The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 16, 1913, Page 19, Image 19

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    :;uUAi,,:.;rc:..L.".::D. Thursday eve:;i::g,;;october is, lcn. 4 5. ;
P -will y '
--orr, daily
Tric Are IMag Sharply reduced
, by Itecii- but, They Are Un
able to Clean lTp Even Then
, j Many .Heavy Calvea Come. j.
TOday's Prodno Trad. " 1
vT , ar lower. f
... . teiigar market wak,"v
. , Butter remain weak. '
Cheese aituatioa firm. i
Veal remain Inactive
Chicken market good.
wt -otato ampments stopped.
. There saver aueh depression In
the local market for country calf of
ferings as at thla time. There are quite
liberal receipts, a lack of demand , and
ho atable price In effect s
. Seemingly the public has lost Its: ap
petite for veal becauae few retail butch,
era care to purchase at all Borne short
time ago veaia were selling as high as
21 a. pound for extra fancy offerings,
, hut by . sharp , movements the price
dropped to 14o and then to Ho a pound.
. Today It stands between IS 13o tor the
ouia- ot ma oiierutgs.'
h A Very larre oer cnt nt the vmlI nf,
ferlnga at this Uui are of big sise and ruugn in appearance, NOiwim
standing this there are auite liberal or
: tarings of good quality. The big bunch
v f rough stuff coming forward has hurt
the call for the batter class and sales
are being made alowly today at the
eaireun raw mirx. . i v
If receivers., were able to sell the
oulK "of' their product orxleen up at
the prioe named .the situation would
' .,: not be nearly so bad. 6oms of the lead.
: lng handlers have been carrying over
siocK irom me iirsi or ins ween, unis
alona shows the unhealthy eondltloa of
; jo aemana aiong tne street. . , .
. : A very firm tons Is ruling In the
, i local egg trade. Receipts continue very
. limited so far as home stock Is oon
, earned , and ; the price is being safely
, maintained 'at; 42o' a doaen for- best
.candied error in ga, t
. -'-V'.y r"" ' '
Market' for chicken is holding steady
along front, street. - Receipts are only
- fair. - Best - call continues for heavy
hens" and these are Invarably bringing
rxtreme pricea ; Spring are moving al
the price quoted generally. m .
- Mr " : ," V '
Ths sason -for local Concord grapes
,!a about half .over. Reports, of, grow
ers indicate that the crop was smaller
than,-first expected. -Ths price la hold
ing at UJ2V4c a basket. Southern Ore.
aon Tokays are arriving in first-class
condition with demand good for best at
. .Ua.csyratawy.-f-y.;..t. y.;-,,!;!.;
t : .. -i-f j'-'j. "J'jA aswsssajBtsssi -' "J;- ' - "V, ' ,
v Reports Indicate quite a good run of
x atlvni-alda ealmoB lh the Columbia, and
1 Iocal receipts are liberal with the price
generally aaa a pounu. j. n iew
headsbeing cauhtf-re being quickly
blcked VP by fraesers at So.a pound n
A real Blamond rattlesnake was found
in the banana room of Mark" Levy A
vo. xne repwie was aoour two and one
half feet in length -and was coiled
around a ras pip to get warmth. It
chased Jack Koskey, on . of the em
pioyes, out or tns room. Tne snaise
-as finally captured and Is today view,
.tng the street from the inside of a fruit
'I 'inn i'ii Vr- ':?'
1 Wholesalara report a lack of" demand
' for peashea. -Holdings along the street
are quits neavy, out mere is utue oali.
The prica is being reduced gradually to
,arrct-a movement, oaies 01 Best gen
. trally's-t 0c;a box.ykM;j
forecast: rori. SHTPPKBSl C
- Weather bureatf sends ','the' following
. ProtSct ahlnmenta ai fa- north as fl.
attle airalnst minimum temperatures of
about 40 degrees: nortneast to Bpokans
SO degrees: southeast to Boise. II da.
.rrees; south to Siskiyou, IS degreea.
Minimum temperature at Portland to
jilght, aoouv . aegrees. - - !tt
-r neM prices are these at wbM wsalesaleM
' Mil to reiiuen, except as etBarwae stated: -
BOTTEE jTomftaal. Creamery enbes, aid
w. . enion.. w . 1. nA .
, BOOS Nominal, Candled local extras, oA
fti2e; select pnlleta 8&e ardlnary eaadled, 13c)
'OlH cnoi, ooiQfmc; mm ouiag price.. ee C. .
b. Portland! stores, aaaafie.1 ... . ,
' LIVB P0DI.IBX-; Hens J8?4et sprinir.
iw, "M"!!". X". moi mil qacx, iQ
ific; ladlan Banners, tOe; turkeye, tlet drHd.
- CH EES 8 Nominal. -' ftetb Oregon fancy fall
mem iwm mo tnpieia, iioi aaiaies. iTHe:
: .-.Voung America. i 18He. . , v.
r, BUTTEB rAT Prodncert' price for fortlaad
w i ' :,. Bonat.' Veel and Hide. ,
. noPBBnylog nrlcer caolca, S5o$ nrlma, Uei
medium, to prime, S8ej medium SC$U2c.- '
' wool Nomln.l, lia cup. 1 Willnmett vab
kT eoare Cotewold, 16e lb. medium, ehran.
hire, ITo: jcboloe rancy Iota. 18e lb.i- eaatera
, Oregon. 10Q 18a. aceordicg to ahrlnkate.
vTctllirtlM OA CABCAK BkBUtrSiU,Tmmt)
- irari 1 to . inin . v.l..irnA
.. wniai ioviuiiibi (VV -- t : . .--4-
, SiDiDry hWefc - Siapo lb. 'gria,v lief
Silled bidet 1 bulJs, rVesa salt, S klpa!
liac; calves, dry. S432Sei calf skin, salted
r green. ITfllae) green , hides, le lewe ttaaa
aalted: abeea pelts, salted, shearings, lOflaOei
. - Mite, yiih aal rrarlsleaa. V
. DEESSEO UKATS BelUag price Ooontrt
" tilled. Hogs fascy. ISoj ordinary, .ji
, rough and heavy, cj fancy reale, l.igej or.
iJitia. AacoN. ETC. Bam
. brklai baeon, ITVxQaOUei bol
alcnlce, XSkci cotUae t ).
