The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 17, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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    .' A i
fil cerr - nor nr pt'i no i r-r-r wr
... ULLO" ..LUdL f XL ILO I LiuU.X Ul
LztczzI Clczli Hallowe'en Novcltlca In Porlland-Purapiiln sLanlcrns.SlxolIs, Festoons, la vUg tion 3 Sec IVl:.:,,
LI: uitnrlsn csd Ilairdrcsslnq Parlors, 2d Floor Tea Room, 4th Floor Qrccry, Bakery, Delicatessen, gUi fleer
systematic Arrangements to
uc maue. ou Miai nay ii 10
of City Will" Not Overlap,,
, The Seoreatioa league of Portland
1 as organized Ht the library last night
to suggest attractive ajia wholesome
irjliee o;th people leisure time; Its
fflcea will ? be a play center .for all
the city. t will program theplay Ufa
of tha people and through organizations
s aim puuiic agencies seek to prevent over.
Jappirjir of effort. 1
I r J ""encourage playgrounds, aortal
i centers, - libraries, art and historical
f museums as fitting expresnlons ' of an
inteiUgent,pooplo'a recreational Ufa."
I ; Thf laaffii -win ai,ia. i.t.
jij tnenta for th promotion of mualc, social
J centers and boys' club, city, gardens,
festivals 'art, athletics. girls' clubs,
J - aquatic sports. - -
i Vftr FatnJP H. V. CVHara, president
4 v "io inauamai weirara commiKBlon,
I bad .called tha gathering of 800 nromU
A. ,wm mn and women Into formal aea.
in, m ti. weir, executive of the league,
. called attention to the coordinate nature
of the : work the two bodies are at.
tempting to do. The Industrial Welfare
, i is maun such rulings as to
Hours and wages of women and minors
( 8 l prevent their being over-tasked
. -' and Insure their being properly paid.)
, ' Benefits to Br Song-it. , :
r It; Is shortening the, hours of labor
" i i Prov,dln thoae who work with, more
t t me for self Improvement and recrea-
tion. Tbe league, he continued, purpoaea
1 ;, to work systematically to the end that
I "leisure hours may not be wasted ' but
' ' 1 '''Preaent much In benefits.
. J - Judge T. J. Cleeton urged support of
f . the University of Oregon approprla
"c I ,on November 4,' and then Miss Jo-.,.-.
hanna Cramer, and Robert Krohn in-
' i trodicd the most delightful part of the
. v i program . UtHe boys .and glrla came
k upon the 'tage in exposition t games
, the league promotes and contested so
t merrtljr that they forgot all about the
' j audience, and fact tap-tapped, cheeks
. flushed, big blue bows bobbed an .4 Aiitla
oancea. and when the musio stopped
they aad forgotten to listen to It; and
f went on- with, their game. The kind of
applause given suggested that at the
moment there wasn't anyone In the au-
aience older than the earnestly frolic.
' some tota on, the stage. y
' ; 1 Offlosrs Are 3Bleote.-:;;;:.-.
MrjVelr made the report qf an or
ganislng committee, which was adopted
on his motion. . He then made the re
port eft s, nomlnatiuff committee which
was also adopted on his motion, and
thereby ' Robert H. Strong was. chosen
president, W. L. Brewster 'first vice
r president, WeUa Gilbert ' second vice
president and Hamilton Corbett treas-
urer. s There were addresses by Dr. flom
I nier-and Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin. James
j. F. Ewing presented the Honeyman ten-
ma iropnies to Emma UeBrllle of Wash
ington high school and' '.Catiln Wolford
of Jefferhon high.. ,
- The membership fees of 'the new
league are: Sustaining, memberahip, $25;
associate, $5; annual, - $1; junior, SO
cents. Some time ago publio spirited
bitlsena of Portland subscribed a total
of $8000 for the support of play and
recreation vwork ,tn Portland which has
bn! disbursed Hinder , the direction of
M vlr. who last nllpht made patv
- m It0' 01 reutu accomplished!
'run Am Altareo, "
He came here first In March. 1911.
and acquainted the public through ad.
dresses and' newspaper- Interviews with
tha work proposed, and lead in a tenta.
tlve' program of the park 'commission,
- city officials, board of education. A
general supervisor of play and recrea
tion for the city was rd have been cho-
sen bjrDr."W. T. Foster of Reed College
while east, but a the city ad-
ministration altered thetplari.v te, B. Der
, Croot .nd Mr. McLain, . expert, were
brought to Portland for. addresses. Di
rectly resultant from Mr. McLaln's visit
was the choice of V. R. Manning as sec
t teUry ot, Associated Charities. ,
' y -"-oreatlon. turvey Itade.
