Acreage 6 mile from court house, on . ; outhwnt Hide; good rich soil; r . Kime tracts all cluured end nn-r Oer cultivation and some stump 1 nd. Prices J32G to 8450 per aore, , ) -t ug bUuw you .thla propwty. hone Main -If 00 -or A-6281.- "; IRUVIDLNT TRUST COMPANY, ' ' OWNtittf. . . 2nd Floor Selling bldg, cor. fth'i . and Alder. , . ... ii par inoiij handles chicken ranch . to en . no fare. A. C, Mar- 'Sters. 203 vil i bldg. ' 1 A ORB, levef and cleared, 1 block from car at r-iat Asoofc 8750. Phone Owner. Kast 27b I. q FOB MM?PAKM3 17 20 Acre. Bargain" : v;- Well Improved Price $3000 ' " This la a vary choice country : home and tha prloa la especially: attractive.- Read the description ' carefully and see If you do not agres wltl us. Thn are SO aorea, all in a high atat of oultt- , vatlon, beat of soil, Uaa perfectly, not a atone, nor a root, nor a ' tump on - ibis land. Splendid 7 room house Insured for. 81800, cement walk to house, tarn 48x 15, wood house,' smoke bouse, hoc house, . chicken house, buildings ' : all. la good shape. Woven wire fences. Good bearing- orchard of apples, prunes, pears, cherries,' to, Living stream. Prloa $3000. caali. bal. 6ft. Located on rood f raveled road, IK miles goodlit la town and about 80 miles south : of Portland, - Hargrove & Sons 121 N. 6 th. Main. 4381, A-7SI. REDUCED RAILWAY FAREV SPECIAL LANDSEEKERS 1 ' . EXCURSION. , .' .- - Saturday evening. Oct. y 11 CANADIAN PAc'lFIO RAILWAY ' . " .. " I.ANDH. ..... - Fter Sals Seven Million aorta of choice wheat and mixed farming;' land near railroads, in western Canada, -from 111 to 826 par acre. ' - TWENTY YEARS TO, PAY. Terms, 5 per cent cashand C par cant aaoh year for 19 years, w will improve your land with buildings.' fence, well, pump, ate, to the value of 62000: also xurnisrt nvestook to tha value of 11000. -.:.L-J- Thornton. Land Arent, CANADIAN. PACIFC RAILWAY! COm ' L.AND BRANCH. 171 Pin 8L (Multnomah Hotel bldf .) LOOK! LOOK! LOOK HERB. i , SOUTH T1SXAS TRUCK FARMS. Located 71 mllea south of San An tonlo, Texaa, on the -reut Kueoea river. x nave a lew amau truca I arm a an win. trade torn of them for first class auto.. A-country or perpetual sunshine and balmy sea creeses, where chills and fever arc unknown and where there are - no weeaa ana weena or ciouay, arissiy, rainy weather.- but where the land la as rich aa taa mi and lira is worth living. Prom $S00 " to 1800 per acre in Texas white Bermuda onions la easy, For full description and particulars. journal. ..;..', - . ua--' ";-V DAIRY FARMV " - MtLBa FROM POHTLANTJu 0 acres, 10 acres la cultivation, food " eon, runntna water, gooo ii room. noun, ' . fair barn, etc, 4 aoi-aa prunea, 3 aoroi ' applea, 4 Rood cowa giving milk and oth er livestock; hay, grain, etc., enough for winters U kinds of farm tools, every thing goee with place: price 16000, aome cgah, .terms. You can1 find ' a better Bargain, wo tradas - . LUEDDEMANN. RULEY & CO.i K- 814 'Chamber 6t Commerce. Near Portland-Stock Ranch II mlloi southeast, on good county t road, 4 miles from 8. P. By. and Clacka mas ttatlon; 40 aorea In oaltivatlon; 64 aores more can he cultivated; running ' water and springs; room houae, large barn Ox62, all outbuildings, ' aores i good bearing - orchard, other, email fruits; deep soil, well located; can be uougnt ior w per acre on gooa terms, P"1 & Baker. 44i SherlocK bldlt. FOR SALE An eBtata of 2500 eerea: 600 acres rich black praltig land, to ' gether with etock. toola and all equip. menti an be Irrigated; private water , v right and flume; balance pasture and f timber land; an ideal location for a fine stock farm. 80 miles from Portland. i yvilht takePortiana property in ex change for balance. 126,000 Will handle it. k.x-016. journal. for balk 3o par acre, leo acres. mIi.Ihm ..111 .12 KA m.6-a. ,1MAa 1 n. . - VIUUIUK .,1.1. .11.1 apv M.X'.W w uvr UlUlli ow, balance pasture and heavy timber. Ideal dairy and hog farm, phone and milk route; 4 H miles east of Sublimity. John Willing, Btayton. Or. Route I. 1- ERTILB farms -All slaea - at - fair prices, some stocked, good terms, only it mllea from Portland. Before buying cisewnere write your wants. as. AP peraon, 'Rldgefiefd, Wash- '' .M ACRpT I mile off oaa-lina, 80 f aret 4 'acrea cultivated; , house . and barn. Belt rea Vonable. , Call or addreaa C A, Bchuts, ii H urana ave.v v V lUim. lllLpiUVIUt'f .vvv. v. v '. .10 aorea Improved. $3760, .... 