- LAUU,vif- Tierce 18S , eomponad, tlerees,
,0iiBaTtPPactng boaa-fltrs. Xa 1 stook,
He, cow. No, I etock. llAl&c: ewes, BHci
welbers, 0HL MUba, 11 he; park lotos, iocj
dntwed bom.. 130.
OiB'fKU bualwater bay, per gallon f-i-W
' per 100 ll.JfJ () W.mpla, per gaiioo,
DSOp'lOO lb. sack ( ); cannod,!
MW can to down: eastern, in shell. $l.Hii
t fi.W) per lOOj ror cUnii, 2.0O(tf 4.24 box. .
' FItJH NomlneU DrefMNtd fiooudera, let halK
bal '?4Bi'r rUed baa,- 17oi otalooos Mlmoo,
.; steelbend )- solee, 7e lb.) shrimp.
'lJ'c; perch, c lb. .lobeters, (o. blfum
bn, anci surer ereelt, fee) sbad, c black ova.
e: eturaeon, 12 We lh. :. ...
Caab-Urgel.iSt medium. It doses.
' .. ' Orooariea, ... . ..-': ;
. sunAIl cohe,- S3.60;. ixw(ird, $s.80j rrnlt
vr berrr.tW IOi pee. 0( dry grauulated.
5.10; U yellow,' .X (Abore quotaUuns are
bo dy aet 1 easn.J ' )
' HicL-Japen etjley.No. 1.- effl5?ej KW
Orleans, bend, 1 met Creole, ,, ; , .
, HONEt New, fn.15 par ease.-'- ' .,..'"'.'''.V''! '
i BBANS Bmall wblta, t S-Sut terge White,
thm siogi Umns, )ie pinks, 4rj ba
' SALT Cot ree,' half gronmla"J00s, $10 ft
ton) BOB 110.75 ; table SOe, lis; 1M.
17.SOt bale. f2.2!t extra fine hnrrl, it, aa
aud 10S, S.2R4i00i lump rock, $20.00 per ton.
. Fruits and Vegetable. ' ,
, gMCPIf raUl'18 Oran.., IVOO-ffdrW; h.
haii, V4' fee lb.i leniuus, 3iu.l; lliuee,- 1.6
Market rrartlcalrv at a Standstill
Since1 Publlratlon of Official Es
timate of English Crop" Which
Wan Larger Than Expected. '
There Is a -weaker feellna' In th hob
trade locally, and the teriee todav la flat
at Z6o a pound. .. Offers to buy even at
inia xigure are lacxing. urowers ,or or
dinary to poor atuffre coming to town
and are offering; freely,, but -dealers say
they have no orders on hand to buy at
the moment. ' - - .
It develops-that the English crop es-
tiiimio Mm lomswui rrMiar : man ina
"oi nau HJiucipaiea. a nue tns or
ficlal estimate of the I'Jngllsh govern
ment Is front 60.000 to 7S.U00 'hundred
weight, less than the actual amount
grown. This, therefore, has pat a dam
per on the trade from that section, al
thought the trade here believes that the
estimate this season la closer to the
actual crop man usual,-.
somewhat less than generally expected.
i ' ' - w. w " .M IIIW. i W). .J
a late man aavice rrom Haas, Bohemia,
says that the market there is firmer and
higher at 120 crowns. -r .
A-small amount of husineas In vrv
chean grades was renortad locallv lur.
lng' the last 24 hours, but business ln
general is stagnant - .
Market Has Dull Tone Wltb little
Barings Blnestem Wheat la V
. Holding Its' Own, i ?. ; ;
Calcutta, India Oct. le-rurthsr rata
baa fallen generally, except U parts of
oanszaa pronnosaj.
Basaos Ayr, Oct. 18. The fsvorabla
outlook for the saw wheat aron is aua.
far pressure la aTaanary, which reoantly
Loadon, Oot. 14. TVheet cargoee am passage
y. . .... - " . . '
Englieh eonntry markets easy.
ITrench Country markets ess. . , , i l
tirerpool Wheat closed d lower.
Paris Wheal eloaad aaehanged to Ka lower.
Buenos Ayres Wheat eloaad ancbanged, '--BerUn
Wheat chjsed e lower. , ' '
sBudapesW-Wheat closed le higher. . 'V.
AntwarpjpWheat tloaed H lower . ,, ,
,,vC. '';' y.vxi H ' -Car ii .in -i'v
'-'.;?"'V.;.t::',.,r WhMt.RerltT.DraiF n.te n..
Mondey ........... 125 , 24 . 1 , M . 18
Tuesday .......... 81 , 1J 'v B V- i u
Wednesday S !' 17 J I
Thursday ; . 10 : 81' IS : lo . )
Year ago ......... IB g f,- g g s
Seaaoa to date. t. .804 1016 Tl Til ; 762
Year ag...,v,4..ftaa T2J 080 62
Wak-naa l ihnvn - all ttiMiok
local grain trade.-1 Business la almnat
neglected, owing; Ja the failure of for-
oisu- iuiorBca--n oiov-ea cargoea Cluo
wheat is down , another cant a. hnahaL
but bluestem Is generally quoted steady
loriuor prices. : ,
No business - la renortsd for barlav.
and prices in that line are nominally
placed at the previous bids,
Oata market la ouiat and rather- aaft
arouna rormer prices." f. . .-.
A very small amount or business is
reDortad for . exnort flour hv nnntn
mine at . aooui iuo oeiow tne crloea
generally quo tad.
Today s - aeneral grain market nun
-t-WHhlAT Nominal producers' prioes.
track t basis: Club, tfo; milling blue
atom, eio; i.ur.ey rea, boj rortyiold,
iou, rea xiubbimb euiu nynnas. 100, Tai
ley. 78o bushel. . .,.
