THEJOURNAL i, iNnnpcNDRNT wrwrpieit - .....PahlMw tuliaua4 Try , avatriu. innnt Sanea?) arr SiMar wrnlnc at Tba Joaraat Hull. mm. HrawiriM x amain'Ma.. rwrtiaaa. w, katarae at lb iNMoftln t Pamiaiat. Cat tniMintaaka) ttrvash tie alalia aa aaoaaS elaaa li.l.fc.t'HUKKS Hill tITIt HoH. A-SOOI il rpfnaania r-f bad by thaaa nnbm. n n mraia? n aapartaa an araaa, ItJKkiuN ALVfc. riat.No KitraKaaNTeTiVg r-iijuinia Kaataor Caw BnaiaM Huuaiae. k- rum avaoua. Kaw Vers tSIS PaaeJa'a a"Mciipika.1riaa BT Mil a ta say aiUfaaa vuftmm auiaa or miimw DAILY Una gtu ......13.0O tst Mac ...... .IXM Oae Skaatfc 48 , DAILT AND SDN OA I v Oaa raar ......ST.SO I One Baatk t.....S . , Beauty Is the mark God Mta en virtu. Every natural action Is graceful;' every heroio act is ; also decent and causes the place and the bystanders to' shine. SULZER fftUB New York Impeachment v I court convicts. .., Murphy wins. I lie It in command. He directs 4 , i t 1 the) state capital by ; long - distance telephone from his v suite at ; Delmonlco's. :-fA : ; i Ko' event could more completely r reveal the -humiliating- ' status of government In New York. If Sul . rer shad submitted to the dictation of Murphy there would bare been . no , impeachment - Had he- named Murphy's puppets to office.' had he subserviently cleared the way for Tammany to have the contracts, Murphy; wouldn't have run no At bany. and phoned the house of rep resentatives to proceed with the re moval -of the governor, 'f' All Sulzer . had; to do to remain undisturbed in office was to be a plastic puppet in Murphy's : hands. All be had - to do . was ' to let ' the boss ' take command of the ' con' tracts. All he had to do was to docilely permit Murphy to guide the legislature, to determine what laws to veto and what to approve,' to se lect the appointees for high office. and to perform various . other con stitutional acts belonging to the gov. ernor, In return for which, WlllUm Bulier : would have been permitted by the boss: to draw the salary, to occupy. ' the t executive ..mansion and to preserve an outward ' appearance of governor of 1 the state , of i New York--;:'rWf:t;:f ' Sulzer resisted, v He attempted to be governor. Ho tried to Jexercise the functions conferred by the con ; stltution and- the suffrages of the citizenry of New York; upon him. . - He has been shown. : He. has been pronounced guilty as charged. He has been made a warning to future Tammany , governors who 'dare to disobey the .boss. ," ', - It is a 'startling status; 'The con- cern is not -with :. the political for tunes of William Bulzer.'Cf The far Vf ort a a 4etjs ft tfisa mmnMi 4n vrtttstta . the greatest state in the : Union Is governed Is the paramount concern. Sulzer's impeachment Was ordered - by long distance telephone . from Murphy's headquarters la New .York City. ' It . was at the persQal com mand of the boss1 himself, fit; was caused , hy Bulzer s i refusal to s do the Boss wlli;''K-.' - Such ; is the - power of Murphy. Yet - Murphy holds . no office under the constitution ofjlfew .York .r the Jaws of New York He holds : no election certificate,. ..He. has .not been selected by the people of New . York . to exercise ', any r function In their government ' He has no known occupation except under the Inris ibli government He has no pro fession, business or employment. He : has no visible means of support. A few years ago be was a poor , man. , Now he is ,a millionaire. More than .any other man or 100 men he Is the government of the richest and 1 most populous state in the Union. t-. , v - , - ' He- selects "United States senators and governors. i. He controls the New York delegates in national Democratic conventions.1 He . ap points senators ; and assemblymen. and directs their votes.' He appoints mayors and sheriffs and; minor of ficialavi Regardless of constitutions and, Jaws, regardless of ballot boxes snaJ; eiecuons, ' regaraiess 01 cus toms and party formulas,' if Is from Charles Pit MfPy that the 5,0 00,- ) 000 people of the sute of few jorK derive. xn,ost l of, their government All this and more is nroven by the convictlott of William Sulzer and his removal from' office, '' ' There could be no governmental status more completely In contrast with . government In the state of Oregon. If there be those who still find fault with the Oregon system, and.' there are, let them reflect for one - moment on . the boss of Tarn many Hall who is ' now exercising more, power 'than any constitutional monarch In Christendom. ',. "! : , Sulzer's misapplication of his campaign funds shows him to have been nnwortny oi ms, position, us was ' a misfit, He gained: honors '.far leyond- his: '.'deserts. There Is regret at his fall because we all regret such a disillusionment as to a man. ' But the deeper regret Is that his undoing was wrought be cause he resisted the power of Tarn ; many hall. V 1 . ' of mane l WithX moving picture f-. is. in its . actual revelation 'and ft gix kind. . . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, OCT c 17, m. !laiil in II -y-:.; ( of the Ved, It A 1IUMBU idy." a man' HE city of Portland ought not to buy the Frits Strobel prop erty t . any such figure as Is proposed, v '!VJ .. , Twenty-three thousand dollars fpr ft house and an acre: of ground at Sixth and Sheridan Is' absuf d. ' The assessor knows it is absurd, for be valued It this year at only 15500 14500 . for the ground and ' $1000 for the bouse, i The assessment price is less than one fourth the asking price; ' V 'i r; " k The very foundation upon which the asking price of the property is based is an indictment of the fig ures. ' B. v. Slgier, former assessor, appraised; the ; property for the in formation' and 'guidance of the, city commissioners at $22,2 5 0. , But last year,' Mrv Bigler, as assessor, valued the"; property for. assessment" pur poses at $3800;' for , ground " and $1000 for the-? houses or $4800 :??M assessor, Mr Slgier was com manded by a ' solemn . statute to as sess propery at '"its rue cash value," and as assessor his official oath re quired him to Obey the constitution and the etatutea of the state. While acting tinder his oath of , office he placed the ; value I of the -Strobel making 'markets available to the fully fit. farmers.' Ohio ' has r demonstrated .ernment, this. . The Ohio Good Roads federa tion has remodeled the map of that state.; 5 ' ' ' ';. -;'?. The federation has been at work for years, with '.the result that now Ohio has ft system of improved main roads connected no with each other and leading by the most direct routes front? one : important point to an other. .The trunk roads are so laid out as .to make it easy to construct laterals, .the trunkt roads 5 and Itbe laterals combining In an inter-county system' making the markets easy of access from every ; part of the state.VV';:;y Ohio has what is called a market system of roads which run between the principal market points. ' ' It has been found by actual, count that, 90; per cent . of the travel is between , such towns and cities. Ten thou sand miles, of good roads serve ' 80 per cent of the state's population. Oregon f counties should follow Ohio's example in road building. , they will get self gov - . It Is ' a fortupate circumstance that In the multitudinous and ' up roarlous affairs of the Philadelphia AthletlcBT they have to refer to him only as . t Manager Connie Mack There might be another story to the world 'series if they had been com polled all the time to speak "his full name,twhlch. is,' Mr. Cornelius Mc Gilltcuddy." - 1 ; Treasure - hunters are searching for 600 jugs of whiskey said to have been sunk in the Missouri river In the early 5 0's. ; It will prove a vain and' futile search, for. though .free booters and pirates may forget the hiding place of all other loot, their geography as to the whiskey is al always :nnerring. . - " : : i t; Letters From the PeoDfe 1 THE OFFICIAL 'BUYER N:' PORTLAND,, we have ; spent thousands of dollars and' changed tire form of city government In an effort to reach efficiency. :, Efficiency is the : demand of .the hour. It is the gospel of the age It Is the aim of every great Indus trial corporation, of every; big rail road.; of every steamship line, of every private business and lis,,' or tract, at $4800. , and hs valuation ought to be, the aim of every pub- made while serving the people unaeriiic estauusnment. oath must, discredit his valuation .of ' There has been much effort to 122,250 xoade"la appraiser. "., ' j Introduce efficiency in the public At every turn, ' there is an In-1 affairs of Multnomah county.' Mr. flated price 'when ' the public;, wants Holman and his ; colleagues have to buy, and 'a shriveled price when managed to make reduction of the : nubllc wants the, property's libout $3500 a month' by better ,er- share for the support of govern-1 ganlzation and neuer - aammisira tion. Further, effort is making to so increase efficiency that there may be added reductions.. '-' 3. la no Held Is there usually a ment; It r a practice that is im moral, and.:, that teaches immoral iy. It sets up, a sort, of accepted understanding that it is no harm to gouge the public, : a common belief larger , leak ; in' , publio administra- that causes mnc of the graft and tion than in a helter skelter go-as- that haa undermined and corrupted you please, v everybody-buylng pur hundreds of thousands of meti. . I chase of supplies. . To stop this leak, 'r To pay more than four times as there has been a widespread resort much for a property1 as it is as- to the purchasing agent, and in sessed at is 'a sham. humbug and both private and publio affairs that a;tremendous 'injustice to the peo funcuonary is everywnere tne out nle: It is bad enough to pay double I cial ana responsiwe nnyer, : , the assessed value and even at that, Such an official has been Installed the price would. be all, the Strobel in the county administration, , and tract la worth: But for the build- it was an excellent move, it re in of the Terwilliger Boulevard, (duces buying to a system, and makes which Is costing the publio $150,000, for the efficiency; that is, the com nobody would think or -paying oneimon and universal aim. wunoui half as much for the Strobel prop- exception every. article from a paper