'"Oil SUNDAY pUrJIAL. PORTLAND, CUiJDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 19, 1013. . " . wcouiiw is. UL CHILDREN RETURfJ HOME'TOR GOLDEN WEDDING PAY Mild Winters Enable , Cows to ' - Feed on Green Grass;r Roads In Need" of Improvements :,.. BIG GAME PLENTIFUL THIS SEASON IN ROGUE RIVER I HLLS, ' j Jff f ' , - . - , 1 ' ... ' r f f '..,, vr-" tfj f.;i b'f .:. -4 ' , I ' J; - , 4. i V 1 ! -r '? i I h" v w . x -' ".:., : - -78 L ; x--:. --: . . v ,4 jj Tsa ' ' ' ' ---- -'i--''- "M "-"' -' f&r , , f, .. ' lBBgCflS--SBSSBC!l-taBBB . j - i ' Two days"'bas of ' Bevea buntera. j ; . w -u , r - ' , ; - SUffED TO DAIRYING . ,ICiSElIE ' : 'j(r7rz ' -. - - 4. Spirit', ",: " 1 ' 1 : ' - ' :JL v ' ;. -,-! ' :: it ' x IN PRODUCTION OF ORE . ) W ,v J. 7 J: Industry In .Eastern Part of State Particularly Has Re- ' ceived New Impetus., . - . 1 (Special to The JimraH Greenhorn, Or., Oct, It. Eastern Ore- ' con in 11J will make the beat reoord for 'cold production In Its history line the placer days of 1861, 186, 18T and 1861, From a precious metals roid, sli ver and copper) production of only 8669,' 01 In mi. and an output of -S84M8C In 1912, Oregon ai a whole la expected to produce very nearly $3,000,000 In lis, . baaed on the known output of the lead In mines during- 1911 to date. Of the sum. total Id the mining Industry, East ern Oregon will produce probably seven ninths of the whole, or close to 12,350, 000. ,-S:.-m ? ,-!. ; v in :.''';.. ' This Increase In the recovery of cold, silver and copper Is due principally to the . reopening of old deep .mines, lone "dormant, as well as to" the general in troduction of electrical power, com pressed air, cyanidatlon and 'wholly modern methods of mlnin in ' Oregon, principally in the counties' of Baker, Malhmi? And Grant! thousrh Coos. Curry. Douglas," Jackson; Josephine and lane each annually yield- their quota to tho grand total. ' - ' -. .' Baker Xads. Unite States Geological Survey fl ures for 1911 place the output of gold In Oregon at I770,041, of which ' Baker county produced 48,041, Josephine county being second, with (78,061, Jack- son third, with 162,985, Lane fourth, with I4MJi, Malheur fifth, with $48, 430, and Grant sixth, with 21,SS. i The other counties produced from (14,141 In Dniili to kk little as 8938 in Coos. f ! In silver : Baker county also led all . the others eorablned, with an output of .: 89,140 fine ounces, Josephine county be ing second, with 10.T74 fins ounoes, ana "the other counties showing- front 2882 in Douglas to as little as 10 fine ounces tn Coos. Total silver production ., for the state was 67.081 fine ounces, as Com pared With 46,121 In 1911,. -r , Vi , Except In Josephine county, copper mining cut very little figure In Oregon. Josephine county . produced : 264,880 pounds of native copper, the only others being Lane county, with 60(8 pounds, and Baker county, with a mere 951 ' pounds. . Tet -there are millions of tons of copper ore blocked out at Homestead, on Snake river, and at other accessible points In eastern as well as western and southern Oregon. -:, ' - ' Tho state's 1911 production of lead to taled 89,817 pounds, principally from Lane county;: ... :.i'v., 3.,. f,--;; Single gol4 and silver mines In Baker, Malheur and Grant - counties, like , the Rainbow and Humboldt, In - Mormon Basin; the Ben Harrison and Bonansa, in the Greenhorn district T the Columbia and Powder . River gold dredge, In the Bumpter -district, and the Cornucopia and Highland have produced anywhere from $10,000 to 148,000 a month during 1912. Other smaller mines, or large old mines Just being reopened, like the BalsleyiElkhorn, Imperial. Ibex, Virtue, Flagstaff, Gem and a score of others, are regularly producing from a few hun dred dollars per week to several thou sand dollars per month. - ' acer Mines closed, - "' Except for the Sumpter gold