BAKLEY--Nominl producers prices,
track, basis: -'Feed. 114; hrawlna til a
M.SOt rolled, a6.B0per ton. - "! --,
OATS New, Xed,12$i milling, f I5.EI
per ton. ''- ... ...
PL.OOK-SeIIlng nrleel' Patent, 14.70:
Willamette Valley, 14.70: local straight,
HISSi JS' 'Wrt, ..6.70i, baiars.
HA VPrAdnAara rirH .
Ivalley timothy, fancy, 114 014.60; hast-
era unioauouo xancy umomy. fit. DO:
alfalfa. SIS: vetch and oata
clover. S9l0per ton, ,..;'-. 4 '
mibtuiti' bemng priest Bran,
21; middlings, ISO: shorts, lit per ton.
grain BAaa-rifo;. cSouttCiHO
IH- .'-'; j . .... ''.'.. '. .'.'.
, CLtOYER BEED Buylhg price! No. 1
rea. oounirr nainu. , auc: - pnnini.
1Am i V A 1 J - - i'.
Sua Francisco Grain Cedls.
Ban Ftanolsoov rOot 'lt.Wneat.,' per
cental,' club and red Russian, 11.4
M'HI nortnecn jHuestem, iloo
Auraey . rea, ,..f i.mi y,
fortyf o
1 r .
- Barley, , per -cental, good - to t choice
feed. Il.I7Ual.40: lower aradaa. Il lnm
iItW ' '"', " rwnsj.i o
.rowwee, par caniai,-aeiis wnnes, 750
KV;fi .."wa xnoy J1y1-1.0' .oaiinaa
!i.i a, wrexon' ouroanKB, .- ll.COid
.10:- sweets. SlT26fI.0. , . - " -
On Urns,, per cental, silver skins, M5
Butter- axtraa Slot prime flrafa'raA-
firsts 29c. ' ' ' '' ',.-" ." ' , ; '
Kggs, ' extras 4lo;-Sleet pullet , Itcj
storag extras loo. ,
Cheese, new California flat llotflTo;
lULiv. ivuna Aiueriua iBttCQjise:. aaac.
m lIHOiOO. r.iW -1 l ,- t
Seattle Produce.
He, April storage !0cQi2e. ; ., iir
J Butter, y Washington creamery 4 enbee
V3, : vny creamery . orioa 00' irai)
stern S Octo 3 le i Oregon." ROcAIIm. .
cneesa, ijiamooK isoi xoung Ameri
M 11.1 ftr..kl M M.AM. .te.lKM , T ;
""."" . " tripistg
Onions, California yellow lo lb-t Wall
Walla So:, local' 1.18 1.60 per sack,
Potatoes, home grown, I17aisr vki
uni gems siw; sweets, ax. per 100.
A.. 'a..
; ameappie onxt'o id.; cantaloupes, Zona
.76j peaebes, tancy, 00i3Boo erdinary,- t)t,q
Jtioj peaeaea, lanrr, ouwooo; ordlnerr,, 8(W1
i)ei watermelon,' H4t ro,. Onmrda, -Jxr.i
Jll'i per lb. Wket, sUiar Varietlaa." 7(JJ
V'lcatTABLkS Tundp. 1.00;"lmU, eli
Carrots ll parenlp, It.M sack; eabba, l.kjl
local .tomatoe. 80i360e pw box j atrlog L7Ji
amaa lu.: xreea ouiona. 12M
peppera.1 bell, BSJo) head lettuoa.
0ii01 ceiery. ou(uoo egg punt. Tei cuii.
(lower,. lJal0 doaan; rbaberh, local
artlchokce 1 doaaa: eprouu, vo lb. apliiech,
looel, a lb. peaa. 6iUi green com, lOuaiiiua
aer ooaea,' '-: ' - .
BKKU11C8 -r Blackberries Wi hrnl.h..
applbs natuig appiae, i.oso8.00 cook Ina
apnie. it.oo, . ... , i. r v . , rr"
.POf AT0E8 -J- SellDif prieei &tr choice.
Sl.aSl choice, I1.16J onllnerf, $L a.kj bar
Ins prlcoi carlosda. ;oi&iwic eonntry, points,
wests. 2o lb. . ? ,.
ONlONti JoMilo Brlce. f 1.781 earLuil -
lng price, I JM , f ... o. , a, shlpplag , atatloni
garlic, SttOo lb. , .... ., t-w t '.: i..'.,. .,. '
ramts sag "trus, r;-- -i:.'.
LIN'SKED' OIL Haw bbl. filla iw .l . ...
Tie DOUi'T, nnii.,. qio !.( rew came, c; boiled
- . ... . . r . w , a n
ca.n. BW a"
tL: lota of i30 gallons, le leui
hI, 44pef ton. - .. .. . ,
.KA1 Ton lota. Be per lb. 600 lh.
11 eike mHl.
lots Ho P"r lb. wee lot, Ifto bag lb.
Mil. m KAir carioaa lota. (.14. ' '
TURl't-NilNlD In ce. Illci rwf
T"c Iron berrale, 6uo ner galluni 10 seea lot!
ran. j . . ,...-....,...:. ..... ,,. , ,.,,'.
fotato sm w :
Gem Stat Growers Are Grabbing
rractlcally All Southern Trade
::: Owing to the Lower Prlco Quoted
- avnd Small Freight Kate.
Th market for potatoes la stagnant
so far as outsld business Is concerned.
Tha - southwestern markets bavs been
taken away from Western Oregon by
the very free offering of Supplies by
Eastern Orearon and Idaho at lower
prices. Shipments that were nt from
her to Ariaona snd 'Texaa this season
have almost lnvariablv been raiected In
order to buy in the stock later at "a
lower price. - ,
Idaho points are freely offering their
shipping stock at 6 So a cental, f. o. b.
shipping points. They have a freight
rate of (So to the aouthweet compared
witn, 7oo from western Oregon.. The
lowest erica that notats xroweri have
been selling here at has been 76o a cen
tal, tnererore tne landing value of the
home stock . is 30a a cental mora in
the southwest than what similar Qual
ity can oe oDtainea xrotn xaano.
