The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1913, Page 1, Image 1

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    Fair; variable
winds, moatly
saaterly, .
VOL. X. NO 23.
wtm up
Crowd in 'ThePeople,s House
' - After . Red Fire ' Parade, to
; Cheer Deposed Official and
.Show Hatred . of Tammany.
Big Money Offered Him to Go
qnj.ecture Stand and Give
.His "Story.- . . ;'
" . - (Catted Piess Lcssed Wlr.V
v Albany.' N. Y, Oct 18. A dash " t
rain somewhat dampened the entbusl
;; aim ot William Sulier'a adherents, who
i ' tonight marched with big band and an
ample supply of red fir andfireworks
to give tba impeached governor a. loving
opp at "The People' HouseA,rr ;
,n "Doors of the mansion were opened to
, the multitude, ; and it was - speedily
jammea witn a wet, but cheering crowd
that was welcomed by Sulser himself.
. Banners carried in the march and sub
sequently stacked,- all dripping, against
the costly wall decorations, bore the
inscriptions "Our BUI; be dared to do
right." and "William Sulser. victim of
corrupt bos8ism." s ,.,-'. -
Secretary Piatt aided "to welcome the
people, and introduced J. W. Forest a
.local progressive leader, who presented
r the loving cup in a speech hot with ar
raignment of bosslsm and filled with
laudations of Sulser, , damuel Thomas
also spoke In a similar vein, after which
Sulser personally addressed - the crowd
' briefly and in familiar, words. . i .
v. '.i 'Accuses "Arrogant Boss." . '
"For nearly a quarter of a century,"
he said, '1 have been a worker In the
vineyard of the people," and added, "now
I am a private, oltisen by the decree of
an arrogant boss whose dictates I "do
feated." v.?V- ''.X',zHi.:-!$t-
1 was impeached, not because ' of the
offense with which I was charged,' but
Because I rerusea to do Mr.- Murphy's
bidding and pursued the corrupt pub-
lio Servants who have been' his tools
and henchmen."
- Money Offered ulr.''"'c
In conclusion, Sulser shouted Tam
' many hall cannot take .away my . man
hood, my self-respect nd my determin
ation to keep" utthe struggle for bon
iest governments '
' f Secretary Piatt grave out a statement
that SuUer,.-fiod been offered f 10.000 by
(Continued on JPage Four.t . -
by;episcopalians IN
' Problem;-of i Prostitution - Must
- Be Solved : by the . Church,
Declares Dean Sumner
New Tork, i Oct, H.-Flaylng thoss
who maintain that prostitution is a
"necessary evil," three leaders' in' the
ProteBtant Episcopal church tonight
condemned a double standard of moral
f ity and the' liquor interests ' with the
vehemence of uncompromising oppo
nents. .4 , ' .' '. 'O- v:.'- '..'' ,
, ' Speaking at a men's mass-meeting la
the New Synod hall at the Cathedral of
Bt John, the Divine, they began whai
many bishops and delegates to the gen
. eral convention hope for movement
within the church further . to restr'st
marriage .and to make the remarriage o
divorced persons more difficult. 4 .
. . "Is prostitution; necessary to' man
. . . hood; womanhood; to the prosperity of
a town or to the. sanctity of the home?"
asked the Rev. W." T. Sumner, dean of
' the Cathedral of SainU Peter and Paul,
, - of Chicago, who with the Rev. - Dr. jr.
Williams Tomkins, and George Wharton
h Pepper of Philadelphia, spoke. "Have
'we sunk so low in civilisation that the
. , marital stats is considered so lightly
. that man will make a. business contract
' ' " and give bis life in order to hold It In
violate, and yet : will kneel before ths
altar of Ood and there make the most
' boly coptract .'that man can maketo
ls be true t the one he lovesand then
go out and break Itr .
. i "Wholly and unequivocally never 1" ho
thundered as the audience sat In deatu
i like silence. '.The .plea . that vice la
necessary,!, he said,. ?'ls an Insult to
f the honor of womanhood, a reflection
' J . upon manhood, and the celibate clergy.
' Dean Sumner condemned segregation
, and regulation of vice. .
, , "Segregation does not solve even the
remotest phase of it," he argued. Regu
latlon does not regulate, and never has
" even given m false security. fhe only
method to pursue ia constant and pr--''
slstent repression as an Immediate plan.
