The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 16, Image 16

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Basic Principles' Sound and I
Before Man'7 Learned -'to - U"
.Wood'" ot Metal He;r ,
Would Result in More Equi
table Assessment!
. Learned io.'UoV C) -
in i 1 -1
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Westover Terraces Above Cutting
,. heading ? on Fairfax Terraces.; Below Looklnf west
The xTeat reel&matloa i prejeot (
. . . . wwwu wiumuiui iiiii w wmv
'.i head of Lovejor ,k Street ! and Cornell
i rusa oa : Duuainr vvmww wrrmcw
i will be completed thle felL
i ' InUmenU were recorded TMterd
eoareylng I0 Weetorer lota from the
- Lewla-Wlley Hrdl-eallo oompany to the
J ewlr; Incorporated , Weatorer eompany
ana a mortgage on ui (ami property
to the Title et Truet oompanjr to aecur
an Issue of tlM.000 .of .Improvement
; bonda, .which have been aold and the
, money to be used for immediate oom
JileUoa of the Weitover Terrace pro
ect. i- m'VV. :.'iv'-i't.f 'i
A very noteworthy feature of the fl
" ' nanclng of thla Immenae project la
t the fact that It baa all been handled
, by local capital, a act unusual oeeur
frenea In Portland.. "- :i - '
-William H. Lewie. president of the
lwls-WUy Hydraulle company, whet
v aeen In hie office yesterday, expressed
; great pleasure In not baring te go out
; of Portlana to obtain capital for the
I completion of thla project ' v . ,
y 'p.- :' Have Talth l yortlaad.
) We have never wavered la our faith
In Portland and In our belief Westover
; Terraces would be the f lneat resldenoe
Jeectlon on the Paclfio coast.' aald Mr.
j Lewis. "The fact that we wers able to
; obtain capital to complete thla under
taking at home demonstrates again that
Portland capital hat confidence la. the
. development of thfs city and Is avail.
hie for real constructive undertakingc.
'"Blnce wo begun building Westover
; Terraces, about four yeare ago, we have
- expended more than yi,ooe,eoo and have
Ccitly Structures In Irvington
and Mt Tabor Districts Are
f Included In List
' -'ii' y
"' The large and elegant realdaacs at the
outhweet eorner of Seat Beventeeata
and Braaee etreets, buUt a year or so
ago by R. B. Hloe, was aold last Thara
day by Mr. Rice te X JtcOannra, of Ed-
. moatoa, Oaaada for $11,800. The bouse
couples a -quarter bloak site, and la
an of the flaeee bmea-la frvtagtoa.
2t is understood that the buyer eontem.
rlate moving his family here at aa
early data aad ooeupylng the place.
Xr. J. N. Oogblan haa purchased the
XValdlaw property ea Mount Tabor. This
rropertx comprise black a, la tlouat
away bill near" Fairfax Terrace by
moved tram the terraces to Gntldg lake
more thaa MOO.OOO cubio yards of dirt,
or more than two-thirds of the entire
project Tbero te remaining about 800,
00 yards to bo moved, wbloh will com-
Sleta the underteklng, and while It is
mm than one-third of the total yard
age. It will finish more than halt of
our area In building cites.
, Oae of areatcst Developments.
i- "Westover Tsrraoea when completed
will stand aa one tot the moot remarka
ble pieces of engineering and real es
tate developments ever (undertaken In
the West From an engineering stand
point it is the only case where an addi
tion' was carved out of a steep hillside
to fit a definite plan.. Before undertak
ing the Job we brought-the best land
scape engineering talent in theaworld
to Portland to design the work andvhave
spared neither trouble nor expense to
perfect it' ? . . '
Whether from a atandpoint of beau
ty of design, unsurpassed view, conven
ience of arrangement or aUblllty of
ooastruotlon it will stand the hardest
tests that can be applied. From a real
eatat standpoint It la different In most
every detail from the ordinary real es
tate development In the fact that every
alto of the property has been built to
order, the actual construction of which
haa coet about $1600 per lot whereas
most real estate development la only a
matter of lay In r off streets and blocks
and putting $n street Improvements. .
v Attract Worldwide Attention,
"Westover Terraces is a product of
labor and capital combined in the r.
lamatloa of an Inaccessible Piece of
land. . Thla. project has attracted, at-
Tabor fcehtraJ Park, and Is one of the
finest and most sigbUy residence sltee
la the city. The consideration involved
la the deal waa 145.000.
