The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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:;,-"- ."'r;
A. B. Har.imond. Says Great
Commeipe Will Flow - in
Columbia If Water Deep.'- -
, A. B. Hammond, thi "Redwood Kinit
c f California." and president of tbo Ham
inord Lumber company, came to JPort-
land yesterday after having visiter As-
torla and the mouth of the Columbia
' river, . (
Mr. Hammond built the Astoria A Co
, lumbla Itlver railroad.:; He has extensive
; mill Interests. Ha is an earnest uup
' ; porter . of the cam pa iff n to deepen the
: bar channel, at the mouth of the Co-
lumbla, ' . y
- "The reason I built the Astoria A Co
;, lumbla River railroad was because I be-
lleved that a' great commerce la to flow
' out of and Into the mouth of the Co-
lumbla river." be said yesterday.
f "But unless the channel Ms deepened
-to freely, admit, the largest water car-
i rlers the ecmmerce will pass by ' the
- mouth of the Columbia. ' ' "
' v. ."It you want proof of this assertion
' " examine, comparatively, the records of
. the commerce of Pacific coast cities.
' Portland baa been , losing while other
. rltUa hava been ' calnlno-. Portland
should (aln and will when , the channel
' to be any further delay In establishing
. An Columbia, aar channel.? . .-j a
. l Mr. Hammond commented ; on ' the
' movement of opposition to rates on lum
ber (rented Willamette valley towns.
"Portland should support and approve
i; th rates which permit these towns
Albany, Hlllaboro, -Oregon City -to da
I business," be declared. "I learn that
r Frank H. Ransom Is askin the cham
l ber of commerce to help and is loins
f throughout -the district oaDOslnar the
J! rates. He should remember that If there
wasn't any Albany or HiUaboro or Ore
I. on City there wouldn't be any Fort
land. What . benefits them benefits
i Portland. To defeat rates that permit
' these twons to do business Is to Injure
J -Portland and give Puget sound aa. ad-
' vantage"
! ..yv.;-:,' ;., ,: ." 'y.''.;
; - ' Continued From Page One.) ' -'
,i'were tried long before manhood fran-
chiee was granted -tor men in England.
p Another Instance which Reeves will cite
t will be the cases . of John Redmond.
( Michael Pavltt and other Knglisbmen,
; who have - been permitted to com to
I' this country to advocate a cause. ,.
p "These men," declared Mrs. Pank
' buret, following her detention, ."were
;i convicted In England of crimes lnvolv
? ing moral turpitude. They ' were pot
. even questioned upon entering' Amcr-
lCaV '' : .-, v:?;-, v "'.
'"Moral turpitude, the ground on
f. . which Mrs. Pankhurst Is barred. Is de-
f nnea. in, me aicuonary s "moral case
nesa, or1 vileness, shameful ' wickedness,
f mora dpEttr.r ?-A,te$'i't.-.
...',", (ha- raws, '. Comparison,, r,
I, "If I have, been guilty of moral tur
, , pitude," Mrs. Pankhurat today told the
board of inquiry which ordered her ex
eluded, "then your ancestors who fought
taiauon - without representation, were
Hi ' . ' . - r jr i. . . - - . . - : '
WW ' ' I:-?' ."
AW vX '
' us.y j Tbe.liteLJesBl9 B. Inrine. .!
boss" murphy in
iw . role courts :
Tammany Leader DeclaresiTe
rhy is almost courteous to the polltlaxl
for years he la at. times almost gentuU
, Butt Wis most significant development
in the man,Ja the adinlsHlon that he ra-
ally wanted to take the stand In hJ
Sulaer trial. . Had the governor testineo
In, his own defense and assailed Murphy,
the Tammany boss told hi intimates
that hewould answer him In person.