The reason whv Idaho la effarins no.
tatoes so freely lust now at . tha low
prica is that the season there will soon
end for this year, t During the winter
months It is almost Impossible to ship
potatoes from Idaho "owing to the fear
that they would be t rosea. Not wishing
to carry the bulk of their stock over
Until the late spring utonths, Idaho
growers are willing to accept whatever
me mantel . is wuung to give at this
California oolnta are likewise buvina
la Idaho owing to the lower nrlcea thara
although San Francisco has not entered
toe field so far. an can be ascertained
at the moment. That market demands
a better potato than Idaho la shipping
gnnermuy, a nis biock is ODtainaoie ner
out most or tne noma growers are ask..
tng more money zor tne stocK uian ship-
rers are willing to pay. The result Is
hat the potato shipping trade is almost
Sharp Selling Preaaure After Open
lng Dae to the Foreign To
v lltlcal Situation.
New Tork,' Oct, II. While the open
ing -of" thai stock market, with few ex
ceptions, wag steady, the general trade
soon, lapsed into sore straits. The re
port that the Bank of England was
negotiating with the Bank of France
for the transfer of 71,000,000 f ranoa to
its vaults, caused general selling abroad
and bad a direct effect upon the trad
here. - ' - . . . . ,
The critical situation in Mexico was
also a very bearish factor, reaultina la
considerable .sailing; pressure. Leading
shares lost as follows: Amalgamated
1H, American smelter i, Atchison
Canadian Paclfio t. fit . Paul 1
Erie .o, Great Northern 1, N.
Central XH, . Northern
1U. .
Pacific Hi.
Reading ; SVi,
Southern : Panlfls' lk.
Union Paclfio IH-suid U. S. Steel com
mon l ponta - -
! Ranaa nf 'Nn TorV nrlnaa iimlaha1
by Overbook A CookArCo 111-217 Board
or i raoe puiioing.
UpeniHIa (Low I Bid
Amalrameted Conner Ce.
American v. ax ray., e.
aawncaa in. e. ....
American uottoa Oil, e.
Amerioaa Loeo., ....,
Aoenou sugar, ....
Americaa flmelt. e. ...
Amerlraa Bmelt, pf,.
Am. Tel. .Tel.....
Anaconda kilning Co. .
aicuiaoa,. a. r.
auniaoD, pr. .........
Baltimore k Ohio, ...
Bethlehem Steel, .......
Brooklyn Bapld Transit
ON OUKU ............
uaaaaiaa racine, ....
central Leather. ...
Central Leather, pf ,
ChlnA CooDtrf .........
0bMptmk A -Ohio... a
vyutviauv sr. m r
tor rroaucta, pr-.m.,.
Cora Product, Pf.
wnrer a a. u.,
Denver A B. Q of....
una, - a, ,...,..,,..
Krle, 2d pf. ...........
ji pi. . .........
Oeaeral Ctectrle .......
u.. riortaero, cre-le
.i . . .
Ire Racurltle .,
Illinois Central .......
Int. MetroDolltaa. a....
joi. Men-opomaa, pr. .
mux auer ........
K. C. Southern. ..... ..
fiOQlsvtli A , Nashrill.
m., k. a x- ....
m.. k. a t.. rt........
MlMoari Peeifio.i,,.,..
. i , .... t
ii.iiuii Mail .,,,.
Nevada Consolidated..,..
New Hutu .... ..,...
New York Central,.,.,
n. x., v. ae w.....
Norfolk A Western, c.
North Amerloan .......
Northern Perlflc, .;,
Pacific Mali it. d v..
! a 1 ) ,
Peanaylranla Bklliriy,
w w. vw..,,,..
rraaea oieei vir, c,.,
rreaaed Steel Car. nf...
Bay Cona Copper..,..,.
neaaing, e... .
neaaing, xa pr.,,..
Reading, let pf......
Repablls I, M,,
RcDnblle I. a nf..
WW'S, sbibuui at.aeesee.s
nt. u s. k., id t;...
Bt., IV. A B. F.. let pf,.
pwiinmi r.ciiio, or, ,,,
wv.un u Miiwii.- u . . .
Boot hern Hallway, pf. .
Texaa A Peclflo
et. i a w.,.e..,f,.
T,- at.' ax A W'., f....
Union .Pacific o.. ......
iralon Paplflo, pf.,,,,,.
y. Itnnuar, i'....
D 8. Itubher,, p...
U. S. Bteel OoL f......
108 tt
Utah Ooppff ....,...',',
Vlralnla. Ohamleal
Wabaab. pf. ...........
W.-U. Telraph.'..,'.-,i.
Wetlnirboti Electric..
Wla. "Central, o.i.i...;.
M 0
. Total salea , 88fl,ioO share,
':'.' " v;t" 1 ; lv-
tteartn0i"r This wek.'i'"f'V'?'Tr' io
Thnnutar ' ,,i.a.o6,og4.M!,lM2.l5
WdnIar ......... M - a cai -a tX
Tuday .30.W.M '.- I,04!tt6ti00
Clearing ,i, .IJ.SB.dlf.OO
Batoaee 840.W1.OO
Taioftma Haj,ka. -'t ''"' ''"Vi '
CIarf nrt ;,',,,,'. . .... M ...... i . 4."t,. i SS,M.fH
. Kew York; Cotton Market. ' '.
v " Onen. .. Illarh.. T.ow. rin.
January ,,.,liM 1J17 lm ; llliSii7
March ......1300
miv ....... noo
13M 1299 18Z0(ffi2J
1820 :129T ytm&20
1803 130002
13R4 1135, lSROAt 5S
I30 1310' 1338'J40
ulv ...... ..11S1
October 1S20
Uecetnber ..1312
3larket"Here Ig 20c Above Anything
ObtaJnablo Bast of Bocklesi AU
: Eastern Marketa Showing Loss;
. Good Call for Mntton. r
., e e e w
. irooay-s i,ivstoX sums;?