. I0!,1'1J t recreation survey . of Port
Jandwajfmade of most exhaustive char-i
. I
! : . j
' : ' I
( ; ; : 4
If '''
'.; Jiobert IL :,' Strong.,
acter. . Some or the results were: me
drafting . and passage- of a .dance nan 1
ordinance;' more organised play was ln-
trbduoed Into the puoiic school logemer i
with.' an athletic badge. system; a .play
and? recreation, training school 'was es.
taoiisbed and maintained in Washington I
high school last winter and springy or I
ganlzaUonof a teachers' training school
In plays. Karnes, foiw aances, to ne con.
ducted bv Robert Krohn. this winter; a I
cooperative effort of commissioner of 1
nubllo afafirs and school board was ar
ranged. A large number of other aer-l
vices were Itemised. . , v , . .
? i ' (Continued From Pae One.)
German aerial traffic The nation la In
mourning.;; It; ls; believed the dlsaater
will have la. serious effect on Count
Zeppelin's health.' The cause of the Ac
cident is not-known. 6'
Fasadenav CaU, Oct,-17-Commenting
on the possible reason for the disaster
to the Zeppelin airship "L whioh ex
ploded In midair' today, killing 18 per-1
sons, Roy. Knabenshue, pilot of the dir
igible, which makes daily nights with
passengers over Pasadena, made the fol-l
lowing statement for the United Press:
V By Hoy Knabensbue. .
Tbsre is always present beneath a big
balloon such as, the Zeppelins have, a I
large amount of gas which will explode
If fire comes in contact wit: It Poa- j
albly soma teassenger enjoying the Zirat
sensation,' of an air voyage thought it I
necessary' to demonstrate his coolness I
to his fellow voyagers by lighting
cigar.- 'Then again,- the exhaust from
the engine may. have Ignited this gas
unaer tne nig nag. . , . i
On the Zeppelin dirigibles the car Is
hung close up to the bag and con-1
oectea cirectiy witn it. in most Atner-1
loan dirigibles, including ours, the car
nangs much lower, and the- tremendous
rush of air between the car and the bag
sweeps- away the gas which is found so
often -under the Zeppelin bag. .That. Is
the reason more accidents occur In Ger
many, In. proportion to the number of
flig ts, than in this country.
A two Wheeled carrier for palls of I
liquids, the Invention of an Illinois man,
Is provided; with covers to prevent' the!
contents of the palls splashing out
1 v
in Quality Pianos
i ' . TION X
BusK & La$e Pianos Absolutely Unequaled in Tone, Work
j , ,f ' manship and Materials , - J ;
Tofovyrf a' Bush & Lane' Piano or Player Piano is to own one
of th highest-grade Pianos manufactured. Before youdecide
oy youc .Piano or Playef, call and 'investigate our' quality
.and prices.; 1 f, ,,,.; .
$675 Victor s Player (used for demonstrating) .....9495
$350 Standard make piano,- fine mahogany case; used
- 3, months :...S215'
$400 Standard make' piano',. fina mahogany.. . ,.,. .$195
Other standard Makes, used as low asi i ,Vl , f.$110
i In pood condition v ' j? , ,! jr
Factory' Store " V
.Washington, at Twelfth . Street
58.50 to 812.50 Fall Ilnls
1 1
ncllsble r-IcrchandlaeKellable Methods
pi'i . p 1 ' . - v n p , K ; , si: - ' , j , f
Btoro atoars 8i30 to S&O Daily, Bxoept atorday, , ' t satnrdar Hours i3o A. K,. to ta . M.
