TJib OREGON i DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, OC. 18, II 10 r-M , EfieTAIfflT IS CON ARRANGED PORTOLA GIRLS tay in Portland Will Be Fea tured by Dance and Numer ous Receptions.i;::V.. Final arrangements- for the enter Ulnment of the Fortola girls in Port- .'land were - Derfected meeting ot the Several reception ' committee held ,'st the Commercial club this noon, ' The San Francisco belles are sched. uled to arrive at the Union station from Seattle at 1 p. mi Saturday,- They wtli be met by the Royal Bosarlans ,ln fall .uniform and officials of th Rose Fea 'rival association.' As a special escort, ,th Sllverton band has agreed to stay over In Portland day after the meet ;n. of the State Editorial association. ,to furnish the mosio at the station. -' In the 'evening they will' be guests t a banquet at the Oregon hotel at fwhich Representatives of the Royal BoJ nrians, Rose Festivals association, Chamber of Commerea,' Commercial club una other organisations will .be present ;llowinff the . banquet a dance will be riven in their honor. in the bail room of ; th hotel, , Moiita- Mayer ha charge f the arrangements: r .:;.?'; - ;!",i "' Sunday -the girls - will be the quests .of the Portland Automobile club. They will be irfven ride' through Portland ,and vicinity, and dinner later at the . .club house. , wv'j. Clemens,' president ;or the duo,' M in charge' -or the sr- . r ran cements. ; : .' :; ;; ' Monday morning' will be devoted to ..visits of the city's - department stores, in charge of a. committee, . of which J. Carrey,', secretary -of the, Rose Fes tival ; association, via chairman. - They ; will be entertained at-luncheon by 1L .C. Bowers, nwuiatres of the Multnomah 'hotel,; while from 1:39 to o'clock .".publio reception - will be held at the Meier A. Frank store. The girls will ; eav for .San Francisco on the Shasta . at" E:30 o'clock. i-iH-' .A'f--f'f:.: Portland is. th last -stop of the 12 , Fortola girls 1 on ttiair tour f of tha ; northwest, advertising the Portola Fes J tlvai at San Francisco." ' They havs been royally entertained everywhere. Tb ;;party consists of the 11 PortoU girls, a chaperone and a business, manager. , Robert Krohn is general -chairman of the committees here, , .';"; " - r '."" V;- :' ? 'frsm. HUERTA HASTENS r: ::, ,T0 EXPLAIN: WHY " : .:' ANSWER IS : SLOW (Continued From Page One.) i ..earlier were being compelled to admit that the American view was tha correct "one. Huerta's comparative mlMnona tortav attributed parUy to the emphasis ..with which President LWllson and Sec retary Bryan called him to time and Partly to the threat of an International f 1; et In Mexican waters.' :; At Wis same time there was considerable ebsplclon that he was practicing some deception and ti, development'": Vers. jiiiclously awaited,. It; was consldCrdt imat the nest move was Huerta's. - " ;,; '..'-1. Xlsotion Xs trncsrtaVi. Sv - - Unofficial advices were to the effect thai the provisional ; president: still - In, slated oa a national election October 16 but attention was called 'to' the fact that the Mexican, constitution prohibits MbaJ lotlng while the country Is in a state of disorder. : It also . virtually ' empowers the president to decide what constitutes disorderly, .v'?. It was Said by state department offl Jiftls that it would not bo surprising tf, after Dromisinsr an election ud to the very day for It, Huerta should at the last moment decide