The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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. . , . ..... :; - ,. .;. -
ho?.ie is l:o;;s ti:z
finest he f
Large. Percentage Are Women
Furniture ' Plant , Seeks
- Site 'at Milwaukie;
Action May be Based on the
v Ground That Unreasonable-,
ihess of Order Is Not Shown
Opened for the In.
of the Public, 'r-
; L',--. Vl Af ' i "W---
DisgrtA I d Members ' to bls
' rfegSiQ?lan of Worshiping
in CO Edifice. -
The. dissenting member! of the Pint
&ethodUt" Episcopal . church. Who are
opposed. to,.changlng the scene of . the
religious activities from the Third and
Taylor street church to the Grace church
site at Twelfth and Taylor streets, will
assemble at the .Third street church at
10:30 o'clock this morning - for their
. regular service, in complete- disregard
' : of the action of the quarterly .confer
. ence, which decided to use Grace church
nereafter..v'':':ivv'' '--': l: -;-.?.,,;.:- s
"We expect to go to the' usual place
, at the usual Jime." said B. 1e Paget,
, leader of the dissenters or "radicals"
as they have termed themselves. nVWe
' liav arranged'no service whatever, for
It Is the duty of the church officials to
do so. but If there is no preacher there
1 to conduct services; there will be some
who will apeak to us," added Mr. Facet
In .the evening, 'Dr. J, W. McDougall
will preach. This service was arranged
for a technical compliance with the law.
The above declaration by Mr. Paget
followed a ; meeting held- In his office
yesterday noon, just after an unsuc-
cessful attempt had been made by the
. dissenters to have an Injunction Issued
by Judge Cleeton against the First M.
K. - church, Grace church; the member
1 of the conference and Rev. Benjamin
Young, prohibiting them, from holding
services at Grace church or from chang
ing .the scenes of religious activities
from the Third and Taylor streets site
to any other place in the city. ,
Dissolution Seems Only Bemedy,
A complete dissolution of the union
between Grace church and Taylor Street
, ehurch under the name of the First M.
K. church, that -was effected in, July,
lflJ, Is the only solution of the rup
' ture which has divided- the church
against Itself.- This is Indlcatted in the
complaint filed by the dissenters ., In
support of their application for an In
junction and in a statement maaeoy
;:.r fir. Paget yesterday. ? v v- '
- 'There Is a program " being ' put
' through that is entirely at (Variance
with the ' wishes and sentiments of a
large part or the membership, as was
evidenced :; by the fact that officers
of the church as an official board, re
fused by a vote of tS to 1 to submit
to the membership vote the matter of
the removal, of , the church activities
to Grace church. I am frank , to say
. that they were afraid to do so, know
ing - that the measure would be de
feated. We have exhausted every
remedy that is offered Id church pro.
ceedure, and as a last resort we bav
-'' . gone to the courts." -x:i;, '.r;
. . -. Kay Torm XTew Charon.
' In the event of the defeat of the
purpose of the radicals, there are two
situations that may possibly result
the withdrawal -from the.; mother
church of all the dissenters and their
. scattering ; either to other t faiths or j
their- union with -other Methodist i
churches of the city, or rthe. with
drawal of the dissenters and the or
ganisation of the body which will re
quest a new charter and will organise
. a ' new church. v:---'
- The latter plan Is already being seri
ously considered by .those in the ranks
of the radicals, who would avoid fur
ther difficulties and would end them
all m that manner. They are being op
posed by other member of the radical
faction, who declare they will not stand
idly by. and see the church properties
uiasiyivu- .. ... .
Mr. Paget in discussing the posslbil
' ities of ' a new church said: "The sit
uation la tremendously grave and un
doubtedly means the actual loss of a
' Methodist Episcopal cnurcn to rortiana
. and great number of members to local
Methodism unless the present official
' program is changed. Borne line of cleav-
n in " the consolidation lot the two
churches is inevitable and the only plan
not involving friction is the restoration
of - the two original, church organlsa
tlons." . :;:-, -
Why plan Zs Opposed,
"It is - our contention that we ; m w
have two adequate church auditoriums
sufficient ; for the. present needs, and
that is why we have opposed the build-
. lag of the new church, which seems to
be the seed of the trouble. The build
ing of such a church would mean the
loss and expenditure of nearly $200,000,
for an elegant structure the Grace
church, would have to be torn down
"We do not approve of appropriating all
. the accumulation of SO or 60 years to
aatisfy the ambitions of some members
of the church. '
The building question is not the
only ono ; that is causing trouble, how-
over; for the church people have not
forgotten that Rev. Benjamin Young re
cently refused to grant the petition of
a great number of churchmen the priv
ilege of a congregation meeting to
'choose trustees, althougn such proceed
ur is allowed by the church. Instead,
be fell back on an antiquated part of
the Incorporation articles filed years
ago. which provided that the pastor
name tne trustees.