orty as Is asked for it. J-K D ' SENT TO PBI80N a , V AVID H. TOLMAN known In the east as the king of the loan., sharks, will sDendWix months in prison unless tech' nlcalltiea save him. ;" He : was con of pins to ft threshing machine used by - Multnomah county, should be bought : by ' the purchasing agent. and he' -be held, accountable for his transactions. The new administrative code went Into effect October 1, and the coun ty board is to; be commended , for Its endeavor to faithfully , apply us For ten or twenty cents, anybody will be able ao see the highest class plays, by moving picture processes, as a result of ft new contract signed by Manager Wlnstock of the people's theatre. The opening ! bill of -Mrs. TlEke in "Tess of D'UrbervIIles.'Ms evidence of what Invention: Is doing for the edification and entertainment collecting Interest - at ' the rate of 200 per cent a year for the use of $10 loaned to ft clerk tor three months.' This is Tolman's first, prison sen tence, although many cities prose cuted him in the last ten" years. He escaped with' a $1000 fine in Trenton,, New Jersey, a. month ago. but was arrested the next day on the charge on which he was sen teheed to the penitentiary. pie expect every functionary in the county to . unhesitatingly ana ruuy cooperate in observing, its terms and requirements. '". , KEEPING A PROMISE t (Cnminunlctitloiui unt tm Tbe Journal for ptib. Ilcatioa la this, department aaoold be wrlttra oe mir oue eiaa ot me pauar, fuoold not eiceed .RESIDENT WILSON and Secre w tary' of War Garrison have se lected, four Filipinos ' to be members of ' .the ' PhllloDlne I . wiuuiinivu. a uiui) iwmi ui ducted between forty and fifty loanjwhn has been the only native on the offices throughout the United commission since 1908, will continue States, and his methods were typicdj m office. Thus the Filipinos ?will of most loan shsrks, , . , bav. control of the commission.' as Tolman - accumulated millions by thev hav had control of the as- chargingr usurious rates of interest Bembly the legislative and admihis- 10 ms yieums. mosuy worKing peo-1 tratlve government . going Into the Pie. His former escapes from jail hands of natives. 'l r wu word, la length and uuat be aceumpanled hf the Dime and addrrf the aendar.. II tbe writer does not den Ira ta btve tbe same pub- uuiu, urn anouio ae aute., 1 "Dlaeuaalea Is tbe createat ol all reformer! It ratlonalliat ererytblng tt toucbea. It robe prlnciplea of ell falaa nctlti' end tbrotra them back oe tbetr reaaonablenaaa, Ir they bare no reaaonablenaae It rutbleaalr cruebee them out of eslatence end acta up ita ewa concluaione la umr ticao." wooarow wtiwa, , ' Opposes Sterilization Law. : Portland, Oct 15. To th Editor t tub journal The referendum of the act known as tne sterilisation law la Uuk ly. Giving all due recoenitlon to good Intentions, the measure doe not safe guard the Inalienable rlahte of the in dividual sufficiently. The procedure for a neipieas and perhaps Penniless vic tim does not necessitate a lawyer, 'per haps, but unlens handled by one tt would be a very difficult thin for a layman to put Derore a court bo- far as concerns operations unon the monstrosities and. degenerates wh kid access to tbe penitentiary as a haven of refuse from a mob. the law raw o in rigai; out even Here there is strong; jixeiinooa or impositions upon Innocent men if poor. We- have seen how vile impositions upon youna- wom en are caitea . cnanty- in ioa Anseiee, when the brute wears diamonds and owns a bank or two. This sterilisation law would never toucb such as these, yet they are the ones- who perpetuate ineir xma tne mosLe -' !.::."'''' We nans' men in Oreaon-occassional. ly for murder und A the letter of the law but generally tt is because of being unable to draw valid checks that would induce a lawyer of ability to take the matter up, cruel and unusual pun ishments": were roroidden Dy our tore, fathers because . they were almost . ln variably inflicted upon the poor, the helpless, 1 the conscientious and the in nocent. .' Their tongues were cut out, their ears looped off. their noses silt. their faces branded all in the name cf the law and morality, . , , This sterilisation act would trtace too much power in the hands of irresponsi ble men. Some insane-. men recover from the disease. ' Some sane men get to the Insane asylum through personal enmity or from the cupidity and per jury of relatives, y Some children re cover from inherited vicious manifesta tions, with the proper training. Therefore, while the intentions of this law are good, I shall vote "805 X No," giving the benefit of the doubt to the poor devil, : who will otherwise sometime or other be vivisected for the awful sin ot poverty. I commit that sin every day. 1 might get caught. . PERTINENT COMMENT AND rif.'