that disorders pre railed ana can ) on. r ,5 m-1 v. ' '. Votes Hot "Official 1 ' ' v Huert was correct. It was said. In pointing put that the Wilson and Bryan notes were not presented to him off! olally, . In fact, especial pains ' were taken to see that the presentation was unofficial slnos it was desired to avoid according . to him any such ' measure of 1 , recognition. - Charge - d' Affairs O'Bhaurhnessy . was ' Instructed to de liver "tha ' communications as "a pri vate clti)sen.,, and It was believed he sent them to tha provisional president through the ' foreign minister : without seeing Hnerta 'BnoBaIly. xv "-r:.: This- roundabout method was cited as Illustrative of tha car the administra tion baa taken to deprive the Mexican provisional executive of the slightest pretext- for- claiming;, that; Washington has recognised :Bim.;v.,.iv.-;,.,;v.: . , aamboa ox ; palero Aooeptable. It was stated emphatically on admin istration authority that the heads of the United .-States government did . not believe Huerta had eliminated himself as an influential factor at the coming election. it was inumatea. however. oamooa or Caiero should be aleoted. without Interference " by Huerta, either one of thera would b' acceptable to Washington. '" ?A ' : v, Predictions that Provisional President Huerta of Mexico would maintain his present dictatorship over the affairs of the country until he is assssslnated or forced to flee was voiced here today py Kepresenwtive Hardin of Texas, Zol lowing a visit to the Whits House. . "Huerta' is a desperate man." aid Hardin, , "He Is likely to take any measr ures to maintain his power and save his awn life." ;- . 1 v -.v?..- " ' Arrested for Barglarjr. '. ; ; Three young men were arrested vea. terdy afternoon by Detectives dolts and Boyle for i committing 11 hotel room burglaries. : -The , boys admit the charge,- further- stating- they-sold the stolen luggage In second-hand stores. Ths boys , are Harrr Thompson, II years old: Georrs Tank. 20 years old. and Charles Burgls, It years old. They roomoa at the Ohio hotel,": would go to another hotel, ass a skeleton key and taka what clothes and other minor article they could and sell' them, - 1 Dutch StantSard Abolished. Washington. Oct !.- A treasury or der has abolished the Dutch standard la examination or Imported sugar. FOND FOR ORCHESTRA 'JZ in :i i iihnTi nniini nr NOTES OFTHETHEATRICAtWORLD "With ths SXCentinn e a t1 rrl'(i il . mm - .-,- v j .. . .....ou , uwui i, years ago ror a stock company In Spokane. "The Mt Mini" i. h. first dramaUckeffort f XX D, Carter, .Will End Vigorous ugn, vooper, wno has ions baen Erlmrar1! The Round-Uo." will thla iMitn the role of. Sage Brush. Charlie In that 4 1 ' "Aner Five' la rhaaralni in Only 68S more is necessary to com-1 new comedy bv William ami Daaii n. plat tha $5000 fund necessary to main- Mlile, which ;WagenhaJs Kemper will w,,t -ortiana . symphony . orchestra v; " , this season, Subscriptions up to date aggrsgata : 1 48 16, i and S indications v are Tnai tne runa will be completed within the next week at the most ; Thr largest subscription received uunng , tna , last two days was 1160 Jjurine tne cammilrn. which ha nnt been in progress .only a day or so more man a wees; tne Ad club's committee, headed by Ouy W. Talbot, has secured 11500 in subsoriDtiona. . Among those .making donations aur-1 v-asmo on or aoour Christmas. v The Odeon in Paris, alwsva mar ioa puaoie to foreign works than other fariHlan Hll,U will annn (,. U,ut mann s :The : Weavera." because the piece nan Decome a "classic.' . . . e The Adolph Philllpp company has dis posed of ths English rights to "The Midnight oirl" to tha Shuberts and tha piece will be produced at ths New York ins; the last twp days are: t Sherman, Clay A Co, 125 j Mrs. Viotor, Jdhnson. Kockey, 160: Ben Selling. 