1 Too Much Power Peered.
"An official board, once created is
' self-perpetuating and the congregation
ran appeal plead, threaten, cajolo and
legislate until kingdom come, and the
board does not have to pay the slight
est bit. of attention. That is why w
nave taaen tne matter into the courts,
there to determine wnether or Jiot we
. are to be ruled without regard to our
visiles, me pastor once selected can
name for his board trustees that will
be entirely of his mind, and then we
are out' of it entirely."
'. Dr. J. W. McDougall, superintendent
or tne f oniana district, who Is practic
ally in charge here, In the absence of
Bishop R. J. Cooke, said yesterday, "I
recognise but one church the First M.
K. church and am taking no part in
any fight that might be under way. I
have not been appealed to and have
taken no fide. In preaching at the Tay
. lor street church tomorrow evening, I
am fulfilling the edict of the confer
ence, which is possessed of the Informa
tion that services must be held at that
church, According to law. I am recog
nising no faction. If such exists, in so
doing." y'.1'Aii.vNcv.V; . '-Yvl1'; r. :
Rev. Benjamin Young, pastor of the
First church, refused to make any com
ments on the new turn of affairs. .: "I
vital! fill to pulpit today at Orace
church ' both morning and evening, in
compliance with the action of the quar
terly conference in changing the bead
quarter of the church from the old
He on Third and Taylor to the new
Grace church -site," was all he would
MX. .:';i-'S. 'Si''."iVvYii :
.- -.Jiodv-Found 4b -Hay,
San Francisco, Cat. Oct. 18. The body
of an .unidentified v man with a deep
psah In the head and face badly bruised
v as taken from the bay here today. The
police suspect murder with robbery as
iui motive, ' ' , . " -
Top Rev. Benjamin Toung and his church, First Methodist Episcopal, -Below-
Orace M. E. church and B. Lee Paget, one of leaders of dissenters.
v f ,A';;-;- ; i n.-f-.
Assessment : Rolls Decreased
Because of Exemption and
Independence, Or., Oct 18. Showing
a decrease la the assessed valuation of
Polk county for the year 1913 of more
than 600,000 the annual roll of the
county has Just been issued by County
Assessor Meyers. The decrease in the
assessment this year is believed due to
the fact that all ' household goods are
held exempt from taxation and that
there has been a deterioration in Im
provements. . The principal Items of in
crease are on, the assessment of farm
ing Implements which show an Increase
of over $35,000. . Other Inoreases are
shown in the Improvement of deeded
lands, logged off lands. Goats, sheep and
swine show a marked falling off.
The total assessment of $12,632,379,
comprises the following: 1S4.281.7 acros
of tillable land, $4,841,625; 332,144.31
acres of non-tillable land, $4,386,726; im
provements on deeded lands, $017,130;
town and city lots, $813,050; improve
ment on town and city lots, $771,410; im
provements on land not deeded or pat
ented, $36,176; railroads add ' logging
roads, $60,750; steamboats, sailboats,
stationary engines, $161,260; merchan
dise and stock in trade, $284,270; farm
ing implements, wagons, and carriages,
$123,966 lighting and power plants,
$22,000; water plants, $16,000; 21 miles
of electrlo lines, $10,600; moneys, notes
and aocounts, $68,366; 1600 shares and
stock, $90,180; hotel and office furni
ture, $2880; 6483 horses and mules,
$261,740; 6634 cattle, $129,995; 19,85)
sheep and goats, $31,700; 2964 swine,
$16.2301 621 dogs, $6590.
Forty former Kansans met In The
Journal auditorium Thursday evening
and formed the Kansas Jayhawker so
ciety of Oregon; A. R. Clark was elect
ed president; H. A. Darnell, first vice
president; James K. Davis, second vice
president; George I Wllley, secretary,
and Miss Bertha HUty, treasurer. The
executive committee is composed of A.
R. Clark, George Moulton, Mrs. K. Dar
nell, Miss Sophia Dodge and E. P. Smith.