.S IN BRIEF 7 SMALL c::ixgb ' Huflrta Is living a few centuries too Heads of departments always Wnt The ghost of Lorlmer r te nlaa-ue Baseball interest wanpa? tha atuon is oig, ana tns pennant is won. ... Kn fi, . ffWA Mam - . ... , a I. agamet me vuiuraoia river bridge bonds. The senatorshln Is :: Hnhann'a ohnlrtA. but probably Uobson won't be Alabama' To a- Lalln-Amerlcan. conn ' rl'atat Is tha acme of sacceSBful Btatesmnnahlo and government. , ; , , . When thev eet Into aiiRnaaaful nnara. tion.' the end men will hava nn mamv on the middleman., . h-. j. One tliina- AmerWna tmn he thanh-fitl for this year a little more than usual Is that tey are not Mexicans, -ijm CooDeratlon of rountrv nrnitiinara anri city, consumers, to the advantage of ootn, wui be worked out ere long. . . If the cltv wanted a'natdh rf Mount Hood, privately owned, probably about 1000 an acre would be asked for it. Belna- sueh a cramned un little nabh of a country, territorially, Buasta may consider lu new discovery to be quite valuable. v. ' . After years of talk and months of effort on the part of a few, the means of putting the loan sharks ut of busi ness, at least to a considerables extent, eeem to have materialized. The effort deserves cordial approval end support The loan shark Is a levch on the body Dolltle. without a sincla commendable quality or feature. 1 v ti EARLIER DAY; lly I red Lockley. , "Henry Heppner, for whom our town r ''it 1h hard to say when Is named, was a vei-y interestlntf chnr w'er is Kainbllng or merely ecter," eald tt W. Minor in t;ilkins of surh prices as the market the early days of Morrow county.- '-'in "This year, as tinual," says the'Eu geua itoKisier, the hop grower lioldliiK for sue condluone Warrant." , . " the Bixties he was oncaof the iar swhMl 7.' .aid'aiKizlhla money, taking supplies to t:i inin. scnooi, it is said, IB to reorganize twa Hnrv' Hinnnw wan a. rlno w year, and members are now signing up. i ti . k..P .1 . a n 8 , . The club wau oraanlied laat vear In thj scholar, but It took a eolleae grad ul high school and produced several play to read Henry's Knrllgh. His writu, whicn arousea isvorabie comment. . i looKea more line snorthand than i.n;- a a , f. Mieh. ., Ills sister married Henry uiuca- Meteorological observation in . tne man. . , ' Ji .k1 . J t.i It 'TttCBt of the, old.Umers are gone,- sprin aa it has heYe Ta of ib be8t Kie fall "and aprlng oof othle climat" type, of our oneere.i Never a inan and tnerd la cracloua little left nt lie needed lielp that. Henry Fadberg would year." ...:.'. Inot go out of his way to give hira a ' -l ," -' !.'. "-V-v: i a lift When I saw him first, which was. ' Lakevlew . Examiner: . Tha ladies of I in th nrinf nf isvf t trntta. uttin.' tJlVliianTO h0U8 at the mouU fOf lUiea. creek, , to the ONelli & pMnlap ranch, west of ilm w.. nnWf,,ii bul t. ood-natured ' town, wnere tney wui oe entertainer -" f --v- . "::,' and incidentaliy sack the largo potato German- I remember seeing hlm'i the crop on that: place, turning the pro- road once. - Two men were trylt, . ceeds of their labors Into the cliurcn. best to turn a big rock -over.Tuc.ry wl . said, nvhy don't you lift It up, boysf jujiiiimiiij- u, jvejjwrior, iney tola mm they couldn't turn it over, e,?dSS..i,''ii4 K!5lii!L'.iw? let lon lift It i He laughed . oooV, theWrttMd;aa naturedly. ; went tip .' to the rock, got K?urworkVlatl iln .STaelS'thwIl. i fingers under., the edge and lifted Mlnnvllle date line before the public, it to his chest,-carried it out of the road Their articles are conservative and ac- and threw it to one side. His boys have ourate." ..".1 ' "Iw -t all prospered. They are "11 wheat farm- i ' ."' -f , m . lers. juee : aaoerg owns "acrea i .'; Uround lone andxlngto. . Louis ha. the fact that iougla. county won th, l acres in .his ranc h vWlil has orne--flrst prise, is certain to attract many I thing over 000 cresnear Hepbner and In this direction who will write and tell JOha has 80Q acres. The asseasea vaiu thelr friends all about beautif ur Oregon I atlon of these four farms is slightly less 1 and the splendid advantages of Douglas I than 1100.000. " ' ' " ' county. , . - 1 -Wealey Marlatt ie .another of the' Bejolctng in the abundance " of the oW-time sto , fiJ? :?A Otoyj ek.t For years wesltr and ; I . used 1 to ntwi ximes says: waaningion coun- " j,af"iB ......... v w. , tv's orons are bountiful this year, as Is I cattle together, m the mountains. evidenced nevery hand, The fruit sea-1 "James Jones was one of the . early. son naa neen spienoKi ana tne narvet day stockmen. He lived pn -ranch Just vhrSidRtonPffi-WSiShltk abive town, ,Hend Mi wtf.nd two 1 no farmer is king ana everybody is . . j,j .h. n...... paying homage to the king." v., v KM were J". J PP" HITCHING ENGLAND TO EUROPE were becauBe his employes, usually women, -were made scapegoats. He hid behind their skirts and allowed them to go o Jail. Even when he went. Into court, tp.collec.t hs ppund ot, flesh. he compelled .,women e,mi' ployes to testify for .hinUi. He main' tained t si ': schootv for? .ntoj employes. teaching "them VAdwj- to ; evad tho This" is the first step in the policy of the Wilson administration look ing toward self government and ul timate independence" of the Philippines.