The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 20, Image 20

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!0,i?i!rf'ni!;Tirn''o'i :l -
BE; Av
i -in ' 1 1 111 '" '; " 1 . 11 111 - "' i in' . '
- OnUlllllU llLrlML00 Oop Is Planted Late, but It Tields Cflose to 100 Busheli Per Acrerf
; ,f, ; - . ; ' - r;;'''. .' v' : Plenty of Time to Ripen Before Frost Set In j Ama- , :: Closes at the Low I
Values Hero Are Higher Proportion
ately Than LJsewhere and No Ex
port Business Is ' Available! Mon
tana Wheat Is Coming Forward.
By Hyman H. Cohen.
Th rm knaaa in tia local
.grain trade during tha week wee tb
, direct result of condition abroad. With
mora favorable prospcts In the Argen.
' tin. w.ii aa tmi tbr hu hn &
tjne as well a jnaia, mere naa oeen a
noucesbis lack
American cargoes anion- European ia
,:,tereata, w 3 , vj.,. : ,
foreign wnei mrw nave neon go
In from bad to worse for a long time,
'and there seems to be no light in sight.,
.: Ths. situation is even weaker at u
Slower prices now being- quoted than at
the higher figures named some weeks
-, . .;. . . '." ;
There IS little doubt that the trade
da Inclined to feel too bearish negarding
.the outlook and the big crops. This li
, generally .the case when production is
; extra good and the reverse Is true when
vmjri uuvuiuuui, u
- world. I''
. Considering the extent of the weak-
'ress abroad as weU aa. at points eat
of the Rockies, the situation at Pacific
4 northwest points haa been preserved to
ry wonueriui aegree. values nr.
tiave shown but little decline racentlv.
, although heavy price losses i have been
noted at practically all other worWs
: Perhaps the , worst sign now shown
In the wheat trade is . that Montan
: rraln Is being brought to mills along
the coast Quite a few cars have been
reoeived recently and' the Indications
v are mat runner shipment win come
' In this direction' unless ' there 1 a
, change in the holding sentiment of lo
cal grower. Montana wheat is being
; oiierea - on 'tne -coast - nere o mucn
. cheaper than our own wheat that it is
small wonder ' that millers ara taking
hold of It - - -'
Bo far as the ooase grain market waa
-.concerned, .there waa little , business
. uunng tne weea.
. : A somewhat better feellnc 1 shown
. for timothy and alfalfa hay, the' latter
, snowing an aavanoea price. '
WHEAT Nominal producers 1 prlcea.
track basis: Club, 77c; miUlng blue
' (item, 88c; Turkey red. tie; f ortyfold.
78c red Russian and Hybrids, 76o; val
ley, 78o bushel. ......,.,.,,...
BARLEY Nominal producer prices,
: irnc unsii; . r eoa, orewulgL isetf
i6.B0: rolled. 125.64 per ton.
OATS New, feed. milling. 125.80
.per ton.- ...-.. ... .
ruuutv tseuing price: ratent, If.TO;
-Willamette valley, 14.70: local straight,
5 J iLli ! IWS.70: bakers',
4.B4.70.. v v ..
HAt -roauoerr price: - Willamette
MILLSTUFFS Selllnar eriee: fcrajv
,Ji:T.TllfS,or,,2f.li0Shrln arand totaJ of eggs ex.
.'GRAIN BAGS No. 1 Calcutta, 10 ported clearly Ibov the Jl.000.000 do-
trea. country iotnuL IVic: Portland. 10c:
1 aA'i " t-.i
Aiaiaa, nill :.v r, .,; .
Brief Beport. of. the Wholesale
?'.. Trade ox Front Street During
, v the Last Six Days.
-There was a very firm tone in the
egg market during the week and price
were generally aavancea zo a' dosen
for fresh ranch stock along the street
. . . :.. ; - " . . -
mill-Van ; nir.i . " uttat ? un.k.i
healthier during: the' early part of the
ween, nens especially snowing activity.
Latter th market eased off somewhat.
., . . . . -
' Vnh.M,'li. M. tk. V. .
been shown In the veal market along
Front street for many months was In-1
oicatea aunng ine wees, wnen lurtnar
heavy offerings -caused another sharp
, - , .''.:',j'",;';:;4:-
Cheese market situation was firm all tne total, went to umaaa, nearly,.
week. Offering ar rather light while 000 dosen to Cuba, 760,000 dosen to Pan
there 1 e very good demand from all ama. and about an equal number to
i directions. , No change mentioned In Mexico. Considerable numbers however
tha price. V . - . t i go to England and Scotland, the figures
. :. of Uia showing for England 44.973
Trad In th apple market during the
(holding rather welL Receipts ar alow-led
ly increasing, out tn prio is . SLUM
. around th high point
'.' .:,;.-.. ,,' !. , e ':.V' ,V-- 1
Weakne has been forced In the
i shlcDlne market for rjotatoea here aw.
lng to the offering or supplies at lower
i prices by Idaho and eastern Oregon. The
traae or tne soutn west nas oeen cap.
1 1. urea . away, xrom . weaiora wregon.
. . X. , ' , . .:. ..I'.'-.:
Much strength and higher prices ware
J forced In the onion market locally dur
ling the week. Demand continues good
j from outside points, but few sale were
maae oecause local growers were ask'
I log sUU further advances. .