- Absolut annihilation is the Ideal." . i
City clubs, social settlements and com'
,r merclal organizations can never solve
, the problem, he said, That' Is up to the
- church, which, he maintained, will be
. aided by woman suffrage. -. . ,
Aftsr declaring that "there is no mors
V damnable Influence In the community
1 today than the liquor interests,' which
v ' he characterised , as the greatest con
- trlbutlng fores to these conditions, Dean
' ; Sumner began a bitter condemnation of
married men leading a doubts standard
, of life, asking "who are the 8,990,000
, man who furnish the 11000,000 vies
profit in Chicago each yearT" -
w Style pf women's clothes also came
in for denunciation.
"A false standard of living and of
"dress, for the Indecent and Immoral
dressing of women today,", he said, . "Is
one answer to the question: . W.hy . does.
. the girl go .-wrongr 0,.. h' l-r'J t-?
I Photograph Copyrighted by International News Service
Sirs. Emmelinc Pankhnrst,
She' Tells American Suffragette She 'Fears- Americans Do1
Not Understand Why Property Is Being Destroyed
. ' by Women of Great Britain. ' s
By RheU Ohlldi Dorr, noted jattra
t getta and author of "What Eighty
4 , Million Women Wan." v
J Ne , Tork, N. -Ti, (Jet, "I UP
pose you know that the anti-woman suf
fragists "have accused you of coming to
the United r SUtea-' in order .to. ftjr
Amarican women" to violence and dlsor
der. Would you .mind; giving m 'plain
statement of the objoot of your visit
I asked Mr. pankhurst. .
"I certainly have no Wea of inciting
violence in American womon," she re
plied. "Fortunately for them they have
no need to' resort .to violence. Their
suffrage movement seema to be pro
ceeding successfuUy along orderly lines.
In England the aituation ts unhappUy
quite different ..':,
Wby Cba Stas Come. j ; ....
f- "The object of my visit Is two-fold.
In the first place I want to bring the
militant movement up to date. I think
the majority of American women under
stand us to a certain point They un
derstand why" it was necessary for us
to interrupt meetings at which cabinet
ministers were speaking because in no
other way could we secure a heating
until we did things of that sort; the
newspapers 'refused o give publicity to.
our cause. "-.;:" ' '';
"American women understand,' and
sympathise with our deputations to the
leaders in the house ot commons; with
our opposition to government candidates
at by elections, -.with our demonstra
tions, our pageants and processions.
.The Destruction of Froperty.'"'
I What fear, they do not understand
la ' the locrioal' prokreasion of our war
on the government as expressed in
destruction of property; our( osnance
of the courts and our refusal to accept
Published Accent to Contrary
' StatE!riinnSii
'' WsMkk': kkitkW$..
Major James F. Mclndoe. district gov
ernment engineer, very emphatically de
nUd last , night tba - truth of a "state
ment In a dispatch from Washington
yesterday Intimating ; that In his , sup'
plemental, report to .the chief Of United
States engineers ho had recommended
against the continuance of dredging on
the bar at th mouth eftha Columbia,
river. :rwS." m?'&, -pr'.y-i
"Suob a report fs. abiolutely uhtrue,'
said Major-- Mclndoe. . ::.':' (
have made no secret of the fact
that In m'y supplemental report X had
recommended the continuance of dredg
ing on the showing made by the dredge
Chinook. .' V J, ' i j, "i
"Before my report was formulated I
announced that r would recommend the
continuance of dredging if the Chinook
had had any material effect In channel
deepening.. The Chinook did make a
showing, and I have not changed my
position. It is regrettable that-Any
other Impression should have been' giv
en circulation." '"if ' , ? nti
Major Molndde explained why his re
port, which was to have been received
in Washington by October 1, did not
get there sooner, i By mistake it was
sent from his office) direct to the -chief
of United States engineers in Washing
ton. It should have, been sent through
the superior office at Ban Francisco.
h .(Continued on rage IT'our.I .
who la held at Ellis Island.
1 - ' -. . .r-T-.'.' - ,
prison sentences for offenses we nevet
denied committing. ' ,
i "l shall try : to --make them under
standi at jay. ratd,'ll,snM pfeieht'our
Sldof the' matter. t -
"Tpu- see," said -the suffragette
leader, "when the entire press is in the
bands of the opposition it is not to be
expected-that the woman's' side will- be
fairly represented, is it? Aa a matter of
fact the English press ignores as just
as much can. ' It steadily and con
Slstently misrepresents us and very fre
quently it prints deliberate falsehoods
about us. : :
: Bomb Outrages Imagined.. .