- , Tho native ommlssloners were -recommended ,-ty ' Governor General - Harrison. He says they are among the most prominent and best educated people of the .islands. laws sgalnstusury In the twenty-six Tne : futnre of the Philippines Is in states in wnicn ne nan Qiacen. the -hands of FiUplnps, and it is for there to say when .the United States government can withdraw from' the islands. ,' - Among the new commissioners Is gave his branches .company, names: : It was Tolman's first conviction in a New- York court, although many prosecutions had - been started SSSJStaSt.?t2iE viaTOiM a New'Tork - judge 1 had opportunity to. send .him to . prison, and the 1901 an associate Justice of the su nreme i court of thai islands.; " An- X iT-ftlX ro.Tnwmt in ila Vnnrt hr,tl1 the People? third IS 4 law no . better treatment ; in ; his -court j n,,.fi. t . than thieves receive. Many cities and most t courts are yer of ability, and the fourth Is a graduate of . law ana leader or his, a ? InVV; Party in the assembly. Three ot the determined to.have-an ,end to the ,nMmlnlMtn ,.., in thn majority and two to the minority loan shark business. ' Tolman's pris on sentence is a good omen: MAKE ' MARKETS ; AVAILABLE J party of the islands. ' Four Ameri cans will complete the commission's nersonnel ' Heretofore the Filipinos had con trol of the assembly, but that body's ACKSON county's hlghwsy bond wen attractive to eleven bid ders, and the half million issue acts could be nullified by the com' mission, eignt v ot - wnose memoers were Americans. ' Under the new ar- will be Bold at a premium. The bonds were so well thought of that ocean and , a ; continent to : secure them. - , ' There Is good reason for this. In vestors scrutinize the use to which London bankers reached across an rangement. . the commission retains Its v power of veto, hut with ; the natives !in i the .majority, . the veto power if exercised, is bjr act of the Filipinos themselves. It i partisan funds thev lend will be tnL i Bonds politics ; should divide native mem- to finance unproflUble projects are 1 bers, the American members would never saleable. yjEtailroads are able have the naiance oi powers to raise mdney by showing that it 1 There have been many grumblings will be used to increase earnings, and. rumblings ' among the natives anl the credit of counties and cities throughout the islands, with many rests largely upon the same basis, reports of y threatened- ! uprisings, Jackson . county's vhighwayi; bonds commanded : a I premium during r a time of , financial : stringency prln clpally because the $500,000 Is to Bloody revolutions to : result . from dissatisfaction could .cost heavily in American lives and American money. :'. The new x concession , I In which be " used In Increasing the ' county's J actual self government is bestowed, wealth. When, Jackson's stretch of j subject only vto slight American su Improved highway is built both farm Jpervisldn should remove every pos and ,city property will ' increase in value year : oy year; ana tne se curity behind the bonds will thus grow annually, ,. A ; good, yoads pro- j gram . depends for Its success upon slble ' cause' for ' uprisings and a bldody, resort to arms. ; ' - The new policy is timely and pru- denfw i. It ! place , , the Filipinos -on trial. When they prove themselves ; A Harbor ; Problem Dlscnssed. s Portland, Oct. 14, To the editor of Tha Journal. There has been a lot said lately , ' about Bridgeport Bwan leand . and " Mock Bottom, and there should be a lot more said, and keep It up until something tangible is done. seems i to me that Mock, Bottom- should be cut out of the argument, so far as the city s concerned. It is nothing but a hole la the ground, so to speaJt, It Is surrounded . on a'l sides except, the river by 'almost perpendicular bluffs, so high that It would be Impractical to get a decent grade to a street out flf it, except up or down tha, river, It Is an ideal ' place for grain, elevators and should be left for the railroads to se cure and utilise for that purpose, only to transfer grain from rail to water. My idea would e for the city to e cdre all of the water front from the North Pacific. Lumber company's prop erty to the 8. P. & 8. bridge, and as much ct Giles Xaka as . possible; also Bwan Island, and pump the sand from the island over Into Giles Lake and fill it up to grade, clear out to the dock line and down to tho 8. P. A 8. bridge. This would give the city all the dock space it will require for a good many years to come for transferring freight from rail t . water and water to rail, the docks farther up tbe "river to be used for the city merchants. ' It would be a big undertaking for the city ' n purchase all of the ground I have men tioned, Including , G ties Lake, but rt would be a profitable Investment fof the future, for it would give a fine place for the sand pumped from Swan Island and after !t was filled to grade it could be sold ror warehouse and fao- tory purposes, at a big profit on lh investment." i ',,.