North Portland Hog firm,
tops lt.78; eatU steady, sheep
Chicago Boss 10a IMrar. tnna
a v o.oe; catue ana sneep steady,
Kansas City Hogs too lwr, e
tops $1.40; -cattle and sheep '
steady., . , -'4
; South Omaha Hogs 10O lewer,
tops 8.I; catUs lOo lower, sheep
w avs nigner. , . r , e
' . -, Hogs, Oattla. Cairo. Cheep
Tharsday ......... Bid , ... 174 ....
Wednesday ....... 8S ,1 2 i 1144
Tiieed; 81 gxg 1S
Monday 124 h ' BI V 139 t4M
Batnrday 4S7 S I ' log
rrldey , 8S';::,.v.',:;v;,,-i;;,;. 140
Week .age .(,,.,..,.,. S37 if;r M -."e: T
Te a.......,.. 4 ''- BM'ji ';-... :;'
Owe year ago,..., 86a ,'::,v. Ill , ;. r- It o&O
North Portland Is bound te keep up
It record as the highest market for
nogs in the country. There were gale
this morning at f $.75 again, thla being
the previous top. The strength here is
pronounced this morning even In the
face Of severe weaknesa at nointa aaat
of the Rocklaa. There were only small
arnvaus . mis morning, out tne stock
train la due at 1 o'clock and thla will
probably be In time for thla afternoon's
market. Three cars of hogs war r-
poriea on in train. "
At Chloaao there was a vaiktt tent
In the hog market for the day, prioes be
ing down 20o from yesterday. - .
Kansas City hog market ruled weaker
with a similar loss. ,
South Omaha hogs were weaker with
a loss of lOo this morning.
xoaay-s genera nog mart rang:
op killers ....... ,.,.,.... . 1.75
ood and light .............. i.lS8 88
Heavy ,.,,.-44..if,,,..,. 8.60
Rough and heavy 7.BO08.OO
cam icarkst Is steady.
Market for cattla waa ataadv at Nnrtfc
Portland at the ooenlna of businesa to
day. There was only a small run, but
I loads wars due on this . afternoon's
stock train." H . rn Av .
very gooa steer goio in the yards
this morning at 17.75, thla being consid
ered the ton excett oerhana . for a f aw
head of extra select stuff here and there
-At Chicago there waa a ateady tone
for the day in the. cattle trade, prioes
beinv unchanged. , -..-,. . ,. , ,.i
Kansas City cattle market , Baled
steady to weak at former prices. -,
South Omalaa. oattla nrloaa ware nff a
dime today. .
1 oaay a general catti market range!
Best steers .....,,.,,..,...7.SO8.00
Ordlnsry steers ........... 7.76
Poor steers T.IB 07.60
Best, heifers V............V. . AV 7.00
Best cows - - .. 1.70
Medium cowa .............. 6.SS
Poor cows -, ....... w. ; 8.80
Ordinary bulls r ..i..',,r,. 4.MOI.00
Fancy stags . . .....p...... 8.66
Fancy ouus ......... ,,., . - .o
Prime llsht Oalvea ....... I0O8.0A
LPrime heavy. 1.60 7.60
, oood Semasa for beep.
'r There was a very good demand for
sneep on tne xsortn rortiana maraet out
none were offering. Two loads were
due on this afternoon's train, but as
they are coming to a local aiiier. it is
not likely that tney win oe oriered.
General. conditions In the-local .mutton
market are good and former veluea are
easily maintained. - . i
At Chicago there was a steady ton
in tne sneep iraae xor tns nay. -Kansas
City ,- ahsep market . ruled
Steady to strong. ..
South Omaha sheep market was bat
ter with an advance or a dime, - - :
Todav' reneral mutton market ransre:
Best spring lamDS......,.,,, '
Ordinary lambs.; , . ..t j.j.w.. 8-gO
Yearlings . ................. 4.S6
Old wethers ................ 4.16
Fancy . ewes . . , ; .. . , . . , 1. 8 0
Ordinary ewes . ...... .ii .. . 2.75
Jua TJvaartank- IMmiaM.', ....
loads; J. D. Densmore, West Solo. 1 load
direct to union aieai. oompany. . .
r.attleH. -B. Brown., Qranravilla
Tl.k. .a fnarla. .. .-'.'
Mixeo niuir w. n. isnsroi, iJewi.
ton, laano, i ioao cattle ana nogs. .
" Total run of livestock to data this
year at worth Portland compares with
the previous year as follow!
v - ' . IBIS 1912-:'- Less. ' Oata.
Rag ....... ..184,229 -8,40 ,.f ,M,T80
Cattle 04,904. v8.00S . .... : l,tn
ukme e.wi ... a.ioo
Bbeep .....;..tM,41l(lM,00 .... . gT,810
. weaaeattay aratraeea saiaa,.
' ' - - BTEXBB .
Basnoe. . .... ..... Na , Ave, lb. ..Met.
Ore (on ................ 20 1123 , .7.80
Oragoa ,..."... '- . ' ' 1111 y f.oo
V f '-1-- asjaaay awraing sale.
. bogs -
SmHmi:. ' ' No.': Ave, lbs. h tMea.
Oreron ................ 4: tJ2 v 8.TB
Ideba .,,.ut. ...... !(. . i 94 8.78
Oregon ......... .... .US 12S 8.23
Sale Made at Rise of Dlmej Hogs
' s ud . CatUe j lOo lumber.'
oarb Omaha. Oct. 18. Cattle 8300. Market
slow, -weak to 10 lower. Steer 18. 7839.26;
cowa and beUars, 6.iS07.6O
Hon 688 Market alow, week t 10 lower
at si.ioen.xo. . -,-... -
Bheep 3T.00O. Market steady to 10 higher,
fearllng M80O6.0 Wethera, I4J8O4.00;
Umbo 6.60a90i ewes, 84.00C4.30. .