"Hajf the so-called bbmb outrages at
tributed to the suffragettes never had
existence at, all outside the imagination
of reporters.' However, It is not my object
to deny any accusations of this kind.
"What t desire to make clear is the
fact' that war is being waged, not only
by women against the government,- but
by the whole machinery of government
parliament, the courts, the police ana
the secret service against women. .
, Women Being Tortured.
"X want the American people to know
that In England women are being
tortured as the most desperate criminals
among men have not been tortured since
the middle ages. ; ,
."The liberal government, - beaten and
discredited by the militant suffragettes,
its candidates defeated at the by-el ac
tions until nothing- except the allegiance
remains to keep it in power, has had
recourse to, a piece of legislation absolutely-unprecedented
In the history of
English, law. ? I . refer to the infamous
'Cat and mouse act,' framed in the first
place to make me a convict without ex
actly kUllngr me and put Into effect In
the hope -of crushing the health and
vitality of women sent to prison for
trivial offenses." ; ; ?
' '
John Schneider: Struck by the
.;; Speeding-Vehicle; Dies on "
f ;"V. ,,'V''. ,.r .v ;.;V f
John 'Schneider,' J. a waiter '-.recently
from Seattle.; was run over and killed
last night at 0:45 o'clock by an ambu
lance driven; by Benjamin Buck. The
ambulance was speeding south on Third
street . In response to a call to convoy
a sick man from a restaurant to a hos-
Hi, Th ccldant "i occurred Tat the ' inter
section of Ankeiiy street, under peculiar
clrcumstances-i The ambulance was tol
lowing closely, behind the police auto,
which was speeding in the' same direo
tion on a-hurry call from the east side.
Behind the ambulance came the police
patrol In response to a call to pick uo
a drunken man. , The clanging, of bells
and tgongs, aafl shrieking whistles. evW
dently y confused r Schneider and he
tapped onto the street a'ter the pollco
touring car had passed, and direotly in
front of the ambulance. J X street car
passing at the time aerved to heighten
the confusion. $,?;.. . ",,. , .4,..
The injured man as taken with all
possible haste to the Good Samaritan
hospital, but died on the way. The body
was then taken to , Dunning A McEn
tee'a and placed In charge of the cor
oner. The man appears to be about 40
; Another ambulance .was summoned
for the man takeri fit in the restaurant
He bad a stroke of paralysis and was
tAkn ta Rt Vlnnant'a hninltil - All
could be learned about him was that his
name was i-iara,
M rs. Pankhurst, . Detained by
V Immigration Authorities, Is
Awaiting Word From ; Com
s missioner Caminettl.'
Asks About ' Moral Turpitude
Involved In Boston Tea Par
ty and Similar; Incidents.
C ' - DnItd Ptms Leased .Wire.) ' i
v New York, Oct 18-Excluded from
entry to1 the United . States ; on the
grounds of having been convicted In
Emgland on a crime Involving moral
turpitude, Mrs.' Emmellne : Pankhurst,
militant suf f ragttte leader ' In : that
country, tonight occupied the same , de
tention room at Ellis Island wherein
was detained Ciprtano Castro, South
America's "stormy petrel."
The Madison Square Garden mass
meeting at whlch Mrs, Pankhurst was
to : have made ber first speech tomor
row night ' has ?' been , postponed until
Monday, night ,.i t. ,: v.':-
Mrs. .Pankhurst was 'denied admit
tan ca to '.this'' country today after a
secret hearing' which lasted an hour
at Ellis Island, and during which she
was - denied - representation . by counsel.
Lxr C Stewart assistant superintendent
of Ellis Island ; S. Ay , Eppler, perma
nent member of the Inquiry board, and
A. P. SchelL v law clerk, or the local
immigration office, composed the board
of inquiry which held ' Mrs. Pankhurst
, . 1' Expects Belease oa Bond,
he militant leader j expected to be
released: . tomorrow at ' noon on bund,
pending , an appeal to Washington or
the federal courts, the ' same .course
which proved successful ' in securing
for Castro ianaing privueges nere,'
1 The first: step in the ; fight to over
rule the' action, of the .Inqulny board
will be .taken tomorrow when Berbert
Beeves,': retained . by vMra. i,0.'H. MP.
Belmont to.: represent - Mrs. Pankhurst
appears, before Commissioner General
of Immigration caminettl in Washing
ton' to argue' her? case. v 't ': ':-
-Upon' ths decision of Commissioner
OWneral Caminettl and the approval of
31s nnawg oy tne secretary or laoor,
ependa .the auestJpn,...o.j;. M.r-JPank:
burst i'. en try here.--- h--':';"A -
i. 1 acoral Tnrpttnaa Bealed, ?