-:... -.: .". Should It not b : advisable . to pur chase all of this ground, the city , could, no doubt, make a deal with the owners of Giles Lake to fill It up to grade at a price that would be profitable, but tne space zor tae mg line docks should be between the North Pacific Lumber companrs property and the 8. P. St 8. bHdge, leaving Mock Bottom out of the city oock question altogether. - ' i v JX B. HANSON. Reply to Itosebnrg Laborer, v Dayton, Or.. Oct. IS. To the Edltnr of The Journal I have read tha letter in The Journal from a laboring man of itueeourg. jit seems to me that 2.2S to $2.(0 is pretty good wages for un skilled labor. When my family was young x mourn t wnen my husband got $1,65 in the Eastern A Western sawmill In Portland we were doing wonderfully well, as I bad seen the time whan t tnougnt it great tnat my misband In the country a few miles from Portland, got tl a day and dinner.? We paid rent and lived, . with five or six In the family. He worked from C in the morning to i mmt a at ;:' f w.y:- ' Now a laboriaa man. it saama should easily get along with such wages aa tne noaeDerg man oescriDes, If tie has the least idea of management'' '.r.-v,- Tou will perhaps see harde? time, yet and be glad to earn i a day. Two Reigns of Terror. ' , Portland, Oct 18, lilt. To tha dtm of The Journal Would it be asking too muon xor you, or some or your reade-s to determine a controversy over the a&l eompanylng extract. One says it is a Isoft pedal" of a violent SoclaMat; tha other, the work of an American humor lethe thlhka Mark Twain. If the lat ter, we. he inclined to Socialism?- ' "There were two Reign, of Terror if we would but remember, it. and eoiw elder It; the one wrought' murder in bot passion, the other in heartless cold Joseph E. Murphy. In Popular Mechanics. The. building of a tunnel under the English channel ls,i like the digging of the Panama canal, a; project that will not down.' It has come up for discus sion and agitation periodically for near ly a century, and each time it haa been defeated because of military considera tions. Thirty years ago the tunnel came very near becoming - an accomplished fact - Trial headings aggregating about one-tenth the total length of the . tun nel were dug. -f Then the work was topped on the same old plea that such connection with the continent might be used as a means of invaagen in time Of War. V . v liy;'.! ':..- ; This project Is now being promoted gain, and apparently with more-uaeu hood than ever that it. will be carried through to completion, owing to a pro nounced change of attitude both on the part of the public and of tbe military au thorities of England;, Curiously enough,! tbi. change of attitude Is due, pot to any belief in the permanency of peace, but largely. If not entirely, to the de velopment of .the aeroplane and dirigible balloon as formidable Instrument, of war, with, the consequent destruction of that "splendid Isolation." . lit a physical sense at least ot which the British have always been so Jealous. Posens of air men have . already made flights .. over the channel, and lt!e apparent that in any future war the most serious menace would come from other sources than a tunnel. A bill now pending before the British parliament contemplates tbe lm. mediate beginning of construction. ' The building of the 'tunnel will place ..Lon don In direct railway communication with Pari, and other cities ot the con tinent and '.' will eliminate one of the moat disagreeable feature, of Europeae travel, the much dreaded channel pas sage..;'i i-, " s':v. ''..; (: ir The construction of the tunnel Would be a big engineering job, but it would not be comparable In cost or In the" dif ficulties to be overcome, with the con struction of the Panama canal, and -the conditions to be met are fully as well known in the case of the tunnel a. they were at Panama before work there be gan. A surprising amount of reliable Information has been gathered )n re gard to this project The French slope made about 1000 sounding. In the bed of the channel and demonstrated beyond a. doubt that the chalk strata that form the prominent feature of both the Eng lish and 4 French ; coasts continue un broken under the channel. Complete geological maps and sections have been worked out and these snow that favor. able condition, exist for the construc tion of a tunnel. - . . flood. Several of - the old-timers were drowned in the Happner flood. In adV dition to Jones, R. C. Hart and Press, Looney and John Avars were drowned, at that time. . 'unclV Jaca Morrow. . who. witn. Henry Heppner. owned tha first store, here and for whom -Morrow county le named, was a man I used to know well. , TtlA iatira1 ntA 9tm (ft liinn.l la mi the Strait of Dover, where the distance H hy - UJ? '"F.L aae.lK ak aaaaka. 