The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 17, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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    '. - St
17, 1:
Driver, Released on', $5000
Bonds, Will Be Prosecuted'1,
by State,'
(Cnlt.d Pre IxnuM Wlra.t
Seattle. Wash.v Oct,- 17 Thomas
i 1 mmons, who was Injur, when Law.
r nce Duke,, son' of Brodl Duke, ; lb
tobacco v king, f 'irn ?dowa and kfiled
Henry. ,Q, Farr Wednesday; night, died
tlila morning :Vt i3:S0 : o'clock, ' never
h.ivlna retained . consciousness."
Alfred a. Hoerlund. the third Victim
of the accident, la still at a hospital
near the ecene of the wreck. He is re
ports to be Improving, but not yet
ant of danacr. 1
, Duke wu released from the -county
fail last night on bonds of 15000
i'rosecu ting Attorney John F. Murphy
announced today that a charge 01 man
laughter would be filed against Puke
at once. ,' ": v
This ' is Duke's second run-in with
the law in which his automobile lias
fl cured. ' Several . month ago he . col
lhlcd with sprinkling- cart and did
considerable damage to both cart and
automobile. 'He was charged then with
driving an automobile In an Intoxi
cated condition, but the case never
came to trial and . was permitted to
drop. jL
" " '.3;; :': , ill i i( ;Vv
i Continued From Page One.
street, where it killed two chickens.
crippled two ducks, and bit a fox ter
rier, tna dog-rroeeeaea .to a pigpen in
the rear of WXaft's Peninsula Lumber
company hotel and bit si hogs. Wyatt
himself was snapped.'. r.
i He said the dor looked Hk a Co til.
Its next victim was Will McMillan's
brindle bull pup at Syracuse and Hodge
streets, about .eight blocks -away. The
dog then chased some 1 chickens near
Mock's farm at University place, a half
mile away, appeared on the property ot
li J. Reynolds, and of Mrs; Deverenux.
and was finally killed at.TaJe and yen
Houten streets, two blocks- from k the
scene of Us first ravages. ;
Fearful that other dogs may have been
bitten which will In turn develop rabies
and be a source of danger to the poo
dle, particularly little children, of. the
neighborhood, every possible precaution
Is being taken-to prevent a recurrence
of another depredation, ;''
Yesterday a dog belonging to a truck
driver named Oman was shot at St
Johns and search begun for other dogs
that may--haevbeen bitten by the dps; be
longing . to Rev. J. Miirphy, that bit
a number of little children early in the
week. Dr. Murphy's dog was declared
tb have been suffering from rabies by
Dr. Calvin 8. White.
I Besides ' Rev. T Mr. Murphy's ' little
daughter, little Esther Msrkwart, datigh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Mark art.
and the 16-year-old daughter of Night
Police Officer Joseph Jones. Jack Hol
land, a blacksmith in the employ of the
gt. Johns Lumber .company, is recelv
' hi the Fasteu treatment at the Port
land state health office. While Holland
was. walking on the. street with . his
. u li..' ... .-v'. a mi .
hand Jn his pockets, the dou eBrang
at mm ana on nis nana f t0 treatment
Is administered twite WittsF "r . three
aaya and then daily for 2X-?ys. V s s
; At' the last 6t John; meettng
uiiyAuorneyxiaismyef Tfierea 'to
muule ordinance to reoV J? knutUng
au uie year instead oi iroy-jjvT-ia 10
8optmber .and the- ameffdment.: will
YijL . A m S- - 1 a A u ' fniif sir ' -.Hi
( Di-ii White' ' declaration! that there lis)'
an' pideml0 t rabies in Multnomah
county is substantiated by the fact that
seven cases are now -undergoing treat
ment - This Is k greater number than
there has ever been before at one time
in : the whole state, i Five are being
treated at the state health .office, one
from Burlington and . four from - St.
Johns, i while the two additional cases
are being treated at Burlington by pri
vate physicians; who buy their; virus
from manufacturing chemists. '
' ' Th' Unaccented ,; Vowel, 1 1
Robert J.'. Menner. Jn Atlantic,
In all unaccented syllables, the Amer
ican pronunciation Is characterised by a
general disregard of the vowel. The
vowel In. the final syllables of 'profli
gate." "target" and "spirit",, often has
In ordinary conversation the same pho-
netio value a the " r ln "Farragut"
Though it la perhaps pedantic to give
such final vowels their full value, to
make-no distinction at all between the
unaccented vowels U certainly unre
fined. That the endings 'mentM and
nes" should be allowed to degenerate
Into the vague "munt" and 'nuss' la
really deplorable. This negligence Is
even more noticeable and inexousable In
vowels at. the beglnnlngr of words. The
ordinary pronunciation of. "enough" and
"opinion" might be represented by "un-
nough" and "upplnlon," though the first
syllable Is, In fact, nothing more than a
grunt. No distinction is made' even be
tween sVich confusing words as "affect"
and "effect." The Sunday school chil
dren sing invariably of "J erusalum the
Trinuty,"' Let those who' prlda themj
selves' upon their pronunciation oewers
of the unaocented vowel, lest thla one ,
weakness in their speech bewray them! .