dredge, which work dally tn all "kinds of weath er, winter and summer, the placer mines are closed for the year, but owing to a superabundance of water for hydraulic mining purposes this past season, the eastern Oregon gold placers have made a good showing in llS,some of them operating well Into September. ': Lessors are busy .on the Red Boy,' la the Granite dlstriot; the Intel-mountain and. the Morning, In the Greenhorn dis trict, and on a score Of other properties scattered far and wide over the eastern end Of the state. These men, In groups of two, three, jor four, -will work all winter. , -' . .: , , !;.': The snows have come early this fall, hut will In no, Wayinterfere with min ing operations Jjb .Quarts workings un 1 derground. ; j; : i.,v V.'--' , Revival of mining has come to Oregon with a rush in 191S, and 1914 should place the state well up among the steady gold and silver producing states of the union. Oregon ranked twelfth in 4911 among the states producing the precious metals; in 1912 it ranked tenth, accord ing to official government figures, pass- Laue-Davis Drug Co TAMHIXI ma -- ran BE8X QVAJUTT 1 K JWWXrTBJ, ..,.! .4. 1 KNEB CAPS AND AFBOMTTf AI, 1 SUPfOJ-XZ&S ' rnd nd for . 1 I - 1 ainrinir Blank , J aui- J I" and Friots 'j'l'V T . . I ' - I -F-.. lit 111 m rW I t 111 ) W 'I 1 1 I II III fllI .1- ii.i-e: it Ti: ir . Above Children who attended the BelowMr. 'and Mr. P. O. Woolfe. " (Special to The Journal.) Vancouver.. . Wash- Oct. . U.--Sur- rounded by their nine children, many grandchildren and great grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. P, G. Woolfe of Lake Shore fittingly celebrated their fiftieth wed ding anniversary October 12. The cele bration should have been held on Sep tember 26, but owing to sickness la the family it was put off. The celebration was a Complete surprise to Mr. and Mrs. Woolfe and waa arranged by the chll- dren, who Invaded the old home In a body. They were bountifully" supplied with purple 'and white asters and Im mediately set to : wbrtc decorating . the rooms. A purple and white aster-was placed at each plate and a white one at the plates of the, "bride and groom" of (0 years ago; They also brought re membrances In the form of rings, a plain gold band for the mother and one set with blrthstone for the father. . Mi, and Mrs. Woolfe were married at Ing New Mexico and 'Washington. In 1911 Oregon will probably pass Idaho as a gold producer, attaining to ninth place; but in order to surpass Montana ($3,707,900) and : Arisona ($2,786,400), respectively In eighth and seventh rank. Oregon gold mines must yield not less than 14,000,900 la 1914, ' NEW HERM1ST0N PLANT , WEARING COMPLETION ; ' .1111 s 1 )". t ; Hermiston, Ort Oct- 16-Tho Her- mlston Light 4 Power company Is busy. on the new" plant which will supply the neighboring , towns of Stanfleld, Echo and Umatilla with light and power. - The new concrete building is finished, and the machinery . la all Installed, Poles are-now erected from Hermiston to - Umatilla, and from : Hermiston to Butter Creek, In which direction the lines will run to Stanfleld and Echo. The towns have all been wired, but Stanfleld, and the work Is bow under way ,therevvv..i,i.,sv'-.r-,'' BIG CHIN00KTAKEN ' v . WITH HOOK AND LINE Newport, Or, Oct. 18. -The largest salmon caught In. the Taqulna Bay thl season; with a hook and line, was cap tured by A. A. Voigt, after a hard fight, The fish, a chinook, tipped the scales at 42V& pounds. It was three feet nine Inches long and a foot wider at the back fin. Mr. Volgt offered the fish, a beau tiful specimen, to the Commercial club here to preserve, but no one had a jar large enough to hold It, , x,-A-:'i v WILL CELEBRATE THEIR WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES North' Yakima, OTash., Oct 18. -nfty years of happy jmarrled life will be ccle brated by the