2Sf. Than. core a. vvucox, 160; Roderick I Mac leay, 5f W. M. Ladd. 50; Mrs, Edward ooice, i;b; Julia E. Hoffman. ISB; n y -...i, ivuoy a. Alien, ,. , .- w Bpeaklng at . the Ad elub lunchaon yesterday, Harvey O'Bryan, one of. the campaign committee,.; called upon the club, members to arouss the nublia la rfo q mo neeos or tne orchestra. - One of ths recent new nrnriunttnna in New York was f Her Own Monsy,- by Mark I Swan, .with Julia Dean aJa Sydney Booth In ths leading roles of a young couple between whom era . fi nancial difficulties. j,-V;: J-'..' Mroe. Sarah i Bernhardt. V who 'orlsi. nated the part of the Princess Malls-' ssnda in Rostand's "Ia rrincessa XQlni UineT. is years ago. is to revive tha ex Outsits work in Parta miortly. but will appear tn ths masculine part of Geof froy Rudei. as a runner fin-up to popular Interest she hints at a later appearance as Armana w vnmiue. ' , Dorothy Bchoemaker. leading woman at '; the Baker, la the younirest leading woman to appear With tne Baker Stock company in rortiana. she Is 23 years old. - Her popularity as an actress is growing rapidly. . Her, great ability was provea in ma part she played In "Kindling,"; a roie she had never be fore undertaken. This week shs is ap pearing in - ns teep .rurpia" ; i ; ; t. i- Faversham, who will bs seen - In "Julius Cesser.- at the Heilig theatre tonight, has . been spared no expense in- proviaing every scenio property, and costume affect. : The play Is said to bs superior to any production of tha kind sssn In Portland in many a day. - ' !l - - ' ..... '.a a ' .' 'pi 'i, i , . : - f . ' .v'' V ' i ... 1- f;- Kenneth Stuart,' assistant stsgs direc tor at th Baker theatre, who Is. son of Ralph Stuart, wall known among theat rical circles In Portland, seems In a fair way to follow In tha footsteps of his father, creator of the role of Wall. Ingford In the Chicago production, where tna son has aiso appeared. - .r-ir'v , , , , r Portland .womenespecially - theatre goers, are to have tha privilege In, the ncr futni-, pj f, lg a real "heauty parlor" on the stm Georse U Baker, in lils ract'ct trip . ist to engage the iock company for tlm season, ohtainea the new play, "Lady From Oklahoma." In the second act of ths play is Intro duced tha scone from a Fifth avenue beauty parlor. Ths realistic features of ms scene arc aid to bs excellent ' Mclvin O. Winstock, general msnager or tin Feopie'g theatre, has signed contract with Daniel Frohman for the production at the People's theatre -exclusively of every photoplay produced by the Frohman organization, This means that the people of Portland will be enabled to see some of the great stars of the theatrical firmament at a comparatively small , cost : y 4 v . The opening attraction,, whloh will begin Sunday, October it, is Mrs. Flake, in f'Tess Of the p-Urbervllles." This attraction;. Ilka all others, will run one week. The next attraction will be Mary Ptckford in 'In the Bishop's Carriage." Among other stars -to appear later will bo ' Lily tangtry -tn "His Neighbor's Wife," Henry ' Dixlo - in -Cbelsea," and Cecelia Loftus, , ' " . yThIs 'Innovation vf4means' - an entire Changs in policy at the popular amuse- mapt'nottBa,t-v;.';v'.''