Richard Grant .White declares, unhesi
tatingly? i "It. Is , -ln the . dellcat. but j
firm, utterance of the unaccented vowel ;
with correct sound , that the cultured i
person . Is most . .surely . distinguished (
from the uncultured." .
U-.N'.l' I II I I ..I .. H'l ....
; For feminine motorists a new veil has .
a sheet of mica set in tha front to savs
wearing: goggles.
Praises This Remedy , -
. .for Lung Trouble
Usay people ere led te pellevs that hunt'
Trouble is a disease which csanoc ee con-ejnered,-.'
This Is wrong, as many nt folly rr
eorered their health. A change of eijmatt
helned . soma. - bat sasnr ' more h ' bees re
stored to htsltb br breathlns tb (resbast air,
eating well esoked wbolesom food, being tern-perste-
is their, habits and adding the tonit
qualitlee ef Kekmaa's aueranve, a noicina
for Throat and Lung Troubles. .' Investigate this
ease. r aowunc ureen.- ar., a. nw. .
OenUaraes: The sprlna of 190 I bad a -w.
vera couih for six mootbs. I tried ' all toe
medicine that m doctors reconiaended t ne.
bat tx results came tor the- better.: " I ; had
night sweats tad would eeogb an) spit until I
got so weak J could bardly do anything. . But,
at Itst. JaaMS Peering of Glasgow Janctlon, In.
tilted that I try your modlclna. Is one week's
time there was quite la. Improremtnt la my
eondltkm, and after I bad takes several hot-1
tie I felt a well as ever la my Ufa. 1 firmly
believe tbtt Kckmaas Alterative will etllere J
any ease CI lung irouoie.' il nu kiwv ids
last etege.-'rA3'---:' 1fs
, affMaTteW''va.;: c bettkbswoeth.
'. (Above abbravlatedi' snore request.) KWP,
Kckman's AlteratiT has bees proves by many
yeere" test to be most efficacious for sever
Throat and Lung Affection, Bronchitis. Bros
ebial Asthma, Btubbora Oold aed la upbuilding
the system. -' Contain . s narcotics, poisons
er habit roruinr draca.. Bold br Th Owl Drag
Co. . Writs tb Brkmaa Laboratory, PblladeU
Dbla. Pa for booklet telling of rKovorles and I
and loudly praise the "blessud additional vtdnce.
The ' Youthfulness
of Our Shoes
U not t matter of chance. They
are high-grade models . designed .
for the - amart young woman-
and for the - older woman that
laughs at ' accumulated hirth
daji. For both extremes and in
Over 200 smart styles of the $4
and $5 grades to ' chooso- from :
f0. .,T .
$2.SO and $2.90
lAa Orders Delivered Frta Withia 2O0-M3e) Zea. ;
S acmple Who e Blbirc
Open Saturday Evenings.- ; ,-'
! I J'
j I
t . JI
'":'V I
: " "v ''An
f - ' ' a
l . ' ' " " '
Ash for Brown t Trading Stamps
. These Are
Overcoat Days
These crisp mornings and " even-
ings gently remind one that win- V
ter's .about due and before you , ,
make a final selection, give us the '
pleasure of showing you a few xf .
our new-style
Bradbury. System
' ' ! '" Goats
Everything, about them will ap- , .-
peal to youtheir style, their tai- .
loring,, their fabric especially
their price. Tl ,
. r All kinds of Goats are here at
; $20 to $40 -those for the young ,
f e 11 o w s are 'especially "swell.?
Look them all over tomorrow.