Rev. and Mrs. Cretghton Springer October 20 at their home on Nob Hill. ( For 60 years Mr. Springer GENERAL VIEW OF JHr T . -r Ill , - - v-s II III ' - r V J- 111. r anniversary celebration. . Osceola, Clarke county,. Iowa, Septem ber 26, 1863. They C&m west 82 years ago- and lived aesar at Portland, then coming to Clarke . oounty, where they have sine resided. Aside from the year at Portland, they lived in - a Clarke county all - their Uvea Clarke ' county, Iowa, and Clarke county, Washington. ... They have nine children, all of whom were at the -celebration. They . are: Lawrence . E Woolfe of Vancouve James W. Woolfe of Lake 8hor; Mrs. C, W, Rusk of Portland; Mrs. WVH, Mo Farlane of Vancouver; Mrs. F. V. Cor rmvn of Follda: Mrs. Doug-lass Caples of Vancouver: Mrs. W. J. Byham of Van couver; Mrs. H. A. Kitapp of Camas, and Mra 8. E. Mclrvin of Laka Shora 3o sides the children they have 24 trrabd-children- and three great grandchildren. , Mr. Woolfe is one of the aubstantlal fruit growers of Clarke county and has a largs prune orchard, from which divl- denas are reaiied,eaoh'year.'-v;;:::;.'i; was a preacher In the Methodist church, jbsglnnlg his work in Fairfield, Iowa. For. Several years now he has been re tired, and Is living on a fruit ranch. He was for two years pastor of the Selah Methodist "church here. , -A v ;V " Mr. and Mrs.; W. W.- Bstabrook win celebrate their silver wedding annivsr-1 sary October 17 at ' their ranch home Just outside the city. A daughter, Mrs. R. C Scbaeffer, of Tacoma, and Charles S. Scott, of Portland, wlU ba the out-of-town guests. :. CRAWFORD TELLS WHE1 COUNTY ROAD IS STREET (BsIcib Bsrean of Tbe Jonrnil.l ' - '' ( Salem, Or., Oct 18. The attorney gen eral today "rendered an opinion to the county Judge, of Lincoln county that "a county road running through a town au tomatically becomes a street when the town Is Incorporated, and the mainten ance of the street thereafter devolves on the tow-vife-'xjt,';,,. ' ' Debate Subject Selected. University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, Oct 18. The debate question for the tri angular debate between O. ' A- C, W. 8. C and th University of Idaho, is: ' "Hs solved, that a federal commission should be created, with power to regulate or- jporatlons engaged In interstate com merce, all Questions of constitutionality to be waived." The debate will take place in December. The try-out to se lect the two Idaho teams will be held the last of this -month.;. About 80 students have signified their Intention of trying for places on the teams. .:'-. .-,.,. f?Z : Tree KUIg Ross, v'?' Forest Grove, Or., Oct if-U. , M. Ross of Portland died at Timber at 1:80 last night as the result of an injury received earlier in the evening from a falling tree. He was shout 80 years old and was fen employe of the Summit Lumber company.-..-. ': v-j v '!.- RESIDENCE SECTION OF I0NE FROM. THE HILLS Uy.Frcd Iiocklcy,. , . ) Aocompanled by J. T. Knappenberg the president of the , commercial , club at lone, and Walter Smith, the local agent 'of the Oregon fland Dakota Land com pany, clo of lone, I recently made'. an automobile trip - north of .lone, t Mr. Knappenberg is the owner of a dairy farm near town.. He lias about 8500 acWsln his ranch, ' theJ headquarters ranch consisting of 3S0 "sores. .. He is milking 3J cows- "I ship my butter fat to Portland," ' said Mr., Knappennerg. "My creamery check Is about $200 .a month. , Morrow ointy will eventually become a dairy country instead or a stock country. On account of our mild winters our cattle feed on green grass In the winter, while In the colder dis tricts they -art leedlng on hay,. The two months that w hsve to- feed ln Morrow . county are July and- August This country Is a natural cow country. When the .first settlers came In - here they found the hills oovered with bulrch grass, and it is rare that the enow stays on the hills mors than a. few dajs at a time.",-;, '::.WJ'"',..',?i',Tx i ...