! .1 t ' ' . , 1 P' I ' "
V Retail
i 4 , 'r ;
Ten Valuable Prizes Awarded Winners In Guessing Contest
' 20 FREE STAMPS TO ALL VISITORS TO PREMIUM PARLORS See if you can tell how many redeemed Stamp Books there are In
one, of ,our Morrison-street windows. 10 valuable prizes will be awarded to those coming- nearest to the correct number.' In case of
two contestants tying, each will receive one of the prizes. If vou have not registered your guess do so at once you may be one
I of the lucky ones. Contest ends tomorrow 1st prize, beautiful Jardinier and Pedestal; 2d prize, Brass Umbrella Stand; 3d prize, Electric
Portable j 4th prize, Crystal Punch Setj 5th prize, Brass. Rose Basket; 6th prize, Electric Portable;. 7th prize. Brush and Comb, Set;
8th prize, Silver: Hand Mirror; .9th prlze. Silver Mesh Bag; toth prize,' Silver Spoon Set. 'See window display, .'?::) v y
i)ouble aw Stanipo With All Cash Pnrchases In Main Floor Shoe Dept.
1 I
Men's Suiifls Special all $M.95
. ' IT ''Si.
.did woolen fabrics blue cheviots and fancy casslmeres, in. great variety , of : attractive new Fall patterns
1?. and. serviceable colors, such as grays, browns and novelty mixtures. Every garment strictly band-tailored
,ln the new box back .models worn by men of fashion. These Suits are equal in every respect to those
usually sold at 20.oo with but one pair of trousers. You can readily see what a remarkable bargain : they
are. at this price."? We have all sizes to begin with, but come early in the day, for these are 1 A QC
(urji to go in i hurry. Saturday price, the suit. . . . . , 1 ltVO
Men's $1.50 Underwear 08c
. Uen's Unit Silk Ties, 4 for $1
Bradford ' Spring Needle
Ribbed Shirts and Draw
ers-Kdd lines in white,
buckskin' and ? natural
good, strong, serviceable
Underwear, selling form
erly at 1.50. a garment.
Special Saturday, Qgg
Men's Knitted Silk Ties,.
In light weight,, open
weaves. A great variety
of attractive patterns tn
all the wanted: colorings.
Ties selling heretofore at
5oc each, Sat- CI OA
urday, 4 for..l.UU
Men's Wool Sweater $4.75
m Men's Kerchiefs, 10 for $1.00
Men's heavy ribbed rope
stitch Coat Sweaters with
large Ruffneck V collar,
fastened with loops; also
' pearl buttons and side
pockets. Made in full
sizes and popular colors.
All sizes. Sat- J 7C
urday, each. . . .t.l 7
Again tomorrow we offer
a sensational Handker
chief bargain for men.
Full size pure linen ker
chiefs, with K-inch
hem. Pine even thread
and' splendid wearing
Special C5.75
Special Showing Men's Veloor Hals, Priced From $3.50 Up to $7.50
Exclusive Agents "Shedraln' Hats $3
Men's Kid Gloves $1.15 to $3.00
MAIN FLOOR The Ideal Hat
for wet i weather our - famous
"Shedrain" 1 Hats. r Come n
various styles and in all the '
wanted colors. . Will not be
come limp when wet. The
most, popular' Hat yet shown
in Portland. 7 Priced JJ QQ
MAIN FLOOR We have com
plete lines of the world's best
Kid Gloves for men,-Including
Kayser, Brltland, Bacmo, Ire
land, Dents, Fownes, Reynier
and others. In finished or un
dressed leathers.; All styles,
Men's Yorke. Arrow and Emery Shirts
. Special Showing New Neckwear
MAIN' ' FLOOR Particular'
men .will find the showing of
new Fail Shirts to , their liking.-
Patterns and Colorings
decidedly : smart and djstiuc-:
tlve:" Tailoredllij, fun,.;roomy.
sizes. Prices, range "jQ' His
from $1.00 to ....4?UU
MAIN FLOOR At no other
store in Portland are you
given such wide latitude for
choosing, for ; here you will
find everything that's ' pew
and desirable. Choose , the
Neckwear here to- 0 A
morrow at SOe to. .9M.UU
Boys' 'Riolit-Poslure'Cloliies
Ideal for School Wear
t :
C li i 1 dr en's Contest Coup 6 n
Cut Out This Coupon Save It Until Friday.
3250 Stamps for Children Under 16. .
The child, under.. I6y ears who presents .the.
largest . number of these coupons In' our
Premium Parlors on 4th floor by 4 o'clock
KMW JfflA'l Friday will receive 1000 S. & H. Stamps
i'vi 'MmM l tTee' 24 prize, 750 stamps; 3d prize, 500
a r KcJun.i stamps; 4th . prize, 3 00 stamps;- 5th prize.
