The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 19, Image 19

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MO Eleraatli and Vocrlaon. "Tret a a" In
i am of etreiiglli. CuiUlu 2 F. U. aaa
r. t. 1
ii k'v kiiiln ,,trt' Vurllil T a Jul
i l i r (.imu.iir. and V r. Bi.
VAis i A.,r.,s- m1 w 1l Alder. VauderlUe.
n picture 11 a. in. ta 11 P, Iff. I
S ivlTntb and Waiilutoa.
mhw to 11 d. m.
IhMJ Wt Pork and Alder
lure,, nooa t 11 i. m.
weather Conditions,
-and vicinity
, Sunday fair.
."-firegoa nud WMhinrtant Bonda? fair.
aauie wuuu, mostly mterljr. , .
i Idaho, ouuiditr Mr i '
. . , Dlitrlct Forecaeter,
' Terdiot tor faooo for Boy-A verdiot
for $2000 was returned yesterday in
Circuit Judge Catena court la favor of
J. Rudolph Brown, S years old, ? and
agulnst Edwin B. Angell. Angell was
driving an automobile whloh ran Into
and broke the lac of tha boy, who was
playing- "shinny with companions. J.
. ' C Simmons, formerly of tha legal de
pertment of tha Portland Hallway, Light
.' and Power company ' represented the
boy, and Conley A DeN ef f war An
sell's attorney a W. T, Brown, father
' . of tha boy, brought suit for 16000 dam
... agea, as tTuardlsa.,.'-i.y--i-v4.-s
Student lecture ., SntertJnmnt A
company of students from the State
university at Eugene, Including; tha
. members of the students' Quartet, sever
si of the senior class and a few mem'
bars of the alumni, will spend next week
. la Portland . giving lecture-entertain
ments with a View to bringing the unl
', varsity before Unpeople. It U the plan
to have1 these young . people speak at
. afternoon and evening meetings of the
various Parent-Teachers' circles of the
city, also before the commercial ciuo
and . the . Ad club St their weekly
V luncheons, -. "'';"
' Original Bible .Lectures On Friday
evening, October, 24, Bar. A. A. Morri
son, D. D, will begin a series of orlgi
' nal lectures based on the Bible, under
the auspices of Trinity Church Chapter
' of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. The
- plan is to commence the . lectures at
7:10 p. m. sharp, to be followed by open
" dlacusslon, the whole to extend not later
than $UI p. m. Attendance will be lim
ited to men, but all man In the city in
terested are invited. The meetings will
V be held Friday evenings In the Parish
house, Nineteenth and Davis streets. ;
! Beeidents Object to Oeraga Julius
Dossche and George O. Durkee, property
owners of Willamette Heights,' have
- started suit in the circuit court to en
join A, B. Carson from erecting a gar
age in that neighborhood. It is al
leged that the garage is jto be of wood
and will be dangerous on account of f Ira
The complaint also states that th prop,
erty owners fear large quantities of oil
will be spilled on the street and that
the garage will spoil th looks of that
; exclusive neighborhood. The garage Is
; to have five stalls for rental purposes.
' . - Bew Torkars'Ap Give Play--The New
Tork SUt society, of Oregon will
hold Its regular monthly ; meeting
: Tuesday evenlnr. October Jl, at Man-
Chester BalU 86 H Fifth street. ; The
entertainment will consist of an am-
rateur 'playlet by members of the eo-
' clety. Light refreshments will be served.
-AU former New Yorkers are cordially
Bvlted. The society dance will b held
1h same hall Wednesday evening,
October St.
: Btrey Funeral Monday. Funeral ser
vices for John J. Slrey, former manager
of Watson's resUurant, will be -held
Monday morning at the cathedral at
Fourteenth and Davis streets, with bur
ial In Mount Scott cemetery Mr. Slrey
was 47 years old and bad lived in Port
land all his life. He is survived by the
widow and one "daughter. Mm. E. Mc
Brlde. Mr. Slrey died Thursday after
noon at his horn. SSI Sixth street, of
valvular heart trouble. .?