.''s ' li , . .-. The" theatre will .undergo many im provements. ,New carpets havs been put down, new decorations made,- and the heating accommodations will be of the boat Ushorg will, appear In full dress SUltS. !..' , , , .' - , An advance in prices at tha People's is announced. Ths new prloes follow: Baloony, io cants; lower floor, 10 cents; little white i:z:: DHEAKS HECCr.DjL'.YJ. 291 EGGS I Ti CC3 DAY ' Oregon' ' A grlculturat College,'. tworvains, tr Oct 16. V,:n College station .hen Mo. C-513; 4 ' laid an egg today she'comiileted , (her first year of . laying with a 4 record of ,201 , eggu, , just nine more than the world record and 10 more than the United States record. She ' began her record performance on October 16, 1912, at the age., of five- and a half months. - Within ' the year she , broke two Tecords one, by-lay-, lng 09 eggs in 100 days. .And as If that were not glory enough foe' one , little white hen, Fhe cele-. brated her performance by laying ' so early - in the '.day that It seems certain she will keep up tha good work for some time. box seats, 10 cents. Box seaU may be reserved in advance. , Tha curtain will go up at a regularly appointed hour. -','' , Have You Seen ', Ths , -v-onderful ' dances Alllston and . Trucco the staircase. waits and Texas Tommy jdanoeT The sensation -of day.' .Arcadian Garden,- Hotel Multno mah., ' , -Ady,) . Journal Want Ada bring results, HJoiZsiEiHEnaHiHJozjQaQ 7 JILLS IN CONGRESS S Cj( HAWLEY INTRODUCES 'tEs3tE3tE3FJ fWaahtnrfna Rnraan nf Tk- .1 1 Washington. Oct. 16. Renreaentatlva iiawiey introduced bills la congress to day as follows: For purchase of sites and erection of federal buildings at Ash land, Oregon City. Grants Psss and Cor- MallUt, ...AS I . a a a a. a . I of aWSa "THE OWL'S" TVVENTTETH STORE OPENS IN OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA tha Sluslaw river; to establish a mining " t ' t - , - , , ,VMU 7 experiment station at Grants Pass; tot CI amend section 8291, revised statutes, re lating to taking a homestead: to amend ths act relating to homestead entries to tna suets reservation, giving purchas ers in good faith ths same rights aa on. trymen; requiring reports on entrvmen to bs submitted to them before making decisions affecting them; providing for. printing 25,000 copies of a book contain ing-, illustrations of fruits. Less than ona month nsro i snnonnrif li-rin'nrn' '"m,"A.v. . - jf - -r ..,. mh. . uiusMEuui way oown wujr in vwwii eiuica, ivr since tna opcninf ot tne nineteenth another "Owl" store IB At'The OwP O KcJaks&Kcdak Supplies Always on Hand, and Always New and Fresh : Quality Printing enrj Developing. naa Men opened in Uikland, gaurornia--the twentieth link In the chain of tha ."Greatest Drug Stores In alllha West" Ifs another step forwardThe Owl Drof Company's poUcy of advancement- peat er ootput and an increased purchastaf power, thereby iurtherinflr hs ocDortnnirieia to wive ;'.', m,a ., ' Old Stable Most Go. Although the owners of Frailer and! McLean's stable At Fifth and Taylor! streets, had appealed to tha city ooun-1 ell from the decision of Building In-1 pector Plummer. who had ordered the I barn torn down, tha city council sus tained Plummer and' the building will have to be removed, , , 1 t Newport Will Vote. . Kewport, Or, ' Oct' . 