20O stamns: 6th brize. too stamps: 7th .prize, too stamps; 8th
prize, too stamps; 9th prize, 100. stamps; 10th prize,, too stamps.
, , v ; i i nr. i j
JUVENILE DEPT., MAIN FLOOR "Right Posture" is the name
of our beautiful new health suits for boys. Made In the best
equipped boys' clothing shop In America, sewn with silk thread
throughout and every button' pull proof. Handsome CIA fill
new Norfolks and fancy pleats. Price 16.50 to. , ; )1U.UU
Boys' Jersey Worsted Suits 14 and $5
Boys'-Glrls' Macklna ws, All Sizes,
MAIN FLOOR Boys Jersey
Worsted Suits, in ages 4 to
.6 years. Just the thing for
knockabout wear. Colors,
blue, cardinal and Oxford.
rnT?..,.,..!t00.. $5.00
best s h o w i n g in Portland
so say our . customers
who have seen what ' other
stores have to offer. Ages
4 to 14years g- Aft
17.50 up to.... OlD.UU
Great Special Purchase
300 Oats On Sale Tomorrow
SECOND FLOOR We venture to predict there
won't 'be many of these Hats left by closing ;
time, for they are exceptional values at the
price.". Very smartest new " creations of Felt,
Velours. Plushes. etC:. i with richest of trim-: ,
mings. Best 8.50 to 12.50 Hats, re 7tJ
JVUI , VllVlbV KAbU WW V :
Smart New Tailored Salts
v a ui nuaau aaaau uuuiwi s
SECOND FLOOR With all the style and qua!-.
li . il a. t - . . a ..!.. 1 1. . a. . A A r .
uy inai can - ue put inio inem oy wona-iamous
designers broadcloth, serges, tweeds, mixtures, -etc.,
In all the favored, Fall shades.? Pretty Nor- '
folk effects and-many other models!: . or" aa '
in ages 3 to 20 priced $15.00 to dJd.UU
Misses' and Juniors' Coats
Priced $10.00 to $28.50
SECOND FLOOR Specially' interesting are :
these attractive new Coats for high school girls
and misses. ( Distinctive, original styles in plain '
or fancy cuts some having the popular belted!"
back effect chinchillas, diagonals,) velours, '
boucle, etc., In all the wanted Fall shades.
Sizes from 13 to 20. Prices range, ffOQ CA .
from $10.00 to. '..4-.i pO.OU
Otl'd Lines ol Girls' Raincoats
SECOND ' FLOOR On sale tomorrow : only a -number
of ; popular "Styles in girls' Raincoats, .
id tan, navy,; brown ' and blacks, - Odds and
ends, but good serviceable garments for school
wear. Ages 6 up to 14-yearsA 'Prices ranee
from . 4.25 to 12.50 now at HALF PRICE.
Girls' Rufl Neck Sweaters $23
Children's Legglns 59c
neck Sweaters, in
gray and red, ... Good
full ; size and 1 heavy
knit," Heart " buttons
and side pocket. In
ages "4 to 0 OQ
1 2 ? years, at fOir
Special Saturday : sale
of : Children's Drawer
Leggins, in white only.
Extra good grade and;
the regular 75c grade.
Special tomor- CQi
row, ' pair JC
Great Basement Sale Women's Suits, Coats, Dresses, Millinery
. ?200 Extra Stamps With Each Pjirchaac 50 Stamps Willi Eacli Trimmed Hat . ' ; ;. :.
tas.00 srrtTS tl Plain .Tailored
Models in serces, mlxtur.a, tweeds,
etc. Good serviceable styles, slllc
lined, the 120 and 2S tQfi
frades vmw
l is nn snTTPMl a..aaanUndlil Una nt
want.d weaves and. colorina-s In
serviceable, plain tailored Q OS
stvl... S1S.0O suits t 9990
vrooi taBaa avm fxe.4 plain
blue and blacks tn aood - winter
weight serge. Well tailored n4
neat fitting. All slses. SlR.4ft
. - 4
$10J OOATS AT f7.4 Women's
and Misses' . New Winter Coats In
plain hlaolc and fancy mixtures.