'A. "'., SI acres improved. 4000. Close la. v . Wolfateln, tOS AUakyithldg. - luO' ACRES at The Dalles; K0O oaahj - . balanca 7 years; no indebtedness; or, will take amalior acreage aa first pay - rnent. Tabor 00. ' ,10R WALK Karm of Ui acres close hi. For particulars address Hans yeavr, llyrtle Creek, Oregon. The Dingbat Family - i . ... " l ''"'. i i i . . . . . k "f 111 .i' . "" . " ,'"L., r,"' ".M"". "' " .'" ""' v.. ... ;y; ;, m j i v i. ; " ' ' - - - MnTimmm ' ... rKoivuo n www w.i ... .. , ,'ji I"- tw ww . -a. m. 1 f , -. and WHtonta hospital f . - ym-Auriw,tea&t.iKv) :, - '. Vp twJp. - M Vivii ','. . Sfetsrcti - ''"' :: -- ' ' ' ' - ' - ' , - ' i - i "v......'- ";. - v'-iy'.. i ii i - i ii mi irtimi. iiim irininrini-iMiiii , 80 Acre's $500 . ' 10 acres, 8 miles from good railroad town. 'Most' of this land can be cultivated, Land surrounding this la held at 835 . , iin act and up. Look Into this, -Dorr E, Keasey. & Co,'. 2d , Fl. Chamber o Commerce WILL Sll " cheap my veautlful home -farm on Tutilutin river, 16 miles west o roruma. tuguiy improved. Address f. wnnyoornpe, 3j iatn St., Fortlana. WANTED FARMS WANTKD TO ' RENT." jut farm, 75 to J00 acres, In Wheat farm. 75 to 100 acraa. In A-f condition, cornnletelv , eaulnned with teams and tools; must have food resi dence, etc.; will pay cash rant and prlv- ueuit or ouTinc alter one year. ,.- fjc-ais. yonrnai. FOR RENT FA 11SIS r ; 14 6 ACRES ( room h0U!.' barns, lie- low council Crest. LCohn. Hills dale Rt. 1, Box 1 6-A. HOMESTEADS 47 FOR homesteads and rellnauishments. " come to Drylake Store, information ror stamps. . .Address JJryiake .fcitore. neiu. 'r' . ' A-l HOMK8TEAD land now open for entry. Close to email town, on new. R. R. line. Call 124 Burnslde St. tiOMliSXEAD lnf ormatioa free, send stamp, nox mi, weieer, idano. KXCUANGK HEAL ESTATE 24 Farm' Trade Worth While " 35 Acres,. 9 Miles Out - . -.. This is your one best opportun ity to trade In your borne on a splendid close-in farm; this la a very choice one; there are SI . acres, 28 acraa in cultivation. 1 aorea timber; this la a perfect ' lying tract; soil exceedingly rich; 6 aorea of genuine beaverdam in a ouitlvatloni living water, good 7 room houae barn :- SOxBO, other -outbuildings; about ' 4 acres of splendid orchard ; prloa $10,500, - and at this price will put in -1 -horaa cow a&d all farm lmple ments: will take a touae free of Incumbrance to value of 16000, , time on balance, ( per cent ; Remember, Uila splendid farm . ; .'.' Is just miles from center of Port land, 1 mile from station en Ore gone Eleotrlo; lOo fare tn the city. ' Hargrove & Sons lit N. eth at Main 4181, A-72II. ' . ' -I'.'";.', .?.4.-'. X :';'ikr',f'ti '''t'i'r.r ; '' For i$u!ck txchanee " -' A beautiful auburban home en , the Oregon City earline, Ttth . more than an -acre of ground; ,. all kinds of fruit trees and bar- ,-' ries; on the main auto road be- , -tween Portland and Oregon - ; City; only about 10-minute ride ' ' from the city, i blocks from .v.: the station; sidewalk to the door: profusion ' of rose - buanea and ' ' flowers; a swell, modern, 6- N room bungalow, with water and - - all conveniences, just like a city . ; home, .,,.'."....-..' '.'.'; ''i.""-"V' ? We will exchange thla for f ood (2600 or 18000 bungalow In .. he city. Must be worth the ,; money. If you are looking for -eomethlng good, we have it. Dorr t, Keasey & Co. Id Floor . Cham,, of Oom. Bldg. ,. 8 Acres, Redlands, . Calif., : ' For, Exchange ,: "V f -acre country plaoe. H mile: ; i from Redlands. California's na- ' s bob residence district; modern house on tha premises, cost ' 16000; 1Mb aorea in 8 -year-old trees; plaoe is well S - watered tetock Included, ' Price J " - 89000. Will exchange for Fort , land Jaooxne property. . . , ' Dorr . Keasey &'.C'o."-: 2d Floor Cham., of Com, Bid. . riAVB'' name good real estate tj trade for furnl itu re;, wi 111 ear some cash If price is reaaonabla. Would like to nave inuugii iw n rugm . out can ae smaller nimount.'' j-bsb, journal. 