Tour BTew wait should be merchant
tailored in order to get the style, cut
. and fit. W Interpret th latest fash
ions so as to make your suit becoming
to your physique. : Why not get perfect
Hand tailoring when the cost is no more
than factory made. Men's suits to order,
25 and up. Ladles' suits to order, $85.
Unique Tailoring company, SOt Stark,
' between Fifth and Sixth. " , , T'
" Three)' Divorces Oranted. Two ' di
vorces on grounds of cruelty "were
granted - yeeterday by Circuit Judge
Gatena Elols H. Nye was granted a
decree from Thomas C Nye and was
- allowed to reeumt her malnden name,
Elolae Howard. H. J. Baker was grant
ed a divorce from Flora N. Baker. A
decree of divorce was signed yesterday
Our v
High -Grade
M n I , u f,, . s . s - ft
":.'.,..' J', .''t" ' ! . . " ' '. '('.. ". .
Al , V '
-i and jewelry, and business-,
4 like business methods are
- responsible for the pat-'
ronage of hosts of partio
1 ular1 " and discriminating' '
customers, , . , ,
i - (jould there be any bet
v ter reason for you to call'
and get acquainted with '
as, and ppssibly become
rae of our many satisfied
(; patrons. -; J t -
' y ; - ''f v '
G. Heitkeniper Co.
' Diamond Dealers and .
" ' "-v" Jewelers.
130 5TII ST. Yeon Bldg.-
1 r rireu't ? Karanavh la the can
of C, A. 1 aldwin against Ethel Baldwin.
The Baldwins were married ln.JIount
Vernon, Wash., August 9. 1909, and she
alleced ha deserted her May ?5, 1913,
Heat Eater Organlae,-All the folks
In town who eat meat have organised
and have started a continuous parade
which you are urged to Join, to BYank L.
Smith's market to buy these fin, frean.
"uuuo Bucuii Hjia eirioin, BleaK, iua,
Porlc llvnr. Kiv . PI' , V
Legs of lamb anoTmi5 and rib chocs.
juoaai duik, xivaa ana liHiv
Fancy bacon, 20o and 22 Ho and 15a,
Pork chops, 17 Ho and 20c' Llvr, 10c.
Oregon creamery butter, 700 and 75c
Brains, 16o. Salmon. , So., , Crabs, 10c
Eauaage, 16c Halibut, 10c Smelt, 10c
Lard, in Ss, 40o; in 5a, 6Go; ia 10s, $1J5.
Come to Smith's mala markejt, S28 Alder
at, for theae excellent meats, ; (Adv.)
XX. W. Barrlson iBdlotec Two indict
ments were returned yesterday by the
grand Jury against tt' W, Harrison, one
charging him with placing lis wife in
a disorderly house, and the other with
living off her earnings.' Not true bills
were returned in the oases against Tom
Jervls, charged with contributing to the
delinquency of a minor; Lottie Bey
i olds, charged with operating a disorder
ly house; Adolphus WiUey and Ed. Ken
nedy, charged - with larceny from . a
dwelling, and Lulgl Petraroo, charged
with assault with InUnt to kllU -
- Companies Xaoorporataj Two '. thea
trical companies and an automobile con
cern filed articles of incorporation with
County Clerk Coffey yesterday. " The
Frank C. Rlggs . company was Incor
porated for $10,000 by Frank C. Riggs,
L. A. Howard and XL J. Clark to carry
on an automobile business. The Alham
bra Amusement company was inoor
porated for $2000 by Fred and Eva
Langerman and W. K and W. A. Teb
betts and the Advance Amusement com
pany was Incorporated for $25,00 by
A. L. I)undas, GmU Slovarp and Odea
City Fays for" BaclstratloB Tha eltv
of Portland has paid Multnomah coun
ty $i$4.5t in payment of its share of
the "costs of registering voters for the
city election last June and of the elec
tion costa The cost was for th great
er part due to the registration of wo
men, as it was for that election that
tn. women first registered. - j
Sunday School Slscuaaloa. Th a aucerw
lntendents section of th Graded Union
of Sunday . School Workers meets to
morrow evening; at 8 o'clock ia the Tay
lor Street Methodist ehnrph. Th uh.