; i : :
' "Tfiara - la an aTrallant Samana m
i turkeys In the local market at recent
extreme values, but few shipments sro
coming forward. The price is today
i higher than generally expected for the
: ! noiiaays.
' ' Tfcae prices ere thoee et which wselaaalars
, sail tr niaiien, ezcapi as eiosrwua smtad:
vuxiui fiominai. imamery eebe. see!
... lqia,.. k i M '
state eraamery, S283e; ranch batter, 2c
i . kuub nominal, uanaiea local axtn
xtraa. 0O
i et3ci aalaet culleta. 86c: ordlnarr nnili
ce.ouDt, l3Mc; apot baling price, &3e t. a.
f s. PortUnd; torage, 4.r83e.
j UTS . POUWEY Hens MClSHei epringe
JW3 L B . ,a, i , , imti . . K IB awl, 14
inc: inaiaa sunoan. ivc; tuner,, ue; dm
j Sic; pigeons, 'old, $1; yoeng, $l.B0 doaea.
. CHEi.S NoailnaL rreab Oregon fancy
vtiiUKBafnoHiioai. rmu uregon fancy
eream twins and trlplata, lTcratUln, ft
r nuiioa ia riwww ynow sob; rvrtuag
eiiTy, vr ., ow
! Hona. Vaol sad Hides.
; ncl'S Bnrlag prioa, cbolca, 24; prima. 93.,
iedium to prima, 22c: medium, aofflile.
WOOlr Nominal, WIS clip. Wlliamatte val.
. fry ooarae CoUwolil, 18c Ikf madlun ShroD
nlra, 17c cbolca fancy lata, 18c lb. nmcm
' inrrno, ltHjIlflc, accofding to ahrlnkaga.
lota. Be: leas inaa car iota, au.
bIOMAIK 11S Nemlnal 80s.
Ulll.8--wr74 moea. sifzte u. giwra, lie:
. enlied bioea, lie) aulla, graoa aalt Bel kips!
KWlUci aal'ea, dry, M&r&e: clf allna, alQ
. or green, lTtflSej graaa bldea, la leu than
all); swap V, aaima, pnainngl, lOaSOel
' B004.B ?ub, t5.l0( powdered, 16.80 frnlt
6t berry. SS.W; beet, 0 dry granaUted.; ii yellow,' 4.40. tAbera quotation are
o Car it cab. ' n :
; RlUt Japaa tyla. No. t lHOI Kra
Orleana. bud, 6Tci Ckaola,
1H)S. KV Kw. fa. 76 per eaea,; .. '
: liUaN Small wblta. S Moi ' Urge white.
Ct; viug. Uniaa, Sfcet pinka. ri liar
He- " ''
HALT Oar", bilf groaada, 100a, ' lie eat
txti; boa 10.7(1: table dairy. 60. gis, VS.
,7.r,o: bale, flX6( extra fine banal, Sl M
aud lua, &.2Sjaoo; lamp rock, 20.60 ptttoB.
Mwta, ruk aad VrorUlaaa. . t ..
DRLSEFD 1LSATS Belling price-eantn
1 i.f.L Uog. fancy. IJcj ordinary, ji,
, h in b-ary, e: raacg vaala, HHQlSet or.
u JjJle. ,, wc, aiattos.
,ui bacon, rrc BaBM, nasat,
iat baeua, l7H90V4c boiled Aua, tie;
a7 I'acAlng Sanaa artaara. Wa 1 atoca.
, No, 1 atoek. lXHOlSef ewaa, 8He
SSej Uanba, UJS1 ewfc Mae, it)e
. t .i-uaJwat ay, sat gallaa I )j
Crop Is Planted Late, bat It Yields
Plentj of Time to Ripen Before Frost Set in : Ama
. teur Fanner Tells His llxpeic
(-':-:By Raj C. Becklejr. ;;'
"- A successful grower of oorn.
At the present time1 there aaems to
b a rood deal of agitation as to the
growing' of corn In Oregon, and mora
especially In Eastern Oregon, . As a
I great many people are in doubt as to
whether corn can be grown ucceaarui-
. wlh to state my actual expert.
" &";?r'J? A5?nXtf-f!
alfalfa farm in Eastern Oregon, In the
. . n... viitv Whinnu.
i moved from Portland out on my
I place about the middle of last May, as
I the eiraira was snout reaay to out at
I that time, did not have much time- to
devote to other farm products. How
I ever, I wanted to try some corn and
I got about three acres plowed, and had
I the corn in June 1. .... I also planted
I pumpkins among me oorn, ana in
I nravlnua n thm had huen malona
grown on this rround. ,y As the uBorn
began to come tip, you ould see the
volunteer melons now and then coming
up as though planted With the corn.
However, i ouiuvatea tne corn, witn-
out regards to anything; else, and what
melons there chanced to be in the rows
grew and ripened,' and I had melons
frst weighed from 40 to 60 pound each.
jjy corn grew fast, and by the middle
0l Augmst, Was too high to cultivate,
It ,hinn 7 nn.
three stalks In eaoh hilL When the!
ears set on, there wera from one to I
Country Sends 21,000,000 Dozen
Abroad During; Fiscal Tear as
Compared With 1,500,000 Dozen
.Ten Years Ago. '
(Br th Interna tionil ww Berriea.)