Murphy'' believes that he can explnln
his actions ' to the satisfaction , Of ' the
public ' j ,But, Bulzer kept 'kllence ' and
Murphy wa mum. . f
; Is Jired xof 'Having 'Charges
. brought Against Him,
' 'United Prei tieuwid Vrlt.) - " '
New York, ,' Oct. 18. Charles . Fran
cis Murphy, boss of Tammany Hall, ap
peared today , in a ' new', role. , He ap
pealed to tha court and . the - county
prosecutor Charles F Whitman to in
vestlgate him. Murpny says he Ts tired
of havng foolish (marges - brought
against htm. .: The one he especially ob
jects to is that ha plans ; to use re
peaters to win the coming .mayoralty
election, '
The action, of Murphy emphasised to
night the change that has come in this
florid countenanced burly political boss
who for yeara has ruled Tammany with
an iron rod. - During his early life as
bartender, saloon proprietor, 'contractor
and a distriot, city and finally, state
boss of his party, Murphy ; could give
the Sphinx pointer ton silence. He Spoke
in monosyllables when he spoke at all.
Usually he was silent Asked a ques
tion which demanded some sort of reply
his custom was. to grunt out a meagre
Yes" or . NO. Then he simply turned
his back. -' Now this la changed. Mur-
Corfcord, N." H., Oct. 18. Definite
plans for the handling of the 1 1,000.000
trust fuhd left ' by. Mrs.' Aiary . Baker
Eddy for the aivsnoe of Christian Sci
ence will now be mada as aresult of
the appointment of trustees to admin
ister the funds by Judge Charles H.
Corning. Jn the probate .court today. ,
. The appointment of the trustees was
under the recent decision of the supremo
court of New Hampshire that Mrs.
Eddy's" will established a world-wide
trust td be administered under the goi
eral supervision of the New Hampshire
courts. The trustees appointed are Arch,
ibald MacLellan, Allison Y. Stewart,
John V, Dittroore, Adam , P; Dickey and
James A. Neal, of the board of directors
of the First Church of Christ, Scientist,
of Boston, and Josiah E. Fernald- a
banker of Concord. , !
'-:',. !,'" 'ii .I" 1 ' i
; Journal Want , Ada bring results. '
,!i-,:-lr : ' ' i11! 1 111 - 1 - , , fj, s. ;
..'i(. '.v.' - - ' i. , -. ' . ( -
Ten Generations Would Fix In
'Humanity 'Any Desired . At-
tribute, He Declares. t"
' ; Lw ; L,
? .. (By 1bs Internntloual Nwa Berries.) '
Ean Francisco,. CaL,. Oct 18. Luther
Burbank, the plant conjurer of Santa
Rosa,- CaL, baa Joined the ranks of the
eugenlsts. In an Interview granted
to a representative of the International
News service here' today, Burbank an
nounced his final . definite conviction
that the laws of 'artificial .selection
which he has found applicable to plant
life, are also operative in human rela
tionships and that ten generations iinder
Ideal scientific ' conditions would i; do
more for the raoa than could be accom
plished in a hundred thousand years of
natural 'selection. . He affirmed his be
lief that acquired characteristics posi
tively' are transmissible, and said that
each succeeding - eugenio. . ' generation
would implant in humanity new and better-traits,
with little tendencies to re
version, v t,
- Ten generations would bo sufficient
to fix in humanity any desired attribute
of an ideal and survival value," said
Burbank. "In plant v cultivation; about
-stablih the dewiied r.tru(tural ' and
functional -changes In the descendants. ''
Knough time,, muat be allowed. to make
sure that there will be no reversion to
former undesirable atributes. '
-"It would be interesting to . observe
what might be done if it were possible '
to select a doien normal families and it
them live and mate under ideal aug.!
conditions. '' , -r,.. . v.-. s-
"There is absolutely n6 doubt out tha.
ten generations, "wouldi, be. euff k-lent to
firmly Implant the better qualit y und to
weed out the inferior ones. TM-) is not
a matter of conjecture. These lmvs have
been, absolutely established, s viie plant
species which have evolved are iri t n
selves sufficient evidence of the ' i ;' ; --
. nnu i uini. i iiuwbhw
The omission of, the fig.'re
the alleged date. , April 15,'TII
which George Ridenour . failed H .'
port his wife,' threatened yestrc ' '
end the first prosecutlon-fpr non-k'u,-port
under the law making , the crime
a felony. The case came up before Cir
cuit Judge ; Cleeton this morning,- and
after the Jury had been Impaneled, the
omission was brought to the notice of
Judge Cleeton by Ridehour's attorneys.