' The object of the association is to
acquaint Oregon residents with Kansas
and Kansas residents with Oregon.
Monthly meetings with programs and
social features will be held. Natives
of Kansas or those who have spent five
consecutive years In. that state are elig
ible to membership. Secretary Wllley
Is clerk of the district court with of
fices on the ' third floor of the court
house and will receive applications for
membership. 4!.
Edgar O, Jay Is Dead.
Pendleton, Or., Oct. 18. After being
111 but a shorf time with ppeumonla,
Edgar C. Jay. a well known young man
of the city, died here Wednesday morn
ing. He was 81 years old and had lived
here for 23 years. He was a mechanical
genius and at the time of his death
owned a half Interest in a local garage
and repair shop, ile Is survived by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaao Jay, two
brothers, Ora Jay and Ray jay, both of
this city, and one sister. Mrs. George
Gllette, also of this city. , - ,
Maybe Bryan Will Come. ; '
Pendleton, Or., Oct 18. In an effort
to enlist support for a summer Chautau
qua In this city, J. R. Ellison, represen
tative of a circuit, is in Pendleton con
ferring, with business men and women
of the Civic club. - His intention ls to
put on a week program, and If nosslble
bold- tau4ua,-et Rm-Vp-fAtU,
: Austria Warns Serrta. C f ' ;
Vienna. Oct. 18. -Austria todav noti
fied Servia to withdraw all trooos from
Albania or. Austria will : expeir them
lorciojy. , . ,
Mrs, Lorillard Spencer of New
York and ' Newport to Fi
nance and Direct Plan,
(By the International News Serrlca.)
New .York, N. Y Oct. 18.-The civili
sation of the savage Moros in the Phil
ippines Is the goal aimed at by Mrs.
Lorillard Spencer, society leader, of this
city and Newport and Miss Virginia C.
Young, a deaconness In the Protestant
Episcopal church. Accompanied by a
physician, . a trained nurse and a teach
er of manual' training, they purpose set
tling on the island of Jolo, the domain
of the Moros, .The enterprise Is one-of
civilization. A few months ago Mrs,
Spencer and Miss Young visited Jolo
on a tour of the east. They were
shocked at the situation there. Neither
felt that too much praise could, be
given to the 'government officials Yor
the work they are accomplishing.
A few days before they reached Jolo
a battle had been fought between Atner
lean troops under General Pershing and
the natives in which a number or Amer
leans were killed and hundreds of Moros
were slain. To the protest of the horri
fled visitors General Pershing could
only respond that, greatly as it was to
be regretted, the force of arms was the
only thing which the Moros respected.
. His suggestion that some one should
undertake the introduction of - other
civilising Influences among ' the na
tives set both Mrs. Spencer and Miss
Young to thlnkng and after a confer
ence with Bishop' Brent they decided
upon their plan of civilization.
They expect to spend a year on the
island . of Jolo ' and ' estamisn mere,
under the protection of General Per
shin and his troops, a - center lrfto
which they will - gradually draw the
natives. . ' . .
Weaving, carpentry, agriculture and
other industries wll be taught them.
Should it become evident within a yeat
that the project is hopeless. It Will be
abandoned. . .
The Drolect of the two women d I
vlded'interest with' other developments
today at the general convention of the
Episcopal church; . Of the latter, one
of the most Important was the defeat
of the proposed " canon to establish a
court of appeals for final determina
tion of heresy charges.
The colored people of Portland, un
der the ausploes of the Colored People's
ProgresHlve club and the Colored worn
en's League will, tomorrow and Tues
day celebrate the golden anniversary of
the Emancipation with a jubilee at the
Taylor street M. E. church, '
An elaborate program for both even
ings has been arranged. , Mayor Albee
will apeak Monday: night and Governor
West will be the chief speaker Tuesday
night. W. F. Woodward of Woodward
& Clark will bo one of the speakers
Monday night. Several addresses by
colored men, including L. H. Dawley
and Dr. J. A.'Meriman will also be de
livered, '.;'v':" . rr;V''-V',i'A.' y.-pvfi. .'?.
A literary and musical program has
also been arranged for both evenings.