Waahlnrton. Oct 18. Twenty-ona
I million doien erg were exported from
th United States in th fiscal year 11S.
l,ainB, 1.600.000 doien 10 years ago and
I lis. 300 dosen 20 rear ago. according
I Z""? Z?Z"'iZ
ir.ftta '.w7 w.vMHAs.ii-r 14 kaab?Aa in
a vwa isu eaa war iiiavtivsnij waaawi v vv
I laij. aarainst I83.20T In ItSS. 10 years
ago, I DZB.87I In 1D3,. f , in 1UD,
and il.0I8.649 In 10 and then steadily
tn f,ooo,ooo line win De crossea oy
the exports of the eurrent fiscal year,
Meantime conalderabl numbers of
eggs were imported, the figure for the
f ounds, and dried eggs, 20,284 pounds,
he import figures of 1BI8 being mate
rially in excesa of those of lia, which
snowed eggs in tne natural state, i,o
I i dosen yolks, 8J.7M pounds, and dried
I oggs, 6665 pounds, but much lea than
I moae oi w"ib wmw ywn, m im-
I port of 18J having been 4,000,000
uuzen. ; ,-..,.-.'..."!..
Thi average price at which the 11.'
I 000,000 dosen egg were exported in the
I 7r i, wm H7i jjcr mu
I the average price at which the 1,600,300
I dosen eggs were imported waa 16a per
I dosen.
, The eggs exported go to practically
ll paru of the world, but the bulk
I ul .l'lylu so ,w V"!;.tu",l.Iuug
ana Central America. Of the fg.600.000
I dosen, or conalderably over one-half of
I oosea ana lor scotiana' 13,500 dosen.
by the fact that over 6, 000 dosen
went in iu serosa tne equator to ura-
all. nearlr 6.000 doten to Venezuela and
(.600 dosen to French Oceania under
which term are Included New Caledonia
and a number of smaller islands in the
Boutnern racina, having thus also
crossed th equator in reaching their
destination. ,
The growth has been especially rapid
in me exports 01 eggs to Canada, wnicn
amounted in 1910 to 868,484 dosen; in
1811 1,457,188 dosen; In 1812, 8,697,668
dosen; and In 1918, 12,866,690 dosen.
To Cuba the export of 1913, 6,781,200
dosen, do not differ materially from
thoae of earlier years, the number sent
to that Island In 1911 being 4,499,211
dosan and In 1908. 4.682.960 doaan.
, October and November, tha months
of largest exportations, the' exporta-
110ns 01 uoiooer, mii, Having exceeded
2.000.000 dosen. and those of Novemhar
2,600,000 dosen, while the average for
the year waa about 1,6 8.000 doxen per
IV New York Cotton Market.
Month Open. High. Low,
Jan. ....1314 1824 1812
Mar. . ...1316 '1327 1818
May ... .ISIS 1123 1818
July .,..1308; , 1311 M 1303
Oot ,.,.1864 1368 1364
Nov. ....1886 1336 1832
Dec .,..1336' 134S 1836
J 806(3) 07
an. naa IK a., . MMMa -
65 can; $6.60 dosani aaatern, la abU, 61.T0Q
B.W par iw, raaur 4oa. aa.Mvajiau DQX
10 0.
Tierces UMi eomponml. Uareet,
FISH Nominal. Prwaed floaaaara.. Tat ball,
bat 79ci itrlpcd txaa, 17e; cblnook aalmoa.
ec: aueuieaas t 1; aaiea, to in. aArlmpa,
12Hcj parch, 8e lb.j lobatera, SOe tb.) black
naaa, zue; auvtr amait, ac; ana a. s; Black cod,
Kj aiurajaus. uuioc ID, :
, CaABS Large. $1.76! Medina. $1 doses.
Fraita aad Tegetablaa.
FBESH rRUlTS Oranges, -8B.60fflS.O0; ba.
nana. 4)4 6a lb.j lemon, 88(49; lima. $1.60
iwi grapwruii, (jauiomia, ao.ou; riorlda.
68: nlneapplM. 0427 lb.: cantalourMa. ta.i
1.78; paacba. fancy. 4O05Oot ordinary, BRtn
uc, wmkhknoi, inv, g r uencoroa. li
12Uc par 4 lb. bak, ether arltla7 TBc
61.28: Bear. tlXMlUl.iV. - ? ...
dOe; watar malona, m; grapes Oencorda. VI
VKQKTABLE8 Turnip. SOjt0e! beeta. 21A
1.15; carrota. llQl.lSi para nl pa, 6101.18 sack!
cabbage. 61.25; local tomato, 866ba bos!
atrlng bean, 80ae lb.; graaa colon. . 12ui
doaea bunch; pepper,, ball, Sittio; bead let
tuoa. 80a 2Se dosen 1 cf Itrr. dotvfaai ... ii.
Te: eaullftower, fl.25atio doaaai rhubarb, lo.
cai i .luinn-, i ma ainvaia, we lOvf
'v....i mM-ml ' "' "'o graea con.