' : Deputy ' District y Attorney Hammers-?
ley discovered an amendment tp the
constitution passed In llp which per
mitted district attorneys to-r, amend
Indictments when they are declared de
fective In form by the trial Judge, i '
On this basis ho presented an amend. .
ment to the indictment and tho case
proceeded." It will be -completed Mon
day. f Kldenour has been In Jail since '
June. i ' , 1 , 1 ' -" '
Saxony, with !2 inhabitants ' to the
sauare mile. Is the most-densely pop-
six to ten generations are' 'required to ulated state in the German empire. . -
The . late Jesel B, Inrlne,
-guilty of -'moral turpitude' and ; If we
who revolt against paying tax in Eng
land without saying how we shall be
. taxed, are . guilty, then your , esteemed
forefathers who tipped the tea into Bos-
, ton harbor are likewise guilty of
.moral turpitude.' ; ' ':',-;. v
From, the moment ', Mrs. Pankhurst
- granted") an Interview s with -the ship
news reporters who boarded , ; the
La Provence below quarantine,; and
', , throughout her grilling In secret by
'. tbo inquiry board, she made It plain
! that she had oomo here not to preach
militancy, and not to teach . American
; women how to get the vote, but to ad-
i vocate a cause, and If successful in
1 her planned speaking trip,, to . raise
money for her', cause, "as '. Redmond
raised money for the home rule fight
In Ireland."
"X could teach your American women
n uothlng." declared. Mrs. Pankhurat.
have not come to preach - vtolenco.' t
i ana uon wds stro wun me in our
revolution, believe in the eacredneas of
: -.. human Ufa. '
rollowlas; AaonitJi'g Advleea. :-.:
' i Vtffiii KAA mrnmmn 4 11 In v...
, i land before we foUowed the advice of
Asqulth and began to "make ourselves
dlaagreeablo. Wo are, being Jailed for
i.Tradainarit BsristeraA ;';;; :r:
Vhat Your Eyes
Need in Glasses
Can be determined .
to an absolute .
optical mathematical
exactness under .
Thompson methods .
of scientific eye 1 ,
Glasses, if neededl mi low
els $2.00. r.. ;. .
Optical Institute ,
209-10-11 Corbett Building
Fifth and Morrison
Mora than 4 fl. years' ago. In the time
oi .me grana xnasiersnp or nm iie
Robert - Clow, ? Jessie B. Irvine, ai
Ore Iranian pioneer' wbo ..died In Ash.
land last Sunday, led the fight on the
floor of - the grand lodge of Masons
that has made that order in this Juris
diction even more strict in drawing
the line on intoxicants and -their' use
and sale . by members of the order
than are some of the churches. -
The facts were stated at the funeral
of Mr. Irvine by Dr. J. N. Bell, who
was , witness to and a participant in
tha sensational struggle In which the
Masons In grand lodge assembled ex
pelled a member for gambling and ac
cepted; tha Irvine resolutions concern
ing sale and' use of liquors by . mem
bers of the order, - -..
Great bitterness marked the contro
versy and the ' resolutions when first
proposed Were unpopular. But, after
laying on ' tho table tha, required year,
they were taken up by theeucceedlag
grand lodge and adopted , by an over
whelming vote. ' - ,
The resolutions wero Masonio his
tory in the making, and their beneficial j
mnuence in the effect they have exer
cised on members ' of the order and
other ' secret orders in the same re
spect has ..been1 very -great. Dr. .Bell
declared . the resolutions, - which are
now statute law In the order, to be a
monument to the memory of nMr. Irvine
and an honor to his name. 1
Mr. .! Irvine waa born in Kentucky
January I, UJl, and waa aged more
than M , r years. B H. I Irvine, a
brother, aged 85, survives him, and re
sides at Lebanon. - i
destroying property, but ' we counsel
against notion that endangers human
life. Sir Edward Carson and his lieu
tenants are openly drilling an army of
800,000 to fight with anna If an Irish
home - rule - parliament la organized.
They. Bay they .will fight and kiU
home rule goes Into effect. That If la
what they hide behind, '. But it is-admitted
what they are doin g but English
law doesn't stop them. Whyt Because
they are men. j 1 ''
. "Only one man an old man, who. la
stubborn otaada between ' women and
the vote in England,; He ia ;King As
quith, our premier." ?
v T am not chagrined," she declared
tonight "If I lose my appeal, it will
be but an incident in a fight we are
bound to win. I shall return to England
and resume the fight and. our fight Is
for death or the vote. But I cannot be
lieve this great republic will refuse me
entry when that other great republic
France took me in." " c .