- Mrs. Nelll C Hibhard baa purchased
tne Lranoar reeiaenoe in eentru Laurel-
hurst Paying IIO.OOO for .the property.
. .Oeorge A. Nichols baa sold to Sarah A.
icuikey the house ana two lots in Irv'
lngton desortbed as lots 1 and t. In
block , Brasee Street Addition; consld
oration ITS00. :t ;5',?,r..;,".lfv-S' i-i".
ICmlngu Stewart has sold to C C. Van
Orsdall a house and lot located in Cen
tral ast Portland for MOOO . .
; . That there) la no prospect ef the Port-
toad Lodge of Blks building a skyscrap
er on the site of the handsome and com
paratively new Bike building, at 6tar
ana Broaawey, is the declaration of an
official of the local lodge, aad oae of the
oldest and most prominent, members ot
the order la ,PerUaneV::,v ''H--r,
"We are . not going to . budd a new
structure." said the- Elk, .rtJo official
aeaoa contemplating such a project has
been taken, by the lodge, nor do I be
lieve there will be such action for many
years to oome. The present building Is
amply, large for the requirements of the
hydraullo tfants.
Center Balk ,
on Westover road.
tentlon to Portland 'from all parte of
the world because ef the unique meth
ods of construction ifnd Its fundamen
tal Ideaa of elty building. vs. Ay , ..
Engineers from Enf land, Germany,
Belgium,; France and Austria where
landscape gardening haa .lta, home have
oome to rortina to study a feature
of it extremely new aad novel to them.
"From Japan and' Australia and ether
parte of tb world engineers have come
to learn, of the methods of. Improving
property adapted to a new ; country.
Other cities of America have copied the
plan of development and Los Angeles
nas aeveiopea a westover : Terraces,
copied somewhat after - the ' PorUand
plan; which all goes to Show the dis
tinctive value of the Portland Westover
Terraces as a Portland undertaking."
Better Conditions Aid Project
The one drawback to th e work -'has
been lta unfinished condition, extending
over a period of the past eight months
In which time it has been difficult to
obtain money on account of the finan
cial stringency; but recent developments
have proved that conditions are already
Improving in Portland as, shown by the
consummation or tnese negotiations to
seoure the money. -V:V."i..;
too wnoie property wiu now be com
pleted to correspond with the first sec
tion and ' Westover Terraces y will now
come Into Its owa';(-!;llifSii;t-
The completlon-of the work will, be
done under contract by the Lewis-Wiley
Hydraullo company, former ownerl of
the property along the same lines they
followed In carving the first section of
weacover Terraces ; out of the rough
waumn or uoiusnutn tmu '- ' ':
lodge; we bave Just finished paying for
it and X don't believe that a doien Port
land Bika can be found who favor the
so-eaued puiiaing project" ' ,
Oscar ' O. Koepell, bond broker ' and
banker rbf ; this ; city, who5 has been
touring southern California, has closed
a .deal for a 10 acre poultry and pig
eon rancn near los Angeles. Be plans
to give the ranch to his son vha i.
Interested la the poultry business and
wno wiu oeveiop ,iae place along sd.
entlflo lines, r'-fi tt'
New Tork, Oct 18-WlthT the last of
the survivors f rom . the' hnmait itn.
Volturno ' among ' her vaasenrera the
steamship Florlsel arrived- here today
front Halifax;' where -. the ' party : was
landed by ; the rjtappahaaaooki :-lBrst
Peia? Polaok, one of the survivors, who
waa separated from Her three Children
at the time of the rescue and suppose!
them dead-, found them on her arrival
here, - f r-,v hi:-,
- After making a thorough study of the
methods of 'assessing land values for
taxation purposes in use throughout the
country. Assessor Henry E. Reed- has
arrived at the conclusion that the Som-
ere Unit System of Realty Valuation,
wnich haa been adopted in a laraw num.
ber of middle west and southern cities,
is the fairest and most equitable sys
tem or tnem au. .
Mr. Bead has devoted considerable
time to - the subject of land lassess-
mont In the past three years and he
saya that his Investigation of the sub
ject has convinced him that the Intro
duction here of the ; Somers system
would prove beneficial and satisfactory.
He says that the baslo principles of the
Somers system are right and that only
sugar moainoauons would be
eery to make It fit local conditions.