I Before leaving here' tonight. Attorney
Reeves said be would base his whole
argument on the claimed fact that the
-crime for which the militant leads was
Jailed In England does not Involve moral
turpitude- that her offense was purely
a, political; one and that she was tried
under en ancient law under which men
' (Continued on Page Two.)
First Arbitration 'r Between "a
Western Road and Men Un
der Erdman Act. Concluded.
Ban Francisco. Oct 11. Ths first
arbitration held , between , a western
railroad and its employes under the
Newlahds arbitration ; act passed by
congress last July . was accomplished
today when the arbiters filed with the
United States district court their find
ings and award in the dispute between
the Southern Pacific company and the
organisation of engineers, conductors
and . trainmen. .?
The majority opinion rof ' the arbiters
upheld the contentions of the South
ern Faclflo on the distinction between
street car service ' and suburban elec
tric service. .
Hearings before the board of
arbiters were held for two weeks. The
board was composed of M. E. Mont
gomery, vice- president of the Brother
hood of Locomotive Engineers; W. R.
Scott general manager of the South
ern Pacific, and Judge F. . Davis, ap
pointed by the federal board of media
tion, p The- brotherhoods were ' repre
sented by T. A. Gregg, vice president
of the Order of Railway Conductors,
and C B. McLaughlin, vice president
of the . Railway Trainmen. Henry C
Booth Of the legal staff of William
F. Herrln. - chief counsel of the South
ern Pacific looked after, the com
pany's interests. . j .; fi
rr4 Trouble' plana, la 'Oakland,;.',"?!
The origin of the controversy was
in ' the Southern Paclf io putting on a
street car . service . between the Six
teenth Street station,. Oakland, and
Alameda, and manning; It with street
car men on street car pay.- The broth
erhoods claimed that their men should
be employed . and the dispute assumed
a wide scope, embracing operations of
the Southern ' Paclf lo In street car
service:.' over ' Ita '. entirej "S ayatani;'':vt.t.
. The company is 1 making , large In
vestments in Portland, Or., and ' vtcln
Ity 'and the finding of the - board, of
arbiters covers this field as ,'well.S
When ' the Southern Paclf lo electri
fied ' Its Alameda county suburban
service :'H ' contlitued ths, former en
gineers and , conductors f as electric
motormen . and conductors, under an
agreement wlthA the organisations that
the same rate of pay would apply ; ;
v street Oar Pervloe Bald. JHstiaot. .
"' The organisations i-f: demanded V that
any form of electrlo service should be
paid on the same stiale.' The Southern
Paclfla refused to . accede to this de
mand, claiming that street car service
(Coounued oa Page Two,;
1 1 h"liilSillf iPliililfellfelliiilf f I
! "v'.'- '
ivft.V:ii:.: , .
. Photography Copyrighted by International News Service
President Iluerta of Mexico, whose retirement from office to Imminent
Resolutions :, Favor Interstate
Bridge, University Appropri-
. ation and Better Roadg, ,
. The campaign for the proposed Inter
state bridge over the Columbia at Van
couvejr was ; strongly endorsed, a de
cision was made to fight for the state
university ' appropriations ' and ' oppose
the referendum aimed to cripple t re
sources, and the building of permanent
national highways were commended In
a set of strong resolutions unanimously
adopted by the 'Oregon State. Editorial
association shortly before the adjourn
ment of the annual convention yester
day afternoon : In the Press, club. ' Al
bert Bede of the Cottage Grove Sen-
tlnal was elected president, - and Plhl
Bates was reelected secretary by accla
mation. ' "
. In addition the association went on
record as favoring the campaign for
olean advertising, the state-wide use 'of
Oregon made goods, arid demanded the
passage of a state bill regulating bill
boards outside of incorporated cities and
their removal, especially along the Pa
cific Highway and ail principal county
and state highways. In this connection
the resolutions state that all bill boards
. (Continued on Page Four.) .
Hope ; for -Enactment of Adminis
tration Meaanre la
' ' " ::' Given Up.