0 ACRES' In Clarke Col. 12 acres '' Vlduvu, iiwud wniii uu mil iqnu to trade for rooming house or furniture. Price $40 per . aore. - Phone - Marshal) 4783, cr inr e p. m-r-woooiawn S098. WILL take a clear lot or lot equity as - first payment on 6 and room bung a- Iowa, Hawthorne district. Ford & Co. '.- 808 Ry. Ex, HAVE 8 Iota, 60x100 each, In lively town; , also - good team.- harness and Wan on. to trade for acreaaet will na.v difference. Address 896 Willis blvd. 120 ACRES Improved farm 828 acre. Hom traaa, crop, payments ror Bal ance, owner, H. pi. Swank, 111 North- EXCHANGE, room cottage, full lot nice -fruit trees what have yon to exchange. C-788. Journal. WE exchange what you have for what T U WHMV. u jmmmAm . . 1 ou,r lock blda Si end Oak. Marshall 2664. SI LOTS, California ' summer resort, ' trade for something-of good value here. 880 Lumber Exchftnare bldg.' ROOMING house wanted in exohange for residence. ' J-831, Journal. ; : A . . . : ; h mt.tio.i kw. . lUUiiinuQ VV lu :.::CON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAIID, TIIURSDAY(4l2VENi::a, OCTOBER 16, r-c::ANCB REAL I .,TAi:3 S CO Afcre Dairy Ranch - For Trade ' - .""''."!''"'.';"'..:..'' ' , '';..-,.... ' ,'.- rr 10 aore dairy ranch t within f 5 miles of Portland, 48 acres in cultivation, best of soil and well drained; fenced and cross fenced with wire; In pastures . It is hog tlghfL26 aeree planted to oats; good J room house ar- . ranged for hot and eold water; food barn 60 ton capacity for 0 head cows and 4 horses, hog . house, chicken house and wood house; youns- family orchard selected stock; 2 - good work horses. I OQwg - high grkde,. 8 registered sews and registered boarf 80 tona of data and vetch hay and about 400 bu of oata ' Included;,; all Implements on 1 place were -bought last spring: sohool and store on corner of 'i plaoe. Price Includlna; every- , j thing 110.000. Trade for Port- v , land property, t Dorr E. Keasey Co, " .i d Floor Cham, of Com. Bid. Want Valley Farm 130.000 -Elegant II room house, finished . in manogany ana oax, 191a 167x136. Free and clear of In- " , eumhranee: to trade for , Wil lamette valley farm, .well im- ntoved; will assume up to .7 Harbolt Realty Co. 710 Lewis bid.- FIVE room cotage. large lot. In Van- couver, B. ' O. - Lane .corner, 0..feot street, fruit trees and berries; Prop erty aouth of Portland preferred. Ap ply Owner, H. F. P., 8811 Clark Drive, Vancouver,. B. C ': "' r';;,'W SWAP COLUMN f QrTR ADE-i-A 'motorcycle 1 or a'mofor ; boatA-83?, Journal. - ;;r ', ' " " WANTED ItEAL EST ATE 81 SEVERAL email farms, of 40 to 80 acres, partly Improved, with stock, worth from 14000 to 8000; have clear city property to exchange. 830 Lumber Exchange bldg. , ' - ' ' J -" wiLtU pay easn ror bargains in 101a ana eauuies, resinoiea. oiattat. wa, ournat . ' ' f OR I room house with lat In city; must be baraain: write full- oartlou- lara Q-887, Journal. '" .,V; : j-''''- : ROOMIXQ HOUSKS g? rVANTE'D--a or 8 small rooming houaee or one large one, where the f urniture Can be moved to furnish other property; Will pay all cash if price la rlghfcH. 801. Journal. - - - - ;- - f : Rooming House Owners T have a oaab buver for rooming house from 10 to 80 rooms. Call Main 8877. WILL sell furniture of a 7 room house 4 keenlna olaoa. very chean. on account tf sicknesa. Rent cheap. . Rooms all ull. Phone Main 7807. or call 407 4th. IF you want to buy a rooming nouse l ; will guarantee to plaoe you right; some fine bargains fight', now. - 602 Couch bids." - - '' ANTED Rooming houae, housekeep- ' ing or transient : state numDer or rooms, rent, lease if any: price, cash or terms. Owners only. Q-708, Journal. FOR LEASE Hotel building, Whit. wood - court; dining room, : Kitcnen; ileven ; rooms; .phone , owner, ; Sell wood ZBB. ii - ROOMS fine furniture, good lease, reasonable rent, very cheap for cash. 114 Bwetlaad bldg. : - FURNITURE 7 room rooming house zor sale: Very reasonable: 364 E. Couch at. TUB best 16 room rooming house in the city for the money. Cal at 68 N 81st. BUSINESS CHANCKS 20 sasasaBsssae"JkfCas! Genuine Bargain Grocery with three living rooms, rent f 81; no other store for long distance any J -ay;, worm ruo, my price 4v; uoa rd. 602 "Coueh- bldsr. - J - - ANT man who means business that will oome up to (08 Journal bldg. will find a business proposition open that will Stand all the. Investigation you are to make, ana requires out mtie capital open until p. m. ' ' WE can sell your business, no matter wnere located, we nave soia otners, vhy not yours t see ir. d Forest, oust pess opportunity dept. . ' R, H. GOODKIND COn INC. , - wi-4ui-u yvjicox piaj tOR SALE 10,000 shares of mining atock in a nroduclna otmo. Montr to be expended in developing the prop- n Will ...Hj gatlon. Barney Rucker, general deliv ery. Portland. Or. '- ' ..",'. V.'