Market Hit Top at $8.65 Today;
Value Off 200 In the Ysjras. ,
flhlcac. Oct. 18-Hort 23.000. Market 20c
lower. Mixed and butchers, gT.SSas.B&i good
and hearr, 38.20(38.80; rough aad hear,. 18X10
ir, 88.20(8
light, 88.1
1 Weak.
(j8.20i light, 88.0O8.86.
K.n 1 ,ir Tivsai
Bheep teed.
Market Doim 20o Again In T'ng
Sheep Sfttiatlon Steady,
' v-isi, 11 u..a annn u.Ad a.
lever, Top 88.40.
"---- J -w vmr www. mihi w
cettie m)o.
Market tedr to weak.
.Sharp aouo.
Market stead. , v
-S Money and Exchange.
londoni Oct. IB -Consols 73) ll-18di illrer.
SSlied; bsnk rat t.
New Tork. Oct. !6.fltrllng exrhana. Ions
.82m aterllng exchanfa, short, 4A0Va silver
bullion, 81ic. ; , - ,
Ian rrtnMtoa. Oct. 18. Bterllns exetranra.
80 days, 4.80-4 : slabt, 4.88) doe., 4M. Tru.
ten, telegraphic, Sft premium; sight, par. .-
-' May Condemn rroperty. t - '
John Klostrman, T owner of property
at Tenth and Oak streets, which would
be cut through - if Oak StfSet is ex
tended to Burnside. will be offered 134
000 for bis property and If this Is re
fused the city will start condemnation
proceedings. The members of tha city
couneil decided on tht action yester
day. -1 - "
Cashmere Shipment of Delicious Has
Experience With' Numeral That Is
1 Not at All Bad; Sold audi Shipped
on Thirteenth of Month. l
Further -evidence of the dispersal' of
tne rormer feeling that the number 13
was unlucky was shown today when the
northwestern Fruit Exchange of this
city reported that It had sold a carload
of Cashmere "Delicious apples st : 62.40
ror tne btst trade end Il.SO Tor the
second grada Both prices were , e. b.
Cashmere.-'.. - i '-. , -t. 4.
The ,oar in which the' apples were
hipped was 61213, shipment was made
on October 18. 1913. The time the ear
started was 8:13 a, ra.; the total numer
als in the car number Is 13 there were
likewise IS divisions of the railroad
which owned th car on whicli the apple
were ahipped. Even the nam of the
rirm buying the fruit had IS letter and
the railroad transporting th shipment
had 13 letter in its name. The total
amount of the Invoice waa $1371. Thir
teen men were given a chance to sell the
car and nil 13 cam back with offer
tO bUy. ,-; ;'- 3 - :v f!,.,.!.,
-It '-fa. generally riopd, however, that
ioe eppies wm arnve at tneir eastern
oesunation in less man 11 aaya, .v
Toredrn Annie Trada rirm.
The wonderful strength of the for
eign apple situation, which had; been
urevlously mentioned lay these reports,
has been fully confirmed bv returns be
ing received for initial shipments of
Pacific Northwest fruit, according to a
cable, received today by the Northwest
Fruit Exchange from ita foreign repre
sentatives. . " ......,,,,-, r-n
The .first two ears of Jonathans and
King David have been received in t'.ie
Bremen. Germany, market and the price
received mere means a oox, r. o,
b. Paclfla northwest nhlnnlnr nointa '
The entire forelirn market is awaUtlnaf
further shipments of apples ' from the
Paclfio northwest and present -indica
tions point errongiy to excellent prices.
. vonaniona in me appte iraae ax Atlan
tic seaboard boints are not verv active
at the moment Values are being main
tained for- early shipments from the
coast, but the trend of th trad ha
Deen somewnat slower than . aaa gen
erally bean expected. . ' --..'-i ..
Henrf Shipments of ' rears to' Lon
'Hon Lowers Trice; First Ap .V
pies Are Selling.-
- The Tjondoa bftneh of th Northwesters Fruit
Bxeaange reports th fruit ltutl6n at follows 1
' Pears As anticlnated.' tha lnsreaaS nnantl.
ties hia week, eatlmatad te, be about 10,000
barrel In loadon alone, have, lowered price
all round, but there hae bees no (lump and
pears hare been sood trade and in aotte
of the large quantities the demand eontlnue
rood for . firm stock of A-l oualltr. a ran.
Iderable i ouantlty of California Comic hr
been onerea tss weeg aud Bold St front 12.28
to BS.63. Tbeaa wan mnatlv mm A la fruit
of good qnallt. Borne Winter Nflle aUuf N
rived this week and ware- trtnaablDDtd at
Boathauptoa te Booth America. - Rogue River
Boec hate bean aellina- at rrnn trts tn uu
per box. Snpnllea bite been light in Ueerpool,
aomnaraa Wltb London, bat crloea bara Wi
about the earn, Het arrtTals are In slxht
for - next week - again, Including coneldereble
uuantltle ef northwest and Ppifl cat n-.r.
ApplaaLarge arrivaia from Nora Scotia and
America and the being the tint of th sea.
son la London, have mat with a fair dam and.
Alas lncred quantities of California Mew.
towna. h'X'ere la, however, aa excellent d.
nana to gooa aaauty rrait aaowlng Color.
uw B'u vi vnemp AS
and there la a arood i
The demand continues good la UrerpooL ss.
peclslly tor anthing showing color 1 although
prlcaa are generally aomewhat lower. Olaagow
m wtw uerroia VI 1NOTX BOOtlt
and Americaa, bat notwithstanding the large
quantities prlcea. although considerably .lower,
ts baea aaUafaetory. The foliowlng price
; .rft'-?. -S bisdoa HmJkttP'
Rogue Rlrer ttenrre Boeo. 2.7SiaS.2B per bext
California Bartletts 81.08 halfbox, c5)nrtJe
32.2608.6S! Hndwn ' ftlTar Bartlettav . Il.ooa
1.10 half box r New tork atat Bartletta! id OA
67,00 barrels: Hudson River Clalrgeeu) 4.60id
1.00 barralar Krittera, 83 254.00) Hudsoh Rlv-
r, uonrrw wn, - eojwras.wi sarraiai Anion a,
4.0O5.OO EnxlUh Warner' King, i ItyZafi
per boabal; English Worcester PewmaIo, 81.00
441.40: Cailfornla New (one. 4 tier., linnntg ia
4 tier, 61.00; Nova Beotla Ribaton, onri4 25
S 84.60; two, S.764Xr Nova filaOreTtn.
alna, wee, 8S.2of 00; twos. I2.7B8.JB: New
Aiu(a) i.vuKjf't.ou; tvagnera, 10.2541
8.BO! New York state aBldertna. ti Snj Jv!