Washington, Oct II. All hope of en
acting the administration currency bill
Into law at this session 'were given up
today. Confidential reports made to the
president set November 10 as the earli
est possible date upon which a report
on the measure could be -looked for from
the senate banking and currency com
mittee. At the same time it waa stated
that six weeks of debate would be con
sumed by - the senate before the bill
could be passed on to the conferees of
the senate and house. ;
Senator Stone of Missouri, gavs no
tice in the senate today that he would
address that body Wednesday on the
necessity of immediate action on cur
rency ..legislation.'..; ,..:'::'
Elmer Conger ; of Jacksonville, OrM
Shot by Hunting Com-
". i panlon..
: I,' Speclal to ,Tb'.JouraLi vQVis$
Medford, Or., Oct II. -Elmer Conger,
It: years old; living on Va ranch, near
Jacksonville, was shot and killed In
the Dead Indian country this afternoon,
the other side of Ashland, when mis
taken for a deer by another member of
the hunting party. ; Coroner. John Perl
left tonight for Ashland to get the body
and bring It to this city. Conger, had
been hunting fbr several days with his
brother, A. P. Conger, and a number of
friends, living; in Jacksonville, yiij.'
k As none of the party have' reached
Ashland yet, the details taf the accident
are not known. ' - Elmer Conger waa well
known la Rogue river valley and came
from a prominent family. . " 1 , A
..This is the first fatality of the deer
season in southern pregon..:j,,.t jUv
M.'f 1.
- VV - ':
-1 A
A r-
Reception, Banquet ; and Dance
Are . Features of Great Ova
tion Given Californians.
The poppy of San Francisco vied with
the rose of Portland last night.'- In
fact, 12 poppies from' sunny California
were accorded the most - rousing and
genuine ovation, and' reception that ever
was given in honor of a visiting, bevy
of maidens in this city .before. ,
With '. the Royal Rosarlans as hosts,
the visiting' Portola girls were guests
ot honor at a banquet tendered them at
the Oregon hotel.' Over 160 Rosatrlans
and their frlenda were present to pay
them homage. ' Chosen by -their native
city to represent it in the' northwest in
order .to advertise San Francisco's big
fiesta, the Portola, this even dosen of
pretty .girls had their first taste of Port
land hospitality. To say that the Royal
Kosariana uvea up to toe world "royal'
is putting It mildly. . . ':.'-.
s . Ail , of last , evening , they wera the
guests . of - the 'Rosarlans and the Ro
sarlans alone, first at a banquet down
stairs In the hotel, then at a reception
on the mezsahlne floor ' and lastly at
a dance In the Crystal room . .
The banquet was one round. of hale
Portola girls, well met. . Speaker after
speaker paid tribute to the' beauty of
the visitors, praised '.their, celebration,
the Portola, and campared with it Port
land's' own- feast of ; the flowers, the
Kose ireauval, ana then 1 invariably
(Continued on Page Eleven.)
Cornwall's Imprisonment Ends When
Mollio Clark Becomes
,, His Bride.
' Stevenson, Wash., Oct 18. Dan Corn-
wallVho was arrested three weeka ago
for giving whiskey to an "Indian squaw,
and who has been in Jail since that
time, will probably not" be prosecuted,
because today. Mollle Clark, the squaw,
went to the Jail and was married to him.
Inasmuch as a. wife need not testify
against her husband, the state had , no
case against Cornwal, and he, waa - re
leased for hlsi honeymoon. i ...
Mollle Clark, that .waa, Is a full-
blooded Cascade. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Charles JS. Nellor.
Mrs..! Cornwall t la 50 years old, Her
husband Is. ,38. 'y,fiA ; ,A j.-vk
f.i.'.t..-'.io oiniiTrntnw 1 lair-n
' , 10 aiunicu oi.uiscn
"' ,: y.i.v.-' .;......?..,
St."t lioulg Passed Herv Tbree 1 Days
After ShlXlas Abandoned;
..'.';.:.V, ..?.:'' j-ti.-''..':''-.!.!1?!,-'' ''.".i..".
i:ir.!'W;VHaifc.:ir. .Menace. 1 ,.
v :v ' ' : y - '-fx '; 1 ;" '" ' 'm: gy'y y',vf
(By the toternatiOMl Kews Bertlra.) ' '
New York, Oct, 18. The Uranium
liner Voltum6 Is still burning In mid-
ocean,' aocordtng . to Captain Jamison,
of the- American liner St Louis, who
arrived i-here today. He .reported- that
he passed iithe i Volturno -three ?::' day
after ?shi' was".' abandonedjiteiitsi'v;.;,1:
The ill-fated ship had drifted from
latitude. 48-26; longitude 84.33 to lati
tude 48.7, longitude 15.4. : This is In a
northeasterly, direction and , Into the
middle of 'the steamship lane. A Brit
ish .warship has been sent out to de
stroy the bulk, :. ,, :v jrs. , .-'.,
'. .' ., b ;t ... :
Close Alliance Between Lord
: . Cowdray's OiJ Interests and
Mexican Executive . Begins
to Make Itself Evident. ,
Confirmation of His Resigna
tion Is Lacking Germany
. Calls Diplomats Meeting.