1,4... AtavAWd. V.a . at I CO. i ' ? " ' ''" ' -'''',-''" .'i '..' '! "Albert WWaht the father bf Silas and Anson Wright, came here' in 1812. He iocated at the mouth of Balm fork. Harvey, and Bill Bush were two ot our strip of water has always been one of the important international highways of the world and tbe traffic lines on both coast, converge to it. . But tt 1. also a most unsatisfactory highway on aocount ttl"""-"""0'! of. tha swift currents and rough seas 'nPai-kar came about I7 with ween England and the continent will Rock creejL - t ' never be altered, and it is therefore ..m wiiii.n.. .'m. f hi .iiaan" ; inevitable that a tunnel providing ade-m.n . artfavrl a ai sl hger1ai fnr Anrlv HftrtH.' quate railway tranBportatlott will fin-JHe Went with ma once to the different The tunnel, a. proposed, will run from 1 Orleans, , Los Angeles and many other' -the Shakespeare cliffs, near Dover. Ens- lcitta . - " 1 K land., to Sangatte on the French coast ' "James Hays bought out' the Kush r near Calais, and Its total length will be boys. He baa about 10,000 acrea of the" ) a title) more than II mllee. Oik each best land . in Morrow county, on .the side it will enter the cliffs at a short upper nart of Rhea creek. - wauiin nuui nn iiiurs una urup uowu i spune vi Anajr nuvu t inojjuin n.u., on a grade of 1 In 80 for about two Andy and Kd Rood ar twin brothere.. miles into the impervious gray chalk They settled In Rood canyon near Hard-.- under th strait. From each of these man. Ed lives In Portland and Andy low points the grade will rise at the lives in Heppner, They both made their rate of 1 in 1000 to a summit under money In aheep and both are well-to-do. tha middle of the strait the thickness Speaking of twin there - were-some : of the gray chalk being great enough other -twin, on Butter creek. They were ' to permit this arrangement The 'plan named Odd and Even Teel. Evert Teel for placing a summit at the middle of died. Odd has a fine ranch near Echo .v. . .i .w. . and IS interoated In Irrigation. He ubu- . drainage. i fT i!U J"! " A careful Estimate places the cost of i'r: wl?owt'11 . "I? .A,rl.ln "W"": the tunnel at, 180.000.000.? Given the K"hV"ttil ' money and the1 permission to build it &2V&kS "t the actual work of constriactlon would I" "T'.ij .V" T.T.V jHiu.ii not be a. difficult as many snginearing Vsk buslne .rT"- "" -l "n':? XX'R" tooiv. of the Pioneers'. - . . . . v I hawlri .nni, h... In -TIKE nf 1 RMR Up time of war. Several methods ;. have m- t..i. thK .muS been proposed for blocking ths entrance own- . . interest In the bank at Henp-" to prevent invasion. Such -a tunnel as ner.. His name was Columbus A. Rhea' blood; the one lasted mere months, the other lasted a thousand years; the on Inflicted death on 10,000 people, ' the other on 100,000,000; but our shudders are all -for the "horrors", of the minor terror, so to speak; whereas, "what la the horror of a swift death by the axe, corn Dared with the lifelong' death fram hnnaer. cold. Insult cruelty, and heart breakt What la the death by lightning compared wKh death by slow fire at the staKeT A city cemetery -wouia contain the coffins caused by that brier, teeror, which we have all been so diligently taught to Shiver at and mourn over; but all France could hardly contain an the coffins filled" by Ihat lder and ; real terror -that unspeakably bitter ana aw ful terror which none of us hae been taught to see in - its vastness or pity as It d.eservea- t-(. CONTROVERSY. Ple for a Doomed Alien. : Portland.' Or.,:' Oct ,15. To the Editor of The Journal I wish to say a few words in behalf ot the 'litUe China man who. after six years behind prison bars... Is -about to be hanged. ;; v -f Is It fair, Just or even civilized to keep a fellow man hoping against hope for six years, only; to hang him at lastt He was never proved guilty; merely oft the word of another Chinaman he was Imprisoned. .'' i:;Vfn Thaw killed a roan and -we nave maae him (Thaw) a national hero. The Mo Namaraa killed 13, yet-they live. They had moneyed friends to help " them; In any other civilised country, all: the gold of the . universe ' couldn't . have saved their neoks. It some influential citizen started an appeal , and had It signed by sympa thisers, perhaps it -might not be too late to save the little yellow man and prova that we American, have a little sense of justice, lert. i-juax aik. ; - - tjavender Clnb Located. ' - " ,' Portland. Or., Oct 15. To the Editor ef .The Journal One of your , corre spondents Inquired through the columns of ' your paper about tha Ladies' Lav ender club. Tbe club He refers to was formed at West Stayton, Marlon coun ty, Oregon, op the Irrigation project, by the ladies of West Stayton, headed by Mrs. H. 8. McGowan, . who is the president of the West Stayton Lav ender club. Tour correspondent might write to the lady for further details. ".-:";' ''i-'-'N .' ' . r.-:,'','.!'',';r-;"".kr' i sWas Born a Countess. Portland. Or., Oct, 15. To, tha Ed itor .of The Journal Kor the second time the Oregon I an. in spite ot, my rec tification, not published, says, that the wife of tbe heir of "the throne of Aus tria was ."created countess." Not only was she born a countess, . but aha be longs to an old family of Bohemia, Her father, Count Chotek, was, wheal that outlined above could be flooded so 1 which wa shortened to 'Lum' Rhea, by that It would be impossible for anlwhloh h. I known all over aetrn Ore-f enemy to .pass the lowr point in the j0n. Hi. brother, J. P. Rhea, earned grade. ' As an additional safeguard it I .bout 7. aattlina- ob Rh creek, which . has been proposed to build a device aim. I hud been named for his brother Lum. i ilar to a cross valve, placed within the ,. "Press Thompson and his brother1.; tnnntal