Jeci for . general discussion, which wlU
be opened by Dr. Sarah. Whiteside, is
"How to Teach Temperance In the Sun
day SchooL" All Sunday school officers
are Invited. ;vv.;,
v . . " -c ' - '
What a Bars Saya About Salgreney
Any . one suffering with rheumatism.
lumbago or kidney trouble will find
quick re Her by taklnr two ounces Ba.1
grene mixed with four .ounces OUve Oil
ana .take two teaspoonsful every three
hours. - Salgrene contains no alcohol.
Alcohol is an Irritant to the kidneys.
or sue at au drug stores. (Adv.)
tftacts Suit for Slender. Chartina
mat w. a. uoMonies slandered him. An
drew Olson has Started suit, in the cir
cuit court against McMonles for $10,-
000 'damages. Me was mnloved br Me.
Monies and alleges that McMonles cast
aspersions on his honesty and char
Oriental Beg SalfeAs our rerular
pneas - are always the lowest In the
city, you will. find this. sal an. extra-
Ordinary opportunity. Cholc and beau
tiful rugs selling at prices never before
equaled In th northwest - Cartoslan
Broa, 478 Washington. (adv.)
BeeJSy there is no -such thin as bad
weather, only different kinds of good
weather. Sunshln is delicious, rain Is
refreshing, wind Is bracing, snow Is
exhilarating and a Ourney suit goes a
long way to make her feel good every
, Ferry VD1 Bo Bun Todays That re
pairs, may ha made without incenvenlT
enclng a large number, the Sellwood
ferry will not be operated today, Mon
day morning It will resume its regular
trips. ;;;yvt.;
Western Picture Frame Oo, 170 First
St ... Complete new line of mat boards.
poster board and cover paper. Artists
materials. Up-to-date framing. Main
Safe Beposlt Taults, 184 Oak street
Modern equipment, electrlo . burglar
alarms and. every convenience. ' Boxes,
$8.50 per year. Inspection Invited, (adv.)
' Want a Btortgag ' Zioanf Large
amounts available for first mortgages
on Portland real estate i Hammond
Mortgage Co, 483 Cham., of Com. (Adv.)
' B. O. Easter will open a Spanish an))
American grill Vn the basement of the
Cornelius hotel about November 1. For
merly located at 124 W. Park st (Adv.)
Importer of SXlgk Clase Weckwear
of J. H. Buckingham sc Co, LtcL, Lon
don, England. K s. Ervm CO Ltd,
tailors. 8d floor Selling bidg. (Adv.) .
Steamer fessls Barkln for Camas,
Waahougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday, L a v Washington
street dock at p. m. .r. CAdv.) . ,
v Zdles' TaUonnad Bnlts. ; Fink's
$40 special beats any $60 or $70 suit in
town. B. Kink, 407 Ellers bldg. Fourth
floor. f, f (adv.)
. . Oreen Trading Stamps givm on every
purchase by Wander Broa, ladles' tail
ors, SOt Bdy. Reasonable prices. (Adv.)
. Th Bonss of a XOOO) CHft-Chlna
cards, novelties. Mr. Lincoln's Art Den,
406H Morrison sC '(Adv. '
' 9100rao to Xioan on S)lamondsl very
low rata Elby company, $20 Lumber
Exchange building. : - (Adv.)
. One Suit Pressed Bacn Wek-$1.50 a
month. Unique Tailoring Co, $0 Stark.
Main 61. A-4S14. , . (Adv.)
Xr. 9. X. Band moved to 401-7 Mor
gan Bid g Washington and Broadway.
Sam phones. 9(Adv.)