The result of the Emancipation Proc
lamation and the progress of the colored
race since the negroes were freed from
bondage will be discussed. Arrange
ments are in the hands of J.. 8. BelL
1 i " i ' ,i " i i nil ft -.'
i''X' Hear Sentence Tomorrow;
' John Alega, the Spaniard whose sen
sational tral took place In the federal
pleaded guilty before the ease went to
the Jury, will be sentenced tomorrow,
Alega was convicted of violating the
immigration laws In bringing a girl to
this country from Epain for Unmoral
purposes, ,
Aed Sea Captain Says Peter
Moeller Did Not Intend
: : ' . to Kill, '
From faraway Norway P. 1 Moeller,
fl years old, has come to assist his
son In defending himself against a
charge of second degree murder. On
Wednesday Peter Moeller, the ion, will
be tried for tho killing of Charles A.
Broddle on a South Portland scow dur
ing a drunken brawl on August 22.
The father, old In years but young In
looks and heart, will stand by his son
through the fight for liberty and lives
in the hope that ha can cable the boy's
mother, who 'remained at their home in
Mandal, Norway, that the boy can re
turn to his childhood home.
Mr. Moeller is a retired sea captain,
having left the sea 23 years ago. De
spite the fact that he has heard little
English during the 23 years, he speaks
fluently, though with a quaint accent
Another son and a daughter make up
the 'family in Norway.
"Peter is a good boy and X believe
the shooting was accidental," he said
yesterday as he sat in the county Jail
where-he had been visiting his son.
"He has always been so kind hearted
that I cannot believe he did the shoot
ing on purpose. The cable that he was
in .trouble nearly broke our hearts and
I came to be with him. I do hope he
can return j to borne with me,"
Believed That Benway's Con
nection Will Prevent New
" Tr(al for Mrs, Jonnston,
(Special to The JourniM
Spokane Oct. 18. Practically assur
ing that 'Mrs. Mary Johnston,, con
victed three months ago of having poi
soned her son Raymond to collect In
surance 'money, will, fail in attempts
to secure a new trial. City Detective
Victor 1 Benway,, who worked ; on the
case, and who,, after Mrs. Johnston's
conviction, ' made affidavit tending to
Impeach drug clerks who .testifed to
having sold the woman poison, was to
night found guilty of perjury ,' In the
suDerlor court. ''' a-':':,.'.-".i'j:,-;-'
Benway declared that immediately
after . the poisoning . he"; examined the
registers in drug stores where wit
nesses against Mrs. . Johnston worked,
and that they showed no poison hav
ing been sold to a woman of the ac
cused's description. ' As a-result Mrs.
Johnston asked a new trial on grounds
that new evidence ' had, been found.
Benway's case was in court for three
days. . ; '-. t s ;,;,. i it 'kn- u t,, V
McDainlels Suit Appealed." . : '
" Albany. Or.i Oct 18.1,. The 825.000
damage suit won by the plaintiff. Mr.
Nellie McDaniels in the circuit court
here- recently 'by a Judgment of, f 6500
has-been appealed to the supreme court
by the Lebanon Lumber company.- The
case is the xesult of the death of the
plaintiffs husband; the fore part of last
year, at Lebanon, while In the employ
of ' the lumber... company,' i'w-'ir
a m. .- I''. 'H;!
:;;xj , Poor Place to' Jotop, : . ..
'.! '"'' s:'.'-.tissecil: to Ths Journal. -M-'-t
TAbrtteiu"'vyih:r oct.-? n.wwhiie
crazed with drink, James Dempsey went
Into the First Congregational church at
1 o'clock' In the morning and jumped
through; a stained glass window., He
fell toti . feet and was badly Injured by
pieces of glass.
Milwaukle, Or., ,Oct. 18.--A record
vote of 600, double that of any previous
election, Is expected for the election of
November J. .1 At -one ot the two reg
istry offices, which.' only opened Mon
day, 140 voters, a majority of them wo
men, had registered up to Saturday aft
ernoon. . t!yf,i(.,,;i1 ''is...'" ' Vf.?- ''
At the adjourned . council i meeting
which will be called by Mayor' Elmer
this week, the matter of opening Harrii
son street will again be taken up. - If
the owners of the property needed for
the street opening, tne Bonnet.! heirs, do
not accept the .valuation placed upon
their property by the viewers, condem
nation proceedings, the first steps . in
which have already been taken, will be
undertaken In the circuit court
Plans to double the capacity of, the
local shingle mill of the Rose City
Lumber and Shingle Co,, are already un
der way, following the leasing by, the
company this week of two aores of wa
terfront property from A. A. '. Webster.