." ;,.,,:'....':,,,,,,..'.!. PARTNER with about 810,000 to go into - cereal mill, mill and machinery tn runnins order. ' - Address C- Hofstetter. Tacomas Wash. . ' FOR SALE Meat market. Good -looa- , tion for the right party. For sale on account of death In family, O-f 47, Jour nal. . : : fbH SALE Only pool hall In town; price - reasonsoie, terma. ,: aa varuca. tiqgerieia, win, HALF Istereat in blacksmith shop for sale. Must be good live, sober man. T-g 4 8, Journal. '' " -.-';'''::; BAKERY and confectionery, cash trad In runnins?- order, brick oven. 102$ peimont st. j-- ; " - ' -CLEANING and. pressing business. A baraain If taken at once. 408 Hovt et VEDD1NG Invitations,, announcements, ' Ryder Print Co. 867 Burnslde. M-6686. BARBER shop, 450; good buainesa. 54U IU. 7?q St. H. Pa. SHOE repairing' outfit for sale cheap'; appiy w-aus, journal. - t so HOTttt. WANTKI. sssjsaaa Florenoe, Or., wants good fireproof hotel. Owner of'townalte will furnish site for hotel and take stock. This sea Port is bnnklng center and largest city between Newport and North Bend, more than 100 miles of coast Una. The rail road , from Eugene will be completed eany next spring, and big travel wiu luiiuw, jp or ,: particulars write u. Melvin Miller, Eugene, owner of town- its ot r iorenoe. WE alwava have clients for aood buai neat oinlngs that will stand Investi gation, if you want results list your propositions witn us. --.; ' . 1 : SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO. Ground Floor, Multnomah Hotel Bldfe . 4th and Pine. Bee Holzhefmer. Business' Chance Deot. Those who are looking for gilt-edge opportunities for business Investment should can at FOR' SALE Half or whole Interest in cleaning and dye worxa; 01a stand, 7 years; an established - trade of 35 to 866 a week; a hustler can make good; low rent.- Uvlna rooms in back. - very reasonable. Phone Marshall ,1688, or jt-aua, journal. DELICATESSEN arid restaurant, money maker, 'low rent, little money will handle. King Hill Delicatessen, 44 N. 88d, OS MONEY TO LOAK ST ' REAL ESTATE ' MONEY TO LOAN ' ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES: - VERY LEXIBLH CONTRACTS; NO , COM 1SSION. - ' ' . COLUMBIA LIFE ft TRUST CO,, 1 EPALU1NH HI,P. WE loan money In amounts of (250) and up 10 86000 on real estate in or near Portland., We do business quiokly, at the right rates and At moderate expense to the' borrower.'1'. THB WESTERN BECURJTIES CO. f' em rintt Ding., cor, yara ana wiin. LOAM (4 made on Improved city property rt fn, Kiiilnlni numniMt tHvunn.. made aa - building progressee; liberal repayment privileges. No commission or brokeranre. J. P. Lipscomb, 846 Stark. FUNDS FOR MORTOAOE LOANS improved real estate HART MAN-THOMPSON BANK !' 1 Mortgage;' Loan. Dept. :j -Main 208 A-W80"' e Loans . 701 Selltnr Bide ig WE- have money to loan on your real ? estate; flret mortgages only, BmmQSw mortoIgb company. ' 428 Chamber of Commerce. - PRIVATE funds on hand for Immediate loans, any amount Henry C Prud homme first mortgage loans excluslve- iy. wiicox mug. 1100,000 on mortgages, city and farm nronertv. fire insurance. McKenala as CO., uerunger omg., la ana Aioer. JiAVE any amount to loan on good roruano reai 9119. lu zzb vnetn er or commerce oiog. no proxers. ONEY to loan, large loan a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire In surance. W. U. Beck, 816-818 Falling. CA&H paid for mortgages, notea, eon . tracts; mortgage- loans: reaaonable rates. F. It Lewis V Co., I Lewis bldg. C . A.V'. "' J' ' i - ' u. . MORToAGhJ loans at current ratea Real estate security. Apply room 808 Stool gxenange oiog-, o ana iamni:i eta l6U0 to loan at X. per cent on close In lauunwfli yiuy.i.i UMUIUVUU oivt. rage Co.. 428-424 Chamber of Commerce. iaotui to loan on Portland Drooertv' at per cent. Hammond Mortgage . Co 4Z3-42 cuamner. or commerce, TTToNtY TV tOlN-Real tstak" j. j. uxaUmih. Cor. Grand aye, and B. Ankeny' et. t HAVE for Immediate loans, 1800, 81600, 8000, at current rates. A, U Bell. 201 Oerilnger Bldg. gelt. jtfl wiiit'iqr P'UB. . SiOOO to 86000 for Immediate loaa oa WILL loan $20,000 or 1am, ral tuj MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. GEO. P. DEKUM. 