' Bsrrng Transfer Servlo Co Main
PLIEaw 4 . J .(Adv.)
Barl atmton, BE. si diseases of eye,
glasses carefully fitted. 41$ Morgan
bidg., (Adv.). , t ' ' ,
' Hotel tenox, Third and Main. The
beat rates in the city to permanent
guesta , ' " " ' (Adv.)
r. 8. F. Shepherd,' osteopath, moved
to 60S Morgan Bidg. M. 4564, A
1964. , . . (Adv.)
v Sr. Frank X. Sail, dentist, has moved
to $04 Morgan bidg. Main $$44. (Adv.)
Some for Aged People, invalids, fine lo
cation. Mount Tabor, Xabor 4169. (Adv.)
lit Bifea uv fiwjww wubb"" juieging
ifaaveal and) stressing jieryndj ia. jth
MA AAA W. ......
o: ;::
ny Ir. Frank Crane.
..x- 'i ' ; , rrf"
mED on Institution In which progress lagi In American cities is Th Home
; . I . . Notwithstanding its being our bulwark, palladium and so forth, we do
I - not seem to be able to apply to It the modern improvements suggested by
, advanoed economlca and municipal sclenca . v ; i :
Th plan that suggests Itself as being most up-to-dat la om sort of
cooperativ housekeeping, where drudgery could be reduced to a minimum, waste
eliminated and comfort seoured with economy. But most cooperative schemes
go to pieces upon the rocks of personal lndependenoa We would rather have an
xnenalv and ill-managed' household than one in which somebody els interferes.
In the Garden City of Letchworth, England, they have been conducting interest
ing experiments which hav created a discussion In the British press. Some 12
or 16 homes are grouped into a housekeeping unit Th most costly constats of
two living rooms, three bedrooms, with bathroom, etc, and rents for $850; the
cheapest, a bachelor apartment, with sitting room, bedroom and bath $200. In a
central building Is a dining room with separate tables and rooms for reading,
tea, smoking and th Ilka Three good meals a day come to 70 cents: The aver
age bill at the restaurant for two people Is $9 a week, By paying a small extra
sum on can hav meals sent to one's own hornet r ' -..-iv -s '
. A family of three persons csn thus live, in th neighborhood of London, In a
comfortable dwelling, for from $$50 to $1000 a year and have none of the trouble
attendant usually upon keeping house; rent, food, heat, llgNJ, cleaning and service
are Included In the prioa ;u .,. c't. ' '..(' " "' r Aj.; k
- Why do not our builders try more experiments of this kind among usT - -
The difficulty, of course Is nicely to balance the two opposing demands! - First,'
th demand for absolut privacy when we want it. Including the privilege of going
out and coming in when we please, dressing to suit ourselves, and generally mind
ing our own business without the assistance of Interested and offlolous neighbor;
and, second, seeurlng the pleasures of a common dining room and social life when
we are so disposed, together with the manifest advantages of oooperatton, .
It does not seem an Insuperable problem. And If the English can solve It, thy
th most Individualistic of people why not wT .t '
Village Znn cafeteria caused poisoning
from caustic poison H. J.. Brand has
started suit against Priest & Guthrie
th owners, for , $10,000 damagee He
claims that the poison burned bis Ups,
throat and stomach.
Sa, B. B. Borthrnpv osteopathlo pby
slolah, moved $0$ Morgan Bidg.-xAav,
r. Xerbert F. SVeonard moved to 7(6-7
Morgan building. Main 709, A-1709.(Aaj
Cha. Sodlnr. BL 7S1-S Morgan
building. ; Main szzs. - iaov.
Br. B. O. XcTaxiana; moved to suit
867, Morgan bidg. : . r (Adv.)
- Dr.
7eek St Tates,
$6$ Morgan
i sr.
B, OardwaU, 70S Morgan
t ' Adv.)
Dr. Greene Main 6586, Morgan build
ing. (Adv.)
...... .-a! mmmmmm f'i '.''1, " - .'.'- J;!'V
Wooster SUs BvexytMag' (88 Wash.