Good $10.00 Coats. Special :
USj0O OOATS AT Thes. come
in popular mixtures and plain colors
In smart new fall styles. Q QO
All slses; $11.00 coats.... O
mAnr coat HracxA& $m-wo.
men's and Mlssess' Rain Coats, made
of good quality black; rub mttt AQ
bar, Special tomorrow at
laoo i ssxaa xims $7.8
Made from good quality wool serg
and" nicely trimmed . with fancy but
tons, pipings, etc Regu- 7 QO
lar $10.po dresses ,
S3I0WXVO nw rau ooatsv w.
have just received a special shipment
of new fall coata for women In Plush,
Caracul and Astrachan In rich black.
All slses. Prices - rartge COO arn
S12.I0. SH.50. $20.00 to... aMW,
what ' you want , fore general wear,
These stylish short Macklnawa come
In novelty plaid effects In - brown,
blue, cardinal, gray and other shades.
Extra-well tailored. Begu- ,Q QO
lac llt.10 grade
range of popular materials, Including
cords and other novel- SICAfi
ties, handsomely trira'd , "".
flOJW p HAT 0 ) $4.9 Beautiful
new fall models In every wanted col
or, no two hats alike In this entire
lot, richest of" velvets with fancy
feather trimmings,! $8.60, t Qtt
$10.00 hats at.., , .t
$3J0 SiTI BFBCIAXi 8o Great
special - purchase of . ontrlmmwl
shapes,', secured at abouc half prloe.
Latest 'Styles In .felts, '-velvets and
Flushes in black and colors, ; Aq.
1.00 to $3.60 hats........... pvUV
1000 Beautlfal New Trimmed Hats $5 to $7.50 Grades on Sale in Basement Tomorrow at S3.25
A Drug Sale
That Oilers Splendid
Chances to Save
. Compare these prices with what
Sou.. pay elsewhere for Ilka articles.
. A H, SUmpa with all purchases;
5c Ivory Soap 3c CaLe
t at..2feT
..,. aBd
' Limit S cakes to a customer. " No
deliveries of soap except with- other
mircha.A. frrtm riru deD.rtmnt. .
Ho Toilet Paper. 1600 h.eta...lQ4
-juo yii wnue Kose soap av.4.
' Mio Hind's n. ft a. uream.
35o 1 lb. Absorbent Cotton
EOe Sanltarv Naokins. 1 dos
19c Serviette Holder free with
i ' each dojten. i- i; "".v ':
ZSe Carter's Little Liver Pills.'.:
$6o 8al Hepatlca (amall) . ,'
60o Syrup of Figs, special.....;
860 Castorta, sal. price.
6O0 Milk of Maitneala at........
$ 1.00 Plnkham's . Remedies ,.... ,
II. uo size Hcotrs nimuiion..i
$1.00 Kilmer'. Swamp Root...
ioo sis. taacareia. special. ... ,
$1.00 Bromo Seltser, bottle.....
SAn MAnthnlAtiirn. anAClal. . ..i a..
U lb..Merok'a Boracio Acid. ....
bug i.'aninroKr, apeci.1 at. . , . , . ,xi
Sto Villi pound Peroxide. . . ...-.21
$1.00 AntlphlOBlatine. special. , .Tfl
80o Bern pre Oiovlne, . now. . .... 2
1 60 Williams' Talcum for...,.lf
Io.L.i F. Glass Jar Talcum. . If V
600 V. A R. Cold Cream for. .5 .3Se
75o Pompelan. Massage Cream.. 4 6
$1.60 Oriental Cream., special. ..85
$1.00 Pinaud's Eau de Quinine. .7 i
ti,v Jen 1 1 u-ju 1 c aim vuin i9U
tl 00 Hiah Grade Brushes 1
Jso Tooth Brushea, special. iVv.iSi
Parisian Iv.ry Buffers. ... . . is 75i
Regular $1.00. $1.26 Red Rubber
Hot Water Bags. , 3 qta. .59e
ritXB eso bottle Karr Sare'ea rer.
fame with .vary au.00 parobas. la
-XiruT Sept. Saturday,. - ', '..
German Stiver Mesh Baps
' At Unusually Low Prices
MAIN FLOOR Extra quality fine mesb German Silver
with struck up frames. Silk lined. On sale tomor
row only at the following special low prices:
4H-in. Meek Baca $2 6 -4a., Math Bags $4
BW-in. Math Baca $3 7W-n. M..h Bags $5
Polished German Silver Frames, assorted designs, B0e
Cameo Hat Pins and Brooches, on sale, special at 28e
Newest Novelties in Neck Beads, priced at 25c to $10
Hair Nets, tied or, elastic ends, special at five for 10c
Spec'l Sale nigh-Grade Perlames
$2.00 BourgoU Rose) Poa Pon, spada!, ounca, $1.18
7fflc Pinaud'a Lilac Vegetal, Saturday, the ounce, BZcw
$1.00 R. A C. da Eapagna ToU.t Water, at 80c
75c Rogers oV Gallat Parfumas, all odors,, ounca 85e
$2.00 Mary Cardan Extract, Saturday, ounce; $ 1 .28
80c Mary Gardea Talcum Powder, Saturday, oav SSe
Tha abova special pricaa ara for . Saturday . only.