828 HENRY BLDG. "MONEY to- low.'- 8 to 8 per cent, W. H; Selta A Co-. MO Bpaldfng bldg. A n. HAituiwo, sia cn. or-yom, MORTGAGE loans, 8 and 7 per eenC Louis isaiomon CO., z ptera it 260, 8260, 6600, 6866, f 1200, 82000. Fred w. tierman co.. cnamper or commerce. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES A PRIVATE PLACE) TO OBTAIN ... . " MIINRT MTV , - Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Pianos, eta AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES, : hJtfAKAJiill UHif ArtiMlWXX Ott LADIES. 818 dumber: IXC RANGE BLDO. td and Stark sts. Open 8 a. m. U i 6AURDAY JSVENINQS, UNTIL I f, ; ItLBt WMA r. SALARY LOANS ON PLA1 40TE4 110 v . TO - 1100 1 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLAC TO -ABSOM BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENfUL HOURS 8 A. J SATURDAYS .- si. tu r. an, fS TO P. M, Ul STATE SECURITY CO, ' '" 909 f AJLlIS'U BLiUUi SALARIED PEOPLE - . AND OTHEHS WANTING MONET t il f APPLY JR OOM 817 - t Tv'-r.',i' I LUMBER. E3X.-BLDa ,":'"'; 8ND AND HTARK ST, CHATTEL loans Money for salaried people ana etners upon - tneir own names, cheao ratea. easy oavmenta See pe before dealing elsewhere: oonftdea- tiai. u. u. i-raKe. are Henry oiog, WE loan money on diamonds and Jewel- ry at half the ratea charged by hrok- r . fl V.I l. AAA AA JA . . IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on furniture, pianos, autos; mortgages bought. Bauer, 206 Alder st MONEY sold on Installment: confiden- , ,1-1 . ..l.iri.A .aahI. . V A K., ton.H4 Henry bldg. ' 1 1 MONEY loaned on diamonds and JeweU I T ry, strictly confldentlaU ItlVs-ld. 1 I1USINTCSPI C!let :i RIOVHY TO LOAN5 syrurn eyaj,"" ' ' ( rTi "1 i i NEW COMPANY . ' NEW METHOD We are now ready te' Money at rates honest people can afford to pay , . weekly tiaya & 8 10 loam E.66 weekly-pays a 8 26 loan. l.tO weekly pays a 8 60 loan. 1.80 weekly bays a 8100 loan. CAM lOU BKAT THEHT IfOU CAN GET IT TODAY. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. Rebates Given If Paid Before Due. N m mmws UAH (cm. " . Ill MACLKA BLUO. BO'l'rf fHONES Between 4th and 6th sts. en Wash. st. upen i a m. to a p. m.t cat, tin g p. m. A ssailable Dlaoa for ladles and a-enua. men to borrow oiotj.y on diamonds nd jewelry at eastern ratea Diamond yalaoa Waah.. opp. owl drug atore. MONEY loaned on oiamonda. Jewelry and warehouse receipts. Room : 10, Washington bid-. - - LOANS WANTED so If you havej Idle money, see met, No charge to you for loaning on real estate and nothing better. .Lawyer, 401 biwk r.xonangg Diqg. WANT 8876 loan eri" my diamonds for 60 days; wii: 'ill 1 , Joui ivs low for-use 01 money, uiviidj . . uill 11.1, - F-44S, rnal. iTAni iumjb V& xavw - aua ,ivvv. years at a per cent..; A 1 security, Call Tabor 8671' - : ' ' ; . t WANT, to borrow $400 on a Rooamera FINANCIAL 61 saaeoaajswsassaasasaaaSt CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or sellers eaulty in contract of sal en real estate in Washington or Oregon, H. B. Noble,-Lumbormene bids.- Loena. HELP WAN 1KDMA LK Situation Wanted ; Ada lnssrted free for thoss In need of work and who sure unable to oar for an advertisement. Advertisements must be bought to the of floe personally by, the parties aesirms; worn. y. k d"! IkpLOYiliiiJT dept. EmoToyment membersbin guarantees member will secure employment or re fundv of membership fee; ' gives two months full membership privileges, 10 months .social privileges. . - Record for months ending Aug. 41! Calls for men .....1998 Positions filled .................. 