1 V
Saturday -Night;
Sale of
Regular $6.00 JQ 7U
to $8.00 Vals. pt. O
Thete are in men's and women's styles, in sires from 34 to 46, in all
colors. Large warm roll collars,' deep pockets. You need a sweater
, like this for many occasions. VAt this price you can hardly overlook
; those on sale. ' Every, one of these garments is of pure worsted yarn,
and easily worth double their sale price. ' . " l)t "' w, ) -4
7 tb 9 P. M.i Saturday at $3.75
: Big loth-street WUdow Display; ;
405 Washinston''
Street at Tenth
s . 1 1 rrvr
. - - '
The Big
Cre'rJit Institution
rThia Store Open Cc iv
Ice Gream Free Wim';Dim
Tilamook "ll7
Cheese. Lb. A; C
tooo lbs. of Tillamook .Cheese,
pure, tweet and good, on sale
iomorrow at, the lb.. ; , .v..17c
Swiss Cheese at. the lb..,,.. 34c
(Economy 1 Cf
Flour Sir. .i .ID
All. day Saturday Holts Economy
flour, made from bluestem wheat
and, good to the last S1 1 C
pound, sack . . . . . '. . & I X D
20 Lbs. M v
All day Saturday, good Dry Gran
ulated Sugar on sale at the ex-,
treniely low price, f1 Hfa
20 lbs. for. . .... .....OleUU
ar i;
30cCoffco 9r;
at the Pound w
Eztri good J0c Coffee on sale
tomorrow In the sfoltx Grocery
at this exceptionally low price 23c
Ripe Olives' at, the quart : Z3c
"3 L.
At the Fountain
j - ' V
I to ti30 M. Ixtra Upeolat
will), wafers, epeclal only IOC
with wafers, special only , 1UC
EOT TAMAZ.Z2S, 20o val..
Willi i wafers, special only
lllii: .. M
Lunch and Etinncy
At Holts' from 11 A.U. te S:SO 7. X.
Bone BVench soup lta Tegetables, lo.
,r lab Baked aalroon. tomato sauce,, 10a,
Sloast-Bef with brown rTy, 10o. BaU,
ads Pea, lo potato, Set Tagetable, to.
Banana ambroala, aOe. Pratt special, 10.
egstablse. . Potato, areas beans, ereamrd
nluns or baked beans. Jo. D.ia.rts l'l.
Lor Ipaatry, trow Uolti' ottna. So. .
Here; aiftt
Suits madojof good, durable worsteds, tweed, ' cheviots serge and fancy mixtures,
pencil ana pin iinpe eiiecis imaniy umwcu up ib m bvu; P"wc ClI Ell
bby effects ; values at. J LI J U
and full
ular -box back. Ensrlish style and all the late, no
Overcoats in a splendid assortment of newest patterns and colorings, in: 8
lengths, with plain or belted backs, loose or body-fitting; Overcoats in styles
and qualities that vill please themost. critical buyers zu.uu values,
Sale Saturday at Only; 95c
Erery shirt In. the lot perfect r Evsry
plain and fancy. Reeular It.So rf -
raluei. Choose Saturday at the remarkably low price... .......
Hundreds of patterns to choose from.
one desirable. Made in coat style with attached cuffs.
percales and soisettes every size-r-piain and fanes
Durable vmadrasses.
Men's $5 Sweaters $3.95
25 dozen men's . heavy Shaker Knit
Sweaters with large double knit col
lars and deep knit-in pockets, full
and i long; Oxford gray fro AC
only) 5.00 values., ...... VweeTeJ
500 - pairs of Boys', : Knickerbocker
Trousers of ! splendid quality cassl
mere and tweeds, worsteds' tnd chev
iots, plain and fancy mix flf.
turesj values to 1.5o... . ...,i7jC
w ' ' - f " '
J ' '
"""" r
Sale Children's School Coats
:v,t i'i,' '.i ,! .M-iliir ,. n 1,', T ,, ,. . ,. ! ,1 ., .,!
Extra Values at?Only1$7a50
B 1 ' 11
More than' a' score of styles to select from
snd every ,one desirable. Sizes for girls of
6 to t4 years. Smsrt styles , that will please
the young ladies; qualities ; and 7 C ft
prices to please their mammas, at eJ(J
Suits for Misses and
1 MMAW-sr-
Juniors"Regular $1 5
Values at Only $9.98
100 smart little Suits In the offering to
morrow. Tliey come m mixtures or crown,
black and whits and gray withered collar,
ffst button en no
- pitch pockets ana cn
rv; trimmed. ; Regular . t 5. 00 - values
Ja ' J B
School Ureases
Extra Special
Handsome School Dresses ? for
girls of to 14 years, in dark
mixtures, shepherd checks on
s v Copenhagen v blue M snd . black
whipcord, -i In long walsted effect
with red pipings, extra
value t the low price
House Dresses, tl f "" O O
Veiy Special at $ltOl7
5 00 new House Dresses,, very latr
est- styles, made of - striped- per
cales, ginghams and flannelettes,
with high necks and long sleeves.