at a. ailltahla tfllaa.n(!a tmm s tha I Aim hMh nIA filAn..,a ti. tia.a entrance,; This device would consist of (like myself and most of the people in' a massive block of concrete operate b I Morrow county, Is not much on dress.; a turntable mechanism and pierced with I Hi came into Heppner once on business , ' opening, corresponding to the openings I from his ranch and was seated at t:i in the tunnel. - Under ordinary ; condi- commercial table. One of the drummer tion. this would be set to permit the named Ed wuntiry ise up nis cotton passage of trains, but In time of war It Jumper and overalls and went out to the . could easily be turned with the openings proprietor of the hotel. and icomplatned at right angle, to the tunnel and thus some farhi hand had come m and block any attempt at invasion. sat at the ' commercial table and he' . wuiira nun mrown uw xnm projJrioiur . ., I knew him, ambagsador or Austria at room door -with tbe drummer, saw Press the court af Saxony. Tha ancient cas- Thompson sitting thereat the table and1 ' tie of the Choteks rises very poetically turning to Huntley aaids Don't worry' Q !ro"a-terwarien, on thebank. of bout that farm hand he can buy you -the Elba, and I have seen it Sonhla .mi Mi. tirm out and mil, it Chotek is certainly an; "able Woman." T. H. Blabee is another of the old-', I. .he; "ambitious?"' I d not deny it tlmora hare... Tim Blab . as w. callerT but she never was "a governess." and him, waa a sawyer in Parker 4 Glea- . the title Of countess She owes onlv tol.rvn-. milt hara. Later he want in hiial. ' wrT?Ifu,. .J-J- nes. with Frank Gilliam in the hard MATjAMBHENRIETTA, I HIULLIER. I ware business. The firm name is atill .'.'.'.'"'. 1 1 1 1 mutam at .tsisDee, tnougn tne uisoee wno v: V '' M m IIAIIMI nnw In iia a. son of Tim Rlahea. frank Gilliam, his partner,-earns In the early . , . seventies, working - as a . farm ' hand around her. until he got . a start and ' I.... t.M . ... In... W . A . A r " MLMr .... LL.l.K I . . B ........I . , K, a.. HI.... B , of which be is now one of the proprte- ; At a recent convention or tne united I . . . . -j. u. ivira. or -u-Tocir jura, sua lives - here at Heppner. He settled 'on Rhea YOUR MONEY By John M. Osklson, SUtes League of Local Bulldintr and ISZl&SSSZ tb. .ecreury read a SKt ll"r 1870.", report of progress for the year. It r a. very encouraging report. The asset, of these associations.' "save the secretary, -are now. growing at the rats of over 1100,000,000 a year, and he addsJ-'VV1 '.-"'f'''-yri-' '-R-'vV't "The figures for last year indicate that these associations have had a suc cessful and prosperous Ml months and that they have been liberally patronized by? the wage earning classes, to whose wants - and requirements thev arn nar. tloularly well adapted.' Their work is being conducted in a quiet, modest way, but the result, which they are accom plishing are of the utmost importance to the anerat'pubUe.?.',V'.i.'-,M--;.vv';..:'4! - In the league on which the secretary reports are 1378 local association., with a total membership of -1,518,4, v,They These building and loan aseoctatlnna are in the class, with the saving, banks as encourager. or tnnrt The two in clude, about the only : means in this country for turning the wording- man into a money eaver.V? Iti Is Instructive to add the total of the savings bank de positors, (10.010,804) to the more than 1,600,000 members of the building end loan associations and their . denoslta ($4,481,818,622) to the tidy resources of tnoee wno save ny taking out shares In a buiiding and loan association. v The totals are mighty big and might? en. vvuiaiijijl '"'.' t '''''. ''',' '''': '''.' 'V'. .'..,'.'''' rt, "i; If the building and loan aasoclatlona go on increasing their receipt, at the same rate as they dld, las year fn van. Of quiet modest achievement) 10.6 per uotifc vuvbvr i.iie yr ; oeiore I do sot see any reason 'why they cannot reach everybody whd ought to become members, v v. . ',: -. - . . ...... , One of these days the agitation whit, Is Just beginning) to extend th work of these associations among the -farm-ers Is going to be heard by the powers that rule and a great new field will be opened to,, them. . .'.; - s. -i -. ; A man doesn't have to he an rai'r in oraer to speax well of himself. ; . Pointed Paragraphs '.;" Many a man Can't because he believed he can't ' . Anyway, the idiot has no monopoly en the simple Ufa . - - f What a man earns doesn't interest' 2 his wife so much as what she gets. . la our Charity that Of course. It covers stna f . a multitude of other people's The Woman's - Page !. DAILY V FEATURES v' T H A t' s 4 ARB WORTH WHILE ' 'Hluatrated Fashion Chat" By lAlUan Younv v I "Little Stories for Bedtime." : : , By Thornton W. Burgess. FREQUEXT 3 'pEATTJRKa OP K , WIDE APPEAL i "Hints for Jlrls.M -Br Ji Roberts,.; ' - Tor Shopper and Jlousekeep. r er." By Vella Winner, "Health and Beauty Helps."- By Abigail Jloore. . ' "On the) Human Side." -By ' Edna ; K, ' Woolcy. : : ; "Fairy 8torie: Retold,M - By ? Anne Bunner. - ' "In Oar School." I-Dy Pan! i:,West. , r A t - In The Journal . 4