Toilet Preparations
: Are supreme
Women of i refinement :and disV
crimination hive come to regard
."Maurine" a indispensable to a
good, - complexion. ;': Absolutely
guaranteed not to Injure the
most delicate skin. 'Money back
If any box or bottle of Maurine
tl not Just .what wl claim for, It,
MaurSno Hair Toaie,' prica $1.00
Maurina Hair Shampoo, at.. .SOo
Maurina Ecsama Lotion at. .80e
Maurina Depilatory, prica.'. . 80c
Maurina Hand Lotion at..,,.2Sc
Special SaleDellclons Candy
Main Floor nargaln Circle
1 11 1 is i mi i' 1 ' 1 11 1 " 'is i "i i as - . ,s.
Regular 40c Mt. Hood Nougat sp'l, lb. 30$
Regular 40c Assorted Cream Chocolates," 30-f
Regular 40c "After Dinner; Mints, at lb. 27t)
Regular, 40c : Scotch Kisses,special -a lb. 30
Regular 40c Chocolate, Cafaniejs at, lb.?30'
Regular 30c Nut Cream. Fudge at a' lb.- 25
Regular 25c Broken Peanut Candy, lb 20eJ
Regular OciMarshmallow Chocolates b 30
Regular 40c Mixed Opera Straws at
Reg. 50c, Cluster Chocolate Peanuts, 1b..'35t
Regular; 40c ?i Nut ;Crcam Wafers at lb." 25
Regular 60c. Whip Cream Ch6colates,,lb, 45
Regular 30c Real Fruit Gum Dr6p's;:lb'.' 20t
Demonstrption ! Wear-Ever' Aluminum
CooUlnq Utenslls-hlrd Hooif:
$5.6$ 3-Plecc ! Set $4.29
Wear-Ever Aluminum Kitchen Set,
consisting of one $4.00 Tea Kettle,
on e 9 5 c Li p ped , Preservin g ,. Kettle,
one- 65c Straight Sauce' Pan total
value IS.60 Demonstra- OA
Hon price, i
5 S c ; Wear-Eye r; Su ce , Pans for 29c ,
65C ; wear-Ever itew Pans, only 39c
'.',, K S ,f,A- V-1 t-'t .. V" ' :'. K ".. v ' " '''
Have yoii ieen our , Wear-Ever Demo
expert Is here to tell you all you want to know concerning your Aluminum
tome and see tomorrow, bring your friends with you.
$3.60 3-Plece Set $2.59
Wear-Ever Aluminum Kitchen ;Set,
consisting 'of one $3.0 Double
Boiler, one 9 Jc Lipped Kettle, one
S5e Lipped Sauce-, Pan p-total value
value f,00. .Demonstra- (1 tn
price the set. , . . i,6,Oif
8Sc. Lipped Sauce Pans, at only $9e
?Sc Preserving, Kettles, at only 69c
nave you seen our. wear-ever uemonsirauort onme inira noorf rectory
il. t. - A A -. . .1 A. A - 1 ' : t ... .
Cooking Utensils.
40c VP. VI. IV Imperial Ronst Ccflee. GpccIrJ, ZOz Vcund
Sale ot Women's'
ReQe H Shoes at
K 1 ,
Double Trcd'o Starapa
- With PorchasesTT
WOMEN'S stylish new Fall Footwear
In button and lace styles. Patent,
gunmetal,; vlcr kid and tan Russia
calf. Great variety of popular lasts
in all sizes and widths.. Standard
4.00 Shoes. ; On sale o
Saturday, the palr;,i mtmvJ
MEN'S $4.00 SHOES, $3.45-0 u n
metal calf, in button or lace stVt.
Good, strong, well built Shoes, wt;h
heavy double soles. Full lin ; rf
sires. Smart new lasts,
On sale Saturday, pair. ...