1 .--Oa November I Newport will again vote oa tha local option question. ; , , Journal Want . Ads bring results. " FREE ; . FREE sit, ft, , , . 1 , . . f AN OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL, THIS BEAUTIFUL $400 JESSE FRENCH PIANO Will Be Given Away . Free to the Person Sending us the Largest List of Complete Words Found in Webster's Dictionary Made From the Words ' "Reed-French Piano" OUR 1NEW STORE Our kiea is to draw attention of tha' public to-ear new tore, Tenth and SUrk streeU, and tha fine Una of Pianoa that wa earry.-;.." ;.":.-v .-).' '-Ck-i:-:-::- ; Many othef fine premiums will b glren for second best list third best list tad o on. f rT-Ky-.z Put on your thinking cap: and send In a tist Soma one will get these prizes why. not youK So ret buirl Make your list and send it In right stay. Free to every body. .We want everyone who would like a fine Plana or nmr nano to. enter xnis competition, u -. :; r . A little study and numberless words will come 'to! you. Send in your list right away It might be the one 10 win ine piano. ' ;-,.4v!.--;..,-v(''-v - a . , ..'f5-V: i.1j.;., 'i.-:-, i;-;''. s-,.v.t ;!. V' v .V All Answers Must Reach Our Store Before) 6 P. M., October 28, 1913. S5i htm WW Jm French Piano for tha largest . tZ the,econipI?8 b ereditcertiflcata of $150 and aTTi Wtb Pri dlt eertiflcata of $150 J? J? .wt Pria te be a credit certiflcate of 115a the fifth prize to ha a credit eertiricata of $135 1 for tha nest five best answers a credit certificate of $125 each wUl be' riven, to ?ft '"Pi? ffedl ;tHkatiof $120 wia be given; and then foUowing these In groups of twenty-five the next best lists will re ceiver credit certificates of $2i0 leas than the previous group, untU 25 have been awarded at $50. All other answers will receive credit cer tificate of not less than $25 each. -Thaae credit certificates are good for the amount stated toward tha purchase of any new Piano or Player Piano at the regular, price. Time of Certificate is limited and Is not good on any purchase made prior to' its date, f Only;on certificate can ue appuea an one ptano. 7 ... - , i -a.., ,.rr Sr:SINCE!875( r """T?7r7r"""""aaaal-L CONDITIONS llP2I:r.JS.IJ5L.l?ttp contained In ' th wards 'REBD-FRBNCH PIANO" oan be used. -No letter oan -bs used in any word more times tnan It appears In theee words. .The letters. can bs osed for different . words , as many times as desired. Make 'as many words ast possible that are taken from, Webster's , dictionary. Write f,hf Plainly and . number your list, nil out tlis coupon below and bring to uriatore,JI'enth and Stark BtSf, or mall to Contest Manager. Free to all except employes of this storo and Immediate rami lies. . Only one answerallowed from one person. Th Judging will; be left to three prominent men of Portland, whoes names will be announced, later... tn the event two or- more eontest. ant tie for either of the prises, di vision will be msjds oa sc.val baals. ,.9:"??? ?f Pianos-Our Prices-and Out Methods Touwii find at our "tore such well-known standard 2::,.0f tiL'Ll' "!nfrAs. Lindemsn?Hallet French R. fl. Howard Co.. As UaTls, French & Sons. Schubert. Hlarrk r!nn. t.... inn "uu" aw fiwio una jneiiaoarana aa-ivota pi.vm , ?.