W4tliie par doaen. ., , v , : 7
uicuHiEti uncKMMmaa, ee Tb, ' "
AfftKB-Batlng apnlaa. lj0uas.00i aeoklaa
apple, si. 00. .- ' .... .. ., "
POTATO Balling pHeai Brtra ebofea.
11.20; cholo. 61.101 ordinary, 81 ack 1 buy.
aafffc to 680c . sosatrf point,
. ONlONa-jibMng prtc,tfl.t6 carload bey.
jraini ana oue. tfYSts,-;
fJKaBKTA OII-Baw Bhla- Baa, aai ..I .' a,.
tie boiled, bbl.. ele ral.l raw eaaaa. al.rLii.a
eaaaa, oo gaLI loU of 800 gallon, 1 Ida,
ell eake meal, be pr too, - " , '
niui a. i.b.u 'loo iota. Be per lb. 1 60S U.
lot 8e rf lb.i lea lot. iu n. Tr. T
i.OIt k(KAlCarloa lota, 8B4,,,'-.- .'.-.:"-lV,'
iinrapmna-ia , ibc; WooS barrel,
Close to 100 Bushels Per Acrej
for roTstVaT sV from
August up until about September 10, at
such time It began to get too hard. On
September. 20 I cut tha corn fodder,
leavlnjr tha. ears on to rtDen. . It ma.
uaSa ififliS.?Jlf JiJ?ii!5
I had ot rn stalk, from "llto l felt
hi iVT'.Srt - ?i iw!f it inik.: ii
length. This corn grew - in exactly
inree monins ana iv aays, er in an one I w morning, a large - list -oi aouve
hundred and ten days, .from time it was house In the local trade lines up on the
ve hr,rou untu " ,w.M hu'kuj&?:
I can further say, that hafl I got the
die of October, it would have grown
eyen higher and the ears larger than
they were. I irrigated thla corn - but
nth.i- i ..ii v. .
three times, it new on emound that
the sagebrush grew on two year ' ago.
that It will go 100 bushels tothe acre,
All grains grow well in thlfc section,
oats want over 100 bushels to the acre,
that was properly Irrigated. Alfalfa
is cut three tlmea. and the fourthoron
make a flna - nasture. Fruits of all
grow jrood, and have exeellent
. In fact X grow everything
a naamita nntaiiu.
. a m a .
wnuiun, aim au annua ox Derries onpciectea tne eariy ena or supplies irora
tnl place.. . - fArgentlna, Aetiva profit faking by
1M Mm V n I ,v7 a . .rv.T.
think by experience can obtain even bet -
ter reault In this land of opportunity,
Whenever. Foreigners Want to Bay
and Begin to Send la Orders Just
That Quickly Prices Are Advanced
. m w a vain ay arouou.
The .ItuaUon In the hop trad, is not
awn it. uuini nave oeen naa not
boosting tactics been utilised by deal-
er generally here In order to advance
the price for their speculative pur-
ohasea . .- .: ; . I
Every Ume that there was any lndl-1
cation of foreign buslneaa in the mar-
ket. th price has been artificially aU -
vancea .Dei ore : sucn oraers could be I
filled. - The result has been that the I
foreign trade is aettinr mlahtv tirafl I
vi uieae wcucr ana sas oeen noiaing
hauV 111 onlara Jintll anffh m. tlm. . Z I
the trade here nomea to lta annaxa 1
This is not an arcumint for lowar I
prices, because everyone-will admit of I
the strength of tha situation. . It haa
peen tne arunciai aavanoea mat nave I
nurt tne maraet mis season more thaa l
all the bear interests together. I
Eiurona wants hots and is willlns' ro I
pay for them, but ha I
snown a aisposiuon to purcnase recent,
ly the prices have been advanced 2a ta
So a pound overnight.
Market Off Another Nickel, With
Cattle and Sheep Holding.
Chicago, Oct 18.-Hogs, 18.000! left
over, 4100; run year ago, 8600. Market
6o lower. Mixed and butchers. 97.800
8.45. Good and heavy, 18.10 8.40. Rough
and heavy, 97.8008.00. . Light 17.900
' Cattle, 800. ' Market steady. ' '
Sheep, 4000. Market steady. )
Money and Exchange,
liondon. Oct. 18. Consols, 78 -16d;
silver. 28Ud; bank rate, t perjeent
New Tork, Oct. 13. Sterling ex
change Iong, 84.82 H; short, 11.86 H.
Silver bullion, tlo. . 1 ;
San Francisco, Oct. II. Sterling ex
change 60 daye. $4.80; sight 84.86:
doc, $4.80. Transfers Telegraphic, t
per cent premium; sig-ht par.
! ... .... - w ; '..V . v .. . .. . . n--,. i. f. ......... wK . . .
Chicago Market , Opens With Good
Rise but Cloees at the Low
Mark for JDajv
j n,anT, jspsets the trade is working into
I a healthier position. The extreme bear-1 oorn-producing atatea .and it 1 now
I ishness and, heavy, liquidation reached a la mere matter of grower planting the
I limit nvtav Ts,vu,mniiiimnniilurun. (a nut ih,' PinlflnTinnhvut
I tOM 1 h cables. The northwest re -
I wlP-were about ona half of last year:
There waa a display of firmness both
I in th northwest and southwest during
abroad. Jt la thought the break in corn
1 1 h.vj ni..h .i,k ,.
in the- trade, had much to do with the
reaction In wheat at the close. Leaders
In the trade are anticipating- less favor.