Very handsome and very practical-Dresses,
snd very ; Ofk
special at low price of lJa7
1500 Pairs ICid Gloves 95c
lSoo pairs of women's medium-weight fins Lamb
skin Gloves, JJacmo" ' made, pique - sewn, one
clasp styles. 'Ideal for street wesr. -.Tail and
white. - Best 1.25 grade la this , annual nr.
Glove sals at,-the pair. ...;...-:.... ..VDC
Sl.OQ doTcs for 79e
Women's Doe e kin -or
Chamois Glovea, PXM
ewn, one -button and
one-clasp strle, white or
natural. Jl J1.JS 7Cl
SErades at only, P.r. Jf 5C
Finest Quality
Lamb skin Oloves. 16.
batton isnith, black,
white and colors, regru
lar S3.60 values. In- chla
sale: at low srO ne
price of, pair, ptMv9
$2.75 QoTe . at- $15
Baautlful Quality IS
Button WMto XI4
tHOves, ror vealns?
wrisV . am b re Mar d;..
- ssasjeF
Embroldarad Silt
Oloves, heavy Quality ,
double; finger tipped
beautiful j for etl ofi
evening wear, p
$1150 Cape Glovea $1.10
Famous "Bacmo". . Cape Gloves for women, one
clasp) P. X..M. sewn, Paris, point backs. AU sizes
In the ; Iot, In . newest shades of tan.
Best 41.50. grades. ,t Special . . k . . . '
$1.50 Qotci t U9
. Fine tQ u a i 1 1 y Krenohi
Kid, . zor women, w ovar-
seam sewn, witn tnree
. pearl elasps. All slses In
white, black t: OQ
and tan, a, pair jasOi7
SUP Glare it $1.29
. Women's Heavy Quality
Lambskin Olovee, for
street -Wear, full pique
sewn, p e r f ot fitting-,
e p e c 1 at a t 1 rf
only, the pair plsCi7
Women's Kxtra
Pin. Quality
Whit Mocha
Oloves. no- but
ton, pique sewn.
prlcapr. $1.10
i Two ClaD Pique
Oloves of finest
quality prima
Jambekln, all sixes
white, black end
tan, with three
row; embroidered
S3.2S vL $1.95
sf4 . Now fat the Greatest
vi sr v t ... i "'ivvy-.
(T)(C untrimmea nat
Sale -Saturday
rnl:. I - -. " , OVER w beautiful -. J
Handbagj, ' Cl
All in One Great Lot
$3.00, $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 Values.
They come in Black and all new Autumn. colors, and there are dozens and dozens of
' ; shapes to choose from v. ' . . ' -
Hair Switches
$12.50 Values
Heavy, ; Well-Woven, Real Oer.
man Hair Switches. , In blank,
blond suid auburn to-match all
shades, made In three, separate
strands and bound with o tt
Ilk, $13.60, values., for J.U7
Cut Glass; $6
Values Only
Finest--Quality A m e r 1 can! Cut
Glaus, lnoludinir Comports, eight
inch Bowls, Large Fern Dishes,
fvyimnr uiarj i rmyaVi V a B S M,
etc., in Ivy. pineapple, co OC
and other, designs, tor, JC73
A wonderful
Women's Beaded . and
Handbags in a large variety t
styles and colors; sttraetlve sod
-durable,', regular $3.00 rtq
yalues on sal at only yLifd
Boys' Men's,
Cfcilds Shoes :
1000 pairs of Oood Strong; Dur
able School Shoes boys' sites S
to 13, girls' sixes 8 to df 1 A
11, extra values, a pair pl.4aV
BoysHeavy Calf Bhoes, 70
jl to 7. pa sal at, a pair p I. V
1CC3 Articles in the Dr o3
i Dept. Spec' 1 for Saturday
600 Rubber' Combs, at only 39t
25o Sanitary Tooth Brushes 19
26o Flexible Nail Files at tie
26o Pocket ' Combs, special 10c?
So Manicuring; Boards. sd'I tlik
ISO Collapsible Drink'g Cup 144
26o Pclssors, special at Pair
ftoKbony and Rosewood
. 'Hair Bruaha at onlv 9flt
8Bo Whlek- Brooms special. 15
iu npuiineii, aunciiti only
$Krt Kw.mHnwn Van. tnwl''
60o Roarer- A Onllt Rlc
. Powder on sale at only,39V
SSd Roarer A Oavllet Rlra' 7
powder on eale at only '
I to Kureka Tooth Paste at '
2Bo Peroxide Tooth Panta at :
2So Fanltol Preparations for' !
600 DaKsrett & Rams dill's.
Cream on eale now only f7
SOU AmhroslA Cold Crrdm et J 7
26o Dr. Uraves' Tooth I'owd.