The mill will be made modern and up to
date in every particular. . i ": ;
Plans are .now being prepared for
doubling the capacity of the Hawley
Pulp and Paper Co.'s local pulp mill,
which will be carried out : when : the
needed waterfront property Is secured
from Isaao Gratton. .. w J t : -" ;,
A group of leading business men will
meet Monday evening to decide - upon
the Inducements to bo offered a furni
ture plant, which is seeking a factory
site. ' The company desires . a bonus,
while the Milwaukie men axe only will
ing to grant, money to the company in
return for stock. : ,
Preliminary work for the hard sur
facing of Front street for a distance of
a mile from Island station, near the
southern limit of . Milwaukie,. to the
Scott tract at the north line of the city,
has been proceeding rapidly during the
past week. The street has been sub
graded, heavier car tracks have" re
placed the old ones and are ready for
the concrete, and top surfacing has been
started at the southern end.
The form work In the new concrete
Front street bridge of the ' Portland
Railway, Light and Power company.
over the outlet to Kellogg lake, is all
in, and with good weather the bridge
will be completed within a week.
Notice was recently posted In - the
postoffice -by the recorder of the as
sessments of property abutting on the
Foster road in Milwaukie for the im
provement of that road from the east
line of Main street to the southern boun
dary.,) Assessments are now due and
payable to the treasurer of Milwaukie.
An electrlo ;flre bell was Installed In
Milwaukie High School Thursday with
the active assistance of the physics
class. ' ;.",V:. ' . . .. ." - ' '
Edward Peterson and family. of
Woodburn, Or., moved to Milwaukie Sat
urday and are temporarily domiciled in
the Auxler residence on Monroe street
Within about s, month they will occupy
the present home of Ed Patch on Harri
son street, near First, v' .
Herbert Williams has been confined to
his Oak Grove home for four days. His
illness was at first tbougbt to be ap
pendicitis. .
' Mrs. M. D. Reid and' family, who re
sided near the county road in E. . Mil
waukie, moved to Portland Saturday.
A handsome new residence will be
built in Milwaukie by A. P. Wilson, a
Portland man, on an acre in the Henne
man tract on Henneman street near
Washington, which he purchased Thurs
day for $2600. ?
In addition to the above the follow
ing realty transactions of the week are
reported: Edward Peterson bought
from Ed Patch for $2500 seven-tenths
of an acre,' Improved with a five-room
house, on Harrison street near .First;
Herbert Williams bought from C. C
Crawford Saturday lots 18, 12 end 20, in
block 0, in Oak Grove Park; five acres
in tract 4, block 1, In Maywood were
purchased by Jennings Lodge from Dr.
Hugh Logan ot The Dalles. '.
Officers ! Strengthen the Case
Against- Man Identified as
; ; Smith's , Assailant."
Stevenson, Wash.; Oct 18. Oiven a
shoe worn, by Charles Berg, a Spaniard,
held In Jail charged with shooting Axel
Smith, a, bloodhound took a good smell
of It, and then without hesitation foit
lowed a trail directly to Berg's cabin.
The dog was brought from Portland
by Deputy Sheriff Curtis ot Multnomah
county, and the test was made by Dep
uty Curtis and Sheriff Joe .Gray of
Skamania, county. ,;, .';.. 'fn''
Smith, on his death bed. has identified
Berg as the man who attempted to rob
him at Home Valley, six miles front
here, , and who shot him In the head
after beating him up and. trying to
drown him in the slough. ? The blood
hound test was made to further streng
then the, case against Berg, who .Pro
tests his innocence..'5' W.::.;V.''fjr.A6,
, Smith had some $500" In a money bag
around his leg, and would not reveal
its hiding place when1 Berg held , him
up In, the woods. Berg then shot, him
in the back of the head,, and physicians
say he will' die. ', '. i; tf 44
' Smlthi''is':-a'. sectlon'hand,;!V'43;: jreari
old, and U favorably known in Skamania
county.-,';, '.;.(., -.Vv?--".: 'i'!ti- '-sV; ; i ' ;;!.(-. -;
'IV ,v ,
, .f I,.,!.',', :,.(;' ,-r!,r. "'. ) ? W'-V-V. ' ' 'OT W
Dayton Wash., Oct 18. Alfred H.