I able weather.
to thaeaTAtaref WS"tt?tt-rSmAm spo't o ! tillable
Sh? DMtha'tUthemarkX M Bot Pv.aPto,be a good
I of the equato:
isnmenr. anonarn or lata u
entitle H support on, soms further re-
covary, . ,v-',
I The Improved support In th corn
market was no urpri thU morning
The offerings In the market wers light
tt th. nntiot and hla-har nHnaa ware
w . . . D . w m
easily established, December advancing
to 6To and the May cloaed at 6 9 H c
I a iu,iiu i i.mmai ai.
1 of poor huaklng returns from Illinois
j and wa point were on the side of
oetter prices. "oumwest maraew ois -
nlmil mnra than nntail
here; ; The whole temper of the local
t.4. .h....4 v. ,Tk i.iwnn that
a bull leader tor some reason was re- I - iuwuhiw oav
duclng his holdings through f liberal shown germinaUon teats of t per cent
..u. .) A.j.ra n. imt inim.lwllllt Dtlun have nnnd Atvmrn in 1.1
ber of brokerage firms, and It was this
influence. to-other with a fin weather
mnmn wkf.fc th. M.rt A, ,r lift.
and "68 Ho for December and May at the
close. .-- ; ;
. r.l- ia.JI nirflMl1 tVtm
same as yesterday. For the morning
oat future were advanoed Ho overlono nortnwet aunng th laat ea
Frldav cloee. with a leadina houae and I son to seed quite an extensive acreage
local shorts aotive on the buying aide.
The reaction in th last hour was large -
ly due to th easier turn in oorn. Local
receipts -were in cars. ' .
Than la llttla doubt that this Bltivl
sion trad i subject to the orders of
local packers very largely. There was
I morning, witn amatv gains over jjnaay a
closing ngures.
Trade building.
M?- 0HSll ai( af?" Sua
aa nit st2 . ar2a
Dee. ......... er fTJ ' u . :
fM " 29 S3 . S2 ' IStST
.M i i4 i ai'
Jan. .IMT ' 1950
1840 A,
194T -
1025 A,
1046 A.
1083 A
1087 B
14ar ..1059 ' ,1962
Oct ..1082 10M.
lia. ........ .1027 ,;1030
may .........ii .
Oct ........ .1049 - 1046
Jan. 1025 .1027
Mar .......... 1046 104S
Walla Wan Business Small With
Farmers Unwilling to Let Go.
Walla Walla, Wash, Oct 18-Tha
wheat market for the past week haa
been dull and lifeless; If anything, a
shade lower In prices than th week
preceding;. A noticeable slump occurred
Friday, but It failed to have th usual
effect of frightening some of th more
timid grower to part with their hold
ings It'lg said there have been fewer sales
to data this year than baa been tha case
for many years. The wheat of excel
lent quality, la stored In the ware
houses, but the farmers prefer the pay
ment of storage and Insurance rather
than sell their grain for what they con
sider an Insufficient figure,
South Omaha, Oct f8. CatfJei none,
Hogs 2700. Market steady, So lower,
at 7!S08.1S.
Sheep None. No market
Actual Demonstration In .Various
, That the Pacific Coast States. Can Grow Better Qual-
lty Than (he
By Hrman H. Cohen.
uregon, wasnington ana laano ar
1 among tha leaders of th. country's oorn
producing section S t x r vv ; '
There - Is no lonsrer room: to doubt
jth wonderful corn-growtng poaalbUlUea
i or tne urea atatas; experiments ere still
1 being; carried on In r every .section, but
YiTVith hea t oatf and barleV foVa
I wnue iaere are certain sections or
th. Paol ir thw Tt tfcit lTa nJSU-i
SJiheV? r TSSScilulnSJT wKT n
ir: s ,
,vf t ? i?
C?wlnfi50I? i?.
y,tLm?iw vIih
in th tnree atatea,
have been ' due to
"' af.i "v,i1' '"k.
I reault Of pure lasiness or oussedness
I rrhaa frisi e att ttiaTS ml at ft raaW-ss . Tminanaa
i "Lf"1? H?.. "17? J11,.1.0"
I calltlcs Where others have mad a falU
I ' -' -, "',;"" "
s the same as to practically ayary
1 line of Indiutrv. - - : . . .
I "election of th seed Is perhaps on
J the best 'eaturea of successful oorn-
i" v"i """i
I Seed Purchased BbOUld b thOrOOrhly
tested either by the buyer or by sending
la BamDIe to the state aarrleultnral rnl.
IP centi-Thoswho.Jought the Jat-
w ana piantea I oouia not grow Ojrn
duclng sections of the country, "he
laeed would not grow no, -natter where
lit vtl nlajltad. ..'. . .1.
l Sufficient corn has been grown In the
1 for the coming year. Growers who in-
1 tna to try oorn culture should there
I fore get some of this acclimated stock
Have Been IxManfria; Moner to Zioeal
Interest to. Boy Cows Vhile
Pnmls Here Have Been Hard to
Seeore- for liidiialrf. ,
Illinois hankers are haoktrrrthedalry
industry of th Paetflo northwest wall
local - bankers are holding . their Idle
funds in their vaolta. Th First Na
tional bank of Elgin, HI, has recently
financed a number of dairymen, In this
action in order t buy cows In that
The business hag proven a great suo-
oes everywhere tried," therefor the
eastern bankers hare every faith In the
future of th industry along th Pa-
elflo coast
Much complaint haa been mad .by
dairy Interests here recently that th
Denies were not willing to aid them in
their work of extending the industry.