!v'-5 eed Olves Beasons. ,
Mr.' Reed has prepared the followlna
statement in wnicn he gives hie rea
sons for approving the system and
sets forth at length what Is thought of
it By assessors in ether portions of the
"For the purpose of determining land
values, eastern cities are adopting what
la known as the Somers Unit System of
Keaity valuation. This method of oom
putatlon waa Invented and perfected by
vv. a. Homers when he was connected
with the assessing, department of St
Paul, Minn. It waa first applied in fit
Paul in 189C, and this is chronicled , in
the "Final Report of the United SUtet
induatrval Commission." published In
1991, volume 1, page 104a, .
eunce tnen.the system has been In
stalled with good results tn Cleveland
and uoiumhus, Ohio; Bast St Louis,
cspnngnsia ana JolleL iiiineist Houston.
Galveston and Beaumont Texas; Au
gusta. Georgia! and In part of -hlla-
aeipbia, pa. and Dee Moines, Iowa. It
la under consideration In Baltimore, and
Is attracting the attention of real es
tate operators, land valuers end asses
sors all over, the country. Aa a gen
eral rule. . the system is favorably con
sidered, buf here and there a orltlelsm
arises, but not from cities which arc ap
plying the -system. , a ,
vJTew System satisfies. - ,
TSeveland and Columbus adopted the
Somere .Unit . System la 1110. .when
Ohio abandoned Its method of assessing
land every 10 years and began assess
ing it every; four years. Both, cities
are well satisfied with It Mayor Baker
of Cleveland telegraphed to the mayor
of Dubuque, Iowa, some time ago that
he knew' of no other system that, pro
duced equity in assessments- and added
that Cleveland was emphatic la Its
praise.'.-- vy'Vj..:-.!k;ti:.(y;'i'.-.'v
Last March, the mty assessor of Des
Moines endorsed the Somers rule - as
being "not only a uniform system but
a system founded upon sdentlflo truths
and most thorough investigation." He
said further Wat be application ef the
Somers system to all of Des Moines, In
stead Of to the business district only,
would enable. him "equitably to assess
every property In the city, so that each
owner would pay his full share ef the
taxes and no more."' v my '-',, v,: ;-.."
The report of the Deo Moines asses
sor, and Cleveland's official report are
among the strongest formal endorse
mente which the Somers' system has re
ceived from any source. In addition,
the Des Moines assessor's report Is a
terrlflo "Jolt, to outworn and uas&entlflo
methods of ascertaining true valuations;
principle fcpWa Bees, SxpIalaadV .
"Some weeks ado the underlying prin
ciples o the Somers Unit System were
explained in a series of five articles by
Walter W. .Ponce puoyihed la the
Sunday Journal '- from week to week.
These articles gave a clear insight Into
the workings of the , system and com
prehended practically all of the Inside
Information .1 respecting .the system
whioh Is mode nubile; except that which
becomes the' property of aa assessing
department or municipality upon; adop
tion of the system. .'-.".'-
Briefly, under' the system the Judg
ment of -the' Value of land la expressed
In the value "of a "unjt foot" A unit
foot Is a frontage of ground' one foot
k ' .