-. For the ifirst few miles out of town the roads -had been strawed ''These roads." said Mr. Smith, who was driving the automobile, 'would be almost im passable for the chuck holes and dust if It were iiot for the straw., ;Thcoun ty ! bought tip a large number of straw piles " and i Is scattering straw on the roads where there Is the most 'travel. Whafwe need is a niore: uniform sys tem of road improvement One thing, however, yott Will find that wherever there are heavy sandy roads nature has put a remedy near at hand la the shape of weeds or sage that grows along the road and which can he used when straw can not b obtained." y i: -v Our road led over a-series or long undulating billows -of land. - On each side of the road were -vast wheat fields now In summer . fallow or in stuDDie. The thing that strikes a stranger most forcibly Is the absence or nomes. -n place of a farm house on every quarter section you - will see here and there, miles apart a ranch honsa Passing iciia. which .wss formerly a postof f Ice, and which Is about 10 miles north of lone, we continued northwara to buck Ingham flat On the southern edge -of the flat thers Is a-half mite strip of black sage brush higher than man's head with - gnarled . oontortea trunas from three to six inches in diameter. Jack rabbits literally by the thousands were running In all directions. Beyond the line' of sage brush, was a long flat covered with bunch arasa "This land," said Mr. Smith, "is owned largely by the Northern Paciflo railroad in- hT tht Ore-ton and Dakota Land company and by non-resident land spec ulators. It Was DOUBn-. UP in .ins vmi'J days at as low as 25 .and 40 cents an acre. It can ba bought now at from three and a half to five aouars an acre. The railroad leases the land to sheep men st about 610 a section a year, There t no reason in the world why diversified farming should not be car ried on In Morrow county.- That evening In lone I met A. C Petteys, ona of thSrSarly settlers-of Morrow county. '. " . "1 came to Salem, Ore., in 1864, when t w. tt vmr old." said Mr. Petteys. -rn igeg r came east, of the moutalns. eettllns on ; Willow creek, three miles hnn th nresent cltv or lone, 'xne first pantofflce in what Is now Morrow county was located at my farmhouse. My place was known as Petteyvllle and on the old postal route maps you will see the name "PettyvlUe Postof flee.' I was the first postmaster and ran the postof flee for 14 years. One of , my early neighbors was John Jordan, who settled here In 1802. ' - We used to have soma more or less exciting times In the early days. When General C. C. Howard was chasing the Indians eastward ; all of the neighbors for miles around came to my place for protection. When the neighbors came we had no guns. I hitched up a good team to a light wagon and starting at 4 o'clock In the afternoon I drove to The Dalles. UVom my placs to The Dalles Is nearly 80 miles, and when I tell you that my team was at The Dalles by daylight you can know that I put them through at a pretty lively gait When I applied at, The Dalles, for the guns they had no authority to give them to me. I telegraphed to the governor at Salom. He wired back authority for me to take 0 guns. The authority,, how ever, did not authorise the Issuing of any ammunition, so I spent $100 of my own money for ammunition, which by the way, I never recovered "When we - first cams to Oregon I took up a place opposite Independence, near Humphrey's ferry. I had the fever and ague, so I gave the place up and bought a quarter:1 section four miles south of Salem at what Is now Rose dale. I was doing pretty -well, but a friend of mine who needed some money had me ao security on a note. He couldn't pay tt Neither eould I. They took my quarter section to satisfy the note. When I first came toIpne I took up a quarter section. I have about kw . 