It hag been stated that funds for this
purpose have almost been impossible
to secure at home, although in the east
bankers seem willing to pay out their
money to aid the Industry way out on
the Paclflo coast . ,
George R, Mokel, the well known lo
cal cow authority, who has brought
many tralnloada of dairy cows from tb
east says that aaatern bankers are
rather anxloua to get such, good se-
suriiy as caiue paper.. n, -
San Francisco Barley Calls.
Ban Francisco, Oct 18. Barley close
ueoemner, i.gttt May, i.7.
Sections : and Culture ; Has Proren .
JIldcQe West.
either from the railroads or by direct
purchase from some neighboring- grow
er.' mucn or me success or failure oi
corn-growing - will depend" upon' th
planting of suitable - seed, 1
.It has only been a few year ago that
tne middle . weat .achieved such prom
inence as a corn-producing- section. At
that time the corn' belt of the country
was , farther- south. "Too cold -night
was the general expression of the trade
when experiments were made to grow
the cereal north of the formerly estab
tisnea line, . .looay tn miqcue west is
the greatest a rower of corn in tha world.
It his beaten th Old-time seotion by a
miie ana a. nair.f xne corn, oeit la Do
ing moved north and west '.every sea
son, ana tn xartner away it has peen
carried from.- the extreme south, . th
better has been the production. - .
It haa been contended that th nights
are too cooi ior suocessiui corn-growing
in Oregon. . Idaho and Washlnarton.
but this bugaboo has taken wings when
aotual demonstration baa proven that
not only can corn be successfully grown
in the Paclflo northwest.- but that It
shows even better quality than the bulk
or in crop ox in so-caiiea corn out
of th middle west and south.
Ona Of tha riaat alarna nf tha timaa
haa been-, the demonstration that co-n
culture In tha dry-farmlnr sactiona la
iiiguiy succesaiui. -mere is plenty oi
iana in tne interior ox tna iaairia north.
west that ean arrow earn that la tnAav
Idle or covered alone with sage brush.
Reoently in the Prosser. Washington
school agricultural contest three chil
dren raised more than 100 bushels of
corn to tb acre. Basil Sutton, aged
14, raised 107 bushels: Pearl High? Ill,
18 Tears, raised 108.S bushels anil Tm.
Albln, 11 years, raised 104 2-7 bushels
per acre. The acre tracts were measured
by County Agriculturist Lee M. Lamp
son to guard against any possibility of
mistake In distance or sis of yield. -
What the children of tha Pma,
school have done has been a good ex
ample for their parents and neighbors.
Interest In oorn-growlns: haa been stim
ulated to a eoneMarartlai a-rtau., h ,ka
demonstration ef the children and a
falr-stsed commercial acreage will be
planted during th coming season. ..
United Statetf Taken ; From Small
Xdst of Beef Kxporters and Put
Among ' Those Dependent - Upon
Others for Snppl.
Washington,' Z. C, October 18. Th
recent transfer . of the United State
from the, small list of beef-exporting
ooontrlee to th large Ust Of beef-lm-
Porting countries Is sharply illustrate:!
by the August figures of Imports and
export of beef and beef cattle and a
oomparison thereof with the August fig
ures of earlier years hist made bv th
Dureaa ox xoreign ana aomesao oom-
meroe ef tha denartmant of commarna.
This shows that the exports of beet
ana oeei cam nave xaiien xrom 44,
000.000 value In the eight months ended
with August 1804, to practically
$1,000,000 In the corresponding months
of 1918. and that tha imnorta of eattla
meantime increased from 8,817 In the
eignt monins oi mot to so,ios in the
same period of 1918. and their value
from 181,146 in. 1904 to 85.021,842 In
.918. Aa to beef, the importations in
1904 Wera insufficient to Justify their
statement month by month. - and th
total value of beef imported for . con
sumption in th full fiscal year 1904
was but 1 14,922, while th single monn
of July, 1912, showed a total importa
tion oi eix.aae pounas, vaiuea at aos,
Da. A.n,a 1 , , CI .......
, Awa1-. wm.. w. a,..,vv yvuaun
valued at 189,204, and September about
an equal amount
Even the value of the comparatively
mau numoer or cam exportea is now
less Per need than la earlier year,
deaplte th general advance In prices
meantime. , The average - export price
vi ma j.s,uov aeaa ox cam in tn eignt
months ended with Aua-ust. 1912. waa
884, against an average of 128 for th
is.sbo neaa or cattle exDortea in the
corresponding months ef 1904. On the
Import aide there is a decrease of about
20 ner cent in, tha valuation na haail.
th 840,106 cattle imported in th sight
months ended with August' 1912. bAl no-
valued at tie per head, compared with
$19 per head for the 9857 cattle import
ed tn the corresponding months of 1904.