'a '.y- 4bjsnsBaMaeMBajawssnsnejB
f Baker Convicted of Murder. ; v
Sacramento, CaL, Oct, 18. Sam J.
Raber, cafe entertainer, today faces ths
gallows a th result of his oonvlotlon
lat yesterday en a charge of murdering
Cherry d St Maurice a woman of th
underworld. Th Jury mad no recom
mendation for clemency. . Rabor will be
sentenced Tuesday.. ;; .--,,(
Jack Drumgoole, prlseflghter, RaberS
companion, wlU go to trial Monday. Fol
lowing Drumgoole's trial, Cleo Sterling,
an inmat of th notorious Cherry club,
will b tried for complicity in th mur
dr.v-:-'-;;... ' ' v ''r-- .;
Yakima Land Restored. .
' North Takima, Wash., Oct 18. In
formaUon regarding th throwing open
for homestaad entry of several farm
units a mil south of , th town of
Grandvlew has been received by the
local land office. Inquiries have been
At,mvAii fnilnwlnr a rumor that the
land was to be restored, Muoh of It
lies abov th gravity now oi m
Sunnysld canal, but a pumping plant
has been InstaUed : by prlvaU capital
so that the tracts are all irrigable
They vary In sis from 10 ,to a o acres.
MonldDal line Pars.
San Francisco. ' Cal Oct., 1S an
vnneiuo'i municipal railway -- has
.kAWA n . ! or receints over- ex
pendltures of $14$,S10 from, December
28 to September SO. according to a re
port fUed with the board of public
, - IFV. A,al ..Mint. ?
woras oum.r. x, .. .T.. .V
$Zst,se auia me. .i",
Men! Reason It "Out" saving big money on rent in
my upsUirs clothing store. That la wny
I can eaye you ii iuuaw -"i'a
raincoat or overcoat. See what $14.7i
win dn for ou. Jimmy Dunn. Oregon-
Ian building., $rd floor. - (Adv.)
Elegant.' Refinecl Pianos.
eK intafl of $37$ during; removal.
See Graves . Muslo Co. adv4 page 12,
seot $. ' - ; tAdr.)
Use common eense buy Superior coal.
$6 ton. Main 154; A-164V (Adv.
All the latest styles in black and
colored, v Good, dependable sjood$
at cut prices. -.
Repairing axd Recovering
All kinds "of extra' handles la,
f 1 . 1 s , stock. : ; ,
The 'newest things In fold and '
rold -filled lavaliers, lockets,
brtcelets, rins, taxt pins,, cuff
links and bar pins. The guar
anteed makes at very, low
prices. ' Get our prices on' whits
sapphires and reconstructed ru
bies set to order.-
Wash., Bet. Sixth and JBroadway
14 off Sale
'''.;'.:; vt t
(OonaraaleatioDa cent ta n Jooraal far sab
lintton In ttala departmeot should be wrlttea oa
raly one aide of the paper, mould not ezcMd
800 worda ia ieagtlt and mint be accoapanltd
by tka Bern aad address et the sender. It the
mlt does sot dealie to-have the same ob
Uabad, he abauld s state)
- "Dlaeaaalea is the greatast ef an refnraeie
It ratlonallaaa ererytElng It tooebaa. It robe
ertadplae of all false eaootltr and throws then
back oa their reasonableneea. -. It tbar bare ae
rcaaonableneas It rotbleaalr cmabM them out
1 eziacaaee ana sets np its awa eaaclaalaa la
Opposes SterillEatioii Act,
Portland, Oct. 17- To .th Editor" of
Th Journal W hav not discovered
any alarming symptoms of plethora of
th people's pockotbook. that th health
department should resort to the ancient
practice of "bleeding" It to the amount
of $100;000f for their health. It la well
enough to inspect the milk, meat, ba-
cries, nut th schools and th
people are sufficiently inspected. . .