CUfornla ; Golden -Dropt, i.80gz5sj Italia
syaastsB f atwwmi w, -
., ' -J. tlvarpool starket. 1 V
New Tork. eta te Bartletta. M nfliAv st . 1..
loua 6.OO((4.00 barrel: Hudson Rlrer Deiffera
v,wjv.w vci. imuiun cvircr Ayeirrers.
4.0p4.70j Anion. 4.2o4.80; Hudaon Rlrer
lea DeTle, 4.60a4.7: King 5.00ZC8.OOi Hud
oa River Bald wine. I4.25i.iS.OOf Viril. il
enea, 84,004.75, twoflr 3.00HO bairelij
IAOOQ4.I0. . n . ., , .
".'. ouvaaow arantat. v
Mows Jketla Orerenetelna. ae.noAATK. 1 ai-
neiuiB, . ere.wiue.uvi ' nuaaon - mver auiowme,
e-ewiiao-vvi xa jarie,- ee.wKfiaovl
Rlret Oreennna, 8 J0Q4av ,
,i'.t'.'4-J t
Oregon Anjou ' Pears ; Sell In' New
AvTafc at BAOU witn liosc at
. f3.13 on the Auctions. ' -
New Tork. Oct 11. Thrmie-h anntlnn
yesterday ii cars decldunua fmita! a
cars uregon pears, i cars uregon prunes,
1 car Washington pears, i cars Washing-
ivn ijpiea, a vara tvaaiungion peacnes,
1 car Utah neaches: California niair.
feau S.E8, Morceau 2.60, Nells 1.43, Detl
.47 U- Kalis S.08. Oialreaau lialwa 1 Kl
Oregon Anjoua z.51, Boso 1.18, Howells
z.aa, vxnuoi i.ti, nail uomice 1.70,
Washington Jonathans . 1.88, Bananas
J.62,-.i:.i"jK ''. - , ,
Chicago Through auotion today 10
care Colorado aoDlea. oar waahina-trtn
Jonathans, extra, 1.61; fancy 1.80, choice
i.n; laaxio jonamana, a oars extra,
1.00; fancy 160, choice 1.80; Colorado
v . III .nm .1 aa .kAi,. , a n
care. Oregon Ciairgeeu for account l4o
neer Fruit Co., 1.6.
' San Francisco Barley 'Calls ' .
San rraacisco, Oct 18. Barley call:
t iv fine
rteeamber ........... ........ ...JUS . 188U
My , 146B , U7
. , ' '"'waaas
Journal Want Ad bring results. V
toofcs. Bonds, .Cotton, a rain. at. :;
S10-B17 Board of Trad Balldinr.
direct; private wires
Msmbers Chicago Board of Trad
Correspondent of Logan A Bryan. ,
Cbloago, New York. -
: ''( - MZTMBES8 ' " l
80 Oak Bt., Ground rioor, I awls Bldf.
Chicane fJt.ykct Ooriea with a Los
p tenia' tor the .May
. Option Today..-
ri';. '- i; 11 ' v, . .
. Chicago, Oct. 18. Bear forces attacked
the wheat price today, with the result
that December lost l0 and the May
ic a bushel, 'compared with yester
day's closing. - -
; .Opening figures In the wheat market
today were o off for the December
and;e for May, The former started
at 8354c, but soon dropped down to
of a. . ie. closing, was ,.. a- iracuon
above thla. May opened at 88o and to
oogganea to the low mark at
cloning "Ac above thla
88p, and
There was a weaker feeling abroad,
and this was th chief Influence against
the price here. Broomhall cabled from
Liverpool that th easier American ca
bles, and ths weakness - in 'Winnipeg
caused realizing at th opening. The
pressure of Manitoba offers, further
rain reported In India, favorable pros
pects in Argentina and belief In large
Russian shipments helped, th decline.
Ran re of (Thlcaso nrlces fnrnlaha' bv
Overbeck A Cook Co., :i-tl7 Board o'f
-A-raa ouuaing, - ,:.,.,;. . ,,-,f .,i
" ""' '-"iW'.V'w WHSAT . ';.:rl'';-':,-'i;";;:,'-.:.,
atata,i'!g!'-, Omo. Hlgkif.lew-. dkm
Deo. ,i,..,e.V'88H:iivM,:,.B2..B3-, A -May,.t..rv;tl8Si(i
80 88; .: , MU.
Itee. 5 ...-i.- r ' ar ter -:t mil
May 80U ' 70 - "J sou ; m.
Ba.';,j.....i.: 88 ,.; , KH KrtVkk
Jan.'.;: 1-1.II9 .: v loar..; laaa & toM W
...... ,.,jw Jimi
.........1009 1875
"''j-. i na 'i,,:--'
.... .... .'...'.- 1081
.......'. 1025 10SS ! ; 1025 ; 1082
.........1047 ' 1053 1046 ..1047
--.,",V.;--' ':Ubb :jt.
1061 1065 JOBS v - 1055
.,.,..,,.1025 ,! 10S3 x; 1025 1030
,..-.....-..1045 1 1050 1041 V 1049 ,
Prune Output Mixed.
1 Center, Wash., Oct 16. Many of
prune growers nave oegun shlpplnK
their prunes to Portland and Vancouver
from this point
- Th prune crop has in moat Orcharda
been a, fairly good yield, while in some
orchards in th earn neighborhood there
waa not a quarter of a crop," due to
the l;w manner In which th prune
ripened. -. ..,.,..'. ,.,,:. r ,4.," ,.-,..