The character of the cattle imported
differs, of coarse, radically from that
Of those exported, belnar mostly, an th
export side, grain-fed animals ready for
slaughtering, and on the Import side,
grass-fed cattle in many cases but one
or two years of age.. Practically all of
tha eattla lmnnrtad. Ath.r than thnaa
for breeding purposes, are brought from
Mexico, that . country having supplied,
in me iiacai year ivie, si,yt OI tne
420.161 haiul lmDOrtad ton othar ttian
breeding, purpoaea . , of th 1888 im-
Sorted, for breeding purposes, free of
uty, 945 wer front' England. - T "
Imports ' of beef show- remarkable
Kins within th very reoent period,
the fiscal year 1904 tha ouantltv of
beef imported for' consumption was
184,509 v pounds, ; valued at 914i.22,
against 028,878 pounds, valued at J1,
110 In the fiscal year 1910, and 2.957.700
nnnrnla .valnul a lln, ali I. liit.
. . . r . - ...... , i, .....
while in the single months of July and
August the Imports aggregated 642,894
fiounds and 1.151,(26 pounds, respect
valy, and partial returns Indicate that
the SeDtember f larurea will alas armrm.
lmate on million pounds." -y'. t
' . i t. ' m
Theat Planting at Walla. Wall Is
Increased Because of Better
' t Yields of Early Stuff, - ;j
Wallas Walla. Wash.. Oct 18. Anoth
er week- of cool, ' cloudy weather, with
occasional showers, has been all that
tne rarmars ox m wana waiia vauey
could have asked, for, and as a. result
the fall seeding Operations are - muoh
nearer completion. ' In the western part
of th county the ranchers have worked
early and lata, even putting In their
Sunday in th fields, fearina the win
ter weather might arrive ahead of sched
ule and put a stop to all farm work. '
' The acreage sown to grain this fall
la said by all conversant with tbe Sub
ject to be considerably larger than that
of last year or the year-preoedlng,-due,
It is said, to the fact that th fall sown
wheat -had- every advantage over th
SDrina grain' during the - past season.
Indications are for continued wet weath
er, and the ground 1 in fine condition
for seeding.-: .,- ' . ; ;'
Sales ' Are Made ' at .Further Reduo
:- tion of Nickel In the Tarda.
Kansas City. Oct ' 18 Hoaa. 800.
Markt So lower. Tops. 68 80.
Cattle, bos. i market steady.
Price Here Bole S3
Next Highest Stock4
in the United States! IUm..
- Eager for' Sheep.
Wiilmfi',!.:- "(' tvi.i'.if'iW'V. ji ' '
Endingw , ; Hops, Cattle. Cq4vs. Sheep.
Oct. 18..; a. .2,607 J.000 .18 f. 4,Blj.
Oot 11, -.... .I,87 'V . 880 181 ' ,7S
Oct .!,,, ..8,865 yj.t.MX . 27-8.548 '
Bept -27;, I. .2.868 1,684 ? , 21 , J1.718' ,
8epv; i0..i..S607-:v:U.688 .'., H
Tear ago, ,8,838 1,288 WW$; ,s8d
Two yra ago 2.688-420 ..1031 1.457 )
;L:'-''i'By"'Hyman,a "
North Portland, further increased iU . .'
lead over, other American stockyard '
centers in the matter of hog market,
orloes during tb last week. .'. While the:
receipts her hay been growing rapidly!
all year, there has been an even better -
increase in -in aemano. . ; '.Mr
. Hor market offerings here durinir th
week were several hundred head under
last week and fractionally smaller than
those tb same day a year ago, but
there was a further increase in the call
and prloes were elevated to tU0 for
LOPS. " .''-''!,;.''? ..'.-.'.,;.. -J (
v This advance In tha rjrle ef hogs here
during the week waa made in the face ot i
a congested tone In the-stockyard east!
Of the Rockies. While this market was
snowing strengtn ana aavancea pnoes, t
there waa a weaker tone and lower
values at Chicago, Kansas City and1
South Omaha. . -' . ; ; t-
At the cloalna? of the week tha Prtoei
at North Portland was 86o above the!
highest figure obtainable in the aat I
The enormous increase in the market
lng ot swine that killer of North Port-,
land had generally expected ot tate
failed to materialise and buyers Taave 0
been forced to revise somewhat their ,
Ideas regarding the price. , . ...
General hog market rang)
Top killers .........-,.....l.78W0l
uooa aad ,ugbt
Heavy ...... - 8.60
Rough and heavy............ 7J08,00
' Cattle icarkoi Zs GKood. ' '
Whll at intervals there was a Slight
ly weaker feeling In . the ' cattle trade
aunng tne weex, tne general marxec was
not onlv able to hold lta own. but -was
actually higher for some offerings than
a week ' ago. There was a slight in.
areas a In the marketing over that of th
preoedlng six days, but buyers were
more alert to take bold and ware Willing
buvara at tha nrieaa mentioned, i -
- As a general rule there was little!
snap to the cattle trade at points eastf
of the Rookies during; the week. While i:
price changes' there were limited, -the
general tendency seemed to be more to-1
ward weakness than steadiness. -
General cattle market range: - '
Best steers .....-.U-..... I7.80O M0
Ordinary steers ...a., 7.75
Poor steers - - -- - - 1 kii7 bo
Best heifers , . . , , , . 7.00
xw, . ..aa.a.aaaa . : v.iv
Medium cows
Poor COWS "'. .aw,iii i. n laan I ' ' 6.6
5 51
Ordinary bulla LMSB.0fl
Fancy stage '. ', . . 6.GS
Fancy bulls .... i a ,.,- S.60
Prime light calves... ...... 8.B0O9.00
Prim heavy ........ 4U0Q7.50
Bheep eatoauoa Btrong.