1086 All young men seeking employment, specially strangers, are cordially In vited to consult with the secretary of xne rsmpioyment uepartmenr. SEN 17 or overt pay in the U. 6. navy average 140 -per month. Promotion possible up to chief-petty of floor at over 199 clear. Learn mechanical tad0v Mus( prove you are an American cTll sen. Complete Information at -Navy, Recruiting Station, , Railway Exchange biajc Portland, Or. ; For free booklet, "The ' Making of a Man-O'WaramenY1 Address Bureau of Navigation, Box 827, ibtj yqphi tt oiiis wo. i Vi : unmarried men between ages of 18 nd 86; cltiiens of the United States, of good character and ' temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write the English language. For information ap- Sly to recruiting sffloer, Worcester ldg., 8d and Oak sts., Portland, Or, WANTED First class aneolaltv , aalea m man to canvass Salem, Dallas and farmers in Polk and - Marlon counties. Blgr money to parties Interested. Write Pr call on O. J. Sand, f 40 State Street, Salem, Oregon -; ' WANTED Young men of character and .' energy, who have friends and per onal following to represent one of the oldest companies; greatest proposition to wiose mat are anxioua to puna up a pre otusnie Dusinees. -(si, journal. 111 ULll.ll- A'V r ' ' " aALrJoMAjM wantea; a ousineas worth , while and an opportunity to build a business of your own. Cash weekly. Ad- drees Capital City Nursery Co-i Salem. Or. WANTED J orderlies for Open Air i sanatorlum.-i.' MUwaukie, Island sta- statlon, on Oregon City earline. Apply at once. Telephone MUwaukie Red 80, GOOD advertising solicitors" special edition work; cash paid dally. For interview address P. Ovuox 1068, Port- I HAVE a first-class steady position el gooa wages ror a gooa man Who can furnish from 8800 to 1600 cash security, noura eia. i-eaum oiag. A FEW high class salesmen to sell fine .property at the mouth of the Colum bia, the coming great seaport Call only petween iv sjiq is, i mioox oiag. bnV nA with KlnVi.1 IKlk nn Apply at once, room 9 Chamber o Commerce bldg. " WANTED Man with ieam to ao'plow- ing in city inquire cox, zee Morri son st CHEF Headauerters end Helnera. . . CAUf ONIA WINE DEPOT, saw laniniii u I WOOD' choppers wanted, good timber. caoin rurnisneo, i.-per cora. cnaa uray, wyetn, w FURNITURE ftnlehsrs wanted. Free . land Furniture Co.. 440 Goldsmith st BARBER wanted Saturday, 166 4th st nr..t' ivr.ivi aau , 49 WOMEN Get government jobs; big pay. Wrltrfor free list of positions avail able. Franklin Institute, Dept. 6980, rtocneater, rt. x. RaILway MaIL cLilRks WAntEo. commence it montn. . write .zor par. tloulars. Franklin Institute. Dent LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemon. wages iwv. ; esna age, stamp. ,.- tjb, journal WANTED Names of men, IS to 86. yisning to oe4 railway mail cierka 876 month. KX-610, Journal. ' UNCALLED far tailor snade euts. It.U tip. Taylor, the tailor. U Burnelda t fi'WS!' 1C13. nELP WANl'liL1 Pi Vnd ,cnail earners, pos- isi eioras; irj to iioo montn; vaca tions; many November' examinations) Common , education sufficient; sample 9Vsi,0.n" T- anklin Inatltuta, Dept. Sn-Q, hpf A'tjtT, N. Y. ; . OREGON AUioMOtolLK MClliM)! U 188 lth at Latest up-to-date meth ods of practical Instruction in driving and-repairing automobiles by expert in structors and mechanics. Tuition, part cash on enrollment, baianoe at time of .rnouauon CENTRAL !oMmeR(?IaL; cbLTfiotii. . Bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting courses under speclaliats; tuition 810 per mo.; . text books free. Have you seen, our new booklet? 'C, Ev Carlton, Principal. Central bldg., 10th and Alder. .... . OREGON, LAW SCHOOL. A thorough practical course in laws no- time lost from regular occupation; reoltatlona eveninga. ; Samuel T. Rich ardson, dean, M. Morehead, Bsc, 818-817 Commonwealth bldg., Portland. Oregon. USE your spare time to build up a mall ' order business of-yeur own. We help you start for a share In profits; 27 op- eortunttles, - particulars free. Mutual 'pportunltles Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. ISTERNaTIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS : 605 McKay bldg. Tel. Main 1028; A-414S HELP WANTKO---FEMALB fl Situation Wanted '. Ada inserted free tor those la seed of work end who are nnaoic to pay ror so advertisement Advertlatmtnta must be brought to the office rroi.aljy by the pert: oesirmg wi - EAidSTRESS at, once. , Applr Open ' Air Sanatorium. Mil waukia, Island Station, lien to. WANTED Young lady between - ages ad ana zs. as assistant in Dusmuaa, u-b&z, journal. WANTED 2 experienced waitresses at , the Elite cat a Phone, P. Hlna, Camas, vvasn. COMPETENT sirl .wanted for house- worn and eooKing; no washing. APPi owe- num. corner-Myrtie. WOMAN for laundry work, experience i . 