hit mil ii ii i ii n II' wni li ' i 1 o K i mm n u uri.iniii i.iiimi ,rn ,i I ram iwriiii.ii, rm , ,,,1
at S3d ' and Moltaomah lav Lturcnmrst ;Tke Rose Qtjr Parle car
-''S vjX'Vfto 83d stieet andtmTl
!t : Ybu'U appreciate the time
- '.. 'i-...(...;
iiiAiiinu aiiu uic materials uiai nave rrr.arpn a nnmfl t t
r sg striking original, so full of the personality you've
lpnd'fcj in se
:'? 'those delays and the iinknoVn ex tiiaV'CTCou
and embarrass the average hbmebuildelv f li
4750.00, with terms of fjoo.00 tuh. -
ana ips pauncs n su.uo per month. -
f .. And, like all transactions of this com
pany,, for the first time in the history of
florae cuuainr mworjc in a an
re guaranteed on a time basis
-- "j by
the honor and faith and
Hltrof its officers..'.:
'I .if' 'I. r i': .V:.-
Eight story building recently completed on the . west . side ' of - Fourth
street, 60 feet north of BUrk, by the Title ft Trust company,
' which organisation will occupy all : of the ground . floor and two
: upper floors. AbOT the ground floor the building takes form of a
tower BO by SO feet, occupying the front half of the lot. The
; .' ground floor Is one large room, 60 by 100 feet, all of whloli will
be occupied after November 1 as the main business office of the
Title eVTrost company. The tower effect utilized for . the seren
upper floora permits a flood of light to enter the rear offices from
f;t the 60 foot square light court. V: :' ''-'C;'; ;, .. ;i-r? vCM
wldo and 100 feet deep, located la the
central section of a block at a distance
from any street corner' or other Influ
enoe that might affect Its value, other
than that which It obtains by reason of
access to the Ufa and basinets of the
city through Its own frontage, -
When, the value of a union foot has
been fixed on th four aides of a city
block, the exercise 'of Judgment of the
value of land In that city block Is com
plete. Tng somers system provides a
method based upon mathematical tables
and a curve of value, of applying that
Judgment accurately and . scientifically
to all land in that-block, sdentlflo
method te alsu provided for ascertaining
building valuta r:.u,. ';.-;i-f'i' :. l.i;;-,:w-
. ' ! Basle PrlnclDlea might '
'- Vtom what X have been able to learn
of the Somers system In an investiga
tion extending over a period of three
years. I am oonviaeed that Its introduc
tion here would prove beneficial and sat
isfactory. ' Its baslo principles are. all
right and at most It would not have to
he modified much to fit oondltlonvhere.
In Its behalf the following; may he said,,
using to some .extent the words ef east
ern endorserst,, ' - , -(-'. '-.
Flrstt It would provide a basis for
obtaining common Judgment Of land
values through the expression ef com
munity opinion, and a common method
of applying that Judgment,
Second: it would provide a eolentlfle
basis of comparing the value Of one lot
with another, one block with another,
and one dlstrlot with another a vary
equitable consideration la fixing values.
, Third: AX would provide a complete
analysis of the factors which enter Into
site values, - - .-.','...'-
JTourth: Applied to buildings. It would
provide 'a proper classification! a uni
form Inventory of bulldlnr'conttruotlon)
uniform methods of ascertaining repro
ductive coet and a uniform method of
see It juit to the north. ,
and the study, the worb,
'. . ' .' ''. "''' i
'.., .; i
'''. .,'' i
'iZQi-; 'CSJ&t A 'An. ','"' jJl' .V
depreciating buildings according; to con
dition and usefulness.-.; t"v-y:. '
Fifth; It would pave the way for the
annual publication in book form' of land
value traps; as In New Tork. and thus
give the widest publicity to assessments
and assessment methods. , ' . ,
HallAttoa irealf B Baals.''.'
Sixth: It would reduce the work of
the hoard of equfllsatlon to nil so far as
real estate Is concerned, because, the as
sessments would be founded upon scien
tific methods and could be successfully
attacked only by proving that the eel en
tlflo rule was wrongly applied.
. Seventh: The assessments being
founded upon- community Judgment of
values, the serious question which arises
wnea property owners have to face cash
payments or bonding for streets and
sewers, ought In a large degree, to be
eliminated, v- .". , .,-'
Xhghtht With true waluts poastble ef
wwrwnonni oy smentino methods
there could, be no possible objection to
the enactment of a state law forbidding
the payment of mora than doubi
assessed value for land . reanired to
public uses.
. xvinth: With land waluaa AmrmA
according to sdentlflo methods for as
sessment pnrpotes, wild and unrea
sonable speculation ' tn land would he
effectually checked, to the great benefit
of the community aad of awr m tid
ing lU it - y.??.".::-; ' . Vifv .r v,.-
, Sntty U Onsrsateed. . .
Tenth- Is a dtr situate Ilka nUki
on two sides of 'a river, and animated
by a certain degree of rivalry, the Som
ers system would carry the guarantee
of equity la the assessments aad satisfy
each stctloa , that the other had no
undue advantage In taxation, . r
lt Is unnecessary to comment here on
the method of assessment at present la
use In Multnomah couatv. It la
as that in effect In any community la
the United States where scientific rules
1 1 ' -t - ' ' . II
i a ' . :,,.-!' '
-.- : ... ; -. . , .... ... ,-
"Clasag Clippings
from the : :
Classified Columns"
;., 10 rooms, strlcUy up to date.'
I sleeping rooms. ,
On paved street two blocks
from carllne, s , .