" (Br the InternstioBal News aerrice.V " , .
Washington, D. C Oct 18. No con
firmation has been received at the state
department . of the rumors current to- :
day that General Huerta bad resigns J
the presidency of Mexico. A long dis
patch . received from Charge d" Affaires
O'Shaughenessy, however, made it clear
that the Huerta administration has re
ceived Its greatest encouragement from
the British minister in Mexico City and
the British Interests throughout the re- .;
publlo. These important things are set
forth In Mr. OShaughnessy's message: ,
The i British colony : in Mexico City
and British? moneyed Intesests else
where lh Mexico are standing by Huer
ta and the Huerta. government . ,
; The British minister has adopted as
hla the views of the British people on.
the situation - possibly on the ad
vice of his . borne, government The
minister holds ; that when Huerta re
signs, his successor should be a mar . .
who would take care of British Inter
ests in Mexico, as Huerta baa done. . --
. OU Xaflaeaoe Is Pelt.
: The belief of administration officials t
here is that Great Britain Is asserting :
a domination over the diplomatic corps
in Mexico . City., and is Ignoring the
United States: because this government
haa hot shown an Inclination to consult
with .the othera ::"".:,'.-:. .';"V ,K ;j
,fe Ambassador Carden's evident person
al . pique and Lord ;Cowdray'a English
syndicate's control of vast Mexican oil
holdings were considered ' significant
faets Influencing eventa '
The present alignment 'in dlplomatio
meetings in Mexico City is; .- ,,,
Great, Britain, Japan, Spain and most .
of the Important South- and -Central
(Continued ee Page two.1
. : . . 1 -----"
-l :j;-:'0'-"":'"'"'-:,;'; " ' -
Charles ' Haas . Wounds Wife
and v Another' Manr Then
Flees; Police on Trail.
Charles Haas, a meat cutter employed
by the Jones Meat company, shot his
wife in the abdomen and William Hell
in the side last evening at the Hell res
idence, 410 East Emerson street, where
the woman, has been hiding from her.
husband the past 10' days. : The 'woman
was taken to the Good Samaritan hos
pital, where City physician Zleglen and
Dr. R. J. Marsh operated upon her. The
physicians report she ' has a fighting '
chance for her Ufa Hell's injuribs are
not serious.- Haas had not ; been cap
tured at midnight if::y'.' .- 6s-
Hell and the Haas family have been
friends for 25 yeara both men being
employed o meat cutters, Haas worked
under Hail at the market . For the last
three years, Haas has had more or less
trouble, being taken to Denver, Col.,
nine months ago to face a larceny
charge, but he escaped punishment His
wife has been working at the Oregon.
(Continued on Page Four.)
Returns From Lancaster Duchy to
5 Pay for Securi- ;
tlea. 1 , V' . "1
London," Oct. 18. King George will
shortly invest more than 11,000.000 In
Stocks and bonds tor the benefit of the
Prince " of Walevr The purchase " wi'l
K. . 1 in the ' name of Leopold De
Rothschild, wfio lias lately become as
sociated with the conduct of the finan
cial affairs or tne royai ramny. ina
money represents accumulated revenue
Hi. rftirtiw nt X Ancater , whlph in
tlWIH .. , -1
the property, of . the Prince of Wales.
but tne- latter' win nut n cumieK
control ot the income, until he reaches
hla majority. ,' v .
Information Includes Disclosure ly
j Dutchess County Grand
' Jurymen. - '
Concord. N..K, Oct. 1. Counsel r
Harry KrThaw filed today a br! f li t
Governor Felker , giving the - :. : 1
"inside facts" of the effort on t' i"l
of William T. Jerome to -uri . 1 1
dictment charging crmHplracy - !, :
Thaw. The rwnarkftWa jmrt tt t
brief Is that It contnins i-f-r
which must almost of r.f , 1
come, from members ef t. "(
county grand Jury." b-' m s v .
Indlctmant waa solicit
1 "SV'
&Mlk$V'ip'At. s!!'?''.!!;:
ill ' '
v. . .
:,'-ii"f ,'iy jl
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