"When first notified of bar exclusion
.Mrs. Pankhurat said she would touch
no food while on the island. Later when
told she might be released tomorrow,
she decided to eat.' ' ::-'.' :
, i . (Continued FTom Face Ona.1
Americanr countries on the one sldo,
and Germany, Austria, France and the
remainder of the South and Central
American countries on the other
Keating' Disturbs Washington. V
- The announced purpose of the meet
ing of the diplomats at the off loe of
the German minister to agree upon
some solution of the artuatlon in tho
roDubllo has caused some perturbation
at the state department, as such so
lution may, not bean accordance with
the American policy, and might pre
cipitate aa awkward clash.
: There waa a general disinclination at
tho state department today to discuss
any phase-of the situation in detail., or
to even bint what this government pro
poses to do In the event of Huerta ac
tually resigning.
. Official developments reported to the
state department were: The reslgna
tlon of Colima's governor and the eleo
tlon of General .Juan A. Hernandez; the
expected arrival of the transport Bu
ford at Ean Diego with Mexican west
coast refugees; tha death of Bpencer P.
Speed an route; a pillaging attack on
the Hacienda Ingenlo, Rascon and- rep
resentations to General Zaragoza for
violation of a promise to protect Amer
ican property and Uvea, prsotlcal aban
donment by Americans of Torreon,
Asarco. Zalardena and vicinity, and tho
tailing of the Texaa for Oalveston with
Torreon refugees. High Officials posi
tively declared tonight that if Huerta
has withdrawn, - ha feared assassina
tion. ...:..',. v V'.Err- ,:
r h DIas : Leave for Ver Cnu.:
3 Havana, Oct. 18. At midnight tonight
General : Felix Diaz, who arrived hero
thla morning from Havre on the Cored
vado, embarked again ' for Vera Cruz.
General Diaz said he was confident of
election to the presidency and felt cer
tain the election would be Jheld accord
ing to schedule despite the dissolution
of congress and other recent develop
ments, '."J. ;'.."(: : '.. 'TK
.. Bias ' lunched today with ) Haerta'a
eommlssloner, Ernesterlo Garza, and the
latter, tried to convince him that his
patriotic duty was to remain outside of
Mexico ao that no elections could be
held, thus allowing Huerta to remain
in power, until, the country .waa paci
fied. - .;"-" .'-,': n'.'-r.-i'-' .';
Three members of Diaz' party who r
centjy arrived for the purpose of escort
ing him to Mexico, also saw him this
afternoon and endeavored to persuade
him not to listen to Oarza, but to con
tinue to Mexico. - V
The police were ordered this morning
to disperse u i groups ; of Mexicans.
A former Madero deputy, Rafael-Treto,
waa arrested on the wharves for shout
ing, "Death to the traitor," when he
thought tha boat . returning from tha
ahlp contained Diaz, who had hot yet i
landed. .'- . ' ';.-''" v i - '
,. .ml.' ' ' . I
Huerta Denies Resigning.
Mexico City, Oct 38. In a brief
statement ; given , out ibnjght President
Huerfa ' denounced as baseless 'that',
he; . waa contemplating resigning '.'or
fleeing from the capital. 1
: Persona close ' to Jth , president a
clare that ,ho-r has received sufficient
assurances of support from the army
heads aa wt as from the provincial
governors and la satisfied - that the
revolt in the north will soon be ended
with the recapture of Torreon by the
strong federal force now being , con
centrated upon the city.
- Ten of, the imprisoned deputies were
net free today, there being no evidence
that they had taken part in a con
spiracy. Seventy-four of the remain
ing 100 were formally held for trial
in the federal district court today on
charges of sedition, rebellion and. con
tumacy. ' Among those to face trial
are Rodolfo Reyea and Jorge Vera
A , troop train la reported to nave
been blown up by the rebels of Zaca-,
tecas, causing heavy loss of Ufa Offl-
clal denials have been made, v . i
(Continued From Page One.)