The Bible tells us of one who "sought
not 10 me Xjora, nut to the physlclane
And Asa slept with bis fathers." The
medical profession is developing a mo
abnormal growth called graft If it is
not oon removed the Anas and their
families as well Willi find, themselves la
the earn deplorable condition as Asa of
oi&j''V-''x--:''-' -'"- :.-
While considering th question a let
ter by Dr. Owen Adair published In The
Journal recently- should not be forgot
ten. Searching for a subject for the
knire, she selects a feeble minded girl
Who made a good housekeeper and wife
for a young ranchman, and states: "I
do not know how many feeble minded
children she has given to Washington.'
Advocating- the theories that the doctor
does, she should be able to bring her
statements to a logical conclusion and
give us facte But she did not know.
It requires considerable , Judgment,
common sense and ability to make a
good housekeeper. If the girl was of
sufficiently sound mind to be a good
housekeeper, why should not her de
scendants be good housekeepers and
fannerst Thee are quite as necessary
to tne oomxort ana good ox society as
genlue : .
And again. If she was decidedly feeble
minded, ' what of the man who would
marry her? Must he' not be mentally or
morally deficient and equally a suitable
subject for surgeryT
Whatever the merits or demerits of
some such law might be th measure
Sow to be voted on will lead to great
buses and Is abhorrent.
Would it not be to the advantage of
the medical profession Itself, If the pub-el
lie wore better protected againet the
overcharging theories and fanatlclams
of experimentalists? RBADSTR.
V; Boost for : Colombia Bridge
, Vancouver, Wash.. Oct 1$ To the
Editor of The Journal: The man who
was Quoted' in yesterday's Journal as
Mr. Business Man
You want light; yon know
what light can do in bring
ing people into store;
1 what it does for the display
' of goods; how it ' affects
castomers; how it puts
snap and effectivenesa into
' your whole business. i , .
Phone and have our ' electrical
estimator tell you about the
. y LAMPS "t,
The larrfp that gives ' four
times the light of old-style1
lamps and uses less current.
He will show you the safety
and efficiency . of modern 1
show window and store light
ing. v ; '
' . Poth Phones
Everything - Electrical Installed
; Letters From the People
saying that th bulldln of a bridge
over the , Columbia river : now Is 10
years too soon,, strikes m a being
just 10 years behind th times.,:! If
he wants to prove to Mmseii mai n
m Ia, kin, mtnir . am, a . nt,, hHrht..daV
when he is feeling ' particularly fine
in ooay ana nuna; men, whwui row
ing any' inquiry of anyone except to
flni .. -. ah. h,n r... triA VftHCAUVlir . i fiar
passes Fifth and . Washington streets,
get on a ar ana come to vanoouTer.
Va. a . nf-rAll fVirnnrh th harracka or
'ra- town,. and then decide j it Is time
business,' and ir he Justinissea the
ferry by one block, he'll say, "Hell!
I'm SO years behind th times." -
Just as soon as a bridge is built
the writer is on of a dosen whom he
knows who will live In , Portland, if
ths car fare is reduced or the tolls
are not too steep for a small auto.
Cut out knocking ,the bridge or. If
you can't, come over her to llv for
a month and you'll b a "booster." with
all th letters capitate "BMDQSSR."
. ,: itl I, II. ' , 'I "A
In the Case of A. Wi Power.
Portland, Oct X7. To th Edlaor of
Th Journal Ar w drifting back to
the patriarchal form of - government?