(Contlnutd From Ptf On.) - ' ;
the Identity of mr eorreanondanta and
I propose that I shall b their only eom
m unlcant in this connection."; ' ; ; , .
Th chamber did not discuss the aues-
tlon of how this 1100,009 bonus is to
be raised, but ths discussion showed
that the , trustees felt the prooosltlon
a safe on In which to cooperate..
Th proportion of building a fleet of
freighter in Portland for- the Paclfio
Atlantio trad Involves th establish
ment of this port as the only port of
disoharge. - Captain Chllcott said, fur
ther: ' ' .-vj . -X-iV; Si fr .-; M ..- v. ......
"X wUl build a fleet of hfpg that
can and will deliver freight between
the Atlantio and th Pacific at a leaser
rate than " can be done by any other
method, l ean make a rat of 1 1 and
IS per thousand on lumbar and not to
exceed II on flour and only by direct
and exoluslv service can It be dona
TO do it th ships must b filled,. .
. Cargoes Can Be onrd. - -
"1 can and will our cargo In Port
land and Kew Tork. respectively, : to
load snips itnr way. -, mo porta et
cair excepting for fuel, exclusive and
direct service and minimum . freight
; "Th capiUlists of Portland have de
clined to partiolpat In, the oparatlon
of a steamship company and, knowing
that I had a perfectly sound Invest
ment to oner, l approsenso capitaiiats
whom I knew would b personally ln
tereated,' for aid in th enterpris.. I
placed it before them In such a manner
that the lack of evidence that thr la
any trad between th two ports would
be 1 overcom by producing the trad
and showing them that where it was,
actually.' and.' not . problematically."
J, -ty v-'t. . i i in i ii v . ' ... ;
?? t CaUs' BiMsla an Ont5aBt. ' 1
Canclnnatl, Oct II. "Ths Belli ease
Is proof eonoluslv,'' said Babbl David
Fhllllpson her today, in an addrass on
"The Tragedy of th Jw,' "tbat Russia
should b' considered an outcast from
the family of civilised nations.".'.- -,
: The Security Savings andTrust Co.
Capital and Surplus . . .,; .... .$1,000,000
VviThis iiistitutidn has the strength and sta
bility that come from long and satisfao
-tory banking service. It offers its custom-
ers every; facility consistent with sound
and conservative banking.
Lotteri of Credit, Draft and Travelers Checks
luued, Available in All Parts of the World.
v' J Corner Third, and Washington Streets
Revolutionary Fund of 2,000,
000 Tads Said" to- Hav.
".Vanished With Doctor,
(Speciit to the Journal.)
Victoria, B. G, Oct II. That r r. Sun
Tat Sen has been arrested near Kobe,
Japan,' charged with the theft of ap
proximately 3,000,000 teals, la th word
just brought to .this port by the
Canadian ; Paclfio liner Empress of
India, . in" from the orient. China ha a
an extradition treaty with Japan and it
Is stated that proceedings ara now under
way looking to the return of Hun Tat
Sen to China for trial.
The S.000.000 taela are stated to bs
part of the large sum that Dr. Sun
collected for the revolution and failed to
turn over the funds.
: The Empress of India received tha
news by wireles from the Empras of
Russia, .which was bound from her to
th orient, and the Rossis, being a larg
er and newer boat, had more powerful
wireless equipment and was able to pick
up th message front Japan when th
India failed..:- &-;t'--J- t'--,
Th message confirmed the dispatch
appearing a ahort tiro ago, in that It
tated 8un Tat Sen had arrived In Kobe.
It was stated that after leaving Hong
kong , ecrtly. Sun Tat Sen wnt te
Formosa, where he hid for a tim, later
traveling incognito on tha Awa Mam
to Kobe, H 1 stated to bavs been liv
ing secretly st a small placs Bear Kobe,
where the arrest took place on the in
stigation of th .Chinee government
News of the bulletin excited Interest
among th Chinee here, who declared
that shortly after Sun Tat Sen had col
lected large amounts from th Chine
on this coast suspicion arose, it being
feared that he had not sent the money
to its proper destination. -
Hillsbora, Or., Oct It. Ths Washing
ton County Indian War Veteran asso
ciation held its annual, meeting in Hills
boro Tuesday at the horn of . Jabes
Wilkes. , This waa In honor of ths fifty-eighth
anniversary of th organiza
tion of Company V, Oregon Mounted
Volunteers, a company of pioneers band
ed together to fight th redskins In the
Yakima Indian wars. "-:v-ss;iy.: -rw.
Thar wer 104 men In th company
when It waa organised, and about one
third of this number died from wound
and exposure during the campaign. The
company was organised la Hlllsboro, th
late Colonel Cornelius being chosen cap
tain: Hiram WUbur, flrat lieutenant.
and W. H. H. Myer of Forest Grove sec
ond lieutenant ''.;?"' -?
Th men served from October until
th following April, and Were In several
battles with th Indiana, besides being
at many times at th point of starva
tion.'. Lieutenant Myers aaoriflced bis
fin riding horse during th war, tliat
his men might bav food, v
Of tha original company if 104 men
bnt four ar now living, the being
Jabes Wilkes of Hlllaboro, WilUam Kane
and.W, H. H. Myers of Forest Orov.
and ono man whoa , horn Is in Wash
ington, 'i :yy"'y -rt : ".-' ;
. . , ..r... i. i. . f.-'- "V;v-,r
'. Foliage and . shrubbery used for a
church aoclal at 2S0I Svnty-flrst
treat last evening brought trouble to
th prdmoters of the , social, as Mrs.
Dwyer of 1711 Division street reported
to ths polica the flowers snd greens
had been stolen from her yard. After
consideration the church people agreed
.a maw .K a A m m a . a wlilk HTva 1.
said amounted to 16. . . ,.v ?-', ; -.
: xiiixii euiiwi V'Ui a'tu't
. - -1 .'. ... . .. -