9AtAtAABmar oll IA4 l lTln n. v , ..v.. mAA i vw, . ,vi -a m ders st - .''''.. -..'.';.",'. IT. LOUIS ladles' aaency. . Cooks, wait reases, chambermaids, housekeepers, general housework. 288 Main st M. 2039, AN experienced nurse . girl te care for J year old boy and assist with second worx.- Kererences required. 840 Tenth. LADY' barber wanted at onoe, 128 GU- - aan St " ; HELP TA1TCED5UXIS AND THE MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you tha trade in weeks. Send for free catalogue; expert Instructors; to years In the business; a lifetime sonoiarsnip given to eacn student; spe cial Inducements to ladlea4N. 2d st OREGON Barber College ' teaohea you - - the barber trade in 1 weeks, nays vou y'hlle learning, tools free, tuition r uced this term, expert Instruction, po sition ' guaranteed, special Inducements to laoiea. tin waoiaon et., log, ma. - LADIES and gentlemen to visit a ae- lect list of music teachers and their pupils. Should , have some knowledge Of muslo: good appearance and have high reference. - Entirely new nropost tlon. demand already created, , For par ticulars. Z-346, Journal. MEN AND women wanted tor gover.v. ment Jobs; 890 month'; writs for list or positions open, jrranxiin insutute, ucyi, i,o-u, jttucnrsicr, in. I, FISK Teachers' Aaency secures neal. none ror leaonare. sis journal Bldg. PRIVATE shorthand school, experienced tencher, 86 Per month. 898 11th et - RAGTIME p!ano playing guaranteed be? glnners in Id lessona 601 Ell era bldg. WANTED AGENTS WANTED 8peolal agents to represent ' one of the large old line life insur ance companlat; splendid . opportunity snd territory, either city or stats; con tracts unequaieu to men or energy ana oimy. umii DIB morgan oiog. SITUATION MALE WANTED A position as theatre man. Has had exnerlence In ODeraUna ma chine and Janitor work, r-682. Journal. MARRIED man, sober, would like - 'a porter Job, or any kind of work ln Side. Mar. 6986. J. O'Connor. ' A FIRST-CLASS painter and finisher needs work.Addraas is N. Broadway, j-none aiam till WANTED Position on ranch for man - and wife. Beat of reference. Address fjj m. Buiey, 177 k. uurnside st SITUATION wanted by a steady, sober man as Deiter s neiper or second cook. ne 1 WANTED Work in garage by- young man. to learn business. M-eua, Jour- nai. WOULD Ilka work of any description, experienced In confectionery, or olaar una, v-odd, journal WANfwi Position by experienced in an arivmg ana caring ror auto; Can give reference, F-584, Journal. YQUNG-'man from east wants position . In garage; t months' experience. r F 586. Journal. ' - WANTED to clean walka and porches and bulla furnace fires mornings in rivate houses. Address P. O. box 810. private houses. Address P. O. box 810. JOB Wanted, young married man, good teamster and .warehouse man, W bit, Journal, RELIABLE hotel man desires' Dositlon in country as solicitor; referenoes fur nlshed, C-71), Journal. MARRIED man, 86, deaires employment In city: mechanio. W. C, SOS Union av. nortn. WANTED Paperbanglng, - painting or Kaisomining. journal ClERMANl sausage maker wants a posi tion. J." Meier, , 1084 B. 18th St SECOND baker or gool helper: go any- wnerei - rt-ixi, journal. rTjOabLE wutohmun'desires' posltion; reterenues rurnisneo. x-04, journal. MAN, iO, ninttle, Mii w. ia . tlilnir; willing and ablo; . i i references; hurry ii, answer. Ion be sorry, because 111 make tuU. i Journal. WA NTKD Woi k by ' nun vmii , can handle horses; no bnr; i and reliable; must have work to family. Phone Mar, 4746 aft.-r LAND CLEAHING. ' I clear land at reaanable rri Large or v small tracts, Addreaa JSl St. COU1I1H. RELlAiiLlQ driver and repmr limn n,i extra, driving and repairing, or eti- ! jup ii) nnt or truca war . uaiu sijj. Competent, stout activ.'aubr t-u.