Weatherfor died .Thursday morning at
the home of his brother, r. M.: Weather
for. ; Alfred Weatherfor i ..was formerly
a resident of Columbia county, but' of
lata years has uvea at mix, Oregon. He
was- visiting in .. Dayton' when' he was
stricken With' acute gastritis. He was
60 years old and was born in Missouri.
VMw Weatherfor was elected sheriff ot
Columbia county in 1891, serving in that
capacity for two years. For some time
he was - representative from Columbia
county' tor the' leislagure"M''.Mr.Vi-.'V
if -Mr Weatherfor's surviving relatives
are: o F. M. - Weatherfor - of this city;
J. K. . Weatherfor, . : Albany, ! Or., and
WrWMWatheror ef -Oil, Oft,.- broth
ers; his son. John, residing In Montana;
Charles and Alfred of Ollx, Or., and two
daughters, Mrs. Alice Dehmer, Denver,
Col.,' and Mrs.: Frances Barnett , Grange-:
vllle, . .Idaho. Funeral arrangements
nay not. yet jaeen maae-
A demurrer to the suit of , Frank C.
Stettler to enjoin the Industrial Wel
fare commission from putting into ef
fect its regulations of wages and work
ing hours for women will probably be
Interposed ; tomorrow ' by .District , At
torney Evans. ''" ' V 1 ' ' ,
This mode of procedure -was decided
upon yesterday at a conference attend
ed by Attorney General Crawford, Dls
triot Attorney Evans, 'Attorney Dan J,
Malarkey, special council for the wel
fare commission, Rev. -Edwin Y, O'Hars,
Amadee M, Smith and Miss Caroline
Gleason, of the commission, and Deputy
District Attorney Arthur A. Murphy. '
Tke demurrer will be based on the
contention that the complaint ln the
suit does not show' that the' order Is
an unreasonable exercise of police pow
ers, that It does not show " that , tite
order Is ' not necessary to protect the
health and general welfare of the wom
en of the state, that' the business of
the plaintiff would be confiscated or
in any manner injured by .the enforce
ment of the . order, ; that the legislature
delegated legislative power in passing
the act that the plaintiff is being de
prived of property or , liberty - without
due process of law,; or is denied
the - equal . protection . of - the . law,
that his property is being. taken with
out Just or any compensation, or that
he Is being denied the right .to have the
reasonableness of ' the order ' Judicially
reviewed or determined. '
The suit Is before Circuit Judge Clee
ton, who has stated that in view of the
fact that the action affects public pol
icy and is of the utmost Importance to
the state he will put aside all other
business to hear it at once, that it may
go to the supreme court without delay.
Should, the demurrer be filed tomorrow
it is probable that the supreme court
will have it brought up for considera
tion In the near future as it will prob
ably be appealed whichever way it is
decided In, the circuit court
An Interesting feature' of the coming
annual session of the Oregon Congress
of Mothers and Parent-Teachers asso
ciation, which opens Wednesday, will
be a paper on "The Modern Education
ot the Deaf," to be read by Mrs. C.
A. Ward, president of the Oregon Asso
ciation for the Education of the Deaf.
Mrs. Ward will deal largely with the
teaching of. the oral method.' ' -
The association ot Which Mrs.: Ward
is- head is composed of the parents
of deaf children who are students at
the school for the deaf connected with
Buckman school.. At present there are
2( children attending the classes. Two
ot these children- will take their places
in February in the .city high schools
with children in possession of 'the full
faculties. Ben Wing, one of the stu
dents, will take' up the work at the
trades school. ,.;... ..,,.
. , V; Favor Appropriation. ; ' ,
That the University of Oregon should
have the $176,000 appropriated by the
legislature at the last session at the
earliest . possible ' moment 1 was the
unanimous opinion of . those present at
a meeting of the Men's club of the
University Park Congregational church,
held Wednesday in the church. A vote
was taken on the question and re
sulted in unanimous - recommendation
ot the appropriation.
OS splendid orchestra
. 1 as as - aa m a m x
. n mnst delifyhtftil
; ment for our guests
-,. v::v 6" Ia, the grill during afteftioon tea hours J in T
: the dining room during the dinner hours,
t and in the grUl during the evening and
"y'V: after the theatre.
Ladies unattended by escorts' find at The Port-; , . -''.
land a service courteous; with an entire ; ab-; ,
, ' - serice of any form of entertainment save the' , '
' most refined; and an tnvironment of culture r
r and good breeding." - ' .