. Owned by non-residtntimutt r
be eold. ., ., ... ....
Price pnl 14150, which In.
: eludes all improremeata
Ttrmt reasonab
2' -rooms,' full cement
fla fhadaSL near car. beautiful
- V
1 '
joe, euxiuui pnoe sssoo. which
and stwer.
The Qrefton Home Builders
140S Yeoa CuEIJins;, Tifth and!
Bricks have played an Imii.-iT ,J
In the history of the world s i
tlon. t . Brtckstha little 2x4xsU.'J
block of : red clay was the first buud-J
tng material of which there is authentic
record. Long centuries tef ore primitive-
mm had1 the tools; wherewith te
shape stone to hia liking or the machin
ery to reduce the tree to lumber, be had
discovered that he could mix clay, water
and straw and after allowing It to
bake under a tropical sun he had blocks
that piled one upon another would make
a wall, giving him prelection from en
emies,' animals and the elements.;.
, Whllp - great ' Improvement has been
mailt tn the manufacture or bricks, par.,
ttoularly within the -past half-oeritury, '
but little"- ground hat been i gained. In
thousands of years In the matter ot
strength and permanency,. The crude
looking bricks found In a perfect etate
of preservation among the ruins of the
Pueblo - Indians, datjng back to times '
so remote that even the Identity of the
race which made them, la In doubt are
as. bard , as flint end stand a good
chance to stilt outlive many: of the
modern brick produota
a There are many different kinds of
brlrk. Tb most common and the one
most generally found nowadays la the
standard brick whioh Is supposed to
moeiure two inohes by eight inches on
the exposed surf sees and four Inohes
by eight Inohes on the bed or broaded
eldo. Then there Is what la called the :
Roman brick which la usually 14x13x4
lnchea Only day that burns very hard
la used la Roman brick on account of
tne thinness and length. Roman brick
are a little more costly than the stand
ard variety but they, make a handsome,
wall when well laid. There la a much
larger brick called the Norman site,
hut these are too large to look well In
a houstf, and only appear well In a
high broad wall. Then, too, there la
the hollow or" terra cotta brick whioh
la of three sixes, 4x4, 4x11, and 4x18.
Within the past few years manufact
urers arc turning out two new styles.
of brick known as tapestry and clinker
brick. The tapeatry one gets its
nam a from the fact that, a number of
them built In a well together, gava a -somewhat
variegated tapestry effect
Clinker brick Is simply aa overburned,
partly melted, standard brick, It Is
popular with soma builders In chimney
aad porch work, ,
it a largely attended meeting of the
loSal lodge of Moose, held Id the Royal
building, last Sunday afternoon, the In
ltlal step was taken looking to building
a large etruoture to be' known as the
Moete building. A ' special ooaunlttee
was named to Investigate the' 109 or
more sites that have been offered to
the lodge, with Instructions to report
the five most desirable and available
locations to a meeting to be held later.
From among these sites the lodge will
select oae and open negotiations for It,,
purohasa. .,'"'''.- ''i'
The lodge how has tlBe.eOO pledged
to the building fund, and It Is believed
by the most active members ef the or
der that Buffloleat funds can be raised
within the lodge membership te pat up 1
the proposed building. ' ?. l;
of the Somers type are not applied.
After all that may be said la Its be
half, tba fact would remain - that the
Somersf system would revolutionise It
and produce aa assessment, barring .
Juggling; of the figures, that the peo. '
pie would regard with eonfldenoe. la
the long; run Just and equitable assess
meat is the foundation of government'
If the assessment Is unjust and laequt
taMe, nothing is right .. ... ' -
CDore Manufacturer Drops Dead.
- Bad rranolsoo, Oct la. Preeident
Oeorge A. Moss of the Moss Glove com
pany, a. pioneer tn the Paolflo coast
glove laduttry, dropped dead of heart
disease today In. the checker room at
the Mechanics' Institute.
250.00 Cash, $25.00 a
. i Month Including;
I extra large rooms with at
tia, cement basement oak;
. floors, pressed brlok f lreplaoe,
window shades and fixtures,
finished throughout In white :
. VHSir v,lJr Prtee only
- 12860, llBat cash.y t(r a-,
month, tlmllar to above, only .'
on mere expensive lot, - , i "
Alder Streets, Portland '
; M a B. HURTT, Manaeen