-".r?"9P.a"- Holmes ft Son,, and Pianos. : . Every one guaranteed. , ; We guarantee to apply atf credit certificates on any instrument seleoted , a4, the Tegular esUbUshsd' Eastern Factory Retail Prices, adding only ths actual shipping uiinim w rvruauu, ipn gives yOtt ths buying a Piano at the very closest price. ':,v ',-''" "y"' o'iv:. -rri. ":y oo Tiro Our object In doing this Is to give direct to ths bui mm ia io give aireci to tne buyet : wiou qb piano is mors xnan oriaet tne proportion of advertis lng and high rent that you are reaufr.d to Py.W. dealers who. only sell 'a few pianos by ths Old. , Ws want-svery household . In Oregon and Southern Waahlnaiton to know our house and the line of Pianos ; we oarry, which ars of the world's etandard makes. We are in our new atora. our atank nt - . . . . ,r. . inviiB you in can ann ihidhi in a iiiv mi .m. . Af sxpanaw roniw xw gives you ths oDoortunitr of I tha Pi.. afab.r'a al '.mi. -..Vi.."-Wr..r;- . T . T ' T ' T . - w . . ... .v. VIKIMMBa vS-iAiima full paruttiara,'vr,'.'f':. ;c, i-;-'4--..n1-r:"-:-.--r arm to'Ont.OexaaatalT-:i; I herewith Bubmit'my answer, subject to conditions ocompetition, and agree to abide by de Sign yourrKtme Herevi-.; Street. .s'.VA . i . City. ' State'."".' jVi:' ''f.'V, assbess Yoim Jurawiw. ooxrrxrr atura-ora EED I701?1T?iUr a TrirTlt AS BTAXK TB3T3 PMNO MFG." CO: rOKTI&ITD, OEIOOIf. Most of tha Best for the Least" . Ml .IT" ...a Pure ; Drugs QUALITY QUANTITY -VALUE QUALITY PosWvelv the best Q U ANTIT YWe Ubel each package showing ' -,., ,, the amount it contains. . . . VALUE The most of the best for tha least. . NOTE THESE AND COMPARE ; What25cSil .;25o iWhatlOcg1, 16 OS. rowsxassf Aa jq,xm... ........ ,.IUC 1 os. BTTCXV , .1 ftft 4 os. OAsoAma. inn babi:... .......... lUC a os. OASSOXXU IDa nowxjts ........ I UG OS. OAMPKOB- "Irtf. 4 os, sirausR - in Precipitated Chalk. I UC 5 OS. OOaTPOUKS 1A. Ufrerlas Powder. , , . I UO 16 os. OROtJJTD ' 1 ft A PLAXBEED . . ...... IUC 16 OS. WKOXJa : 1flA 16 OS. BPSOK . - 4 ft- vsxaxTS.. IUU 4 os. muiv in. X AKTB .-. . . . ...... I UC a . es. Rnu v 1 n a pa&?oo ura..,.....i.1iM iv a os. BEmrA . ia UAVxa . . ; . . . . . I UC 16 OS. BICAXBOV-IAa an or sooa.....IUC 4 oa. SOAP 1fA BABJC. .. .. ....-... I UC ie os. POWMotan Buxparm... ...... I uv 16 OS. - nk,.&1a.-. f COPPZXAS. o . ; . . I Ulf OAaOTWS; . . v; ; . , IOC - ie os. oirxoxixa ifjA v. op xjms IUC OS. CREAM OP XASTAB, i i os. . n:f Bccartr 3 OS. AXOMATIO OCa B pints Ammonia. , -vV 3 os. r.X.Oal. oCa CAHA B aOBASA ? A.9 C . a os. t lm err o sus oc a OSSSH BOAP . ..XOC 4 OS. TZVOTDBB nt Chloride of Iron.. .3 C 4 es TXBOTUM OK a xnum..- .(CQQ BPZaUTB BTITSa..OC 4 OS. ESSE It CB : ; oCa Jamaica dinger. . ; I.OG t a es. TuroxuxB . Ca " ABjrXOA..... .ZbC 4 OS. TZSrOTVXS OCa PAUOOBXO :. . a OS. OtPOStTEB OCa StOBS WATES..,,alO0 4 W, MSJNC1 nr. PBPPB BHIRT . . . V . CO 0 aMo?.;.,.25q 25c cogoahttt on. '. 25c 1rx0M?.w.,!25c' IS os. EN-OXJ8K OKa Preolpltated Chalk. i-OC loo ACBTAsrrus OCa' Compound Tablets ; CZt v . 25c mtO , BTTXtPXATB. 25c ozaixo acid. . 25C a OS. s . . : OBSXV 80AP &25c,: N1 . Regular $1 . Kodak Albums Special Friday ; i7Q A and Saturday 4., i a1 Mr CHURCHILL SOAP ema regnlas pels ISo oaks, on sal Priday and Saturday at Two for 15c rr CARBOUC SALVE- v:r'i: the fnn " asa slsa, ea sals Priday sad Bat arday . at only 10c ; BRONCHIAL TROCHES P b ISo else, oa sale Priday . aad Saturday at tas apsoUl 10c BENNETT ''- ASTHMA REMEDY " aha fall ' 80o sise on sal 1 Priday and Sat arday at .. 