1 ill Grants Pass,- Or,,, Oct. : 18- -Hunters returning from v the Rogue River bills report one of the best seasons for big sum hiintlng ever - experienced in the, valley. -.,; Deer are especially - plentiful. and every party out makes bags that ap proach the limit, . une party tnat naa returned from the country adjacent to Over ' 575 Miles - of ' Highway i 4 m, 'si J ''I ' ' " i . . Constructed During' tne. Past Two -Years.' 'i .Klamath Falls. 'On, Oct H -During the past two years Klamath county has built 678 miles of road. " Of this amount 178 miles was heavy grade, with deep drainage ditches along both sides,' The roadbed Is from SO to 80 feet wide.'' The other . 480 miles built are classed as mountain roads. In the construction of roads It has been the policy of the coun ty court to build highways In, the sec tions of the county where travel Is the heaviest. It Is only a few years since the county hid no roads, except those provided by nature. Today every part cf the county is tapped by a passable road. In; many sections where travel is heavy the roads have been given a coat of crushed rock or cinders, making them exceptionally good throughout the entire year.- . :. :ti V : - It Is the plan of -the present county court to. secure a bond Issue in the sum of 8300. doo, so that next year the vari ous .units can be connected up and grades made permanent It, is also the plan to build a highway to (jhe Califor nia line to connect with the Interstate highway. Klamath county has : estab lished a reputation for Its good roads. It has ' been done at considerable ex panse to the taxpayers, but no one la willing, despite the cost to go book to the cow trails of a few years ago. In many sections of this county road building is Inexpensive, while In others there is a great deal of heavy work. It has been so arranged by the county court that the thickly settled . farming communities . have been - given roads first The soenlo rout around the Up per Klamath Lake, which Is traveled by the tourists, has also been made a boule vard. . ' .: - v . - ' - ' " " 800 acres now. Forty-five . years ago Morrow county was pretty thinly set tlod. ' About the only neighbors I had were William Cecil, who took up a place 25 miles xrom mine, ana Eusna Bperry. At first J got my mall at The Dalles. Later I got it at Uraatlla Landing and still later at Leonard's Mllla When could get my mall by going only 88 mllea X thought the eountry was set tllng up pretty thickly. . "Spencer put In a store on Rhea creek and Heppner and Morrow put in one where thePalace hotel now-stands. Davs Herron bought an Interest In Hepp ner and Morrow's store and was ap pointed postmaster, "X am 83 years old. and while X am hale and hearty,' nevertheless, I am planning to retire from hard work, and take It easy, the rest of my life." PERSONNEL OF WOMEN'S : GLEE CLUp ANNOUNCED - University of Oregon, Eugene, Or, Oct 18 Director Ralph H. Lyman, of the school of music, and coach of the men's and women's glee clubs, has an nounoed the personnel of the women's club for the year as roiiowsi First sopranos: Mae Norton, Port land; Eva Brock, Hood River; Virginia Peterson, Astoria; Georgia Cross, Ore gon City; WUma Young. Astoria, aud Uarsraret Soangler. Eugena ' Seoond sopranos: . Lois Parks, Junc tion City; Helen Kust Wallowa: Mabel Withers, Cottage Grove; Kate Schaefer, Portland: Maria Churchill, Baker, and Katharine Klrkpatrlck. Leabnon. First altos; Rita Fralay, " ISugene; Catherine Carson, Balera; Morton Tink er, Eugene; mma woouon, Astoria Lucille . Toran, Eugene, and Buree Mo Conahav. Monroe. " ' Second altos: ' Irene Rufh, Kugeno; Charlie V, Fen ton,-. Portland; - 'Florence Johnson, Portland; Rosalia Knox, Port land; Leah Perkins, cottage urove, ana Myrtle