was of a distinct type and that the
pay received by the men should be
at the 'usual street car rates. A strike
vote waa then taken by the' trainmen
on the entire Southern Pacific system
from Portland to El Paso. The vote
was SO to 1 for a strike, which would
have resulted In a tie up of the South
ern Pacific. ' f
The board held that the fact that
transfers may be given to or from a
street car. to or from a auburban elec
tric car or train, or steam train, oper
ated by the same or a separate man
agement does not , of Itself change to
a suburban service- the character of
the : service rendered .by the atrtet
. It also held that the fact that cars
furnishing . street car service run on
the same rails, or that they alternate '
or are intermingled with suburban, in-
terurban or steam service, or , ariy -
or ail or tne classes or service, does
toot change the character of the former,
service from street car to suburban
eleotrlo.: or-, other, aervice. ; 4-:x, ,.
Fifth St
Tiger;; Birraseb ItflP
Qrr 1 9:iea ifftTIv TKfv ' n IKI WrzWVUJW&m
' VV U Jl ' 11 Jill II K V . . Zltt W U I ' J i him i u i , vt.
These Rugs are usually sold by us at $ 13.90 and
" are worth that price.
Edwards' vStore
"A Good Place to Trade"
.... I, - . -. . . -....-..!.-..,'
Tthere is a reason why every successful firm gets business. .. Some like to traSe at a fine store on a
main high-rent street and pay the price. A Others like a place like Edwards', where tjiey do not put
on a lot of style, "but give careful personal attention to your wants and charge only moderate prices.;.:
Edwards' Credit Plan
Enables you' to. furnish your home in much, bet
ter style than vojuld be 'possible if you were to
pay cash. By bur plan you can make your home
comfortable and aftractivoj and scarcely miss the
small amount you pay. each- week or month While
enjoyinar the $sc of your goods.' In addition to .
; the easy terms;, we BaVe you from 10. to 20 per
' cent on the cost ofvyour -furnishings. ' ;
Edwards' Low Prices
..-Here jxe reason why Edwards' prices are so
y much lower than others. We are located on
7 :First street, where our rent ii about one-third
what most stores pay. Our advertising is lim
iJ, ited to a few hundred dollars each month where
. .. others spend thousands. We pay spot cash to
. the factories for all our goods, and get both the.
; cash and quantity discounts. " i
$10 Cash, $2. Weekly
' This is all you need pay to start in housekeeping. .
. We give you an outfit that not only looks good, but
,' "gives service' as well. It's a great, big money-sav
i er for you, and a ten-dollar "payment is all that is'
necessary. If you meet with misfortune, you are
' dealing' with a firm that is able and willing to:
. treat you fairly. y . . t - '
l p
lockers for CMdren
1 , U ( , , ' k ' i ' I t ' 1 ( - J .it"
Each year about this timerwe bring, in a . large . quantity of
Children's Rockers, so that , persons of moderate means
"can make their, little ones happy at a 'minimum expense, v
These rockers are Just like the' pictures and are large
'enough. for. youngsters 7 years, old. ' ,The' rockers arev
priced usually at 75;; - . ,-'-r '
Edwards' Tables
' The average man knows that a
shoddy suit of clothes looks just
about as good when new as a good
one, but he does not understand,
the difference between two oak. ta-
bles of the same size. Let us ex-'
plain to you the. difference In a
good or poorly constructed table.
! - "SoliLak, 6 feet long, 42-inch top di
ameter. Maybe, you can for $9$5 get a
table answering this ? description . some
' 'a f 4 .. . . .,11 l .' J '
place eise. ana men you wm ininn ca
wards' talk about a $15 table for $9.95 is
all hot air, but if you look at 'the barrel,
' feet, construction, and finish of Edwards'
table. You would not have the other at
half price if you know anything .about
furniture , 1 ,
$25 Seving Machine $19
These machines are not as good as a Singer or a Wheeler' & Wilson,
but they will do all the sewing that an ordinary family has use for. Then
why spend $50 to $80 if you have to work for your money. They are very
simple and Easier to keep in order than a high-priced machine, and you
get our guarantee with thenvwhich is the strongest ever given. ?
The Guarantee,
Try a machine for 2 weeks, if
you don't like it, come in and get.
your deposit back, and no questions
are asked,' ,. ... ;.. . .
' credit ;
I to 7'
V '.all 7 ,
A Oood Place To Tmde
s i mta i u Jiiii
Monarch If