' A' table d'hote dinner of 'rare 'delidoiisness is
'i served ervery : evening at a moderate-lariff :, ; : ;
. $i week days, ,51.25 bunaays,
V:::'..:L','-...'r'v; ;..'.'!;, T,'' '.;,,1;,'.':. V.,.' 'v'i' ..." ,1'.'' '"V'','f',;,;'.'. ,,;f" ;i'k' ' ,;.'" s
. ' " We are gratmedjtharso'athe,:
' v 'V , leading women of Portland -and the J ' ;
" city schools have responded to our in-
i 'vHatioritalberrshownVithrpu
if ll;Har'w'1 te &lad-rat any time v
".r to show individuals or Darties throuch' - '
M&f&J. ali.;departrrients "relating' to 'the cuisine
. v.v. A concert Is rendered in the. lobby every Sun- ,
-; The Portland Motel ;
M'f-rV Owned ;and ; Operated ' by"ax ffi
mm tic, ruw uajnu
ii-fi jv:i:"'V;ti'.v,'-''i:?s V .''Assistant
There was opened yes
noon; to publip inspection om.,
declared o W one of the m" .t uiegttm.
ly appointed Jewelry establishments on
the Pacific Coast, the nW boml of A.
& C. Peldenhelmer, which la r-nicated
in the Piatt block at Park andvsjhing
ton streets. - During the afternoon and
evening thousands of : persons visited
the ' place, and congratulated the pro
prietors who acted as hosts at, the re-ceptlon.''!v-
; - v vj 1 rM- '-
" The salesroom Is de ledly attract
ive and Is a tribute1 tf Vtland indus
tries, for, every piece ASirijiture. the
Showlasej; .lifting flxWrend other
appliances, wQ made In thls'jlty. The
J, C, English company r mauafaotured .
and installed ;. the lighting .features,
which are of' Ihe most beautiful and
practioal - design. ' i y i '
The present borne of the company is
the fifth one Jt hss occupied since Its
establishment in 1S8, when y. small
store was set; up at Front, near Alder
street v In 187C the company moved to
First and Morrison, and in 1896, to
Third and Washington ; street, where
the Ladd & Tllton bank 14 now located.
Each time the store has been enlarged
and beautified, until the present quar
ters were fitted up and which are the
realisation of the dreams the w
brothers have had for years. v . ' '
Magnificently appointed In every de
tail, and with a color and decorative
scheme appropriate to the shining rows
of plate glass cases laden with spark
ling Jewelry and silver plate, the In
terior is a bewildering kaleidoscope of
fascinating effects, accentuated by the
massive banks of floral pieces present
ed by thehosts of friends of the firm.
' The entire first floor and basement
are given over to display space and
salesrooms. The arrangement la prac
tical, and attractively adapted to the
leisurely Inspection of the wares by the
visitor or Intending purchaser. Five
spacious rooms on the second floor are
occupied by the manufacturing depart
ment conceded by experts the most
complete and largest- workrooms pos
sessed by any one retail Jewelry estab
lishment In the northwest . '
' For breaking Into and taking - five '
trunks held in bankruptcy at 881 Sec
ond street.. J. P. Walker and George
Spencer were arrested last evening and
are held for the federal officers. The
trunks were the property ot the West
ern Trunk & Leather company, which
has been In the hands of the -receiver
the last four; weeks, , .,: ' ?'".
Walker was arrested Thursday even-,
Ing by Patrolman. Dalrymple as be was
taking a trunk to a second-hand store on
Third street Walker explained'he pur
chased the trunk from a Greek and. was
allowed to go, as the explanation ap
peared reasonable. H. W. Sltton Is trus
tee of the bankrupt stock. A report
was made to the police, which resulted
In the arrest of Walker and Spencer. , i
Would Still 'Rooster's Voice. , -A
little rooster,, one ' with a shrill
voice and plenty of lung power, is
complained against by W. B. Newsom ;
of 186 Twentieth street . The complaint
was made to the police yesterday aft
ernoon - in which Newsom says the
rooster crows too .loudly and - early in
the morning. The rooster ; belongs to
a' neighbor, of . Newsom. ,
' ' si "- ' m r a ' 1
musical entertain- ' v
and their mends.
dinneri; Jiour:4
'glr JV'.Vv Jls A.;j,,., r:b-Vh':
nu i cjl ujmrAiM i, , i
Managrcr.-r.a-i-r v;;.rr':.:.f-' .i.?.;; j:
) - w