Tooy, juugene. Accompanist Mona Dougherty, Wat Iowa - 'i Catherine - Carson has men elected manager and has submitted plans to the faculty end the dean of women for a concert In Eugene and several minor trips. , . . Wedding at Cornelius. ' Forest Grove, Or,, Oct 18. Miss Katherlne Kamna and Frank . Bchul merlch were married at the Evangelical ; Lutheran church In Cornelius Wednes day. The ceremony was performed by "t" Rev. Ik Stuebe, pastor of the church, and was witnossed by a number of friends The bride was attended by Miss Mar guerite Bohulmerlch, sister of the groom. Miss Betty namns, cousin or tna onae, was maid of honor. The groom was at tended by his brother, Herbert, and Hen ry Kamna, brother of the brlda -;i After the wedding, a reoeptlon was held: at the home of Mn-and Mra. Henry Kamna, parents -of the brlda :, ; Mrs. Sohutraorlch Is one of the popu lar residents of the Blooming , section, where her father la prominent in the af- fairs of his community. Mr. Scnul merich is a prosperous young farmer of Blooming, where he snd his bride will KLAMATH COUNTY IN HEM H ROAD.WOR make their home, f Galice reports having seen 101 deer dur ing an outing of ten days. Two hunters on the .lower Illinois saw 88 deer in two days, ' and reports of Ilk import are brought in by most of the hunters.. . Messrs. Ray Wright Fred Blackman, August Goettche. Henry Ahlf, Aaron Bratton, Jack Braton and Asa Hoi Comb, GET u Teachers Informed of Require ; menis 1 Necessary ' to. Get 1 4 ' - Coveted Credits, V ' At L - ' Monmouth, Or Oct 18. Encouraged by the success attained last year In ao cornpUshlng good results. In the 68 schools of the county. County School Superintendent N. C Beymour has Issued a statement Instructing teachers con cerning the new requirements -which have Just been fixed for - standard schools, v - -: . The standardization of Polk oounty schools has ben planned for some time, and each 'year since the method was adopted ' of giving schools . a pennant after a given number of points had been won, the superintendent has received in quiries from versus sections of Oregon and several sections of the United States asking for plans of the system, so the new scherde could be put Into operation elsewhere, ci-- :s;!-'::7.;-:.,v-.-! : In order for a school to become stand ard. It must obtain points as follows i Flag must be flying In good weather; schoolhouse must be property lighted and ventilated: schoolroom must be at tractive; one standard picture must be added during the year: -drinking: water must be furnished by either fountain or tank or individual drinking Cups; there must be walks from road to house, and from house: to outbuildings; -grounds must be drained and attractive; school must have . good library;- every pupil must be entered in county spelling con test; discipline must be always good; work must be satisfactory1 on part of both pupil and teacher? attendance must average 05 per: cent for the year; one hour's visit by each- member of the school board must be recorded by the teacher each month. Teachers must at tend E0 per cent of the teaohers insti tutes, and subscribe to at least one edu cational magazine. ., . -v . Slay Is Stricken. Chehalls, Wasbu, Oct 18.-F. JR. May, well known lumberman, operating a arill at MeektlL has been stricken with paralysis, his left aide being affected. He Is well known In Portland, his family living- there part of the time, :; v -r- SB POLK SCHOOLS ota imn nn RULES EXTRAORDINARY Greatest Snap Ever Offered in IRVINGTON Lot Value 2250 House Value 3000 , . For Quick Sale $4300 ( , , ., v DESCRIPTION ' Six rooms, bath and breakfast nook.- Ivory and whits . i' .vi enameled finish) imported wall decorations) , tile fireplace- , plate class, windows)', best grade oak flooring) elegant old ' ' , , ; gold lighting fixtures, with Tiffany glassware) cornice ...- : .'