmatlo and other condl- .
tlona, and they will weloome any Infor
mation which will enable them to ex
tend their agricultural operations. -.
f'""'' ?'m amsaMsBsasssaaiBaaaHBBBSagw - ' -' k ' '' - - -i '
Chehallsi Wash-, Oot - ltV-Chehalls ,
first arrest-under the state Saw prohib
iting employment of women over eight
hours a day was that of M. Michael, a -dry
goods merohaat. Deputy State La- ,
bor Commissioner X CL Hughes made
the complaint, which Will be heard be- j
fore Justice Wsstover, October 10. .
line of Limbert's
$10.75 .
.;J;,.sU. $15.00 .
Tl SflSSSB ,..,,. SB -a- i V
t r , ' r" JS 1 , r ,''!
, Mil ' ' Z, Z s . '
v'-:.y.ji.v. I--. .
..H"f(L X . v- V ..
k I' .