25c ' MADE .'f.. ...... LOONEN OF PARIS W FanAsIln f a. Tka j wvviauT , ws a saw Co.' Twenty Store. This One Priced at $1.50 f al of GENUINE EBONY, with solid back, Haa nine rows of whits, pure stiff bristles, all K1 hand-drawn they won't come out. 1 Yaara of aatiafaetio In tkla ..J all TJ- Hair Brushes. Length 8H laches. A fiae, hifh-frade ladies' or gsntiemsn's Hair Brush. aaaaa.a.. -r VYYYinriniV-naj1 ajg Candy Special! i Friday and Saturday ') . Chocolate Noiigatines 19c -A full ppund o( this Tooth some Confectionery at the specuu, pouna, , . .....a . fci.ft 111 rilririi-rir r .iiiijijjLnjxnjuiy ;WVM as iTtUOBUQ ( , in -sw ' f " . f ' i " f 1 ' 30JaVy ADMHT n i- .( : m ia i ai ai . t VIBRATORS The $25 Kind , fcl 7 fA ijs at TheOwP;.91iSvU - FREE " Friday and Saturday A Package of Envelopes With Each ' "Owl" , Writing TaWet a klgB .giads Xdneav Vapsv' that tsomes la tnrse slsos, priced as foliowsi ,', , Tks note alsa at.'...M..,..iB packet else t...,....20e Tie letter slse at.........2Sa Tha psokasw of as Z4aa Pinisa. Xavsiepsa PASS with eaoh Saba si. , ..(,; . Ton know, or should knew, ths worn A est Protectors, Speci ' . Per IVadlea and Oentlemsn. Made of donhle thickness " of red felt, for chest and haok protection. Bpeoial priday and Saturday, 30.'x;v-...j,s.:.j5: -r'"":iv derfol benefits of Vibratory lcassagw. Ordinary hand massasa Is Mod bat . Vibratory Manage by meana of ts V:i Arnold Kasssgs Vibrator haa all ths valne of the old style hand snasssgs and '' many offsets that oonld mersr be at talned by ths hand method. With tho 1 appUoators yon oan enjoy . Sfassaga . vreaunens ngni in jroor own noma as .L.' ; Tory roiis axpenso. tm oompiete aaa Arnold Vibratory aquipment la hand "' soma substantial oarrying oaas at "The,,iT.50...v;i.;:;fe' Henckel Make SCISSORS ' At Special Price ; An $125 Scissors now at OfYi tha special OVC AU $U0 and $1.73 Sds- no sort, special ,v. ..;..;;;.' el 0 C All $2.00 Scissors now f A t the apecial v leij y. ...... ........ -i-i''rwwwm)maj) ..a. VV; ill , IN THE RUBBER GOODS DEPARTMENT . . !. C . Q OTTiaB 1st the 8-qnart sUs. KrttHst Snsrisl '' '' UJL fln arade, maroon '. colored, OOIUC, Opeciai ., .y - , Black-trlmnisa hot water bottla and ssrricsable. $1 Baker A tomizer Baker Catarrh t 0 1 Treatment, Botkfor OC V Aa ansqnalsd combination - for " oatarrbal treatment, aatBma (' and sors throat. She Atomlaar ' '"is' decided Improvement, hav. ; wg- mors new sna aeslranie fsatnres than other Instru ments for like ass. Great rs lief will no experienced whsrs , Baker Catarrh Treatmanf is applied through aj. the Baker Atomissr. ...i..' II -. 'fl"-' m!.M: II PWiaJa (MMii ma! -S ? . 11 .Hm--.''.'...i .v : -swfir, VF''.; . T 1 ..I F6rTTiU Regular. 50c W . ' e a ". . ' w v 'v.s.., aa ;..: a -, . . .J detachable I Handle BATH RRI ISW I liii Hardwood ! handle and back j Nineteen inches' long;: Brush has strap handlecan be used without long handle. Nins rows of bristles in i -i orusn. un special cale Friday and Saturday at S9s K 3i iiz fi h oeaconaoie Biya Whits i'a a ana 25(j HsmU P s t r o 1 tna Zmnl. y ' jftsxall Cod Xlrer OU BmiP 75c ! $1.00 Bsall Cherry Bark at wwt wrJ aaBfa tees' sea , wezau uuts QU Xmul- ion . . . $1.00 Auto Chamois )(f at thei Special t !!:fj. . Specially prepared fof auto and carriage, cleaning. A large sise 19 Ki irichet by 25 Inches. X Special Fridsy ana daturaay oniy at avp lzj. JJ eaU ,L KJ l,00 Inscription FUlel by the Owl Drug Company During September ' ") Wachinston and Broadvay QOtZjOLJuIQ ESTABLISHED 1892; NOW TWEfOT 3TOHES ON THS PACIHC COAST r?r' n j. T