There was' a very stromr situation in
tha mutton market at North Portland
during the week... There waa a vast de
crease In the run as compared with th
previous six days and the number of
mall buyers present Increased some
what Killers brought In a Urg par,
cent of th supplies themselves, leaving
xw ior in open raaraei.
xop oxrering in tn iamn - amnion
brought as high as 5.80 during th week
but naturally only the very beat qual
ity wss suitable to bring this figure.
Condition in the ' mutton fad at
stockyard points east of th Rookies
were acarcely as good aa during th pre
ceding six day. At South Omaha, es
pecially there was a noticeable showing
of weakness and value slid somewhat
under those that ruled the , previous
week. ; ' ' ...'.....,- ..-. . t: .
Oeneral mutton market ranrat
Best iDrini lr"K - - - a
Ordinary lambs 6.00
yearling .........a. , 4.28
Old wethers 4.16
Fancy ewes 8.80
oraiaary ewes ,.,., 3.76
; . Koaday Krtnar Sales, . ' v
COWS. -r-'"'
fcgttsai i;-..--T'- f-'Ka .Ave. Iha. .Prlea,
Oregaa ....a., 1 810 SeOft
OregOS a.. a... 29 ' . 1064 ' . $6.8.1 1
Idaho .a......aMa.a t ' 1090 ' ' 6 0 "l
Idaho '...M....M..a.a , T 1060 ,' S.60 U
Idaho Mn..a.MMa S 108 ' ;-. S.60I-.
Idaho g . : ,- lOOT c ' S.60 .
Oregos ..... ..., SS , . 1000 '., , . e.80 1
Idaho -,M.a.MMMa.. IS , 1060 .i , S.68 V
Idaho . aM.,M,,aM., 1 sfio ' ! '. aaa '
Oregaa Haia.... U 1 11111 IM -
Oregon ................. - 1- . ' - 920 1 . ; - 0.00 !.
"-i t '
Oragea .............. 1 1!56 , S.T8V
Oregoa, 1 j; 1S00 : 6.23
vregga i..mmmw,m a tJ't JSUW
Idaho ,.,a.a.aaaa 1 .--,. 1840
Orago 1 - :- 1840
s.6o :
cos I
(Continued en Following . Page). - J
, - ' BAM ITIAJNIHUU , . .
QSS Oak ata around Tloor, JVewle ttlAg.
sraones ' aaarsaavu isu, aaaxar. I
Ercrv Sarsrdafi
Jin in
1 1 TSaJH?"
toandfreai t.
New York ,
Londonderr '
- Ougow '
"ea. s gn roag-Tha .mis-. m,t --MairiS h. '
Enjoy ea route a view of "Niagara galla," one i -of
tha world'a aeren vronders, and a daylight
trip down the "Blatorie HudMa Rlrer" with- . "'
out ching of ear, arriving at aiaagow via .
tb pletureequ Hirer Clyde. . : . ' . t
. Mw, large, Kodarn, Twln-8rw Bteamers -
Omerocia, California, Caledonia, Colombia
TUBOAWIA, 14.000 tone, (Balldtag) ' "
Fitted with Wire leu TelegTaphy and IM1- Keel.
Drawing Boom, Loung, Smoking Hooma, Or.
eheatru. ' Luxurloml Appointed (Ulooa aad
Becood Cabin. , ..,,'
Unurpaad jniid Claia roily, TuralahadXew ',. .
. - ' Hates, i ,- ., '
Boon ' for married eouples. -sad ' famlll ef
n ' two, foor and l peraoaa.
' tzcoan rA&sACx daxb,, it eottbs -MediterraneanSerrice
From New York -.
Tint Cabin Vatr te Kapla 60 aad s.
Third CUm at Va Xaw Hat.
Aaehor Line Prafta rarable Free ef Oharge,
v, Kor Book Of Xonr, Rate, etc, applv to
SENDEH80W BROTH EES, O.n'l Aganta,
W W. - Kaadolph Ct., 8. Cor. Pau-bors,
, Chioag E. X. Vllbarg. BeatUa. Waaa.
Steamship Brealavater s
Sails from almworth dock, Portland, at S
p. D., ' TerV Tueaday CTnlng. elKht r.
reirea naui la ckws (Boon) on aiiiiig car.
Paaaeager far: glrat el flO, wcond rlHaC".
(man oulri 87. Including berth and liiaul. llc-k.
at office at Ur Alnaworth dock. Fortlasd a '
Coo Bar Steaiurhlp .Una. t'hoaaa-alala X1 !
i-W-v "ay
aya.,a, .,..avw.uuawa,
' '
. iiecfttuu, M,anwt4teaay,
1 ' : . . .' . 1 -aawaia a