. ; ceilings) guaranteed bath fixtures- window shades; lino- , - leura In kitchen and bath; front-door quarter-sawed -oak) ,,; ' fine, hardware; built-in features; bevel plate, mirrors i ex-- cellent furnace) laundry trays; full cement basement) brick ' x '7v . ; porch, with cement floor; lot. 50x100 feet, east facing, all , ; ' seeded. ' Hard surface street - v - - - i i' '. " ' " ' ' ' - ' : This bungalow- has. just been" completed and Is located on East Twenty-sixth street, one half block north of Broadway.- Owner has taken contract East and must dispose of property immediately at a loss. : See it to day. ' Owner, 824 Chamber of - Commerce, Phone Main (5594, , Residence, Woodlawn 2209. uSSS. mmmk siip of rasr Harmless l-.'t r u i t laxative" cleanses stomach, liver ' - and bowels syv.! Xtook at the tonsil motherl If coat ed, Ik IS a eur elsn ht yeur little one's stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle, thorough cleansing- at once. When peevish,' cross, listless, pale. doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or la feverish, stomach sour, breath bad, has tomach ache, sore throat, dlHrrnoea, full of cold, tfve a teaspoonful of "Cali fv.rnla yrup of JU"lfis," and In Just a fuw hunting at Buck camp, 20 miles from Galioe, brought 10 bucks Into camp as the result of a two day's hunt ' Quail . and silver gray squirrels and other small game is also reported very plentiful, the 'enforcement of the laws regarding their protection having filled , the hills with them. . '.. OMESNOW ALDPORT WITH GOLD HE TALE Report Is That Gold In Ledge : s Visible to. the Naked Eye at Coast Jowru - V ' :.' ' " - - (Special to "The Journal) -Kewport Or,, Oct 1. a V. Hurt, former colleotor of customs at this port, sow living In Waldport. who Is in town on business, says that considerable excitement has been caused In the Ta bats eountry. south Of Waldport, by the finding of a. gold ledge of promising value, which la only a short distance from the town of Ocean View or Tahats. This . ledge was discovered by Mr. ' Hurt, he says, over 80 years sgo. but, as he did not know the values of ore, he ' paid no further atUntlon to tt till, this summer, when a prospector was looking over that country. He told the . pros pector of the find, with the result that a number of claims have been staked out and considerable work done. He says that free gold ess be seen -la the ore with the naked eye : The country about this ledge Is heavily covered with vege tation, and prospecting is difficult - Twenty years ago a number of miners worked on the ocean beaches near Wald port, and made fair wages. This work was going on 10 years ago, when the ocean currents ehanged conditions,, and so mnoh sand was piled en the beaches that, work was atopped. i ,- : -- Happy at Thatcher. , -Forest Grove,' Or Oct IS. Tuesday at the home of Claud Smith, Oscar Iove ; end Mabel A. Dreessen were married by Rev, - Holmes, pastor of the Christian church. Mra Love is a popular young lady of Banks, where shd has a host of frlenda ' Mr. Love Is a hep grower of Thatoher, where he and his bride will make their liome. " : . Castle. Rock: Has) 8maHpox, : Centralla, Wash Oot. 18-In spite of the fact that two more easea of small pox have been reported at Castle Rock, Dr. Wold, the town health officer, is confident that he has the epidemio un der control. Every resident of the town has been ordered vaccinated. . -. hours all the foul, constipated. we'- undigested food and sour Ilia sent: moves out of Its little bowois and you have a well, playful child r--i!n. Tou needn't ooas sick chU.ii.fi t t ' this harmless fruit laxative; ti c 1-nt its delicious taste and it always v ' i them fcl I1IJ. . Ask your druKKlst for a 61) - t 1 of "California fcyrup or 1 i J directions fnr t i agesi, and for rrown-i. bottlu. i:o.u tt X ern. C- t t' f foi r.ia 1, : : any ot':.-r i ' : ; .