-r- ly man wants permanent place l v doore, or as ranch manager at moderate wages; reference, Y-700, JotirnHl. NTuIlfWAfCIi.lAN A ' 'sooeiTretllTr "', r middle-aged married man. will v . i year business carefully, 866 Cievciuud avenue.' SITUATION wanted aa hOKSo'O&id I' Addreoa Rev. 648 Mill t Swedish young lady. John Ovall's residence. Phone Marshall 114. SPECIALTY" . road expert' salesman, several years ixnerlence. wishes position with wholesale firm or Jobber., .I-84, Jour- nal.:-i f ' . EXPERIENCED Stenographer, general oficeman, eleven years' experience. Win accept good clerical poeitlon, Gt6J, PIANO player desires position. t- rienoed at picture . playing. ' i Main l8. . '.- - I YOUNG man from Mexico would like to run farm on shares or for wages, t-77, journal. EXPERIENCED, residence watohman and caretaker wants employment x-oruHnq rererencea. rnone auuo. PAPERING and tinting, 83-80 up: paliit ' Ing reasonabla Joe Marshall, East 8101 SITUATION FTOIALB A LADY In pleasant country home would ; like baby or two small children to care for. A good home and mother's oare. Reasonable charges. EX-636, Jour nal. 1 A - REFINED, middle-aged lady, fine housekeeper and cook, would like po sition in widower's family. A good, pleasant home more then big wages,. O- eo, journal, WANTED Poeitlon aa ohambermalir, ' care for invalid daytimes, or light housework by hour.- 242 Montgomery, room a. Alain tiiu. WANTED Poeitlon by Japanese girl ti work for room and board In. family Where she can learn to abeak English. n. Aiatsumura, ;bb coucn. SITUATION wanted by. Rraotlcai nurse. taking care of an elderly couplo and. their home; 840 per month. A-720, Jour nal. WANTED An elderly woman as house - keeper and companion for old lady. Good home and some wages. - Mrs. Ver- nie MCLane, Lents, or, WANTED A position as manager of an apartment house, have had experience In hotels, rooming houses. Am in need Of a position -and alone, ynonc a-7h. LADY needs work; will wash .and Iron at noma at ouo aosen. Aoaress gnott st. -'y. ' '' ',' :. : GERMAN girl wants to do bouse clean - ing and washing by day. Mrs. Acker- tea . J . i Alii . MIDDLE aged lady, good suburban or S children. 688 Bid well ave., Sellwood. ELDERLY " lady wants light work of any kind. Will take oare of children frenlngs, IQo an bour. Call 291 Second. OUNG lady' would like cashier or ofl floe work. Have had soms bank ex- erlenco. N-768, Journal. T klni of work wanted by alrl 16. answer bells or take cash; go home ments. can woooiawn iiz. MAN and wife, Japanese, to do house - wora ana some eoomns-. in nice pri vate family. B. Mataum-ura. 868 Cou-ri. WANTED Nice family washing' to do at aome; lace curtains laundered from eoo up. woodiawn izfta. CAREFUL woman would work by the hour afternoonas do chamber work or take tine laundry noma R-408. Journal. GIRL wishes position as chambermaid In small hotel; stay borne nights. rnone wrtruoe Lfltxie, war, enee. COMPETENT stenographer desires po- Bltion; reierences. marsnau ivoa. , WANTED Housekeeoin la widower's family, call Taoor Jissi WOMAN wants to care for infants aft ernoona Phone East 6866, -WANTED Position as bookkeeper pari or flay. Taoor i. EXPERIENCED chambermaid. Wants work. East S406, room 118. WANTED Position as ohambermaldT expenenoea. rt-eei, journal. GOOD band laundry. Want day work; and bundle washing. Tabor 8768. WANTED Work by the day or hour. Mrs. Bohmiat mono Main 4 Off 9. COMPETENT woman wants day work washing, ironing, Call A-8727, LACE curtains, draperies, linens laun ' Ml PCS W J tJAypi V. V.S1C 6VI.4 . ,.M.iM!r m X lEAT. reliable womn, vanti tey worstT BV... V.hS 'flsiti . i . , derea py expert caueq ror. Tenor 117. ZUUIltJ JtLPslV AAA. WORK by the day, any kind. MraTTT ser,- jirtHin siqo LACE curtains hand laundered,. 10O a pair, main sb, - C6M"ptElJt Bteno graphs deaires piece work. Main SITUATIONS WANTED MALI!! '-.. - AND FE9L1LB ' r- S3 YOUNQI J married couple seeksTtuation - togetner or separate. Man janitor, Ho tel sorter. Wife rood waitress, chamber- maid. Phone Main 9207. DRESSMAKING 40 ACADEMY Of Parisian Scientific Dress . maklnsr. , j Tailored . ntf nrui. Teachers wanted. 804 Oorxlnooah Ml. PLAIN and children's sewing dona rea aonaoia .none woociawn nzi. of the Dog I WANT To liYfcfe3UtCs C6Ua?t; Ha its, Vou a&aa) Yd swy Va;cvs ,HAn.& Qt? tft ,K?KPMA ' t 'r ., JL'.X ICAATZ A StWTO HM ATi f-. AflstT AU ICS. r ivnrj. i - J - - l-A- . L . r- r s mm miw fur mw swa iMiNurts i eT' ss , , Jt J 1 ' a w ' . sr