Tb most astounding and remarkable
pyrotechnic : of th ' govomor surely
lead on back Into ancient history. ,Or
is ' it an tnsan effort to keep In the
Hmellght?. His latest freak is in pro
nouncing the verdict of guilty against
A. W. Powers of Marshfield because be
(the governor) "believes" that Powers
was the Instigator of the J, W. WV- de
.mtatinii affulr . Thla la In the face
of the fact that after th governor hd
ordered a personal investigation by the
attorney general, who found no cause
of taction, and arter me - governor . nu
instructed the district attorney to take
the matter up before th grand Jury,
that body brought in tha finding; "not
a true bill" This finding- included !
of those cltlsens of Coos Bay who had
been connected with th so called, de
portation. Ths people of Coos Bay did
not do anything. but what Is being- done
by nearly every other community of
th scate or nas oeen aone at some muo
or other, to drlv undcslrabl floaters
tmm th.lp-tnUit hv vtvln them the
skiddoo . notice and no on has ever
questioned ' a - community- naturat or
legal right to do so. The people of th
towns of Coos Bay hav done, nothing
mora if those "deported" received any
Injury to person or property they had
ample recourse at law and could have
sued and recovered damagee i But they
brought no suite as they had suffered
no loss or injury. - It seems by th ac
tions of th governor and other Social
ists and L W. W.'s that they are not
trying to secure redress for injury, so
much as seeking vengeance upon - the
Big Snap
We have Just ar
ranged for a large
purchase of high
; grade watch move
ments, , made up es
pecially for ns and
stamped with ' our
name, in the latest
A . - cvaraataei
7"jewal nvef.
meat la so
yaar gold fOlad
oaae Earrarad
free ef eaarge
style 20-year gold
filled case, wnlch we
can sell to our cus
tomers for
Only $10
Fully guaranteed by us and
certainly the biggest bargain we
ever offered.
for the young man. One he can
be proud of, as It looks tike a
100.00 watch. No charge for
' engraving monogram 00 back.
Buy one now and have us lay
it aside till Christmas.
Other Watches for ladles and
gentlemen from S32.KO up.
Have yon eeen our $100.00
. Special Diamond Ring?
Jaeger Bros.
' Th Store of Quality
Cult Ooui
ArlthaoaUe ..fS.OO
Alcebra ................ 1.00
Oaometry 1.00
Trigonometry f.00
. Kagllah ((ur t ef t a
Kngllah '
Eof Ush
Pranch .
tatla ..
Aecoaotlng rall ograe) 1M.O0
Aavertuins (mil counej.,.. ......... .w
Aaaalog (eonrw) S0.M
Antairaobll (fuU eouraa) 41.00
Bookkerplog 4.00
Carpentry . ........................... 10.00
Klactrielijr 17.00
Pbarmaer (onrae SO. 00
Plan Keadlng-Ooat Engineering. 14.00
Plnmblng , ...14.00
Relnforcad Concrete Construction..... BO. 00
Saleamanabln 80.00
Bhow Card WrtUng 11.00
Shorthand 4.00
Snrming and Mapping...... 10,00
TelFraph and DlepaU-Mag.. ......... lt.00
Typewriting 4.00
Wlreleae Telegraphy (coarse). $0.00
Arcblteetnral drawing ............... T.N
Freehand Drawing .............,.M.. f.M
Ueebanioal Prawlug ........ 7.M
lascrsrubAJTEOus i
Boya' Bekooi 4.04
Cbamtau-y., 10.00
Blatory ,. .00
Panmanahlp .......................... $.00
Oaograpby 4.00
. PhT.lca '7.00
PubMo Speaking ' 4.00
Vocal Maale ,. - $.00
Oregon IIcmEnc Sodely
Offio sao raiea Ave, Co. Market Se
Sfsoae kiaet lias. M-ttlt.
' Horae amtuUnce for alok er disabled
animals at a moioeut's SMiUoa prlee
aMBonabla RaDort all eaaee af erualts
I i)i)j
- ; r
people to whom the I. W, W. ware un
desirable as cltlsene .v
, A. W. Powers has stood trial before1
a jury of $4 men who, the law saye
shall be his pears, and they found him
not guilty. ,t But th governor Ignores
th great principle of Justice . estab
lished sine .the Magna Cat that a
man shall b judged by his peen, and
places him on trial before his superiors,
th governor of Oregon. , Me Is Jud?e
and Jury. He accuses i Powers. lie
witnesses! ,Th J.- W. W.) v He has
heard th - evidence, but heard . no' de-
zense Ana the Verdict Is guilty. ,
; The defendant . is fined the total
amount, of the - costs of th Investiga
tion of th deportation incident, which
th blundering of th governor has
heaped upon the taxpayers of Cuos
county. . "
' Will the decision of this court stand?
Would it not be well foreven a gov
ernor who makes such a loud acclaim
for enforcing the law. to stand near to,
by, or close around the law, himself T
British ConanL . .
Portland, Oct lSTo th Editor of
Tn Journal Klndry Inform me through
your columns of th address and name
of the British consul, also address of
"Bone or Daughters, of BU George" i
any, in Portland.' 1
h , i- ' CONSTANT READER. ,s
r (Thomas Ersklne with offices la the
Alnsworth building, Is British consul at
Portland. It seems there is no organ
isation of the Sons of St. Oeorge In
Portland, . 1 , , , , f i,
' . Old Song Wanted. " '
: Sllverton, Or, Oct lt-To the Editor
of Tn Journal I should like very much
to get an old Urn song, th first lino of
which Is "Mother, watch th little feet"
Anyone having it would confer a favor
by sending addrese '
Route 4, Bllverton, Or.
IF you WANT .
Your mind, freed from petty annoyances, enables you to
devote your entire energies to the proper execution of your
work.'. Try It - v
Commercial Stationery, Office Furniture, Printing
Engraving and Bookbinding - . . .
Atxfaitecfts' and Engineers' Supplies
Coaunercial Stationers. OEfice Outfitters, Printers,
Cngraverf. Booklet Makers sad Bookbinders ir
Hot Lake Sprang
'Wonderful Ciirative BoOing
Mberal Water ' . ..
, YIA THE ' . ', '
'. Sgae-fcI-eBgeW - ,
'.:' ssaWkssswaw
'tV-.'.' 'rom stations;;? -r
bars proven a boon to. sufferers from Rheumatism, Blood. Kidney and
Liver Complaints. Accommodations, at th sanatorium delightfaUy
complet, and rates within the roach of aR. - -' - .
Apply to any O.-W. R. & N. agent for particulars, also for booklet
telling all about the Springs) or write to Gv W. Tape, the new manager,
Hot Lake, Oregon. , .-
As solid snd firm as your own teeth. Eat anything. All you need Is
two or more roots or teeth in
President and Manager
s SI Yars la forUand
yt v.-
) . , .....
vr .
. . ' WISE DENTAL C 3 .
't ' . ..'..1 .i." :, Iton.a TTaln BO" -""".
srsixxva jttrrrjDTwa. A waj.. ..z:.', r. " '
Zntxaaoo a liUxd 4utS
REPoai o;j cur.r.:::.v
; - bill orj r:ovE:;.::;; i
Washington, Oot. IS. Senate 1
predicted, here today that the rr t
the currency bill will be ra ?'-v
ber 14. They also Informed Ire
Wilson that It hsd a splendid tt
of being - unanimously aoeerteu,. r : i
;..if.. '!.,.....?it)r.-
ijaioy .-wriwar -.wn. ....
First Ilctbcdist ttrtli
12th and Taylor Strta
The regular services of tha
first Methodist Episcopal church
will bs held st tath snd Tsylor
Streets Sunday, October t9th.
Morning Service, 10:33
' . Sunday , School, 12ilO
,,' Epworth League, -6i30 -
Evening Service, 7(30
' , ' MINISTER hkJ .
v 3d and Tylor Struts
i District Superintendent, will con
duct the services at 3d and Tar-,
lor Streets, at 7:30 o'clock. All
' Other services of the day will be
held st 12th and Taylor Streets.
aervice, combined with superior quality supplies
and instruments, means a saving of time, money ,
and temper to you. ' '
either jaw. ' Fully guaranteed.
AGOLD .rt ler-p T
$5 umri
fffTHATf ,7V'J
Slatee With !" T t '
very best and l?tt S i i